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  • Characteristics for the deputy director of a sports school. Characteristics of a school principal with extensive experience. An example of a characteristic for awarding an employee with an honorary diploma

    Characteristics for the deputy director of a sports school.  Characteristics of a school principal with extensive experience.  An example of a characteristic for awarding an employee with an honorary diploma

    Samoshkina Irina Aleksandrovna, DoSH No. 94, Donetsk, Deputy Director for Teaching and Educational Work

    Examples of characteristics for teachers enrolled in the personnel reserve for the position of heads of educational organizations


    for a teacher enrolled in the personnel reserve for the head of an educational organization

    A professional in his field, introduces the most effective methods into the educational processAndwork forms. In the classroom creates conditions for intellectual, socialAndmoral development of the personality, mastery of life skills by students.

    … – an erudite teacher, constantly engaged in self-education, showing interest in advanced pedagogical experience, able to adapt to innovations.He shares his work experience with colleagues, conducts lessons for teachers of the educational organization and the district, makes presentations at meetings of methodological associations, teachers' councils, takes part in professional competitions of various levels.

    Differs in high working capacity. Performs duties in a timely and quality manner. In any direction of his activity, he shows a high degree of creativity and activity. Effectively implements assigned tasks.

    Possesses business qualities. Has the makings of a leader. Constantly strives for professional growth. Correctly prioritizes. Able to analyze the situation and make independent decisions. Able to organize a team.

    Differs in common culture, high moral qualities,exceptional conscientiousness, high sense of responsibility. Intelligent, devoted to teaching, for which she enjoys well-deserved respect and authority among colleagues, students and parents.


    to the deputy director for educational work,

    enrolled in the personnel reserve for the position of head of an educational organization

    has been working as a deputy director for educational work in ... since ... years, has a complete higher education, graduated … institute in … year in the specialty… Pedagogical experience – … years, including in positions – … years.

    - capable administrator and organizer; skillful teacher. Erudite in management, pedagogy, psychology. Mmethodically competently and professionally manages the educational process at school. The main goal of his work is the development of a highly organized system of educational work, the basis of which is the creation of conditions for the self-realization of the individual, the development of the individual characteristics of the child in various spheres of public life, the identification of creative and gifted children, the strengthening of physical and psychological health, the protection of their interests and rights.

    Owns the method of collective creative education. On her initiative, many activities are carried out, innovative forms of organization of the educational process are modeled. Due to competence and creative approach to business, he is able to organize self-government, plan work, make pedagogical and managerial decisions.

    great attentionpays to involve parents in the affairs and problems of the educational organization, to provide the family with a variety of social and advisory assistance, to improve the pedagogical culture of parents.

    Goodwill, poise, the ability to find a common language with children, their parents, the desire for dialogue in communication arouse the constant interest of students in educational work in an educational organization.

    Adheres to pedagogical ethics, respects the dignity of students and teachers.Demanding, tactful, loving her work, ... enjoys well-deserved authority among colleagues, students and their parents.


    on the teacher

    enrolled in the personnel reserve for the position of deputy director for educational work

    has been working as a teacher ... ... since ... years, has a complete higher education, graduated … institute in … year in the specialty… Pedagogical experience – … years, including in positions – … years.

    … - teacherwith an active lifestyle. The constant striving for something new makes the process of her creative growth and search continuous. The whole system of its work contributes to the development of a conscious attitude towards moral values ​​among students. She is able to have a positive impact on the development of the spiritual world of each of her pupils.

    Knows the theory and methods of teaching in accordance with state educational standards, has deep knowledge of his subject. Able to use innovative forms, methods and teaching aids.

    Communication skills are combined in her with the ability to convince, responsibility and exactingness - with tact and kindness.

    Have ... good simple relationship with children. Possesses high organizational skills. As an organizer of extracurricular activities, he skillfully provides qualified assistance to class teachers in holding holidays, shows examples of pedagogical skills, holding school-wide events at a high pedagogical level.

    For professionalism, love for his work and a sensitive attitude towards people, he enjoys well-deserved authority among the administration, colleagues, students and their parents.

    Phone: 8-35254-73-599

    Email: [email protected]

    Osokina Tatiana Evgenievna has been working as a deputy director for educational work at the MKOU "Klyuchevskaya secondary school" for 15 years, has the first qualification category of a music teacher. During her work, she proved herself to be a highly qualified specialist, a master of her craft. She is fluent in the theory and practice of managing a modern school, is an experienced methodologist, competent in pedagogy and psychology of teaching and raising children. This is a creative leader with an active life position. Under her leadership, the school has built and successfully implemented programs for differentiated education of students. The introduction of modern pedagogical technologies in the upbringing of the younger generation is being carried out.
    Carrying out control and guidance, methodological assistance to teachers, Tatyana Evgenievna reveals the real possibilities of each teacher, skillfully identifies and maintains the best and advanced pedagogical experience, organizes and constantly monitors the creative growth of each class teacher.
    Osokina Tatyana Evgenievna knows well the families of students, their educational opportunities, actively involves them in educational work, systematically conducts joint events. In the 2013-2014 academic year, the institution was awarded the first place in the implementation of the social project "Me and my family", dedicated to the pedagogical heritage of Sukhomlinsky.

    Maintains close contact with teachers in studying the capabilities of students, their level of development in the organization of educational activities.
    Balance, the ability to find a common language with all teachers, children and parents of students, allowed Tatyana Evgenievna to create a comfortable psychological climate in the teaching staff. Successfully develop pedagogical creativity among class teachers.
    At the school, under the leadership of T. E. Osokina, the Planet of Kind Hearts children's association operates with its own symbols, emblem, laws, commandments and traditions. The children's association has fifteen developed and implemented socially significant projects. The most significant are the projects “Layout of the square named after. A.P. Biryukov in the center of the village of Klyuchi and the planting of a linden alley for the 60th anniversary of the Victory ”(territory of the village). Planting a garden on the territory of the Ascension Church "Garden im. A.P. Biryukov”, an oak alley was planted near the school for the 115th anniversary of T.S. Maltsev, the creation of a school museum for the 90th anniversary of the Shadrinsk region. For the successful implementation of the program, bodies of student self-government have been created; the government of the school republic "Commonwealth" leads the work, the work of which is led by the President. The government of the school republic "Sodruzhestvo" organizes school life and conducts school-wide reviews - competitions: Student of the Year, Athlete of the Year, The most comfortable and green class, The most sporty class, Class of the year, The best flower bed. The results are summed up at the school-wide KTD “Your Starry Hour”, the winners are awarded with challenge pennants with the logo of A.P. Biryukov and cash prizes to them. A.P. Biryukova.
    The school implements the education program "School of Success". The most important direction in the educational work of Tatyana Evgenievna is the work on the "Teenager" program "School without drugs". In this regard, it is important to note that this approach to educational work is relevant and resonates with the promising direction of modern pedagogy, which involves the search for ways and methods of working with the category of children and adolescents at risk in order to reveal their opportunities for development and self-development. The school is working to promote a healthy lifestyle (anti-alcohol, anti-drug, anti-nicotine propaganda).

    Under her leadership, the school developed programs: “Health”, civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral education “We are citizens of Russia”, the school newspaper “Our House” is published. The school closely cooperates with the regional newspaper "Shadrinsky Courier" following the results of 2014, journalists took 1st place in the joint social project of the deputy of the regional Duma, the Administration of the Shadrinsk district and the editorial office of the newspaper "Shadrinsky Courier" "Learn to be a hero of our time." School students annually take part in the regional competition of young journalists "Mediaperspektiva" and "RROryv". There is a school website, which is constantly updated with methodological developments, interesting information, news.
    Osokina Tatyana Evgenievna does a lot of work with students in the spiritual and moral direction: projects are being developed and implemented, the school closely cooperates with the Ascension Church with. Keys, students take part in Christmas carols, the holidays "Farewell, Maslenitsa" are held. Tatyana Evgenievna teaches the course “ORK and SE”, the module “Secular Ethics” in the 4th grade was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree in the regional competition of methodological development of lessons in the comprehensive course “ORK and SE”. On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Shadrinsk district in February 2014, a museum was opened at the school.

    Volunteering is actively working at the school, the Open Hearts squad operates. The purpose of the volunteer movement of the school is to develop and social self-realization of students through familiarization with various types of social activity. The work of this movement is devoted to various areas: holding actions, promoting a healthy lifestyle, restoring order on the streets of their native village, helping veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers and pensioners. At the regional festival "Under the sail of good deeds - 2014" volunteers "Open Hearts" took first place. And in the regional competition "Volunteer - 2015" Daria Pershikova became the best. At the regional festival "Volunteer extravaganza - 2015" in the nomination "Ecological volunteering" the guys took 2nd place.

    At the school in the 2014-2015 academic year, flower beds were planted by volunteers and, according to the results of the district competition "Schoolyard - the territory of care", the school took 2nd place. In the summer, volunteers work in a squad of counselors in a summer health camp at the school, according to the results of the work "Summer - 2014" in the regional competition for the best organization of a health camp, they took 1st place.

    The school is the only one in the region that cooperates with the Shadrinsk forestry. The school forestry "Green Wave" works at the school. Students repeatedly represented the Kurgan region and the district at the regional meeting of the Ural Federal District of school forestries, taking prizes. In 2012, in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk, they took three third places in various nominations. In 2013, at the second sports competition of school forestries in the city of Tyumen, the guys took 2nd place in the Ural Federal District. Every spring, the campaigns "Clean Forest", "Clean Water", "Clean Street", "Clean Yard" are held. "Clean Village" Students lovingly plant trees and shrubs in their native village: oaks, pines, larches grown on the school plot are planted. School-wide reviews are held at the school - competitions "The most comfortable and greened class", "The best flowering flower bed".

    The school has a training and experimental site, the training program includes the cultivation of crops. All grown products are processed. Labor education at school is carried out on the example of the life and work of T. S. Maltsev.

    The result of the implementation of the educational program "School of Success" is the encouragement of students for active participation in the working and social life of the school. Pupils are encouraged by vouchers to the camp of the All-Russian Center "Ocean", Artek, a trip to Slovakia, a cruise along the Volga, a visit by students to the President's Christmas tree. Pupils of the school are among the laureates of the award of the Government of the Kurgan region.

    The complex of educational activities carried out by Osokina T.E. allows the school to achieve good results.

    In December 2008, the school was named after the pioneer in the development of horticulture in the Trans-Urals, the founder of the fruit farm Arkady Pavlovich Biryukov, whose name is carefully preserved by the school staff

    In 2011, the institution received a high award from the Kurgan Regional Duma "For a significant contribution to the upbringing of the younger generation and the implementation of educational development programs that have received recognition from the population of the Kurgan region."

    In December 2014, the school was given the status of "Socially Active Educational Organization".

    According to the results of the rating of the 2014-2015 academic year, the educational work of the school in the district was recognized as one of the best, Tatyana Evgenievna was awarded a diploma of the laureate of the award named after the People's Teacher of the USSR Viktor Romanovich Petrovskikh.
    Tatyana Evgenievna is constantly engaged in the growth of her professional skills, studying at courses at the State Autonomous Educational Institution DPO IROST, taking part in competitions of various levels.
    Tatyana Evgenievna sets a personal example for teachers, being the class teacher of the 7th grade. She does a lot of educational work with students.
    The class teacher has a good relationship with parents.

    Tatyana Evgenievna, as a person, is strict as a teacher, humanly attractive, tactful, loving her work, sings beautifully, reads poetry, is a creative person. Osokina Tatyana Evgenievna enjoys well-deserved authority among colleagues, students and their parents.

    Tatyana Evgenievna was awarded the badge Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Certificate of Honor of the Main Department of Education of the Kurgan Region, was awarded a letter of thanks and a Certificate of Honor of the Kurgan Regional Duma, letters of thanks and letters of thanks from the Administration of the Shadrinsky District, the District Department of Education .

    REPRESENTATION for the highest qualification category Tatyana Ivanovna Chistova, Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work of the Municipal Educational Institution of the Lyceum No. 7 of the city of Chulym, Novosibirsk Region.

    Chistova Tatyana Ivanovna was appointed Deputy Director for scientific and methodological work on 13.08.2001.
    Higher education.
    Pedagogical experience - 25 years, managerial experience - 7 years. Work experience in the lyceum - 4 years. She was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (2002), the award of the head of the administration of the Novosibirsk Region "The Best Pedagogical Worker" (2003), the diploma of the exhibition "UCHSIB - 2005" in the competition of methodological developments "Learning Tolerance", diplomas of the head of the administration of the Chulymsky district, department formations of the Chulym region.
    The main directions of its activity in accordance with the official duties are: coordination of the activities of the teaching staff in the organization of experimental and practical activities; management of the work of the methodological council of the lyceum; participation in the development and implementation of the concept of the pedagogical activity of the lyceum; drawing up project proposals for the formation of the curriculum of profile and pre-profile classes; drawing up project proposals for the placement of teaching staff; monitoring of educational work at the stage of analyzing the results and drawing up recommendations for its improvement; organization and holding of thematic pedagogical councils, methodical seminars; organization of admission to profile and pre-profile classes; organization of communication with universities; organization of design and research activities of students.

    Tatyana Ivanovna is a serious and highly qualified specialist, technologically proficient in the basics of school management. She has a system of knowledge about the patterns of the pedagogical process and modern psychological and pedagogical theories and teaching technologies. Knows the main ways to solve the problem of the connection between learning and development, the structure and functions of learning activities, the strategic principles of organizing learning, methods of activating the development of the individual in learning. She knows how to organize her work on a scientific basis, knows modern methods of searching, collecting, storing, processing and using information used in her professional activities. Owns the basics of developing educational and program documentation and knows how to use them to create educational concepts and programs. He is able to analyze the internal capabilities of an educational institution and find effective ways to solve emerging problems. Owns methods of effective personnel management, is familiar with various models and methods of motivating employees, creates and maintains a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team.

    The main results of its administrative activities are:
    • Creation of a system of scientific and methodological work in the lyceum, contributing to the disclosure and realization of the creative potential of members of the teaching staff. The result of this is that during the period from 2001 to 2005, three lyceum teachers became winners of the district competitions "Teacher of the Year" and "The Coolest Classroom", diploma winners of similar regional competitions; without exception, all members of the teaching staff have completed courses under the INTEL program and are now widely using computer technology in organizing the educational process; Methodological days “Teacher's Creative Workshop” have become traditional in the Lyceum, during which there is an exchange of experience between teachers of various methodological associations, including those at the district level.
    • Creation of a monitoring system that allows a sufficiently deep and comprehensive analysis of the state of the educational process in the lyceum, which undoubtedly contributes to the growth of the efficiency and quality of the educational institution.
    In 2001 - 2002, Tatyana Ivanovna, being one of the authors of the concept of the development of the lyceum, developed, as part of the federal experiment on restructuring the network of educational institutions located in rural areas, the model "Lyceum - a school of civic development of the personality", focused on understanding the essence of the educational institution capable of providing gifted rural schoolchildren with modern high-quality education.
    Materials describing the model were presented at the collegium of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in August 2002 and included in the demonstration slides of the Academy for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educational Workers on the Problem of Restructuring Rural Schools. In March 2004, the model of the lyceum was awarded the diploma of the competition "Gold Medal of the Siberian Fair". Currently, the concept of the development of the lyceum is being finalized in the direction of transition to profile education.
    In March 2005, Tatyana Ivanovna organized the work of the stand at the UCHSIB - 2005 exhibition. Based on the results of participation in this exhibition, the lyceum was awarded several diplomas, including the diploma of the Siberian Fair Gold Medal competition in the Exhibition Culture nomination.
    Tatyana Ivanovna has a high innovative potential, understands the requirements of state standards for the life process of an educational institution, enjoys well-deserved authority and respect in the team.
    Based on the foregoing, we recommend that Tatiana Ivanovna Chistovaya be assigned the highest qualification category for the position of “head of an educational institution”.

    Head of Education Department
    Chulymsky district N.P. Kochenevskaya

    Director of the Lyceum No. 7 T.A. Shalonko

    Chairman of the attestation commission

    TsRTDIU "Polaris" E.V. Belyakova

    deputy director of organizational

    mass work of E.I. Shestakova


    for an employee newly appointed to a managerial position, a candidate for a managerial position for certification in order to establish compliance with the position of a managerial employee

    to Shestakova Elena Igorevna

    Deputy Director for organizational and mass work

    1. General information

    1. Date of birth (day, month, year)


    2. Information about education (higher, which professional educational institution graduated from), date of graduation.

    Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture, 1990

    3. Specialty according to the diploma.

    Cultural and educational work

    4. Diploma qualification.

    Cultural enlightener. The director is the organizer of mass holidays.

    5. Education in the areas of training "State and municipal administration", "Management", "Personnel management":

    5.2. The name of the institution.

    5.3. Duration of training.

    5.4. Date of graduation.

    6. Advanced training courses in the profile of managerial activities:

    "Additional education of children as an integral part of general education".

    Institute of Management and Economics, St. Petersburg, 72 hours, 2001.

    "Expert activity in education"

    Murmansk Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Educational and Cultural Workers, 72 hours, 2010.

    "Director's innovations in theatrical action"

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts, 72 hours, 2012


    6.1. The name of the courses.

    6.2. The name of the educational institution.

    6.3. Number of teaching hours.

    6.4. Year of ending.

    7. Total work experience (years)


    8. Teaching experience (years)


    9. Work experience in this position (years)

    Year months

    10. Work experience in this institution (years)


    11. Date of appointment to the position for which the employee is certified


    II. Main achievements in professional activity

    The presence of a qualification category for pedagogical activity:

    Availability of awards:

    Honorary Diploma of the Department of Education of the Administration of Monchegorsk, Murmansk Region, 2009;

    Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2009

    Honorary Diploma of the Department of Education of the Administration of Monchegorsk, Murmansk Region, 2010;

    Letter of thanks from the Head of the Municipal Formation of the Administration of the City of Monchegorsk, Murmansk Region, 2010

    Possession of a scientific degree __________________________________________________________

    III. Prerequisites for appointment to a managerial position

    Has been in the reserve for filling managerial positions in educational institutions since ______ with

    From 2001 to 2010, Shestakova Elena Igorevna worked as the head of the department at the Polaris CRTDIU. In 2010, she was appointed to the position of Deputy Director andheads the departmentorganizational and mass work,the purpose of which is- creation of a unified system of developing leisure, which ensures the formation of social activity, citizenship, a healthy lifestyle, the creativity of the child's personality, and a comfortable sphere of family leisure.

    The most widespread in the department are the following areas of activity, which determine the current model of organizational and mass work of the department asan effective way to rationally organize leisure through the organization and holding of public events, involving the pupil in the bright world of games, competitions, contests, holidays, mastering traditional and innovative experience, knowledge, education, communication:

    Socially - significant programs (for various categories of city residents - large families, disabled children and orphans, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, etc.);

    Mass, thematic, theatrical, gaming leisure programs;

    Traditional creative holidays, concerts;

    Festivals, contests, reviews, competitions, promotions;

    Organization of leisure programs to support children's health camps and playgrounds for students during the holidays;

    Cultural and leisure activities by order of the educational institution, secondary school, institutions, organizations of the city.

    Shestakova E.I. she has established herself as a competent specialist with knowledge in the field of: strategies for the development of education in Russia and the principles of educational policy; goals, content, forms, methods of training and education, modern concepts and technologies; types of educational institutions, their place and role in the education system, requirements for the results of their activities; fundamentals of the economics of education; legal framework for the functioning and development of the education system; theoretical foundations of management, leading management schools and concepts, features of management in the field of education; principles of analysis and construction of educational systems and methods of planning their activities; styles of effective team management; systems and methods of material and moral incentives for employees; modern methods of control of educational, financial and economic activities and office work in the institution; requirements for record keeping in an educational institution.

    The indicators of professionalism E.I. Shestakova are such qualities as: sociability, humanity, organizational skills, initiative, love and respect for children, constant work on improving leisure activities, objectivity in evaluating one's work and the professional activities of colleagues, knowledge of modern domestic and foreign technologies of training and education. The head of the department knows the techniques of persuading influence, has a high cognitive activity, follows the special literature, uses progressive ideas of pedagogy, has a pedagogical tact, knows how to analyze the activities of an educational institution, identify the most significant problems and find effective ways to solve them; develop regulatory and organizational documentation of an educational institution; develop programs for the development of leisure activities within the framework of an educational institution; build the organizational structure of department management; plan and organize the control of the activities of the department; to motivate performers to achieve high results in labor activity and professional development; prevent and resolve conflicts in the team; organize the development of innovations; hold business meetings, talks, organize group work.

    Proper state of the regulatory framework; leisure activities programs, calendar plans, target program for educational work; the state of the material and technical base of the department; quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the movement of the staff of teachers-organizers; socio-psychological climate in the managed team; the quality and level of sanitary and hygienic conditions, the state of office work in the department, are indicators of the productivity of the Center's leisure activities.

    Elena Igorevna's activity is built on a combination of managerial and pedagogical activities (diagnostic, communicative, goal-setting, designing, organizational, control and evaluation, analytical, stimulating, axiological). A special place in the work of the head of the department is occupied by the improvement of professional skills, which includes self-education, training in advanced training courses, and the exchange of professional work experience with colleagues. He has extensive experience in professional self-education.

    He is critical of the results of his work, has an active position in the effective organization of productive educational activities aimed at evaluating and correcting the creative process in order to achieve high performance results. Able to be creative in solving various pedagogical problems. Forms ways of joint activity and cooperation, tries to find creative solutions to achieve the set goals.

    As the head of the department, Shestakova E.I. has the goal of her own managerial activity - identifying the prospects for the development of the creative activities of the Center, improving the quality of leisure activities, using the potential of teacher-organizers and teachers of additional education and improving the forms and methods of teaching, educating and organizing leisure. This goal is substantiated by the problems, the needs of management activities in the Polaris MDTC, it is specific, measurable, resource-provided and built into the context of the activities of the Center, the municipal education system as a whole. To achieve the goal, adequate methods and means have been chosen that meet modern requirements for the organization of management.

    As a result of planning and forecasting the activities of the department, a positive dynamics of growth in the number and quality of leisure activities (including the organization of paid events) was ensured relative to similar indicators for the previous period, the resource and methodological support of leisure activities meets the modern requirements of leisure activities and the implemented corrected educational program "The Future Begins today". The professional competence of teachers-organizers also meets modern requirements for ongoing educational, upbringing and leisure activities. A variety of types of educational activities and forms of leisure activities contribute to the increasing involvement of spectators, the participation of students and their parents in events, cooperation with other institutions, the expansion of educational space and the growth in demand for organizational and leisure activities at various levels. A system of planning and control has been formed in the department. When planning the work of Shestakova E.I. takes into account individual characteristics of development: inclinations, interests, health status of students; knows the methods of diagnosing the level of intellectual and personal development of children, owns a set of variable methods of pedagogical technologies, selects and applies them in accordance with the existing conditions. Since 2010, being the chairman of the Artistic Council of the TsRTDIU "Polaris", Shestakova E.I. is actively working to regularly update and improve the quality of the repertoire of creative teams, improve the level of preparation of leisure activities, exhibition activities.

    The relevance of professional experience shows its connection with the advanced trends in the education and upbringing of the younger generation, compliance with modern achievements in psychology and pedagogy.E.I. is characterized by a high degree of satisfaction with the profession and self-realization in it, has a fairly high level of general culture, which allows her to freely navigate not only in her own direction, but also in related areas, and as a result, to effectively implement her professional functions.

    In his work he uses various forms and methods of control, the effectiveness of which consists of purposefulness, planning, systematic, timeliness and efficiency.

    Possessing the methods of analysis, Elena Igorevna carries out analytical work to identify, study, generalize the best pedagogical experience, regularly checks the compliance of the results obtained with the planned ones,contributes to personal development, improves the quality of creative preparedness of teachers of the department. In order to determine the degree of compliance of leisure programs with regulatory requirements, it monitors the activities of the department. Analysis of monitoring results allows Shestakova E.I. to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the organization of leisure, methodological support in the activities of the teachers of the department, who take part in professional competitions (“I give my heart to children” 2009-2010 y.g. - Kuznetsova T.V.. Grigoriev B.V.;regional competition; "Festival of Pedagogical Ideas" -20111-2012 U.G. - Morozova N.G., Zyablov N.N. ;participation in pedagogical conferences, master classes, pedagogical workshops, workshops, both in the center and at the municipal, regional levels.) The head of the department uses and takes into account the results of the assessment when planning for the self-education of teachers, certification, to control the state of the software department.

    Elena Igorevna has an effective social work experience. As part of initiative, creative, author groups, he participates in the development and implementation of socially significant models, actions, projects (“Step to Success”) and programs, cooperates with heads of institutions in other professional fields, expanding the network and system of interaction with social partners in areas of activity. He takes an active part in the work of the Methodological Council of the TsRTDYU "Polaris", heads the professional, creative association of teachers (MO), develops teaching aids, guidelines, programs, scripts for theatrical concerts, shows, diagnostic tools. He owns modern educational technologies and methods and effectively applies them in practical professional activities, using means and methods that correspond to the goals set, optimally combining traditional and new educational technologies. The introduction of innovative forms and methods contributes to the optimization of methodological support, the use of variable methods of working with information, technologies for self-development and self-education, the creation of additional conditions for designing ways of professional self-realization, and the analysis of self-improvement. From 2009-2011 d took part in experimental activities, being a member of the working group of the city innovation platform for topics: "Diagnosis of the effectiveness and efficiency of the teacher of additional education"

    In 2011-2012 a.g. conducts work on organizing and conducting seminars within the framework of the work of the city innovative Base School on the topic: "Modern methodological approaches to organizing and holding mass events in educational institutions of Monchegorsk." (issue of a collection of methodological materials).

    Information competence is one of the important qualities of Elena Igorevna, she always promptly provides an effective search, structuring of information, its adaptation to the peculiarities of the educational process and organization of leisure activities of the Center.

    To obtain up-to-date information about changes in the education system, the exchange of pedagogical experience, for the purpose of self-education, Elena Igorevna usesin the work of ICT - various digital network information educational electronic resources, professional tools, software and methodological complexes for performing professional practical tasks. Uses computer and multimedia technologies in work.

    (Educational forum on the pedagogical portal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; forum. (round tables and videoconferences with the participation of prominent figures in education, teleconferences); Network of Creative Teachers (;school-collection. edu. ru; Consultant Plus; "Holded in the profession"; Federation of Internet Education - the project "School Sector"; "4 steps";Internet - the state of teachers - is a member of the All-Russian club of social networks of educators n S; Has publications on the Internet.Actively publishes postings on Russian sites. Of particular activity are the Russian sites and Created my own mini-site deput. director ( a href = "" > Teaching Excellence Lab

    = "" > Site of Deputy OMR director to the site, where methodological materials developed by Elena Igorevna (programs, scenarios, plans, reports, etc.) are presented on electronic media. Participates in online communities in professional competitions, forums, has a Certificateparticipant of remote seminars on interactive technologies and special software SMART Technologies Inc, Polymedia, Moscow 2012. Currently developing a personal website. He takes an active part in the 17th All-Russian grant competition "Dreams Come True", the purpose of which is the full realization of creative potential.

    Mastering information concepts, knowledge and skills, monitoring the activities of members of professional communities is a powerful tool to support professional activities, allowing you to develop, constantly remaining relevant and competent teacher - head of the department. The level of competence and professionalism allows Elena Igorevna to take an active part in the composition of the city expert commission for accreditation examination of the activities of municipal educational institutions.

    To improve the quality of the events held by the teachers of the department, Internet materials and all available technical equipment are used.

    An educational and methodological base has been created and systematized (collections of video clips and 3D models, animations, multimedia disks, audio materials, scripts and methodological products of various genres on OMA issues, documentation, photos, etc.)

    During the entire period of work at the Center Shestakova E.I. actively works as a member of certification and tariff commissions, is a member of the jury of competitive events of the Center and city events.

    Elena Igorevna is working on the formation of a rational organization of work, providing a psychological climate, cohesion, development of a creative team of like-minded people, strengthening old and introducing new traditions in the department that contribute to the effectiveness of leisure activities. In addition, Shestakova is a positive person with an active lifestyle, whose creative energy is an example for teachers, students and parents.

    Compliance with the business and personal qualities of the leader, the results of practical activities correspond to the goals, objectives andjob qualification requirements. A pedagogical model of work in the field of leisure has been created and brings positive results, based on a combination of: individual and team work; parallel impact on the individual and the team; complexity, where psychological and pedagogical conditions are taken into account: a positive field of emotional and intellectual tension, the creative nature of collective activity, the coincidence of interests, needs and capabilities of teachers of the organizational mass department with the content of the activity and the role functions of pedagogical leadership.The work done is expedient, effective and is the basis for certification in order to establish the suitability of the position of a manager newly appointed to a managerial position.Professional qualification, pedagogical skills, effectiveness of professional activity -the totality of all indicators provides an opportunity to give a positive assessment of the effectiveness of the work and appoint Shestakov E.I. to a leadership position.

    "___" ___________ 20___

    Director of TsRTDIU "Polaris" __________________ (signature transcript)



    I am familiar with the presentation __________________________________

    (signature, date)

    Applicant's phone number: d home/cellular d.t.- 8 815 3630728, cell- 8 9522916909
    official - 56267

    e-mail address of the certified person:

    * In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, I agree (agree) to the implementation of any actions (operations), including: receipt, processing, storage, in relation to my personal data necessary for certification.

    "___" ______________ 20____ Signature____________________

    The submission is accompanied by:

    A copy of the work book or order of appointment to the position;

    Copy of diploma(s) of education

    A copy of the certificate of advanced training for the position (at least 72 hours),

    A copy of the document confirming ICT training

    Characteristics for the director of the school is an official document, the request for which arises in several situations. Most often, a characteristic is required for rewarding a manager or certification. It is prescribed to fill out the document in a unified form, a sample. The worker who fills out the document follows the traditional presentation plan. Independent changes, new inclusions in the characteristic, are possible if the document thus acquires greater content and value. The document is drawn up in a unified form, so the employee who draws up the characteristic should do it according to the model, adhering to the accepted presentation plan.

    To successfully pass certification, regularly improve your skills and gain new knowledge. If you have a computer or tablet, you can study on the job.

    Structural elements characteristics

    Characteristics for the school principal (sample attached below) has a clear structure. Follow it, and you will receive a quality document that is valuable to the addressee.

    General information

    These are the personal data of the director (name and date of birth), education, general work experience, work experience in a managerial position, the results of the certification passed, insignia, a list of advanced training courses completed, participation in forums, conferences and master classes. The purpose of this paragraph is to give a general idea of ​​the professional image of the leader.

    General information about the school

    Full name, statutory documentation, accreditation, etc. Such information provides a basis for assessing not only the professional qualities of the manager, but also the working conditions in which the director works. It also allows you to fix the difficulties that the applicant for the award is forced to face. This is the context of the characteristic, without which the description of the manager's professional image may look flat, faceless.

    Performance evaluation

    Be sure to sign in detail how the management system functions in the school, what the school development strategy is, whether conditions have been created for the creative growth of students and teachers. The topic of organizing a favorable environment for the implementation of the goals set should be disclosed.


    • how does the director solve personnel issues;
    • how the manager fulfills the requirements of fire safety;
    • how labor discipline is observed;
    • how is work on informatization of the school carried out;
    • whether partnerships have been established with social institutions, families, etc.

    The stages of fulfilling the state task deserve a separate assessment: how the Federal State Educational Standard is implemented, how the principles of continuous education are observed, how the educational process is conducted, how work is carried out in the direction of improving the qualifications of the teaching staff.


    If this characteristics for school principal for certification,sample which is similar to the document for awarding, a clause about errors in professional activity is also introduced. Administrative errors are listed in this paragraph with an explanation of the reasons. But this does not mean that the employee who makes up the characteristic should look for gaps in the work of the director, cling to the little things that are objectively considered working moments. In the note to the characteristic for certification, the responsible employee gives an expert assessment of the manager's activities.

    The last two points may not be included in the structure of the characteristic, there are no strict requirements for this. But if you have indicated these points, treat them without formalism.

    Differences of characteristics for rewarding from attestation

    If a testimonial is required for the school principal to receive an honorary diploma, it may be less detailed than the same document intended for certification.

    But key points sample characteristics for a school principal for an award provides for the following:

    • what is the contribution of the candidate for the award to the development of educational initiatives;
    • what are the personal qualities of the director;
    • What is his teaching experience and pedagogy.

    Actually, this characteristic is less voluminous and does not imply an evaluation scale. If the document is drawn up, it means that a priori there are grounds for rewarding the head - they need to be competently, concisely substantiated.

    Characteristic example

    “Chistyakova Inna Yurievna has been working as the director of the Zarechensk State Gymnasium No. 1 for twelve years. The teacher, leader was able to create a close-knit, active, harmoniously coexisting team in a pedagogical partnership in the leading educational institution of the city. It is noteworthy that 14 teachers working for the benefit of the gymnasium are its graduates, and almost all of them studied with Inna Yuryevna (a mathematics teacher in the first higher education).

    School teachers regularly win awards at the regional and federal levels. Every year, the teacher of the gymnasium invariably becomes the winner of the city competition "Teacher of the Year", represents the city at the regional stage of the competition, and also brings awards from there. 7 subject teachers are currently on the Board of Honor of the city's education department. The teacher Yulia Borisovna Kozlovskaya was named the person of the year in Zarechensk.

    The educational institution, headed by Inna Yuryevna, is the main methodological base of the city in geography and biology. For the third year in a row, the gymnasium hosts the regional Olympiad for young biologists, and this was the initiative of the head.

    Through the efforts of Inna Yuryevna, the material and technical base is being strengthened at the school, over the past two years the gymnasium has become the leader among the city's schools in the direction of informatization of education (moreover, the closest pursuer, the Zarechensk State Gymnasium No. 2, lags behind the competitor by 54 points in this indicator). All classrooms are equipped with multimedia installations. In the classrooms of mathematics, chemistry, biology, geography, computer science, the equipment allows you to work in the remote technology mode.

    The gymnasium has two experimental classes, the student body of which is represented only by girls. In addition to general education subjects, graduates study etiquette, waltz, painting and a second foreign language (French). 6th grade student Klyuchnikova Ariadna became a laureate of the International Competition for Children's Photography, with the support of the director of the gymnasium, organized sponsorship, a trip to Toronto for the award was organized for the girl and her parents.

    Thanks to the strategy of continuous professional growth, young teachers of the gymnasium (7 out of 9) continued to receive higher education in the master's program of pedagogical universities. The representative office of the methodical association of linguists has been cooperating with two schools in Stockholm for six years in a row under the experience exchange program: Inna Yuryevna organizes trips of her teachers to Sweden and annually receives a Swedish delegation at the gymnasium.

    The quality of teaching disciplines is at a high level. The enrollment of graduates in universities over the past 8 years does not fall below 95%. In the last two years alone, 11 gold medalists graduated from the gymnasium.

    In her work, Inna Yuryevna relies on pedagogical tact, sensitivity, empathy, which does not prevent her from professionally using her natural inclination for analytics, the ability to make quick, strong-willed decisions, and to act effectively in force majeure. Inna Yuryevna is also distinguished by her well-developed ability to delegate authority - deputies work clearly, and even if the director has to leave his post for several days as part of a business trip, the gymnasium works as usual.

    A balanced, responsive, attentive leader enjoys authority in a team of colleagues, in a parental environment, in the city as a whole.

    Correlation: professional achievements and personal qualities

    The characteristic always provides both professional achievements and personal qualities.

    How to describe professional achievements:

    • how it works with frames;
    • how it provides conditions for a successful educational process;
    • how it supports innovation in education;
    • how to manage the business.

    How to describe personal achievements:

    • what management style is inherent in the leader;
    • whether the leader is ready to conduct a business dialogue, as he manifests himself in the context of social partnership;
    • how the communication of the leader with colleagues, children, parents is characterized.

    It is important that the description does not contain vague wording suitable for free interpretation. There should not be data in the document that is not suitable for assessing the merits of the director - i.e. nothing superfluous, not related to the professional characteristics of the leader.

    As for text design, the font Times New Roman, 14 shingle, black color is usually used. The characteristic is submitted to departmental bodies as a standard in two copies (on request - in electronic form).

    Characteristics for the director of a sports school

    The principle does not change significantly. If this is, for example, a performance-characteristic (for example, the director of a sports school participates in the "Head of the Year" competition), it can be more detailed than the characterization for an award. But the requirements remain the same - conciseness, meaningfulness, informativeness, stylistic persuasiveness.

    Sample characteristics for the director of a sports school:

    “The advent of Igor Mikhailovich Gorshkov to the walls of the Youth Sports School No. 2 in Zarechensk can be considered a new era in the existence of the school. For eight years, Igor Mikhailovich has been working at the head of an educational institution, and during this time the Youth Sports School has become a center of methodological and practical skills for trainers and teachers from the entire region.

    Igor Mikhailovich successfully copes not only with the duties of a leader, functionary, but is also an acting coach-teacher. Despite a small coaching load, over the past two years, three students of Igor Mikhailovich received the title of Candidate Master of Sports in volleyball.

    During the leadership of the Youth Sports School, the director proved himself to be a talented, modern administrator - he managed to open two new gyms, reconstructed the pool, won regional grants for holding winter training camps in Sochi. In the third year of leadership, Igor Mikhailovich achieved the reconstruction of the hall of the Youth Sports School, re-equipped all the locker rooms, opened a small conference room, where for the first time in the practice of regional Youth Sports Schools he began to hold press conferences (and for children's, school media too).

    The leader monitors the cohesion, unity of the team - two new rates are open (masseur-rehabilitator and psychologist). The coaching staff is strengthened by young, ambitious staff, but the veterans of the coaching movement continue to show results, thanks to the support of the management as well.

    On the basis of the Youth Sports School, annual seminars are held for physical education teachers of the city (personal initiative of the director). Igor Mikhailovich revived the Soviet tradition of holding the Small Olympic Games in the summer, in which not only the wards of the sports school, but amateur athletes of different ages participate - this year the municipality increased funding for the event, which was achieved by the director of the Youth Sports School.

    A cheerful, resolute, active leader enjoys authority among colleagues, students, and parents. Despite more than a few invitations to take a higher post, Igor Mikhailovich Gorshkov is faithful to the school, of which he himself was a pupil. The leader managed to bring the Youth Sports School to a new stage of development, attract promising coaches to its teaching staff, and popularize the sports movement in the city.

    You can find a lot of similar samples on the Internet: try to write them without excessive formalism, the dominance of stamps and bureaucracy.