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  • Map of gene keys. Human Design and Gene Keys: What's the Difference? What to choose

    Map of gene keys.  Human Design and Gene Keys: What's the Difference?  What to choose

    Many students of Ra Uru Hu brought knowledge about Human Design to the masses, supplemented and developed it. Some of the followers have gone further and created their own theories that originate from Human Design. These branches include the Gene Keys - the teachings of Richard Rudd, one of the students of Ra Uru Hu.

    Many, starting to study their own Design, accept the Gene Keys as an alternative or addition to Human Design. Others, on the contrary, believe that these are two opposite teachings. Consider both directions and tell you what are the main differences between the two philosophies of personality.

    A little about gene keys

    If you have heard about Human Design at least once, then you probably know the basic concept of gene keys. This is a kind of “cipher” of our DNA, what determines our behavior, consciousness, and, according to Richard Rudd, our relationship with the outside world. The basis of this definition is the Chinese book of wisdom I-Ching and Human Design itself.

    According to Richard Rudd, a person's consciousness determines his body, and not vice versa. In his understanding, we can change our own genetic code and the program that is encrypted in it, only by correctly using our strengths of character and managing the weaknesses.

    Each gene key consists of three levels:

    • The shadow is the lowest level, not the purest thoughts and desires. According to Rudd, a person who is at this level cannot be happy, because he does not live fully consciously.
    • A gift is a transitional level from the lowest to the highest, heavenly. This is a developing consciousness that has not yet comprehended true happiness, but is already striving for it.
    • Siddhi is the highest degree of satisfaction and happiness, akin to the divine principle.

    Each key has its own lowest, middle and highest level, respectively. That is, a person, understanding his divine destiny and shadow sides, will be able to live consciously and “attune” himself to a wave of happiness, harmony and success. But is everything so simple?

    Why Choose Gene Keys

    Speaking from the point of view of learning, the gene keys are somewhat simpler. The system itself is less deep, it does not yet have as many followers as Human Design, and the same foundation from other sciences.

    In his description of the Gene Keys, Rudd only talks about DNA and the I Ching. On the other hand, Ra Uru Hu in his writings on Human Design uses the ancient knowledge of Kabbalah, Astrophysics, Astrology and the same gene keys. The latter are elegantly woven into the Human Design system in the synthesis of corporeal and conscious (red and black in the Bodygraph), and one cannot exist without the other.

    By studying the Gene Keys, it is much easier to read an accurate description of yourself on several levels. Moreover, there is no “right/wrong” category in the Gene Keys. Rudd argues that it does not matter how exactly you go through the path, the main thing is the result, the desire for Siddhi. In fact, sometimes it allows you to justify your actions with a noble goal and strive for something eternal all your life.

    Gene Keys are often chosen by those who could not master Human Design and those who simply find it difficult to accept the fact that for them there is already an ideal line of behavior, that pattern that will help to reveal themselves and avoid false values ​​and aspirations.

    Why Choose Human Design?

    Human Design is harder to learn, that's a fact. But this is fully justified by the fact that the basis is not only gene keys and three levels. Just compare - instead of 64 gene keys with three levels each, the Design uses 6 lines for each gate - this is already 384 options. Further, their colors and bases, as well as four profiles, nine centers, 36 channels, 64 gates, 12 profiles. This argument alone is enough to understand how much deeper Human Design is.

    If we compare the scales, then Human Design is the complete base, the basis, and the gene keys are only a small part of what can be learned from the global teaching. Although Rudd himself claims that his work is completely independent and does not require the study of DH, after several weeks of searching, you will understand that it is very difficult to get answers to all questions only with gene keys. I think it was not without reason that Ra Uru Hu canceled Richard Rad's license when he realized that he was giving people other information that had only an indirect resemblance to Human Design.

    Human Design is for those who want to bring their lives into an established and correct system. If the Gene Keys only hint at how you can make decisions and act, then Human Design shows how to do it, and what can happen if you act contrary to your Bodygraph (False Self).

    Design is good because it allows a person to be happy "here and now", and not wait for the mystical third level of his key to be reached. In order to feel good and in your place, it is not necessary to strive for siddhi, you can simply apply the right strategy for your Bodygraph - and your strengths will be revealed on their own. Human Design shows that it's enough to trust what you already have - your Centers, channels, profile, and so on.

    The biggest problem of those who study exclusively gene keys is the feeling of their own dissatisfaction. It works approximately as follows: A person has read information about his possible potential and knows that he can be conscious only at the level of Siddhi, having got rid of his Shadows. But the highest level may not be achieved, and comparing, a person will feel dissatisfaction with life and simply will not be able to evaluate his achievements, constantly feeling far from the ideal. .

    Human Design is much more powerful and stronger, it gives you a ready-made strategy, the success of which does not depend on external factors, but only on your actions. Gene keys are only a small part of what Human Design can give, and given the insufficient theoretical basis, it looks like simple scholasticism and food for thought.

    What to choose?

    If you want to get results and change your life and its perception now, then you need Human Design. If you have already received the Bodygraph decryption and are simply immersed in the world of Human Design, then you can also study your Gene Keys for general development.

    The main thing - do not try to confuse the two systems, they have a slightly different approach and concept of consciousness, right and wrong. You will receive in-depth knowledge from your Design and its decoding, but to perceive the meaning inherent in your map, you will need the help of an expert or a long independent study. Now the electronic transcription service is gaining popularity - this is a great way to get to know Human Design and understand the full depth of the system and its strength.

    Based on nature's code, the Gene Keys are a basic tool for understanding human behavior and potential. From time immemorial, in different cultures, sages have argued that inside the human body lies the code of the highest evolution of man - a transcendent state of greatest compassion and inner freedom. This is the higher purpose hidden within your DNA, for the awakening of which 64 Gene Keys were created.

    By triggering a process of cellular transformation unique to each individual, the Gene Keys guide you through the transformation of your belief system about who you are. Over time, this brings you to a whole new level of awareness. Presented as a sort of spiritual path, the Gene Keys invite you on a journey of contemplation that leads to powerful inner revelation and deep self-acceptance.

    First published in Russia by Biversum publishing house in 2013

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher, mechanically, digitally, or in any other way, including photocopying.

    ISBN: 978-5-9904337-2-4

    Biversum Publishing House

    Translation into Russian: Khandy M.V., Burkatsky D.S.

    Editing: Patrakova V.V. St. Petersburg

    Printed in the "Premium Press" printing house

    St. Petersburg

    Everyone, who reads or hears these words:

    May your heart burst open in unconditional Love May your mind be illumined with infinite Peace May your body be filled with the light of your Essence.

    May all who in this life are affected by your thoughts, your words and your deeds

    Will be transformed by the Radiance of your Presence.


    Writing this book has been a great adventure for me. From the very beginning 5 years ago and all this time this book turned me in a wedding dance. I know that many writers experience the same feeling about the works in which they put their soul. The Gene Keys have created an entirely new landscape around me, tying together the multicolored threads of my life into a vast magical carpet of pure possibilities.

    A multitude of people, familiar and unfamiliar, made this journey possible.

    Sheila Buchanan and Neil Taylor walked this path through the Gene Keys with me from the very beginning, and I will always feel inexpressible gratitude for the endless faith, love and wisdom they have given me and this work. This book exists at all only because of their altruistic spirit, which has supported me all these years.

    Not too long ago my life was blessed by the presence of Teresa Collins and Marshal Lefferts, who took the Gene Keys deep into their being, which gave me the strength to discover new levels of synthesis and integration in the living matter of the text. Teresa and Marshal have given the Gene Keys their unconditional love, time, and multifaceted talent, and continue to lend their support to this work and our growing community. Their combined skills proved invaluable in overseeing all aspects of the publication of this book. My gratitude to them cannot be expressed in words.

    Of course, there have been many teachers who have influenced me during these years, and their hearts throb in the veins of this teaching. First of all, this is Omraam Mikael Ivanhov, with whom I was in constant internal communication, and who guided me from a plane beyond ours. His prophetic understanding of the concept of the Great White Brotherhood and the coming planetary synarchy represents the bulk of the wisdom contained in the Gene Keys. I am personally enriched by the opportunity to honor and bow to the purity and inner light of this great rishi, which for many years guided me to the highest limits of my awareness.

    In practical terms, the Gene Keys are indebted to Ra Uru Hu, founder of the Human Design System. It was Ra who opened my eyes to the true nature of the I Ching and taught me how to read the hidden codes within it. I will always feel deep love and gratitude for this man who guided me to my higher nature and whose genius paved the way for the Gene Keys themselves.

    On the same practical level, I am also deeply indebted to Barbara McKinley for her excellent editing, reorganization of the text, and giving it a fluid and natural rhythm. This woman of rare abilities and great generosity of spirit. Also many thanks to Linda Rae for printing the book and Jackie Maurice for the beautiful dragonfly. Special thanks also to Melanie Eclair and Tom Paterik (a pair of heaven-sent stars) for their presentation of this book and the Gene Keys to the world.

    The journey leading up to this book has not been an easy one, and I want to thank some of the heroes and heroines along the way, whose lives and hearts are somehow woven into this story. My thanks to: Warner Pitzal for his amazing brotherly love, Linda Lowry for her trust and devotion, Peter Maxwell Evans for his totality, Marina Efrai-moglow for her warmth and generosity, Chetan Parkin for his endless enthusiasm, Sally Searle for her sensitive friendship and Sophen Li for the constancy of her pure heart. The deep love and acceptance I felt from these people greatly accelerated my ability to dive into the higher frequencies of this message and discover the most beautiful diamonds and insights in its depths. Again, my gratitude knows no bounds.

    My penultimate gratitude goes to all the students I met and got to know over the years. Many of them have become my true friends, allies and, in some way, teachers. None of this would have been possible without the love, support, and approval of the community that has formed around this teaching. I know that we have great things ahead of us, and I am glad to feel our deepening cooperation as a unified field of consciousness. I drink to all of you!

    And finally, I must pay tribute to my family, my parents and beautiful children, who are my endless inspiration and joy. Above all, I bow my head to Marian, my beloved wife. Her power, splendor and pure spirit made it possible to ground this new higher teaching. So often, it is men who are credited with our creations. And even though the words really came from me, Marian provided space for this magic to happen, and for that, I will always treasure her in my heart more than words can express. As a muse and mother, friend and wife, she grounded my dreams and was a stable ground for my heavenly heaven.


    Welcome to the Gene Keys.

    This book is an invitation to start a new adventure in your life.

    Despite external circumstances, each person carries something beautiful within himself. The only purpose of the Gene Keys is to bring out that beauty by removing the veil from your inner light source, that immortal spark of genius that sets you apart from every other person on this planet.

    Recent breakthroughs in biology are pointing to an amazing truth: your DNA, twisted into a spiral code that made you who you are today, does not control your destiny. Instead, your attitude tells your DNA what kind of person you want to be. This means that every thought, feeling, word and action that comes into your life is imprinted in every single cell of your body. Negative thoughts and emotions cause your DNA to contract, while positive thoughts expand and release tension. This process goes on throughout life, from the moment you enter the world until the moment you leave it.

    You are the sole architect of your evolution.

    Our planet is at the epicenter of a grand transition in which humanity has a central role to play. There is a premonition of a huge quantum leap in the air. The Gene Keys offer us a vision of a completely different world from the one we see today. They show us a world where people are guided by higher principles such as love, forgiveness and freedom. Such a world is not a dream - this is the next stage of our natural evolution, and it depends on each of us discovering the higher purpose contained in our DNA.

    » R. Rudd, the simplest formulation of their essence came:

    Without love, any gene key is a shadow.
    We add Love there - the same gene opens in the form of a gift.

    While we perceive any situation, any experience, any sphere of our life from the position of conflict, confrontation, struggle, cunning, we live them in the form of suffering. The same situations from the position of Love are lived in a completely different way and with different results.

    If we briefly go through the main topics of life, without dividing them into separate Gene Keys according to I-Ching, it turns out that without love everything goes into the Shadow state:

    • Justice without love makes a person cruel. Examples of such people are officials.
    • Responsibility without love makes a person unceremonious. Fulfillment of their obligations no matter what and no one.
    • Truth without love makes a person a critic. The destructiveness of the truth at a low level of awareness.
    • Mind without love makes a person cunning. Happiness from such a skill is still not to be obtained.
    • Friendliness without love makes a person hypocritical. Typical "Western values".
    • Competence without love makes a person unyielding. The inflexibility of specialists who do not perceive anything beyond their own specialization gives poor results.
    • Power without love makes a person a tyrant.
    • Honor without love makes a person arrogant.
    • Obligation without love makes a person irritable. Hyper-responsibility does not give happiness.
    • Wealth without love makes a person greedy.
    • Faith without love makes a person a fanatic. A typical substitution of faith for religion with its religious wars.

    I apply this to different areas of my life. From quick effects, I observe the appearance of colors in the perception of reality.

    An excellent tool for increasing stress resistance and changing a problem situation for the better. A positive outcome of a "negative" situation.


    The method of increasing the frequency to the level of gifts works very well. Any pain, any suffering requires acceptance and downright sado-masochistic enjoyment of bodily sensations, even if the mind interprets them as “bad”.

    We begin to love and accept our bodily discomfort, heaviness, pain, observing them in the body and not weakening attention until a feeling of joy and warmth appears in this place. The situation also tends to unfold and everything around at once somehow magically improves, reflecting the inner harmony that accompanies the process of transition from the Shadow to the Gift.

    , Philosopher-on-the-roof

    Richard Rudd - Gene Keys. Discovering the higher purpose in your DNA

    B I V E R S U M

    Translation into Russian: Khandy M.V., Burkatsky D.S.




    arrogance, dexterity, invisibility


    fantasy, premonition, emanation



    64th GENE KEY: DAWN449

    Not too long ago my life was blessed by the presence of Teresa Collins and Marshall Lefferts, who took the Gene Keys deep into their being, which gave me the strength to discover new levels of synthesis and integration in the living matter of the text. Teresa and Marshal have given the Gene Keys their unconditional love, time, and multifaceted talent, and continue to lend their support to this work and our growing community. Their combined skills proved invaluable in overseeing all aspects of the publication of this book. My gratitude to them cannot be expressed in words.

    The journey leading up to this book has not been an easy one, and I want to thank some of the heroes and heroines along the way, whose lives and hearts are somehow woven into this story. My thanks to: Warner Pitzal for his amazing brotherly love, Linda Lowry for her trust and devotion, Peter Maxwell Evans for his totality, Marina Efrai for her warmth and generosity, Chetan Parkin for his endless enthusiasm, Sally Searle for her sensitive friendship and Sophen Li for the constancy of her pure heart. The deep love and acceptance I felt from these people greatly accelerated my ability to dive into the higher frequencies of this message and discover the most beautiful diamonds and insights in its depths. Again, my gratitude knows no bounds.

    This book is an invitation to start a new adventure in your life.

    Our planet is at the epicenter of a grand transition in which humanity has a central role to play. There is a premonition of a huge quantum leap in the air. The Gene Keys offer us a vision of a completely different world from the one we see today. They show us a world where people are guided by higher principles such as love, forgiveness and freedom. Such a world is not a dream - this is the next stage of our natural evolution, and it depends on each of us discovering the higher purpose contained in our DNA.

    The great potential of the Gene Keys as a teaching is to awaken a powerful new creative impulse within you. Following this impulse, you begin to witness manifestations of your genius. The main technique that makes this possible is Contemplation, a kind of forgotten spiritual path. Unlike meditation, it doesn't completely bypass the mind, but rather uses it in a playful way to open new pathways within your brain and body. It is the long quiet contemplation of the Gene Keys that can cause subtle changes in your biochemistry.

    The Book of Stakes of Consciousness

    Your Hologenetic Profile invites you on a highly personal voyage through the Gene Keys. Certain sequences of Gene Keys, imprinted at the time of your birth, open the paths to awakening within you. Through contemplating them and applying this teaching to your daily life, you may feel a new spirit awaken within you.

    There are many other ways to use the Gene Keys. You might like to use the book as an oracle in the spirit of the original I Ching. You can open it at random in response to a question you have or a difficulty you are having. In such cases, the Gene Keys that have been revealed to you at the moment often contain a mysterious switch to illuminate the hidden essence of the issue.

    With the Gene Keys, you will travel through many great human lives. And although

    Your genius just makes you really happy. This is your highest goal - to be bright for no other reason than to be alive. Your genius can only arise from this inner radiance. If it doesn't make you really happy, then it's not your genius. Your genius is the soil, and your highest goal is to sprout from that soil - be it a humble grass, a delightful fruit tree, or a huge oak tree. is, and it's waiting to happen inside your DNA.You can also notice from the title of this book that the process of living your highest purpose has a lot to do with the concept of keys and locks.This is because your DNA is a code, and the code can only be ^ unlocked when you have the correct keys.We will learn more about how this works later - for now, it is important to understand that you are holding a book of codes in your hands, the sole purpose of which is to lead you into the field of your own genius. The universal keys are CL in your hands, but only you can discover the correct ones and set the correct order in which they correspond to your particular genetic code. broken- Oh for each of us, and only our hearts can show us the right path. The process of unlocking your highest purpose is the transfer of authority from your mind to your heart. This alone will transform your life.

    As the first student of the Gene Keys, I have learned a few things that I would like to pass on to you, my dear intrepid travelers. First, the Gene Keys represent a living energy field that always exists within you. They are more wild natural wisdom than a systematic logical process. This work was very difficult for my mind, because I found that there is no ready way to your inner being. You must find this path within yourself. There is no guru or guide to show you the way. There is no technique until you invent your own. There are just some pointers that I will continue to share with you throughout this introduction. The Gene Keys are meant to dismantle concepts rather than establish new ones. In the end, the transformation happens by itself, simply because you are ready for it.

    As you read the 55th Gene Key, you will get a taste of what humanity is about to go through. Indeed, the time we are living in is referred to in this book as the Great Change. It is a change that is taking place at the molecular level within humanity itself, and it also affects all natural systems and all living beings. Everywhere you look - in the environment, in our political and social structures, in the world economy, religion, science and technology - you will see how the world is preparing for a shift in consciousness. Times like these are highly unstable, and a deep collective fear of coming change moves like a ghost through our world. This is exactly the fear that is in the 55th Gene Key.

    This is the highest role of the 64 Gene Keys - to light your path to that last great flowering - union with your own divinity. Then, perhaps, your eyes, too, will light up with the fire of pure knowledge, deep compassion and fearless freedom, like St. Benedict, who emerged from his own self-identification as from a cave.

    True synthesis can only occur when the left and right hemispheres of the human brain are in balance. This means that a new kind of thinking is emerging in humanity. This is not even thinking, but rather knowledge. For example, when you read this book, you may have insights, as if you know the truth right from the center of your being. This kind of intuitive knowledge becomes more powerful and consistent as your life becomes more harmonious. What is happening is that you are connecting with fundamental holographic patterns that are present throughout the universe. The same geometry that is in your genes is found in huge spinning galaxies. As the Great Change moves through your DNA, all aspects of your life begin to rewire, gradually bringing you into a state of harmony with these omnipresent universal patterns.

    Well, I got to the "Gene Keys".

    The Gene Keys are Richard Rudd's personal interpretation of the I Ching hexagram information in the context of Human Design. That is, they are a separate (this Rudd teaching was not officially included in the School of Human Design) human scientific work based on the big idea of ​​Ra Uru Hu. Rudd is considered a plagiarist in some way, as he took as a basis what another person discovered. According to the laws that are adopted in the human world, perhaps this is so ... However, I personally am of the opinion that a person is a receiver and sometimes a transmitter, and all questions about belonging are only questions of money. All the knowledge of the world belongs to the whole world, no matter how they are kept.

    Richard Rudd offers to reflect philosophically on our problems, he weaves the personal into the whole and thus "forms a single stream." His concept of working out the frequency of a certain gene key has much in common with the astrological concept of the degree of working out the energy of the planet (lower level, middle and highest). Rudd calls it the Shadow, the Gift and the Siddhi, respectively.

    Richard calls not so much to the active side of a person (to action), as Ra does (actions in the moment according to personal strategy and authority), but to "non-action", to contemplation of one's manifestation in this world. Combining these two points, you can take a more complete look at where you have led yourself to your years, how much you have suppressed in yourself and how many treasures you have discovered.

    Richard Rudd:

    "The great potential of the Gene Keys as a teaching is to awaken a powerful new creative impulse within you. Following this impulse, you begin to witness the manifestations of your genius. The main technique that makes this possible is Contemplation - a kind of forgotten spiritual path. In contrast from meditation, it does not completely bypass the mind, but rather uses it in a playful manner to open new pathways within your brain and body. It is the long, quiet contemplation of the Gene Keys that can bring about subtle changes in your biochemistry."

    He also says that his book is not intended to impose new concepts, but to get rid of delusions and gain inner freedom, to get rid of the role of the victim.

    On this site you can build a Gene Key Map for free, it is very different from the Design Map:

    This is how the map will look like (you can download it to your computer as a pdf file):

    I found such an interesting table (the roles of the victims - the manifestation of the shadow) on the Internet:

    Another variation of the shadow table:

    The Gene Keys book by Richard Rudd contains descriptions of all 64 Lineage Gene Keys.