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    What is radiation?  The danger of radiation to the human body Why is radioactive radiation dangerous

    Radioactive radiation (or ionizing) is the energy that is released by atoms in the form of particles or waves of an electromagnetic nature. Man is exposed to such influence both through natural and anthropogenic sources.

    The useful properties of radiation have made it possible to successfully use it in industry, medicine, scientific experiments and research, agriculture and other fields. However, with the spread of the use of this phenomenon, a threat to human health has arisen. A small dose of radiation exposure can increase the risk of acquiring serious diseases.

    The difference between radiation and radioactivity

    Radiation, in a broad sense, means radiation, that is, the propagation of energy in the form of waves or particles. Radioactive radiation is divided into three types:

    • alpha radiation - a stream of helium-4 nuclei;
    • beta radiation - the flow of electrons;
    • gamma radiation is a stream of high-energy photons.

    The characterization of radioactive emissions is based on their energy, transmission properties and the type of emitted particles.

    Alpha radiation, which is a stream of positively charged corpuscles, can be blocked by air or clothing. This species practically does not penetrate the skin, but when it enters the body, for example, through cuts, it is very dangerous and has a detrimental effect on internal organs.

    Beta radiation has more energy - electrons move at high speed, and their size is small. Therefore, this type of radiation penetrates through thin clothing and skin deep into tissues. Shielding of beta radiation can be done with an aluminum sheet of a few millimeters or a thick wooden board.

    Gamma radiation is a high-energy radiation of an electromagnetic nature, which has a strong penetrating power. To protect against it, you need to use a thick layer of concrete or a plate made of heavy metals such as platinum and lead.

    The phenomenon of radioactivity was discovered in 1896. The discovery was made by the French physicist Becquerel. Radioactivity - the ability of objects, compounds, elements to emit ionizing study, that is, radiation. The reason for the phenomenon is the instability of the atomic nucleus, which releases energy during decay. There are three types of radioactivity:

    • natural - characteristic of heavy elements, the serial number of which is greater than 82;
    • artificial - initiated specifically with the help of nuclear reactions;
    • induced - characteristic of objects that themselves become a source of radiation if they are strongly irradiated.

    Elements that are radioactive are called radionuclides. Each of them is characterized by:

    • half-life;
    • the type of radiation emitted;
    • radiation energy;
    • and other properties.

    Sources of radiation

    The human body is regularly exposed to radioactive radiation. Approximately 80% of the amount received annually comes from cosmic rays. Air, water and soil contain 60 radioactive elements that are sources of natural radiation. The main natural source of radiation is the inert gas radon released from the ground and rocks. Radionuclides also enter the human body with food. Some of the ionizing radiation to which humans are exposed comes from anthropogenic sources, ranging from nuclear power generators and nuclear reactors to radiation used for medical treatment and diagnosis. To date, common artificial sources of radiation are:

    • medical equipment (the main anthropogenic source of radiation);
    • radiochemical industry (mining, enrichment of nuclear fuel, processing of nuclear waste and their recovery);
    • radionuclides used in agriculture, light industry;
    • accidents at radiochemical plants, nuclear explosions, radiation releases
    • Construction Materials.

    Radiation exposure according to the method of penetration into the body is divided into two types: internal and external. The latter is typical for radionuclides dispersed in the air (aerosol, dust). They get on the skin or clothes. In this case, the sources of radiation can be removed by washing them away. External irradiation causes burns of the mucous membranes and skin. In the internal type, the radionuclide enters the bloodstream, for example by injection into a vein or through wounds, and is removed by excretion or therapy. Such radiation provokes malignant tumors.

    The radioactive background significantly depends on the geographical location - in some regions, the radiation level can exceed the average by hundreds of times.

    Effect of radiation on human health

    Radioactive radiation due to the ionizing effect leads to the formation of free radicals in the human body - chemically active aggressive molecules that cause cell damage and death.

    Cells of the gastrointestinal tract, reproductive and hematopoietic systems are especially sensitive to them. Radioactive exposure disrupts their work and causes nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, and fever. By acting on the tissues of the eye, it can lead to radiation cataracts. The consequences of ionizing radiation also include such damage as vascular sclerosis, impaired immunity, and a violation of the genetic apparatus.

    The system of transmission of hereditary data has a fine organization. Free radicals and their derivatives can disrupt the structure of DNA - the carrier of genetic information. This leads to mutations that affect the health of future generations.

    The nature of the impact of radioactive radiation on the body is determined by a number of factors:

    • type of radiation;
    • radiation intensity;
    • individual characteristics of the body.

    The results of radiation exposure may not appear immediately. Sometimes its effects become noticeable after a considerable period of time. At the same time, a large single dose of radiation is more dangerous than long-term exposure to small doses.

    The absorbed amount of radiation is characterized by a value called Sievert (Sv).

    • The normal radiation background does not exceed 0.2 mSv/h, which corresponds to 20 microroentgens per hour. When X-raying a tooth, a person receives 0.1 mSv.
    • The lethal single dose is 6-7 Sv.

    Application of ionizing radiation

    Radioactive radiation is widely used in technology, medicine, science, military and nuclear industry and other areas of human activity. The phenomenon underlies such devices as smoke detectors, power generators, icing alarms, air ionizers.

    In medicine, radioactive radiation is used in radiation therapy to treat cancer. Ionizing radiation allowed the creation of radiopharmaceuticals. They are used for diagnostic tests. On the basis of ionizing radiation, instruments for the analysis of the composition of compounds and sterilization are arranged.

    The discovery of radioactive radiation was, without exaggeration, revolutionary - the use of this phenomenon brought humanity to a new level of development. However, it has also become a threat to the environment and human health. In this regard, maintaining radiation safety is an important task of our time.

    What is radiation? How dangerous is radiation?

    Radiation is a form of energy that comes from a specific source and travels through space. Sources can range from the sun, earth, rocks, to cars.

    The energy they generate is commonly referred to as ionization radiation. Ionizing radiation is produced by unstable atoms, which have both energy and mass greater than stable atoms and can therefore cause damage.

    Radiation can travel through space in the form of particles or waves. Particle radiation can be easily blocked by clothing, while wave radiation can be deadly and it can also pass through concrete.

    Radiation is measured using Geiger counters and in the form of Sieverts (μSv).

    How dangerous is radiation?

    Each person receives a certain amount of radiation every day. Walking in the sun, getting an X-ray, going for a CT scan, going on a flight.

    The problem is not radiation. The real issue is the amount of radiation or, in other words, the levels of radiation a person receives.

    On average, a person receives 10 µSv per day and 3,600 µSv per year. A normal 5-hour 30-minute flight gives a dose of 40 µSv, while X-rays give a dose of 100 µSv.

    All of these indicated doses are acceptable to the human body, but anything above 100,000 μSv can lead to disease and even death.

    The risk of cancer increases the moment a person passes the 100,000 µSv level, and levels above 200,000 µSv are fatal.

    Exposure to radiation

    Radiation can damage the tissues of the human body, leading to burns, cancer, and even death.

    Even high levels of sun exposure can cause sunburn as ultraviolet rays are a form of radiation.

    A deeper note: radiation weakens or destroys the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of the human body, causing an imbalance in the cells.

    The imbalance then increases cell damage or kills them to the point where this process gives rise to life-threatening diseases such as cancer.

    Children easily develop high levels of radiation because their cells are not strong enough to withstand the threat of radiation.

    Incidents in the past, when radiation levels crossed the dreaded 200,000 µSv, noted for example in , and , have resulted in infant mortality and cancer.

    What is alpha radiation and what is its danger?

    Alpha radiation, also known as alpha decay, is a kind of radioactive decay in which the nuclear core discharges the alpha molecule and thus changes with a mass number that decreases by four and a nuclear number that decreases by two.

    Alpha radiation is difficult to detect and measure. Even the most common devices, such as the CD V-700, are unable to detect alpha particles until beta radiation is received along with it.

    High-tech devices capable of measuring alpha radiation require a professional training program, otherwise the layman will not be able to figure it out.

    Moreover, since alpha radiation does not penetrate, it cannot be detected or measured by any device, even through a meager layer of water, blood, dust, paper, or other material.

    There are two types of radiation: ionizing/non-ionizing and alpha radiation, which are classified as ionizing.

    Ionizing is not as dangerous as non-ionizing due to the following reasons: alpha radiation cannot penetrate the skin, and materials with alpha emissions can only be harmful to humans if materials are inhaled, ingested or penetrated through open wounds.

    Otherwise, alpha radiation will not be able to penetrate clothing.

    What is beta radiation and what are its effects?

    Beta radiation is the radiation that occurs when radioactive decay begins to release radioactive particles.

    It is non-ionizing radiation and moves in the form of waves. Beta radiation is considered dangerous because it has the ability to penetrate any solid material such as walls.

    Exposure to beta radiation may have delayed effects on the body such as cell growth or cellular damage.

    Since the effects of the introduction of beta radiation are not rapid, and there is no real way to find out whether the contact caused the aggressive impact, problems may appear after a few years.

    The series "Chernobyl" caused a lively discussion and conflicting reviews. However, this did not stop him from becoming the best in the world according to IMDb at the moment.

    We also watched the series, and we still have questions about one of its "main characters" - radiation. We tried to understand this complex phenomenon and tell in simple terms how radiation affects us in everyday life.

    1. Why is radiation dangerous?

    © qimono / pixabay

    The natural radiation background is constantly present on Earth. Some unstable particles originated in the crucible of the Big Bang, and their half-life is comparable to the age of the Universe. Added to this is ionizing radiation from outer space. But on a normal scale, it is not dangerous to humans.

    A completely different picture emerges during atomic bombings or man-made disasters with powerful emissions of ionizing particles. The energy generated during the fission of radioactive nuclei “knocks out” electrons from the atoms of cells, which leads to a violation of their functions. This is how radiation sickness occurs.

    2. How does radiation sickness manifest itself? How to treat it?

    © depositphotos

    The first signs of the disease - nausea, vomiting, disorientation - occur when radioactive particles enter the body through the skin, with inhaled air or with food. Therefore, the main task of physicians at the first stage of treatment is the removal of active particles with the help of droppers and washing. When irradiated with high doses, an acute form of the disease develops, mainly the hematopoietic system suffers. In this case, blood transfusion and bone marrow transplantation are used.

    Special damage to the body is inflicted in case of damage to both strands of DNA. It can no longer properly recover, filling the free space with random nucleotides. This leads to the degeneration of tissues and the formation of tumors. The effects may show up over a long period of time. Breakdowns in the chromosomes of germ cells are inherited and lead to mutations in the next generations.

    3. How to protect yourself from radiation?

    It depends on what kind of radiation we are considering. Radiation, or ionizing radiation, when interacting with matter causes the transformation of nuclei in its atoms into the nuclei of other elements. In this case, particles of different types are formed:

    • During alpha decay, an alpha particle is emitted. Simple clothing will help protect against it.
    • A beta particle is much smaller than an alpha particle, so it can penetrate deep into loose materials. Glass or aluminum sheet can block this type of radiation.
    • Gamma radiation has the highest penetrating power. Neither special suits nor gas masks will protect against him. In this case, a very dense material will help: not only lead, the overlays from which the heroes of the series use, but also steel, tungsten and other heavy metals. Thick concrete walls will also help, which is taken into account when building underground bunkers.
    • In addition, neutrons are produced during the reaction. Their energy can be dissipated by water, polyethylene and other polymers.

    4. How to deactivate the contaminated substance?

    © Chernobyl / HBO

    Deactivation occurs in two ways. Radioactive particles are removed mechanically - with a jet of water using brushes and other means. In addition, solutions are used that wash off particles that have penetrated deep into the materials.

    There are other methods of deactivation, such as the use of electrolytes, ultrasound or laser. But they are less common due to the complexity of their application on large objects.

    5. Is it possible to drink iodine as a preventive measure?

    © stacks05 / pixabay

    The heroes of the series take iodine tablets to protect the endocrine system from radioactive effects. Some isotopes can be incorporated into metabolism. Unstable iodine-131 is able to accumulate in the thyroid gland, replacing the "normal" element.

    With an iodine deficiency, the thyroid gland will accumulate any kind of iodine indiscriminately. Therefore, it is so important to fill it with a stable element. However, drinking a substance for preventive purposes is not only pointless, but also dangerous. This can lead to thyroid disease.

    6. Where is natural radiation the strongest?

    © Chernobyl / HBO © EEverett Collection / EAST NEWS

    Everything is simple here: the closer to the Sun, the more radiation. Only a small part of cosmic radiation reaches the Earth's surface. But the higher we rise into the sky, the greater the dose we receive. Residents of the equatorial latitudes are more affected than those whose homes are located closer to the poles.

    Aviation workers are exposed to more radiation per year than nuclear power plant employees. And sailors on nuclear submarines are the least susceptible to it: the water column protects them from terrestrial radiation, and the nuclear installation is reliably protected by lead walls.

    Radiation is waiting not only on the street - buildings irradiate us even more. The fact is that sand and gravel contain natural radionuclides. You shouldn't panic. In the construction of residential premises, it is allowed to use only safe materials with the lowest level of radiation, this process is regulated by law.

    7. Food is also unsafe?

    © pexels © pixabay

    When radioactive particles got into food after the Chernobyl explosion, they certainly posed a danger. However, in everyday life we ​​are surrounded by products containing natural radiation. And sometimes its level is quite high.

    The most common bananas, which are considered healthy due to their high potassium content, contain an isotope of this element - potassium-40. And there is so much of it that the background created by the exported batches of bananas triggers sensors at the borders of states. Because of this property of the product, nuclear energy workers have introduced the concept of "banana equivalent" to refer to leaks of small doses of radiation.

    Banana lovers should not be upset: products grown on land with a normal radiation background are considered safe. In total, we receive about 10% of the annual level of radiation along with food. By the way, due to the consumption of substances containing radioactive elements, a person also becomes a source of radiation.

    8. How does radiation affect technology?

    © Chernobyl / HBO

    As in the case of irradiation of biological organisms, high levels of radiation damage the atoms that make up the technique. Semiconductors are the first to suffer. Acoustic waves that appear at the moment of impact of a high-energy particle on the surface of devices lead to the appearance of hidden defects. Therefore, the German robot, shown in the series, immediately failed, not having time to go on a mission.

    But helicopters did not fall from radiation. The episode shown in Chernobyl is unreliable. The tragedy really happened, only not in the first days after the disaster, but six months later, on October 2, 1986. During the liquidation work, the helicopter commander did not see the cable on the construction crane standing next to the power unit and caught on it with a blade.

    Have you seen the TV series "Chernobyl"? What questions do you have after watching?

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    Radiation and types of radioactive radiation, the composition of radioactive (ionizing) radiation and its main characteristics. The action of radiation on matter.

    What is radiation

    First, let's define what radiation is:

    In the process of decay of a substance or its synthesis, the elements of the atom (protons, neutrons, electrons, photons) are ejected, otherwise we can say radiation occurs these elements. Such radiation is called ionizing radiation or what is more common radiation, or even easier radiation . Ionizing radiation also includes x-rays and gamma rays.

    Radiation - this is the process of emission of charged elementary particles by matter, in the form of electrons, protons, neutrons, helium atoms or photons and muons. The type of radiation depends on which element is emitted.

    Ionization- is the process of formation of positively or negatively charged ions or free electrons from neutrally charged atoms or molecules.

    Radioactive (ionizing) radiation can be divided into several types, depending on the type of elements of which it consists. Different types of radiation are caused by different microparticles and therefore have different energy effects on matter, different ability to penetrate through it and, as a result, different biological effects of radiation.

    Alpha, beta and neutron radiation- These are radiations consisting of various particles of atoms.

    Gamma and X-rays is the emission of energy.

    alpha radiation

    • emitted: two protons and two neutrons
    • penetrating power: low
    • source exposure: up to 10 cm
    • radiation speed: 20,000 km/s
    • ionization: 30,000 pairs of ions per 1 cm of run
    • high

    Alpha (α) radiation arises from the decay of unstable isotopes elements.

    alpha radiation- this is the radiation of heavy, positively charged alpha particles, which are the nuclei of helium atoms (two neutrons and two protons). Alpha particles are emitted during the decay of more complex nuclei, for example, during the decay of uranium, radium, and thorium atoms.

    Alpha particles have a large mass and are emitted at a relatively low speed of 20,000 km/s on average, which is about 15 times less than the speed of light. Since alpha particles are very heavy, upon contact with a substance, the particles collide with the molecules of this substance, begin to interact with them, losing their energy, and therefore the penetrating power of these particles is not great and even a simple sheet of paper can hold them.

    However, alpha particles carry a lot of energy and, when interacting with matter, cause its significant ionization. And in the cells of a living organism, in addition to ionization, alpha radiation destroys tissues, leading to various damage to living cells.

    Of all types of radiation, alpha radiation has the least penetrating power, but the consequences of irradiating living tissues with this type of radiation are the most severe and significant compared to other types of radiation.

    Exposure to radiation in the form of alpha radiation can occur when radioactive elements enter the body, for example, with air, water or food, as well as through cuts or wounds. Once in the body, these radioactive elements are carried by the bloodstream throughout the body, accumulate in tissues and organs, exerting a powerful energy effect on them. Since some types of radioactive isotopes that emit alpha radiation have a long lifespan, when they get inside the body, they can cause serious changes in cells and lead to tissue degeneration and mutations.

    Radioactive isotopes are not actually excreted from the body on their own, therefore, once inside the body, they will irradiate the tissues from the inside for many years until they lead to serious changes. The human body is not able to neutralize, process, assimilate or utilize most of the radioactive isotopes that have entered the body.

    neutron radiation

    • emitted: neutrons
    • penetrating power: high
    • source exposure: kilometers
    • radiation speed: 40,000 km/s
    • ionization: from 3000 to 5000 pairs of ions per 1 cm of run
    • biological effect of radiation: high

    neutron radiation- This is man-made radiation that occurs in various nuclear reactors and during atomic explosions. Also, neutron radiation is emitted by stars in which active thermonuclear reactions take place.

    Having no charge, neutron radiation, colliding with matter, weakly interacts with elements of atoms at the atomic level, therefore it has a high penetrating power. Neutron radiation can be stopped by using materials with a high hydrogen content, such as a container of water. Also, neutron radiation does not penetrate well through polyethylene.

    Neutron radiation passing through biological tissues causes serious damage to cells, as it has a significant mass and a higher speed than alpha radiation.

    beta radiation

    • emitted: electrons or positrons
    • penetrating power: average
    • source exposure: up to 20 m
    • radiation speed: 300,000 km/s
    • ionization: from 40 to 150 pairs of ions per 1 cm of run
    • biological effect of radiation: average

    Beta (β) radiation arises during the transformation of one element into another, while the processes occur in the very nucleus of the atom of matter with a change in the properties of protons and neutrons.

    With beta radiation, a neutron is converted into a proton or a proton into a neutron, with this transformation an electron or positron (an antiparticle of the electron) is emitted, depending on the type of transformation. The speed of the emitted elements approaches the speed of light and is approximately equal to 300,000 km/s. The emitted elements are called beta particles.

    Having an initially high radiation speed and small dimensions of the emitted elements, beta radiation has a higher penetrating power than alpha radiation, but has hundreds of times less ability to ionize matter compared to alpha radiation.

    Beta radiation easily penetrates through clothes and partially through living tissues, but when passing through denser structures of matter, for example, through metal, it begins to interact with it more intensively and loses most of its energy, transferring it to the elements of matter. A metal sheet of a few millimeters can completely stop beta radiation.

    If alpha radiation is dangerous only in direct contact with a radioactive isotope, then beta radiation, depending on its intensity, can already cause significant harm to a living organism at a distance of several tens of meters from the radiation source.

    If a radioactive isotope that emits beta radiation enters a living organism, it accumulates in tissues and organs, exerting an energy effect on them, leading to changes in the structure of tissues and, over time, causing significant damage.

    Some radioactive isotopes with beta radiation have a long decay period, that is, when they enter the body, they will irradiate it for years until they lead to tissue degeneration and, as a result, to cancer.

    Gamma radiation

    • emitted: energy in the form of photons
    • penetrating power: high
    • source exposure: up to hundreds of meters
    • radiation speed: 300,000 km/s
    • ionization:
    • biological effect of radiation: low

    Gamma (γ) radiation- this is an energetic electromagnetic radiation in the form of photons.

    Gamma radiation accompanies the process of disintegration of atoms of matter and manifests itself in the form of radiated electromagnetic energy in the form of photons released when the energy state of the atomic nucleus changes. Gamma rays are emitted from the nucleus at the speed of light.

    When a radioactive decay of an atom occurs, then others are formed from some substances. The atom of newly formed substances are in an energetically unstable (excited) state. By acting on each other, neutrons and protons in the nucleus come to a state where the forces of interaction are balanced, and excess energy is emitted by the atom in the form of gamma radiation

    Gamma radiation has a high penetrating power and easily penetrates through clothes, living tissues, a little more difficult through dense structures of a substance such as metal. To stop gamma radiation would require a significant thickness of steel or concrete. But at the same time, gamma radiation has a hundred times weaker effect on matter than beta radiation and tens of thousands of times weaker than alpha radiation.

    The main danger of gamma radiation is its ability to overcome considerable distances and affect living organisms several hundred meters from the source of gamma radiation.

    x-ray radiation

    • emitted: energy in the form of photons
    • penetrating power: high
    • source exposure: up to hundreds of meters
    • radiation speed: 300,000 km/s
    • ionization: from 3 to 5 pairs of ions per 1 cm of run
    • biological effect of radiation: low

    x-ray radiation- this is an energetic electromagnetic radiation in the form of photons, arising from the transition of an electron inside an atom from one orbit to another.

    X-ray radiation is similar in action to gamma radiation, but has a lower penetrating power, because it has a longer wavelength.

    Having considered various types of radioactive radiation, it is clear that the concept of radiation includes completely different types of radiation that have different effects on matter and living tissues, from direct bombardment by elementary particles (alpha, beta and neutron radiation) to energy effects in the form of gamma and X-rays. cure.

    Each of the considered radiations is dangerous!

    Comparative table with the characteristics of various types of radiation

    characteristic Type of radiation
    alpha radiation neutron radiation beta radiation Gamma radiation x-ray radiation
    radiated two protons and two neutrons neutrons electrons or positrons energy in the form of photons energy in the form of photons
    penetrating power low high average high high
    source exposure up to 10 cm kilometers up to 20 m hundreds of meters hundreds of meters
    radiation speed 20,000 km/s 40,000 km/s 300,000 km/s 300,000 km/s 300,000 km/s
    ionization, vapor per 1 cm of run 30 000 from 3000 to 5000 from 40 to 150 3 to 5 3 to 5
    biological effect of radiation high high average low low

    As can be seen from the table, depending on the type of radiation, radiation at the same intensity, for example, 0.1 Roentgen, will have a different destructive effect on the cells of a living organism. To take into account this difference, the coefficient k was introduced, which reflects the degree of exposure to radioactive radiation on living objects.

    coefficient k
    Type of radiation and energy range Weight multiplier
    Photons all energies (gamma radiation) 1
    Electrons and muons all energies (beta radiation) 1
    neutrons with energy < 10 КэВ (нейтронное излучение) 5
    Neutrons from 10 to 100 keV (neutron radiation) 10
    Neutrons from 100 keV to 2 MeV (neutron radiation) 20
    Neutrons from 2 MeV to 20 MeV (neutron radiation) 10
    Neutrons> 20 MeV (neutron radiation) 5
    Protons with energies > 2 MeV (except for recoil protons) 5
    alpha particles, fission fragments and other heavy nuclei (alpha radiation) 20

    The higher the "coefficient k" the more dangerous the action of a certain type of radiation for the tissues of a living organism.


    Radiation is ionizing radiation that causes irreparable harm to everything around. People, animals and plants suffer. The biggest danger lies in the fact that it is not visible to the human eye, so it is important to know about its main properties and effects in order to protect yourself.

    Radiation accompanies people throughout their lives. It is found in the environment as well as within each of us. External sources have a huge impact. Many have heard about the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the consequences of which are still encountered in our lives. People were not ready for such a meeting. This once again confirms that there are events in the world beyond the control of humanity.

    Types of radiation

    Not all chemicals are stable. In nature, there are certain elements, the nuclei of which are transformed, breaking up into separate particles with the release of a huge amount of energy. This property is called radioactivity. As a result of research, scientists discovered several types of radiation:

    1. Alpha radiation is a stream of heavy radioactive particles in the form of helium nuclei that can cause the greatest harm to others. Fortunately, they are characterized by low penetrating power. In airspace, they spread only a couple of centimeters. In tissue, their range is fractions of a millimeter. Thus, external radiation does not pose a danger. You can protect yourself by using thick clothing or a sheet of paper. But internal exposure is a formidable threat.
    2. Beta radiation is a stream of light particles moving in the air for a couple of meters. These are electrons and positrons penetrating two centimeters into the tissue. It is harmful in contact with human skin. However, it gives a greater danger when exposed from the inside, but less than alpha. To protect against the influence of these particles, special containers, protective screens, a certain distance are used.
    3. Gamma and X-rays are electromagnetic radiations penetrating the body through and through. Protective measures against such exposure include the creation of lead screens, the construction of concrete structures. The most dangerous of irradiations with external damage, as it affects the entire body.
    4. Neutron radiation consists of a stream of neutrons that have a higher penetrating power than gamma. It is formed as a result of nuclear reactions occurring in reactors and special research facilities. Appears during nuclear explosions and is found in waste fuel from nuclear reactors. Armor from such an impact is created from lead, iron, concrete.

    All radioactivity on Earth can be divided into two main types: natural and artificial. The first includes radiation from space, soil, gases. Artificial, on the other hand, appeared thanks to man when using nuclear power plants, various equipment in medicine, and nuclear enterprises.

    natural sources

    Radioactivity of natural origin has always been on the planet. Radiation is present in everything that surrounds humanity: animals, plants, soil, air, water. This small level of radiation is believed to have no harmful effects. However, some scholars are of a different opinion. Since people do not have the opportunity to influence this danger, circumstances that increase the allowable values ​​should be avoided.

    Varieties of sources of natural origin

    1. Cosmic radiation and solar radiation are the most powerful sources capable of eliminating all life on Earth. Fortunately, the planet is protected from this impact by the atmosphere. However, people have tried to correct this situation by developing activities that lead to the formation of ozone holes. Do not stay in direct sunlight for a long time.
    2. The radiation of the earth's crust is dangerous near deposits of various minerals. By burning coal or using phosphorus fertilizers, radionuclides actively seep into a person with the inhaled air and the food he eats.
    3. Radon is a radioactive chemical element found in building materials. It is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. This element actively accumulates in soils and goes outside along with mining. It enters apartments along with household gas, as well as with tap water. Fortunately, its concentration can be easily reduced by constantly ventilating the premises.

    artificial sources

    This species appeared thanks to people. Its effect is increased and spread with their help. During the outbreak of a nuclear war, the strength and power of weapons are not so terrible as the consequences of radioactive radiation after explosions. Even if you are not hooked by a blast wave or physical factors, radiation will finish you.

    Artificial sources include:

    • Nuclear weapon;
    • Medical equipment;
    • Waste from enterprises;
    • Certain gems;
    • Some vintage items removed from hazardous areas. Including from Chernobyl.

    The norm of radioactive radiation

    Scientists were able to establish that radiation affects individual organs and the whole organism in different ways. In order to assess the damage arising from chronic exposure, the concept of equivalent dose was introduced. It is calculated according to the formula and is equal to the product of the received dose, absorbed by the body and averaged over a specific organ or the entire human body, by a weight factor.

    The unit of equivalent dose is the ratio of joules to kilograms, which is called sievert (Sv). With its use, a scale was created that allows you to understand the specific danger of radiation for humanity:

    • 100 Sound Instant death. The victim has a few hours, a maximum of a couple of days.
    • From 10 to 50 Sv. Those who have received injuries of this nature will die in a few weeks from severe internal bleeding.
    • 4-5 Sound When this amount is ingested, the body copes in 50% of cases. Otherwise, the sad consequences lead to death after a couple of months due to damage to the bone marrow and circulatory disorders.
    • 1 Sound With the absorption of such a dose, radiation sickness is inevitable.
    • 0.75 Sound Changes in the circulatory system for a short period of time.
    • 0.5 Sv. This amount is enough for the patient to develop cancer. The rest of the symptoms are absent.
    • 0.3 Sv. This value is inherent in the apparatus for conducting x-rays of the stomach.
    • 0.2 Sv. Permissible level for work with radioactive materials.
    • 0.1 Sv. With this amount, uranium is mined.
    • 0.05 Sound This value is the norm for irradiation of medical devices.
    • 0.0005 Sv. Permissible amount of radiation level near the nuclear power plant. Also, this is the value of the annual exposure of the population, which is equated to the norm.

    The safe dose of radiation for humans includes values ​​up to 0.0003-0.0005 Sv per hour. The maximum permissible exposure is 0.01 Sv per hour, if such exposure is short-lived.

    The effect of radiation on humans

    Radioactivity has a huge impact on the population. Not only people who are faced with danger are exposed to harmful effects, but also the next generation. Such circumstances are caused by the action of radiation at the genetic level. There are two types of influence:

    • Somatic. Diseases occur in a victim who has received a dose of radiation. Leads to the appearance of radiation sickness, leukemia, tumors of various organs, local radiation injuries.
    • Genetic. Associated with a defect in the genetic apparatus. Shows up in later generations. Children, grandchildren and more distant descendants suffer. Gene mutations and chromosomal changes occur

    In addition to the negative impact, there is also a favorable moment. Thanks to the study of radiation, scientists have managed to create on its basis a medical examination that can save lives.

    Mutation after radiation

    Consequences of irradiation

    Upon receipt of chronic irradiation, recovery measures take place in the body. This leads to the fact that the victim acquires a lower load than he would receive with a single penetration of the same amount of radiation. Radionuclides are distributed unevenly inside a person. Most often affected: the respiratory system, digestive organs, liver, thyroid gland.

    The enemy does not sleep even 4-10 years after exposure. Blood cancer can develop inside a person. It is especially dangerous for teenagers under the age of 15. It has been observed that the mortality of people working with x-ray equipment is increased due to leukemia.

    The most frequent result of irradiation is radiation sickness, which occurs both with a single dose and with a long one. With a large number of radionuclides leads to death. Breast and thyroid cancer is common.

    A huge number of organs suffer. Violated vision and mental state of the victim. Lung cancer is common among uranium miners. External irradiation causes terrible burns of the skin and mucous membranes.


    After exposure to radionuclides, two types of mutations are possible: dominant and recessive. The first occurs immediately after irradiation. The second type is found after a long period of time not in the victim, but in his next generation. Violations caused by mutation lead to deviations in the development of internal organs in the fetus, external deformities and changes in the psyche.

    Unfortunately, mutations are poorly understood, as they usually do not appear immediately. After a while, it is difficult to understand what exactly had a dominant influence on its occurrence.