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  • Bermuda Triangle why ships and planes disappear. Why do ships sink in the Bermuda Triangle? What is the Bermuda Triangle

    Bermuda Triangle why ships and planes disappear.  Why do ships sink in the Bermuda Triangle?  What is the Bermuda Triangle

    The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most dangerous places on our planet. For unknown reasons, most often ships sink here, planes crash, people die, and in general, inexplicable natural phenomena occur. For many years, scientists have been trying to unravel the mystery of Bermuda, but so far they have not succeeded.

    And yet, there are some thoughts about this. More recently, scientists have put forward a hypothesis according to which all the anomalous phenomena occurring in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle are associated with powerful releases of methane gas from geological faults located on the seabed. Scientists came to this conclusion as a result of a thorough study of craters located on the shelf of the Barents Sea. Most likely, the same craters are located at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle.

    At the bottom of the Barents Sea, scientists discovered giant craters with a diameter of about 800 meters, which were located at a depth of forty-five meters. In all likelihood, they were formed as a result of a breakthrough of methane gas. Despite the fact that they are at a decent distance from the Bermuda Triangle, this does not exclude the possibility that similar formations may be present in that area. For this reason, incomprehensible phenomena occur there, leading to the death of ships and the fall of aircraft.

    You will ask why?

    It's all about powerful emissions of methane gas, which breaks from the bottom of the ocean to the surface. Such a phenomenon is not something unusual. It, for example, takes place in the Sargasso Sea, which is characterized by the presence of a huge amount of organic matter. In the northern regions, the release of methane can be caused by global warming, which activates the process of destruction of stable compounds of methane with water. For this reason, constant methane emissions occur in the Barents Sea, as well as in various places in the Arctic Ocean. However, powerful methane emissions also occur in fresh water bodies located in Canada.

    Such powerful methane emissions dramatically change the density of water, and ships in the area lose their buoyancy. This is due to the fact that the weight of the water displaced by them becomes much less, and they instantly sink deep into the ocean. The ship, as it were, falls into the resulting void, and can no longer escape from it. The water closes over him, and he is trapped. The worst thing is that all this happens instantly.

    Escaping to the surface, methane can ignite spontaneously. In this case, something similar to an explosion occurs, with the formation of a powerful shock wave. And if at that moment there is a plane nearby, then it will definitely crash. The thing is that when methane explodes, a void forms in the atmosphere. When hit in such a hole, the plane loses control. Scientists observe something similar in Taimyr. Well, the reason again lies in global warming, which has a devastating effect on methane hydrates.

    « Ph'nglui mglvnafh Cthulhu R'lyeh vgah'nagl fhtagn", which means: "Here, in this house, in the city of R'lyeh, the dead Cthulhu sleeps in anticipation of his hour».

    Howard Phillips Lovecraft « Call of Cthulhu»

    The Bermuda Triangle is a real phenomenon of the 20th century, over the secret of which scientists, as well as ufologists, psychics and representatives of a number of other dubious professions, have been struggling for more than a dozen years. About the sinister place in the Atlantic Ocean, where ships and planes disappear, only a person who spent his whole life in a bunker did not hear. The stories of sailors, residents of nearby areas and some representatives of alternative science, richly seasoned with fantasies, cause an unhealthy chill on the back and forever discourage anyone who had previously planned a holiday somewhere nearby.

    There are many versions with the reasons for the loss of vehicles in these waters. Some believe that aliens are kidnapping people and equipment, especially since the version of their existence has been significantly warmed up. Others suggest a government conspiracy, the dominance of pirates, the influence of ghosts and poltergeists, divine intervention, and other conjectures. Scientists are more skeptical, and offer much more mundane versions.

    The Bermuda Triangle is, of course, an imaginary line that runs through Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico to form a triangle (some seriously suggest that the Bermuda Triangle can be seen). The ocean in these places is incredibly lively, there are a lot of resorts and remarkable places that attract tourists. Even superstitious captains have to grit their teeth to navigate their ships through the Bermuda Triangle (Devil's Triangle, as some religious people like to call it) to earn a living. However, rumors about the paranormal features of this part of the Atlantic are greatly exaggerated - the vast majority of ships and aircraft overcome this section without any incident. But there is always a chance to go to sea and not return.

    It is human nature to exaggerate everything. Both for selfish purposes, and from a lack of understanding of the world around us. However, there is no smoke without fire. The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle really exists, albeit not on the scale that is served in literature and cinema.

    What is the Bermuda Triangle

    From unofficial sources, the mysterious disappearances of ships in the Bermuda Triangle area became known in 1840. According to rumors that have survived to this day, then the French ship Rosalie washed up on the shores near Nassau, on which there was no one from the crew, but the ship itself looked completely serviceable. The sails on the ship were raised and everything looked as if the crew of the ship had simply disappeared in an instant. In the 20th century, skeptics refuted this story, but the sediment remained.
    The theme of the Bermuda Triangle began to return in the middle of the last century. This was influenced by a number of inexplicable events that occurred in these waters, as well as journalists who, for the sake of beautiful headlines and creativity, called an area of ​​​​about 4 million square kilometers the place where Atlantis disappeared.

    A great influence on public attention to the phenomenon in Bermuda waters was Charles Berlitz, an American writer who published a book with facts about the Bermuda Triangle in 1974. In it, Berlitz collected known cases of mysterious disappearances of vehicles in the area, and also tried to analyze the events and come to their causes. The book became a bestseller not only among the American population, but throughout the world. It was from this moment that the public, which has always been greedy for all sorts of hoaxes, showed interest in the problem of the paranormal area in the Atlantic Ocean.

    In fact, the Bermuda Triangle is not really a triangle, no matter how punning it may sound. If you analyze all the missing vehicles in the area using a map, and then connect the lines, you will get more like a rhombus or something similar, so the area does not have strictly defined boundaries. If there is something mystical in this place, then you should not feel safe when you go beyond the triangle.

    Known cases of missing vehicles in the Bermuda Triangle

    If the problem of the Bermuda Triangle is exaggerated, then not too much. Throughout the 20th century, mysterious events really take place in this area, some of which even scientists are not able to explain until now. At the bottom of the ocean in these places there are many sunken ships, an even greater number of ships and aircraft have not been found. We have tried to collect the most strange disappearances and wrecks of vehicles in the ominous Devil's Triangle.

    The disappearance of the Avengers. Link 19

    Perhaps one of the most controversial and mystical events associated with the Bermuda Triangle occurred on December 5, 1945. Berlitz wrote about him in his book. On this day, a flight of five Avenger torpedo bombers took off from the naval aviation base in Fort Lauderdale, which were supposed to perform an ordinary training flight. The weather was excellent: calm, clear skies, excellent visibility. 14 experienced pilots (some of them with 2,500 hours of flight time) set out on a standard airbase route to drop bombs on a hypothetical target and return home. But they didn't return.

    At 14.10 local time, the torpedo bombers left the base, after which the experts can only judge what happened from the records in the radio logs. An hour and a half after the start of the flight, radio communications were detected at the airbase, in which the squadron pilots were anxiously talking about the fact that the navigation devices had failed, all the compasses had failed, and the link had got lost.

    The Fort Lauderdale leadership gave the order to establish contact with Group 19, and after half an hour the rescue unit was able to contact the lead link, Captain Taylor. The commander confirmed that he does not have navigation, and he does not see land under him. For several hours, the planes wandered around the Bermuda Triangle, after which they ran out of fuel and were forced to splash down on the surface of the ocean. After that, all communication with the crews disappeared.

    The authorities of the air base immediately sent two Mariner rescue seaplanes to the area of ​​​​the proposed splashdown of Unit 19, but along different routes. One of them, board No. 49, after reporting that it was arriving in the bearing area of ​​the missing torpedo bombers, suddenly disappeared from the radio. It was not possible to establish contact with him.

    At 21:20 local time, the captain of one of the oil tankers in the Bermuda Triangle sent a message to the coast guard that he had seen an explosion in the sky, which later left an oil slick on the water. Under the site of the explosion, the crew of the tanker did not find anything.

    The air base headquarters at that moment grabbed his head and ordered the second Mariner to fly to the coordinates of the oil slick indicated by the sailors from the tanker to try to find the wreckage of the rescue aircraft. When board number 32 "Mariner" arrived at the scene, neither the wreckage nor the oil stain itself on the water could be found. If there was anything there, it disappeared without a trace. Further searches for Link 19 also did not bring success, and the remaining Mariner had to return to the air base with nothing. To this day, none of the aircraft has ever been found.

    Such mysticism was no longer within any framework, and the US authorities ordered one of the largest search and rescue operations in history. 300 army planes were lifted into the air to comb the area. 21 vessels with the latest bearing-finding equipment set out to sea. Ground searches were also carried out with the help of volunteer detachments, who were supposed to search for the wreckage of aircraft washed ashore. To no avail. People could not find anything that would indicate the fate of Flight 19 and the rescue aircraft.

    Missing US Air Force C-119 military transport aircraft

    On June 6, 1965, a C-119 long-range military transport aircraft disappeared from radar screens in the Bahamas. He was supposed to deliver four mechanics to Grand Turk, but he never made it to his destination. The last radio message from C-119 on the ground was received when it was about 180 kilometers from Grand Turk, after which the connection was cut off.

    In search of the missing plane, the entire local coast guard and military were raised, who combed 77,000 square miles a day for five days, but did not succeed. The plane disappeared without a trace.

    This is one of the few missing vehicles in the Bermuda Triangle that has been linked to alien abduction.

    The disappearance of the Cyclops

    If the disappearance of aircraft in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle can be associated with a banal crash, then the disappearance of huge ships without a trace is not so easy to explain.

    In March 1918, the USS Cyclops, a US Navy transport ship, set off with a cargo of manganese ore from a port in Rio de Janeiro towards the North Atlantic states. On board this huge vessel were 306 passengers, not counting the crew. Throughout the voyage, no alarm messages were received from the crew. The last time the ship was seen near the island of Barbados, where he made a short stop. After that, no one saw him.

    The search for the missing Cyclops has been going on for decades, but neither the wreckage, nor the hull of the ship, nor the bodies of the dead passengers could be found. The ship disappeared without a trace.

    The mystery of the ship "Rubicon"

    One of the most mysterious events associated with the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle occurred on October 22, 1944. Then the US Navy discovered a Cuban cargo ship called the Rubicon, which was independently drifting in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. When the military boarded the ship, it turned out that only a dog was on the ship. The team disappeared without a trace.

    The Rubicon was in excellent condition, had no visible damage from the storm or anything else, the personal effects of the crew were in their places, everything in the galley looked like the crew was about to take a meal. The only entry in the ship's log was made on September 26, when the Rubicon entered the port of Havana. There were no lifeboats on board.

    The main version of the loss of the Rubicon team is an ordinary storm, which forced the crew to urgently escape from the ship, however, the order that prevailed on the deck and in the cabins indicated that the storm could hardly have caused the disappearance of people.

    Douglas DC-3 passenger plane disappearance

    The Bermuda Triangle continued to take lives. On December 28, 1948, a Douglas DC-3 passenger plane disappeared without a trace in the area, carrying 29 passengers and 3 crew members.

    At first, the flight from Puerto Rico to Miami proceeded as normal, the crew kept in touch with the ground and there were no signs of trouble. At 04:31 local time, the captain of the aircraft told the dispatchers that he was about 50 miles from Miami and would soon arrive at his destination, but for some reason this message was not received in Miami, but it was intercepted by the dispatcher from New Orleans, who forwarded the information to Miami Airport. After that, a lot of attempts were made to call the Douglas DC-3 crew members, but they were unsuccessful. Communication was lost, as was the plane.

    No debris or evidence of a crash was found in the area of ​​the aircraft's intended route. Most are inclined to believe that the disappearance of the plane is connected with a UFO.

    Reasons for the disappearance of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle

    Both scientists and mystics, and conspiracy theorists put forward a lot of different reasons for the collapse and disappearance of transport in the Bermuda Triangle. Among the dozens of crazy theories, those that intersect with other conjectures and facts that are characteristic of human culture stand out.

    There are whole groups of people who claim that the responsibility for the disappearance of ships in the Bermuda Triangle lies with the inhabitants of the missing mainland - Atlantis. Others believe that in this area there is increased activity of UFOs and aliens who are secretly studying life on our planet. Skeptics put forward their theories, which look quite scientific, against the backdrop of the words of conspiracy theorists.

    However, the coast guard and insurance companies unanimously claim that the Bermuda Triangle is no different from other areas of the ocean, and the percentage of ships and aircraft disappearing in it is the same as in other parts of our planet.

    Magnetic distortions and anomalies

    Regular reports of a failure of navigation equipment in the Bermuda Triangle indicate that a magnetic anomaly of incredible strength may occur in this area. Some believe that this happens when the tectonic plates move, which causes the appearance of electric and magnetic fields that affect both devices and humans. This theory has many opponents both among scientists and physicians, despite the fact that it looks very scientific against the backdrop of fiction from other conspiracy theorists.

    killer waves

    Another theory of the death of ships in the Bermuda Triangle was the version of killer waves that occur in these places with enviable regularity.

    Killer waves (rogue waves) arise spontaneously and are loners in the waters of the ocean. Their height can reach 20-30 meters, and such a colossus is a mortal danger for any modern ship. The pressure of the water, which the wave will bring down on the ship at high speed, can not withstand even the most durable skin of the ship, which makes the chances of survival almost zero.

    Such waves can occur even in complete calm and are not related to weather conditions. However, this theory does not explain the death of aircraft in the area.

    The release of huge bubbles of methane

    There are versions of scientists that in the area of ​​​​the Bermuda Triangle there is a possibility of the formation of giant bubbles of methane from cracks on the ocean floor.

    Experimental studies have shown that a huge and solid bubble of gas, like methane, when it appears under the ship, can create a condition when the ship simply falls into the void under its bottom, after which the ocean waters instantly close over its mast, not giving a single chance to emerge.

    Such a theory could also explain the dead crews on ships that could be found several times in these latitudes. Methane could easily poison people whose bodies show no visible damage.

    Also, the release of methane in large quantities can cause aircraft crashes. Flammable gas, getting into the engines of aircraft, explodes, leading to a disaster.

    And again, this theory does not explain why researchers often fail to find a single piece of debris from a missing ship or plane.

    The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is still alive. Despite the fact that many consider the problem of this area far-fetched and exaggerated, the presence of more than 200 incidents with the collapse or disappearance of vehicles in these waters in the 20th century alone suggests that legends do not arise from scratch. The mystery will live on until the Devil's Triangle stops taking unsuspecting people with it.

    Well-read and curious Russians are well aware of the graveyard of aircraft and ships in the Bermuda Triangle. Stories about them inspire fear, but such is the psychology of a person that he constantly craves to read, listen, see about any riddle. And suddenly the solution will be found ...

    Why is no one afraid of the Bermudas themselves?

    Bermuda is an overseas territory Great Britain and are located 900 kilometers from the United States. Known as a resort for the rich of this world and the fact that they do not produce a single drop of fresh water. And she is always there. The roofs of the houses are arranged in such a way that raindrops are collected and carefully stored and used. Tourists are not afraid of numerous stories about disasters in the waters of the Atlantic almost off the coast with expensive hotels and numerous coastal bungalows for travelers.

    The Bermuda Triangle is a mystery, the reason for the disappearance of ships and planes

    In part, scientists have outlined the causes of death in this part of the Atlantic Ocean. Oddly enough, everyone's favorite Gulf Stream, a warm current, is also the culprit of death. It has a high speed of movement, it also has countercurrents. Can lead captains astray and push ships into the Sargasso Sea with its giant algae. The methane version has acquired evidence. This gas rises to the surface and, as it were, liquefies sea water. And the ship just falls through, because it floats on the water because of its density.

    History of disasters

    In 1840, information about disasters had not yet been published, and the world insurance company Lloyd did not attribute the anomalous waters of the Atlantic to risks. And the sailing ship "Rosalia", lost in these places, was found near the Bahamas. Drifting, and with a supply of provisions and water, but ... without a crew.

    But how did the U.S. Navy's twin-pipe truck, the Cyclops, fall for the Bermuda trap in 1918? But on the way from Latin America to their homeland, it sank into oblivion along with the cargo and three hundred passengers and crew. Something very serious happened to him, because even a distress signal was not given.

    The same happened with other courts.

    What about airplanes? 90 years ago, the most experienced US flight tester Lindberg himself was tested in flight over the anomalous zone. The plane was suddenly enveloped, like cotton wool, in a cloud. The compass needles began to dance; where to turn the steering wheel is unknown. Only the pilot's composure helped him. The cloud disappeared, and the pilot, guided by the sun and the outlines of the coast, brought the plane to the airfield.

    Even the tragedy with five carrier-based torpedo bombers did not force the Pentagon, which knew a lot about the "triangle", to reveal its secrets about the Bermuda anomalies. For this knowledge to save those who fell into the water paranormality. After all, the military, and this is no secret, are studying the region in connection with the numerous appearances of UFOs in it. Torpedo bombers in 1945 flew in the zone of anomalies. They failed both compasses in every cockpit, and the cars stayed in the air as long as there was fuel. But where they went is unknown, and there were not even oil stains on the water. And the plane sent to help with landing on the water also disappeared.

    Some Americans on the radio heard the communications of the flight commander. It seems he mentioned the whitened water under the wings and the UFO. White - from liquefaction with methane gas. This is a threat to floating ships, but how the gas interfered with the aircraft is not clear. Cases of aircraft teleportation are known. Soviet pilots ended up in the Urals instead of Moscow. In 1970, B. Gernon with two passengers on a single-engine plane flew on his way to Florida through the "triangle". Suddenly disappeared from coastal radars.

    There was one and a half hundred kilometers left before the landing airport in Miami, as a thundercloud appeared on the path of the plane. He had to be wrapped around.

    And then all three saw that the aircraft was tightening the spiral tunnel, and they found themselves in weightlessness.

    After being released from anomalous captivity, the pilot saw that the remaining path flew by in ... 3 minutes. But then it should have a speed twice that of supersonic - 3000 km. hour. And the power of his Beechcraft was 230 km / h.

    The whole truth about the Bermuda Triangle in this video:

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    The Bermuda Triangle or Atlantis is a place where people disappear, ships and planes disappear, navigation instruments fail, and almost no one ever finds the crashed. This hostile, mystical, ominous country for a person instills such great horror in the hearts of people that they often simply refuse to talk about it.

    Many pilots and sailors have no other alternative than to constantly surf the water / air expanses of this mysterious territory - a considerable flow of tourists and vacationers rushes into the area surrounded on three sides by fashionable resorts. Therefore, it is simply impossible and impossible to isolate the Bermuda Triangle from the world around it. And, although most of the ships pass this zone without any problems, no one is immune from the fact that one day they may not return.

    About the existence of such a mysterious and amazing phenomenon called the Bermuda Triangle a hundred years ago, few people knew. To actively occupy people's minds and force them to put forward various hypotheses and theories, this mystery of the Bermuda Triangle began in the 70s. of the last century, when Charles Berlitz published a book in which he described the stories of the most mysterious and mystical disappearances in this region in an extremely interesting and fascinating way. After that, the journalists picked up the story, developed the theme, and the story of the Bermuda Triangle began. Everyone began to worry about the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle and the place where the Bermuda Triangle or the missing Atlantis is located.

    This wonderful place or the missing Atlantis is located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of North America - between Puerto Rico, Miami and Bermuda. It is located in two climatic zones at once: the upper part, the larger one - in the subtropics, the lower one - in the tropics. If these points are connected with each other by three lines, a large triangular figure will appear on the map, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is about 4 million square kilometers.

    This triangle is rather arbitrary, since ships also disappear outside its borders - and if you mark on the map all the coordinates of disappearances, flying and floating vehicles, you will most likely get a rhombus.

    The term itself is unofficial, its author is Vincent Gaddis, who in the 60s. last century published an article entitled "The Bermuda Triangle is the lair of the devil (death)". The note did not cause much excitement, but the phrase was fixed and reliably came into use.

    Terrain features and possible causes of crashes

    For knowledgeable people, the fact that ships often crash here is not particularly surprising: this region is not easy to navigate - there are many shoals, a huge number of fast water and air currents, cyclones often arise and hurricanes rage.


    What is hidden in the Bermuda Triangle under water? The bottom relief in this area is interesting and varied, although it is nothing ordinary and has been studied quite well, since some time ago various studies and drilling were carried out here in order to find oil and other minerals.

    Scientists have determined that the Bermuda Triangle or the missing Atlantis contains mainly sedimentary rocks on the ocean floor, the layer thickness of which is from 1 to 2 km, and it itself looks like this:

    1. Deep-water plains of oceanic basins - 35%;
    2. Shelf with shoals - 25%;
    3. The slope and foot of the mainland - 18%;
    4. Plateau - 15%;
    5. Deep ocean trenches - 5% (the deepest places of the Atlantic Ocean are located here, as well as its maximum depth - 8742 m, recorded in the Puerto Rican trench);
    6. Deep straits - 2%;
    7. Seamounts - 0.3% (there are six in total).

    Water currents. Gulfstream

    Almost the entire western part of the Bermuda Triangle is crossed by the Gulf Stream, so the air temperature here is usually 10 ° C higher than in the rest of this mysterious anomaly. Because of this, in the places of collisions of atmospheric fronts of different temperatures, one can often see fog, which often strikes the mind of overly impressionable travelers.

    The Gulf Stream itself is a very fast current, the speed of which often reaches ten kilometers per hour (it should be noted that many modern transoceanic ships move slightly faster - from 13 to 30 km / h). An extremely fast flow of water can easily slow down or increase the movement of the ship (it all depends on which direction it is sailing). There is nothing surprising in the fact that ships of weaker power in former times easily went off course and were swept absolutely in the wrong direction, as a result of which they suffered wrecks and disappeared forever in the oceanic abyss.

    Other currents

    In addition to the Gulf Stream, strong but irregular currents constantly arise in the Bermuda Triangle, the appearance or direction of which is almost never predictable. They are formed mainly under the influence of tidal and ebb waves in shallow water and their speed is as high as that of the Gulf Stream - and is about 10 km / h.

    As a result of their occurrence, whirlpools are often formed, causing trouble for small ships with a weak engine. There is nothing surprising in the fact that if in former times a sailing ship got here, it was not easy for him to get out of the whirlwind, and under especially unfavorable circumstances, one might even say - impossible.

    water shafts

    In the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, hurricanes are often formed, the wind speed of which is about 120 m / s, also generating fast currents, the speed of which is equal to the speed of the Gulf Stream. They, creating huge shafts, rush along the surface of the Atlantic Ocean until they hit the coral reefs at great speed, breaking the ship if it had the misfortune to be in the path of giant waves.

    In the east of the Bermuda Triangle, the Sargasso Sea is located - a sea without coasts, surrounded on all sides instead of land by the strong currents of the Atlantic Ocean - the Gulf Stream, the North Atlantic, the North Trade Wind and the Canary.

    Outwardly, it seems that its waters are motionless, the currents are weak and hardly noticeable, while the water here is constantly moving, since the water flows, pouring into it from all sides, rotate the sea water clockwise.

    Another remarkable thing about the Sargasso Sea is the huge amount of algae in it (contrary to popular belief, there are also areas with completely clear water). When in former times ships were brought here for some reason, they got entangled in dense sea plants and, falling into a whirlpool, albeit slowly, they were no longer able to get back.

    The movement of air masses

    Since this area lies in the region of the trade winds, extremely strong winds constantly blow over the Bermuda Triangle. Stormy days are not uncommon here (according to various meteorological services, there are about eighty stormy days here a year - that is, once every four days the weather here is terrible and disgusting.

    Here is another explanation of why missing ships and planes were found earlier. It is now that almost all captains are aware of the meteorologists when exactly the weather will be bad. Previously, due to the lack of information, during terrible storms, many sea vessels found their last refuge in this area.

    In addition to the trade winds, cyclones feel comfortable here, the air masses of which, creating whirlwinds and tornadoes, rush at a speed of 30-50 km / h. They are extremely dangerous, because, raising warm water up, they turn it into huge water columns (often their height reaches 30 meters), with an unpredictable trajectory and crazy speed. A small ship in such a situation has practically no chance of surviving, a large one is likely to stay afloat, but it is unlikely to get out of trouble safe and sound.

    Infrasonic signals

    Another reason for the huge number of accidents, experts call the ability of the ocean to produce infrasound signals that cause panic among the crew, because of which people can even throw themselves overboard. The sound of this frequency affects not only waterfowl, but also aircraft.

    Researchers assign an important role in this process to hurricanes, storm winds and high waves. When the wind starts to beat against the crests of the waves, a low-frequency wave arises, which almost immediately rushes forward and signals the approach of a strong storm. While moving, she catches up with the floating ship, hits the sides of the ship, then goes down to the cabins.

    Once in a confined space, the infrasonic wave begins to psychologically put pressure on the people there, causing panic and nightmare visions, and when they see their worst nightmares, people lose control of themselves and jump overboard in despair. The ship completely leaves life, it is left without control and begins to drift until it is found (which can take more than one decade).

    The infrasonic wave acts on aircraft in a slightly different way. An infrasonic wave hits a plane flying over the Bermuda Triangle, which, as in the previous case, begins to psychologically put pressure on the pilots, as a result, they stop thinking about what they are doing, especially since at this moment phantoms begin to appear in front of them. Further, either the pilot will crash, or he will be able to take the ship out of the dangerous zone for him, or the autopilot will save him.

    Gas bubbles: methane

    Researchers are constantly bringing up interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle. For example, there are suggestions that in the area of ​​​​the Bermuda Triangle bubbles often form, filled with gas - methane, which appears from cracks in the ocean floor that were formed after the eruptions of ancient volcanoes (oceanographers found huge accumulations of methane crystal hydrate above them).

    After some time, certain processes begin to occur in methane for one reason or another (for example, their appearance can cause a weak earthquake) - and it forms a bubble, which, rising up, bursts at the surface of the water. When this happens, the gas escapes into the air, and a funnel forms in place of the former bubble.

    Sometimes the ship passes over the bubble without problems, sometimes it breaks through it, and crashes. In reality, no one has ever seen the impact of methane bubbles on ships, some researchers claim that a huge number of ships go missing for this very reason.

    When the ship hits the crest of one of the waves, the ship begins to descend - and then the water under the ship suddenly bursts, disappears - and it falls into empty space, after which the waters close - and water rushes into it. There is no one to save the ship at this time - when the water disappeared, concentrated methane gas escaped, instantly killing the entire crew, and the ship sinks, and forever ends up on the ocean floor.

    The authors of this hypothesis are convinced that this theory also explains the reasons for the presence of ships with dead sailors in this area, on whose bodies no injuries were found. Most likely, the ship, when the bubble burst, was far enough away that something threatened it, but the gas got to people.

    As for airplanes, methane can also have a detrimental effect on them. Basically, this happens when methane that has risen into the air enters the fuel, explodes, and the plane falls down, after which, falling into a whirlpool, it disappears forever in the ocean depths.

    Magnetic anomalies

    In the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, magnetic anomalies also often occur, confusing all the navigational equipment of ships. They are unstable, and appear mainly when the tectonic plates diverge as much as possible.

    As a result, unstable electric fields and magnetic disturbances arise that adversely affect the psychological state of a person, change instrument readings and neutralize radio communications.

    Hypotheses for the disappearance of ships

    The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle never cease to interest the human mind. Why it is here that ships crash and disappear, journalists and lovers of everything unknown put forward many more theories and assumptions.

    Some believe that interruptions in navigation instruments are caused by Atlantis, namely its crystals, which were previously located precisely on the territory of the Bermuda Triangle. Despite the fact that only tiny bits of information have come down to us from the ancient civilization, these crystals are still active and send signals from the depths of the ocean floor that cause interruptions in navigation instruments.

    Another interesting theory is the hypothesis that the Bermuda Triangle or Atlantis contains portals leading to other dimensions (both in space and in time). Some are even sure that it was through them that aliens penetrated the Earth in order to kidnap people and ships.

    Military operations or piracy - many believe (even if this is not proven) that the loss of modern ships is directly related to these two reasons, especially since such cases have happened repeatedly before. Human error - ordinary disorientation in space and incorrect interpretation of instrument indicators may also well be the cause of the death of the ship.

    Is there a secret?

    Have all the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle been revealed? Despite the excitement raised around the Bermuda Triangle, scientists argue that in reality this territory is no different, and a large number of accidents are mainly associated with difficult natural conditions for navigation (especially since the World Ocean contains many other, more dangerous for humans) places). And the fear that causes the Bermuda Triangle or the missing Atlantis are ordinary prejudices, constantly fueled by journalists and other sensation lovers.

    The Bermuda Triangle is a place that has developed a sinister reputation for centuries. Here people disappear, ships and planes disappear. The mystery of this corner in the Atlantic Ocean has been explored by researchers since the middle of the last century. And recently the news thundered - the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle has finally been revealed! But is it really so?

    And suddenly Bermuda, these are the times

    The first mention of the Bermuda Triangle appeared in the middle of the last century. Associated Press correspondent Edward Van Winkle Jones wrote about the mysterious disappearances, calling this place "the devil's sea." And the term "Bermuda Triangle" was introduced by the writer Vincent Gaddis. In his article, he described one of the most famous mysterious incidents in this territory - the disappearance of five American bombers in 1945. On December 5, they took off from a US naval base and disappeared without a trace. The weather was clear, there was no storm or wind that day. The crews are 14 experienced pilots.

    Even in radio communications, they began to say that the ocean does not look like it usually does. “We are descending into white waters,” the pilots sounded the alarm. And then they disappeared. The seaplane "Martin Mariner" sent to search for them suffered the same fate. The wreckage of the bombers was never found.

    Twenty years later, the situation repeated itself with the C-119 military transport aircraft. The ship, along with 10 crew members, disappeared in the Bahamas. The search for at least some traces also turned out to be fruitless. As a result, the most discussed version was the abduction of the transport by aliens.

    In total, according to some reports, 1,000 lives were lost in the Bermuda region in 500 years. And over the last century - 50 ships and aircraft.

    Columbus also wrote that in this area there are “strange lights dancing on the horizon”, “tongues of fire in the sky” and “interruptions in navigational instruments”.

    Later, other marine tales appeared - allegedly in an ominous place they found whole flooded ships with people on whom there was not a single scratch. No sign of a struggle, no attempt to get out. That is, the ship went to the bottom unexpectedly and instantly.

    In 1918, perhaps in this way, the American ship Cyclops was lost in Bermuda. 306 passengers, the ship's crew and the ship itself disappeared without a trace. Dozens of researchers have tried to unravel this mystery. But, as always, there were no clues left.

    The famous Russian traveler Fyodor Konyukhov has repeatedly admitted in interviews that he saw something supernatural in the area of ​​​​the Bermuda Triangle, but never went into details.

    And now there is a version that explains everything.

    On the crest of a wave

    With a sensational assumption made by British scientists from the University of Southampton. In their opinion, giant killer waves can be the reason for the disappearance of ships and planes. They reach a height of 30 meters (this is almost the size of a 10-storey building).

    Scientists simulated a "monstrous" wave on a computer and began to send it to the mercy of the court. They sank literally in two or three minutes. Moreover, the larger the ship, the faster it went to the bottom. The same fate befell the recreated model of the Cyclops. As the experiment showed, giant waves can cut even the largest ships in one fell swoop.

    This hypothesis also has other confirmations. Recently, a killer wave was filmed off the coast of California (this is on the opposite side of the Bermuda Triangle). Only by a miracle no one was hurt by her - there were no fishing boats on her way.

    Killer waves are also visible from satellites. In 1997, a similar phenomenon was recorded off the coast of South Africa. It is there that the waves from storms in the South Atlantic, Indian and Southern Oceans gather together. In appearance, the "rogue waves", as they are called, look like a wall of water. In 1995, equipment on an oil platform in the North Sea off the coast of Norway recorded a wave 26 meters high. Some scientists believe that just such a wave washed away the beach in Odessa four years ago.

    Where they come from - science is not yet clear. Wind currents, unknown phenomena at depth, and geomagnetic storms are considered as the cause. Rogue waves, unlike tsunamis, can occur right in the middle of the ocean. The appearance of such a wave is always preceded by a failure. There, it is quite possible that ships get there. And it is impossible to get out of this whirlpool alive.

    However, this seemingly convincing version has already found opponents.

    "HAs for the huge waves, this particular area does not particularly sin: the sea is not very deep there, there are a lot of algae, and it is very difficult for such waves to rise there. In any case, so far nothing has been heard about it, ”- considers a leading researcher at the Institute of Physics of the Earth. O.Yu. Schmidt RAS Alexander Zhigalin.

    In his opinion, another version looks much more convincing, which also began to unwind relatively recently.

    Unclosed navel of the earth

    This version was voiced two years ago by Australian scientist Joseph Monaghan. Together with their student David May, they explored some areas of the seabed and found huge craters with deposits of methane hydrates. According to oceanographers, it was this gas that could absorb ships and aircraft. According to the hypothesis of scientists, methane, being released from natural cracks in the ocean floor, turns into huge gas bubbles. These bubbles, expanding geometrically, rise to the surface of the water and explode there. The gas then continues to rise through the air. This is how he can "absorb" not only ships, but also aircraft.

    The hypothesis of scientists from the University of Melbourne was also tested on computer simulations. And completely confirmed! As the experiment showed, any ship that fell into a methane bubble instantly lost its buoyancy. And, breaking out of the water, the gas also captured the planes.

    This version was also confirmed by physical experiments. In one of the buildings of the Uppsala Hypothetical University, a huge water tank was assembled, where realistic models of ships were lowered. Then they began to launch large bubbles of methane towards them. It turned out that this meeting became fatal only with a special arrangement of the ship. If the ship fell between the middle and the outer edge of the bubble, then it quickly went to the bottom. If the ship was at a far distance from the edge of the bubble or directly above it, then it calmly sailed on.

    By the way, the version with methane also explains those episodes when dead crew members were found on ships without any visible damage. Most likely, people simply suffocated with gas.

    Moreover, there are eyewitnesses confirming this hypothesis. So, the captain of the Scorpius yacht Sergey Nizovtsev told how in 2012 his crew swam into the Bermuda Triangle, and lightning struck the ship, turning off navigation. And then the worst happened.

    “A big bubble rises from the bottom of the ocean, and the law of Archimedes stops working, the ship sinks instantly. This is methane, hydrates, and, of course, if the vessel loses its buoyancy, an unacceptable roll sets in. We left and were glad that there was a good wind.”

    However, this version also has its flaws. So, according to archival data, no large gas emissions have been recorded in the Bermuda Triangle over the past 500 years. And how exactly this bubble is formed and rises in the ocean, scientists have not studied.

    Perhaps this will happen now, because there are still more than enough people who want to get to the bottom of the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle. Although skeptics are sure that there is no secret at all.

    “If you look at the ship disaster map, you won’t see any maximum in the Bermuda Triangle. Insurance companies don't even charge extra for ships that pass through the Bermuda Triangle - sail and sail."- says Sergey Gulev, head of the laboratory for the interaction of the ocean and the atmosphere at the Institute of Oceanology.

    Most geographers attribute everything to “heavy traffic” in this place - this is the shortest route between North and South America, planes and ships are constantly circling there. And therefore the probability of accidents there is also higher.

    However, this rational hypothesis does not explain everything. For example, why do ships and planes disappear without a trace? Maybe someday we'll find out...

    You know? The Bermuda Triangle is a territory in the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and part of the state of Florida.