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    Interesting facts about space people.  Children about weightlessness: in simple words about the complex



    State budget educational institution

    Secondary school №853

    About weightlessness

    The project was made by:

    Altukhova Anna

    Maksakova Maria

    Mitrofanova Yana

    Curator: math teacher

    Popkova Ludmila Grigorievna

    Shorty Znayka from Nikolai Nosov's fairy tale novel "Dunno on the Moon" invented a weightlessness device. With the help of the device, gravity was not destroyed, but, as it were, shifted from the center where the device was located, several tens of meters around. At the same time, increased heaviness was felt near the border of the weightlessness zone.

    Calculate how many benefits (and what) such weightlessness gives? What (and how much) inconvenience does it cause?

    Objective of the project

    • The purpose of the project is to give the concept of weightlessness in a complex form (i.e. to consider it from different angles), to note the relevance of this concept not only in the study of outer space, the negative impact on humans, but also in the framework of the possibility of using technologies on Earth invented for reduce this impact; carrying out some technological processes that are difficult or impossible to implement in terrestrial conditions. Find out what are the advantages and what are the disadvantages of weightlessness

    Project objectives

    • To understand the mechanism of occurrence of this phenomenon;
    • Describe this mechanism mathematically and physically;
    • Tell interesting facts about weightlessness;
    • To understand how the state of weightlessness affects the health of people in a spacecraft, at a station, etc., that is, to look at weightlessness from a biological and medical point of view;

    History of weightlessness

    The disappearance of the weight during the movement of the support with the acceleration of free fall only under the action of gravity is called weightlessness .

    There are two types of weightlessness.

    The weight loss that occurs at a great distance from celestial bodies due to the weakening of attraction is called static weightlessness. And the state in which a person is during a flight in orbit is dynamic weightlessness. They appear exactly the same. Human feelings are the same. But the reasons are different.

    Astronauts in flight deal only with dynamic weightlessness.

    Consider the following case: A plane is flying. In the cockpit, two paratroopers prepared to jump. The earth is pulling them down. And yet they resist. They put their feet on the floor of the plane. They feel the attraction of the Earth - the soles of their feet are pressed to the floor with force. They feel their weight. "The strap is tight."

    But here they agreed to follow where the Earth pulls them. We stood on the edge of the hatch and jumped down. "Strap slack." The feeling of gravity of the Earth immediately disappeared. They became weightless.

    It is interesting

    In weightlessness, boiling becomes a much slower process.

    In weightlessness, the flame of a candle takes on a spherical shape.

    And inside our body everything is adapted to the conditions of gravity. The heart has powerful muscles, designed to continuously pump several kilograms of blood. And if down, into the legs, it still flows easily, then up, into the head, it must be applied with force. All our internal organs are suspended on strong ligaments. If they weren’t there, the insides would “roll” down, huddle together there. Due to constant weightiness, we have developed a special organ, the vestibular apparatus, located deep in the head, behind the ear.

    Interesting Facts

    • Astronauts sooner or later develop space sickness, which is accompanied by headaches and problems in the joints when moving. But this is only part of the problem. When an astronaut is in zero gravity, all the fluid that is in the body rises and causes blockage of the nasopharynx and swelling on the face. Muscles begin to atrophy as unnecessary, there is less and less calcium in the bones, and the intestines work 2 times slower.
    • Another bonus from weightlessness is the increase in height due to low pressure. It affects the spine and the person grows at least 5 cm.
    • Those who return from space say that due to weightlessness it is very difficult to move arms and legs immediately after arrival. Therefore, many people call landing a second birth.
    • There are also problems with adapting to the perception of attraction. If an object falls, then it still falls, and this is somewhat unusual for astronauts.

    Advantages of the device

    this device can be used wisely, for good (during the war, it was possible to make a tower in which the device would be located; when an army of enemies approached, a button was pressed and the enemy moved to a safe distance)

    You can make a stop-type station in which the device was installed and people would go to this station, press the button and move the set distance

    Can be used as a little, or maybe not a little trick; at the Olympics, an athlete during the long jump


    in the task it is written: "Near the border of the zero gravity zone at the same time

    increased heaviness was felt." That is, some kind of

    pressure inside the moving body, which can lead to

    sad consequences for the object being moved (for the first

    point of advantage is even a plus enemy


    The device is not suitable for individual use; again, a quote from the assignment: "With the help of the device, gravity was not destroyed, but as if shifted FROM THE CENTER, where the DEVICE IS LOCATED ..." That is, if a person moves with the help of the device, this design itself remains IN PLACE and falls to the user of the "bandura" come back for her


    Weightlessness occurs when the body falls freely together with the support, i.e. the acceleration of the body and the support is equal to the acceleration of free fall;

    2) There are two types of weightlessness: static and dynamic;

    3) Weightlessness can be used to implement some technological processes that are difficult or impossible to implement under terrestrial conditions;

    4) The study of the flame under weightless conditions is necessary in the development of special fire extinguishing means;

    • The effect of weightlessness on the body is

    negative, as it causes a change in a number of its vital functions. This can be corrected by creating artificial gravity on the spacecraft, limiting the astronauts' muscular activity.

    6) Weightless conditions impair the ability to correctly estimate the size of objects and distances to them, which prevents astronauts from navigating in the surrounding space and can lead to accidents during space flights

    The device allows you to easily move objects (for example, during construction), but at the same time it is necessary to provide for their fixation on the surface, and structures can also be destroyed at the border of the zone if they are not designed for the resulting increase in gravity. If these balls are placed near the tornado, then it will lose its strength. Conditions as inside an orbiting space station.

    Wearing a likeness, wings on your hands or another engine, and placing the device behind your back, you can fly.

    It is possible to carry out experiments under conditions similar to those on an orbiting space station (for example, to grow crystals). Some animals may die.

    You need special tools to work in weightless conditions. For the life of organisms, it is necessary to mix the gaseous medium for respiration. At the border of the zone where the severity is increased, the organism can die if the severity (overload) exceeds the limit of its endurance. Reservoirs can be a nuisance, as the water will take the form of a ball and move with air currents.

    The distant future invented a weightlessness device, now with the help of such a device they transport things from earth to space (to astronauts into orbit).

    The device itself looks like a toaster with two antennas. It creates a cylinder with a radius of 1.5 m. From below, things are placed in this cylinder and they go to the top. However, this device has 1, but a rather significant drawback: since this cylinder has no material boundaries, if the load has not yet reached space, it can go beyond its boundaries and fall at a much higher speed, since in this case the attraction to the earth increases in repeatedly.

    Cause weightlessness is that the force of universal gravitation imparts the same acceleration to the body and its support. Therefore, any body that moves only under the influence of universal gravitational forces is in a state of weightlessness. It is in such conditions that a freely falling body is located.


    1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. ed. A.M. Prokhorov.

    2. Kabardin O.F. Physics: Reference materials: Textbook for students.-

    3. Kolesnikov Yu.V., Glazkov Yu.N. In orbit is a spaceship.

    Reading time: 4 minutes

    Weightlessness is not gibberish-hahanki ... Giggle-hahonki will begin when your inquisitive peanut, a little burr and "mumble", asks you about it. No matter how much you have to blush ... After all, they are like that - our today's Pochemuchki. How to tell a child in simple words about complex processes and phenomena that we cannot show in ordinary life? Only through comparisons and understandable analogies. We tell you how.

    So, it's decided. We're flying into space! But insidious weightlessness awaits us there, so we will learn more about it, because knowledge is power!

    Everything that we are used to on Earth, in a state of weightlessness, is completely different: people and objects “float” in space, it is almost impossible to touch your nose with your finger, to dance a waltz or show your favorite football trick is generally on the verge of fantasy. You laugh when you look at how the astronauts are trying to make the usual movements in zero gravity.

    IMAGINE… Imagine that you are in a cold pool, and even upside down. You seem to understand everything, but you can't do anything. Astronauts in a state of weightlessness feel about the same.

    LIFE EXPERIENCE: Invite the child to close their eyes and touch the tip of their nose with their finger. Difficult? And what about astronauts?
    While bathing in the bath, offer to catch a small object underwater.
    In the children's park, while jumping on a trampoline with elastic bands, you can also feel something like a state of weightlessness for a split second.
    You can experience the state of weightlessness if you jump.
    We experience weightlessness when swinging on a swing: at the moment when they froze for a second before changing direction and falling down.
    We experience weightlessness aboard a ship, bobbing on the waves.

    If something floated out of the hands directly into space - write wasted!

    TRICKY QUESTION: Why are there many "satellites" around the Earth in the form of ballpoint pens, all kinds of bolts and wrenches?

    Expert's ANSWER: To then once he dropped it all, forgetting about weightlessness and the fact that the force of gravity in space does not work!

    The law of gravity is described in great detail in the video of the Academy of Entertaining Sciences.

    Slobs in space have a hard time! Weightlessness can play a cruel joke with them. Threw pajamas anywhere - chase her for half a day. But that's not the worst!

    IMAGINE… Imagine that you decide to have a snack in space.

    Once, during a flight to the moon, I tried to open my favorite Rastishka curd. Oh, what happened ... He stretched out into a thin thread, then strayed into droplets and puddles, and then just stuck to my ear, as if something wet had been thrown at me. In general, it's good that the quick-witted Belka and Strelka captured tubes prepared from the Earth. Otherwise, we would have to sit hungry in space. But now I have - a magnet glowing in the dark, where on the reverse side is useful information about what weightlessness is.

    And in space it is strictly forbidden to crumble! Therefore, real astronauts observe the children's rule: "Eat everything to the last crumb!" Otherwise, you will not end up in trouble!

    TRICKY QUESTION: Why is it impossible to crumble in space?

    Expert's ANSWER: The crumbs can scatter and get into the eyes or nose - this is very dangerous! Do you remember about the insidious weightlessness ...

    I hope you have already understood that there is no place for Sloppy and Nehochuh in space: you need to observe and keep order.

    Flying pajamas, scattered pens and tools, garbage are a potential danger for astronauts, therefore, since we are already flying to the moon, we need to be Ryakhs and Chukhs, i.e. observe the rules of hygiene and take into account the peculiarities of life in a state of weightlessness.

    To be honest, washing and washing hands turns into an exciting activity in space. Water in weightlessness does not pour and does not flow, but, imagine, it is smeared! He squeezed a ball of water out of the tube, smeared it on his face - and swam further, washed himself, it is considered. How about brushing your teeth? It's a total adventure!

    Well, if you were an ace on Earth in these matters, then it will be easy for you in space. And if not? Oh, you'll have to sweat, I don't envy you.

    TRICKY QUESTION: Why can't you cry in space?

    If in life you are a Reva-cow, they won’t take you into space for sure. More precisely, they will take something, but you simply won’t be able to roar in space! You can not even try - in vain.

    Expert's ANSWER: Tears in space do not flow, but are collected in a "puddle" around the eyeball.

    TRICKY QUESTION: How do astronauts sleep and what do they dream about?

    What do you think astronauts dream about? The roar of the spaceport and the green grass near the house? Personally, I think they are dreaming of a comfortable earthly bed...

    In conditions of weightlessness, it is not so easy to fall asleep, especially at first. It seems that you are falling down all the time, your arms are dangling in free flight, and your legs are dancing on their own. In order to somehow pacify your body, you have to climb into a sleeping bag and fasten your belts to the walls or ceiling of the ship.

    The second problem is the constant noise of the fans that provide fresh air. The noise is as if a tram rumbles under the windows! But the problem is solved simply - ear plugs.

    “There were a lot of dreams. In space, dreams are exactly the same as on Earth. As your eyes close in space, your body relaxes and your hands release the book. But without gravity, your head doesn't fall and you don't flinch when you realize you've dozed off. If you wake up, your book will float where you left it."
    Former astronaut Clayton Anderson

    Due to weightlessness in space, there is no need for a pillow and a blanket: astronauts do not use them. By the way, there is a big fat plus for astronauts in zero gravity - they don't snore! That's where happiness is: the neighbor will definitely not wake you up.

    Here they are, all the “charms” of cosmic life: eat your own sweets from a tube and sleep upside down like a space bat in diapers. Now you can go to the moon! Download and go on a space journey with Dino!

    More details about what it is and where it can be felt will be discussed in this article.


    There are two types of weightlessness. This is static - observed when moving away from an object with a large mass. For example, a body that has flown a considerable distance from the planet. It should be understood that its weight does not completely disappear.

    The fact is that gravity from massive objects, such as planets and stars, although it decreases with distance, does not completely disappear. Its action extends infinitely far to all corners of the universe, inversely proportional to the square of the distance. This follows from the definition of weightlessness.

    Thus, it is impossible to get out of the zone of action of the gravitational field.


    Another type of weightlessness is dynamic. It is constantly tested by astronauts and pilots. The action of the gravitational field of a massive object can be neutralized by free fall on it. To do this, it is necessary that the object pick up a certain speed and become a satellite.

    Having gained the necessary speed, the satellite begins to move into a state of constant free fall. Objects inside it will be in a state of weightlessness. This speed is called the first cosmic.

    For planet Earth, for example, the speed is about 8 kilometers per second. For the Sun - already 640. It all depends on the mass of the object and its density. In those where the density reaches hundreds of millions of tons per cubic centimeter, the cosmic speed approaches the speed of light.

    Weightlessness on Earth

    It turns out that you can experience the state of weightlessness without leaving the planet. True, for a very short period. For example, a passenger in a car driving on a curved bridge will experience weightlessness for some time at the top of the bridge's bulge.

    Passengers traveling in public transport on a bumpy road constantly experience the effect of weightlessness every time the bus runs into a hole or a bump. For a short period of time they are in a state of free fall.


    Recently, special training grounds have appeared in the entertainment industry, where everyone can experience weightlessness.

    After passing a medical commission and paying a certain amount of money, you can get on board an airplane that flies along a wave-like trajectory, and during the peak, people can experience an unusual feeling of weightlessness for half a minute.

    The pilot of the aircraft informs via intercom about the beginning of weightlessness. This is necessary for security reasons. The fact is that after a free fall, the plane is rapidly gaining altitude. At the same time, people on board experience a diametrically opposite effect - overload.

    Sometimes this value reaches three times the value of the acceleration of free fall. In other words, the weight of the body in zero gravity will be three times more natural. When falling from a height of several meters with such a body weight, it is very easy to get injured.

    For these purposes, specially trained instructors sit on board the aircraft in the weightlessness compartment. Their task is to lower those people on the floor of the plane in time who did not manage to meet the given time interval.

    A series of ups and downs occurs at intervals of up to twenty times per aircraft flight.

    In Russia, for example, for those who want to feel weightlessness, there is a special centrifuge, which is located in the training center for cosmonauts and pilots. Again, after a medical examination and a cash contribution of about 55 thousand rubles, a person can feel the effect of weightlessness.

    Impact on the human body

    By definition, weightlessness is absolutely harmless to the human body. Difficulties begin when it lasts several days, weeks or months.

    In most cases, this applies only to the inhabitants of space stations. Cosmonauts who have been on board for a long time begin to experience significant discomfort. This is primarily due to the vestibular mechanism.

    On Earth, under familiar conditions, the otoliths of the vestibular apparatus press on the nerve endings, thus telling our brain where the top and bottom are, orienting the human body in space.

    weight and weightlessness

    It is quite another thing when the body weighs nothing. All processes in it proceed differently. Due to the lack of pressure of the otoliths, a violation of orientation in space occurs. The concept of "up" and "down" in space completely disappears. Lack of physical activity also harms the human body. In this state, muscle tissue will atrophy if no action is taken. With its degradation, bone tissue also suffers. In the absence of load, less phosphorus enters the bones of the body.

    Difficulty eating and swallowing liquids. All liquids at the same time tend to take on a spherical shape, which makes everyday things very difficult. Even a common runny nose in weightless conditions can be a very difficult test for the body due to the fact that sputum is not excreted by gravity, but forms spherical drops.

    To maintain the necessary tone, astronauts constantly train for several hours a day. When going to sleep, they tie themselves with special straps so as not to get injured during sleep.

    Special food in tubes and bread that does not crumble have been developed to feed astronauts.

    Before experiencing weightlessness for a long time, a person must feel its effect on the ground in order to find out how the absence of gravity will affect him in the future.

    Probably each of us has experienced a feeling of weightlessness in our lives. Let's take a look at what weightlessness is, how it is achieved and where you can feel it.

    When answering the question of what weightlessness is, many will remember about the force of gravity and the possibility of free flight, walking on the ceiling, flying objects and astronauts, who most often experience this feeling.

    To discuss the concept of weightlessness, I propose to discuss the scientific part of the issue and the physical phenomenon. On planet Earth, objects and living beings have an attractive force (gravity). Thus, if an object is moving or at rest, there is pressure from the object's gravity on the surface.

    Weightlessness is a state of a body in which the force of interaction with the surface is essentially small and there is no pressure on each other. Often when defining weightlessness, the concept of gravity or microgravity is used.

    Interesting facts about weightlessness and gravity

    What do you and I know about weightlessness, how can we characterize this phenomenon?


    At present, the phenomenon of weightlessness has been fully studied and does not raise a large number of questions. Cosmonauts have a long period of preparation for weightlessness before the flight, and despite this, the absence of gravity leads the body to quite a lot of stress.

    The main disturbance in the phenomenon of weightlessness is observed in the change in the pressure of the fluid in the body, especially the blood. In addition, there is no habitual load on the musculoskeletal system, which causes discomfort. After the astronaut is delivered to the space station, his body goes through a period of adaptation for some time, despite the long months of preparation before the flight.

    The effect of weightlessness on the body

    Usually the period of adaptation of the body passes within 7-10 days. As a result, due to the lack of gravity, astronauts lose weight, their working capacity decreases, and the general fatigue of the body increases. The ratio of elements in tissues may also change. After a long stay in space, a person can become several centimeters due to weightlessness. As a result, pinched nerves can occur, various pains of a muscular and articular nature may appear.


    Today, astronauts have a very diverse diet. The diet consists of freeze-dried products packed in aluminum tubes. Almost all food is in the form of puree. The diet and containers are thought out in such a way as to avoid crumbs and their contact with the eyes. Cookies are made small so as not to bite, and covered with a shell on top.

    Ways to experience the feeling of weightlessness in theory and practice

    The feeling of weightlessness can be fully experienced in space, but for this you need to choose this profession and prepare for many years. However, the feeling of weightlessness can be experienced on Earth, albeit insignificant.

    On Earth, weightlessness can be modeled in the following way. For experimental purposes and for training, the cosmonaut created a state of weightlessness for up to 40 seconds using a special aircraft, which was affected only by the forces of gravity. The trajectory of the aircraft moves along a parabola. Such sensations can now be experienced on special simulators, in amusement parks. The bottom line is that the height rises sharply and then drops sharply, causing a feeling of free fall, weightlessness.

    We experience similar sensations on civil aviation flights during the landing period, as well as in a car, with a sharp drop in traffic from top to bottom.

    In addition, similar sensations can be obtained by jumping on a trampoline, being in the air from a jump just before falling down, in modern high-speed elevators when stopping abruptly on a high floor.

    Now there are special weightlessness simulators in which you can experience this sensation on board the IL-76 aircraft specially equipped for these needs. This is a special laboratory designed for testing overloads, including by cosmonauts before space flights. During the flight, the altitude rises sharply and at an altitude of 8-9 km the pilot turns off the power of the engines, thereby allowing the aircraft to move by inertia. Just when the force of gravity becomes equal to the force of inertia, weightlessness is achieved. During the flight, the group experiences several such sensations of weightlessness on board the aircraft. The cost of such a flight is individual and can be combined with an excursion, space meals and much more.


    The phenomenon of weightlessness can mainly be experienced while in space, but we also periodically experience it in an airplane, on an attraction, in an elevator, and even on a trampoline, although it lasts for literally seconds.