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  • Torsion fields: an unrecognized but "working" reality. Torsion fields: what do we know about them? And from what we know, what do we use? Torsion field equation

    Torsion fields: an unrecognized but

    concept torsion field was originally introduced by the mathematician Eli Cartan back in 1922 to denote a hypothetical physical field generated by the torsion of space. The name comes from the English word torsion - torsion. The theory introducing torsion is the Einstein-Cartan theory of gravity, which was developed as an extension of the general theory of relativity and includes a description of the impact on space-time, in addition to energy-momentum, also the spin of material fields.

    Spin- this is the own angular momentum of elementary particles, which has a quantum nature and is not associated with the movement of the particle as a whole. Spin is also called the intrinsic angular momentum of an atomic nucleus or atom. In this case, the spin is defined as the vector sum of the spins of the elementary particles that form the system, and the orbital moments of these particles, due to their motion within the system.
    The spin is ,
    where is the reduced Planck constant or Dirac constant,
    J is an integer (including zero) or a half-integer positive number characteristic of each kind of particles, called the spin quantum number or spin.

    One speaks of an integer or half-integer spin of a particle. In modern physics, torsion fields are considered as a purely hypothetical object that does not make any contribution to the observed physical effects. Recently, the term "torsion" fields has been widely used in various studies that are considered pseudoscientific. The "theory of torsion fields" of academicians of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences G.I. Shipova - A.E. Akimov.

    The main provisions of the theory are set out in the book by G. I. Shipov "The Theory of Physical Vacuum", according to which there are seven levels of reality:

    • absolute nothing;
    • torsion fields as non-material information carriers that determine the behavior of elementary particles;
    • vacuum;
    • elementary particles;
    • gases;
    • liquids;
    • solid bodies

    In the interpretation of Shipov and Akimov, “torsion fields”, unlike physical fields, do not have energy, “they have no concept of the propagation of waves or fields”, but at the same time they “transfer information”, and this information is present “immediately at all points in space -time". Physical fields: electromagnetic, gravitational - are force and long-range. But if humanity has learned to generate electric currents and electromagnetic waves, and widely uses it in its activities, then it has not yet been possible to generate gravitational currents and waves.

    Torsion fields are also force and long-range, and there are generators of torsion currents and torsion wave radiation. By analogy with electromagnetic fields, one can expect applied solutions for the use of torsion fields. In 1913, the French mathematician E. Cartan formulated a physical concept: "In nature, there must be fields generated by the density of the angular momentum of rotation." Torque, moment of impulse, moment of momentum characterizes the amount of rotational motion and is determined by the formula

    where r- radius vector, vector. drawn from the center of rotation to a given point,

    mV- the amount of movement.

    In the 1920s, a number of works in this direction were published by A. Einstein. By the 70s, the Einstein-Cartan theory (TEK) was formed, expanding the general theory of relativity and including a description of the impact on space-time, in addition to energy-momentum, also the spin of material fields. Electromagnetic fields are generated by charge, gravitational - by mass, torsion - by spin or angular momentum. Thus, any rotating object creates a torsion field.
    Torsion fields have a number of unique properties:

    • They can be generated not only by spin, but also by geometric and topological figures, the so-called “shape effect”, can be self-generated and are always generated by electromagnetic fields;
    • Torsion radiations have a high penetrating power, and, like gravity, they pass through natural media without weakening;
    • The speed of torsion waves is not less than 10 6 C, where C is the speed of light, equal to 299,792,458 m/s;
    • The torsion field potential does not depend on the distance to the radiation source;
    • Unlike electromagnetism, where like charges repel, like torsion charges attract;
    • Spin-polarized media and the Physical Vacuum as a result of the action of the torsion field form stable metastable states.

    Until the beginning of the 1980s, manifestations of torsion fields were observed in experiments whose purpose was not to study torsion phenomena. Since the creation of torsion generators, it has become possible to conduct large-scale planned experiments. Over the past 10 years, such studies have been carried out by a number of organizations of the Academy of Sciences, laboratories of higher educational institutions, industry organizations in Russia and Ukraine. Studies of the influence of torsion fields on the melt of metals, on the reactions of plants, the process of crystallization of micellar structures, etc. were carried out. At the Institute of Materials Science Problems of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as a result of exposure to torsion radiation on the melt, ultradispersed metal was obtained during slow cooling in the bulk of the ingot. The metals obtained as a result of the use of torsion technologies are similar in structure and properties to alloys that have been studied by academic organizations in Russia and Ukraine for about 10 years, and are believed to be related to UFOs.

    Of interest are the experiments carried out in 1986 on the transmission of binary information through torsion communication channels. The transmission of information over a distance of 22 km was carried out by a transmitter with a power of 30 mW and passed without errors. According to the adherents of the theory of torsion fields, human evolution at the beginning of the third millennium should include , and torsion technologies will make it possible to find a way out of their existing dead ends of the technocratic development of civilization. The leading goals of the new century should be:

    • establishing the influence of the criteria of morality, spirituality in society, harmony with nature;
    • the transition of civilization to evolution-oriented development;
    • elimination of environmental damage caused by machine technology;
    • the transition from the machine industry to the establishment of human dominance.

    The development of mankind should consist in the disclosure of the spiritual abilities of man, in the expansion of consciousness. Various films testify to this. Currently, one of the problems is the problem of energy sources. Fuel resources, according to many forecasts, will be exhausted in the first half of the 21st century. Even with the implementation of full protection of nuclear power plants, including torsion screens, the problem of radioactive waste disposal will remain. In this case, the way out of the situation may be to use the physical vacuum as an energy source. Nine international conferences have already been devoted to this problem. The opinion of academic science on this issue is unequivocal: "It is fundamentally impossible."

    Perhaps this conclusion should have been rephrased: "This is impossible with modern scientific ideas." After all, even earlier the possibility of what has now entered our habitual life was denied by science. So Hertz considered impossible long-distance communication using electromagnetic waves. Niels Bohr considered the use of atomic energy unlikely. 10 years before the creation of the atomic bomb, A. Einstein considered it impossible to create it. Maybe it's time to reconsider the principles recognized as final. Technologies of torsion fields it is supposed to be used in solving problems of energy, transport, new materials, information transfer, biophysics, etc.

    As for biophysics, a quantum theory of the memory of water was built, which is realized on its spin proton subsystem. A molecule of a substance, falling into water, with its torsion field orients the spins of the protons of the hydrogen nucleus of the water molecule in the water. They, in turn, repeat the characteristic spatial-frequency structure torsion field this molecule of the substance. Experimental studies have shown that due to the small radius of action of the static torsion field of substance molecules, only a few layers of their spin proton copies are formed. Thus, at the field level, spin proton copies of substance molecules have the same effect on living objects as the substance itself. In homeopathy, a similar phenomenon has been known since the time of Hahnemann, studied by G.N. Shangin-Berezovsky, Benvenisto.

    The problem of “water magnetization” is known, in practice results have long been used that are impossible from the point of view of traditional ideas, since a permanent magnet cannot act on a diamagnet - water. If we take into account the existence of torsion fields, this problem becomes solvable. During magnetization, along with a magnetic field, a torsion field arises, which, by polarizing the proton subsystem of water along the spins, transfers it to another spin state. This is the reason for the change in its physico-chemical properties and changes the nature of its biological action. Therefore, it would be more correct to speak not about the magnetization of water, but about its torsion polarization, although this is not an entirely accurate definition. Since the magnetic field acts on salts contained in water and having chemical elements with magnetic properties.

    In addition, it was found that the right torsion field has a positive effect on biological objects, the left - negatively. Experimental studies have shown a violation of the conductivity of cell membranes under the action of the left torsion field. The book by V.A. Sokolov "Study of plant reactions to the impact of torsion radiation." Thus, when exposed to water by the north pole of a magnet, i.e. the right torsion field, the biological activity of water increases, when exposed to the south (left torsion field), it decreases. A similar action occurs when exposed to a magnet, i.e. when creating a torsion field, on the patient: when creating the right torsion field, the state of health improves, when creating the left one, the disease state intensifies.

    Another mystery of biophysical phenomenology is the technique of rewriting medicines according to the Voll method, which consists in the following: if two test tubes (one contains medicine, the other contains water distillate) are wrapped in several turns with different ends of the wire, then after a while the water distiller has such a therapeutic effect like real medicine. The material of the wire and its length do not matter. However, if a magnet is placed on the wire, the effect disappears. Thus, it was proved that the rewriting is based on torsion effects, since the magnet does not act on the diamagnet. This effect can revolutionize pharmacology, because instead of the biochemical effects of drugs, which often cause side effects, you can switch to torsion rewriting technology using torsion generators, or maybe to the impact of a drug torsion field directly on the patient.

    Recently, you can often hear about the human biofield, you can even take a picture of it. Currently, it is possible to visualize torsion fields by technical means. As early as 40 years ago, in the works of Abrams (USA), it was described that during conventional photography in the visible and infrared ranges, the torsion field of photographed objects is recorded along the spins of the emulsion. Many researchers (V.V. Kasyanov, N.K. Karpov, A.F. Okhatrin and others) studied photographs of torsion fields of the aura.

    Man is a complex spin system. This complexity is determined by a large set of chemicals, the complexity of their distribution in the body, the complex dynamics of biochemical transformations in the process of metabolism. A person can be considered as a generator of a torsion field, causing spin polarization of the surrounding space. The torsion field of a person, carrying information about the state of health, leaves its copy (spin replica) on the adjacent space of the Physical Vacuum. So it’s worth thinking about wearing someone else’s clothes, their SecondHand clothes and second-hand things in general. In order to exclude this influence, such things should be subjected to torsion depolarization.

    Most people have a right background torsion field, a left torsion field is rare, approximately in a ratio of 1:10 6 . The background static torsion field of a person has a fairly stable value. It was found that holding the breath on exhalation even for one minute doubles the intensity of the right torsion field, which is characteristic of most people. When you hold your breath at the entrance, the direction of the field changes. There is reason to believe that the influence of psychics is carried out through torsion fields. A number of experiments were carried out to confirm this assumption. Thus, in studies conducted on the basis of Lviv State University, a number of psychics (Yu.A. Petrushkov, N.P. and A.V. Baev) duplicated the effects of torsion field generators on various physical, chemical and biological objects.

    In the works of I.S. Dobronravova and N.N. Lebedeva studied the effects of psychics on subjects using electroencephalograms of the brain with mapping of the brain according to different rhythms. The generally accepted technique and serial equipment were used. The influence of the influence of psychics led to a symmetrical picture of the left and right hemispheres when registering changes in the L-rhythm with observation intervals of 20 minutes. During the experiment, the subject was in a shielded Faraday chamber, which excluded any electromagnetic influence.

    The torsion nature of the influence of psychics has led to the models of "spin glass", according to which the brain is an amorphous medium - "glass", which has freedom in the dynamics of spin structures. As a result of mental activity, biochemical processes in the brain give rise to molecular structures that are sources of torsion fields due to their spin nature. The spatial-frequency structure identically reflects the act of thinking. In the presence of an external torsion field, spin structures arise in the brain that repeat the spatial-frequency structure of the acting external torsion field. These spin structures are reflected as images or sensations at the level of consciousness or as signals for controlling physiological functions. This model, like any model, has flaws and can only be the key to solving problems.

    Recently, a number of experiments have been carried out on the vision of torsion fields by psychics. Psychics with absolute certainty drew the spatial structure of torsion radiation, presented to them with torsion sources with a three-dimensional multibeam radiation pattern and torsion radiation. They also accurately determined whether the torsion generator was on, determined the direction of the field. So what is the theory of torsion fields? A new direction in the development of physics or pseudoscience? If scientists in the 19th century began to talk about the possibility of television, mobile and satellite communications, computer technology and other things that habitually entered our lives, their theories would be declared pseudoscientific. Maybe we are on the verge of a revolution in modern science and worldview.

    (Interview with A.E. Akimov, magazine "Peasant Woman", No. 3, 1995)

    Physicists tame the "third force"

    Petersburg medical scientists brought a mysterious videotape from an international scientific symposium. What they saw on the screen did not fit into the ideas about the brain known to science. The human head was photographed using the latest electronic tomography technology. The hero of the video is calm, motionless. An incomprehensible life boils inside his skull: luminous waves pulse with the frequency of heartbeats. They pierce the bones like a breeze through a tulle curtain, and overshadow the space around the head.

    The physician must know that the substance of the brain is fixed in the cranium “rigidly” and cannot pulsate in any case; no vibrations were observed in the bone tissue either. And even around the head and even more so. The luminous waves will certainly interest physicists - the doctors decided and invited to watch the video of the head of the Interbranch Scientific and Technical Center for Venture Non-Traditional Technologies, Academician Anatoly Evgenievich Akimov.

    After watching the video (it happened last fall), Anatoly Evgenyevich Akimov, according to him, experienced the happiest moments in the last ten years. What he saw on the monitor, no doubt, was another confirmation of the theory and experiments that the scientific and technical center headed by him has been engaged in for 15 years. The physicist explained to physicians that luminous waves are nothing but a biofield, which the latest electronic equipment has made visible not only for psychics, but for everyone. For us, this is not surprising. We have long known from the press that there is a biofield, and doctors still have doubts about this. Give them visible facts, a scientific experiment. Akimov immediately suggested to doctors a method by which one could accurately determine the nature of the luminous waves shown on the videotape. The experiment, or rather its result, can make a complete revolution in traditional medicine, in its understanding of man. Physicists have known for 15 years that not only a person has a biofield, but also a stool, an umbrella, every letter and comma. Where it comes from and what it is - Anatoly Evgenievich Akimov kindly agreed to explain all this as popularly as possible.

    Anatoly Evgenievich, one modern scientist, said that there are more physical phenomena in a person than biological and chemical phenomena taken together, that only at the level of atoms of which we are composed, one can understand what a thought is, what drives a good person and pushes an evil one. What do you think?

    In 1913, the French scientist Elie Cartan, who has great authority in scientific fields, suggested that the world is controlled not only by the forces of attraction and electromagnetism, but also by some kind of “third force”, and thus opened the door to an unexplored world. Further research already in the 60s was promoted thanks to psychics, by that time so many confirmations of their phenomenal abilities had accumulated that it became simply indecent not to notice this. Psychics grew bolder and began to ask scientists "uncomfortable" questions. For example, how is it that we can read minds from a distance? Among the physicists there were kind, patient people who popularly explained to the strange man that science says that we hardly have enough electricity reserves to transmit a weak radio signal from the bedroom to the kitchen when breakfast is ready. Stubborn psychics continued to claim that they were communicating with a friend from Vladivostok without the help of a telephone. As a rule, a condescending and tired smile settled on the faces of physicists, and the questioner about telepathy retreated in shame. What to do, and in the scientific world, conservatism is strong, so a serious conversation about the "third force" is only now beginning.

    Partly from school textbooks, we know that gravitational forces are generated by masses, electromagnetic forces - by charged particles - electrons. And what drives the "third force"?

    It acts where there is rotation, that is, everywhere. Electrons revolve around the nucleus of an atom, the nucleus - around its axis, planets - around the Sun. Convinced of the existence of a "third force", physicists gave it a name - a torsion field. Its presence has been proven using formulas. To understand how the new force works, psychics helped, who, at the whim of nature, became a source of quite powerful torsion radiation (in the vernacular of the biofield). Physicists did not like to depend on psychics, their mood and character traits. The torsion fields of trees, chairs and a telephone set are rather weak. We called them "background". Studying such fields is like investigating the strength of an electric current, using for experiments electrical discharges that occur between your palm and cat hair. And we invented artificial (not natural) sources of the torsion field.

    Anatoly Evgenievich, you have an Akimov generator on your table - a source of torsion radiation. It was recently filmed by Japanese TV. The inquisitive Japanese were intrigued: torsion radiation, like radio waves, is invisible. But psychics claim that they see biofields.

    Now there is no doubt about it. I had such an experience: I set up the device so that it emits several torsion beams, differently directed. Psychic Natasha Kremneva, an engineer from the famous Podlipki (space design bureau Korolev), took a pencil and accurately drew all the rays, the direction of which was known to me. Science is not yet clear how the brain of a psychic perceives the invisible to the majority. This remains to be seen in medicine.

    We continued experiments with an artificial source of the torsion field. In order to understand how the torsion signal propagates, we turned to the most influential and well-funded organizations at that time - the Ministry of Defense and the KGB. On the part of the military, technical specialists of the Main Directorate of Space Facilities took part in the experiment, on the part of the KGB, the most talented engineers of the Department of Government Communications. With their help, we found a technical solution to our problems - after all, torsion wave transmitters are completely different from the radio wave transmitters known to us, and torsion signal receivers have nothing in common with radio receivers. High-class engineers of the two monsters helped in the creation of torsion equipment. In 1986, for the first time in Moscow, information was transmitted by torsion method. It turned out that in this way it is possible to transmit everything that radio waves still transmit - sound, image. It turned out that the speed of the "flight" of the torsion signal is billions of times higher than the speed of light. For comparison: a radio signal reaches the Moon in 10 minutes, a torsion signal - instantly.

    Anatoly Evgenievich, in order for us to use the power of electric current, hundreds of inventions have been made by scientists around the world - from an electric light bulb to an electric train. And so Russia became the birthplace of the inventors of the first torsion technique. You called it the technique of the third millennium. Why?

    Since 1986, we have come a long way in our developments. Ten years of research by theoretical physicists, engineers of our center, scientists from the Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics of St. Petersburg, Tomsk University and another 120 scientific institutes in Russia were spent on finding out the main question: what is cheaper and more efficient - radio wave transmitters, electric motors or transmitters torsion waves and torsion engines. Now it is clear to us that everything torsion is millions and trillions of times more efficient, more economical, more reliable than what we use now. We were also convinced that the use of new power is possible wherever electricity now “works”. Now we can quite accurately imagine how they will talk in the 21st century on a torsion phone, on what they will fry eggs, and why the terrible words “gasoline price” will forever lose their sharpness. The fact is that when scientists and engineers invent torsion technology and it replaces the one we use today, the world will change. The dream of the “greens” will come true: the earth will no longer be disfigured by quarries and oil wells. A torsion bar engine does not need fuel. Its "heart" will be a part rotating in a certain way.

    So, each of us (as well as any matter consisting of rotating atoms) can be considered as a source of torsion radiation, in the usual sense - a biofield. I wonder how the radiations of people interact with each other?

    In science, there is a model of the brain that explains its work (thoughts, ideas, illness and health) by a certain orientation of rotating atoms. Their orientation can be changed in two ways: by the influence of the internal life of the body and by influence from without. So, it turned out that the psychic torsion field can change the orientation of the rotation of the atoms of the brain of any person. The subject under the influence of the psychic's biofield, without feeling anything, recovers or falls ill. Moreover, he may have new thoughts and images. Here is an explanation for the transmission of thoughts at a distance. You and I already know that torsion signals are transmitted instantly, which means that the communication of a psychic with a friend who can be located not only on the other side of the Earth, but also in another galaxy, is quite possible. This does not require heavy-duty broadcasting installations - any torsion signal is transmitted almost instantly.

    In the ancient Indian philosophical Vedas of two thousand years ago we read: “When you get angry, you attract currents of evil from the ether. Even after you have already calmed down, the storm in the atmosphere around you will rage for at least another two days, "or:" Be the force that absorbs the waves of irritation of the oncoming one and extinguishes them, like earth on fire. Agree that it is written as if the sages had an idea about torsion fields and waves.

    And in ancient times there were psychics who saw the torsion fields of a person. Now we understand that when they wrote "fire" and "light", they attached a completely different meaning to these words. The fact is that torsion radiation, like electromagnetic (light), has a different frequency, which is perceived by people as different colors (rainbow). The torsion field of a person is very diverse in frequency, which means that psychics see it in color. Moreover, by color and its intensity, they judge which organ in a person is not in order. There was only one thing the ancients were wrong about. Human torsion fields can be one or the other not for two days, but for any number of years. They can even exist separately from us. We discovered this with instruments.

    So, the shadow of the father could appear to the Prince of Denmark?

    Well, why only Hamlet's father? Here you, for example, finish the conversation, leave, and your shadow (“phantom”, as scientists say) will calmly remain in my office. Unclear? I'll explain in more detail. We have already found out that torsion fields have much in common with magnetism. In the 7th grade, when they study a magnet, they conduct such an experiment: metal filings are poured onto a sheet of paper, a magnet is brought from below, and the filings line up along the magnetic field lines. We remove the magnet, and the sawdust continues to depict its field. Something similar happens with the torsion field. Only it "builds" not sawdust, but the space in which it is located. It is important to understand what kind of space. The ancient Hindus called it "pralaya", Newton - ether, modern science - Physical Vacuum. This is what remains when, say, all the air is pumped out of a light bulb and everything is removed to the last elementary particle. It turns out that there is not a void, but a kind of matter. It has recently become known that it is the Physical Vacuum that is the progenitor of everything in the Universe; atoms and molecules are born from it. And it is no coincidence that we write these words with a capital letter. They are equivalent to the concept of God or the Absolute. So, the torsion field breaks (physicists say: “polarizes”) the internal strict order of the Physical Vacuum, like a sawdust magnet. And when we remove the source of the torsion field, its exact picture remains in space, an imprint, a shadow, whatever you want to call it. This shadow - the imprint of the torsion field - is fixed by our devices.

    It turns out that we live in the realm of shadows (phantoms). It is difficult to imagine how many imprints of human torsion fields are, say, not far from the Moscow Kremlin.

    All this is true, only torsion fields can retain their spatial structure until other torsion fields violate them. It happens that a psychic introduces a program of self-stabilization and stability into the structure of the torsion field. Then such a field is indestructible. And your shadow will occupy that chair until someone comes and sits on it. It will turn out as if the slide was superimposed on the slide, everything will be blurry. It can be assumed with a greater degree of probability that somewhere in a secluded corner of Mikhailovsky or Trigorsky, where numerous pilgrims do not penetrate, an exact copy of Pushkin's torsion field has been preserved, and in Yasnaya Polyana the undisturbed shadow of Tolstoy lives.

    You mentioned a device that detects the so-called "biofield". Please tell us more about it.

    The first such device was known more than two thousand years ago to the ancient Chinese and Indians. This is the frame of a dowsing specialist. Many people know that any rigid wire bent at a right angle begins to turn in the hands. The ring, suspended on a thread, begins to rotate in our hands - this is manifested by torsion fields. With the help of a frame, flyers made of vines from ancient times determined where to build a house, where to put a bed. The fact is that the earth is also a source of torsion radiation, which are positive and negative (and in scientific terminology - right and left). The alternation of plus and minus in the torsion field of the earth goes in a strictly defined sequence. Scientists have discovered the so-called "grid", where a positive field occupies a square of one and a half meters of the earth's surface, a negative one - a longitudinal strip of 40 cm. . But when we sleep or sit at the table, there really is no choice: you can get under the influence of a negative field harmful to health for a long time. It disrupts the structure of cells, and the person begins to complain of feeling unwell. The negative (left) margin is where the frame in your hands rotates to the left. There are also people with a negative torsion field (for the most part, we are all positive). He can be a decent person, only we will feel bad with him, and he with us. Scientists who study torsion fields have found that they act quite the opposite than electromagnetic ones: torsion charges of the same name attract, and opposite ones repel. But if you find that your bed is on a negative field line, don't despair. In our Intersectoral Scientific and Technical Center, a material has been found from which it will be possible to make a rug, put it under the bed, and it will play the role of a torsion field reflector. We have already found the project executor, and I hope that soon such rugs will be sold in kiosks along with Snickers and detectives.

    This means that a scientific discovery is embodied, as they say, in a commercial product. Meanwhile, the thought of physicists rushes further. And for sure we have something to be surprised.

    Yes, the torsion field presents its researchers with a lot of surprises. Recently, a discovery was made: a torsion field can arise by itself and without any rotation. Physicists already know when this happens. Any geometric figure violates (“polarizes”) the strict order of the Physical Vacuum, and a torsion field is immediately formed next to it. Curious people have long tried to understand why there is a feeling of lightness and beauty next to one building, and unpleasant to be next to another. They called it the "shape effect". So, this effect is the action of torsion fields with which the Physical Vacuum reacts to the beauties of architecture. It is known that next to the pyramids of Cheops, two torsion radiations are formed, positive (right) - at the top and negative (left) - at the foot. If you draw a pyramid on paper, the same picture will appear: at the top there will be a (of course, very weak) field with a plus sign in the opening of the corner, at the bottom - with a minus sign. So we came to the conclusion that any letter, comma in its own way violates the space of the Physical Vacuum, to which it immediately reacts with a torsion field. From this it follows that any book, article is millions of rainbows (physicists say: "spectra") of bizarre torsion fields. They undoubtedly interact with our field, the reader's field. So reading books, articles and poems is not such a simple process as it seems.

    Well, let's hope that we will soon learn more about this, if only because more than a hundred scientists in the world are now working on torsion fields. And half of them live in Russia. You said that the programs of your center are supported by the Academy of Natural Sciences of Russia, the Ministry of Science, that you have close ties with scientists in various fields of knowledge, including physicians. Do you think the experiments of physicists will change the ideas of scientists about human nature?

    In order to be absolutely sure that the video clip, where luminous waves pulsated in the skull and around it, makes the torsion field visible, you need to do one simple thing: place it between a person and electronic equipment that captures radiation so successfully, transparent, but impenetrable screen for torsion waves. We know how, from what to make it. Remember, I talked about rugs that can be put under the bed and sleep peacefully in the geopathogenic zone? Our screen will be made according to the type of such a rug. If, having placed the screen, we do not see anything on the monitor, that is, the biofield cannot pass through our barrier, the conclusion is unambiguous: the technique captures precisely the torsion radiation and makes it visible. I can promise the readers of The Peasant Woman that they will know the results of the experiment.

    If a You will hear or read somewhere that torsion fields do not exist, that these fields are fiction and pseudoscience - you know, they say so specifically to drive you back into disbelief of the truth, so that you do not reach in your understanding the main thing hidden from you. They will pour facts, throw mud at this theory, introduce themselves as professors and academicians, and all this so that you will by no means believe the new facts, so that you turn away from new knowledge and continue to be their slaves and servants.

    These fields were known since ancient times, but only the elite could use them to their advantage. All the media do not talk about this, the true information is deliberately hidden from you, because by taking it into service, you will become uncontrollable and will cease to be slaves at the level of consciousness.

    I ask you to trust me and take this seriously.

    Now, in a very simple form, I will try to explain to you our understanding of the world and what surrounds us from the point of view of science. Probably the smallest knowledge from the high school course in physics you can still refresh in your memory. So, most importantly, do not be afraid, there will be a minimum of terms.

    Everything we see and feel around us can be called in one word - "matter". It has 5 states - a solid body, liquids, gases, elementary particles, physical vacuum. When studying vacuum, a new type of physical fields was discovered. These fields are called torsion fields. Torsion (torsion) is translated from English as rotation, torsion. It turned out that the source of torsion fields is any rotating matter. Therefore, everything that rotates in the world radiates or creates a torsion field.

    Sources of all fields that exist in nature are elementary particles. And since all particles rotate and oscillate, it is concluded from here that everything that surrounds us (including you and me) is emitters and carriers of torsion fields. Roughly speaking, everything that we see, feel, has its own torsion field.

    An example is a stone, a dog, an airplane, a fly, a word, a letter, a drawing, thoughts, water, planets, and so on ad infinitum.

    For simplicity, I'll try to explain it like this:

    • if a particle has a charge - this is an electromagnetic field,
    • if a particle has mass, it is a gravitational field,
    • if the particle has a moment of rotation (spin) - this is a torsion field.

    Electromagnetic and gravitational fields are more or less studied and their properties are known to us. But the properties of torsion fields are simply unique.

    Their interactions turn our whole worldview upside down and practically bring us closer to answering the questions that probably every person on planet Earth asks himself - who are we, where are we from and why are we here.

    Torsion field is independent and its presence is determined only by rotation and does not depend on either the mass or the charge of the elementary particle. It is an independent physical factor in nature. Torsion fields do not carry energy like electromagnetic and gravitational fields. Torsion fields carry information, that is, they are informational.

    Simple example- if a person enters an area where there are negative torsion fields and they are larger than the torsion field of a person, then at the subconscious level a person experiences an unpleasant sensation of the presence of something bad, that is, some information is transmitted to him.

    Probably everyone felt it when they entered an unfamiliar room. Another interesting property of these fields is that they are everywhere and always, that is, at all points in space simultaneously and at the same time retain complete information at all these points as a holographic structure. The torsion field is present where there is rotation, that is, everywhere - electrons rotate around the nucleus of an atom, the nucleus rotates around its axis, planets around the sun, and so on. A huge number of torsion fields are created, which carry a huge amount of information about everything and it all surrounds us, in addition to everything, these fields interact with each other and the result of these interactions also affects us.

    The torsion fields of the universe form a gigantic information system, and we are part of it. Well, since these fields exist, and they affect us, it means that there is still something there, as they say at the top, that affects us and on which we still depend, globally, and that we cannot understand in connection with the limitedness of consciousness (for example, we cannot imagine figuratively in our heads what is where the universe ends, far, far beyond the universe, the galaxy and even further - everything works as a limiter, our mind is still limited in understanding this, so the influence from above is not yet given to us to understand, there is a sensation, but there is no concept).

    But if we cannot understand the original origin of the impact, this does not mean that we should reject it and not use it in our lives and turn a blind eye to its impact on us.

    But there is an impact - this is explained in more detail on the page about Higher Intelligence.

    Now I'll try to explain it in a simpler way - there are such fields as torsion fields that transfer information about something. As we know, information exists, if something changes, if nothing changes, the way we speak (there is no news) means there is no information. So, these torsion fields, which carry information, are created by everything that rotates, that is, any living and non-living object has its own field.

    I, as a person, also have my own torsion field and can generate it (in the common people - a biofield), but unlike inanimate objects, I can change it. I can generate both positive and negative torsion field. That is, good thoughts and words are a positive field. Shouting, malicious thoughts, swearing, swearing - a negative field.

    Generating mentally and reinforcing it with the words of the Russian language (this is the most powerful language in the world - the language of images), I can throw my torsion field into the air, which in turn will interact with all existing fields. Both with the main one coming from space from the Higher Intellect, and with other torsion fields that people and the environment create.

    As we know from physics, the interaction of all fields gives a result and this result comes back to me in the form of an enhanced positive or negative torsion field, and the information brought by this field settles in the subconscious. In the future, this information affects me and my actions, my health, my desires, whether I want it or not.

    Depending on the direction of rotation, there are right-handed (clockwise) and left-handed torsion fields. Right-sided torsion fields are useful for humans, they improve the fluidity of all media (increase the conductivity of cell membranes, improve metabolic processes and the condition of all human organs as a whole). Left-sided torsion fields have a negative effect on a person.

    Almost all household electrical appliances have a left-hand torsion field. So my advice is to stay away from them. Pay special attention to the place where you sleep, that is, where you spend at least 8 hours a day.

    Place a "torsion" order there: first, remove all electromagnetic household appliances, because in the off state they no longer emit electromagnetic waves, but the left-hand torsion field, which has been untwisted during operation, keeps on itself and continues to influence you and thereby kill you.

    Do not be lazy and make several sources of right-hand torsion fields with your own hands. It is very simple and accessible to everyone in a few minutes, and install them in your apartment, office, etc.

    Torsion fields transmit both positive and negative information. They have extraordinary penetrating power. Figuratively speaking, the atomic grid for them is the same as a high-voltage power line for a tennis ball. The discovery of torsion fields forever eliminated the far-fetched contradiction between materialism and idealism, matter and consciousness.

    Torsion fields at the moment unite the mind of a person armed with science and a person’s faith in the Higher Intellect (in common people they say “faith in God”) or, as they say in “something” that exists independently of us, you can call it different words, cover it up with different religions , but still we have to admit that this "something" exists, and for simplicity, I call it for myself - the Higher Intellect.

    Figuratively speaking, there is a Higher Intelligence in the form of a matrix in which "everything" is embedded and through torsion fields all processes taking place in the universe, including on planet Earth, are controlled.

    Currently, there are mathematical models that describe this control process*.

    Through torsion fields, complex processes of the human system are controlled. The perception of these torsion fields can be bad, good or very good. Everything depends on the person, on his condition, whether he is "pure", on his thoughts, on his understanding and ability to use his knowledge. The task of a person is to ensure the rotation of his torsion field exclusively clockwise with an increase in its frequency and approaching the frequency of rotation of the original torsion field of higher intelligence.

    The first people who inhabited the earth initially had a torsion field, identical in direction and frequency with the torsion field of higher intellect. Therefore, biological processes were optimal and the people who inhabited the Earth lived a long time.

    When the frequency of the torsion field decreases and its mismatch with the frequency of the torsion field of the higher mind, the connection is destroyed, and the biological object (human) acquires mental and bodily problems (alcoholism, drug addiction, distorted thinking, nationalism, fanaticism, greed, anger, hatred, various disease), a person becomes more manageable, loses his opinion, acquires all the signs of a slave and a biorobot.

    Throughout the history of mankind, unique people were born whose torsion fields were the same as the fields of the higher mind, these are the so-called messengers of God (Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Christ, Mohammed), they could directly receive true information through torsion fields into their subconscious and express it in verbal forms and turns accepted in those days. These messages were sent to indicate the path in which a person should go and develop. Almost all of these teachings have come down to us in a distorted form, and at the moment they are fundamentally different from what they were originally.

    And since almost everything in our life was based on these teachings (state, economy, culture, etc.), it turns out that you and I live in the realm of crooked mirrors, where everything is turned upside down.

    Where a person from birth does not even have a chance to escape from slavery and he has to work all his life for the chosen people who have been ruling us for more than 2000 years, changing the writings of the prophets in their favor.

    They arranged everything in such a way that we don’t even have the thought that every day our entire country gets up in the morning and goes to work in order to give 80 percent of their earnings to the world slave owners by the end of the day.

    Our task is to learn how to use all the opportunities that exist to break out of this circle and move from the animal image of the psyche, to the image of a person created in the image and likeness of God.

    Here we must think not in the literal sense of the word, but in the sense that God and man have the same torsion fields in direction and frequency.

    At the moment, there are many original schemes and methods for determining the direction and frequency, torsion fields, and they all unambiguously prove the given examples.

    All existing artificially created flat images (drawings, paintings) have their own torsion field. For example, a left-sided field has such geometric shapes as a triangle, a star, a square.

    The right-hand, positive field is generated by the figures of a rectangle, a church cross, a circle. Icons also spread an exclusively positive torsion field, only here it is necessary to make an amendment. The icon as a drawing has a torsion field, which the artist laid for it (that is, with what thoughts the master painted, what he thought about, how internally he was "Clean").

    Further, the icon gains a positive torsion field for itself in the process of turning to it during prayer from other people. And the longer they turn to it with good thoughts, the stronger the field becomes and acquires the ability to act on a person. On the technical application page, examples are considered of how to make your own personal icon and spin the right-hand torsion field in it, then strengthen it and use it to help yourself in various life situations.

    I must say right away that your personal icon will be much stronger than the drawings sold in churches and shops.

    Each letter of the Russian alphabet has its own torsion field, and hence the direction and frequency. From this we conclude that the words composed of these letters have their own common torsion field, composed of torsion fields of letters. Here you have the clue to all the miracles that occur after the special. prayers or conspiracies that are passed down from generation to generation by good healers and grandmothers.

    That is, here is simple arithmetic, we add up all the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the frequency and direction of each letter of a word or prayer and get a total torsion field, which can be both positive and strong, and vice versa, that is, as they say, a person was jinxed or damaged. Different variants of phrases and letter combinations give different variants of the meanings of torsion fields. Now we can analyze how much and how strong this or that spell or prayer is. Here it should also be noted that the torsion field of the spoken word can still increase or decrease depending on who pronounces this word and how.

    On the planet earth, the largest generator and amplifier of torsion fields is a human, it is genetically incorporated in him. But since our civilization has taken the path of the technical arrangement of life, the development of the inherent genetic potential has ceased.

    At this stage, the so-called psychics have such an opportunity at the smallest level, and far from all of them, and besides, they do it unconsciously and stupidly. All existing conspiracies, prayers, curses, etc. came to us through torsion fields from higher intelligence through people in whom they settled in the subconscious, and then were voiced and passed on from generation to generation also unconsciously.

    The very first condition in order to stand up for the development of genetically inherent potential is to be "Pure".

    Fire, which does not bring destruction, grief and suffering, is also a natural source of torsion fields with the right direction of rotation. These fields clear the space and change the energy potential of a person. Therefore, candles and, if possible, a fireplace in your home should burn as often as possible.

    All the sounds that exist and surround us, and hence the musical works, create powerful streams of torsion fields, which can both positively influence a person and negatively. Therefore, we must be selective about what we listen to when we want to achieve something or comprehend something. Always keep track of what sound background surrounds us in life and, as far as possible, set yourself a background given on the technical application page, there are also ways to create your own background.

    Almost the entire musical and sound range emanating from our televisions and radio is a left-sided torsion field emitter. My advice is don't use the radio and TV to create background sound in the space you live in. Record the right-hand background on any medium and use it constantly, and you will immediately notice positive results that you will feel at the subconscious level.

    Throughout our lives, we have repeatedly used the property of torsion fields to take shape and thereby strengthen them to achieve our goal, but we did it unconsciously. Well, like football. Up to 10,000 fans spin one torsion field, which must defeat the torsion field of opponents. Footballers even say so - we felt the support of all our spectators. While singing our melodic songs together.

    At festive demonstrations, when shouting URA, everyone, without exception, is in a good mood, all people fall under the influence of a common torsion field, and when shouting slogans at this moment, the crowd can be influenced at the subconscious level. From this we can conclude that if at least a part of our society, using the idea of ​​"Pure" spins the necessary torsion fields according to this method.

    In the near future, the people of our country understood about the existence of positive, right-handed torsion fields and their influence on people, our ancestors knew well. This knowledge has come down to us, but we do not pay attention to it and do not attach importance to it.

    A striking example is the process of knitting things. In each movement, which is based on the strengthening of the right-hand component by circular movements of the hour hand with the right hand. At the same time, if a person thinks about good and kind, then his connected thing acquires a positive torsion field, which subsequently helps and protects the person using this thing.

    For the same reason (not realized), our grandmothers rewound all purchased threads for knitting into balls, holding a ball, winding threads on it in a clockwise direction with their right hand in their left hand, and in addition to this, they strengthened the positive torsion effect by singing good songs.

    Having passed through the hands, the threads acquired right-handed torsion fields, and things connected from these threads were, as it were, dearer and closer, they warmed better, it was as if more comfortable and convenient in them.

    Other types of folk arts have a similar impact. When weaving, embroidering, and so on, things acquired not only consumer and colorful properties, but also carried a positive torsion charge reinforced by ornament.

    Drawings and patterns that have come down to us are amplifiers of positive torsion fields. Which our ancestors invested in them, and which from generation to generation, as it were, gradually acquired the strongest protective effect. For now, we stupidly ignore it. We ourselves, as it were, cut ourselves off from the help of our ancestors, who want to protect us through torsion fields.

    There is no mysticism here.

    At the genetic level, we were given all the information necessary for our life. But this information lies in our subconscious and you can get it from there and get a hint only if there is a torsion resonance between your torsion fields and the torsion fields that your ancestors generated and which are embedded in ornaments, patterns and drawings and so on.

    The moment of insight or, as it were, a hint comes unexpectedly, the key to starting this process is the same name, and equality in all parameters of the torsion fields that you generate and that surround you. Therefore, oddly enough, by joining knitting, embroidery and weaving, using ancient patterns and ornaments, you get a working mechanism for getting answers to any of your questions. You have probably seen and heard a lot about places on highways where accidents constantly occur almost on a straight line. After each accident, the point of generation of negative torsion fields remains in these places, and with each subsequent accident, the total component increases.

    A driver whose personal torsion field is not clean and contains left-sided fields, encountering such a bunch of negative fields on his way, enters into resonance with them. At this moment, he seems to get stuck, he temporarily drops out of the process of analyzing the information coming to him from the senses - sight, hearing, touch, which leads to an accident.

    This is facilitated by the external situation and the environment, i.e. a variety of recurring factors on the road. Identical trees, details of structures in tunnels, road surface, sound components, i.e. everything that, by its repeated influence on the sense organs, can cause a slight degree of hypnosis or altered consciousness.

    A person falls into short-term hypnosis for several minutes, in which his body is controlled at a subconscious level, and if the negative torsion component of the place being passed enters into resonance with the negative fields of the personal torsion field, then the person outside of his consciousness acts in such a way as to enhance this resonance, causing an accident and possibly ruining own life. In such cases, people say "the devil has beguiled."

    To avoid such situations, it is necessary to be Clean and on such sections of the road periodically hurt yourself and repeat protective amulets. The above example reveals the mechanism of all the bad things that happen to you throughout your life. And also the way in which you may be controlled, bypassing your consciousness.

    Everything in our world is controlled through torsion fields. What fields you and I generate, how these fields interact with each other, how they interact with the fields of the Higher Mind, what result is obtained, we can observe at the moment. Our entire situation at the moment, both personal and society as a whole, indicates that humanity on planet Earth has reached a dead end in its development.

    The created human communities are immoral and anti-human in relation to the inherent genetic potential.

    Every sane person feels this at the subconscious level, he understands that it is impossible to live like this, that it is bad, but he cannot do anything and burns his life in the illusion that nothing can be changed. Based on the theory of torsion fields, you can change your worldview and see the path of the right movement forward. And as soon as you get closer to this understanding, I unequivocally assure you, your life will become easier and more interesting, you will have a goal in life, everything will fall into place and on its shelves, and in the depths of your consciousness you will feel that you have come closer to the truth. and find a previously unknown peace of mind.

    Because your torsion field has come into agreement with the torsion field of the higher mind.

    The first publications about torsion fields in the general press appeared at the end of the last century. The articles talked about the possibility of creating fundamentally new sources of energy, communications, materials, engines. The existence of torsion fields explains such phenomena as extrasensory perception, telepathy, dowsing and even astrology. In Russia, the first person who developed a technique that made it possible to fix torsion fields with 100% reproducibility was Nikolai Konstantinovich Karpov. Now hundreds of the largest organizations, enterprises, as well as institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences are participating in research. Such scientists as academician Fradkin E.S., doctors of physical and mathematical sciences: Gitman D.M., Pokrov V.G., Ivanenko D.D., Bukhbinder I.L. are engaged in research. and many others.

    Torsion fields have unique properties and can be generated not only at the moment of intrinsic momentum of elementary particles, but under certain conditions they can be self-generated. Unlike electromagnetic ones, they can appear not only from some source that has a spin or rotation, but also when the structure of the physical vacuum is distorted. If any curvilinear body is placed in the physical vacuum, then the vacuum reacts to these distortions, creating a certain structure around the body, which will manifest itself as a torsion field. For example, when a person speaks, air seals appear, they create heterogeneity, and in the volume where the sound wave exists, torsion fields appear. Any structure built on Earth, any line drawn on paper, a written word, even a letter, not to mention a book, violates the homogeneity of the physical vacuum space, and a torsion field is created, the so-called shape effect.

    The first torsion generators using the shape effect were the pyramids, structures in Egypt and other countries, as well as the spiers and domes of temples.

    The properties possessed by torsion fields are unique:

    The speed of propagation of torsion waves is not less than C * 10^9, where C is the speed of light and is equal to 300,000 km / s, that is, almost instantly from anywhere in the Universe to any other point;

    Torsion fields pass through any natural environment without energy loss. The absence of energy losses during the propagation of torsion waves makes it possible to create underwater and underground communications using low transmission power;

    Torsion fields have memory. Any source of torsion field polarizes the vacuum. Invisible to the naked eye, the spin spatial structure is called in everyday life a "phantom". Since all bodies have their own torsion field, i.e. and people and surrounding objects, then they took to call them phantoms. The phantom is formed due to the source of the torsion field. As a result, the spins of the physical vacuum elements are oriented along the torsion field of this source, repeating its structure. In this case, the physical vacuum becomes quite stable and, after removing the torsion field of the source, retains the spin structure for a very long time. Even in the newspaper “Socialist Industry” dated October 19, 1989, in an interview with Professor A. Chernetsky entitled “Energy of the Void”, the following was said: “If you create a mental image anywhere, for example, in the corner of a room, then the device will fix the “shells” (aura ) of this phantom, but if you mentally blur this image, then the “shells” will disappear - the device will not show anything”;

    The torsion field has informational properties - it does not transmit energy, but transmits information.Positive information - words, thoughts, actions, twists torsion fields in one direction, negative - in the opposite direction.That is why it is so important to try to think positively always and everywhere! The frequency of rotation of torsion vortices varies depending on the information. Torsion fields can become more complex and become multi-layered;

    Changes in torsion fields are accompanied by a change in characteristics and energy release;

    There are no time limits for torsion fields. Torsion signals from an object can be perceived from past, present and future objects;

    And this is only a small part of the unusual features of torsion fields. Scientists evaluate the practical implementation of these fields as extremely high efficiency, because efficiency is not estimated in units of percent, but is calculated in times and orders. And as academician A.E. Akimov said in his speech: “Russia will be a monopolist of torsion technologies for a long time to come. Changes in technology will lead to a change in the face of industry, and these changes in the base will inevitably lead to a change in the superstructure - to a change in the entire system of socio-economic and geopolitical relations in the world, as well as to a fundamental change in the problems of international security. These changes will inevitably come from Russia, and, however paradoxical it may sound in the conditions of our reality, it is Russia that is destined to lead the World into the New Era.

    In recent decades, like mushrooms after a summer rain, scientific sensational discoveries began to appear. Some of them expand our understanding of the world around us, while others speak of radically new aspects of life. Or maybe the discoveries are new only for us, because folk wisdom says that everything new is well forgotten old? If you want to understand open and unresolved issues for you, find out more unique scientific information, as well as sensational, previously unknown, facts from the history of our civilization, amazing prophecies for the near future - read about it in the books of Anastasia Novykh, which are available for download on our website. completely free to readers. You can also download audio fragments of some of the excerpts, or order paper versions of the books. We guarantee you that these books will forever change your life for the better!

    Read more about this in the books of Anastasia Novykh

    (click on the quote to download the entire book for free):

    Well, this seems to be understandable, but more specifically ... in a physical sense? - Ruslan asked, frowning his eyebrows in concentration, as if an unbearable puzzle lay in front of him.

    More specifically? Well, let's put it this way. Each person is a generator of a strictly individual torsion field. This torsion field affects the photons of the physical space surrounding it and interacts with the torsion fields of other individuals. In order for the effect of levitation to begin, that is, to put it simply, the effect of your physical body hanging in the air, it is necessary to give a certain excitation with the help of psychic energy and convert kinetic energy into potential energy and vice versa. This causes a powerful surge of psychic energy due to the release of adrenaline, which will lead to a huge excitation of the torsion field of another individual, which will inevitably affect a significant increase and acceleration of your energy potential.

    - Anastasia NOVICH "Sensei II"

    Torsion fields are carriers and distributors of the field form of life, which is formed by various types of information before the material form of life.

    Torsion fields are not directly related to matter and are independent of it.

    Torsion fields are not formed due to axial rotation.

    Most likely, torsion fields, being in constant motion, which is associated with the transfer of information, generate axial rotation of particles. And this axial rotation is not related to matter.

    Although torsion fields carry three types of information, they themselves do not correlate with them. Torsion fields are divided into two types - torsion fields that carry only one information, and fields that carry information along with energy.

    Torsion fields that carry information in its pure form, scientists called primary, and fields that carry information along with energy - secondary.

    Physical vacuum is considered by scientists as a matrix of possible matter of different nature. Particles can spontaneously appear in it and disappear again.

    Thus, the first level of torsion fields begins with absolute emptiness (Absolute Nothing), which can be both in an ordered and disordered state.

    The transition to an ordered state is associated with consciousness and psychic energy.

    Primary torsion fields

    Primary torsion fields act as primary non-energy excitations of absolute vacuum. They can be ordered and unordered.

    The ordered state of the primary torsion field can be represented as straight twisted threads that are not bent.

    At this level, the torsion field is elementary whirlwinds that do not carry energy, but carry information.

    An ordered primary torsion field forms a soliton, which has superconsciousness and boundless activity.

    This primary torsion field does not divide the vacuum into time and space, that is, it does not form a space-time continuum. Because he does not need the process of awareness.

    This means that the ordered primary torsion field has the qualities that religion ascribes to God.

    Superconsciousness is a part of the Divine presence, and God does not create matter, but plans-plans - solitons.

    And already these solitons - plans-plans create human souls and souls of other living beings.

    Entire worlds and realities can be formed from such fields, just as our reality is formed from secondary material or, rather, “physical” torsion fields.

    All this is in accordance with the existing theory of the multidimensional structure of the Universe, in which the existence of worlds built on pure information is quite possible.

    At the same time, the radiation of primary torsion fields has a high penetrating power. The energy and momentum of such fields are equal to zero, so it makes no sense to talk about the speed of their propagation - they are immediately everywhere and always.

    An ordered primary torsion field forms vortices of right and left torsion, which leads to binary encoding of information.

    This presence of a binary code allows you to record any information, and the interaction between elementary vortices allows you to transfer this information.

    Characteristic properties of primary torsion fields:

    The ability to store and transfer information without consuming energy;

    Instantaneous information transfer rate;

    Unlike electromagnetism, structures with the same direction attract, and structures with the opposite direction repel;

    The ability of information to propagate both into the future and into the past.

    This means that time travel becomes possible already at the level of primary torsion fields.

    It is obvious that all space-time phenomena are directly connected with torsion fields, including individual cases of people “falling through”, both into the past and into the future.

    However, "punctures" of space-time are quite possible under the influence of electromagnetic and gravitational fields, which can change the course of time.

    Yet the original connection between time, gravity and electromagnetism occurs through torsion fields.

    Perhaps, due to the property of the primary torsion field to instantly transfer information without transferring energy, many parapsychological phenomena can be explained.

    The disordered state of the primary torsion field, most likely, can be called a vacuum or ether, in which there is no conscious information and the process of awareness. Although information may be present in it, it is not in an ordered unconscious state.

    Secondary torsion fields

    Primary torsion fields, forming solitons (souls), when interacting with the ether, generate secondary torsion fields.

    As a result, a process of awareness arises in vacuum or ether, creating thought forms and psychic energy, which contributes to the birth of life in material forms.

    This means that any matter has consciousness, and the higher the degree of interaction of matter with a soliton - the soul, the higher its consciousness.

    Secondary torsion fields create biological torsion fields.

    The most important properties of secondary torsion fields (radiations), in addition to those endowed with primary fields, are:

    When a torsion field acts on an object, only its spin state will change. For example, when photographing any objects, the own torsion fields of these objects that fall on the photographic emulsion along with the electromagnetic (light) flux change the orientation of the spins of the emulsion atoms in such a way that the emulsion spins repeat the spatial structure of this external torsion field. As a result, in any photograph, in addition to the visible image, there is always an invisible torsion image;

    There are two types of vacuum spin polarization - longitudinal and transverse. In the state of longitudinal spin polarization, the vacuum manifests itself as a gravitational field (G-field). If the vacuum is in a state of transverse spin polarization, then it manifests itself as a spin field;

    The ability to pass through physical media without interacting with these media, i.e. no loss;

    The group speed of torsion waves is not less than 109 C km/s - more than the speed of light. The high group velocity of torsion waves eliminates the problem of signal delay even within the Galaxy;

    Since all known substances have a non-zero collective spin, all substances have their own torsion field. The spatial-frequency structure of the own torsion field of any substance is determined by the chemical composition and spatial structure of the molecules or the crystal lattice of this substance. A large amount of a homogeneous substance will create a collective (for a given substance) torsion field. A locally concentrated homogeneous substance located at an arbitrary depth of the Planet will create the same characteristic torsion field outside the planet as if this substance were on the surface of the planet. Therefore, by registering the spatial-frequency structure of the torsion fields of the Planets, one can obtain important information about their internal structure;

    Torsion fields have memory. A torsion source with a certain spatial-frequency structure of the torsion field polarizes the physical vacuum along the classical spin in some space surrounding it. In this case, the emerging spatial spin structure is preserved after the specified torsion source moves to another region of space.

    Biological torsion fields have lower frequencies of fields of electromagnetic oscillations and a lower value of the angular velocity of the vortex W than primary torsion fields. In all other respects, these fields are identical, but due to the huge difference in frequencies, their action differs qualitatively.

    Biological torsion fields have one more fundamental difference compared to primary torsion fields - they can have both right-handed and left-handed vortex twists. While the primary torsion fields, with the exception of one structural formation - the positron, always have one twist of the vortex - the right one.

    Man-made or tertiary torsion fields

    These torsion fields are formed as a result of the vital activity of various types of living beings created by biological (secondary) torsion fields.

    For example, when a person built a house for life, made furniture, plowed the ground, then all of his actions and creations automatically generate torsion fields. Even when a person breathes, speaks, it generates torsion fields.

    The difference between these fields from primary and secondary is that they do not have a soul. Therefore, when a person does something with love, they say that he has put a part of his soul into it.

    In addition to love, a person can put into his creation some idea, a plan, which will create a tertiary torsion field of a certain direction. If the intention and the idea are positive, then the torsion field has a right field twist, and if the intention and idea are negative, then the field has a left twist.

    Tertiary or man-made torsion fields are further divided into static and variable.

    Static torsion fields arise during the rotation of objects with constant angular momentum and their description is associated with torsion additives in the potential energy of interaction.

    Static torsion fields are also created by the geometry of the object.

    For example, if a body is placed in a vacuum, then a certain torsion field arises around it.

    For example, when a person speaks, air seals appear, they create heterogeneity, a sound wave, and as a result, torsion fields appear.

    Any structure built on Earth, any line drawn on paper, a written word or even a letter - not to mention a book - violates the homogeneity of space, which generates a static torsion field (shape effect).

    The effect of forms was known to people in ancient times and was used, for example, in the construction of the pyramids of Egypt, as well as to preserve mummies by placing them at the points of the highest concentration of the torsion field.

    Studies have shown that right and left torsion fields have different effects on biological torsion fields.

    For example, the left torsion fields slow down the course of biological processes, while the right ones speed it up.

    Therefore, architectural forms in which right or left torsion fields are used affect the human psyche in different ways.

    In rooms with flat ceilings, a person feels oppressed.

    If the ceiling has a spherical shape, then a person has a feeling of lightness and freedom, and the efficiency of the intellect increases.

    As a result of scientific research, a special technique was developed that allows determining the intensity and direction (left or right) of the figure's torsion field.

    The figure shows the results of measurements of static torsion fields of some flat geometric figures, obtained using the Shkatov torsimeter.

    figures 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 create right torsion fields, and 1, 2, 3, 4 - left.

    The results of measuring the torsion contrast (TC) of flat geometric figures:

    1 - an equilateral triangle,
    2 - reverse swastika,
    3 - five pointed star
    4 - square,
    5 - square with loops,
    6 - a rectangle with a golden aspect ratio (aspect ratio equal to D=1.618),
    7 - a cross with a golden ratio,
    8 - six-pointed star,
    9 - a cross with fractals (i.e. with parts similar to the whole),
    10 - straight swastika,
    11 - circles.

    The values ​​of the torsion contrast of the letters of the Russian alphabet measured using a Shkatov torsimeter.

    The figure shows measurements of torsion fields created by the letters of the Russian alphabet. From these data, it can be seen that the letters FROM and O, most similar to a circle, create the maximum right torsion contrast, and the letters BUT and F- maximum left.

    The torsion contrast of a word is equal to the sum of the TK of the letters that make it up.

    Also, the torsion field of a word is equal to the sum of the torsion fields of its constituent letters with an accuracy of 10-20%.

    For example, using the data presented in the figure, we can calculate that the word TC Christ equals +19.

    The effects of amplifying torsion energy with the help of a geometric shape have been and are still being used, for example, in architecture these are the domes of churches, the Egyptian pyramids, and the construction of honeycombs.

    For example, several rows of honeycombs located above a person's head relieve headaches, expand nasal passages, and raise blood pressure.

    Structures with sharp corners distort the surrounding space and time. For this reason, for example, folk signs reflected the knowledge that one should not sit opposite the corner of the table.

    The same rule applies to any corners (especially sharp ones) inside and outside buildings and structures, which is reflected in the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui.

    The source of the static torsion field is also permanent magnets, in which not only the unidirectional magnetic moments of individual atoms are summed up, but also their torsion fields.

    So, for example, a strong static torsion field of a permanent magnet arises due to the spin (magnetic) ordering inside it. Therefore, any magnet has a strong static torsion field.

    Strong static torsion fields can lead to the effect of magnetization of the object they act on. Perhaps that is why the healing properties of magnets on the human body are associated with the torsion fields of right rotation.

    source variable torsion field may be variable magnets.

    An example is the plasma processes taking place on stars, which are accompanied by powerful alternating magnetic fields.

    An alternating torsion field arises when, under the action of an alternating magnetic field, the spins of a large number of plasma particles are reoriented.