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  • How to enroll a child in a cadet school. How to enter the cadet school

    How to enroll a child in a cadet school.  How to enter the cadet school

    Since interest in this form of education is growing every year, and the competition reaches 5-6 people per place, in order to have a chance of admission, you need to know about the various nuances that determine whether your child will wear cadet shoulder straps or not.

    What medical certificates are needed for admission to the Cossack Cadet Corps

    One of the most important factors of candidates is the state of health. This also applies to those who enter after the sixth and after the ninth grade.

    The state of health is assessed by the selection committee on the basis of the provided certificate of medical examination. Parents will have to thoroughly run to the doctors. The main document is the child's medical record in the form 026 / y-2000. You can submit either the original or a copy certified by a medical institution to the commission. Please note that the medical examination must be completed no earlier than the year in which you decided to enter the corps. It sometimes happens that parents who have planned everything in advance forget about the expiration dates of medical documents. Your child will need to see the following doctors:

    • pediatrician;
    • surgeon
    • orthopedist;
    • otolaryngologist;
    • ophthalmologist;
    • cardiologist;
    • endocrinologist;
    • neurologist;
    • dermatologist;
    • psychiatrist;
    • dentist
    • phthisiatrician (with data on Mantoux);
    • urologist.
    In addition, undergo an electrocardiogram, ultrasound, pass general blood, urine and feces tests, plus an analysis for HIV and markers of hepatitis B and C.

    As you can see, collecting medical documents is a rather troublesome business.

    In addition to medical documents, the child will have to undergo an examination by so-called external specialists - doctors of hospitals and clinics in the city or village where the cadet corps are located.

    It is possible that in the Kropotkin Cadet Corps the selection of candidates for medical reasons this year will be stricter than usual.

    In addition to medical documents and a bunch of certificates, you must also provide a history of the development of the child (form 112 / y) or an original extract from it. It should indicate whether the child is under dispensary observation, specific diseases, indicating the diagnosis and date of registration, as well as information about the absence or presence of allergic reactions, including those that prevent preventive vaccinations, antibiotic treatment. Since food in the cadet corps is "from a common boiler", the extract from form 112 / y should contain information about food allergies. To this list it is worth adding a copy of the certificate of preventive vaccinations.

    If you have doubts about the state of health of the child, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​the cadet corps, since the loads there are very serious.

    List of documents for admission to the Cossack Cadet Corps

    First, a copy of the candidate's birth certificate or passport. Parents or legal representatives of orphans are required to present their national passports. You also need a certificate from the place of residence indicating the composition of the family (an extract from the house book).

    Secondly, you need to attach to the package of documents a copy of the child's personal card with annual marks for grades 1-6. If you submit documents before the end of the academic year, then an extract from the report card for the first three quarters and current grades for the fourth quarter will do. After the end of the school year, you need to copy the final grades. Naturally, all documents must be certified by the seal of the school. Do not try to cheat by negotiating overestimations. The truth will surely come out.

    You will also have to visit the juvenile department to get a certificate whether your child is registered or not.

    A complete list of documents will be given to you in the cadet corps or it can be found on the website of any of the six Cossack educational institutions. There you can also get acquainted with the topics for an interview in the Russian language and mathematics.

    What can improve your son's chances of admission? Certificates, diplomas, commendations and other documents about his achievements in public affairs, creativity and sports. Collect any documents about participation in school olympiads, competitions, and so on. This is the case when you can’t spoil porridge with butter.

    Another important document is the petition or recommendation of the primary Cossack society, approved by the ataman of the department or district. Where can I get this document? If the father of a schoolboy is in a farm, village or city Cossack society, then there will be no problems with obtaining the necessary paper. If there are no registered Cossacks in your family, look for ways to get a recommendation. You will not find - in principle, it's okay. But only if your son copes with questions in the Russian language and mathematics. This is the most important indicator.

    How to prepare for an interview at the Cossack Cadet Corps

    Since sixth-graders have not yet had to take exams, psychological breakdowns are not ruled out. The child may become confused from excitement.

    1. Simulate an interview situation

    To avoid this, it would be a good idea to coach the kids before the interview. Assume that your offspring will be asked oral questions in the Russian language. No tests, but only answers to the questions posed. Commission - three or four people unfamiliar to the student. Try to simulate such a situation by gathering people you know, but unfamiliar to your son. Believe me, your efforts will pay off handsomely.

    2. Study the history of the Kuban Cossacks

    Another block of questions concerns the history of the Kuban Cossacks. In essence, the knowledge gained in the study of Cuban studies should be enough. However, I advise you to take a textbook and make a list of questions. This is exactly what I did when my godson was preparing to enter the Novorossiysk Cossack Cadet Corps.

    The child may be asked questions about the modern history of the Kuban army, asked about commemorations. If your son studied at a Cossack school or class, then most likely he will be able to answer them, but he will not be superfluous. Dive into the World Wide Web. A storehouse of information is contained on the website of the Kuban Cossack Army.

    At the interview, they will probably ask the question: what is the name of the chieftain who signed the recommendation. If the child does not respond, then it will not look good. By the way, one of the members of the commission will definitely ask if your son knows the last name, first name, patronymic and rank of ataman of the Kuban army. So do not be too lazy to find out about the above yourself, and train your child.

    Be sure to take your child to the Felitsin Museum on the eve of admission, where an exposition of regalia and relics of the Kuban Cossack army is deployed. Let him see with his own eyes the Charter of Catherine II, and a replacement, and weapons. It's better to see once than hear a hundred times.

    3. Take your child to the temple

    And further. At the interview, they may ask if the cadet candidate knows Orthodox prayers, whether he goes to church, whether he wears a pectoral cross. Our church is separated from the state, but since the corps is called the Cossack Cadet Corps, these questions are quite appropriate, because, as they say, a Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. I advise you to go with your son on the eve of the interview and pray in the temple. The patrons of the Cossacks are the Most Holy Theotokos, the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, St. George the Victorious. Place candles in front of these images and sincerely pray. Believe me, these are not empty words ...

    4. Make sure your child wants to become a cadet

    And finally the most important thing. Make sure that the decision to enter the Cossack Cadet Corps is made not only by you, but also by your children. After all, 13-year-old youths will have to live in a boarding school, in a completely unusual environment, where there are neither parents nor grandmothers nearby. Here everything is unusual, sometimes frightening with its novelty: military discipline, drill, army hand-to-hand combat, full self-service in terms of washing clothes, filing collars, shoulder straps. So at least teach your kids how to hold a sewing needle.

    You can take a cadet on leave only for two incomplete days, and then take him back to the corps. Moreover, if your son was guilty, received bad grades, then he may not be allowed to go home. And so on until release. Think about whether your child can withstand such a radical change in life? Do not try to break their psyche in an effort to sell children to the state money.

    If there is even a shred of doubt, contact psychologists, Cossacks you know and get to the bottom of the true motives of the child. Without appropriate motivation, he is unlikely to withstand the difficult conditions of a new life.

    Sergey Kaprelov,

    especially for VK Press.

    How to get into the cadet corps? What do you need to get into college?

      In order to get to study in the cadet corps, you need to pass exams, and these are exams for knowledge of theory, and for physical training. You also need to be in good health and pass a medical examination. Priority for admission is given to military children. You will have to live in a boarding school and the discipline there is very strict. So think it over and weigh everything before entering.

      To enter a cadet school, any young person needs to pass a competition, and preparation for it and for admission must begin much earlier than the entrance exams.

      It is necessary already in the spring, around April, to track the websites of those schools where you want the child to submit documents. And in the spring they post information on their websites about what documents will be needed upon admission to the school.

      And it will be important to go through a medical commission in advance, because it will take a lot of time and you have to go around a lot of doctors.

      And there will also be a preliminary interview, because the competition for such schools is very decent for one place.

      What country are you in?

      My nephew in Kyiv in the third grade went to study at the Cadet Lyceum. There are guys there who live like in a boarding school. And there are those who come, like ours. From 8.00 to 19.00 you need to be in the lyceum.

      There were no special entrances. Only from the second grade, academic performance should have been good, and for health reasons such an institution is not prohibited. But they are accepted there in any class subject to availability.

      Classes are small up to 20 people. Lots of extra activities. Ours is in the orchestra. So far - an ordinary school with an after-school program. Just in uniform and only boys in the class. From the 5th grade there will be few classes of such purely military ones. So far both kids and parents love it.

      In Russia at the moment there are several educational institutions that meet the requirements for cadet corps. The prima rules in them are approximately the same, but, of course, each cadet corps has its own traditions and its own specifics, which is also reflected in the requirements for applicants.

      All this information is detailed on the websites of educational institutions. Here are just a few of them (links lead directly to information for applicants, it is easy to navigate on the spot to search for other information):

      • KGBOU KSHI Norilsk Cadet Corps - I immediately draw your attention to the fact that closed city, that's why need special permission to enter; where and how to get it is described on the website (in red letters). There are no vacancies for the 2013-2014 academic year.

        MBU KSHI Siberian Cadet Corps (Novosibirsk) - accepts both boys and girls (to the Academy of Noble Maidens). I want to note right away that the site is compiled extremely stupidly. It seems that all specific information will have to be obtained by cutting off the phone, as in antediluvian times.

        State educational institution of the Omsk region Cadet boarding school Omsk Cadet Corps - the information required for admission on the site can only be downloaded, there is no preview.

        OGBOU KSHI Seversk Cadet Corps of the Tomsk Region - all the requirements for documents for admission are listed here in some detail, but somehow the fact that the enrolled pupil must arrive at the educational institution with his own toilet paper is somewhat annoying, but nowhere is it reported whether the quantity should be enough for the entire academic year... In this educational institution, in the application form for applicants, it is required to indicate the average score in Russian and foreign languages, as well as in mathematics.

        Kaliningrad naval cadet corps Andrew the First-Called - not only a standard information package was given, but also demo versions of assignments for admission were laid out, by which one can judge their complexity, as well as video tutorials on which you can learn the necessary topics.

        FGKOU St. Petersburg Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - it seems that this is the only cadet corps that requires a certificate from the dermatovenerological dispensary and fluorography in addition. I draw your attention to this in order to emphasize once again: no matter how standard the requirements may be in general, each educational institution can and does put forward its own. Another example: in the application form for admission to this cadet corps, they do not require an average score in subjects, but from parents (educators) charge a subscription stating that if the pupil is expelled, they undertake to take him back to education. This is the fundamental approach to the process!

        The First Moscow Cadet Corps right now announced the acceptance of documents for the enrollment of students for the new academic year! March 1 is an Open Doors Day, so there is the possibility of direct acquaintance with the educational institution.

        State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow Cadet Boarding School 5 Preobrazhensky Cadet Corps - this educational institution surprised with very specific requirements for physical preparation for those entering the 6th grade - pull-ups on the crossbar, cross-country results for 1 km., long jump from a place, etc. This educational institution also holds an open day on March 1. Information about the cadet corps can also be viewed here, which is somewhat surprising, because how many sites does one cadet corps need to clearly post all the necessary information about itself?

        Moscow Cossack Cadet Corps. M. A. Sholokhov - probably the most detailed and intelligently developed site. educational institution is also currently enrolling students for the new academic year. It also holds not only exams in mathematics, Russian and foreign languages, and physical education (moreover, long jump is not required), but also an interview with a psychologist.

        A number of educational institutions do not have their own websites with detailed information, but information about them is collected on the website of the Ministry of Education of Russia.

      What can be said about the conditions for admission to all the listed cadet corps?

      In any of them you need to take USE on:

      • mathematics
      • Russian language
      • foreign language.

      Any of the educational institutions presents serious student health requirements, going as far as details like x-rays of the sinuses, and passing physical education standards on a par with entrance exams.

      Applicant's portfolio should contain any positive information about the child, even if we are talking about such achievements as a diploma from the interregional song and dance competition. It seems that when going to the admissions committee, you need to take with you sun that is possible present, because with the same USE results and physical culture standards for the selection of one of several applicants for a place, any positive factors will be taken into account.

      Collecting documents for admission to the cadet corps is a troublesome business, the requirements for applicants are high, but parents can be sure that their children will not be next to anyone, and teachers - that they will not have to mess around with anyone.

      The Cadet Corps is primarily a military specificity. And the first thing they will pay attention to is health (there are even a number of diseases in which admission to the cadet corps is impossible), physical training (pulling up, running for a while and cross-country endurance, limited by time) and psychological examination - both testing and interview . These stages are very important and priority. And if candidates for admission go through these stages, then they are allowed to take exams in mathematics, Russian, and foreign languages. Applicants who want to study in the cadet corps, in addition to everything, need to have additional hobbies that can help score points against the background of other candidates - victories in regional and higher competitions, victories in olympiads, especially foreign languages, robotics, modeling, computer science. And the child must also be motivated that he will live in a boyish team, for physical exertion, for military service, and must be ready to answer these questions.

    It is hard to disagree with the fact that every parent wants only the best future for their child. Those mothers and fathers who aim to raise their child as a self-confident, strong and decent personality think about his military training. Today we will try to figure out what a cadet school is - that idealized place from the series "Kadetstvo" or the starting point where the path of a young cadet begins, who is able to independently bear responsibility for his actions, make decisions and always remain the one you want to be equal to.

    It must be remembered that one parental wish for successful admission to a cadet school, it will not be enough. First of all, the child himself must be aware that in the future it will not be an easy time. The habitual way of being a schoolboy will soon change radically. Willy-nilly, he will have to grow up, namely: to become an organized and collected cadet, to endure all difficulties, both physical and moral, to be responsible for his every act.

    You also need to understand that the cadet corps is not the place where the child is always in front of the parents. In other words, this is a boarding school where the student stays around the clock, and his skills are formed independently without the help of parents. A boarding school is an excellent opportunity for developing in a child such qualities as independence and self-sufficiency. And which of the boys did not dream of the sea and long voyages on a huge ship? Then the maritime school in the city of St. Petersburg will be the best solution.

    Having studied all the pros and cons, parents are puzzled by how to enter a cadet school, what data a child needs to have, and also what are the living conditions in educational institutions. About everything in order.

    To date, the doors of several dozen cadet corps are open throughout Russia.

    a list of cadet boarding schools is given, as well as their contact details with a link to official websites. Of course, the requirements for each educational institution may differ from the others, but the general rules are the same for everyone.

    What should be considered when entering the cadet corps?

    1. Age

    The first point can immediately confuse, and maybe vice versa - to reassure parents. There is no single age criterion for all cadet corps. In some schools, guys taken from an early age namely, from the age of seven. In others, the priority for admission is a child who has completed grades 8-9. It's never too late to start, but in our case, it's never too early either.

    It would seem, what could be simpler than the point about age? But it’s up to you, parents, to decide whether you think it’s right to lay a powerful foundation in your child’s head from an early age, consisting of discipline, self-organization and responsibility, or these qualities will be consciously introduced only in adolescence.

    Should note an important detail- girls, for some time now, can also study in the cadet corps on the same basis as boys. Girls who graduated from the cadet school are distinguished by their special endurance, stamina, a pronounced sense of duty and patriotism, determination, the ability to think outside the box and compete with graduates of secondary schools in erudition and physical training.

    2. When to start preparing?

    If you still decide that your child will go to a cadet school, then start getting ready from now on. After all, as in any educational institution, several people always apply for one place at once. There are also a number of eligible children. They enter the cadet school without competition and without exams. Benefits are received by:

    • a child whose parent is in the military;
    • a child whose parent has been awarded an order (Order of Glory, Order of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Order of the Hero of Russia);
    • a child whose parent died while on duty;
    • orphans.

    3. Collection of medical certificates

    The health of a future cadet is one of the most important factors that are taken into account when entering an educational institution. You should take care of going to the clinic to undergo all the necessary doctors and procedures in advance. It can take from several weeks to months to collect certificates.

    Help about professional suitability(086 / y) can be obtained at the clinic at the place of residence, having undergone an examination by the following specialists:

    • therapist;
    • ENT doctor;
    • ophthalmologist;
    • neuropathologist;
    • surgeon;
    • endocrinologist.

    In addition, a prerequisite is fluorography pass mark and a number of analyses. The list of tests varies in various medical institutions, but more often it is a urine, blood, hepatitis and HIV test.

    In addition, it should be noted that there are a number of diseases that can prevent successful entry into a cadet school. These include tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the immune system, diseases of the blood, skin, diseases of the nervous system and mental disorders, and many others. Without fail, without hiding, it is necessary to tell the general practitioner about this during a medical examination.

    4. Level of physical fitness and education

    In addition to the health status of a potential cadet, the selection committee will be interested in what physical shape he is in and what his school performance is. Children who enter the cadet school at the age of seven will have to have a conversation with a psychologist, according to the results of which the specialist will decide whether the child is ready to study in a specialized school. Children who dream of becoming cadets after grades 8-9 will need to pass the standard for pull-ups, running and cross-country (1 kilometer). The conditions for passing the standard must be announced by the exam taker.

    There is also a music department in the cadet corps. For those wishing to enter there, it will be necessary to pass exams in the Russian language and solfeggio.

    5. Documents required for admission to the cadet school

    1. Application addressed to the director from the parents;
    2. Application from the applicant;
    3. Applicant's birth certificate;
    4. Copies of passports of both parents;
    5. Certificate from the place of work of both parents (guardians)
    6. A copy of the applicant's passport;
    7. Four photos 3×4;
    8. Reference sample 086/y;
    9. A copy of the insurance policy;
    10. A copy of the medical card with the stamp of the medical institution;
    11. Vaccination card;
    12. CV of the applicant;
    13. Information about school performance and references from teachers.

    Start and end dates for submissions may vary. various cadet schools in Russia, but most often, this is the time interval between mid-April and mid-June. It is necessary to clarify the terms, as well as the list of required documents, in the educational institution where you plan to enter.

    The best cadet schools in Moscow and St. Petersburg

    Below is a list of the most famous cadet schools in Moscow and St. Petersburg, with links to their official websites, where you can go for detailed information. Website links are listed below.

    • Cadet Boarding School No. 5 "Preobrazhensky Cadet Corps", Moscow (;
    • Cadet Boarding School No. 11 "Moscow Diplomatic Cadet Corps", Moscow (;
    • St. Petersburg Cadet Military Corps, St. Petersburg (;
    • Moscow United Marine Corps of Heroes of Sevastopol, Moscow (−2);
    • Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps, St. Petersburg (;
    • Boarding school for pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow (;
    • Moscow Musical Cadet Corps, Moscow (

    Teaching a child according to military canons is exactly what many parents put at the forefront, wanting their son to become an officer in the future. How to enter a cadet school, which is the initial step on the career ladder of a future officer? The desire to get a good education and upbringing is commendable, only the path to the Cadets is not open to everyone.

    In the Russian Empire, such educational institutions were the norm, and after the Great Patriotic War, the Suvorov and Nakhimov schools became a worthy alternative to them. When the number of dysfunctional families increased in the early nineties, the social situation escalated to the limit, so it was decided to create cadet schools for boys and Mariinsky gymnasiums for girls.

    Now the number of such educational institutions is impressive, and on the territory of the Russian Federation there are about a hundred of them, which is somewhat more than in tsarist times.

    In the era of the Internet, it is not difficult to find a suitable educational institution in the region where a potential cadet lives, and only the official website of the cadet school can provide the most complete information about the conditions for admission and living.

    Each educational institution has its own requirements, but there are also uniform rules that have remained unchanged for many years. Although, earlier, when enrolling in an educational institution of such a plan, a boy from a dysfunctional or incomplete family, physically strong, mentally balanced, not devoid of some talents and having an irresistible craving for knowledge, was more likely to become a cadet.

    Now the path to the cadets is open to children from complete and prosperous families, and the main thing here is compliance with the requirements.

    Difference between hull and class

    It is worth mentioning that cadet schools in Russia for boys and buildings are not the same thing. The first are under the department of education and are general educational institutions where, in addition to the "standard" educational program, children undergo military training.

    The second are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and the child can come to his parents only after receiving a leave. That is, it is understood that a child admitted to such an institution will constantly be within its walls.

    By their type, the buildings are boarding schools with accommodation, the pupils of which are very well aware of the existence of the terms "discipline" and "army order". By the way, the educational program is extended, future officers study natural, exact and humanitarian sciences, learn dances, languages ​​and good manners. The conditions for entering the cadet corps are quite strict, so that a few lucky ones will be able to pass a multi-stage selection.

    Classes for cadets are an innovation, the introduction of which was timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Victory. In fact, this is a structural unit that is part of some secondary schools. Cadet classes are mixed, they are called platoons. The elder is the commander.

    Distinctive features:

    • students wear uniforms;
    • the main subject is history, the second and third in importance are mathematics and physics;
    • after the end of classes, the cadets march in formation to the canteen;
    • in the afternoon they start elective classes (dance, sambo, foreign languages, shooting at a shooting range, drill).

    Enrollment in such classes begins at the age of 11.

    Important! Schoolchildren have a very busy day, and they return home no earlier than 19.00. The program is diverse, which implies colossal loads.

    Admission conditions

    Fathers and mothers who see the child as a cadet in the future may not achieve their goal, because admission to such an educational institution implies compliance with certain criteria.

    The issue of age needs to be clarified, because each school has its own rules, and in some children they accept from the age of six, and in others - from fourteen. Most often, the doors of military educational institutions are opened for children who have completed the fourth grade.

    The competition can reach up to 10 people per seat, and it all depends on how prestigious this or that institution is. Outside the competitive basis and without passing exams, they accept children with benefits.

    These include:

    • military children;
    • children of parents-order bearers or Heroes of Russia and the Soviet Union;
    • orphans;
    • children whose parents died in the line of duty.


    Admission to sea or land cadets always involves passing a medical examination. The package of documents should include a medical certificate in the form 086U. The medical board implies a comprehensive examination with the passage of fluorography, tests and visits to doctors.

    List of specialists:

    • ophthalmologist;
    • otolaryngologist;
    • therapist;
    • endocrinologist;
    • surgeon;
    • neuropathologist;
    • dentist;
    • dermatologist;
    • pediatrician.

    Important! If a child has a number of diseases, you can forget about kadetstvo. Diseases of the skin, blood, endocrine, immune, nervous systems, respiratory organs will become a serious obstacle to the dream, as well as mental disorders.

    The selection committee will certainly take an interest in the academic performance and physical form of the future cadet. And the one who goes “for the first time to the first class” (a seven-year-old kid) will have to talk with a psychologist and a speech therapist. Older applicants (14-15 years old) pass sports standards.

    Package of documents

    Parents should worry about collecting it in advance, but not so much that medical certificates lose their relevance due to the expiration date.

    You will need:

    • a statement from the parents and from the candidate (here everything depends on age);
    • birth certificate;
    • copies of parents' passports;
    • medical certificate in form 086U, vaccination card, copy of the insurance policy and outpatient card;
    • autobiography of the candidate and characteristics from the place of study;
    • a document displaying information about academic performance;
    • 4 photos 3 by 4.

    The deadlines for submitting documents (as well as their list) differ. The approximate interval is from mid-April to mid-June.

    Boarding format

    Most educational institutions of this kind operate on the principle of a boarding school. Institutions with a "daytime" form of education (when children go home after school) is a rare phenomenon, because cadet classes have become a worthy alternative.

    Boarding schools have a number of features, and the most important is permanent residence within their walls. Cadets can go to their parents either on weekends or during holidays.

    In the buildings, everything is much stricter, because the situation when a cadet leaves the territory of the institution without a leave is regarded as "AWOL".

    For girls and boys

    There are cadet schools of a mixed type, and before sending your daughter to study at a specialized educational institution, you should get as much information about it as possible.

    Residential cadet schools for boys and girls are organized on the principle of a boarding school, and not every child will be able to adapt to new conditions.

    Increased disciplinary requirements, a heavy workload and patriotic education are features inherent in all cadet schools. The list of such establishments is extensive, especially in Moscow.

    It is impossible to list all the cadet institutions, to name a few:

    1. School No. 1784.
    2. Moscow boarding school for state pupils (schools for girls).
    3. Saratov cadet school.
    4. Boarding school for cadets "Rescuer".
    5. Moscow Cadet Boarding School No. 6.
    6. Naval Cadet School. Admiral Kotov P.G.

    Military educational institutions in St. Petersburg and Moscow are especially popular, because every parent would like his child to study "in the capitals." Admission to the capital's specialized educational institution is possible only if the child is registered in Moscow or the Moscow region.

    It is interesting! It is noteworthy that naval cadet schools are concentrated not only in port cities (St. Petersburg, Kronstadt, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk), but also in cities geographically located in the very center of Russia. For example, in the city of Kansk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, there is such an educational institution.

    Useful video

    Summing up

    To identify a child in a specialized educational institution, it is necessary to find out in whose department it is located, because the terms "school" and "corpus" have become identical, but in reality, they are radically different. Information on how to enter a cadet school, and who can become its pupil, is presented on the official Internet resources of institutions.

    The Cadet School is a prestigious military educational institution that seriously prepares children for a military career and provides them with comprehensive development and high-quality knowledge. Today, many parents want their child to enter just such a school: after all, patriotism is brought up in students here, and a sense of responsibility and composure is instilled in them. If you decide to send your child to study in the cadet corps, you should familiarize yourself with a number of conditions and requirements for candidates.

    Candidate Selection Criteria

    Both boys and girls are admitted to the cadet school, whose candidacies are evaluated according to the following criteria:

    1. Health status. Future students of the corps undergo a medical examination, based on the results of which a conclusion is made about their well-being. Only those candidates whose health condition corresponds to group 1 or 2 are accepted to the school.
    2. Physical form. One of the most important conditions for applicants to enter the cadet corps is excellent physical fitness: after all, studying at school requires great sports loads.
    3. The level of education. This criterion assumes that the candidate has an education corresponding to the class in which he enters.

    It is important to know that competition in such institutions is always high. In addition, there is a special category of applicants, which has advantages for admission. Among them:

    1. Candidates whose parents are involved in military operations in hot spots.
    2. Children of military personnel who are brought up without one (or both) parents.
    3. Candidates whose parents died as a result of their military duty.
    4. Orphans.

    At what age are they admitted to a cadet school

    Cadet schools form classes for different ages. So, parents can send their children to school from the age of seven. But the most demanded are candidates who have completed primary education, that is, graduates of the third grade. At this stage, students study general subjects and undergo primary military training.

    In addition, there are cadet corps, which can be entered after the 8th and 9th grades. Here, students are trained on the basis of the school, which in the future gives its graduates the opportunity to continue their studies already in military universities.

    Exams for admission

    Cadet schools that accept students from the age of seven conduct special interviews for them with a psychologist, based on the results of which a decision is made to enroll a young candidate.

    For admission to the cadet corps after the 8th or 9th grade, applicants must pass exams in the Russian language (in the form of a dictation), mathematics (a written assignment) and a foreign language. In addition, all applicants are required to pass a physical fitness test and score a sufficient number of points according to the required standards.

    Table with examination standards for physical training:

    Type of exercise Required standards and results
    5 (excellent) 4 (good) 3 (satisfactory)
    pull up 11 reps 10 repetitions 8 reps
    100 meters run 14.6 s 15 s 15.6 s
    Cross 1 km 3.40 min 3.50 min 4.15 min

    Type of exercise

    For those entering the cadet corps for the music department, other exams are provided:

    • Russian language,
    • solfeggio (oral and written),
    • solo.

    Orphaned children are exempted from passing entrance examinations, and upon enrolling in the corps, they are paid a double monthly stipend.

    Required documents

    For admission to the cadet corps, it is necessary to prepare a number of documents, among which must be present:

    As additional documentation, you can provide copies of certificates and diplomas for participating in sports competitions, school competitions, creative competitions and other events confirming the achievements of applicants for admission.

    The best cadet corps in Russia

    Cadet schools are very popular in Russia, so today they can be found even in small towns. However, many, choosing a cadet institution, prefer corps located in large metropolitan areas. So, the most prestigious schools for cadets are:

    • First Moscow Cadet Corps;
    • St. Petersburg Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
    • Siberian Cadet Corps (located in Novosibirsk);
    • Kaliningrad Naval Cadet Corps named after Andrew the First-Called;
    • Preobrazhensky Cadet Corps (boarding school No. 5, located in Moscow).

    The listed schools are famous for the high quality of military training and strong teaching staff. Of course, it is quite difficult to enter there, since they are characterized by a large competition for a place, but if you feel strong and confident in yourself, then perhaps you will be able to become one of their cadets.