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  • Interesting lessons we are the young guard. Open lesson "we are the young guard". Creation of the "Young Guard"

    Interesting lessons we are the young guard.  Public lesson

    The purpose of the lesson: to instill in students a sense of patriotism, pride in our people, who withstood all the hardships during the war years with honor. Equipment: a portrait of the writer, a recording of the "Oaths of the Young Guards", the book "Dead Heroes Speak", portraits of members of the organization, a novel. Methodical methods: conversation.

    During the classes.

    Teacher. Today we will conduct a lesson that can be called

    “Lesson of Courage”, as it will be about a feat, about readiness

    Give your life for your beloved Motherland. The epigraph to the lesson can

    Serve the words of P. Korchagin “The most precious thing for a person is

    Life ... "or poems by the poet N. Mayorov, who died during the Great

    Patriotic War:

    What is death to us? We are even higher than death.

    In the graves lined up in a detachment

    And we are waiting for a new order. Let it go

    Don't think the dead can't hear

    When their descendants talk about them.

    In literature lessons, you will learn about the lives of people of different generations, and you probably have a question: what will our society be like in a few years, what kind of people will live in this society, which of the heroes of our time can become an example of moral purity and strength. The fact that we live on our beautiful land, we owe to all the defenders of our Motherland during the Great Patriotic War and the Young Guards too. The student reads the poems of A. Bezymensky "Young Guard". Teacher. Raise the following questions: 1. What episode from the novel made a strong impression on you? Why?

    2.How do you understand the words "heroism", "courage"?

    3.Why is the feat of the Young Guard called immortal? Student. Tells about the feat of Sergei Tyulenin. “Despite the inhuman suffering, Sergei Tyulenin remained true to himself. He was silent when he was tortured, silent when his old mother was beaten before his eyes. He was a brave man, courageous. Therefore, the most difficult and dangerous tasks were entrusted to him. Sergei from the first days of the occupation chose the path of struggle. He courageously fought in the name of the Motherland and until the last hour of his life he retained firmness of spirit. At the cost of his life, the hero proved that for him, love for the Motherland is above all.

    Another student spoke about the torture that Oleg Koshevoy was subjected to. Oleg Koshevoy showed his courage, his tremendous willpower in the fascist dungeon. He steadfastly endured all the tortures and met death with a clear conscience. Oleg did not betray his comrades, no matter how the Nazis tried to wrest a confession from him. At the same time, Oleg felt happy, because he lived, though not much, but honestly. "LET MY DEATH BE AS PURE AS MY LIFE - I AM NOT SHAME TO TELL IT TO myself..." The third student talks about Ulyana Gromova and Lyubov Shevtsova. At the same time, students emphasize the main character traits of the Young Guard: courage, great willpower, the ability to persevere in the most difficult life circumstances, a sense of duty, boundless love for the Motherland. Teacher. Let us turn to the book “Dead Heroes Speak. 1941 - 1945", which contains the suicide letters of the fighters against the Nazi invaders.

    The students take turns reading notes sent by the Young Guards to their relatives, the inscriptions they made on the walls of the fascist dungeon to the solemn mourning melody.

    I.A. Zemnukhov’s inscription made no later than January 15, 1943 (he died on the night of January 16): “Dear mom and dad! Everything must be endured! Greetings from your loving son Zemnukhov”, Note by L.G. Shevtsova. January 1943 “Hello, Mommy and Mikhailovna” Mommy, you already know where I am ... Forgive me for everything, maybe this is the last time I see you, but I won’t see my father again. Mom, say hello to Aunt Masha and everyone, everyone ... Your daughter Lyubasha.

    One of the inscriptions of L.G. Shevtsova on the cell wall no later than February 9, 1943, since February 9, 1943. Lyuba was shot: "Farewell, mother, your daughter Lyubka is leaving for the damp earth." Note by A.V. Popov (January 15, 1943): “Congratulate me, mother, on my birthday. Don't cry, wipe your tears."

    The inscription of U.M. Gromova on the wall of the prison cell:

    Goodbye papa

    Goodbye mom

    Farewell, all my family.

    Farewell, my beloved brother Elya,

    You won't see me anymore.

    My brother I am dying.

    Stand strong for your Motherland.

    With regards, Gromova Ulya.

    Students talk about the last minutes of the life of the characters. (Audience to the recording “Oaths of the Young Guards”) Teacher. Did the members of the "Young Guard" keep their oath - "to avenge mercilessly for the burned, devastated cities and villages, for the blood of our people", to give their lives to the fight? Yes, they courageously kept their oath!

    Students talk about those members of the Young Guard who survived. Zhora Harutyunyants. Georgy Minaevich fought against the Nazis. Graduated from the Military - Political Academy, Colonel, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Died April 26, 1973. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

    Nina Ivantsova. Nina Ivanovna with the troops of the Soviet Army reached Germany. After the war, she was in the Komsomol and party work. Until 1970 she worked at the Voroshilovograd Machine-Building Institute. Died January 1, 1982. Buried in Voroshilovograd.

    Valya Borts. Valeria Davydovna graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages, Lieutenant Colonel of the Reserve.

    Olya Ivantsova. Olga Ivanovna after the liberation of Krasnodon was in the Komsomol and party work. Before retiring, she worked in trade organizations in Krivoy Rog. Died.

    Radik Yurkin. Radiy Petrovich graduated from the school of military pilots. He took part in the war with Japan. He worked as a political officer of the school, a motorcade mechanic. Died July 16, 1975. Buried in Krasnodon.

    Vasily Levashov. Vasily Ivanovich fought against the Nazis on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Graduated from the Military - Political Academy. He taught at the Higher Naval School of Radio Electronics. Popov. Lived in Leningrad.

    A.A. Fadeev said: “Without exaggeration, I can say that I wrote about the heroes of Krasnodon with love and gave the novel a lot of blood and heart.”

    A lesson in courage "THE FEAT OF THE YOUNG GUARD"

    Target: education in students of a sense of patriotism, humanism, readiness to defend their homeland.



    Enrich students' knowledge about the heroic past of their people;

    · help to understand the role of the struggle of the Young Guard against the fascist invaders in the liberation of our Motherland.


    · develop students' skills and abilities to work with search material;

    Develop cultural competence.


    show the mass heroism of the people;

    to make schoolchildren feel proud of their people;

    Develop a sense of responsibility for your actions.

    Equipment: presentation for the event, multimedia, computer, screen, disk with the film "Young Guard".

    Conduct form: lesson in courage.

    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment.

    Good afternoon, dear guests, guys!

    72 years ago there were volleys of victorious salute. 72 years ago, victory came and a considerable merit in this of those young guys and girls that each of you heard about at least once. Yes, today we will talk about the heroes of the youth underground organization "Young Guard".

    2. A story about the underground work of the Young Guard.

    1) Schoolchildren of Donbass.

    Donbass is a land of miners, physically and spiritually strong people, accustomed to hard and dangerous work, proud, appreciating camaraderie and collectivism. Among such people, the future Young Guards grew up.

    People from all over the country, Ukrainians, Russians, Moldavians, Armenians went to work in the mines of Donbass... The city of Krasnodon and the nearby villages - Krasnodon, Pervomayka, Izvarino - lived a single working life. The guys and girls of the city and villages knew each other, they had common interests and hobbies. Capable, purposeful, the guys had different talents. The young technician Tolya Orlov was nicknamed "Only the Engineer". Lyuba Shevtsova, an excellent dancer and singer, was called "Lubka the Artist". Stepan Safonov was fond of astronomy and dreamed of that amazing time when a person would be able to go on a space journey. Lida Androsova devoted all her leisure time to sewing and embroidery. Serezha Tyulenin dreamed of becoming a pilot, but for now he bred thoroughbred pigeons. Oleg Koshevoy and Ivan Zemnukhov wrote poetry...

    And when the war began, they, who had not yet reached the age of defenders of the Fatherland, fought for their homeland on the labor front: they worked at the state farm, in the mines, in the military hospital, which was then in Krasnodon, in the Central Electromechanical Workshops ...

    In the harsh time of hard trials of the Great Patriotic War, the Young Guard bravely fought the enemy and fulfilled their sacred duty to the end.

    2) The Nazis in Krasnodon.

    1941 year. The enemy has come to our land. All Soviet people, young and old, entered into a fierce battle with him. In 1942, the Germans entered Krasnodon. . German soldiers behaved in the city like masters. Having settled in a house they liked, they forced the tenants to huddle in a barn. They robbed without any hesitation. And so that the population would not grumble, strict military orders were established from the very first days.

    The first order of the German commandant read:
    "For disobedience to the new order - execution.
    For evading the surrender of weapons - execution.
    For failure to appear for registration with the police - execution.
    For listening to the radio - execution.
    For appearing on the streets after 18.00 - execution ... "

    Just think about the meaning of the announcement posted near the water pump: "Water is only for German soldiers. Russians who take water from here will be shot. Water for Russians is on the other side."

    The enemy moved across Donetsk land like a tornado, like a plague, plunging cities into darkness, turning schools, hospitals, clubs, kindergartens and nurseries into barracks for soldiers, into Gestapo dungeons. Fire, rope, bullet and ax - these terrible instruments of death became constant companions of the life of the Soviet people. Innocent people were forced to leave their native places, to hide. Families were crumbling... Young people, who evaded registration by all means, were seized by force and driven to Germany. Motorized infantry rushed through the deserted streets of the quiet town, the boots of the invaders rattled. Tears and grief, humiliation and brutal reprisals against civilians were brought by the conquerors. The Nazis established their order in Krasnodon. The council was created, the Labor Exchange, the police were introduced, the Gestapo arrived. Immediately after the arrival of the Gestapo, mass arrests of communists, Komsomol members, order bearers, old red partisans began. There was no end to their atrocities.

    3) The death of miners.

    A few weeks later In 1942, the Nazis committed one of their terrible atrocities: they buried 32 miners alive in the city park of Krasnodon, who refused to give coal to Nazi Germany.

    The whole city was shocked by the unheard-of atrocity of the occupiers. And although it was performed under the cover of night, the whole city knew about it. Among the dead were those who were left in Krasnodon to organize resistance to the invaders.

    4) Creation of the Young Guard organization.

    The fascist executioners hoped to intimidate the Krasnodontsy. But they miscalculated. Silent indignation at the so-called "new order" turned into heroic resistance. The youth of Krasnodon and the surrounding villages had secretly discussed the possibility of a struggle before. by the first days of September, several groups were already operating in Krasnodon, not connected with one another - there were a total of 25 people in them. But many made their final decision precisely when they learned about the execution of thirty-two patriots. From this tragic night, one can count the history of the "Young Guard" of Krasnodon. Scattered youth groups quickly united into a large organization of more than a hundred people. The Young Guards swore on the grave of the tortured miners: “To avenge mercilessly for the burnt, destroyed cities and villages, for the blood of our people, for the martyrdom of heroic miners

    The birthday of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard" was September 30 : then a plan was adopted to create a detachment, specific actions for underground work were outlined, and a headquarters was created. It included Ivan Zemnukhov - chief of staff, Vasily Levashov - commander of the central group, Georgy Arutyunyants and Sergey Tyulenin - members of the headquarters. Later, Uliana Gromova, Lyubov Shevtsova, Oleg Koshevoy and Ivan Turkenich joined the headquarters. Viktor Tretyakevich was elected Commissioner . The guys unanimously supported Tyulenin's proposal to name the detachment "Young Guard". "Young Guard" was a multinational organization. Its composition reflected the unity of the peoples of our country in achieving the great goal - victory over Nazi fascism. In Krasnodon, a Russian and a Moldavian, a Ukrainian and an Armenian, a Byelorussian, and an Azerbaijanian fought side by side against the enemy.

    "Young Guard" by the end of 1942 consisted of 92 people and was a real force. The German command had to send special Gestapo forces to Krasnodon, which were supposed to clear the rear of the partisans. The eldest of the Young Guards, Mikhail Shishchenko, was 25 years old, the youngest, Radiy Yurkin, was 14 years old.

    5) The feat of the Young Guard.

    What did these boys and girls do? When you hear those who have set their teeth on edge “posting leaflets”, you can hardly imagine what the printed word, which carried the news about “ours”, is for the population of the occupied town. Like a breath of fresh air, like water for a person dying of thirst, these small pieces of paper, bringing the latest news from the front, raising morale! After all, the local radio broadcast only German music and announcements from the commandant of the city.

    In the old ruins of a printing house, the guys found a font, cut out the missing letters from rubber, printed certificates for members of the Young Guard and leaflets.

    It is probably not so important what the guys were able to do during these three months, the main thing is that the Nazis could not do it thanks to the activities of the Young Guard. During the existence of the “Young Guard”, and this is a short three months, the underground fighters carried out several military and sabotage operations:

    The release of 20 Soviet prisoners of war doomed to death in the building of the May Day hospital.
    Release of 70 prisoners of war from the Volchensky camp.
    Destruction of an enemy convoy heading south.
    The underground fighters recaptured a herd of cattle (about 500 heads) from the Germans, prepared for shipment to Germany.
    And on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Great October Revolution over the occupied Krasnodon, in front of the distraught Nazis, red flags proudly fluttered!

    In the evening In 1942, a concert was organized for German soldiers. At the time when the concert was going on, one of the most daring operations of the Young Guards was carried out. On the night of In 1942, the underground set fire to the labor exchange with ready-made lists of young people to be sent to Germany. This saved about 2,000 boys and girls from being deported to concentration camps.

    6) The death of the young guards.

    In the second half of December 1942, the retreat of the German troops, defeated on the Volga, began. But the enemy was still strong. By the end of 1942, the "Young Guard" did not give rest to the Nazis and their accomplices. The more actively the underground fighters acted, the more forces the occupying authorities threw in search of them.

    The Young Guards were preparing for the most important operation - an armed uprising in order to come to the aid of the Red Army during the liberation of Krasnodon. But the young avengers did not have to meet the Red Army, because in their ranks there was a traitor - Gennady Pocheptsov, who learned everything he could and betrayed the Young Guards.

    “I found traces of an underground youth organization and became a member. When I got to know its leaders, I am writing a statement to you. I ask you to come to my apartment, I will tell you everything in detail ... ”- this confession was made under the influence of his stepfather, a former White Guard officer, police agent, traitor Gennady Pocheptsov.

    The Young Guards were ordered to immediately leave the city in small groups to the appointed places and from there to make their way to the partisan detachment. But the guys had to return to Krasnodon, as there were German patrols at every step. The arrests began on New Year's holiday - January 1, 1943. Not only the Young Guards were thrown into prisons, but also their families. The headquarters gave the order to those who remained at large to leave the city in a hurry. But few managed to leave. Commissioner of the "Young Guard" Oleg Koshevoy was captured on the way from Krasnodon.

    The young guards who remained at large, true to their comrades and their oath, did not stop trying to free their comrades and did not lose hope until the last minute. Sergei Tyulenin successfully crossed the front line - but returned to Krasnodon. The group, headed by Yuri Vizenovsky and Anna Sopova, tried to organize the escape of the prisoners, but was itself arrested. The Gestapo subjected the arrested young guards to inhuman torture. But they persevered. None of them betrayed their comrades.

    For three nights, on January 15, 16, and then on January 31, the Nazis executed the Young Guards and their senior comrades, dumping into the pit of mine No. 5 several tens of meters deep, not only the executed, but also the living. Then the Germans lowered two heavy trolleys into the pit. But the inhabitants of Krasnodon later recalled: for three more days after the completion of the executions, groans were heard from the pit ...

    At mine number 5, 71 people were executed. Silencing not so much the groans of the dying as their fear, the monsters threw an avalanche of rock into the pit. To hide the traces of crimes, the executioners filled up the pit with stones and iron. For several days, groans were heard from under the ground. The weeping of mothers did not subside over Krasnodon.

    Five members of the Young Guard, including leaders of the organization Oleg Koshevoy and Lyubov Shevtsova, were taken to Rovenki, to a prison, where they continued to be tortured. None of them asked for mercy. Mutilated, they tried to walk straight, supporting each other with the last of their strength.

    On February 9, 1943, Oleg Koshevoy (16 years old), Lyubov Shevtsova (18 years old), Viktor Subbotin (18 years old), Dmitry Ogurtsov (20 years old), Semyon Ostapenko (15 years old) were shot in Rovenki in the Rattlesnake Forest ...

    And just a few days later, on February 14, 1943, Soviet troops liberated Rovenki and Krasnodon. and the whole country learned about the feat of the Young Guard - thanks to newspaper publications, and then the novel by Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev. On March 20, 1943, the funeral of the Young Guards took place ...

    Of the hundred and three young guards, only eleven survived, and seven survived until the end of the war. Four, including the commander of the "Young Guard" Ivan Turkenich, died fighting on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.


    He wrote poetry and drew. In the 7th grade, for one of his poems, he was awarded Ostrovsky's book "How Steel Was Tempered". I read a lot. As an excellent shooter, he was awarded the Voroshilovsky shooter badge - out of fifty shots, 48 ​​hit the target. He loved to dance, especially the Tango of Roses. Played volleyball and football. He was neat, his shoes were always thoroughly cleaned, and his trousers were ironed (by the way, Oleg ironed them himself). He learned to swim at an early age, and then was enrolled in DOSAAF and worked as a lifeguard at the station. He studied well, was diligent and diligent. He willingly helped those who were lagging behind - according to the memoirs of contemporaries, the number of his sponsors reached seven people. He was the editor of the school wall newspaper, later for the wounded of the hospital he edited the satirical newspaper "Crocodile", prepared "lightning bolts" with reports from the front. When the war began, Oleg was in his sixteenth year. During the occupation, the Komsomol members, of course, could not stand aside. In August 1942, a few anti-fascist groups began to be created in Krasnodon - Zvezda, Sickle, Hammer. Oleg Koshevoi was at the head of one of these groups. Together with his classmates, he works on collective farm fields, helps the wounded in the hospital, and publishes the satirical newspaper Krokodil for them. Oleg Koshevoy participated in many military operations: distributing leaflets, destroying enemy vehicles, collecting weapons, setting fire to stacks of bread intended to be sent to Germany.

    On February 9, 1943, the Nazi executioners shot Oleg Koshevoy in the Thundering Forest. After his release, Rovenkov was buried in a mass grave of victims of fascism in the center of the city of Rovenki in the park named after the Young Guard.

    By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 13, 1943, a member of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard" Oleg Vasilyevich Koshevoy was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.


    At school, Ulyana was the best student, she read a lot. She kept a notebook, where she entered the expressions she liked from the books she had just read. Ulyana was a tenth grader when the Great Patriotic War began. She graduated from school in 1942. Together with her peers, Ulya worked on collective farm fields, cared for the wounded in the hospital. During the occupation, Anatoly Popov and Ulyana Gromova organized a patriotic youth group in the village of Pervomaisk, which became part of the Young Guard. Gromova is elected a member of the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization. She takes an active part in the preparation of military operations of the Young Guard, distributes leaflets, collects medicines, works among the population, agitating Krasnodontsy to disrupt the plans of the occupiers to supply food, to recruit young people to Germany.

    After severe torture on January 16, 1943, the executioners executed her and threw her into the pit of mine No. 5. She was buried in the mass grave of heroes in the central square of the city of Krasnodon.

    By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 13, 1943, a member of the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard" Ulyana Matveevna Gromova was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.


    The Germans occupied Krasnodon on July 20, 1942. And almost immediately the first leaflets appeared in the city, a new bathhouse, already ready for the German barracks, was on fire. It started to work Earring Tyulenin. One.

    On August 12, 1942, he turned seventeen. Sergey wrote leaflets on pieces of old newspapers, and the policemen often found them in their pockets. He began to collect weapons, not even doubting that they would definitely come in handy. And he was the first to attract a group of guys ready to fight. It initially consisted of eight people.

    The headquarters of the "Young Guard" gives Tyulenin's group a number of combat missions, which they cope with brilliantly. The brave five of Sergei disperses the cattle behind Shevyrevka, attacks the enemy convoy. On the night of November 6-7, 1942, the young guard Sergey Tyulenin with his comrades-in-arms hung out a flag at school No. 4 named after K. E. Voroshilov. On the night of December 5, Sergey Tyulenin, Lyubov Shevtsova, Viktor Lukyanchenko set fire to the labor exchange.

    In January 1943, Sergei crosses the front line. During the fighting in the Kamensko-Krasnodon direction, an underground worker is captured. Escapes from execution and wounded in the hand, on January 25 he returns to Krasnodon. Two days later, on the denunciation of a traitor, he was captured by the police. On January 31, 1943, the Nazis threw the seventeen-year-old member of the "Young Guard" into the pit of mine No. 5. He was buried in the mass grave of heroes in the central square of the city of Krasnodon.

    By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 13, 1943, a member of the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard" Sergei Gavriilovich Tyulenin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.


    From childhood, Lyuba was distinguished by a lively and cheerful character, she was always the first in sports competitions, in amateur performances and in a circle of young naturalists. Flowers planted by Lyubasha grew in the school garden and in the Shevtsovs' yard. Many Krasnodon residents still remember her sonorous voice, which sounded in the club named after A. M. Gorky, on the field camps of collective farms and in elegant mines. Lyuba dreamed of becoming an artist, "Lyubka is an artist" - that's what everyone around her called her. But the war began. After graduating from school, in the summer of 1942, Shevtsova was left to communicate in one of the underground groups operating in the occupied Voroshilovgrad. Lyuba becomes an active member of the Young Guard organization, and then a member of its headquarters.

    L. Shevtsova distributed leaflets, conducted reconnaissance, and obtained medicines. Together with Sergei Tyulenin and Viktor Lukyanchenko, in December she took part in the arson of the labor exchange. The brave operation of the Young Guard saved about two thousand boys and girls of the Krasnodon region from being deported to Germany. On January 31, Lyuba Shevtsova, together with Dmitry Ogurtsov, Semyon Ostapenko and Viktor Subbotin, was taken under heavy escort to the Rovenkovsky district gendarmerie. After being tortured and humiliated, she was shot in the Thundering Forest on February 9th.

    Lyubov Shevtsova was buried in the mass grave of the victims of fascism in the center of the city of Rovenki in the park named after the Young Guard.

    By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 13, 1943, a member of the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard" Lyubov Grigoryevna Shevtsova was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

    7) Those who have reached the end..

    Georgy Arutyunyants died on April 26, 1973 after a serious and prolonged illness.

    Valeria Borts died on January 14, 1996, the ashes, according to her own will, were scattered over pit No. 5 in the city of Krasnodon.

    Vasily Levashov died on July 10, 2001, was buried on July 13 at the military cemetery of Old Peterhof in St. Petersburg.

    Anatoly Lopukhov died October 5, 1990 in Dnepropetrovsk, where he lived after military service.

    Synopsis of an open lesson in courage

    in 9th grade

    dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the organization

    "Young guard"

    history teachers

    GBOU LPR "Kirov secondary school No. 3"

    Bunina T.L.

    Topic:"They went to immortality, remaining forever young"

    Lesson type: A Lesson in Courage

    Equipment: portraits of the Young Guard, TV, videos “It was in Krasnodon”, “In the Museum of the Young Guard”, “Cranes”.

    Target: to consolidate and expand students' knowledge about the feat of the Young Guard, their biographical data, the events in Krasnodon during the Great Patriotic War, develop memory, instill a sense of patriotism, civic duty.

    During the classes

    The lesson begins to the accompaniment of the recording of the song "It was in Krasnodon" (music by Vasily Solovyov - Sedov, lyrics by Sergei Ostrovsky) and fragments of the film "Young Guard"


    Hello guys! Today we will talk about the feat of the Young Guard, about the Krasnodon events during the Great Patriotic War, about girls and boys like you.

    Today's guests at our event are the chairman of the Council of War and Labor Veterans of the city of Kirovsk Nikolai Dmitrievich Turpitko, the head of the journalism circle Pshenichkina Nina Petrovna, the guys are members of the circle. During the lesson they will take notes. They have to complete: a difficult task: to write a note in our local newspaper about everything that will happen here. We wish them good luck.


    Dawn sprinkled the grass with dew,

    Spilled coolness over the meadows.

    On the hillside there is a majestic poplar.

    He bowed to us.

    On the squares of deserted, echoing

    The circle of night lights closed.

    Here every stone in the alley

    Keeps the legends of glorious days.

    Knowing half of nothing

    They loved with all their hearts:

    And this path, straight and long,

    And this world, dear, big.


    For the Young Guards, this big world began in the small mining town of Krasnodon, in the Luhansk region. It is a city with thousands of roads leading to it. He looks to the future, but never forgets the heroic past. It was the past that determined its unique destiny - to become a city-monument. What is his glory? Who are his heroes? What feat was accomplished?

    This is evidenced by museums and monuments created by the people, books and songs have been written about the heroic feat of the young defenders of the Motherland, about the feat of girls and boys who are only 15, 16, 17 years old. They became heroes, immortal through the ages.


    What age do you think a person is able to accomplish a feat, to become a real hero? (Student answers)


    To hate

    Gave an answer to the enemies

    So that you can

    Find yourself

    In the fight


    When 16 years old

    You are 16 years old.


    16 years. Is it a lot or a little, what do you think? (student answers)


    16 years is the dawn of life, its beginning. Everything is still ahead: love, work, family, and new discoveries.

    The young guards did not have all this. On June 21, 1941, graduation parties took place in the schools of the city of Krasnodon. The young men and women were solemnly awarded certificates of maturity. There were flowers, music, songs. And no one in the town knew yet that a war would begin in a few hours. The motherland called its sons and daughters to its defense. They went into battle to defend their Fatherland, very young, still beardless, but full of courage, courage and boundless love for their Motherland. The Germans broke into Krasnodon on June 20, 1942. And in the autumn in Krasnodon, an underground youth organization "Young Guard" was created.

    She turns 75 this year. In December 1942, the organization consisted of 92 members of the underground: these are Oleg Koshevoy, commissar of the Young Guard, Ivan Zemnukhov, Ulyana Gromova, Sergei Tyulenin, Lyubov Shevtsova, Ivan Turkenich, Vasily Levashov, Tasya Eliseenko and many others. Thanks to them, the small mining town did not submit to the enemy. They hung red flags in the city, freed captured soldiers, burned the German stock exchange, killed German officers, cracked down on policemen, and distributed leaflets. They fought without sparing themselves. But they were very young. Their childhood ended with the advent of the war.

    Teacher: Oleg Koshevoy.


    (shows a portrait of O. Koshevoy) Oleg, when he was at school, was one of the most active members of the literary circle, and he wrote poetry himself. Here are the lines written by Oleg Koshev in 1942:

    We swear, patriots,

    With my young soul

    We will not spare our lives

    To destroy all enemies.

    All as one, let's take rifles,

    We will never falter in battle

    For our blood, for our tears

    We will always take revenge on the enemy!

    Teacher: Ivan Zemnukhov

    Pupil: shows a portrait of I. Zemnukhov

    And at school he was teased by the “professor” and for his appearance: he wore glasses, and he always had a book in his hands - A.S.'s favorite volume of poetry. Pushkin; and for the fact that he read and knew a lot. Vanya himself wrote poetry, imitating the great Russian poets.

    Teacher: Sergei Tyulenin.


    (Shows a portrait of S. Tyulenin)

    Once, in early spring, when the sun was hot, Seryozha asked his mother to let her go with the guys to see how the water rose on the river. After a while, a neighbor's boy came running and excitedly shouted: "Aunt Shura, let's go see where your Seryozhka is." Sergey climbed a tall tree and sat there like a cuckoo, and the water was splashing around below. He began to climb down, the branches are cracking, breaking off, about to fall off. When they were going home, he reassured his mother: “Don’t scold me, mom, I just wanted to check if I’m not afraid of heights - after all, only the brave are taken to pilots.” He dreamed of entering the Voroshilovgrad flight school ...

    Teacher: Lyubov Shevtsova.

    Pupil: She was born on the same day as Ivan Zemnukhov, but a year later, on September 8, 1924. She was 16 when the war started. (Shows a portrait of L. Shevtsova).

    And since childhood, Lyuba dreamed of becoming an artist, she was called “Lyubka the Artist”. Not a single concert was held without her participation. She was cheerful, energetic, sang, danced. She dreamed of entering the Rostov Theater College. On June 18, 1941, she received an answer from the technical school: they offered to send documents. ... Three days before the war.

    Student: Ulyana Gromova.

    When the Great Patriotic War began, Ulyana was in the tenth grade. Together with her peers, she worked on collective farm fields, cared for the wounded in the hospital, read newspapers and books to them, and helped write letters to relatives. On June 3, 1942, she graduated from the May Day high school with "good" and "excellent" grades with excellent behavior.

    During the occupation of the Voroshilovgrad region by the troops of Nazi Germany, which began on July 17, 1942, Ulyana was unable to evacuate, since there was no one to leave her sick mother to.


    You see, these guys were ordinary girls and boys, they studied, played pranks, wrote poetry, fought, proudly carried Komsomol tickets to their chests. In January 1943, arrests began, because there were traitors, vile, cruel. The Young Guard had no idea to save their lives, to hide, to run away. Underground workers died as courageously as they fought. The Nazis subjected Krasnodontsy to inhuman tortures: they burned stars on their bodies with red-hot iron, pulled out their hair, drove needles under their nails, starved them to death, and broke bones. But no one gave up, did not say a word to the Nazis.

    They went to their deaths with their heads held high. On the cold nights of January 15, 16 and 31, 1943, the Nazis took the unconquered Young Guards and the living to the pit of the Krasnodon mine No.

    And on February 9, in Rovenki in the Rattlesnake Forest, the Nazis shot five more Young Guardsmen, among whom was Lyubov Shevtsova.

    Please watch the footage from the video about the famous Young Guard Museum (the video is being shown)


    On February 17, Rovenky was liberated by our troops. The homeland and the government highly appreciated the feat of the Krasnodon underground. Most of them were awarded orders and medals, and members of the staff, Oleg Koshevoy, Ivan Zemnukhov, Ulyana Gromova, Lyubov Shevtsova and Sergei Tyulenin, were awarded the title of Heroes of the Soviet Union. Posthumously.


    For a long time the war with the animal roar

    Already sunk into complete darkness

    And everyone says: they died!

    But mothers don't believe in anything

    They don't leave the slope

    They stand for hours, waiting and waiting,

    And everything seems to them that soon

    Their children will come from school.


    Ah, this maternal pain... What could be worse for a mother than to outlive her children, to bury them, young, beautiful, but tormented and sat in pain and torment. For a mother, there is no worse grief.

    Krasnodon mother - these two words have become a symbol of great love and great courage.

    Often, at the “Oath” monument, people saw a woman who gazed intently at her daughter’s face, captured in bronze. For the last time, this mother, a mother from Krasnodon, brought and placed a branch of fiery red mountain ash by the monument. Like drops of blood reddened on dark granite clusters of berries.

    The mothers of Krasnodon heroes held meetings with children, wrote memoirs about the events in which their children were participants.

    Here at one of these meetings with the mother of Oleg Koshevoy was our guest - Pshenichkina Nina Petrovna. Let's give her the floor (guest's story)


    Get up friends

    To show respect

    Sculpted from grief mothers,

    Their children, forever young and beautiful,

    That still lives in our hearts.

    Let's honor the memory of young patriots

    And mothers withered by misfortune.

    Eternal glory to the dead, the departed.

    Let's honor the memory of the heroes with a moment of silence.

    (minute of silence - metronome sound)


    Thank you. And now the floor is given to Nikolai Dmitrievich Turpitko, Chairman of the Council of War and Labor Veterans of Kirovsk (guest speech).

    Teacher: Years pass, but human memory remains ...

    Showing the video "It was in Krasnodon" with the song "Cranes"


    We must understand: the Luhansk region is our homeland and there will be no other. Remembering the exploits of the Young Guard, are you ready to do something similar? Everyone today must answer this question for himself.

    We thank our guests with applause for interesting stories.

    "Young guard"

    Dear children, in 2010 our country will celebrate the great holiday of the 65th anniversary of the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War. Today we are holding a reader's conference as part of this significant date. And I would like to turn to you, the descendants of those who fought on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War, with a question. Do you know the names of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Guli Koroleva, Alexander Matrosov?

    Meanwhile, twenty years ago, every schoolchild knew by heart the names of these heroes - participants in the Great Patriotic War. Books have been written about their exploits, films have been made, monuments have been erected to them. Before the war, these were the most ordinary girls and boys: a Moscow schoolgirl and a student of a trade technical school, a children's film actress and a tenth grade graduate, a secretary of the Komsomol school committee and a pupil of an orphanage. But when the war came, they forgot about all their plans, dreams and hopes and became scouts, pilots, tankers, medical instructors, went into partisans. They were united by a sincere love for the Motherland and a desire to do everything possible to win, even at the cost of their own lives.

    Why does the present generation have little or nothing to say about those who gave their lives for life on earth?

    How can such ignorance be explained: unwillingness to read or unwillingness to know about the past of one's country?

    We have read A. Fadeev's novel "The Young Guard" and watched the film of the same name by S. Gerasimov.

    Let's remember what question the Young Guards constantly ask each other in the first days of the German occupation? (How are you going to live on?) What is the meaning of this question?

    The occupation of Krasnodon lasted a little over six months. In mid-February, the city was liberated. What prevented the Young Guard from doing nothing, but to sit still and wait for the approach of the Red Army and not create any organization? Why did they need it?

    The youngest member of the organization, Radik Yurkin, was only 14 years old. Commissar of the "Young Guard" Oleg Koshevoy is 16. We know that war is, first of all, the business of adults, men. Why do children and teenagers join the fight against enemies?

    The Germans subjected the Young Guard to especially sophisticated tortures, beat their mothers, sisters, loved ones and became brutal before their eyes, and toughened interrogations and torture every day, and even executed them at night. Why did they do it? What were the executioners trying to prove?

    (They were powerless in their desire to break and bring to their knees the youth - the future of the people).

    Did the actors who played in the film "Young Guard" succeed in conveying the spirit of the novel and the character of the Young Guard?

    Of the entire organization, only eleven Young Guards survived. Among them is Nina Ivantsova, a staff liaison officer, who voluntarily joined the Soviet Army and participated in the storming of Berlin. On one of the walls of the Reichstag, next to her name, she put the names of Oleg Koshevoy, Sergei Tyulenin and Ulyana Gromova. How would you explain this act of Nina?

    Does the generation of young guards differ from you, today's youth, and if so, how?

    Once, the following statement was printed in the American magazine Colliers: “We must ensure that in the coming war with Russia there is no Young Guard, no Kosmodemyanskaya and Matrosov. There is a way for this: we must belittle the feat of boys and girls born and who grew up precisely under Soviet rule, to deprive them of the halo of national heroes of the great Fatherland.” In your opinion, did this wish of American ideologists and politicians be realized? Who or what contributed to this?

    What new things did you discover for yourself after watching the film "Young Guard"?

    In Krasnodon, the memory of the dead young guards is tremblingly guarded by the inhabitants of the city. The Young Guard Museum has been operating in the city for many years. Chuvashova Elena Vladimirovna visited it a few years ago.

    The events described in the novel have a real basis. The heroes of the work - ordinary boys and girls - lived in the city of Krasnodon. This is a small town in Ukraine, which before the war was like all mining towns, quiet, surrounded by gardens.

    And it was here that the terrible events that we read about in the novel "The Young Guard" took place.

    The square named after the "Young Guard" is the face of the city of Krasnodon. In the center of it is a majestic monument. On a high pedestal near the bronze banner, the legendary heroes of Krasnodon froze forever. The authors of the monument, sculptors V.I. Agibalov, V.I. Mukhin conveyed not only the external resemblance of O. Koshevoy, U. Gromova, L. Shevtsova, S. Tyulenin and I. Zemnukhov, but also the inner world, the determination to fight to the end, proud inspiration. The monument captures the exciting moment of the oath of the patriots, and therefore it is called "The Oath".

    Not far from the monument on black marble slabs are the names of Komsomol members and communists. This is a mass grave of members of the party and Komsomol underground. Here, on March 1, 1943, thousands of Krasnodon residents buried their heroes, extracted from the pit of mine No. 5. Then a temporary wooden obelisk was installed with the words of M. Gorky: “Let you die, but in the song of the brave and strong in spirit you will always be a living example, a proud call to freedom, to light.

    Day and night, throwing reflections on the tombstones, the Eternal Flame burns. It was lit on May 9, 1965, on the day of the 20th anniversary of the Victory. And on this day, the granite block-stele “Grieving Mother” opened up to the gaze of Krasnodon residents. Its authors embodied in it the inconsolable grief of not only Krasnodon mothers who lost their children during the war. On the reverse side of the stele are copies of the inscriptions left by the Young Guards on the walls of the cell.

    Five Young Guardsmen: Oleg Koshevoy, Lyuba Shevtsova, Semyon Ostapenko, Viktor Subbotin, Dmitry Ogurtsov were shot in February 1943 in the Gremyachy Forest in Rovenki. All five were buried in the city square in the center of Rovenky. Now the Slava memorial complex has been built here, and an eternal flame has been lit.

    Memorial "Unconquered".

    Here, the Krasnodon underground took the last step - into immortality. In the novel “The Young Guard” we read: “The pile driver of mine No. 5, which had fallen sideways after the explosion, was already visible. The boys and girls sang the Internationale. They were all unloaded into the frozen bathhouse at the mine ... The gendarmes began to undress those who had good clothes and shoes.

    They were taken out in small batches and dumped into the pit one by one. And everyone who could, managed to say those few words that he wanted to leave to the world.

    On the snowy nights of January 15, 16, 31, 1943, the hearts of 71 patriots stopped beating.

    Three times Krasnodon mourned his sons and daughters at the pit.

    For the first time it was right after the liberation of the city, when mutilated, hardly recognizable corpses were raised from the pit of mine No. 5.

    In 1947, a film expedition arrived in Krasnodon - at the film studio. Gorky S.A. Gerasimov filmed the film "Young Guard". The execution scene was filmed directly at the pit.

    For the third time and forever, the tragedy of the pit was raised to the earth's surface with their imagination by sculptors and architects. We see, as it were, a section of the pit. The space is outlined by four pylons, against which the figures of dying heroes are depicted. For the 40th anniversary of the "Young Guard" the fire of glory is lit here.

    People thanks to whom the world learned the truth about young heroes.

    Alexander Fadeev immediately after his release came to Krasnodon, settled on Sadovaya Street, where Oleg Koshevoy lived during the years of occupation. Fadeev collected materials about the Young Guard, met with their relatives.

    Sergei Gerasimov is a director who made a feature film.

    Presentation "Young Guard" with comments.

    What are your impressions of the film? Do you think the younger generation needs such films and books?

    You and I learned the story of young people who lived in Krasnodon, but besides them there were hundreds, thousands of young men and women who brought victory closer both in the rear and at the fronts. To some, the motherland presented its highest award - the Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Many of them received it posthumously. Remember their names.

    Presentation "Hero of the Soviet Union".

    We cannot list their noble names here,

    So there are many of them under the eternal protection of granite.

    But know, listening to these stones,

    Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.

    Let's honor the memory of the dead Komsomol members.

    A moment of silence.


    1. Fadeev A. Young Guard - Donetsk, 1985.

    2. Nikitenko A. G. The Young Guards lived and fought here. - Donetsk "Donbass", 1984.

    3. Timofeeva I. N. Grateful descendants remember. - Donetsk "Donbass", 1985.



    Presentation prepared

    primary school teacher

    GBOU LPR "Stakhanovskaya secondary school No. 32"

    Gonchar E.A.

    • 1941 year. The enemy has come to our land. All Soviet people, young and old, entered into a fierce battle with him. On July 20, 1942, the Germans entered Krasnodon. Motorized infantry rushed through the deserted streets of the quiet town, the boots of the invaders rattled. Tears and grief, humiliation and brutal reprisals against civilians were brought by the conquerors. There was no end to their atrocities.
    • Oleg Koshevoy, the future commissar of the Young Guard, wrote poetry:
    • To the sweet and proud
    • To our dear, peaceful land,
    • To our happy homeland
    • Attacked by a fascist villain.
    • He defiled everything dear,
    • Where only vile foot
    • Fritz the cannibal stepped,
    • There are ashes, death and poverty.
    • All as one, let's take rifles,
    • We will never waver in battle!
    • For our blood, for our tears
    • We will take revenge on the enemy in full.
    • Fight! This idea arose simultaneously among many young men and women who ended up in the occupied Krasnodon. But how? The guys had no weapons, no experience ... The future Young Guards begin to act alone and in small groups. The party underground came to the aid of the Komsomol members. With his help, the young avengers created the underground organization "Young Guard".

    • On November 7, 1942, red flags flew over the city. The whole day the Nazis could not take them off, as the Young Guards hung up a sign “Minated”.
    • After the November holidays, the young avengers released 20 more Soviet prisoners of war, doomed to death. Young patriots burned the "labor exchange". There were lists of those who were to be driven to Germany. More than a thousand people were saved from German captivity by the Young Guard. Their heroism instilled confidence in the Soviet people. They saw that the enemy was being destroyed and believed in the victory of the Red Army.
    • The young patriots faithfully fulfilled their oath. They obtained weapons in battle, destroyed the enemy and equipment; listening to the radio, they wrote leaflets and hung them in the city, organized sabotage in weapons depots. Fascist cars took off into the air, Nazi soldiers and officers disappeared without a trace. Two traitorous policemen were hanged in the city garden. The battle group led by Sergei Tyulenin destroyed an enemy convoy. The Young Guards freed more than 70 prisoners from the Volchensky concentration camp. Fascist robbers tried to steal 500 head of cattle to Germany. By order of the commander of the "Young Guard" Ivan Turkenich
    • the battle group shot the guards outside the city, and dispersed the cattle in the nearest villages

    In the second half of December 1942, the retreat of the German troops, defeated on the Volga, began. Day and night, long carts stretched through Krasnodon. Joy filled the hearts of Krasnodontsev, the end of the “new order” was approaching. The Germans did their best to hide their defeats at the front. And the Young Guard put up leaflets that told about the losses suffered by the enemy, which cities were liberated.

    • But the enemy was still strong. By the end of 1942, the "Young Guard" did not give rest to the Nazis and their accomplices. The German command, concerned about her activities, sent Gestapo special forces to Krasnodon, who were ordered to clear the rear of the partisans.
    • The Young Guards were preparing for the most important operation - an armed uprising in order to come to the aid of the Red Army during the liberation of Krasnodon. But the young avengers did not have to meet the Red Army, because there was a traitor in their ranks.
    • “I found traces of an underground youth organization and became a member. When I got to know its leaders, I am writing a statement to you. I ask you to come to my apartment, I will tell you everything in detail ... ”- wrote this text under the dictation of his stepfather, a former White Guard officer, police agent, traitor Pocheptsov.
    • As soon as the arrests began, Sergei Tyulenin, at the risk of being arrested, ran around all the guys and warned everyone.
    • The Young Guards were ordered to immediately leave the city in small groups to the appointed places and from there to make their way to the partisan detachment. But the guys had to return to Krasnodon, as there were German patrols at every step. They grabbed all the suspicious ones.

    • Oleg Koshevoy, 16 years old
    • When arrests began in January 1943, he made an attempt to cross the front line. However, he is forced to return to the city. Near w. -d. station Kortushino was captured by the Nazis and sent first to the police, and then to the district office of the Gestapo in Rovenka. After terrible torture, together with L.G. Shevtsova, S.M. Ostapenko, D.U. Ogurtsov and V.F. Subbotin, on February 9, 1943, he was shot in the Thundering Forest near the city.

    The body was mocked by Koshevoy,

    The executioners plunged nails into the fingers,

    All gray, with unbearable pain

    Singing songs, getting up covered in blood

    • Serezha Tyulenin, 17 years old (in the photo - in a hat)
    • “On January 27, 1943, Sergei was arrested. Soon they took away my father, mother, confiscated all things. In the police, Sergei was severely tortured in the presence of his mother, they confronted Viktor Lukyancheiko, a member of the Young Guard, but they did not recognize each other.
    • On January 31, Sergei was tortured for the last time, and then, half-dead, he, along with other comrades, was taken to the pit of mine No. 5 ... "

    • Angelina Samoshina, 18 years old.
    • “Traces of torture were found on Angelina’s body: arms were twisted, ears were cut off, a star was carved on her cheek” (RGASPI. F. M-1. Op. 53. D. 331)

    • On February 18, 1943, the city of Rovenki was liberated from the Nazi invaders. In total, the Young Guards did not live up to the Victory Days for nine days, and the underground workers thrown alive into the pit, there were 71 of them, did not live up to the Victory March for only four days.
    • Not! Not! Never to be
    • The owner of the enemy.
    • He can burn and kill
    • Suffocate people in smoke
    • No, never such a people
    • Like our Russian people,
    • Won't fall and die
    • And will not go into slavery!

    Through the centuries, through the years

    Who won't come

    R. Rozhdestvensky "Requiem"

    We were alive like time.

    Now - we are in the legends of glorious days,

    Now - we are in granite and bronze,

    Now - we are in poems and prose,

    Now - we are in the silence of the gravestones ..

    Thanks for the memory, descendants,

    Thank you for your loyalty, descendants,

    Thank you for the glowing dawn.