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  • The power of thought suggestion. Telepathy is the lot of the elite? Corner to get what you want

    The power of thought suggestion.  Telepathy is the lot of the elite?  Corner to get what you want

    Suggestion at a distance I have been practicing for a very long time. In this article, I will tell you how it all began, and how I learned what I can now.

    Practice suggestion at a distance I became years, perhaps, with sixteen. It all started with a movie. Now I don’t remember the name and even the plot of the film, but there was one scene that “hooked” me.

    “The guy, passing by a beautiful girl, admired her and stumbled. The girl laughed. They struck up a conversation, and she said that he stumbled not by accident. And that, allegedly, she "made" him stumble ... mentally! He certainly didn't believe it. And then the girl suggested an experiment. The guy had to walk past again, trying not to stumble. He took a few confident steps, and ... stumbled, as promised. As far as I remember, they repeated this experiment several times, but the result was always the same - the guy stumbled. As a result, he believed that the girl was really doing this and asked her to tell how she did it. She said that she was simply imagining a rope stretched a few centimeters from the ground. And as soon as his foot touches the imaginary rope, he stumbles (already completely for real).

    Probably everyone in childhood played games based on the movie they liked. We all became Indians, knights, rangers, kings, princesses, and so on. So I imagined that I, too (like that girl from the movie) can inspire at a distance. It was already late in the evening, it was time to go to bed. Before falling asleep, I dreamed about it a little. Imagine how great it would be to be able to inspire thoughts from a distance. And I firmly decided to try it in the morning (in the film, the girl said that everyone can learn suggestion at a distance).

    Right in the morning, without even having breakfast, I went to the park. I sat down on a bench, picked up a book (if I just sat and "stared" at people it would be suspicious) and began to experiment with suggestion at a distance.

    I did everything as it was said in the movie, i.e. I tried to imagine that a rope was stretched in the way of a walking person. At first it didn’t work out very well, but from the tenth time I managed to clearly imagine a thick rope, almost a rope. I even began to be proud of myself. The rope turned out really well! Those. I didn't just imagine it, I saw it (I think it's called a positive hallucination). I saw the villi on it, how it bends a little under its own weight. Imagine how she felt. But, unfortunately, he could not keep this image for a long time. At the most crucial moment, when a person approached an imaginary rope, it "melted" and disappeared.

    In general, I did not hope that the suggestion at a distance would work on the first day, so I decided that enough for today and went home.

    I did not go to the park to continue experiments with suggestion at a distance for about five or six days. During this time, I perfectly learned to imagine in detail and for quite a long time (up to 10 minutes) to keep images in my mind. I trained in any free minute (at home, in public transport, on the way to the store, and so on). I visualized everything that came to hand (an orange, a pen, a lighter, a wallet, etc.).

    Spinning in the park, I again sat down with a book on a bench and began to inspire. Habitually presented a thick rope, fixed the image. The man was just walking by. There was no time to look at it, because it was necessary to concentrate on the rope. I tried my best to make it more real and... it "melted".

    "What is wrong?" I thought. And after several unsuccessful experiments, I found out that the rope disappears when you strain and try to “keep the image” as if with an effort. This is really a mistake, on the contrary, you need to relax.

    The next time I imagined the rope in every detail, and when the image formed, I relaxed. The image has not disappeared! Moreover, the imaginary rope began to "take on a life of its own." She swayed so naturally in the wind that for a moment I believed she was real.

    At that moment, a woman stumbled while passing "through the rope". My joy knew no bounds, I almost jumped up with a cry of “Hurrah!”, but, thank God, I restrained myself in time. I had mixed feelings in my heart: I really wanted to believe that this was my “merit”, but at the same time, an inner voice said that it could be just an accident.

    I repeated. Now a guy (about my age) stumbled. I had almost no doubts - this is not an accident, I do it! Suggestion at a distance is not a myth, it actually exists.

    After sitting on a bench for about an hour, I managed to “stumble” seven more people. It all looked very comical, but I did not laugh. I silently rejoiced!

    Now I can confidently say that suggestion at a distance exists and anyone can learn it! You just need to really want and a little (or a lot) to practice. Some get it right away, some get it in a week, some get it in a month. But it will definitely work!

    27.03.2006 88829 +322


    How to influence a person telepathically?

    In the last year, my study of the power of thought has advanced a lot.

    This happens largely due to the fact that I have the opportunity to communicate with you, my dear readers: through communication during, plans for mental work and consultations, find out your desires and watch how you fulfill them.

    Most of the desires that I encounter in my work are related to the interaction of a person with other people.

    Often we want to attract the attention of another person, attract an abstract person, or influence the decision of a particular person.

    It can be like love desires, when we want to win over a person of the opposite sex.

    So are any other desires, where the solution to our situation depends on other people.

    And every time, fulfilling such desires, solving such situations, I and my clients have a question: how to influence a person telepathically?

    Telepathy is the lot of the elite?

    I believe that telepathy is something that every person owns from birth. We all communicate telepathically from the cradle. We just don't know about it.

    We don’t know because in our material, limited society it is believed that there is no telepathy, and if there is, then this is definitely some kind of incredible ability, the lot of the elite, people with a subtle perception of the world.

    And there is some truth in this, of course ... but only a small fraction.

    For example, in order to learn how to communicate telepathically with another person, you really need to become “thinner”, that is, feel finer, trust your intuition, listen to the whisper of your heart.

    But each of us can do this if we practice a little.

    Therefore, dear ones, I have good news for you - you are a telepath from birth, and you can transmit thoughts to other people.

    And keep in mind that telepathic communication is always two-way, you can not only transmit thoughts to another person, but also receive information from him if he wants to.

    What do you need to know to act telepathically?

    Couple listening to music on headphones

    In this section of the article about telepathy, I will give the basic concepts that you need to understand before starting your telepathic experiences.

    And the first concept is a phantom, or the image of a person.

    Very important in establishing a telepathic connection is the ability to "call", to present an almost living image of the person to whom you want to transmit information.

    How to summon a human phantom?

    I hope the word phantom does not frighten you, and if so, I hasten to reassure you. After all, during the day you constantly unconsciously call the phantoms of different people. Making it simple when you think about them and remember what they look like.

    The first and most natural way, given to us by nature - this is the usual representation in the mind of the image of man.

    You need to very clearly and colorfully imagine this person in front of you, on your mental screen.

    Imagine a person's face, his eyes looking at you, his smile or other facial expression; a person's body, his height relative to yours, his characteristic movements or even words.

    Second way, which can make your work easier is to take a photo of this person, and, looking at it, “revive” the phantom.

    And in the first and second cases, it is important to achieve the feeling that the image is alive. You have to literally see how the image moves, it can be a slight movement of his eyes, facial expressions, scratching the back of his head, or his characteristic pulling his hair behind his ears ... anything that allows your image to come to life.

    If, when reviving the image, you feel a little uncomfortable that you are no longer alone in the room ... and the person you represent appears there, then you did everything right.

    Your intuition, flair, will tell you that the image is called. Trust yourself.

    The Nature of Thoughts

    An important basis for understanding telepathy is the actual understanding of what thoughts are, their nature.

    And below I will indicate main characteristics of thought, mental energy:

    1. Thought has no physical barriers.
    2. Distance from another person does not matter.
    3. Thought spreads instantly to any distance.

    Altered state of consciousness

    Of course, as you might have guessed, in the normal everyday state of your consciousness, your telepathic influence will be minimal.

    It will be, yes, because it is natural, but the transmitted information will not be so clearly and clearly transmitted to the person on the other end of the wire.

    Therefore, before starting work, you should properly relax and tune in to communication.

    You can do this by simply diving to the alpha level, I have written about ways to relax more than once, look for exercises in the articles:

    What message can be sent consciously?

    Here are just a few examples and ideas of what kind of requests and messages you can send to other people to get the desired results.

    To resolve issues in court:

    Send the judge in your case thoughts about deciding the issue in your favor. Talk to him, proving your case (if you are sure of it).

    For a successful interview:

    Send a message to the employer that you are the best fit for the position.

    To search for a missing person:

    Ask a person to get in touch, tell him your coordinates or tell him ways to find you, through whom or where.

    To meet someone you haven't seen for a long time:

    Invite the person to come or call you.

    To convey your relationship to a person:

    You can send love to a person if you do not dare to confess live. Sending negative feelings is not worth it, the person will simply turn away from you, and your negative attitude will return to you like a boomerang.

    For seduction:

    To get rid of alcoholism:

    You can inspire a person with a sense of joy of being freed from addiction, a sense of freedom from a harmful potion, or a feeling of disgust for alcohol (here it is important to study the issue well in advance so as not to harm).

    Instructions for children in their studies:

    Send your child the thought that studying well is interesting and worthy, that he himself wants to have only fives in his diary.

    These are just a few examples, here you need to look for your own way for each specific task.

    Keep in mind that telepathic communication is not an attraction or suggestion of feelings to a person. This is not about changing reality, which is mostly what I'm talking about in my blog. When reality changes, we move to other lifelines where these people treat us differently, rather than affecting people on that lifeline.

    By telepathically sending love to a person, you cannot make him love you. But you can "make" him catch thoughts about you ... and win him over to you.

    Having received your message, the person on the other end of the wire decides whether to follow your request or not. He may think of you, he may remember you, he may rejoice in your love, but he may not indulge these thoughts if he does not want to.

    Telepathy will be useful in making a person make the right decision you need; but it cannot control the deep will of a person.

    How to influence a person telepathically?

    In this article, I will analyze several ways to set up a telepathic connection, which I learned from various authors. And the first method belongs to Marina Sugrobova, a very interesting woman involved in the magic of influence.

    Telepathic communication through the third eye

    You put a photo of the right person in front of you.

    Very carefully for 2 minutes, practically without blinking, look into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis third eye (the hollow between the eyebrows).

    Keep a close focused gaze.

    After 2 minutes you will feel that your third eye has become active.

    You have some kind of energy coming out of your third eye that goes in a spiral. And with such a “gimlet” it is screwed into the third eye of a person in the photograph.

    And you create just such a kind of energy connection. When you have created it, established a connection between you through your third eyes, you can begin to work.

    How to send feelings?

    First you have to feel love for the object within yourself, feel it. And how would you put your feeling into your third eye and direct it along this spiral into the third eye of the object.

    In a similar way, you can send other good feelings: support, care. For example, if your loved one is sick, you can send them words of support. If your child is in an exam, you can send them strength and confidence. You can reassure your child if he is in the dentist's chair...

    You can mentally hug a person if he is far away and you miss him very much.

    How to send thoughts?

    Prepare in advance the settings and thoughts that you will convey to the person to solve your problem. Pass in the form of information and phrases.

    Method of telepathy by Viktor Kandyb

    The second method of telepathic communication was described in his book "The Secret Possibilities of Man" by Victor Kandyba.

    And this is what he writes:

    The generally accepted method of transmitting thoughts at a distance is briefly reduced to the following.

    In the initial position, lying down, introduce yourself into an altered state of consciousness to the level of "Shakti" (immersion in nothingness). This level of the state of the brain requires the complete exclusion of thoughts, that is, the practitioner in this state should not think about anything. Not a single thought, not a single image should flash through the brain. At this time, the telepathist should experience a sensation of an unusual emptiness of the abyss, filled with nothing. Enter this state as follows.

    1. Lie on your back on a bed without a pillow, close your eyes, stretch your arms along the body. The muscles are relaxed.
    2. Lie like this for a few minutes until the whole body has calmed down. Then begin to breathe rhythmically, wait until the normal rhythm and pulsation of the whole body is established.
    3. If any thoughts still arise, then one should calmly, as if from the outside, observe them.

    They, like on a film, will pass in front of your mind's eye in a continuous stream. Do not try to forcefully break this endless stream.

    In no case do not use willpower and do not strain. Do not force yourself to think, but very calmly, as if from the outside, as if with a condescending smile, look at the thoughts flashing in your brain. Be their outside spectator, i.e. discard all thoughts and images, and you will plunge into "nothing", transformed into the state of "shakti". It takes about 10 minutes after special training, over time it comes faster.

    1. Perform the Great Psychic Breath of the Yogis until the whole organism is overflowing with energy. Remember that telepathy requires a lot of energy and it must be accumulated in yourself in advance using special psychotechnics.
    2. Without wasting the received energy, direct it to the head (in yoga, this state is called “shaktiprarsadasana”). When your body is filled with energy with the help of the Great Psychic Breath of Yogis, you should try, as it were, to pour it from all parts of the body to the head, as if attracting energy to the head. It is done like this.

    To the beat of the pulsation (the shakti effect of rhythmic breathing), an impulse must be sent - a clot of energy from the body to the head. The pulsation acts like a piston, sucking energy from the body into the head with its movement. Thus, in a few pulsations, the brain is filled to the limit with powerful energy.

    1. You need to focus on your brain and this powerful energy in it. Enter into this state, it will strengthen the state in which you are. Breathing all this time should be rhythmic, pulsation well felt. All thoughts are gone. Such a state is specifically for telepathy an altered state of consciousness (or a state similar to shakti-prarsadasana).
    2. In the reached state, you are already ready for telepathy.

    Now, against the background of mental emptiness, reproduce the image of the person you want to influence. This image must be very clear and completely real.(You may think that this is hard to do, but in the state you are in, it is easy to do).

    You were in a transformed state of consciousness, and such a re-creation of the image for simple self-hypnosis, and the establishment and establishment of communication in an unknown field that has not yet been studied by science, apparently, the mental field of the planet.

    Very often in this state, when a connection is established, the phenomenon of “clairvoyance” appears. You can “lose yourself” and find yourself, as it were, next to the person you represent. You will see what he does and what he does.

    1. The connection is established, you can physically feel it.

    Breathing is always rhythmic. As you look at the image, focus on the thought you want to convey to it. Further, saturating it with energy, direct this thought into the image to the beat of the pulsation. Here, rhythmic breathing acts like a bowstring, throwing an arrow-thought into the space-target.

    So, thoughts are "ejected" in time with the pulsation. You will feel that the connection is established. That, in fact, is all.

    How will a person receive your message?

    A person will receive your message in the form of thoughts or feelings that came to his mind. The person will think that these thoughts belong to him, so he will take them for his own.

    A rare person is able to discern a “foreign” thought and distance himself from your suggestion. You yourself receive hundreds of other people's thoughts every day and in 99% of cases you do not realize that they are not yours at all.

    Once again, a person will not necessarily follow your suggestions.

    Let me give an example to understand why this is so.

    For example, more and more often at work you catch the eye of your colleague of the opposite sex. Then all of a sudden in the middle of the day you start thinking about him, you have sex scenes in your mind with him and you.

    If you are very careful and realize that you never liked this colleague, then you will understand that you simply "caught" his thoughts.

    Most likely, this person set up a telepathic connection unconsciously. He just wants you and dreams about you, vividly imagining your body during the afternoon break ...

    And if you are an observer and track your thoughts, you will understand that these thoughts are "foreign", not yours. It is up to you to give in to his suggestion or not.

    If you love another person, then you can quite resist the telepathic seduction. But if you want to succumb, then do it ... In any case, the choice is yours.

    By the way, the example described above is so common that I have seen this very, very often. Moreover, in all cases, the “victim” of suggestion was sure that these sexual thoughts were her own and spontaneously arose in her ... It seemed to her that she herself was thinking them, and, probably, this is because that person is very attractive and she likes ... Ha no matter how!

    The transmission of thought at a distance even now sounds like an unnatural process. But it is possible. And you can do this not just by looking at the photo, but by communicating with a person by phone or Skype. This is what newbies usually do. In the article we will tell you how to inspire a person with a thought at a distance, what needs to be done for this. Next, we will look at the features of how you can learn this ability.

    Is it possible to suggest thoughts at a distance to another person?

    On this topic, the first thoughts of scientists and psychologists appeared in the 19th century. And the answer was positive. Most of all, people who are not in a stable nervous state are subject to such influence. For example, when a person falls asleep or wakes up, with severe nervous exhaustion or during a period of aggression.

    But most of all you can influence at a distance on close people, since there is always an invisible connection with relatives. This is even expressed in the way a person feels when trouble has happened to a loved one. And for this it is not necessary to enter the astral plane.

    They may not necessarily be blood relatives. Such a connection occurs in people who spend a lot of time together. Between best friends, lovers and so on. Sometimes the suggestion of a thought at a distance is due to the fact that a person knows the habits of the suggested person well.

    Sometimes this is not enough for a person. Then he wants to know how to inspire a person with a thought at a distance. The rest of the article will focus on this topic.

    Suggestion technique. What does a person need to learn?

    This is a rather laborious process and requires constant training. It is recommended to learn how to control the power of thought first on close relatives. And only then switch to suggestion to strangers.

    What is needed for this?

    Yoga is also recommended. It will help you quickly concentrate and get rid of unnecessary thoughts. The body and soul will always be full of energy. It is yoga that will help you to enter the astral plane. This will allow you to quickly learn to control the thoughts of other people. Everyone can learn how to inspire a person with a thought at a distance. There would be a desire, and, of course, the necessary training will be required.

    An object. Who to choose for suggestion?

    As it was already written above, it is first better to choose the closest relative as an object for suggestion. Then you can try it on other people.

    Most often, the objects for suggestion are:

    • Beloved. For example, a girl really likes a young man, but he does not pay much attention to her. Every day she begins to inspire him how beautiful she is and how he likes it. The young man takes this as his thoughts and eventually falls in love with this girl.
    • Children. This ability is necessary for mothers. Especially when the child is sick. They inspire the child that he is on the mend, that everything will be fine. Here the placebo effect is triggered, the body itself begins to make more efforts to recover. You can also help your children learn, but don't try to take complete control of them. Otherwise, the child may lose himself as a person.
    • Just family and friends. With the help of thoughts at a distance, you can give them confidence, strength, make it clear how much they are loved and expected.

    How to convey thoughts?

    How to convey a thought to a distance to another person? Learning to influence the mind of an outsider is more difficult than learning to influence close people. But it's also possible. What should be done step by step?

    1. Free yourself completely from unnecessary thoughts. The head must be completely clear of all thoughts.
    2. After choosing the person to whom thoughts will be redirected, you need to find out as much as possible about him. His hobbies, tastes, manner of communication, voice and so on. If possible, get into the circle of his friends.
    3. Before starting the suggestion of a thought, it is necessary to imagine this person and try to revive his image.
    4. When the right thought is selected and attention is fully concentrated, you need to attach as much emotion as possible to the information sent.
    5. For starters, you can try to spend it in the evening or at night. It is during this period that a person is more open to outside interference.
    6. Additionally, you can inspire a person with the necessary information during communication. But not directly, but with suggestive themes. Prepare the ground for receiving information at a distance.
    7. Do not quarrel with those to whom the information will be intended at a distance. Don't make him aggressive. On the contrary, when communicating should be only positive. Otherwise, even information sent at a distance may not only be not accepted, but rejected.

    Effective way

    There is another method, not quite standard. But it is also popular. You need to completely relax, close your eyes and imagine the disk of the sun. Wait until the disk becomes completely real.

    Then you need to introduce the right person. And try to revive this image in your head. Next, in the disk itself, present the inscription of your message. And only then on this disk to move the image of the person to whom this message is intended.

    Important Points to Remember for Those Who Want to Inspire Thoughts

    We have already figured out how to inspire a person with a thought at a distance. Now let's look at the important points of this case:

    • self-confidence is obligatory, even if it didn’t work out the first, second or third time;
    • daily workouts and more than once;
    • send messages by the power of thought to different people;
    • correct breathing is important in the process of transmitting information;
    • be in a relaxed state, it is desirable that the recipient be in the same state (therefore evening time is recommended);
    • be positively minded, otherwise the negative can be transmitted with thoughts and harm human health;
    • to be in a secluded room;
    • the light in the room should not be bright, not irritate the eyes. You can carry out the procedure without light;
    • develop your imagination in order to imagine as realistically as possible the person to whom the information will be redirected.

    Compliance with these points, and most importantly, perseverance will help to influence a person’s thoughts at a distance.


    You can spiritually be with a person and support him when he has an important event and there is no way to be around. Feeling a close soul nearby, a person becomes more confident, which means that a positive result will be guaranteed.

    Girls love to use this to reconcile with their loved ones in a peculiar way during a quarrel. But it is desirable not to make him feel guilty. On the contrary, send your feeling of remorse. Also, girls can also fall in love with their chosen one with the power of thought.

    This is how mothers treat and protect their children. The main thing here is to fully imbue the human condition. Imagine how thoughts save children from ailments. You can be with a sleeping baby nearby at this time. Send him thoughts about recovery. And with a touch, imagine how the disease is concentrated in the hand. And you can do it from a distance. Here, a kind of (represented) energy ball with thoughts should touch the child. It is he who must absorb illnesses and send positive emotions and thoughts to the child.

    You can at the initial stage just try to inspire a person with the idea of ​​the need for a call. And if you pay attention to this, this happens quite often (especially among gifted people). Sometimes a person will only think that such and such has not called him for a long time and already wants to dial the number himself, as a call is heard from the desired subscriber.


    Now you know how to inspire people with your thoughts. The most important rule is to be in a person's trust. Then the transmission of thought at a distance is sure to succeed.

    Is it possible to transmit thoughts at a distance? In the 20s. 20th century Academician V.I. Vernadsky introduced the concept of the noosphere, defined as a "reasonable" shell around the earth.

    In my understanding the noosphere is a kind of field in which all the thoughts of all people on the planet are located. I would NOT call it a collective mind or public consciousness, no, it is rather a field where thoughts fly indiscriminately.

    In fact, the thoughts that you think do not originate in your head. They come to you from outside. Just from this field. This feature could easily be traced by those of you who, in order to "strengthen the power of thought", were engaged in the practice of "no mind", that is, they stopped their thoughts.

    When I watch my silent mind, I notice how various thoughts in the truest sense of the word attack my head, try to break into my space, into my mental shell.

    Remember, you probably had situations when some thought directly bombarded you against your desire. Has it happened? Our mind generally has two functions: to receive thoughts from outside and to create them on our own. You and I, people striving to fulfill our desires, very often set our minds precisely to create OUR thoughts and images.

    We do this by writing our desires and saying affirmations, we visualize our desires. That is, by an effort of will we create our own thoughts and transfer them to the noosphere.

    But who can catch this idea from the noosphere? Yes, anyone! Now let's move on to practice and see how you can transmit thoughts to other people at a distance.

    My dears, I will immediately clarify. We do not force anyone to call! We only direct our thought into the noosphere in order to convey it to another person. All this is quite harmless.

    So one day I really wanted a young man to call me. An old friend of mine who I haven't talked to for a long time. And here's what I did.

    I began to mentally imagine what he would say to me if he really called. I came up with words that I knew exactly what he would say. To do this, I turned to my memory and remembered how he used to start his phone call to me.

    And he started it tritely: a long drawn-out “Hello”, then a pause and “How are you?”. I presented not only the content of the text. I also imagined his voice, intonation and accent. After this image, I moved on to another.

    I imagined the phone ringing, I look at the screen and see that he is ringing, I see the name that he is written in my phone book. I “flavored” both of these visualizations with the emotions that I will experience when he actually calls. So, of course, I'm happy ...

    Hmm, what should I tell him? It would probably not be bad for him to know about that ... That was the train of my thoughts. I fully believed that I would actually receive a call from him in the near future. And in the end, he called me about 5 days later. Everything went exactly according to plan.

    When I saw his name on the screen and then heard these "hello" and "how are you" - I was a little stunned. It's incredible how you can convey thoughts from a distance!

    How to pull a message from the right person?

    And now the second story. About SMS. This story was shared by a girl who she told:

    I really wanted to reconcile with a man.

    In the evening, on a piece of paper, I spontaneously drew a dialog box, as in Viber, and a text from it: “Hi, I miss you.”

    About two hours later, I received a message from him in Viber with exactly the same text.

    Blimey! As you can see, both mental visualization and what we write down on paper work. Do you want to receive a call or SMS from a certain person? Then try. No magic. Only the power of directed thought!

    These two stories clearly show how one person can direct his thoughts to a call or SMS to another person.

    Do you know how it looks from the side of the person to whom the thought was directed? He will be absolutely sure that this is his own thought!

    Now think, are you thinking your own thoughts now?

    How to make a man think about you?

    Many people ask me if it is possible to “work” with a person at a distance. I answer immediately to everyone - it is possible. At the beginning of the article, you read how our thoughts move from one person to another.

    Now I want to tell you how to direct your thought so that the right person “catch” it. This is done very simply - using your imagination.

    You simply imagine this person and imagine that the thought you need enters his head.

    And now I’ll tell you a more piquant way of suggesting thoughts to a person, and not even thoughts, but rather desires ... That is, so that a person thinks about you. This will only work if you are in a romantic relationship.

    The author of the Magic Touch method is Amargi Killer.

    Magic touch method

    Imagine that your person is naked. Your next step is to reach out and touch it. Use your visualized sense to caress him erotically with your hand. If you lose the big picture of that person, that's fine. Just concentrate on the area of ​​the body you are touching.

    If you can't imagine what exactly that part of the body looks like - finish it (it will still work). Using touch in your visualization is the most important aspect to get a man to think about you.

    This skill must be developed and you must practice the touch in your mind so that you can "feel" it with your mind. When you touch someone in your visualization, you create a terrifyingly powerful connection to that person.

    This is a "magical" touch that will drive the person into a frenzy and draw them towards you. Study it with your fingers, palms, hands and spend time on it. Let your imagination explore every perception as you touch the person.

    You create in your mind what you do with them and what they experience. Let your fingers and your hands explore different areas of their body: nipples, mouth, ears, inner thighs, hair, knees, etc.

    No other technique of your mental ability can match this use of touch, and there is no way for a person to avoid it. If you do this for only five minutes, you create an effect that can last for hours.

    The person will begin to feel warmth, tingling, stiffness, wetness, and other included sensations. The longer you use Magic Touch, the harder it will be for her to overcome it and you will become very attractive to her.

    She will not even be able to resist these feelings, because they come from deep inside (as if by themselves). Remember, it will take a little practice, but it will defeat them even on the first try, no matter how severe.

    Now you understand that the transmission of thought at a distance is quite real.


    All methods of remote influence on a person can be divided into two categories: technical and mental. In the first case, the radiation of psychotronic generators is used, but their impact can only evoke certain emotions in a person, nothing more. It is not yet possible to order a person to perform a specific action by this method.

    That is why the greatest interest is the influence at a distance through the use of special mental techniques.

    Use of ISS

    One of the most interesting areas of remote influence on a person is associated with the use of ASC - altered states of consciousness. A specially trained operator takes a seat on a comfortable couch in a soundproof room. Soft low lighting is used to promote relaxation.

    Relaxing and entering a trance, the operator can remotely connect to the subconscious of the person he is interested in. Since the connection occurs at the subconscious level, there is no conscious resistance. As a result, the operator can read any information of interest to him or give a task to a person to perform a certain action.

    The main difficulty of this technique is the training of operators - there are very few people with high abilities. In fact, the number of specialists of this level is calculated in units. In addition, not every action can be inspired. In particular, any suggestions aimed at causing physical harm will not work. That is, you cannot, for example, force a person to commit suicide.

    Therefore, this method is used to collect information and suggest some fairly simple actions. For example, you can force a person to make a tourist trip to a certain country. Hire someone, sign a contract, etc. Any actions that do not run counter to the worldview of a person, his moral values ​​can be initiated.

    Influence through dreams

    One of the most difficult, but effective methods is to influence a person through his dreams. The method of influence is based on the use of lucid dreams.

    The impact is as follows: you need to enter a lucid dream, for this there are methods. At the same time, the person who will be affected should also sleep at this time. In a dream, the dreamer finds the person he needs, which is also far from easy - usually there are sprites, dream illusory images. The dreamer needs to find a real person - that is, his subtle body.

    The suggestion is carried out as follows: you need to approach the person you are interested in, grab his neck and the back of the head with your left hand, and press the thumb of your right hand into the center of the forehead and clearly pronounce the phrase of suggestion. It should be noted that in this case it is also impossible to initiate any actions that are destructive for a person. At the same time, suggestions aimed at the benefit of this person himself succeed well. For example, in this way you can help him quit smoking, drinking, and using drugs. You can make him treat other people well, etc. Any installation that does not pose a direct threat to the person himself will be carried out.

    Of course, the use of lucid dreams to influence at a distance is available only to dreamers with extensive experience, sometimes tens of years.

    Thought suggestion techniques have been used since ancient times. Legally - for the treatment of mental illness, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. Fraudsters use them illegally. Master some ethical techniques of suggestion thoughts it is also possible for quite harmless purposes, for example, to find mutual understanding in the family or with colleagues.


    Talk to the person to whom you want to inspire some thought. You need to find a topic that will be close and interesting to the interlocutor. Listen carefully to the person, speak softly but clearly. Choose an intonation that will repeat the intonation of the interlocutor as much as possible, mirror his posture and gestures.

    Use the basic principles of persuasive speech, which is the main tool of suggestion. Be clear and specific about what the person should do and believe. For example, you want to convince your son to clean up after himself: "You have to clean your own room." Use attitudes such as: "I believe that everyone can keep clean on their own." Give reasonable and logical arguments - statements that confirm your case. For example: “If you can clean up on your own, then you are old enough and you can go alone on an excursion to another city.” This argument, in particular, can also be a motive - after all, the son probably wants to go on this trip.

    Use the magnetic gaze technique. There are several exercises, having mastered which, you can inspire thoughts. For the first, draw a black circle with a diameter of 1 cm on a piece of paper. Place the sheet at the level of your eyes. Without blinking, look at the circle for 1 minute from a distance of 1 meter. Then move the sheet to the left by 80 cm. Return to the starting position and look first at the place where the sheet was, then, without turning your head, look at the circle without blinking for 1 minute. Similarly, repeat the exercise, moving the sheet to the left. For the second exercise, you will need a mirror. Stare into your eyes for 1 minute. Increase the time with each workout.


    When using the magnetic gaze technique, you must be aware of the ethical aspects of your influence. At the moment of exposure, you are responsible for the psyche of the suggested person.

    Managing the human mind is the cherished dream of many people, from businessmen to politicians. To some extent, they succeed, so you should know not only about the methods of influencing the human mind, but also about the methods of protection.

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    You need to know that there are a lot of methods of psychological influence (manipulation). Some of them are very difficult to learn, such as NLP, and some are easily used by most people in everyday life.

    Even a very young child can show the makings of a manipulator. In order to get his parents to fulfill his desires, he uses such measures of psychological influence as violent crying, tantrums, and rolling on the floor. All this "performance" takes place necessarily in the presence of "spectators", for whom it is played. In solitude, the child's tantrum immediately stops. This suggests that he easily controls the expression of his emotions and uses them only when he needs it.

    Having become older, the child tries to manipulate his peers. So, a girl who does not want her friends who came to visit her to touch her toys warns them, for example, that the doll is sick, and the teddy bear bites. Thus, she achieves her goals without revealing their true motive - greed, which is already frowned upon in the children's community.

    Of course, children's attempts at manipulation are quite transparent and do not pose a real danger to others. But adult, well-formed people often resort to manipulation. Signs of this type of influence largely remain the same - hiding true motives, feigned expression of emotions. Moreover, to this is added the conviction of the victim (and in the case of manipulation, one can speak specifically of the victim) that the manipulator acts solely in her interests, although in reality it turns out just the opposite.

    Corner to get what you want

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