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  • An open lesson on the development of speech “We are going to look for spring. An open lesson on the development of speech “We are going in the spring to look for a task. Exercise "Deformed words"

    An open lesson on the development of speech “We are going to look for spring.  An open lesson on the development of speech “We are going in the spring to look for a task.  Exercise

    Sections: Working with preschoolers

    Target: Show parents what the children have learned in the classroom.


    1. To promote the development of speech, cognitive interests, mental operations (analysis, synthesis, attention, memory, thinking), creative abilities.
    2. Develop speech, communication, memory. To consolidate the ability to conduct a sound analysis of words, to distinguish sounds by their high-quality sound; the ability to make proposals and schemes for them.
    3. To cultivate the desire for knowledge, the ability to work in a team, to help a friend, self-control and self-regulation; reflection. To educate children in kindness, responsiveness and interest in their native language.

    Equipment: plot pictures on the topic “Masha goes to school”, Masha’s drawing, an audio recording, chips for designating sounds, sentence schemes.

    Lesson progress

    1. Introduction.

    An audio recording from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” sounds. Guys, do you know where this music comes from? What cartoons about Masha did you watch? And let's come up with a new series about Masha ourselves and call it, for example, “Masha goes to school”.

    And here is our heroine. What is her character? (Cheerful, funny, restless, mischievous, inquisitive, curious, kind, friendly ...)

    2. The main part.

    1) And then one day Masha decided that it was time for her to go to school. She gathered all her school supplies in a briefcase and set off. And the road went through the forests, through the fields ... Oh, all the pictures have crumbled, but now I’ll mix everything up and I won’t be able to tell what happened to Masha next ... Guys, can you help me put the pictures in order? (Attachment 1)

    Children look at the pictures (on the tables one at a time), then go out and tell first separately for each picture, then arrange them and make up story.

    2) So Masha got to school. At school, you have to be careful. Together with Masha, let's guess joke riddles and check how attentive we are too.

    In most cases, he lifted his head.
    Howling with hunger... giraffe. (Wolf)

    Who knows a lot about raspberries
    A clumsy brown ... wolf. (Bear)

    Daughters and sons
    Teaches to grunt ... an ant. (Pig)

    Who loves to run on branches?
    Of course, a red ... fox. (Squirrel)

    The fastest of all rushes from fear ... a turtle .. (Hare)

    Passed along the steep mountain,
    Overgrown with hair ... a crocodile. (Ram)

    In his warm puddle
    Loudly croaked ... Barmaley. (Frog)

    From the palm tree down to the palm tree again
    Deftly jumping ... a cow. (A monkey)

    3) Well done! But what about Masha? She went into the classroom and saw some “bricks” on the blackboard. What is it? Tell Masha. That's right, it's a proposal scheme. Our speech is proposals. With the help of sentences, we communicate, express our thoughts, feelings.

    What are the proposals? How many words are in this sentence? What kind of proposal could this be? Think up. If we add one more word to the sentence, how many words will there be in the sentence? Try to come up with a suggestion.

    4) Now Masha has learned that these are sentence patterns. Guys, what school supplies did Masha have to put in her briefcase when she was going to school? Let's name the words and count in them syllables. Prepare your hands for this, we will clap.

    Notebook, pencil, ruler, textbook, eraser, sketchbook, paints, brush…

    5) Masha felt sad. Oh, how much she doesn't know yet! Her mood dropped. Let's make Masha happy again.

    Physical education “If there is a good friend…”

    6) What are words made of? Tell Masha. From sounds.

    What two groups are divided into all the sounds of the Russian language? For vowels and consonants.

    How are vowel sounds pronounced? Easy, free, sing, stretch.

    Let's name them. A, O, U, I, S, E

    How many?

    And what obstacles does the air meet in the mouth when we pronounce consonant sounds?

    What are consonant sounds? Hard and soft.

    Let's play the game "You to me - I to you". I “throw” you a hard sound, you “soft” me back.

    What color are vowel sounds? Are consonants hard? Soft consonants?

    Now prepare your ears, listen carefully to the words, determine which sound is repeated in all the words? First name it, then mark it with a chip.

    • cancer, mountain, heat, rainbow, giraffe, shell, parade, joy.
    • Linden, ice, leaf, deer, fishing line, cart, clearing.
    • Vase, mimosa, birch, thunderstorm, tooth, music.

    7) Masha loves different games. And offers to play the game "Vice versa"(ball).

    Joyful - sad, sad
    Lighten - darken
    Dry - wet
    Silence is noise
    Often - rarely
    clear - overcast
    Freeze - warm up

    8) Masha and I found an interesting poem in which there are many related words. Can you help me find them?

    We danced along snow
    snowy blizzards.
    Bullfinches for snowmen
    The song was whistled.
    At snowy rivers
    AT snowy lane
    Ringingly worn snowballs,
    cutting ice Snow Maidens.

    Choose related words for the word "bear".

    9) Game "The Fourth Extra"

    • Tomato, potato, carrot, apple.
    • Spoon, fork, knife, chair.
    • Aspen, birch, maple, dandelion.
    • Andrey, Stepan, Anton, Svetlana.

    Masha realized that she had a lot to learn and a lot to learn at school. Let's thank each other for cooperation and interesting work.

    I will read the poem, and when you hear the word “boys” or “girls”, you should clap your hands: first all the boys, and then all the girls. So, be careful.

    They ran, they ran
    Hedgehogs, hedgehogs.
    Forged, forged
    Knives, knives
    They ran, they ran
    Bunnies, Bunnies
    Let's clap together
    Let's clap together

    And now all together: both boys and girls. Applause!!!

    Synopsis of the final lesson on the development of speech in the senior group: "In the footsteps of a bear"


    Develop coherent speech, phonemic perception, fine and general motor skills, visual attention

    Improve the grammatical structure of speech;

    Develop the ability to competently answer the questions posed by the teacher;

    Continue to teach children to differentiate the sound in the word;

    Continue teaching how to write sentences on a given topic;

    Development of the emotional and personal sphere, cognitive abilities of children.

    Develop an understanding of spatial relationships in a group of real objects, and in a group of objects depicted in a picture.

    Materials: teddy bear, hat, tree, treasure chest, inflatable ball, bear footprints, barrel, pictures with animals with sound [h], pictures with sound [s], wild and domestic animals, pencils, wax crayons, 2 A3 sheets , map "Treasure".

    Lesson progress:

    1 . Organizing time. (Children enter the group.)

    Guys, while we were away, someone visited our group! Did you notice the footprints? Whose do you think they are? Animal or human? ... And let's follow these tracks, it's not for nothing that they left us?! (children walk through the maze of bear tracks and find the Treasure map). I propose to go through all the obstacles on the way to the treasure and find out where it is hidden and what lies in it!

    2. The main part.

    Educator: Before we start, let's remember the rules of conduct while traveling. Remind them to me

    1 child: Every day, always, everywhere

    In the classroom in the game,

    Loudly, clearly, we speak,

    We are not in a hurry.

    2 child: If you want to answer, do not make noise,

    Just raise your hand.

    - We need to guess who was with us? To do this, solve two riddles:

    The owner of the forest

    Waking up in the spring

    And in winter, under a blizzard howl,

    Sleeping in a snow hut.

    The beast is waddling

    For raspberries and honey.

    He loves sweets very much.

    And when autumn comes

    Climbs into a hole until spring,

    Where he sleeps and dreams.


    So who is the owner of the forest? (children's answers)

    And whose footprints are these? (children's answers). That's right, guys, those are bear tracks! Apparently, the bear wandered to visit us, but we were not in the group, so he left a surprise for all of us, and in order to find him we must go through obstacles and difficulties! But together we will overcome them all!

    (On the map, children find obstacles marked with numbers and pictures, and in the group they look for hidden tasks with a hint - the same items as on the map.

    a) The task is hidden under the hat lying on the table. Under the hat is a card with the task:

    Game "Continue the sentence":

    So, the first hurdle… Guys, I will read the sentence, and you will have to continue it:

    The dog barks, gnaws bones, guards ..., protects ...

    The horse neighs, grazes ..., carries ...

    The cat purrs, catches mice, washes ..., climbs ...

    The cow mooes, eats ..., gives ...

    Tell me, what kind of animals are these? Where do they live?

    b) The task is hidden in the ball, which is located in the corner of creativity. It contains a card with a task:

    Game "Ball and mosquito":
    I remind the children. The sound z is the song of a mosquito, s is how air comes out of the balloon. At different ends of the table are 2 drawings: a mosquito and a ball. Various objects are laid out on the table: a napkin, a hare, an orange, a badge, a castle, a fox, etc. The child takes an object, names it, determines what sound it contains and puts the object to the picture.

    in) The task is hidden in a bird's nest, located in a corner of nature. Inside the nest is a card with a task.

    The game " Who lives in the house

    Guys, look how many animals! I think they ran into the meadow and it's time for them to go home. Let's help them get home.

    (Children select and place in the house only those animals whose name has a sound [k])

    G) Bear offers to rest.Physical workout.

    The bear got out of the den,

    Looked at the door. (Turns left and right.)

    He stretched from sleep: (Sipping - hands up.)

    Spring has come to us again.

    To quickly gain strength

    The bear turned its head. (Rotation of the head.)

    Leaned back and forth, (Tilts forward and back.)

    Here he is walking through the forest.

    The bear is looking for roots

    And rotten stumps.

    They contain edible larvae -

    Vitamins for a bear. (Tilts: touch the left foot with the right hand, then vice versa.)

    Finally the bear has eaten

    And he sat down on a log. (Children sit down.)

    e) The task is hidden in a barrel of honey located in the play corner. Inside the barrel is a card with the task:

    The game "Who has who?"

    I will toss a ball to each of you and name an adult animal. You will catch the ball, name the cub of this beast and return the ball to me.

    Hare (hares).

    Badger (badger).

    Fox (foxes).

    Squirrel (squirrels).

    Boar (boars).

    Wolf (wolves).

    Cuckoo (cuckoo).

    Bear (cubs).

    - Hedgehog (hedgehog).

    Deer (deer).

    Beaver (beaver).

    Already (shocked).

    e) The task is hidden in the paws of a squirrel sitting on a Christmas tree. The squirrel has a card with a task:

    The game " Who is hiding in the picture? Tell about him"

    Guys, look carefully at our clouds. You need to choose a cloud, say what animal it looks like, describe the animal according to the scheme:

    1. Who is it?
    2. Home, wild.
    3. Body parts.
    4. What is covered.
    5. Voice.
    6. What does it eat?
    7. Dwelling.
    8. What does he do in winter.
    9. Cubs.

    (2-3 stories)

    and) -Look, what is under our tree? Treasure!!! But the treasure chest is locked! And it is guarded by a bear guard. It is necessary to pick up the key to it, and for this, complete the last task ...

    Game "5 extra" (consolidating the ability of children to highlight a common feature, develop the ability to generalize).

    Explain your choice.

    Four chamomiles with five petals hang on a magnetic board, on each petal there is a letter:

    1 flower: K, K, K, K, K

    2 flower: L, L, M, T, P

    3 flower: H, K, C, a, K

    4 flower: i, o, d, s, y

    From the extra petals we make the word "Treasure".

    The teacher invites the children to make a sound analysis of the word TREASURE. (Children sit down at the tables, and everyone works at the box office, one child who finished first works at the blackboard)

    Educator: How many sounds do we hear in the word treasure?

    What is the first sound in this word?

    Children: sound [K], consonant sound.

    Educator: What chip do we designate this sound?

    Children: blue chip.

    Educator: What is the second sound in this word?

    Children: the sound [L], a consonant sound, is indicated by a blue chip.

    Educator: What is the third sound in the word treasure?

    Children: The sound [A], a vowel sound, is indicated by a red chip.

    Educator: What is the fourth sound we hear in this word?

    Children: The sound [T] is a consonant sound, indicated by a blue chip.

    Educator: Guys, I want to tell you a secret that in the word treasure we hear [T], and we write [D].

    Well done guys, you did a very good job with this task.

    3. Final part.Children open the treasure chest and take out sweet forest treasures...

    Guys, let's draw a portrait of the forest owner as a gift. (Group work: a gift from girls and a gift from boys. The children are given sheet A3 in the center of which a large sun with beautiful rays is drawn, the children draw their drawings around the sun).

    Final lesson on the development of speech in the senior group, topic: "Knowledge Tree"


    To determine the level of children's mastery of sound analysis (determining the sequence of sounds in words, the ordinal place of a sound in a word, the ability to distinguish between vowel and consonant sounds, hard and soft consonants, the ability to find a stressed syllable in a word).
    Exercise children in syllabic word analysis.
    To reveal the ability of children to make sentences with a given word, to group individual words into a sentence.
    Exercise in the ability to select words (from different parts of speech) on a given topic, words with the opposite meaning.
    Develop the small muscles of the hands.
    Continue to teach children to understand the learning task and complete it on their own.
    Cultivate a desire to learn, to be literate.


    A tree-branch with 11 containers from "kinder surprises" attached to it on threads, inside of which there are sheets of paper with tasks.
    Letters A, B, Y, L hung above the level of the children's eyes in different corners of the room.
    Chips and typesetting strips for sound analysis.
    Pens. Colour pencils.

    Lesson progress:

    This is the tree of knowledge. And the fruits of the knowledge tree will offer us different tasks, by completing which you will show what knowledge you yourself have.

    - Children, what language do we speak? Like any other, our speech consists of ... what? From suggestions. What are the proposals? From words. Do words consist? From syllables. What are syllables made of? From sounds. The tasks of this knowledge tree are just about sounds, syllables, words and sentences.

    1. Sounds

    Exercise "Decipher the name of the tree"

    Take a look at these pictures and determine the name of the tree by the first sounds of the depicted objects.
    Willow, oak, elm. (Children complete the task on the worksheets)

    2. Dictionary

    Exercise "Find the words"

    I can find words everywhere
    Both in the sky and in the water
    On the floor, on the ceiling
    On the nose and on the hand.
    Haven't you heard this?
    No problem! Let's play word!

    Find the words on the tree.

    If the children name mostly nouns, the teacher encourages them to choose words denoting a sign of an object and words denoting an action.

    3. Syllables

    The next task: you need to divide the word into syllables and count the number of syllables in each word. You know well that a syllable can have one or more sounds, but one of these sounds must be a vowel. There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels.
    Count the syllables in the words: tree, branches, trunk, foliage, apple tree.

    4. Dynamic pause "Trees have grown in the field"

    Growing trees in the field
    It's good to grow free!
    (Sipping - arms to the sides)

    Everyone is trying
    Reaching for the sky, for the sun.
    Sipping - hands up)

    Here is a cheerful wind
    Branches swayed right there,
    (Mahi hands)

    Even thick trunks
    Leaned down to the ground.
    (Bend forward)

    Right-left, back-forward -
    So the wind bends the trees.
    (Tilts right-left, forward-backward)

    He turns them, he turns them.
    But when will the rest be?
    (body rotation)

    5. Offer

    Quest "Live Offer"

    The words are not in order. Therefore, it is not very clear what the proposal is about. Arrange the words correctly so that everything becomes clear and the sentence sounds beautiful.

    Nest, on, pine, bird, swil. Apple tree, fruit, grown, on, delicious.

    Now try to make a sentence yourself, but it must contain the word "tree".

    6. Emphasis

    Now you need to identify the stressed syllable in these words. And what syllable do we call stressed? Such a syllable, during the selection of which the word does not change with the voice, sounds correct.
    Determine the stressed syllable in the words: pine, ash, cypress, poplar.

    7. Atonyms

    Exercise "Say the opposite"

    A young tree is ... an old tree.
    Tall tree - …. low tree.
    Wet foliage - ... dry foliage.
    Thin trunk - ... thick trunk.
    The tree grows fast - the tree grows... slowly.
    The tree loves to grow in the shade - the tree loves to grow in... the sun.

    8. Sound analysis

    And now you have a task related to sounds. Let's remember what sounds are? What sounds do we call vowels? (Those that are pronounced with a voice, that is, they can be sung, pronounced loudly, there are no obstacles when pronouncing them, the air freely leaves the mouth. What chip denotes vowel sounds? Why? (A circle, it looks like an open mouth).

    What sounds do we call consonants? (Such, during the pronunciation of which there are obstacles, they cannot be pronounced loudly, sung). And what are these obstacles? What can interfere with pronouncing a consonant sound? (tongue, lips, teeth).
    What are consonant sounds? (Hard and soft). What chips are indicated? Why? (Hard consonants are indicated by one bar, and soft consonants by two, because there are even more obstacles.)

    Now move the chips and typesetting strips towards you. Make a diagram of the word "linden", "spruce".

    9. Gymnastics for the eyes

    Find with your eyes the letter denoting a vowel sound, this letter is the first in the alphabet.
    Find with your eyes the letter that represents the consonant sound.
    Find with your eyes a letter that does not represent any sound.
    Find with your eyes the letter that denotes a vowel sound, this letter is not capitalized, since not a single word begins with it.

    10. Preparing your hand for writing

    Exercise "Circle the trees"

    First, without taking your hands off, circle the trees and the currant bush. Then draw the acorns, shade the leaf and the cone, put a dot on each berry.
    Now connect the tree and its fruit or leaf with a line. (Children complete the task on the worksheets)

    Synopsis of an open final lesson on the development of speech in the senior group. Topic: "Journey for the sun's rays" TASKS: -clarification, expansion and activation of the vocabulary on the topic "Spring", "Birds", "Wild Animals"; - improving the skill of compiling a descriptive story - strengthening the ability to name and distinguish between letters - strengthening the ability to determine the first sound in a word, divide words into syllables; - strengthening the ability to select words-relatives - Development of speech communication, visual and auditory attention, verbal-logical thinking, phonemic hearing; -development of general and fine motor skills. - Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, responsibility; - education of love and respect for nature. Equipment: A letter, a flashlight, pictures depicting: clouds, split clouds - letters, a birdhouse, a starling, insects, a picture with a bear, painted sun rays; green leaves, a tree without leaves, a "clearing" with one, two and three flowers; blue fabric for a stream, Course of the lesson - Guys, look what a wonderful spring morning. Let's greet each other and guests with the words: Good morning, Wake up soon, smile wider at the sun! Q: - Someone threw me in the window Look - a letter. Maybe it's a ray of sunshine that tickles my face? Letter: Dear children! I am the spring sun. I sent my sunbeams to warm the earth, but they were lost. Please help me find them. And the magic light will show you the way. V.- Guys, how can we be? What can happen if the rays are not found? (Children's guesses) Q: Do you want to help the sun? D: Yes. Q: - Then let's go on a journey for the sun's rays! Part 1 Magic light, help, Show us the way. (V. shines with a small flashlight, the light falls on a picture of a thundercloud. Children come to this place.) Q: - Guess the riddle what is it about? Approached - rumbled, Arrows on the ground threw. It seemed to us that she was walking with trouble, It turned out she was walking with water, Came up and spilled - Plenty of arable land got drunk. (cloud) Q: And what is dripping from the cloud (rain) Q: Let's show with sounds how rain is dripping. Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip. Guys, let's divide you into two groups, girls and boys. Girls perform rhythm with clapping, boys with stomping. Rhythmic pattern: Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip, drip-drip-drip; cap. Q: - Well done guys, that's what rain and thunder we got. We found the first beam, we move on. Part 2 Magic light, help, Show us the way. (V. shines on a picture of grass.) Q: - Guys, what has the sunbeam warmed now? D: weed. L: - Grass under the rays of the sun grows rapidly. Look how much weed has grown. Each of you will choose a bunch of grass for yourself, collect all its parts together and name a letter (a group of 3-4 children). B: Well done, we can go further. Part 3 B: - Magic light, help, Show us the way. (V. shines on a wavy path, on the floor) V: - guys, guess what the next beam warmed. In a blue shirt Runs along the bottom of a ravine (brook) D: - a stream. Q: - Name affectionately our stream. D: - A stream, a stream. Q: - Let's freshen up by the stream and relieve fatigue: (speech with movement) We all went down to the stream, Bent over and washed. One, two, three, four - That's how nicely refreshed. Q: - Guys, look at the pebble. Shall we play? Pass the pebbles to each other, What does the spring stream do, name it! D: - runs, murmurs, rings, makes noise, amuses, refreshes, waters, flows, sparkles. Q: - Well done, here we have found another beam, let's move on. Part 4 Magic light, help, Show us the way. (The teacher shines a flashlight on pictures of insects) Q: - Whom did the beam warm? D: insects. See how many insects, take one for yourself. Didactic game "Determine the number of syllables." Determine the number of syllables in the name of your insects and place them on the lawns (where 1 flower - insects with one syllable, 2 flowers - with 2 syllables, 3 flowers - with 3 syllables). V: Well done! Q: Everyone stand in a circle. Fizminutka - Massage "Sun" The sun rose early in the morning. All the kids were caressed. (Raise your hands up, stretch, making “flashlights” with your hands) Strokes the breast, (Massage the “path” on the chest from the bottom up). Stroking the neck, (Stroke the neck with your thumbs from top to bottom). Stroking the nose, (Rubbing the wings of the nose with fists). Strokes the forehead, (Run fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples). Stroking the ears (rubbing the earlobes), Stroking the hands (rubbing the palms) Children are sunbathing. Here! (Raise your hands up) Q: - we rested a little, we continue our journey. Part 5 Magic light, help, Show us the way. (V. shines on a picture of a birdhouse) Q: - guys, who was warmed by the beam in this house? D: starling. Q: How did you guess? D: - Because this house is called a birdhouse. Tell us what you know about this bird (Children describe the bird) Q: What other migratory birds do you know? D: - rook, swallow, swan, etc. Q: - Well done, we found another beam. Part 6 B: - Magic light, help, Show us the way. Q: - Guys, if you guess the riddle, you will find out who the beam warmed and woke up. He walks clubfoot in summer, And in winter he sucks his paw. D: Bear. Q: What related words do you know? (Bear, cubs, bear cub, bear, bear cub, bear, bear, bear) Spring is good not only for the bear, but for all forest animals. Name them. (Wolf, bear, hedgehog, squirrel, hare, fox, badger). Ball game "Who are you? Where do you live? Who are your babies?" Children stand in a circle and follow each other under the speech of the teacher. - Morning comes, "little animals" walk. 1,2,3 - freeze the little animals. Throwing the ball to the child, the teacher asks: Who are you? Where do you live? Who are your kids? D: I am a squirrel, I live in a hollow, I have baby squirrels. (Wolf, bear, hedgehog, squirrel, hare, fox, badger) Q: - Well done, here's another beam. Part 7 Magic light, help Us show the way. (V. shines on a poster with a picture of trees) Q: - What did this ray fall on? D: - On the tree V: And on the tree, look what is there? Are there leaves? D: No, there are no leaves. Q: - Guys, let's give our tree green leaves? To do this, we will play the game “Say the opposite” Didactic game “Say the opposite” Day - night Sugar - salt Cleanliness - dirt Winter - summer Ceiling - narrow floor - wide / skirt / long - short / dress / strong - weak / athlete / cheerful - sad / girl / tall - short / person / Laughs - cries / child / Lies - sits / person / Close - open / book / Takes off - sits down / plane / Puts on - takes off / sweater / (The word is written on each leaflet - the children call him the opposite and the teacher sticks a leaf on the tree) Q: - Well done, our trees rustled with green foliage, and another beam was found. Part 8 Guys, what do words consist of? From sounds. What two groups are divided into all the sounds of the Russian language? For vowels and consonants. How are vowel sounds pronounced? Easy, free, sing, stretch. Let's name them. A, O, U, I, S, E And what obstacles does the air meet in the mouth when we pronounce consonant sounds? Name them B C D E F G etc. Now prepare your ears, listen carefully to the words, determine which sound is repeated in all the words?    cancer, mountain, heat, rainbow, giraffe, shell, parade, joy. Linden, ice, leaf, deer, fishing line, cart, clearing. Vase, mimosa, birch, thunderstorm, tooth, music. Well done guys, you did a great job! Q: - Guys, the light is no longer burning, which means we have found all the rays. What season did the rays tell us about? What did you like about our trip? - The sun thanks all of us and says "thank you". For the fact that you have found all the rays, the sun gives you sunbeams (stickers-circles for each child): - So, our journey is over. Goodbye, see you again! Someone threw me a window Look - a letter. Maybe it's a ray of sunshine that tickles my face? Letter: Dear children! I am the spring sun. I sent my sunbeams to warm the earth, but they were lost. Please help me find them. And the magic light will show you the way. Approached - rumbled, Arrows on the ground threw. It seemed to us that she was walking with trouble, It turned out she was walking with water, Came up and spilled - Plenty of arable land got drunk. (cloud) Additionally: we will guess riddles and jokes and check how attentive we are too. In most cases, he lifted his head. Howling with hunger... giraffe. (Wolf) Who knows a lot about raspberries, Clumsy brown ... wolf. (Bear) Daughters and sons Teaches to grunt ... an ant. (Pig) Who loves to run through the branches? Of course, a red ... fox. (Squirrel) The fastest of all rushes from fear ... a turtle .. (Hare) Passed along the steep mountain, Overgrown with wool ... a crocodile. (Sheep) In his warm puddle Loudly croaked ... Barmaley. (Frog) Down from the palm tree, onto the palm tree again Deftly jumps ... a cow. (Monkey) Let's name the words and count the syllables in them. Prepare your hands for this, we will clap. Notebook, pencil, ruler, textbook, eraser, album, paints, brush…  Masha loves different games. And he offers to play the game “On the contrary” (with a ball).  Joyful - sad, sad Brighten - darken Dry - wet Silence - noise Often - rarely Clear - cloudy Freeze - warm Didactic game "Bus" Purpose: To develop phonemic hearing of children. Stroke: Children sit on chairs, the teacher gives them toys (pictures). A big car is driving. Children should put in it such toys, in the name of which there is a sound being studied. If the toys are assembled incorrectly, the bus will not move. Didactic game "Sound Lotto" Purpose: To teach children to find a word with the right sound from a given series of words. Action: Children are given lotto cards with pictures and small blank cards. The facilitator calls the sound and asks the players: “Who has a word with the sound ... .? It is not necessary that this sound be at the beginning of a word, it can be both at the end and in the middle. Children answer and close the picture with the correctly found sound card. "I KNOW M N O G O N A Z V A N I Y" PURPOSE: to consolidate the generalized meaning of words. PROCESS OF THE GAME: The teacher starts, and the children continue. “I know many names of animals: hare, bear… flowers: poppy, rose… vegetables: carrots, turnips… insects: mosquito, wasp… etc. "N A Z O V I L A S O V O" PURPOSE: to teach children to form words using suffixes. Equipment: ball PROCEDURE OF THE GAME: The teacher says a phrase and throws the ball to the child. Invite your child to return the ball to you and change the phrase so that the words in it sound affectionate. EXAMPLE LEXICAL MATERIAL: Warm coat - warm coat Fox cunning - sly fox White hare - white bunny Boots clean - clean boots Short branch - short twig Long bump - long bump Black crow - black crow Snow white - white snow. "What happens?" The essence of the game is the selection of words - nouns and adjectives, characterizing in their association any object with similar qualitative features (cold - wind, ice cream, water, battery; wet - clothes, hair, paper, asphalt; can't swim - brick, earth , screw, etc.). That is, children make up a kind of "train" of words, where the words-trailers are interconnected. For example, the original word is "cat". What happens to a cat? Fluffy, affectionate, multi-colored... What else can be multi-colored? A rainbow, a dress, a TV... What else could a dress be? Silky, new, straight... What else can be straight? Line, road, look...etc.


    Coherent speech: to learn to make riddles about animals (according to the model of the educator), to form the ability to use full sentences, to stimulate the use of comparisons, proverbs in speech;

    Grammar: to form the skills of using words formed from nouns, adjectives of comparative and superlative degree.

    Activate the vocabulary of children with the names of trees, wild animals.

    Develop memory, thinking, attention, imagination.

    Raise interest in the life of the forest, teach to love and protect nature.

    Material: scheme "Forest - multi-storey building", cards for individual work, pencils, pictures of animals and plants, audio recording of birds singing.

    Vocabulary: fruit, edge, forest cellar.

    The course of the lesson in the senior group of kindergarten:

    (On the rug - the scenery of a forest glade. The melody of birds singing sounds).

    Educator. Children, you and I ended up in the Forest School, where forest dwellers study. The Wise Owl teaches them, and she is wise because she knows everything in the world. But why isn't she? (She sleeps during the day and flies at night).

    Educator. How are we going to communicate with her? (Children's answers.)

    Educator (reads a letter from the Wise Owl). “Dear children, now I am resting. That's why I wrote you a letter. It will be a landmark in my Forest School. I know that all of you attend kindergarten, so everyone should know. Is it true, I will soon find out. Tasks you need to complete - e my students. Good luck to you!".

    Educator. So our unusual lesson at the Forest School begins. Children, what is a forest? (Grass, plants, animals, birds, trees.)

    Educator. But first of all, these are trees, let's remember the names of trees that can grow in the forest. (Children name trees)

    Educator. You know that there are several types of forest. What is the name of the forest in which only Christmas trees grow? (Yelnik)

    Educator. What is the name of the forest where giant oaks grow? (Oakwood.)

    Educator. And if only birches grow? (Birch.)

    Educator. What trees grow in a pine forest? (Pine trees.)

    Educator. How can you call a forest in which there are different trees: maples, pines, and birches. (Mixed.)

    Didactic game "Which tree which fruit belongs to"

    Children on the cards perform tasks: using a pencil, they connect trees with their fruits.

    A cross check is in progress.

    (While the children completed the tasks, the teacher lays out the silhouettes of plants on the rug.)

    Educator. Children, look carefully, are all plants the same size?kindergarten teacher trainingLet's try to arrange them from smallest to highest.

    (The scheme "Forest-high-rise building" appears).

    Educator. Look, the forest is like a big house that has several floors and also has a basement. What's in the forest basement? (Roots). What is on the ground floor? (Grass, berry bushes.)

    Educator. And on the second? (Bushes, young trees.)

    Educator. The third floor is trees of medium size. Name them. (Maple, birch, linden.)

    Educator. Fourth floor - tall trees. What tall trees do you know? (Pines, spruces, oaks, poplars.)

    Didactic game "Compare in height"

    Children compare plants by height using comparative and superlative adjectives. For example: the bush is low, the maple is higher, the pine is the tallest.

    Educator. Here the hares brought you the second task.


    Name the animals that live in the forest

    Why are they called wild? (Children's answers.)

    Educator. In order for wild animals to play a game with us, we need to make riddles about them. In riddles, you can reflect the features of the appearance of animals, their habits.

    Sample educator: “He is small and gray, has needles, but does not embroider” (Ezh.)

    (Children make up riddles on their own)

    Didactic game "Who lives where?" (Work in subgroups)

    Help the animals find their habitats.

    Educator. Let's travel further. (Music plays.)

    Physical education "Leaves"

    We are autumn leaves

    We are sitting on branches. (sit down)

    The wind blew - flew

    We flew, we flew (easy running in circles)

    The wind came up again

    And lifted all the leaves. (easy running around)

    Twirled, flew

    And they sat quietly on the ground. (sit down)

    Educator. Children, do you feel tired? What, let's go home? (Not.)

    Educator. If we will not return home, then listen to what I will tell you. Animals and plants that live in the forest should not be considered separately. The forest is a multi-storey building, everyone in it has his own place and his own business. The caterpillar has a place on a leaf. She climbs and eats it, so that you can even hear the crunch. On the ground, the mouse also eats, now a blade of grass, then a root. And in the trunk of a tree, under the bark, the beetle gnaws at the wood. What happens that these little creatures can eat the whole forest? (No. Birds help to destroy pests)

    Educator. And what birds help to save green spaces? (Children's answers.)

    Educator. Yes, a titmouse ran along a branch, and a caterpillar - once! - and carried it to the nest. A snake slipped, once, and there was no mouse. In a tree, a woodpecker bent its head and pulled a beetle out from under the bark.

    But for the titmouse, woodpecker, snake, there are also other hunters - falcons, owls. A forest is a collection of animals and plants.

    (A parrot and a camel appear)

    Educator. Children, are these forest dwellers? Where do they live? (The camel lives in the desert, and the parrot lives in the jungle.)

    Educator. Why can't they live in our forest? (There are no conditions for food and existence.)

    Educator. The parrot brought us a task. Children, name our friends in the forest. (Birds are our friends. Animals are our friends.)

    Educator. Now, let's remember the rules of the friends of the forest. We mark the correct actions with a “+” sign, and the wrong ones with a “-” sign.

    Break branches.

    To feed birds.

    Destroy anthills.

    Take care of trees.

    Outcome. Reflection.

    Educator. So our lesson at the Forest School ended.

    What do you remember?

    What caused the difficulty?