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  • New interesting scenarios of farewell to elementary school. Scenario of farewell to elementary school. Farewell to elementary school

    New interesting scenarios of farewell to elementary school.  Scenario of farewell to elementary school.  Farewell to elementary school

    The class is decorated with balloons, children's drawings. On the board is a photo essay “Kaleidoscope of school life”, certificates of honor received by the class for 4 years.

    Event progress

    Music sounds: "They teach at school." Children enter the classroom and stop.

    1 student:

    4 years have gone by

    Like someone's huge wings.

    Imperceptibly, how we all managed

    Grow up already.

    We are no longer chicks, which is barely

    Only the eyes were opened.

    We stand on our feet

    And we can take off a little into the sky.

    2 student:

    4 years is the time

    This is our prelude to life.

    This is an important milestone

    And for everyone, this is a step.

    And now it's no coincidence

    Sad notes sang in us:

    We are part of ourselves

    First grade

    Let's leave it aside.

    Teacher: Dear children, dear parents! Today we are all a little worried: because today is our day of farewell to elementary school. For 4 years, together with you, we climbed the most difficult steps on the ladder of knowledge: we learned to read, write, count, make friends, we learned to live by school rules.

    Everything from A to Z in our lives happened in these 4 years. Therefore, our prom program is called “From A to Z”. Take, for example, the letter A. ABC, Arithmetic, Algorithm, Atmosphere ... Tell your friends, what is the atmosphere in our class today? (Let's show it with applause and start our evening with a sold-out Star Factory song.)

    The music sounds “Cool you got it”, all the children sing 2 lines each.

    It's no coincidence

    And there's no secret

    For one simple secret

    We will shed light today.

    Unthinking, yellow-mouthed

    They brought us to 1st grade,

    The lessons didn't break us

    We are all smart now.


    Our children have grown up

    Embarrassed - do not know

    I'm like a mother hen

    From the bottom of my heart I want to say:

    "You are like a mother loved,

    Spoiled sometimes,

    Taught eternal truths

    I didn't always understand."


    Cool! We're going to 5th grade

    Higher nose, wider step.

    Everything will be just "Atas".

    A series of complex subjects

    They stormed as best they could.

    Who is joking and who is serious

    He overcame the tests.

    These years lived together

    Every day they hurried to class.

    We taught teachers

    Well, they taught us.

    We don't know for sure yet

    What else awaits us at school:

    Glitter of victories or grief

    5th grade will bring us.

    We have completed the program

    But let's not despair.

    We passed our first exam

    How many more to give.


    Colorful and cheerful

    Untouched by all the years

    This world is called school

    He is as old as us.

    Everything here is new, interesting,

    Many discoveries await us

    And lives in it, to be honest,

    Amazing people.

    In this class we were taught

    Without fear of obstacles, live,

    In the sea of ​​knowledge without effort

    Find the island of friendship.

    Childhood will wave to us

    And leave us for others.

    We are with our elementary school

    We don't want to break up.

    The children take their seats in the auditorium.

    Teacher: The letter A has an amazing word - arithmetic. We studied 2856 lessons together, learned dozens of rules, solved hundreds of problems and thousands of examples, a lot of scientific facts stuck in your heads, and some still don’t fit there. 1896 hours you spent at your desk at school. 322 years 7 months and 14 days is our total age. 43 meters 13 centimeters is our total height, and over 4 years of study in elementary school, each grew by about 15 cm and recovered by 4 kg.

    856 kg 300 g is our total weight.

    1970 and more written notebooks and diaries, and not every one of them was shown to parents.

    Scene "Pharmacy"

    Mother: Well, come on, son, diary, let's see what you have there.

    A son: I can't show it to you today.

    Mother: Why?

    A son: The pharmacy was closed.

    Mother Q: What about the pharmacy?

    A son: How is it to do with it? Katya said that today my diary can be shown to parents only together with valerian. Mom: Valerian!

    Teacher: On our holiday, valerian will not be needed, because the next letter in the alphabet is the letter B.

    This is a balm for the soul, these are special words of gratitude to parents for raising their children. (Letters of thanks and certificates of honor are presented to parents.)

    Student 1:

    From all of us sad and laughing,

    Lucky, unlucky,

    Calm, very mischievous,

    But to all of you, we know, dear ones,

    Accept our earthly bow.

    Student 2:

    Dads and moms, turning to you,

    We want to say thank you today.

    We have upset you so many times

    But you always forgave us

    For gray hair, sorry for everything.

    We love you deeply, deeply!

    Parents' receipt

    We, the undersigned parents of today's graduates of primary school No. ..., issue a receipt that we really receive our children in 201 ... years ago, who were sent to school in 201 ... for storage, upbringing and education. There are no complaints about the school, but there are gratitudes, and very big ones.

    The Parents' Committee for taking children back notes only one circumstance: we deposited small-format children, but we get large-sized children back - it is more difficult to feed them, put shoes on, clothe and give further education in market conditions. But, nevertheless, looking at the contented, beautiful and spiritualized faces of children, we hope that our children will soon give the knowledge gained in elementary school for the benefit of society, and society, you see, will allocate something from these benefits to parents ... Thank you for this and subscribe.

    Moms, dads, uncles, aunts, grandparents of graduates of the 4th "..." class of elementary school in 201....

    Teacher: That's great, that's good! We are all here together and we are grateful to each other for this.

    And here is the letter B (true, universal). Let's all, together with the Guitar, sing the song "The bend of the yellow guitar."

    One of the parents plays the guitar and everyone sings.

    Teacher: So together, all together we got to the letter D. These are dictations, diaries, fractions, divisions and the sweet word childhood, so hastily running away from us somewhere.

    The musical play "Childhood" is performed by a student on a synthesizer.

    Teacher: What letter did we stop at?

    Everything: E!

    Teacher: Eat, that is, everyone loves to eat, especially sweets. Yes? I can not hear!

    Parents invite everyone to a sweet table.

    Teacher: Speaking about the letter Zh, the first thing that always comes to mind is the word life, interesting, rich, unusual. Do you love life? How do you love her? So now, wishes will be heard from each table, starting with the letter J. Such that your life will become even better!

    1st toast: Once upon a time there was a little bear cub Monya. When he was still very small, clumsy, he was often told that he could not do anything. And he believed in it. He really didn't get anything. When Monya grew up, kind people said that he was very nice and he would succeed. Monya believed in this and began to work. He got it all right.

    Believe in yourself and in good people. Let such people meet you as often as possible.

    As long as E and F are stacked in your stomachs, I want your head not to get bored either. So, letter 3. Let's check your knowledge, whether you know your school well enough. For each wrong answer, a phantom is taken off the table.

    Where is our school located?

    What year was it opened?

    What is the phone number in the director's office?

    How many entrances and exits are there in the school building?

    Director's office number.

    How many classrooms are there in the school?

    Where can lessons be held at the school?

    How old is the director?

    How many steps at the main entrance?

    What is the name of the school chef?

    Teacher: What letter are we on? The letter I. These are games, a foreign language, interesting stories, X's and many, many interesting things.

    The game "Famous Person" is being played.

    One person leaves each table and the press conference of famous personalities is considered open. On the back of each of them is attached a sign that they cannot see. These are singers, writers, politicians, athletes, actors, literary heroes: Pinocchio, A.B. Pugacheva, Winnie the Pooh, V.V. Zhirinovsky, Harry Potter, Sergei Bezrukov, Raul, Dima Bilan, etc. All these heroes have amnesia, and instead of answering reporters' questions, they begin to ask them themselves. "Where I am?" "Who am I?". The reporters are "speechless" and are only able to answer "yes" or "no". If the person could not determine who he is, let her contrive and get the tablet from the back.

    To the soundtrack of the singer in his costume, the student performs a song in a foreign language.

    Teacher: Attention! There comes a solemn moment. Now you must give me and your parents an oath of a future fifth grader, and children whose names and surnames begin with the letter K will read it.

    5th Grade Oath

    Entering the ranks of middle school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of martyr parents, in the face of hardworking teachers, I solemnly swear:

    1. Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not letting a single question pass your ears, even the most difficult and tricky one.

    2. Do not bring teachers to a boiling point - 100 "C.

    3. Be fast and swift, but do not exceed the speed of 60 km / h when moving along the school corridors!

    4. To extract from teachers not good grades, but solid and accurate knowledge and skills.

    5. Swim only on "good" and "excellent" in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths.

    6. Be worthy of your teachers and parents. We swear, we swear, we swear!

    Teacher: The next letter in the alphabet is L. The most cherished word is love. Love for subjects, classmates, teachers. Our children's favorite subjects are different. The song "My Bunny" is performed.

    You are my ball - I am a pump,

    You are my bar - I am a bar,

    You are my pool - I am water,

    I can swim and not get drunk.

    My lounge - I am a loop,

    My barbell is a dumbbell.

    Everything is good in this song

    We are with you forever

    My physical education.


    I don't sleep well at night

    Because I love sports

    Because I have loved him for a long time.

    I don't sleep during the day

    And I don't sleep at all

    Because I really, really love sports.

    My note - I'm your song.

    Do, mi, fa, salt is better to sing together.

    Flute, button accordion - I'm a balalaika,

    Marches and dances, come on, play.

    The Star Factory is not a threat to us,

    We all sing like... Glucose.

    Everything is good in this song

    We are with you forever

    My music.


    I don't sleep well at night

    Because I love to sing

    During the day I sing all the songs,

    I'll sing to the wolf at night,

    Because I really, really like to sing.

    Brush and gouache - I am water,

    Ink, watercolor - everything will come in handy,

    Portrait and landscape - I'm a sketch,

    You are a still life - I am a drapery.

    Graphics, charcoal - I'm paper,

    Learning to be an artist takes courage.

    Everything is good in this song

    We are with you forever

    IZOshka is mine.


    I don't sleep well at night

    Because I love to draw

    Because I love to draw.

    The song "About love" is performed for the teacher.

    Why are we sad?

    Will sing another call

    But we keep in mind

    Our very first lesson.

    Sitting at the desk for the first time

    We did not know troubles and torments.

    All the good that is in us

    We took from your hands.


    And the love that is in the hearts

    We will carry and strengthen over the years,

    No matter how many years have passed.

    Joy of meetings, taste of victories

    And you shared success with us,

    Leaving a good mark in memory

    And love.

    They told us: "Hold on!"

    They helped with all their heart.

    Our little life

    With you suddenly became big.

    Remember again and again

    your kind eyes.

    It will be difficult for us without you,

    And we keep love

    All the lessons lived with you

    Will remember many years later.

    We'll leave, and you,

    Pass the children our secret

    And love.


    And the love that is in the hearts

    We carry and strengthen over the years.

    No matter how many years have passed.

    We'll leave, and you,

    Meeting other kids

    Pass the children our secret

    And love.

    Teacher: The letter M stands for math, music, music parents who have prepared some surprises for you.

    parental suffering

    Until now, your whole life has been excellent,

    Now where are we taking you?

    With sadness we sing about it.

    Everyone is in hysterical condition

    Now is the moment of history:

    You finally moved to the fifth grade -

    We are very happy for you.

    All the guys in front of us are great.

    Very mature, very unusual.

    You go to them with an open mind -

    They will repay with great love.

    Oh, you kids, you are our miserable ones,

    The ratings have been excellent so far.

    What will happen next year?

    You will be valued for your work.

    Teacher: The letter H stands for mood, nostalgia. And many dads today remembered themselves as younger schoolchildren.

    To the music of “Dance while you are young”, dads, together with their sons, dance sitting on chairs a head dance, a leg dance, a body dance.

    Teacher: The letter O stands for grades and, of course, mischief.

    Naughty Contests:

    1. Know your children by their knees.

    2. Who will hold the pencil on the nose longer.

    3. Which of the mothers will scroll the hoop longer.

    4. Which of the parents jumps the best on a jump rope.

    Teacher: P. What is your favorite word in elementary school?

    Students: Turn!

    Teacher: Unusual transformations happen to us during breaks. Students:

    Where Zhenya and Sasha were,

    Jumping Ninja Turtles

    Someone crawled out from behind the closet

    It turned out to be Diman Willis.

    I'll twist the bright lock boldly,

    I will be like Tanya Aguilera.

    Step, stop, stop.

    Vlad the terminator marched deftly,

    I catch a click on the top of my head with a diary,

    I'm taking a quantum leap right now.

    Who rushed in the hallway like a rocker?

    That's on a mission Kostya Walker.

    The attendants came out, they look bravo.

    Why not interns in the vice police?

    Where are the directors?

    What are they waiting for?

    After all, Hollywood will be lost without us!

    Teacher: Parents are in no way inferior in talent to their children. The letter P - parental surprise.

    Parents impromptu show the fairy tale “Do not cut down the tree, do not cut down” (based on the song of the group “Lube”).

    Don't cut down trees, don't cut down

    main characters: Bell, Curtain, Trees in the grove, Sunshine, Wind, Woodcutters, Leaves, Birds, Bear, Hair, Arms, Legs, Silence, Finale.

    The bell rings for the start of the performance. Bell runs out and shouts loudly: "Ding-Ding-Ding." The curtain opens.

    The Curtain comes to the middle, stretching its arms in different directions, and depicts that it has been rolled into a roll.

    Once upon a time there was a beautiful birch grove in the world.

    Trees come out and stand in a semicircle, like girls in Russian folk dances, resting their cheeks on their hands.

    In the mornings, the smiling Sun looked into her.

    The Sun appears, comes close to each Tree and looks into the eyes.

    A friendly breeze blew and tickled the tree trunks with its breath.

    The Wind runs out and blows powerfully on the Trees, and then he can try to tickle them a little if he doesn’t get a branch on the nose.

    But one day Woodcutters appeared in the grove.

    Woodcutters come, making scary faces.

    The Trees trembled with fear (the trees begin to convulse), and all the Leaves flew from them.

    Leaves suddenly appear on the trees, and then spectacularly fall to the floor.

    The lumberjacks began to saw and cut the trees,

    It is advisable to use only fake saws, without real tools.

    One was uprooted from the ground.

    Lumberjacks tear the Tree off the ground.

    The forest dwellers were outraged.

    Birds flew in and began to wave their wings at the Woodcutters.

    The Bear came and began to growl at the Woodcutters with a wild roar.

    The Lumberjacks' hair stood on end in horror...

    Hair appears above the Woodcutter's head and begins to bristle in all directions..

    Hands shook,

    The Hands come out, lean against the Woodcutters' torsos and begin to tremble.

    And the feet themselves carried them away.

    Legs pick up the players and carry them off the stage.

    And the long-awaited Silence came to the forest.

    Bouncer Silence comes out and silences.

    The forest again began to live its usual life: the Trees rustled their Leaves under the breeze of the Wind, the Sun shone affably from behind the Trees, the Birds sang on the branches of the Trees, and the Bear climbed the Trees and collected honey from the hives.

    It's a riot as all the characters try to fit in around the martyrs of the Trees.

    The man Final comes out and shakes hands with everyone: “The final, it’s very nice, Final.”

    The curtain closes.

    The curtain enters the stage and unfolds from the roll back to its full width.

    Teacher: The letter C is the most serious page of today's meeting. Certificates of graduation from elementary school and memorable souvenirs are now being handed out.

    And now - dancing!

    Variety dances prepared by children, and a disco for 2-3 dances.

    Teacher: The letter U is a teacher.

    Well, why does it turn out like this -

    Do I not appreciate the years?

    The fourth goes to the fifth -

    I come again to the first

    I'll start all over again

    And I'm not afraid of repetition.

    Eighth time, like a second year.

    I am in first grade.

    But it's different, it's different

    Dozens of new faces and eyes,

    After all, I'm a teacher - an eternal repeater

    I'm going back to first grade.

    The song "Teacher" is performed by a student.

    Do you remember the yellow autumn

    When we got to first grade

    And the first call, the magic bell,

    For us it rang for the first time,

    For us it rang for the first time

    Moms straightened bows for us,

    Tears dropping from eyes.

    And we dreamed of studying well,

    Just to please you

    Just to please you.


    Teacher, teacher, teacher!

    At least teach for a year,

    We don't want to part

    after this class.

    Teacher, teacher, teacher!

    For pranks, forgive us

    Please forgive us

    Do you remember the yellow autumn

    The kids are in first grade.

    Bouquets of flowers were given to you with a smile

    From a pure and childish soul,

    From a pure and childlike soul.

    And the sun smiled at us

    He warmed with his warmth.

    We went on a difficult life path

    Under your safe wing,

    Under your safe wing.


    Teacher: Letter F. At the beginning of the holiday, we collected forfeits, and now it's time to win them back.

    Crow through the keyhole.

    Picture a lunar rover.

    Shout out the window: “Hurrah! We're on vacation...

    Tables give tasks to each other. If the class allows, you can arrange a festive fireworks display on the street.

    Teacher: Our class is Artistic and this name was not given to us from the word bad.

    To prove this, by the end of the holiday, children will give each other friendly cartoons.

    The letter C at school is most often numbers, and personalities are hiding behind them. In our school... fourth grade. And how do we differ from them?


    There is Vitalik in our class,

    There are two Dimas, and Zhenya was three,

    Lesha, Tanya, Masha, Dasha,

    Vera, Zhanna and Natasha

    We also have two Nastya

    Let's not forget about the Power,

    Katya, Kostya and Christina,

    Vlad, Nikita and Ilya -

    A friendly family together.

    Sasha two, one Alena,

    The class is slightly smaller than a battalion.

    You guys don't yawn.

    How many of us are in the class?


    Teacher: The letter H stands for honor, pure friendship.

    Children sing a song to the music of "Black Cat"

    Here our class lives in high school,

    This class consists of all of us

    And today we sing a song

    Just about how we live together.


    They say no luck

    If a friend does not go with you.

    It will be the opposite

    If there is a friend nearby, then you are definitely lucky.

    We sit quietly in class

    And we eat together in the dining room.

    Change is like a fairy tale with us,

    Make it come true at least once.


    We know how to teach lessons

    We are able to be friends with each other.

    If it's hard for one of us,

    That friends will help us this hour.


    A competition "Let's test your friendship" between pairs of friends is held th.

    Friends need to explain words to each other without naming the phenomenon itself.

    Sea, seagulls, waves, pitching, thirst, rain, puddle, ice, drought, etc.

    Peel an orange, with two people, but use one hand each, and then eat it as quickly as possible.

    Teacher: The letter W is charades, jokes, school ditties.


    We are funny guys

    We will sing ditties to you,

    Like in your favorite school

    We live wonderfully.

    Vasya was late for school,

    But he will not say that he overslept,

    Just now, as luck would have it,

    It dawned too late.

    Our Sergey with great success

    Performed in cross-country skiing

    I rode halfway on skis,

    Halfway in the snow lay.

    We asked Kolechka:

    - Where did you get the "double"?

    Kolya gloomily replies:

    - All "fives" are not enough!

    Once Yulia's teacher

    He explained that knowledge is light.

    Julia went to bed in the light,

    And woke up - no knowledge.

    Trained monkeys

    Olya saw

    And now she's boys

    Trains at school.

    Lena finished things

    Today ahead of schedule:

    One hundred braids braided

    In just three lessons...

    Teacher: We also had a chance to meet the letter E for 4 years - these are excursions, relay races, exams and performances on the stage.

    A pop number is performed - a video for any famous song.

    Teacher: Humor helped us all 4 years. With him we learned the rules, participated in KVN, competitions and contests.

    A competition is held among parents for the funniest story from the life of their children. The teacher reads out excerpts from children's essays.

    Teacher: The saddest moment of tonight is coming: we say goodbye to you. I want to keep all your clear eyes and bright statements as a keepsake. We'll record them on tape. This page is called "And finally I will say ..."

    Children in front of the camera say whatever they want to say to friends, parents, teacher.

    If someone finds it difficult, he is asked leading questions.

    For example:

    What do you remember the most in 4 years?

    What was your favorite subject?

    Would you like to study in another class?

    What do you want to wish your friends?

    At the end of the holiday, a farewell song is performed to the motive "Moscow Windows"

    Now the sky is getting dark,

    So the windows in the neighborhood were lit up.

    Evening, prom night

    Sad holiday, and longing (2 times)

    We say goodbye to elementary school, dear.

    Build, glue, think and dream.

    Let's be honest, not melting:

    We are now one family, (2 times)

    And we can't part.

    We will dream of you at night

    We wish you much happiness.

    We have known you for many years

    You are kinder in the world! (2 times)

    You proved that learning is light


    It's time for us to say goodbye.

    "Goodbye!" I tell you.

    You will return in September.

    We'll meet in the yard, (2 times)

    But you will not go to the lessons with me.

    Teacher: And so our holiday came to an end. I would like to wish you all the best, good luck and success in your studies. Good luck! See you soon!

    Scenario of the holiday "Farewell to the elementary school"

    Presenter 1

    There is no empty space in our class.

    It means holiday

    The long-awaited holiday, but what?

    Lead 2

    If there will be again

    From smiles and from songs closely,

    It means holiday

    Holiday in our class


    high school graduation.


    Dear parents! Dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you to

    this wonderful and a little sad holiday dedicated to the end of elementary school in your class. I want to invite my pupils here, students of grade 4 B. (To the music of "Little Country" the guys enter the class).

    SONG "Little Country"

    1. We name our school

    "Little country":

    There are people with kind eyes,

    There life is full of love.

    Children can have fun there

    There is no evil and grief,

    They didn't let us be lazy

    And they gave light to everyone.


    Small country (2 p)

    It's good for kids to study here.

    It is their second home.

    Small country (2 p)

    Here the doors are always open for us -

    The school of friends is full.

    2. We can today in this class

    We give free rein to words

    But we can't go back

    To my childhood years.

    Children come and go

    And there will be our first teacher

    Meet the kids again.


    It seems that just recently you guys came to the 1st grade - small, timid, inept. And just like that, 4 years flew by. All this time together we have been climbing the first, most difficult steps of the ladder of knowledge.

    During this time we managed to make friends, get used to each other. I will remember each of you, because for 4 years spent together, the students become as dear as their own children. Of course, everything was not always smooth in our school life, there were also problems, but only all the best, the best that is in each of you, will remain in our memory.

    Presenter 1

    Together with you, we made discoveries, gained new knowledge, learned a lot of interesting things.

    Lead 2

    And also you learned to be friends, understand and forgive each other.

    Presenter 1

    In a word, there is something to remember.

    Lead 2

    So let's remember how it all began.

    Student 1

    The hardest 1st class ever!

    The 1st class is the hardest!

    Because we came to the 1st grade for the 1st time!

    Student 2

    We remember that cheerful call,

    What rang to us for the first time,

    When they came to school with flowers

    In your best 1st grade!

    Student 3

    As the teacher met at the door,

    Our faithful friend for many days,

    And the noisy family is big

    New girlfriends and friends.

    Pupil 4

    We are funny kids

    Run to this class.

    Us primer with pencils

    Gave 1 time.

    With this book, the very first

    Each path began

    To take the right path

    To the sacred pass.

    Student 5

    We wrote more than one notebook in these 4 years! And how difficult it was to start, how the letters did not obey, how difficult it was to solve your first tasks, examples.

    Alla Pugacheva "Song of the first grader"

    1. For some reason, more and more of us began to load,

    The teacher asks us tasks with Xs,
    Candidate of Sciences - and he is crying over the task.
    Chorus: Will it still be
    It's only the beginning,
    It's only the beginning
    Oh oh oh!
    It's only the beginning,
    It's only the beginning,
    It's only the beginning
    Oh oh oh!
    2. And we have a misfortune: writing again.
    Leo Tolstoy did not write such things at my age.
    I don't go anywhere, I don't breathe ozone,
    I work as a synchrophasotron.
    Chorus: Will it still be
    It's only the beginning,
    It's only the beginning
    Oh oh oh!
    It's only the beginning,
    It's only the beginning,
    It's only the beginning
    Oh oh oh!
    3. For some reason, more and more of us began to load,
    Today at school the first class is like an institute.
    I go to bed at twelve, I don’t have the strength to undress,
    I wish I could become an adult right away, take a break from childhood ...
    Chorus: Will it still be
    It's only the beginning,
    It's only the beginning
    Oh oh oh! 2 times

    Pupil 6

    But time flew by quickly

    And now we are unrecognizable.

    and solve equations.

    Pupil 7

    And on a September day, fine

    And when February sweeps

    School, school, you look like

    On a ship that runs into the distance.

    Pupil 8

    Every year we enter together

    In a new class as in a new port.

    And again dreams and songs

    As always, we take on board.

    Pupil 9

    We grew up, we learned.

    And today in our class

    To you, our faithful friend, teacher,

    We say thank you.

    Farewell song "Hope" (to the motive of the song "Hope")

    A familiar star shines on us

    What is called Primary School,

    Here we were always happy

    The sun warmed us up.

    But we're going to 5th grade

    It's time for parting

    Lots of good words and phrases.

    I want to say goodbye to you!

    Chorus: Teacher! You are always near.

    A great mom will help us.

    We were sometimes wrong

    Sometimes, a little stubborn.

    But 4 years behind

    We have become more serious and smarter.

    Thank you for those gardens

    What they raised, not sparing the soul.

    It's time for you to harvest

    And it's time for you to sum up.

    Sending pets to the 5th grade -

    Thank you our teachers!


    Presenter 1

    Every day at different lessons the children received new knowledge.

    Lead 2

    We'll tell you now
    What they taught us in school:

    Presenter 1 Literary reading lesson

    Pupil 10

    Reading is a wonderful lesson.

    A lot of useful information in each of the lines,

    Whether it's a poem or a story

    You teach them, they teach you.

    Pupil 11

    In every house, in every hut,
    In cities and in the countryside
    Curious reader
    Keeps a book on the table.

    Pupil 12

    You open the book
    Her sheets rustle.
    On the sheets - behind the row -
    The letters are black.

    Pupil 13

    The book will tell you everything
    Talking to her is never boring.
    She will show her native land
    And teach you to love.

    Lead 2

    And this is how we once taught poetry.

    Dramatization of "Vanya rode a horse" (3 students)

    Student 1

    Everyone knows that we have

    We will read a poem

    And remember all that hour!

    Vanya rode a horse

    Led a dog on a belt

    And the old woman at this time

    Soap ficus on the window.

    Student 2

    Well, what is there to talk about?

    I would praise myself

    Me a story about Vanya

    Very easy to repeat!

    Vanya rode on a belt,

    Carried an old woman on a horse

    And the dog at this time

    Soap ficus on the window ...

    Student 3

    Well, what kind of weirdo are you?

    Only show off the master!

    You better listen to me

    It wasn't like that at all!

    A ficus rode on a horse,

    Led an old woman on a belt,

    And the dog at this time

    Soap Vanya on the window ...

    Student 1

    Everyone knows that we have

    Memory - just the highest class!

    Well, repeat yourself!

    What will happen to you?


    But in our class, you can still single out the guys who are friends with the book, read a lot. These are Sasha Dvurechenskaya, Sofia Kozyakova, Nastya Komogorova, Nikita Factory. We give them medals as lovers of reading fiction and educational literature.

    Presenter 1 And here is our favorite math.

    Pupil 14

    And beautiful and strong


    Work is in full swing here

    Everyone counts something.

    Pupil 15

    The case is very interesting

    How can I find the unknown?

    I'm looking for X in all tasks,

    Wish me good luck.

    Pupil 16

    I have a true friend

    The compass will draw a circle

    And the multiplication table

    She deserved respect.

    Pupil 17

    All tasks and examples
    We love to decide without measure.
    Our math is
    It's just top class!

    Pupil 18

    I will write examples
    I'll put the numbers in a column.
    I will multiply everything, I will share,
    I'll draw a triangle.

    What a pleasure
    It's an equation!
    My math is
    The most beloved!

    Lead 2 Scene in math class. (3 persons)

    Teacher: Let's start with oral counting. Denis, if you have 100 rubles

    and you will ask your brother for the same amount. How much money will you have?

    Student: As before, 100 rubles.

    You just don't know math!

    “No, you just don't know my brother.

    Teacher: Now let's solve the problem.

    Maxim, please tell me the formula for finding the area of ​​a rectangle.

    Student: I'm sorry, but I don't remember her.

    “Then go to the blackboard and find X.

    - Found! Here he is!! (pulls out of pocket and points to X).

    Song to the motive "Blue Carriage"

    The minutes are slowly drifting away

    Water flows from pipe to pipe.

    My problem is not solved

    Oh, this is my plumbing!


    I stand at the board for half an hour,

    I multiply and divide again

    And in the pipe the water is already running out,

    I can't understand anything.


    Slowly, slowly our lesson drags on.

    They will give me a deuce, because there is no solution!

    Everyone, everyone believes in the best ...

    Maybe someone can give me an answer.


    In our class, we can distinguish children who are very fond of mathematics and successfully cope with various tasks and exercises. These are Evgenia Gribkova, Daniil Bolotov, Mikhail Grevtsev. As a keepsake, we give them medals of the best mathematicians.

    Presenter 1 Now let's take a break from class. Many of the guys in our class are talented and artistic. Let's see an oriental dance performed by Yulia Pshennikova.

    Lead 2 We return to the lessons.Before usRussian language lesson.

    Pupil 19

    Here Russian is our native language!
    He is rich and wise.
    How many words there are in the world!
    So many that you can never count!
    We need different words
    To express your thoughts.
    Our Russian language is beautiful,
    It has a large vocabulary.
    Of course, the mysteries of the language
    We haven't opened everything yet.

    Pupil 20

    Grammar, grammar -

    Science is very strict.

    Grammar textbook

    You always take with anxiety.

    She is difficult, but without her

    Life would be bad.

    You must know the cases

    Punctuation marks.

    Hold your head up

    At the time of remembrance.

    Presenter 1 Scene "Russian lesson" Cases "

    Characters : teacher and student Petrov

    Teacher: Petrov, go to the blackboard and write down a short story that I will dictate to you.

    Student goes to the blackboard and prepares to write.

    Teacher (dictating): “Dad and mom scolded Vova for bad behavior. Vova was silent guiltily, and then he promised to improve.”

    Student writes from dictation on the board.

    Teacher: Wonderful! Underline all the nouns in your story.

    Student emphasizes the words: “dad”, “mother”, “Vova”, “behavior”, “Vova”, “promise”.

    Teacher: Ready? Decide what case these nouns are in. Understood?

    Student : Yes!

    Teacher: Get started!

    Student : "Father and mother". Who? What? Parents. So, the case is genitive.

    Scolded whom, what? Vova. "Vova" is a name. So the case is nominative.

    Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that “behavior” has an instrumental case.

    Vova was silent guiltily. So, here “Vova” has an accusative case.

    Well, the “promise”, of course, is in the dative case, since Vova gave it!

    That's all!

    Teacher : Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Bring the diary, Petrov. I wonder what mark you would suggest to give yourself?

    Student : What? Of course, five!

    Teacher: So five? By the way, in what case did you call this word “five”?

    Student : In the prepositional!

    Teacher: In a prepositional? Why?

    Student : Well, I suggested it myself!

    (Song sounds to the tune of "Chunga-Changa")

    I am sitting in class again.

    I don't take my eyes off the window.

    It's already spring, the streams are ringing.

    Well, they tell me: teach, teach.


    I'm tired of bending

    I'm tired of the harness

    I'm tired of adverbs and verbs.

    I'm tired of studying

    I want to fly like a bird

    Oh, I wish I could graduate from this school!


    In our class, we can distinguish children who love the Russian language and successfully cope with various grammar tasks and exercises. This is Alekseeva Vika, Vlasova Valeria. As a keepsake, we give them medals of the best grammarians.

    Presenter 2 Next lesson - environmental lesson.

    Pupil 21

    This lesson taught us

    Loving and observing nature

    Do not offend animals and birds,

    Take care of the fields, and the forest, and the water.

    Pupil 22

    We talked about everything:

    About mushrooms and flowers

    About birch, about aspen,

    About fields and meadows.

    Presenter 1 Scene "At the lesson of the world around"

    Teacher. Where is water found in nature, Sasha?

    Student. You said it yourself: in nature.

    — Lena, name six animals that live in the Arctic?

    — Two seals and four polar bears.

    Yura, what substances do not dissolve in water?

    - Fishes.

    - Sveta, who is called the king of beasts?

    - Director of the zoo.

    Denis, you're disturbing the others. Read about yourself.

    “But nothing is written about me here.


    In our class, we can distinguish children who love and study their native nature, its protection. These are Alina Popova, Polina Kiseleva, Amalia Gridneva, Vlad Kostina. As a keepsake, we give them medals of the best nature lovers.

    Lead 2

    Now for a fun change. Listen to ditties about our school life.

    All (in chorus)

    We are girls - laughter

    We are always cheerful

    Let's all sing ditties now

    Yes, school work.

    1. I have a rose in my pocket

    loose rose,

    I have such a character

    What a stinging nettle!

    2. I walked outside the village

    I saw Vanyusha there.

    Sitting under a bush and crying -

    The chicken hurt.

    3. Letters in the machine notebook

    Don't stand like in a parade

    Letters jump and dance

    They wave their tails.

    1. I gave to write off on the control

    All puzzles for Kolechka,

    And now in our notebooks

    Both have twins.

    2. Our teacher was waiting for an answer

    From Vasily for a long time.

    No answer, no hello -

    No sense.

    3. The slut has confusion

    It's not like that and it's not like that

    And an open shirt

    And a buttonless jacket.
    All (in chorus)

    We sang ditties to you,

    Is it good, is it bad

    And now we ask you

    For us to be applauded.

    Presenter 1 We continue to travel through the lessons further.

    Song to the motive "Pinocchio"

    I attended the lesson

    I saw the gym

    And the teacher was strict with us,

    But this is an important lesson.

    We develop dexterity here.

    Tell me, what's his name?


    Lead 2 Dramatization "What is physical education."


    What is physical education?

    Training and play.

    What is physical education?


    Fiz, and -kul, and -tu, and -ra.


    Hands up, hands down.


    This is a physical


    We turn the neck like a steering wheel,


    This is a cul-


    Jump high.


    This is tu-


    Run for half an hour in the morning.


    This is RA!


    In doing this,

    Be smart, strong, brave.

    Plus - a good figure.

    Here's what it means:


    Physical training!


    In our class, we can distinguish guys who love to do physical education, jump and run all day. These are Nastya Barabanshchikova, Artyom Echevsky, Vika Lazareva, Artyom Protsko, Julia Pshennikova, Dima Firsov. As a keepsake, we give them medals of sports fans.

    Presenter 1 The next lesson is a technology lesson.

    Pupil 23

    The boy went to school
    Got paper and cardboard
    He was going to make
    Bunny, bear and bud.
    At the technology lesson
    You can do a lot
    You just have to want.

    Pupil 24

    I'm in technology class

    Waited for a call for almost an hour.

    You treat with understanding

    Not all the same masters of labor with us.


    In our class, we can distinguish guys who love to study ...... These are Christina Chursina, Maxim Merkulov, Nastya Volokitina. As a keepsake, we give them medals of the best amateurs ....

    Presenter 2 Music lesson.

    Pupil 25

    In music lessons

    We were taught to sing together

    Dance, play and listen

    Don't look at your neighbor.

    Composers of various you revealed to us a secret.

    And without great music, we have no joy in life.

    Pupil 26

    The music teacher entered the spacious classroom,

    And with music we enter the class together,

    And pure sounds are pouring from us,

    And we sing better every year.

    Leading 1 Song "Great Company"

    Lead 2 Oriental dance performed by Kiseleva Polina.

    Presenter 1

    Now is the time to talk about our parents. After all, all these years, every day, from lesson to lesson, from quarter to quarter, from trimester to trimester, your moms and dads re-learned with you.

    Lead 2

    They, like you, and maybe even more than you, were worried, experienced failures, rejoiced at your victories ... Together with you they are now here at the holiday, and we say huge things to all of them ...

    All (in unison): Thank you!

    Pupil 27

    Today we say thank you

    Of course, and to their parents.

    Your care, understanding and patience

    They have always helped us, no doubt!

    Pupil 28

    Here they are, those who sat with us at night over a book ...

    Here they are, those who wrote essays for us ...

    The best moms and dads in the world

    Thank you very much for your children.

    Pupil 29

    We thank the parents.

    They helped us.

    And the requests are very different.

    They did it willingly.

    Pupil 30

    Sew a dance costume

    Pancakes will be baked for us,

    And if you really ask -

    And they will come to speak.

    Presenter 1

    Dramatization "It was in the evening ..."

    It was in the evening

    There was nothing to do.

    The jackdaw sat on the fence,

    The cat climbed into the attic.

    Suddenly, Olya's mother said just like that:

    And we have 5 in notebook, and you?

    And we have a triplet again, and you?

    And yesterday our son wrote an essay.

    I came up with the beginning, then dad composed.

    Well, ours is playing chips.

    And everything screams: “U-E-FA!”

    From such terrible screams

    Head hurt.

    My son got into a fight yesterday

    Yes, it fell on the floor.

    Washed my pants for two hours

    Yes, I sewed a shirt.

    Ours does not like vermicelli - this time.

    Making your bed is two things.

    And fourthly, I asked my son to wash the floor,

    He answers: “I won’t have time, I need to learn the rule.”

    I have to go, because my son needs to draw something there.

    Well, my son ordered me to write a presentation.

    I need to solve 2 problems

    Sew up the school uniform.

    All (in chorus)

    We really need moms!

    Mothers are important to everyone!

    Pupil 31

    If only they were given their work for their work,

    To relieve their nervous stress,

    Precious medals...

    Do we have medals?

    Everything. There is!


    Of course, for your parents, these medals cannot be counted, since they were always with you in all sciences and at any moment came to your aid. But, let me give my parents letters of thanks.

    Leading together: Attention! Attention! The solemn moment is coming!Lead 2 Elementary school diplomas are awarded.

    Presenter 1 Today in our classwe say goodbye to elementary school and move on to the 5th grade in the middle link.

    Lead 2 We open the door to a new world, where we will meet new teachers, new academic disciplines.

    Leading 1 Now is the most solemn moment. All future 5th graders, please stand up. You must take the "Fifth Grade Oath".


    Lead 2

    Entering the ranks of middle school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of martyr parents, in the face of hardworking teachers, I solemnly swear:

    Leading 1 To stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not letting a single question pass by your ears, even the most difficult and tricky one.(WE SWEAR)

    Presenter2 Do not bring teachers to a boiling point of -100 degrees.(WE SWEAR)

    Leading 1 Be fast and swift, but do not exceed the speed of 60 km / h when moving along the school corridors! (WE SWEAR)

    Leading 2 Swim with "good" and "excellent" in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths.(WE SWEAR)

    Leading 1 Be worthy of your teachers!

    We swear! We swear! We swear!

    Teacher Dear parents, guests. Here comes the end of our holiday..

    I want to wish the guys

    Not so little, not so much

    So that the sun shines, so that it is joyful

    Walk along the ladder of Knowledge with friends.

    So that grief - misfortune, bypasses you all,

    To have fun growing and dreaming!

    Dear Parents!

    I wish you one out of a thousand stars - the brightest!

    I wish you from a thousand tears - one - the sweetest!

    I wish you out of a thousand meetings - one - the happiest!

    I wish you only one joy, but the longest, the longest!

    And most importantly, health, happiness, love and well-being in your family.

    The song "Goodbye, elementary school!"

    Tatyana Gorokhova

    « Farewell to elementary school»

    Goals and objectives of extracurricular Events:

    1) In a musical and literary form, hold farewell to elementary school at the end of the course elementary school.

    2) Strengthening the love of knowledge, school, the process of knowing the world through training sessions.


    Festively decorated class, posters, newspaper with pictures of children about school life during 4 years of study.

    Holiday progress:


    Today in our school holiday

    Graduation in 4th grade.

    But for some reason I'm the only one here

    And no fuss.

    Nobody is running around.

    The class is only decorated, a white sheet.

    I don't understand what happened?

    Hey guys, where are you?

    Well, finally show up.

    We holiday should be.

    They are silent. Well then.

    Then I'll start, I guess.

    And this white sheet is in the classroom.

    Probably not without reason, my friends.

    Indeed, 4 years ago it all started with such a blank sheet. First graders came to me. They were like white leaves for me, I did not know them. And then we're all together started fill out this sheet. Let's see what picture we get.

    (I attach the middle of the flower)

    It's me. But how sad and lonely I am on such a large sheet.


    Here we are, your first petals. (attach)


    Yes, these are Tanya and Yura - petals, they are already flowers with us.


    Knock - knock, let me in, I'll stick a petal too. (attaches)


    And this is Nikita and Seryozha - come on in, 2 more petals are in place.


    I'm called Vanechka, perhaps I'll stick with a petal too.


    Me, stick me. Although I am small, I am mischievous, and besides, I am good-looking. (attaches)


    And without me, the flower is incomplete, I also say this, so I will stick my petal to the middle.


    We are the petals of this flower and there is no other way, friends.


    That's right Nastya and Tanya, we know that. And with joy we all wish to stick your leaves as soon as possible.


    I, After all, Maxim, they recognized me. (attaches)


    Well, look, we have almost collected the whole flower.


    I, too, among the many petals, it's nice to be in a team,

    And my beautiful petal can land in this place.

    The flower is assembled, the petals are in place, but we are missing something.

    Guess who I'm talking about?

    Knows how, if you need to mend a sock,

    With their help, you prepare a lesson,

    Be the first to learn

    To be the first in work,

    We do not like white hands anywhere,

    Your good friend teaches you

    Beloved, native teacher.

    (Educators come out, attach a stalk with leaves)


    This is how we got together and became friends and turned into a single class.

    Let's remember today once again what these four years of ours were like.

    SONG: « Primary School»

    Student 1: Holding my mother's hand securely,

    Then we first went to class

    For your very first lesson.

    Who met us first? School bell!

    Student 2: Do you remember it was around

    A sea of ​​colors and sounds.

    From warm mother's hands

    The teacher took your hand.

    Student 3: We remember that cheerful call,

    What rang to us for the first time,

    When they entered with flowers in school,

    In your first, best, class.

    Pupil 4: Sitting down at the desk carefully

    So that do not change the school uniform

    We opened our primers

    Opened a blank notebook.

    Student 5: We were all funny kids,

    When they first entered the light class

    and received a sheet of pencils

    They sat down at the desk for the first time in their lives.

    Pupil 6: As the teacher met at the door,

    Our faithful friend for many days,

    And the noisy family is big

    New girlfriends and friends.

    First teacher! You will never forget her as a true friend. It was she who taught us to write the first words, count, read, work and make friends.

    Pupil 7: You led us along the path of knowledge,

    Giving us a lot of strength and labor,

    How much effort have you put in?

    May we always study well!

    Pupil 8: Thank you for loving us so much,

    Although they were sometimes strict with us,

    For what you taught us to think,

    For everything, for everything you have done for us!

    Pupil 9: Today is our day -

    Both sad and cheerful

    After all, we say goodbye to family

    Our primary school.

    Pupil 10: So we became big,

    Let's go to fifth grade.

    Do you remember what

    We came to you for the first time?

    Teacher: I will always remember the first time -

    How small were you!

    When you entered the classroom so timidly,

    We fell in love with each other immediately.

    Science you have successfully comprehended.

    You so wanted to know about everything!

    I think that in 4 years you have learned something.

    Alas, I can't predict

    What will happen in your life in years to come

    But I want to believe so, to know for sure,

    That will pass you by adversity.

    Guys, I'll be doubly happy

    When I hear good things about you

    I know that you are completely happy, -

    It will be like a balm for my soul.

    Teacher: Let's sit down at our desks and see what you were like. (Photos of children, presentation)

    Teacher: Dear children and respected adults! Today we are summing up the results of four years of study in primary school. And even though the exams no elementary school, we decided to conduct them through the stations - in the form of a game that will help test the knowledge and practical skills of children.

    Success will depend on friendly, well-coordinated work.


    A game "Bubble"

    1. "Catch the Letter"

    Insert unstressed vowels into words

    2. "Catch mistakes"

    Find bubbles with errors.


    1. Game "Masha and the Bear"

    Help the bear guess Cars examples.

    2. game "Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf"

    Collect the pies in the basket by solving the examples.

    3. Game "Find a dog house"


    1. Name the works of M. Prishvin.

    Lisichkin .... (bread).

    Golden… (meadow).

    Floors…. (the woods).

    Peak…. (lady).

    Talk …. (trees).

    Treacherous… (sausage).

    Guys and (Ducklings)

    2. Crossword "Chukovsky".


    Song "Sun Bunnies"


    Everywhere in the world children live

    And where the kids - certainly a game.

    We want to test you

    Riddles about school to think.

    (1 slide)

    1. Pack a briefcase my friend,

    Will call soon... (call)

    (2 slide)

    2. I carry it with me,

    I don't dunk, but I write

    Wonderful little thing

    self-recording (pen)

    (3 slide)

    3. Now I'm in a cage, then in a line

    Feel free to write for me

    You can also draw

    I am called... (Notebook)

    (4 slide)

    4. The bell rings, hurries us,

    And we run into the bright ... (Class)

    (5 slide)

    5. A house stands, whoever enters it,

    That mind will acquire... (School)

    (6 slide)

    6. Two legs conspired

    Making arcs and circles…. (compass)


    But do not think that we were only studying all the time, we had many interesting holidays. And for everyone holidays we love to sing and dance.


    (Children sing ditties)

    Everything. We are funny guys

    We will sing ditties to you,

    If you like ditties,

    We'll sing for an encore.

    Fun accordion plays.

    Oh, we have a team!

    In our class from boys

    Don't take your eyes off it.

    Our girls blossomed

    Like daisies in the meadow

    Well, they sing songs

    Like birds in a garden.

    I read very fast

    Everyone in the class is proud of me

    Not a single boy in the class

    Don't chase after me.

    Don't look like that girls.

    We don't get excited

    We will learn from the glory

    And we compete.

    How can I not be proud -

    My business is good.

    All control work

    Passed for five.


    I dance and sing

    And I study well

    And besides, look

    Very pretty.


    Tanya loves to draw

    But Zhenya, our Zhenya loves to dream very much.

    Oh girls, you girls

    You argue in vain.

    Still we are ahead

    You won't overtake us.

    In the class we studied with you

    four years old,

    Time flew by quickly

    And this is the point!

    No - not a point!

    We are all together

    Our friendship is strong

    And so the whole class

    Let's go to fifth grade.

    DANCE « school waltz»


    Now we'll show sketch"Robot"

    A son (pointing to the robot): Oh, who is it?


    This is a robot. He knows how to distinguish whether a person is telling the truth or deceiving. For example, tell me what marks you got today in school.

    A son: 5.

    Booms! (The robot pretends to give a slap)

    Mother: So you told a lie. So what did you really get?

    A son: 4.

    Mother: Again not true. What did you get?

    A son: 3.

    Mother: Tell me the truth. What have you been given?

    A son (sighing):2.

    The robot strokes his son's head.

    Mother: Oh you!

    And I studied at your age for one five!

    scene: boys.

    1. Teachers want to see us like this (fold hands)

    2. Moms want to see us like this. (sweep)

    3. Dads want to see us like this (show muscles)

    4. Grandmothers want to see us like this (puff out cheeks, stroke belly)

    5. Girls - classmates want to see us like that (squat on one knee and give a flower)

    6. But we are who we are.



    Student 1:

    We will be able to help a person in difficult times, we will sympathize with him.

    Student 2:

    Be industrious.

    It will not be difficult for us to clear the table, help mom clean the room, make the bed.

    Student 3:


    We know how to talk to people, greet each other.

    Pupil 4: kind,

    Student 5: empathetic,

    Pupil 6: responsive,

    Pupil 7: patient,


    Let's check how you know polite words, let's play a game "Dictionary of Polite Words"

    Invented by someone simply and wisely

    Say hello when you meet... (Good morning)

    Good morning to the sun and birds.

    Good morning to smiling faces.

    And everyone becomes kind, trusting.

    And good morning will last until the evening.

    The old stump will turn green,

    When he hears... (Good afternoon)

    Boy, polite and developed,

    He says when he meets... (Hello)

    Ice block melts

    From the word warm ... (Thanks)

    When scolded for pranks,

    We speak: Sorry (please)

    If you can't eat anymore,

    Let's tell mom (thanks)

    Both France and Denmark

    They say, saying goodbye(Goodbye)

    To all of you with much love

    I wish you strong (health)



    Now it's time to say goodbye

    And we want to wish you:

    Always willing to work

    Do not be lazy to acquire knowledge

    AND don't forget elementary school.

    Student 1:

    Year after year

    From class to class

    Leads inaudibly time us

    And hour after hour

    Day after day

    So imperceptibly we grow.

    4 years we were on the road

    Where are you ordered to go?

    Everyone said in unison

    Let's go friends, we are in the fifth grade.

    Student 2:

    Finished the last lesson today

    The last bell rings in the corridor.

    We are armpit bags

    And we skip ahead.

    And we walk together school threshold.

    Student 3:

    And there beyond the threshold, moving leaves,

    Maples sway, poplars rustle.

    And all this means that summer started.

    That forests and fields await us.

    Pupil 4:

    But wherever I am, wherever I go.

    No matter how many new friends I find

    On the river and in the field, I remember school,

    I remember that I moved to the 5th grade.

    Everything. We will say goodbye with a cheerful song school,

    So that in the fall back to school!

    Everyone sings the final song to the music of the song by A. Pakhmutova "Goodbye, Moscow".

    It's getting quieter in our class

    You can even hear the beating of hearts.

    Goodbye, Primary School,

    This school - the road of miracles.

    We cry and mourn, parting,

    Remembering happy days

    How did we get here as kids?

    And how we left you.

    In this class you dreamed with us

    And they led the way of knowledge,

    Here we met our friends,

    We made discoveries here.

    Do not be sad, our beloved teacher,

    We will come running to you, and more than once.

    Let others come to replace us

    We are the only one with you.


    Friends break up

    Tenderness remains in the heart.

    Let's keep friendship

    Holiday script.

    (Last bell in elementary school.)

    Dear parents and guests, we begin our holiday

    "Farewell to elementary school."

    Please meet our alumni. (music plays)

    Uch-Xia nach.klass enter the hall.

    Dear children, parents, teachers, our guests! So the day of farewell to elementary school has come. Four years ago you came to school.

    Here you and I began to climb difficult steps on the ladder of knowledge. Learned to read, count, learned to make friends.

    Today we are both sad and happy. Sad - because the hour of farewell is coming. Joyful - because you have matured, become smarter, learned a lot.

    I would like to hope that good memories of the first school years will remain in your hearts.

    School years are wonderful

    With friendship, with a book, with a song

    How fast they fly

    You can't bring them back

    Will they fly by without a trace?

    No, no one will ever forget

    School years.

    Day after day flew by

    Flickered like dreams

    And just over a week

    Stays in the spring.

    From year to year, from class to class

    Leads inaudibly time us

    And hour after hour, day after day

    So imperceptibly we grow.

    We've been on the road for four years.

    Everyone together at the right time

    Time to go to fifth grade.

    It seemed to us once that the 5th is not soon. Time has passed, and they already say that we are graduates.

    Primary school graduates.(chorus)

    (Singing a song about school

    The first ladder of classes is over

    Where the roads start.

    How long have you guys been in?

    For the first time on the school threshold.

    Let's remember how it all began:

    (Children line up in a group).

    Do you remember it was around

    A sea of ​​colors and sounds

    From warm mother's hands

    The teacher took your hand

    And it was then for the first time:

    September, school, first bell,

    And the desks are so big

    And a new word is a lesson.

    We were all funny kids

    When they first came to the first class,

    And having received a notebook with pencils,

    They sat down at the desk for the first time.

    When we came to the first class,

    We were a little afraid of you

    Us, barely visible from the ground,

    You could have stepped over.

    And now…

    Instead of funny and ridiculous guys

    Good fellows and beauties are sitting in the classroom.

    The desks are small, the board is low,

    And everything was once great.

    4 years flew by like a fairy tale

    The boy did not have time to look back

    And there is no teacher's pointer in the hands

    And there is no treacherous clue in the teaching

    And erased to the last crumb of chalk

    Compose poems and sing songs

    Obviously, we've gotten smarter.

    But who we will be is difficult to predict.

    And we have a lot to learn ahead of us,

    The most difficult sciences to comprehend.

    We promise you that we will work hard.

    And we can keep our word.

    Over the years of studying in elementary school, we have worked hard. Many have achieved good results. It was not easy for us. Everything had to be experienced: both the joy of the first school victories, and the failures that met on your difficult path.

    All these years, together with us, she rejoiced at our successes and was just as upset for our failures by the main mistress of our house, Queen N.L.

    The word is given to the principal of the school.

    For your successes and achievements, we want to express our gratitude and present you with certificates of honor.

    (Presenting diplomas)

    Of course, it is important to know the sciences

    We study them without boredom!

    But without rest, friends,

    It's hard to live, I tell you.

    (dance performance)

    The dance was performed by art school students.

    Our words of gratitude to the choreography teacher __________________________________________________, who helped our girls learn the secrets of plasticity and grace.

    All this time, all 4 years, together with us, hand in hand, our first teachers walked up the stairs of the ladder of knowledge: Kupenko N.E. and Vasilyeva E.V.

    We ask them to go to the center of the hall.

    We learned to make friends and dream, and even managed to play.

    We still have many discoveries, but you helped us understand

    There is a title - the First teacher and it cannot be found higher.

    We are a dear teacher,

    I liked your character!

    Except you, no one else

    Wouldn't have dealt with us!

    You are strict and fair!

    You are an example for us in everything!

    The best feelings impulses

    We express to you from us.

    May you be strict sometimes

    Everyone in the class knows

    That love and kindness

    Your soul is not exhausted.

    Your favorite teachers...

    (Singing a song about the first teachers.)

    (Parting words of teachers)

    You have a lot of work behind you -

    More of them will be, my friend, ahead!

    Your program will become more difficult,

    It is unlikely that your mother will solve the problem for you.

    Dad will also rub his forehead -

    So, everything will have to be decided by ourselves.

    Try to do everything yourself

    Adult life has come to you.

    There were other teachers next to our cool ladies.

    A teacher for us, sparing no effort,

    To help us grow and grow.

    As a caring friend, he is in the expanse of science

    Opens the way for us.

    Who teaches us?

    Who is torturing us?

    Who gives us knowledge?

    This is our school teacher

    Amazing people.

    With you it is clear and bright,

    The heart is always warm

    And sorry if on time

    The lesson was not learned.

    From the bottom of our hearts we loved

    All of our teachers

    And we wish you all good health

    From pranksters of children!

    Teachers present at our celebration:

    Chaikovskaya Olga Nikolaevna (physical education teacher)

    What is physical education?

    Training and play.

    What is physical education?

    Fiz, i-kul, i-tu, i-ra.

    In doing this,

    Be smart, strong, brave.

    Plus a good figure

    That's what physical education means.

    Amosova Elena Viktorovna (music teacher)

    When we come to the music

    We sing together cheerfully

    And the music is so good

    That the soul sings without hiding.

    (Performance of ditties about the school)


    We begin to sing ditties, Kolya came out to answer,

    Please don't laugh. But he didn't know where to start.

    There are a lot of people here, Chas was silent then spoke.

    We can be embarrassed! "Elena Viktorovna, call."

    Our Andrey that week At the lessons, our Olya

    I handed the notebook to the teacher. Doesn't sing or make noise

    That one, not knowing what to do with her, But squeals at breaks

    Clean, wash or launder. And it rattles like dynamite.

    Olya and Zhenya at the lesson Dirty Pasha looks proudly

    They chatter like magpies On the guys by right.

    They will call them to answer - Just Pasha is a master of sports

    A seal is placed on the mouth. By jumping into a ditch.

    We made a little noise, We sang all the ditties,

    The glass in the windows rang, We think that they are good,

    We said: "Silence!" - So clap more friendly

    The school wall cracked. We tried our best.

    If you are my girlfriend

    Rescued from misfortune:

    Raise your hand,

    Not to call me.

    Two girls are talking

    In pure English

    Whatever the word, then "okay",

    Apparently goodies!

    We went to the circus in class

    The focus has been removed.

    After everyone's tricks

    The diaries are gone.

    Medvedeva Marina Valentinovna (teacher of fine arts)

    We draw in class

    We are talking about beauty.

    And, Marina Valentinovna,

    For this, we say THANK YOU.

    (We want to pay attention to the paintings that are placed in our room.)

    It is difficult to say who is the hero of the occasion today: primary school graduates, teachers or parents.

    Probably both, and others, and third.

    Stepping on the steps of knowledge, moving from class to class, your parents deduced the first letters together with you, solved difficult problems, taught poetry, wrote dictations and essays. Your parents got another elementary education.

    How much effort they spent so that you could study quietly for 4 years. And how many nights they did not sleep, worrying and worrying about you.

    That would be given to them for this,

    To relieve them of nervous stress,

    Gold medals for all...

    Do we have medals?

    (children answer: Yes)

    Well, then, without delay, proceed to the awards.

    (Children present medals.)

    (The answer word is learner.)

    Dear Parents! Thank you very much for being you, for being with us and for the joys and hard times.

    Today we are very grateful to our parents.

    Your care and attention and patience always help us so much

    But we confess with regret - sometimes we are deaf

    We are to your requests and anxieties, doubts and reproaches.

    But now we make a promise to make an effort to study.

    We will solve examples, write dictations correctly.

    We will have only excellent marks in the coming five-year period.

    We will rise early, early, we will not be late for school

    We won't even fight and the girls will run around

    We will try very hard not to upset you.

    On behalf of the school administration and us teachers, we want to thank the parents for the help you provided to us.

    (Presentation of certificates of appreciation to parents.)

    As we communicated, we revealed the talents of not only children, but also parents.

    (Speech by the Sushko family. Playing a song with a guitar.)

    (Answer from parents.)

    The floor is given to members of parent groups of 4A and 4B classes.

    Dear teachers

    From happy dads and moms:

    So that we begin to do with children

    If we had not given them to you.

    And we are confused

    How do you like all the days of the week

    From eight to six

    It succeeds, in fact,

    Graze our offspring?

    Understand their quirks

    Tolerate their ignorance!

    Don't let them fight

    And die of boredom!


    We are very happy when relationships develop in your families, about which we can say: They understand each other without words.

    Now we will check how you can understand your parents without words.

    GAME (Say the word)

    Parents take turns showing the word, and they show this item without naming it. Whoever guesses the most words wins.

    1gr. Words: washbasin 2gr. Words: switch

    crocodile shark

    Notebook briefcase

    traffic light beacon

    Conductor teacher

    Also, your parents are jack-of-all-trades. They can also paste wallpaper in the classroom, paste over the windows, wash them to a shine. They also made costumes for the holidays. Today we have a holiday and how without special costumes. Today we will make sure once again that your mothers are real masters.

    We invite 3 mothers from each class.

    (Moms are given two rolls of toilet paper each. Task: create a costume and beat it).

    (Summing up the results of competitions. Presentation of incentive prizes.)

    The final part of the holiday.

    Let it be difficult for us to study at school.

    Yes, there was a lot of knowledge.

    But everyone tried - and who could, and who could not!

    And in the fifth, we cross the threshold.

    Here you are today, we all announce

    We read the message and it in diaries

    The fact that the elementary school course is now behind

    And we should learn to go to the senior school.

    Yes, we have finished, friends, 4th grade.

    We say goodbye to our teacher now.

    It's a pity we're breaking up, but not forever!

    And after the summer we will come running again here.

    After all, here is our home, and this school is our source.

    Here you planted a sprout in our souls.

    Years will fly by - we can't keep time!

    We will still remember the beginning.

    (Song performance ... Winds blow in spring windows)

    We look anxious and joyful eyes

    In anticipation of new ways and roads

    Now it will be distributed through all the corridors,

    Sad, farewell, last call ...

    Last call! Last call!

    4 years like the world flew by

    Years will pass and it will ring

    Call for the last time

    Today's rehearsal

    Finished 4th grade.

    The right to give the last bell is given to the best students of the 4th grade __________________________________________________________

    (The last call sounds)

    The bell alerted us that elementary school is over!

    On this, our holiday dedicated to the end of elementary school is over. Once again, congratulations to all.

    We ask the graduates to complete the circle of honor and receive a gift.