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  • video. How to learn the Buryat language in a short time? Which family of languages ​​does the Buryat language belong to?

    video.  How to learn the Buryat language in a short time?  Which family of languages ​​does the Buryat language belong to?
    area The Buryat language covers the Republic of Buryatia, the Trans-Baikal Territory (in particular, the Aginsky District), the Irkutsk Region (especially the Ust-Ordynsky District), the north of Mongolia (Eastern, Khentei, Selenginsky and Khubsugul aimags - a total of 46 thousand speakers) and the northeast of China (Hulun- Buir District of the Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia, about 18 thousand experts). In Russia, the number of speakers has decreased from 376,000 (1989 census) to 368,807 people (2002), of which 231,000 are in Buryatia. The total number of Buryat speakers in the world is about 440,000 people.
    Dialect groups: western (Ekhirit-Bulagatskaya), intermediate (Alaro-Tunkinskaya), eastern (Khorinskaya), southern (Tsongolo-Sartulskaya).
    By grammatical structure Buryat language is agglutinative. However, there are also elements of analyticism, fusions, different types of doubling words with a change in their morphological appearance. Some grammatical categories are expressed analytically (with the help of postpositions, auxiliary verbs and particles).
    The noun has 7 cases: nominative, genitive, dative-local, accusative, instrumental (instrumentalis), joint (comitative) and original (ablative).
    For the Buryat phonetics synharmonism is characteristic - palatal and labial (labial). Softened shades of hard phonemes are used only in words of a soft row, unsoftened shades of hard phonemes - in words with a hard row of vocalism.
    The typical structure of a simple sentence is: subject + object + predicate. The definition precedes the word being defined, the circumstance precedes the predicate.
    From the end of the 17th century, the Buryats used the old Mongolian writing. In 1931, the Buryat script was translated into Latin, and in 1939 - into Russian graphics with the addition of the letters ө, ү, h to convey specific sounds. The Khorinsky dialect is the basis of the modern literary language.
    Buryat, along with Russian, is the state language of the Republic of Buryatia (Law "On the Languages ​​of the Peoples of the Republic of Buryatia", 1992). It is used as a medium of instruction in elementary school and is taught as a subject in schools, secondary vocational schools and universities. Educational, fiction and journalistic literature is published in the Buryat language, newspapers and magazines are published, television and radio broadcasting is carried out, and a theater functions.
    Centers scientific language learning are the Buryat Institute of Social Sciences of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and. Only for you selling tractors on the best terms.

    Foreword by ARD editor Yevgeny Khamaganov: - Over the past couple of years, a lot of round tables, conferences and other things have been held on the issue of the Buryat language. But, in the end, often what was said at them is forgotten, sometimes by the speakers themselves. That's why Dulma Batorova, the author of the ARD, the editor of the newspaper "Nyutag helen - Local dialects", gave a transcript of this meeting. In that case, so that you can present this or that quote to those who expressed it, and use them in further materials on this issue. And in general, interesting, vivid speeches were made.

    Dedicated to the current situation and prospects for teaching the Buryat language and literature in the schools of the republic, it took place on December 14 this year at the initiative of the Council of the All-Buryat Association for the Development of Culture at BSU. They also discussed the problems associated with the assignment of the Buryat State University named after Dorzhi Banzarov, and the restoration of the faculty of the Buryat language.

    “After the speeches of the speakers, you will exchange views, everything will be recorded, recorded, and at the end we will adopt a resolution,” said the chairman of the meeting Innokenty Egorov, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic, President of the VARC.

    Bair Zhalsanov, acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Belarus - "In some areas, parents do not want their children to learn Buryat":

    Today, the topic of studying, developing and preserving the Buryat language is an urgent task in the activities of the ministry. In 2014, the state program for the development and preservation of the Buryat language was approved, which will be implemented until 2020, and conditions are being created for the study of the Buryat language. The responsible coordinator is the Ministry of Education and Science of Buryatia, the co-executors are the administration of the head, the government and the Ministry of Culture of Buryatia. The activities of the program are financed annually. Today we can talk about certain results and achievements in creating conditions for learning the Buryat language. At the initial stage, sociological research and monitoring were carried out to identify the level of knowledge of the Buryat language from grades 1 to 11 in all educational institutions of the republic. Literature, books in the Buryat language are purchased, seminars and conferences are held aimed at raising the status of the Buryat language.

    The Ministry of Education is doing a lot of work to expand the teams of authors in the educational and methodological complex (EMC). Today, the provision of educational literature is more than 90%. Educational publications have been prepared and distributed to support the activities of educational organizations, such as the Amar Mende teaching and learning materials for preschool educational organizations, Amar Mende and Erdeni teaching materials for elementary schools, and Altargana teaching and learning materials for grades 5-8. For high school students, the textbook “Buryaad uran zokhyoloy tүүkhe” was published, prepared by the order of the Ministry by a team of BSU teachers.

    Today we proceed from the understanding that in Russia there is a free choice of learning the language, but at the same time we understand that it is necessary to create conditions that would ensure the study and teaching of the Buryat language. The current issue is the state of the language situation among schoolchildren, on which the future of the national language of the Buryat people depends. This problem must be considered on the basis of two main areas: the level of knowledge of the Buryat language of students and staffing.

    The study of the Buryat language in educational institutions of the republic is monitored annually. In total, 132,475 students study in Buryatia, of which 67,287 children today study the Buryat language in 352 schools, which is 51%. Buryat language as a native language is studied by 8474 children in 100 schools, Buryat as a state or second language is studied by 58813 in 252 schools of the republic. Of the entire contingent of students, the number of children who are native speakers of the Buryat language (Buryats) is 42,235 people. Of these, 16,432 people (38.9%) speak well, 14,722 (34.8%) speak poorly, and 11,443 (27%) do not speak the language.

    Among preschool children, there are 14,959 Buryat speakers, that is, Buryats who are engaged in preschool educational organizations, of which 4,397 people are fluent in their native language. (29.4%), poor command - 3470 (23.1%), no command - 7195 (48%).

    The results of the monitoring carried out testify to a significant decrease in the number of speakers and, moreover, writers of the Buryat language. Today, out of 467 secondary schools, the Buryat language is not taught in 115. In order to ensure the minimum conditions for learning the second state language in the republic, it is necessary to train at least one teacher of the Buryat language for these 115 schools. Accordingly, for this it is required in the coming years to train 115 specialists for the target recruitment, annually 28 teachers.

    The number of teachers in Buryatia is 8633 people. Of these, 319 people (3.7%) are teachers of the Buryat language. Due to the increase in the number of schools teaching and learning the Buryat language, the need for teachers is increasing. 61.4% of teachers are aged 35-55. There are 212 students per 1 teacher of the Buryat language. Another 307 teachers are needed to cover all schoolchildren with teaching. According to the data of the departments of municipalities for 3 years, the need annually amounted to 6-7 people annually, in 2016 - 16.

    The publication of books in the Buryat language for school libraries is increasing, sets of portraits of writers and scientists of Buryatia have been published, an audio library of Buryat literature has been opened, audio CDs with Buryat songs have been released, cartoons and illustrated proverbs in the Buryat language are being created. The ministry is working to equip them with modern equipment, there are 4 educational IT-rooms of the Buryat language, an essay competition, conferences and seminars are held, to identify and disseminate the best experience - the Erkhim Bagsha competition.

    Today in Buryatia, two educational institutions are training personnel in the field of the Buryat language and literature. Since 1932, BSU has been training Buryat philologists, teachers of the Buryat language and literature. The Buryat Pedagogical College graduates primary school teachers with additional qualifications - teaching the Buryat language (20-25 people a year).

    The existing regulatory legal acts of the federal and regional levels regulate the free choice and optional study of state languages ​​in the Republic of Belarus, which is regulated by the article of the law "On Education". During the monitoring of the study of the Buryat language, data were obtained on the low coverage of children studying the Buryat language. In some areas, there is a negative trend on the part of parents who do not want their children to learn the Buryat language.

    Nikolai Moshkin, Rector of BSU - "There is an annual reduction in the number of future teachers of the Buryat language":

    In October 2013, the Oriental Institute was formed, which included the opening of the department of Buryat studies. This decision was forced and dictated by a number of objective reasons, it is associated with the difficult financial and economic conditions for the functioning of the university. The budget financing of the university is carried out according to the system of per capita financing. There is a decrease in budget places in the humanities, philology at our university includes Russian, English and German philology, so Buryat philology is forced to compete with world languages. Increased tuition fees on a contractual basis. The Ministry of Education of Russia in 2016 determined the payment of 97 thousand rubles. The solvency of our region is low, the cost of education has a sharp effect on the number of students who want to get education on a contractual basis. We are reducing the cost of education at the Buryat branch by 30 percent, but this money has to be compensated in another direction. There is an annual reduction in the number of students, and the need for specialists is not fully satisfied.

    It would be good if the republic purposefully ordered personnel in Buryat philology from the university. There is a Buryat language program.

    B. Zhalsanov and N. Moshkin

    Bair Baldanov, General Director of the Buryaad Unen Publishing House - “We do not have personnel for the newspaper”:

    There is no substitute for Buryat language teachers in secondary schools. There were few writers for the Buryaad Unen newspaper. The newspaper was published 5 times a week, and today - only once. Today there are no young journalists who could write in different formats in the Buryat language. There are no Buryat authors in fiction, and there is no one to discuss new works. Buryat radio and television also lack personnel. In high school, if we don’t teach normally, who will play in the future in the Buryat Drama Theater? The contribution of the Faculty of Buryat Philology was enormous for our people, for its culture and science. We need a state program to train specialists in the field of the Buryat language and literature.

    Why did it happen in the republic that a whole faculty disappeared, why does the Ministry of Education of Russia allocate only 5 budget places for teaching the national language?

    In your report, you said that parents do not want to teach their child the Buryat language, but in the conditions of its optional study, the school administration sets a condition: if you choose the Buryat language, we will cut the hours for Russian, mathematics ... Parents, of course, are forced to choose mathematics, physics ...

    For some reason, we do not pay adequate attention to the methods of teaching the Buryat language. And instead of it, various competitions are organized, the race for titles and awards has become relevant.

    Bair Zhalsanov:

    BSU should address the question of why the faculty of the Buryat language disappeared and few budget places are allocated. As the rector explained, the Ministry of Education of Russia allocates only 40 budget places for philological specialties.

    I myself do not know of personally documented cases when the heads of educational institutions blackmail the parent community, cut hours of other subjects, I do not know. Didn't see or know. If this fact is confirmed, the perpetrators will be punished.

    According to the basic curriculum in the 5-day school week, we do not have enough teaching hours for the school component, there are only 2 hours. In 352 schools, these 2 teaching hours from the school component are aimed specifically at the Buryat language. We will stimulate scientific and methodological support, provide schools with materials. By 2020, 467 educational institutions should all create conditions for learning the Buryat language.

    Ardan Angarkhaev, People's Poet of Buryatia, Doctor of Historical Sciences - "The center of Mongolian studies was liquidated, and the Buryat language is part of the Mongolian languages":

    (Note of the ARD - the next day Ardan Lopsonovich celebrated his 70th birthday, with which numerous friends and colleagues congratulated the living classic of Buryat literature, the long-term director of the Buryaad Unen Publishing House).

    A. Angarkhaev (right), B. Baldanov (fourth from left)

    Undoubtedly, today's round table will bring results. It will resolve, sum up the different opinions on the issues that are here, it will be a support, a foundation for tactical actions. It is necessary to return the name of Dorji Banzarov to the university.

    It is necessary to restore the faculty of the Buryat language and literature. We somehow liquidated everything, liquidated it, turned the faculty into an institute, then a department. We return to the 1950s, we have not gone forward, but backward. This, of course, is a practical, organizational issue, there are financial and economic problems. But we must find a way out of this.

    To appeal to our republican authorities and the leadership of the university, on a practical level, it is necessary to solve the problem. Without the faculty, without the authority of this faculty, there will be no development and preservation of the Buryat language in the republic. Some empty words will be. We need to restore the faculty!

    It is to be welcomed that the university has a center for the preservation and development of the Buryat language. Therefore, the resolution should include an item: “to pay increasing attention to the activities of the center for the preservation and development of the Buryat language at BSU”. If there is no attention from the authorities, the center will wither away. A good thing needs to be developed further. We liquidated the center of Mongolian studies here. The Buryat language is part of the Mongolian languages. Without this, the prestige of the republic will not increase in the international arena and the Buryat people will not develop either. From this "round table" we must endure the very best feelings and ask those people who are involved in organizational issues to solve these problems more practically and intensively.

    Arkady Tsybikov, deputy of the People's Khural - "It is necessary to legally return the compulsory study of the Buryat language":

    I sincerely support the positive mood of today's meeting. We need to unite our efforts and solve specific cases. In terms of the number of students, it should be borne in mind that we are also helping two Buryat districts.

    Discussions are underway in Narodny Khural, we are ready in principle and agreed, as I understand it, in the government too, that it is possible to introduce compulsory study of the Buryat language for speakers in Buryat villages. It would be good if the government took the lead. This will make the law easier to pass. I believe that the law should be direct, there is no need to be afraid of anyone, we are not doing anything bad, we are still working on the problem of preserving the language.

    Arkady Tsybikov

    With regards to budgetary funds, financing, there were great discussions in the People's Khural. We, the profile committee, worked with the ministries of culture and sports. I have not heard any proposal from the Ministry of Education regarding the organization of financing. Bair Batorovich, if you need to increase funding for state-funded places at BSU, you need to come up with proposals. In terms of the development of culture and language, our committee is specialized, Innokenty Matveyevich, we have almost no cooperation in this matter. We in the committee are constantly addressing all these issues. I still consider it very important to return to the issue of legitimizing the compulsory study of the Buryat language in schools. The republican government should be approached with an initiative so that children of Buryat nationality from districts and villages with their compact residence, as well as Ulan-Ude, should be required to study the Buryat language.

    The study of the Buryat language in schools, unfortunately, will not give the required level of proficiency in it; for some reason, in recent years, schools with instruction in the Buryat language have been gradually closed in our country. Being in the regions, I observe with surprise that there were and are villages where everyone living there - both Russians and Tatars - knows the Buryat language amazingly well, and there are teachers. And I think that the Ministry of Education is able to restore these schools, at least up to the 4th grade. It is quite a shame when there is no education in the Buryat language in the republican lyceum-boarding school. I ask that this be included in the minutes of our meeting.

    I was recently at a Buryat language competition organized by the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia. My respects to the Khambo Lama, Did-Khambo Lama, who do a great job instead of us, according to the law, we must do this. One of the problems that the Sangha is solving is the legalization of dialects. More than once I turned to Aldar Damdinov to legalize the Songol dialect in 3-4 districts. There are textbooks, teachers, too, probably, there will be. We need to start in stages, maybe in a year, to find those textbooks that were used to study the language until the 1930s, after all, writing was in this dialect, 90 percent of people were literate, they could write in this language. With all due respect to the Khorinsky dialect, I myself am a native of the Khorinsky dialect, it still has the wrong influence, that is, we are losing other dialects.

    Nina Dagbaeva, Director of the Pedagogical Institute of BSU, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences - “Candidates for civil service must pass an exam in Buryat”:

    When they start discussing the development of the Buryat language, we usually have two trends: either Yaroslavna crying that there is no money, or calls, and we call on those who are convinced and who are trying to do something. A more in-depth analysis is needed, why out of 42,000 children, 11,000 do not speak the Buryat language at all, why someone speaks it “well”, and someone “badly” speaks it. Such a ranking - “well-versed”, “poorly-skilled” - should not be: as usual in the study of languages, it is necessary to determine the basic level, the advanced level, such a gradation should also be in the knowledge of the Buryat language.

    As for the training of teachers of the Buryat language. 30 years ago I just taught pedagogy at the Faculty of Buryat Philology, then the groups were 20-40 people. 6 years ago, at the Pedagogical Institute, the last group was transferred to the Oriental Institute. Barely 5-6 people came to us, finished 1-2. We had to send them to the Oriental Institute. This year, out of 43 budget places, 10 had to be given to the Oriental Institute for the training of teachers of the Buryat language.

    This is to the detriment of the training of primary school teachers, the need for whom is also growing. In order for us to really want to teach the Buryat language well, starting from the preschool level, we need training. It is complicated by finances, but at the same time there must be good will at all levels and the entire population.

    There should be a normal ethnic self-consciousness of the Buryats themselves, everyone should ask: “Have I taught my child the Buryat language?”. And so come and call on everyone: “Let's teach well” - we can all do it. And, of course, there must be a pragmatic need. Teaching mathematics in Buryat? On the other hand, is there such an objective need today?

    Who is against the restoration of the faculty? All for. But there must be objective data. In order to restore a separate faculty, we need 120 students to enter the Buryat department immediately next year. Is it real? Unreal.

    In my opinion, authority is created not just by signs, but by real deeds. We have a dissertation council, the only one in Russia, on the method of teaching the Buryat language, the last defense was 5 years ago. And who will prepare the future methodical school of the Buryat language? More than once I call on colleagues from the Oriental Institute to write doctoral dissertations and defend candidate dissertations. I propose to include in the resolution a clause on supporting teachers who work in schools and are ready to write a Ph.D. thesis in order to summarize their methodological experience. Because of finances, they cannot study in graduate school on a paid basis for full-time education, they must be supported. It turns out that there is advice, but there is no one to defend.

    We must understand that globalization is coming everywhere. And not only the Buryat language, in many rich countries, like Canada, there are languages ​​that are disappearing. We need to think over the mechanisms of how to resist the onset of globalization and solve our problems. It is impossible to rely only on education and teachers. Why can't our statesmen start with themselves? Buryat language is the state language. A person who applies for a public position must pass the basic level of the Buryat language. In many countries, knowledge of any foreign language is financially encouraged if any employee knows languages ​​and has a salary bonus. People would be motivated.

    Norzhima Tsybikova, journalist - “A Buryat who has not learned his child his native language is practically a criminal”:

    In the topic of the Buryat language, I get the impression that our locomotive has long lagged behind the train. The language goes somewhere endlessly, and here we are discussing everything, discussing for years. My friends from the Kizhinginsky district, who do not speak Russian well, but speak their native language excellently, manage to raise children without knowledge of Buryat. That is, their children no longer speak. This is nonsense. No Belarusian State University will defeat this topic. You just need to explain to parents at the public level that if you, knowing the language, cannot teach a child, then this is practically a crime. Let's give birth to an idea and move it to the public. There are 6,000 people in Shenehen, there is no threat of losing the language. 13 years ago, privately funded a kindergarten with Buryat-speaking staff. We need a public idea.

    Innokenty Egorov - “We need a Buryat language environment, orders cannot solve the problem”:

    Self-flagellation is not necessary. I was recently in Suzh in kindergarten. All children speak Buryat. And there are many such kindergartens and schools. Arkady Damdinovich criticized the Buryat Lyceum No. 1 that there is no teaching in Buryat. Where did you get it from? Are you walking in the forest? Go to the Lyceum and see for yourself.

    15 years ago, in 2002, I was called to work in the government. The state of the Buryat language in schools was depressing. Today we allocate 30 million a year for the Buryat language. And they started with 4 million in 2005. Russia told the national republics: fund your own language. There is nothing with federal money, everything is done with republican funds. We give 15.7 million rubles to the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture - 7.5 million. National Policy Committee - 7.5 million. Media - the committee on information policy of Irina Smolyak - about 5 million in terms of language. Who uses them? To you, journalists, God himself ordered to carry out a policy with the population. You have a banner in your hands. Criticism is necessary, but criticism alone will not get you far. The tragedy is in this, from the fact that we talk a lot, halva will not become sweeter. We need to look for techniques, methods for solving a big pressing problem.

    Innokenty Egorov

    To teach the Buryat language, you need an environment. If the environment is Russian, no one will learn; if we create an environment in a separate garden, school, it will develop there. They ordered everyone - nothing will happen, we know that such orders were in Soviet times.

    I do not agree with you, Innokenty Matveyevich. Arkady Tsybikov is one of the few deputies who really helps the development of the Buryat language. It is worth listening to his authoritative opinion.

    Now we need to talk about living languages ​​that are still spoken. Having visited the Irkutsk region and regions of the republic twice this year, I was convinced that people continue to speak their dialects.

    We applied to the committee on interethnic relations, twice to the Ministry of Culture, we are denied grants for publishing a newspaper in dialects of the Buryat language. Members of the jury of grant competitions believe that dialects are oral speech, and a newspaper cannot be published on them. When they asked for budgetary support, they also refused us, explaining that the budget code does not allow us to allocate money. It turns out that neither the Ministry of Education nor the government supports us. One can see the attitude of officials from the government and the Khural towards the Buryat language.

    Innokenty Egorov: Write a letter, come to my appointment.

    Bato Ochirov, General Director of IA "ARD" - "The question of the language must be politicized, as well as the people":

    Bato Ochirov

    I have a short offer. We are losing our language. We are looking for ways to save it. In my opinion, there are two ways. First, we consider language as a communication tool so that people can speak. This is the road to nowhere. Thus, the language can be lost. The second way is the language as the restoration of the ethno-cultural community. Restoration and development of the Buryat people as a structural socio-political unit of the Russian state. The language must be politicized. If we put the question in such an edge, a strategy for the development of the language, then the whole society of the Republic of Belarus, not only teachers and social activists, should sit here, such a serious impetus can be given. Three years ago no one spoke, but now they have begun to discuss the problem of the Buryat language - this is a very good trend.

    Innokenty Egorov:

    You have a resolution in your hands, it will be the starting document, the WARC will advance all the issues that are laid down here on it. Five people per Buryat branch are ready to pay 97,000 rubles each. Take children from those villages where there are no teachers of the Buryat language, so that later they return there. The contract will be concluded from such positions. In 2017, we will gather five people across the republic from the most distant villages. Maybe we’ll write in a separate line: training of personnel in the Buryat language.

    Bair Baldanov:

    Why should the districts stay away? Let them train personnel.

    Innokenty Egorov:

    If the district wants to send another person, then please let them pay themselves. It's not that big money. To ask the government of the republic to produce teachers of the Buryat language and literature on contract-targeted training. Recommend to the administration of the Belarusian State University on the allocation of additional budgetary places for Buryat philology, including those with the right to teach the Russian language. Appeal to teachers and the parent community, to announce the resolution. Invite the media to broadly discuss the issues raised.

    Send a resolution to all educational institutions, district administrations, the Ministry of Education and Science, the government of the republic, People's Khural, publish in the media.

    Arkady Tsybikov:

    On the demand for teachers of the Buryat language. In the coming years, there may be no demand, so there will be no one who wants to study at BSU for one simple reason, because we do not have compulsory study and education in the Buryat language in the schools of the republic. VARK to apply to the government of the republic with a proposal to develop a draft law on the compulsory teaching of the Buryat language to children of Buryat nationality.

    Did-Khambo Lama Dagba Ochirov - “Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Shuvalov instructed Chepik to know the Buryat language”:

    I want to cite two facts that happened this summer. At a meeting on the Buryat language, Mikhail Kharitonov, chairman of the Committee on Interethnic Affairs, said that 90 percent of university graduates want to work in the government and state institutions. The second incident occurred during the visit of Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Igor Shuvalov to the Ivolginsky datsan. Shuvalov was born in Chukotka and speaks the Chukchi language.

    During the reception, Khambo Lama had a question about the Buryat language. Igor Ivanovich asked Alexander Chepik: "Do you speak the Buryat language?" Alexander Evgenievich answered: "No." Shuvalov said: "It is necessary, if you serve the Motherland, you must know the language of the region." A week later, when I went to Chepik, he was already studying the Buryat language, the “Mirror of Wisdom” lay on the table.

    Khambo Lama, together with all interested parties, created the Buryat radio, Selenga-TV, also organized by the Sangha of Russia, will begin broadcasting in Sagaalgan, where programs in the Buryat language will be broadcast for an unlimited time. If 90% of university graduates want to work in government agencies, then why can’t the questionnaire include an item on the mandatory knowledge of the state language, or the condition that after 5 years a person working in government agencies must know the state language of the republic. Many Buryats who do not speak the language will have a desire to know it.

    Tsyban Bazarov, Chairman of the Council of the Regional Public Organization "Association of Compatriots of Ethnic Buryatia":

    I ask you to include in the operative part a clause on monitoring the employment of graduates of the Buryat branch of BSU. Many of them today work in various industries, including business, some of them in Sakhalin and Korea.

    I ask you to include in the resolution a clause on the need to preserve and develop dialects of the Buryat language. Why rely only on the written language, if the majority of the inhabitants of ethnic Buryatia do not speak it, it turns out that it is like a dead language. If the Selenga River becomes shallow, what will happen to Baikal?! If rivers, streams, and the keys of folk speech dry up, what will happen to the literary Buryat language?

    I think that graduating five people (teachers of the Buryat language) a year is a minuscule amount for the entire republic, because we still have young people from neighboring regions studying here. We propose that at least 100 people graduate from the Burfak every year.

    Districts will not be able to pay for the education of students at the Burfak from the budget. They just don't have the money for this.

    On the podium: Something was said and said, and in the end such a conclusion.

    Innokenty Egorov:

    Don't worry about the districts, we'll talk to the heads ourselves, they'll turn to us themselves.

    In other national republics, all retained their faculties in national languages, except for Buryatia.

    Innokenty Egorov: We’ve been talking for two hours and drawing such conclusions, I’m dumbfounded by you!

    Babasan Tsyrenov, senior researcher at the Institute of Biotechnology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - “Let us speak dialects, but study literary language”:

    Now the question of dialects and literary language is being raised. Some say that the written language is a dead language. I categorically oppose such a provision and ask this proposal (the proposal to include in the resolution a paragraph on the need to preserve and develop dialects of the Buryat language - author) not to be included in the resolution (applause), because people do not understand that dialects and literary language are different forms of the same language. The literary language is sometimes based on one of the dialects, sometimes on several, the Buryat language is based, let's not say, on a purely Khori dialect. It has absorbed the lexical richness of all dialects; according to a special codification, we compose rules and all declensions, conjugations, etc. on it. In the Big Buryat-Russian Dictionary, other Buryat dictionaries, the entire palette of lexical originality of dialects is reflected. There were extensive studies at our institute in 1950-1980, when all dialects and dialects of ethnic Buryatia were studied. When there are no strong differences in vocabulary, there is no point in saying that these are different languages, someone is dead and someone is alive, let's speak the dialect you want, and study and write in the literary Buryat language.

    At the “round table” on the development of the Buryat language, when I said that only we in Buryatia do not have a separate faculty of the national language, someone in the presidium snorted: “Yes, well!”. I came home and looked on the Internet at the websites of the universities of the national republics of Russia. Turns out I guessed it. Here they are:

    Sakha (Yakutsk) University has the Institute of Languages ​​and Culture of the Peoples of the North-East of the Russian Federation, and it has eight departments.

    Kalmyk State University has the Institute of Kalmyk Philology and Oriental Studies.

    In Kazan - the faculty of Tatar philology and history.

    In Ufa - the faculty of Bashkir philology and journalism.

    Saransk University has an Institute of National Culture, where they study the language, culture, and ethnography of the Finno-Ugric peoples.

    I only looked at a few sites. We just don't have anything!

    Within the walls of these faculties and institutes, an intellectual and creative elite is being formed, adequately representing their republics in the Russian and world communities.

    Today at the Oriental Institute of BSU students:

    In the 1st year - 8 students study at the expense of the budget (6 - in Buryat and 2 - in Evenki) and 2 students under the contract;

    In the 2nd year - 5 students at the expense of the budget (3 - in Buryat and 2 - in Evenki) and 3 - under the contract;

    In the 3rd year - 8 students at the expense of the budget (6 - in Buryat and 2 - in Evenk) and 2 - under the contract;

    In the 4th year - 9 students at the expense of the budget (8 - in Buryat and 1 - in Evenki) and 1 - under the contract.

    In the magistracy in the direction of "Philology", profile: "Mongolian languages", in the 1st year 7 people study at the expense of the budget and 1 - under the contract. On the 2nd course - 11 at the expense of the budget.

    Paid tuition for a bachelor's degree costs 97,000 rubles a year, with a discount - 68,000 rubles.

    Master's degree costs 120 thousand rubles a year.

    At the correspondence department in the 1st year - there is no enrollment, in the 2nd year - 10 people study under the contract (6 - in Buryat and 4 - in Evenk), in the 3rd year - 3 under the contract (1 - in Buryat and 2 - in Evenk), in the 4th year - 5 - in Evenki and 4 - in Buryat.

    The rates of teachers at the department of the Buryat language and teaching methods and the department of Buryat and Evenk philology are 0.75 and 0.5, only 11 people work.

    ... The nature of man can only spill along the channel, created by nature itself. This channel is called the native language. When the student is fluent in his native speech, learns to think in his native language, you can expect positive results from his study of Russian, and then other languages. The role of the native language in the spiritual development of the individual is enormous. Not a single pedagogical doctrine undertakes to give a correct education and upbringing to a person without the help of the native language, the key through which the teacher can reach the inner world of the child. National-psychological factors connected with the organization of studies in schools in the mother's language should be taken into account.

    China Regions Buryatia, Zabaykalsky Krai, Irkutsk Oblast, northern aimags of Mongolia, Inner Mongolia official status Russia Russia * Buryatia Buryatia (official language) * Zabaykalsky Krai Zabaykalsky Krai ** Aginsky Buryat District(regional language) * Irkutsk region Irkutsk region ** Ust-Orda Buryat District Mongolia Mongolia * Dornod Khentii(language of a national minority) * Selenge(language of a national minority) * Huvsgel(language of a national minority) China China * Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia ** Hulun Buir (Bargu-Buryat dialect of the Mongolian language) Regulatory organization in Russia: Total number of speakers 318,000 to 369,000 (2002) Status there is a threat of extinction (definitely endangered) Classification Category Languages ​​of Eurasia Mongolian branch Northern Mongolian group Central Mongolian subgroup Writing Cyrillic, Old Mongolian script (in China); see Buryat writing Language codes GOST 7.75–97 drill 125 ISO 639-1 - ISO 639-2 bua ISO 639-3 bua - Buryat (Common)* bxr - Buryat (Russia)* bxu - Buryat (China)* bxm - Buryat (Mongolia) Atlas of the World's Languages ​​in Danger , and Ethnologue bua IETF bua Glottolog See also: Project:Linguistics

    Classification issues

    Refers to the Central Mongolian subgroup of the North Mongolian group of Mongolian languages. The modern literary Buryat language was formed on the basis of the Khori dialect.

    • bxr - Buryat (Russia);
    • bxu - Buryat (China);
    • bxm - Buryat (Mongolia).

    Linguistic geography

    Range and abundance

    In Russia, the Buryat language is spoken in Buryatia, the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Irkutsk Region.

    In northern Mongolia, the Buryats inhabit the taiga and subtaiga strip along the Russian border in the aimags of Dornod, Khentii, Selenge and Khuvsgel.

    The total number of speakers of the Buryat language, according to various sources, is from 318,000 to 369,000

    In Russia - 218,557 (2010, census), in China - about 18 thousand, in Mongolia - 48 thousand (including 45.1 thousand Buryats and 3.0 thousand counted by the census separately from Buryat Barguts).

    Sociolinguistic information

    The Buryat language performs the functions of communication in all areas of everyday speech. Fiction (original and translated), socio-political, educational and scientific literature, republican (“Buryad unen”) and regional newspapers are published in literary Buryat, opera and drama theaters, radio, and television are working. In the Republic of Buryatia, in all areas of linguistic activity, the Buryat and Russian languages ​​functionally coexist, which have been the state languages ​​since 1990, since the bulk of the Buryats are bilingual. The Charter of the Trans-Baikal Territory establishes that "in the territory of the Aginsky Buryat District, along with the state language, the Buryat language can be used" . The charter of the Irkutsk region establishes that "the state authorities of the Irkutsk region create conditions for the preservation and development of languages, cultures and other components of the national identity of the Buryat people and other peoples traditionally living on the territory of the Ust-Orda Buryat district" .

    Buryat and Bargut dialects

    Evidence of the problem

    As XXIV Pandito Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev noted, just some hundred years ago, only 1% of the Buryats spoke Russian. The remaining 99 percent did not own it. Today the picture is just the opposite. Only 18% of the Buryat population can speak, understand and express themselves in their native language.

    This picture is undeniably depressing. Today it is not so much about the development as about the preservation of the language. In the absence of an environment, motivation and adapted textbooks, it is not easy for young people to learn the language of their ancestors.

    In 2014, the ATV television company launched the Buryaadaar Duugarayal project. A well-known Mongolian scholar, teacher Zhargal Badagarov explains the grammar rules of the Buryat language in an accessible form. The project gained popularity, was bought out by the Arig Us TV channel, where it still airs to this day.

    TV courses

    And ATV is already launching a new project - a reality show on the study of the Buryat language. On September 8, the show "Turelkhi helen" starts on the air of ATV.

    How to learn to understand and communicate with your grandparents at the everyday level? What is the specificity of the Buryat language and what techniques will help you learn it faster? How to make the learning process fun and easy? All this in the new ATV project. The program will be of interest to everyone who speaks the Buryat language or wants to learn it.

    Project Features

    The blue-eyed blonde will teach the Buryat language to the heroes of the reality show - Lyudmila Namzhilon, who speaks pure, beautiful Buryat language, knows national customs and traditions, will definitely become the star of the show.

    And who became the participants of the project? These are young well-known people in different circles who have only one thing in common - they do not speak Buryat, but they really want to learn!

    • Sergey Nikonov- TV presenter, director, film actor. He was remembered by the audience for the main role in the comedy "To Baikal".
    • Anton Lushnikov- showman, radio host, player of the KVN team "Hara Morin". It was he who was not afraid to challenge the acting head of Buryatia Alexei Tsydenov to a “duel” and launched a challenge on the Internet.
    • Alina Namsaraeva- singer, head of the pop art school. Despite the Buryat surname and the performance of famous Buryat songs, she sincerely admitted that she did not know and did not speak Buryat.
    • Evgeny Zhamtsuev- Film actor, TV presenter. Like many modern Buryats, Evgeny does not know his native language, but, like the best of them, he strives to learn it.
    • Alena Customer- radio host, lived in Moscow for 13 years. I missed my native land, its culture, traditions and language.
    • Elena Stepanova- polyglot, civil servant, born in Novosibirsk. Having married a Ulan-Udenian, she moved to Buryatia two months ago and is determined to speak Buryat.

    This fun, risky and a little crazy, but focused on the result, team of heroes will learn the language of Dondok Ulzytuev and Dorzhi Banzarov. You too can join them in front of the TV screen. Turn on ATV every Friday, learn the language of your ancestors.

    Evidence of the problem

    As XXIV Pandito Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev noted, just some hundred years ago, only 1% of the Buryats spoke Russian. The remaining 99 percent did not own it. Today the picture is just the opposite. Only 18% of the Buryat population can speak, understand and express themselves in their native language.

    This picture is undeniably depressing. Today it is not so much about the development as about the preservation of the language. In the absence of an environment, motivation and adapted textbooks, it is not easy for young people to learn the language of their ancestors.

    In 2014, the ATV television company launched the Buryaadaar Duugarayal project. A well-known Mongolian scholar, teacher Zhargal Badagarov explains the grammar rules of the Buryat language in an accessible form. The project gained popularity, was bought out by the Arig Us TV channel, where it still airs to this day.

    TV courses

    And ATV is already launching a new project - a reality show on the study of the Buryat language. On September 22, the show "Turelkhi helen" starts on the air of ATV.

    How to learn to understand and communicate with your grandparents at the everyday level? What is the specificity of the Buryat language and what techniques will help you learn it faster? How to make the learning process fun and easy? All this in the new ATV project. The program will be of interest to everyone who speaks the Buryat language or wants to learn it.

    Project Features

    The blue-eyed blonde will teach the Buryat language to the heroes of the reality show - Lyudmila Namzhilon, who speaks pure, beautiful Buryat language, knows national customs and traditions, will definitely become the star of the show.

    And who became the participants of the project? These are young well-known people in different circles who have only one thing in common - they do not speak Buryat, but they really want to learn!

    Sergey Nikonov- TV presenter, director, film actor. He was remembered by the audience for the main role in the comedy "To Baikal".

    Anton Lushnikov- showman, radio host, player of the KVN team "Hara Morin". It was he who was not afraid to challenge the acting head of Buryatia Alexei Tsydenov to a “duel” and launched a challenge on the Internet.

    Alina Namsaraeva- singer, head of the pop art school. Despite the Buryat surname and the performance of famous Buryat songs, she sincerely admitted that she did not know and did not speak Buryat.

    Evgeny Zhamtsuev- Film actor, TV presenter. Like many modern Buryats, Evgeny does not know his native language, but, like the best of them, he strives to learn it.

    Alena Customer- radio host, lived in Moscow for 13 years. I missed my native land, its culture, traditions and language.

    Elena Stepanova- polyglot, civil servant, born in Novosibirsk. Having married a Ulan-Udenian, she moved to Buryatia two months ago and is determined to speak Buryat.

    This fun, risky and a little crazy, but focused on the result, team of heroes will learn the language of Dondok Ulzytuev and Dorzhi Banzarov. You too can join them in front of the TV screen. Turn on ATV every Friday, learn the language of your ancestors.

    Vkontakte community.