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    Personal self-development.  Self-development, self-improvement of a person

    Our personality is formed throughout life. Change and lack thereof, harmony and imbalance, new acquaintances and old friends have a tremendous impact on us. No matter how independent we may be, we are influenced by external factors. But there is a mechanism that helps control and direct changes in our personality. It works flawlessly, and if you do not neglect it, then you can achieve a lot in life. This mechanism is called « self-development » . Regular work on oneself, as a way to develop one's "I", deepen and expand knowledge, hone skills, helps us to realize ourselves in life. Self-development does not allow our brain and feelings to “ossify”, it gives impetus to new beginnings.

    The psychology of self-development includes a number of areas: family psychology, the psychology of personal growth, the basics of leadership, and effectiveness. There are many ways of personal development, and here are a few of them.

    1. Start an Idea Diary , in which you will write down all the ideas that came to you, all the ideas and projects. By periodically returning to the notes, you will sift out ideas that are unsuitable for implementation from successful ones. After a while, the number of unworkable ideas will decrease. Constantly generating and analyzing ideas, the brain will learn to filter your “insights” more effectively. Self-development is aimed at improving intellectual and personal qualities. The "Diary of Ideas" will set the vector of movement, will motivate you to new, more interesting thoughts.

    2. Learn to cherish every moment in every place. Wherever and whenever you are, feel yourself “here and now”. Every minute you gain new experience, new knowledge that shape your personality. Realize the uniqueness of every moment. Attentive attention to every minute will help you better understand people, objectively assess the situation and make the right decisions.

    3. The psychology of self-development is multi-stage and built on regularity. Self-development, like physical development, cannot be instantaneous. The process of personal transformation takes time and effort. In any fitness center, you will be offered a training program that is not designed for a day or two, or even for a month. All kinds of exercises are distributed according to the schedule and are regular. You won't be able to lift a lot of weight, run too long a distance, or build abs from the first workout. The same applies to inner work on oneself. Self-development is an ongoing process. If you do it somehow, then the personality will be superficial, shallow, boring. From reading two or three books, you will not become well-read, from visiting a couple of museums - multifaceted, and from mastering one language - a polyglot. These qualities require regular study and practice.

    4. Reincarnate as a new one. At the stage of mastering something new, imagine that you already master this knowledge or skill. Of course, it is difficult to imagine yourself as an academic when you are just starting to study the basics of any discipline. But imagine yourself, for example, as a lecturer to a student audience, reading educational material. Firstly, by speaking any text aloud, you better absorb its meaning, since more nerve endings and receptors are involved. Secondly, you develop associative thinking and memory, and it will be much easier for you to reproduce what you read. Thirdly, you facilitate the learning process by giving it a playful character. And finally, fourthly, you simply improve your mood by acting and portraying.

    5. Organize your time. Schedule your day. Break the day into blocks by hours or periods. This will make it easier for you to plan things.

    6. Take what you need from life. Self-development should be based on healthy egoism. Stop neglecting your interests. Of course, the psychology of self-development does not call you to "go over your head." But you must clearly separate your needs from those of others. Learn to refuse. For example, a friend constantly pulls you to some parties, parties, and so on. If your plans do not match, do not go on about. Firmly defend your position, do not let yourself be talked about and do not be afraid to offend with your refusal.

    7. Choose your environment. The situation described above with a party-goer buddy can deprive you of his company. But is it worth worrying about this? Those around you directly and indirectly influence you. Therefore, you need to be selective about people. If you want to be better at something, find people who are already good at it. Playing with a good chess player will improve your results faster than mediocre tournaments.

    8. Live in balance. Good health, a stable psycho-emotional state and physical strength contribute to personal growth. Take care of your health: balance your diet, exercise, consult a doctor if you feel unwell. Control emotions: do not be nervous over trifles, be balanced. Fight bad mood, overweight, increase immunity. Decide which methods will be most effective for you. Shape your inner and outer appearance. Self-development is the process of creating a new self.

    9. Take personal notes. Record your thoughts, feelings, actions. From such elementary ones as: woke up, brushed my teeth, to such global ones as: defended his doctoral dissertation in oceanology. Separately mark the misses. In the future, it will be easier for you to avoid such mistakes. Record your achievements and reward yourself for your successes.

    10. Meditate. Take some time during the day to be alone with yourself and just think about something. You can make a list of topics in advance and choose them in turn to think about or think about what suddenly comes to mind. Every time in your thoughts, try to abstract. Think objectively, build logical chains, analyze, try to capture the essence of a situation or problem, look for cause-and-effect relationships. Personal self-development is impossible without thinking about oneself, about people, about life and the world.

    This process is a conscious management of personal growth, learning new knowledge and skills, modeling behavior, which should be traced in all areas of life. This is an essential attribute of every day lived in an effort to become better.

    Ways of personal development


    This process includes knowledge of the world, improvement of acquired qualities and skills that correspond to life goals. Psychologists argue that the basis for self-development is the function of adaptability of human nervous activity to the conditions in which each individual develops. Since the motives and abilities for self-esteem are different for all of us, the goals of self-development can also be different: spiritual interests and beliefs, material wealth, professional development, etc.

    Almost all books of self-development and self-improvement systematize the following conditions for starting work on oneself:

    • conducting self-analysis and self-observation in order to compare yourself with others and identify "weak" places;
    • goal setting for self-development;
    • developing a program to improve one's personality;
    • manifestation of will and strength of character.

    Ways of self-improvement

    Considering the specific directions of self-development of the individual, it is possible to identify several main ways of this process:

    1. Improving morality

    This process is somewhat similar to the methods taught by teachers - laying down the norms of tact, politeness, the concepts of good and bad. Undoubtedly, all this knowledge remains relevant throughout life. However, the older a person becomes, the more serious situations he has to get into. Moral values ​​and guidelines are no longer divided into "black" and "white", so you often have to engage in psychoanalysis and be as objective as possible, find the right solution.

    2. The development of the mind is another direction for the self-improvement of the individual

    Learning new skills and knowledge not only makes us erudite specialists, but also very interesting interlocutors anywhere, at any time. In addition, this is a great help in old age, because a trained mind does not lose its sharpness and concentration.

    3. Aesthetic self-improvement

    This process involves the study of the highest values ​​of society and art. Visits to art galleries, museums, exhibitions, theaters form personal opinion and taste. Do not think that if you were not born into a family of landscape painters and are not a connoisseur of art, then you will never be able to appreciate musical masterpieces or artistic canvases.

    4. Development of physical form

    This way of self-development and self-improvement of the personality involves keeping the body in good shape and in harmony with emotions. In addition to the medical benefits for the body, physical training allows you to feel more confident and love yourself.

    5. Professional self-development

    In the context of the rapid growth of technical capabilities, the adaptation of society to new ideas and values, it is necessary to maintain competitiveness in the labor market. A competent, creative and self-confident specialist is worth its weight in gold. Therefore, the purpose of such self-improvement is to develop qualities and skills that are useful for professional activities.

    Thus, we have considered the main ways of personal self-development that will help you find your purpose in life and become better every day you live.

    A lot of people are now engaged in self-development. But the trouble is that a very small percentage of people achieve really positive results in independent work on themselves. And there are very serious reasons for this, which we will consider in this article.

    Questions to be answered:

    • What is Personal Development?
    • The main mistakes that 90% of people involved in self-development make
    • The laws of effective self-development - what is needed to achieve super results in development

    In order to understand what Self-development of a Personality is, you first need to understand in more detail what Development is and what a Personality is.

    Development- this is a change in a person, his purification and strengthening (disclosure of potential).

    • cleansing- from delusions, mistakes, vices, weaknesses and evil (negative qualities, emotions, programs, habits and reactions).
    • Gain- the formation and disclosure of the necessary virtues (qualities, talents, abilities, feelings), the growth of Willpower, Spiritual strength, energy strength.
    • About what is Personality – .

    That. Self-development is a process of self-development. But I note that this does not mean that a person develops alone, without a mentor or teacher, but it means that he is completely self-sufficient and has all the necessary knowledge and techniques to ensure his growth.

    The main illusions and mistakes of Self-development

    The first mistake is when Self-development (development) is confused with cognition! Where knowledge is the accumulation of knowledge without their purposeful practical application. When a person absorbs dozens and hundreds of books on development, but purposefully does not implement anything from what he read in his life, but only accumulates information. This cannot be called development or self-development, it is nothing more than hoarding. I can say that this is how arrogant “wise men” are born, who, in fact, are unachieving losers.

    • About what is the Spiritual Development of Man - see

    The second mistake is the use of multiple sources of information for development. When a person tries to assemble a consistent whole from disparate and contradictory pieces in his head. At all times, only a few people could solve such a problem - these are the great Spiritual Teachers and the founders of Religions. So the majority needs to get off the throne, take off the crown and stop imagining themselves to be cooler than Jesus Christ, saying “I’m going to pull some information and blind something of my own…”. In order to synthesize knowledge, especially knowledge in the spiritual sphere, you need to be at least a genius, well, or an unreasonable person with megalomania.

    The third mistake is when a person bets on one thing, and discards everything else and does not take into account. For example, has learned one sacred mantra and is trying to apply it like a magic pill wherever possible and where not, to solve any problems and problems. Of course this won't work. Each law, principle or technique of development works in its own sphere: somewhere you need strength, somewhere you need a word, somewhere you need feelings. Prayer, for example, does not build a muscle, you need a barbell and daily workouts. As meditation and thoughtlessness will not make a career. To make a career, you need other actions and techniques.

    The fourth mistake is the rejection of authorities, teachers and mentors. Let me remind you that according to statistics - 99% of all successful people always had a mentor, teacher or coach, and they worked on themselves constantly, many until their death. Perhaps they understood something in this, since they achieved success. You can flatter your self-conceit as much as you like, but without a look from the side and the help of professionals (healers, mentors, coaches), it is effectively impossible to move forward and up. Know, no matter how you justify yourself, but if you think that you do not need any mentor, consider yourself “the smartest” - you have problems, the diagnosis is Pride. And pride is the main and most serious obstacle on the path of development, from which big troubles in fate always begin.

    The fifth mistake is problems with motives. Or, when a person has no motives at all, that is, he is engaged in development for the sake of development, in this case he will never have significant results. Or, when a person’s motives, why he develops, are purely selfish, selfish, or, even worse, negative (to take revenge on someone, to harm, etc.).

    Motives for self-development- this is the first and most important thing that will have the maximum impact on the effectiveness of the development and disclosure of a person's potential. Let me remind you that the Higher Powers give good to the disclosure of all abilities, talents, and all the potential that is in a person. And if a person does not deserve something, for example, a third eye, if his motive is not pure, this ability will be blocked and whatever a person does is inaccessible.

    Of course, these are not all the mistakes of self-development, but the most basic of them.

    Basic laws of effective Self-development

    1. Clear vision of the final and intermediate results - the goals of your development. You must clearly understand what you want to achieve, who to become, what to feel, what qualities to possess and abilities to master.

    The goals of your self-development - be sure to write down in writing and as detailed as possible so that you clearly see the result you are going to. How to set and achieve goals.

    2. Positive motives for your development must also be identified and conscious. In fact, this is the answer to the question - where and how are you going to apply, apply and direct the revealed potential, the acquired strength, etc. Self-development should always serve a Good Cause: the development of society and people, the creation of something worthy and important for humanity. If the potential is not used for good, its disclosure will be karmically blocked.

    The motive for development, if you want it to be really effective, also form it in writing, and at the same time be as sincere as possible with yourself. article "How to effectively motivate yourself" - .

    3. A single source with an integral system of Knowledge(answers to the maximum number of questions), with the depth and breadth of knowledge that satisfies you both theoretically and practically (everything is realizable). There should be no contradictions in the Knowledge, something unreasonable, illogical and not practical. Otherwise, why then such knowledge that cannot be applied in life, which is full of contradictions and mistakes.

    4. The presence of effective techniques for self-development- to solve all possible problems, reveal the necessary qualities, abilities and achieve the goals. For effective self-development, a whole range of techniques is needed: from the formation of understanding and decision-making, to energy study, work with programs, beliefs, sensations, states, roles, emotions and reactions. Only the system gives such a set.

    5. Worthy authority, mentor, teacher or healer- the one who can evaluate, correct your development, the one who goes a few steps ahead and will help you not to break or get lost. The one who, among other things, will bring down to Earth from heaven, wrest from the world of illusions, because the path of development is simply littered with dangerous traps and trials.

    I wish you not to be arrogant, and find that system of knowledge that will give you the maximum!

    Each of us sooner or later thinks about self-development. During life, this process is quite natural - a person grows, learns, cognizes the world and searches for his place in it. However, with age, this inner strength, which pushes us to meet the unknown, is overgrown with many complexes, habits and everyday worries. And then the thought visits - life is over, it was replaced by a monotonous journey to old age. A person is faced with a choice: to come to terms with the gray routine of being, having lost the acquired sense of the joy of existence, or to try to escape from the cycle of gray everyday life. Many make a choice in favor of the first, and only a few decide to change something, discovering a new path for themselves, called self-improvement.

    There are many theories about personality development, so an unprepared person may have a number of similar and rather naive questions. For example, “what book to read for self-development?”, “which theory is the most correct?”, “how to make the right choice without wasting time?”. These problems, as a rule, stem from a stereotypical delusion, which is often used by many impure "gurus" of all stripes. The main difference between the self-development of an adult and the stages of personality formation in a child is that by practicing conscious self-development, attention is focused on the freedom of a person’s mind from generally accepted patterns, while the child is given an attitude to conform to stereotyped standards of thinking.

    There is no single correct path for personal development that will be suitable for absolutely everyone. After all, each individual must make a decision - what he specifically wants and how far he can go in his desire for self-improvement. The center of self-development is the very personality of a person, his self-consciousness, which, in the course of life, becomes limited by a number of conventions and is in dire need of purification and liberation. From this follows the conclusion that a true teacher helps to free the student's consciousness from excesses, while a false teacher occupies the student's head with many fictitious dogmas, eventually confusing him even more.

    Self-development: where to start?

    Where to start self-development - you ask. In the age of the Internet, it will not be difficult for anyone to download the best books on self-development, or attend special courses. The organizers of the latter promise to turn any person into a real titan of the spirit in a matter of time and a small amount, who will eventually be able to solve any problems that arise without difficulty. Of course, it cannot be argued that all courses were invented solely for pumping money, and books on self-development are nonsense. But the fact is that the more extraordinary the person and his problem, the less effective the standard "recipes" will bring.
    For example, there are many colossal differences in the theories of Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity, however, the methods of these religions, developed in practice, are surprisingly similar and use similar methods of concentration of consciousness. In Buddhism, the practice of nembutsu ("thinking about the Buddha") is used - it consists in the repeated and almost continuous repetition of the name of the Buddha ("Namu Amida-butsu"). As for Christianity, the Jesus Prayer (“Lord have mercy”) is recommended to cleanse the heart and mind. In Hinduism, there are a number of mantras for the same purposes, such as, for example, the sacred sound “Om”. In all these religions, words are spoken not to flatter a faceless absolute or deity, but in order to curb the everyday mind, while acquiring steady concentration skills. The first task of any practice is that a person needs to learn how to cut off everyday fuss and look deep inside himself. Therefore, the beginning of personality development is not books and concepts, but self-knowledge.

    Self-knowledge and self-development

    When a child comprehends the world around him, he, first of all, learns to be aware of himself and his desires, his capabilities and shortcomings. With an adult, it happens a little differently - they are initially convinced that the possession of a passport, certificate, work book makes them automatically independent and accomplished individuals, but this is not so. There is no self-development without self-knowledge. Unlike a child, an adult obeys the generally accepted public and unspoken rules of society; over time, he ceases to notice that control over life is lost, transferred to bosses, neighbors, friends and various idols. However, these "idols", like society as a whole, only inspire a person with goals, desires, and even ways of self-expression that are acceptable to him. Most people cannot even take a step without looking around at those around them and without thinking about what they will think and say about them. Knowing practically nothing about himself, a person spends his free time idly and in entertainment, simply avoiding this knowledge.

    However, do not confuse self-knowledge with silence. After sitting for a few minutes alone, thoughtlessly, you will not know everything about yourself and will not be able to confidently move on. The illusion of calm will help for a while. Learning to meditate or pray is not difficult. These are the lower levels that are available to everyone. The essence of them is that you just need to curb the everyday mind. Only those who can concentrate on themselves in the very center of a noisy crowd can meditate, this can only be achieved with a certain level of self-development. Prayer is the one who, even in the worst life situation, can humbly and calmly turn to God. A huge number of people who practice prayers and meditations are not able to concentrate in a stressful situation, and in our age, restless, this, alas, is fraught with consequences. Here it is, in fact, the illusion of self-knowledge.

    As a rule, people are afraid to look inside themselves, because they are afraid of what is hidden in the depths of their soul. But true self-knowledge originates not from a feeling of peace and tranquility, but from shame, and even disgust.

    Each of us sometimes does things that we will never tell our relatives and friends about, but if you reach the right level of self-development, you will be able to cope with them. Over time, we justify ourselves or simply try to forget bad memories, but, alas, it is not so easy to get rid of this burden. It will burden us, having a negative impact on everyday life. To get rid of such a burden, look into yourself. There are many different techniques that allow you to get rid of painful remnants of the past. However, the most effective are still considered to be a review of one's own life (Carlos Castaneda), meditation (Buddhism) and repentance through confession (Christianity). Below is a brief description of them.

    Meditation, an important part of self-development, brings harmony to life, helps to focus more attention on the positive aspects of being. Thanks to it, you can get rid of the negative impact of the actions of past times. As for the recapitulation of one's own life, which Carlos Castaneda describes, here attention is focused on "re-experiencing and completely reviewing all life events in a holistic way." The past is a product of one's own will, and not a combination of circumstances, this technique allows you to get rid of self-pity and evokes a demand for a special attitude from others. Confession according to Christianity is still considered the most difficult practice of a modern person - it was created for those who closed themselves in their own little world of individualism. If all other methods are not effective, then an honest confession with sincere repentance will always help. Through this very repentance, a person is given the opportunity to free himself from the invisible power of the past.

    Theory of self-development

    There are many theories on personal self-development, which quite often puts a person in a stupor. After all, which of the proposed ones will suit you especially, which path of self-development is true? Wanting in advance to get a guaranteed result, we do not think about the fact that it mainly depends only on us. Obviously, nothing will come of the lazy and idler until he engages in self-discipline. A man of intelligence and insight will be able to find benefit for himself even in erroneous theories. The center of self-development is not gurus, and not concepts, but the concrete personality itself. The true path of self-development makes a person wiser and, most importantly, freer. The false one recognizes all kinds of teachings that ultimately reduce a person to the level of a primitive animal.

    However, we do not advise you to trust any fashionable occult and esoteric movements. Most of them are mainly built around self-proclaimed gurus who try to suppress their followers and are based on erroneous translations of Eastern religious texts. Of all the existing teachers of the twentieth century, it is worth highlighting only a few - Carlos Castaneda, Rajneesh and George Gurdjieff, whose self-development books really convey useful information to the reader, while expanding their horizons. The works of these teachers bring new approaches to solving pressing problems and are included in the list of the best books on self-development. Avoid organizations that operate under their names around the world, because nothing good will come from the depths of such.
    If we consider in detail the new practices of self-development, it is not difficult to notice that there is nothing fundamentally new in them. As an advanced technique, pseudo-methods for self-improvement of the individual are often presented. A resident of modern times, unfortunately, is rather skeptical about religions, he is little interested in history. However, when it comes to the effectiveness of shamanic practices and magic, this skepticism suddenly disappears somewhere. That is, a person is also ready to believe in any nonsense, if it flatters his pride and gives the illusion of his own greatness. Only those who recognize it have a chance to free themselves from a slave position. The one who thinks that he is already free, alas, will never gain true freedom.

    The process of self-development cannot be easy. After all, modern man is not psychologically ready for purposeful and systematic practices of self-concentration. Despite the fact that we are taught from childhood to absorb external information, the main source of information is initially in ourselves. This wisdom is present in a person from birth, but educators and parents try to suppress it so that the child listens to them, and in no case to himself. The source of information that is inside us, in fact, never stops, but a person does not listen to him, because he is always busy with something else, something that is more important for him than the inner voice, the voice of the soul. A true mentor does not transfer knowledge to his student, as many believe, he helps him in his search for his own source of wisdom.

    In the endless pursuit of new knowledge, a person, as a rule, does not receive anything, except for exhaustion and devastation. It seems to everyone that he is busy almost constantly with an important matter, but if you think about it, then, by and large, over the past month, week, and even year, it will not be easy enough to count a dozen really important things. And so the whole life flies by. Some people believe that one fine day, one fine moment, everything will change for the better and life will become like a fairy tale, full of joyful events and breathtaking adventures. But the year goes by. In everyday worries, but in the bustle. And that expected miraculous moment still does not come. And as if in the next moment we find ourselves on the verge of death, exhausted by the routine of everyday troubles that have followed us like a shadow all our lives.

    Creative self-development of a person

    Creative self-development is a prerequisite for full-fledged self-development and growth of a person's personality. Unfortunately, most of us do not even believe in our own potential, and therefore do not seek to develop our creativity. Every person is born with the ability to create. After all, talents and unique abilities lie in the depths of any of us. Many works of prominent philosophers and psychologists speak about this. If a person can hold a brush, then he has been given the ability to draw. Anyone who can move can learn to dance. If you are endowed with the ability to make sounds, it is in your ability to master vocal skills. However, don't be fooled into thinking that only painting, poetry, and acting are creative activities. The possibility of creative self-development contains any kind of activity. If you want to achieve really great success - strive to achieve the development of your potential in creativity. Surprisingly, of course, but in order to realize the obvious things, we sometimes need a lot of time. If you want to fill your life with new meaning, let your creativity unfold. Those who are not engaged in creative self-development, sooner or later, can turn into an eternally ill, aching and bored layman.

    Often people are simply afraid of the opportunity to show themselves. But outside of our phobias may lie the most amazing creative possibilities. To come to the formation of high self-esteem, which will allow you to discover new horizons of vision, engage in self-development - both as a person and spiritual potential, by compiling a personal growth program.

    The most difficult thing in self-development is to take the first steps. It's not easy to decide where to start. We recommend to your attention an example of a phased self-development plan:

    Awareness of the need

    Before you start self-development, you need to figure out why you need it and whether you really need it. At this stage, the main thing is your desire to make drastic adjustments in your life. If you are not afraid of change and ready to leave your comfort zone, then you can consider the following point.

    The study of human needs

    Next, you should decide for yourself what exactly you want to change for the better. All your other actions will depend on this choice. Try to be clear about what specific goals you want to achieve. However, you don’t need to try to change everything right away - you run the risk of returning back to your old life soon. We advise you to engage in self-development gradually, even step by step. Set certain goals for yourself and achieve them, overcoming one by one, incrementally.

    Self-knowledge for self-improvement

    The next step is to introspect. Decide for yourself what will help you achieve your goals and what will not. What in your character, in your opinion, is a positive trait, and what is the opposite. The main thing - do not engage in self-deception, look at your life honestly. For convenience, write the results of the “research” on paper, making a list of all your shortcomings and advantages.

    Drawing up a self-development strategy

    If you have already passed all the previous stages, then proceed to develop a strategy for further action. Here the advice of outsiders is not appropriate - you yourself must decide on everything. It is only worth noting that it is important here not to overestimate your strengths and draw up a more or less realistic plan. Again, it is recommended to fix your plans on paper and fix them in the most visible place for you.


    And finally - the main stage - start acting right now! Excuses in the spirit of "from the new week" or "in a few days" drive away. All the previously described points are just preparation, which will cost nothing without real action. Having discarded all your doubts and fears, take the first step towards self-development. As you move forward, be sure to record your progress on paper against your original action plan. Purposefully and non-stop continue to move in the same direction and you should succeed!

    Psychology of self-development

    To facilitate the understanding of self-development, we propose to consider it as if from the outside. And so - what is the psychology of self-development? Each of us is arranged in such a way that he perceives any difficulty and event in a similar way, reacting to it in a stereotyped way. Moreover, in whatever area of ​​our life it does not happen. Everyone has a standard set for such cases - someone completely goes into illness, someone simply avoids solving pressing issues for self-development, someone is looking for the guilty among everyone, and someone simply falls into the world of their own illusions, abstracting from the harsh the reality of what is happening. However, this does not cease to have a different effect on the life of the individual. There is a certain stimulus - there is a corresponding reaction. In other words, in the most diverse problems we have the same actions, patterned. And all this happens instinctively. But people are rational beings. Therefore, a kind of layer appears between the stimulus and the reaction, which distorts the reaction - our learning.

    The essence of self-development lies in the presence between the stimulus and the reaction of another moment that is given to us for awareness. That is, the ability to adjust the reaction. To do this, you need to understand how you acted before. Only with the realization of this process of personal growth and self-development will it become active. What is described tells about how it looks from the inside, but outwardly it is like a willingness to leave the framework of the usual, doing what you used to fear. That is, self-development is the choice of a different reaction of behavior, a kind of overcoming oneself, which is based on the strength of your will. In fact, the psychology of self-development is available to everyone. To do this, you need to realize yourself as a person.

    An important role in the process of self-development is played by knowledge about the formation and implementation of intentions - about the law of attraction.

    It is no secret to anyone that the main reason for the fulfillment of desires and goals is the person himself, directly. According to statistics, 80% of 100% of our thoughts during the day are negative. But thoughts are material. Therefore, in your thoughts you need to let in what you dream about. Every thought has its own energy. Realization is achieved only by the one in which there is more energy. After all, each of us had a moment in life when an event happened that was not desirable for us, but was constantly present in our thoughts. Thoughts gain more energy with each of our reminders, and as a result have a greater chance of being realized. This situation is aggravated by fear, which is a strong negative emotion and has a rather capacious energy. By scrolling through our heads the images associated with our fears, we ourselves program ourselves to attract what we are afraid of. By forming an object of thought, a person creates an emotion that programs the subconscious of a person, and then, as a result, contributes to the implementation of the programmed. The result obtained depends entirely on the object of reflection. Without the ability to consciously choose objects for reflection, self-development is impossible. Each of us is accustomed to accepting our failures without investing positive in what we have achieved. But when a person does not get what he wanted, he begins to think hard about it, which, in fact, makes it possible for negative moments to repeat again and again.

    One of the basic recommendations on the path to self-development is a sense of gratitude. It gives a big charge of positive, but only if from the heart. Try to cultivate this feeling in yourself, to strengthen it. If something undesirable comes, make a quick analysis of what happened and, having drawn conclusions, try to forget about the current situation as soon as possible. Your mind must be kept clean from the negative that comes regularly from the world around. The information you receive must be carefully filtered. The formed and most burning desires will never come true if you set yourself up for them in the wrong way. For example, by asking the thought "I want to have ...", you automatically assert that you do not have this, that you feel bad without it. The structure of the formation of intentions should be built in a special way. Formulating for yourself a positive object for reflection, do not forget that it also contains negative feelings that have arisen due to the lack of what you want. That is, it is necessary, of course, to form desires, but at the same time very carefully.

    To achieve your goals - use intention. It involves forming the feeling that you already have what you want. To begin with, you must understand what exactly you want. When formulating your goal, be sure that most of the way to achieving this goal is already behind you. Analyze the feelings and qualities that you should have after the final achievement of the goal. Try to act as if you have already achieved it. As for failures, they must be taken as a proper part of this path. After all, success does not happen without difficulties. Don't dwell on failures. More often try to resort to such methods of self-hypnosis as visualization and affirmation. They will ultimately help you stimulate positive changes in your life and help improve your psycho-emotional background. To achieve the same goal, in the end, try to be at ease. Reached the goal - great, no - not bad either. Only constant action can lead you to the realization of your plan. Also, an important fact is the confidence in success. She will be able to support you and will not allow you to give up and retreat.

    Professional self-development

    Not everyone has all the qualities that are needed for purposeful work on oneself. Professional self-development is not a change in the level of skill in one way or another, but its significant increase. For example, self-development of a manager is a conscious process of purposeful development of leadership qualities. This includes the improvement of knowledge and skills, and competence in general, and, of course, personal qualities, which ultimately provide more effective professional activity.

    For professional self-development, it is necessary, first of all, to internally motivate yourself for the opportunity to achieve the necessary results in a particular field of activity. For example, the effective self-development of a manager is directly related to the corporate culture of the enterprise, as well as to the readiness to work with modern information systems. These factors mainly provide further conditions for professional development. Simply put, a manager must be able to initially motivate himself internally to his professional activities and have the ability to self-develop in this area. Of course, the level of his literacy and competence is also important, as well as the desire and desire to perform his duties efficiently and effectively. That is, the first diagnostic sign of a self-developing manager is the attitude to work.

    The main thing on the way to self-development, in this case, is the ability to sensibly comprehend shortcomings and, as a result, the results of work, analyzing everything that leads to failures and successes.

    One of the areas that form skills and qualities is the organization of efforts in the right direction. It is also important to develop and strengthen the skills already acquired in the process of working on oneself. At the same time, it is necessary to try to eliminate all possible shortcomings that negatively affect the efficiency of activities and hinder professional growth. Of course, working on yourself in these areas is a rather difficult psychological task. However, this path can become as effective as possible only in the case of self-development in the chosen area simultaneously in all respects.

    In general, if you have set yourself the goal of self-improvement and self-development, decide what exactly you mean by this. The expected list may also be the desire to gain good health, to be financially independent, to be respected by others, to develop highly spiritually. Someone needs to start with the restoration of health, someone - with the creation of a financial basis for the implementation of their plans, but for the vast majority, nevertheless - with a comprehensive implementation of all of the above. The main thing is to believe in the reality of what was conceived, visualizing these goals and confidently move towards achieving what you want.

    Everyone has heard about the word "self-development". Everyone puts their meaning into it, but for someone it becomes the meaning of life. But what is self-development?


    The word speaks for itself. Self-development is personal development (or growth, to put it another way), which is a very popular topic in psychology. This is what makes a lot of money these days.

    Initially, the term "personal growth" was introduced by well-known psychologists Maslow and Carl Rogers. It refers to the secondary (higher) spiritual needs of a person. As already mentioned, many people want to develop themselves personally, but not all. Self-development includes a wide range of things, such as career growth, achieving inner harmony, the absence of negative thoughts, a kind attitude towards other people, self-control, the realization of one's talents/desires/goals, building social connections, reading useful books, getting out of the comfort zone, balancing self-esteem, fighting fears and much more. This can even include physical development, since a person pursuing the goal of self-improvement usually wants to comprehend it in all its diversity.


    Personal self-development has many benefits for a person. For example:

    • Achieve spiritual peace. This also includes getting rid of apathy and more serious things. A lot of people don't know what's bothering them. It seems to them that they spend their lives aimlessly if every day they do not do something useful for themselves and others. And it is for them that self-development usually becomes the highest meaning of life.
    • Career. A person who works on himself can often find himself in the end in some business or move up the career ladder.
    • Self-development can become a pleasant part of life, entailing the improvement of many areas, getting rid of a lot of stress.


    Self-development and self-improvement are two very related concepts. The pursuit of them as such may not be the goal. This is a long process with no end. And this is a very big drawback of self-development - a person can get carried away with it too much, but in the end it will not come to anything, because personal development does not have an ultimate goal.

    And unfortunately, it is not uncommon that people who are passionate about self-development are overwhelmed with pride, feel much superior to other people just from the fact that they are engaged in spiritual development.

    But let's move on from the bad to the good. Even without spending on trainings and psychologists, you can make great progress along the path of self-development, the best and universal tips will help you with this.

    How to achieve personal growth?

    You have already understood what self-development is and what it means for you, and now let's move on to action. First, of course, you need to set yourself up in the right way, realize what you can do to develop yourself and make a list (mentally or on paper).

    Below we will talk specifically about personal self-development. It should be borne in mind that some people see the point in spiritual self-improvement and religion, so everyone is different.

    Now let's move on to the next most popular steps.


    Often people are prone to stress, in order to relax and calm down, you need something special. Meditation does not require much time, but allows a person to be alone with himself and his thoughts. It will help to weed out the unnecessary and teach you to concentrate. Meditation can be practiced for only 1-3 minutes or more (optional). But it should be borne in mind that this method of relaxation is not suitable for everyone, because with a certain type of character, meditation does not help at all, and even irritates.

    Healthy lifestyle

    Everything is clearly simple here. In a healthy body healthy mind. When you are in good health, you can do other things, such as career, social relationships, family, and other important things. It is also much cheaper to be healthy than to end up treating illnesses, from which no one is immune. By the way, you can reduce the risks:

      • Proper nutrition directly affects well-being. It is only enough to reduce the amount of harmful foods (for example, fast food) and not skip meals (especially breakfast).
      • Full sleep (6-9 hours on average) every day.
      • Sports - just go for a run 2-3 times a week, do fitness or dance, depending on preferences and physical indications, for good health.

    Getting out of the comfort zone

    Jumping above your head is not worth it. If you have certain goals that you have been planning to achieve for a long time, but still cannot start, then now is the time. This is also a kind of way out of the comfort zone, but without any follies, which are not needed at all.

    Have you been planning to write a book, quit your job and become a freelancer or travel for a long time? It's all much more realistic and very feasible. The main thing is to start and take the first step. In the case of travel - to save up, with freelancing - to find your niche, etc.


    The next point can also help those who decide to engage in self-development. The psychology of general cleaning is simple: you need to clean and weed out everything superfluous in our lives. And this applies not only to the home, but also to the environment, affairs and other things. Although regular cleaning of the house will never be superfluous.


    It is also important to control yourself and prevent aggression, due to which relationships with people can deteriorate.

    The next point that a person can do for his self-improvement is to let go of the past if it is holding back and hindering. This is not always easy to do, but you need to look to the future more often and also live in the present. Last resort - to the psychologist.

    Lists and diaries

    It has already been mentioned above that it is very convenient to write everything down on paper. Lists are convenient because they organize plans and tasks. A diary can sometimes replace a psychologist. The more you open your thoughts to paper, the easier it is to understand yourself. A diary can help all the way. First, they write down in it what self-development is for a particular person, as well as all their thoughts and events. It is worth noting that you need to write down even small successes more often.


    Reading fiction is an incredibly rewarding activity. It will not be superfluous to read at least one book a month (preferably a classic). It enriches speech, broadens horizons and more.

    • "Be Your Best Self: How Ordinary People Become Exceptional" by Dan Waldschmidt;
    • The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Tale of Wish Fulfillment and Destiny, by Robin S. Sharma;
    • Transcend: Nine Steps to Eternal Life by Raymond Kurzweil, Terry Grossman;
    • “Get out of your comfort zone. Change Your Life: 21 Ways to Increase Personal Effectiveness by Brian Tracy

    This is just a small list of books. In fact, there are a lot of them for every taste.

    Instead of a conclusion

    What is self-development? It can be spiritual, physical, personal. This is what develops a person in different ways and prevents degradation. A person can improve himself even if he does not think about it. But you can consciously try to make yourself and your life a little better.