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  • Introspection psychology example. Introspection

    Introspection psychology example.  Introspection

    Interaction with the audience

    During the lesson, it was possible to establish psychological contact with the audience and work effectively with all students. After analyzing my speech from the negative points, I can notice that, most likely, at this stage I had barriers with insufficient methodological development of the psychological analysis of a public speech. To do this, as I believe, one should get acquainted with the special literature on the methods of psychological contact with the audience, overcome the psychological barrier empirically.

    What worked and what didn't work out

    The lesson was held at the proper methodological and organizational level, which accompanied the achievement of the goal. In the course of the work, the main aspects of risk assessment by the statistical method were touched upon and discovered. During the lesson, a good working environment, mutual understanding was created, students' interest in this topic was aroused, which was supported by high organization and discipline. In preparation for the lesson, the teaching method was used by means of demonstration, exercises.

    The choice of methods, techniques and teaching aids corresponds to the content of the educational material, the set goals of the lesson, the educational opportunities of this group, corresponds to the methodological apparatus of the lesson, each of its stages and the tasks of activating students.

    Mistakes made during classes and possible ways to prevent them

    After analyzing my speech, I wanted to improve it, work out oratorical skills, overcome strong excitement in front of the audience. In my opinion, my speech lacked psycho-emotional confidence, this was manifested in the speed of speech, sometimes in the inconsistency of words.

    Based on the results of the analysis of the questionnaires, it can be concluded that the biggest problem for students was related to the availability of perception of the information received.

    Possible solutions are to present the educational material in a simpler form, possibly in a game version, for the greatest involvement in the educational process.


    The main objective of the practice is to gain experience in pedagogical work in an educational institution. Pedagogical practice in the system of professional training of the master of engineering and technology is of great importance, since the master can be engaged in both research work and teaching activities in any of the educational institutions, up to the university. This practice is a link between theoretical training and future independent work of masters of engineering and technology, both in teaching and scientific work.

    Based on the results of pedagogical practice, the knowledge gained in the learning process and the skills of a creative approach to solving pedagogical problems, for designing and conducting training sessions, were consolidated and put into practice.

    The specifics of the teacher's activity in the direction of "Project Management" and the formation of skills to perform pedagogical functions were studied.

    It was acquired in the practice of pedagogical skills, skills and competencies in the direction of "Project Management".

    It has been mastered:

    conducting practical classes with students on the recommended topic of the curriculum.

    Skills have been developed:

    Formulate research goals and objectives for students;

    Organize their activities;

    Plan research work;

    Conduct self-analysis of the effectiveness of their own work as a potential supervisor;

    Independent search and study of special literature;

    Development of skills to correctly and fully state the state of a scientific problem based on the analysis of literature;

    Development of skills to set research goals, formulate tasks of practical work;

    Acquaintance with research methods, development of practical skills for their application;

    Developing people skills.

    How to become a successful person? The first step is psychoanalysis. How to achieve the goal? The first step is psychoanalysis. How to increase self-esteem? The first step is self-analysis. In general, whatever you ask psychologists, they begin with introspection.

    What kind of universal tool is this, what is it, why is it needed and, finally, how to carry it out - that's what this article will be about. The issue of introspection is very important, especially if a person has had no spiritual experience or practice in personal development at all.

    What is introspection?

    Introspection- this is an analysis of oneself, which includes the fixation of various states of the object of observation and the search for cause-and-effect relationships between them and the stimuli of the external environment, which act spontaneously or directionally.

    In introspection, the object and subject of observation coincide. This is its main difficulty, since it is always more difficult to observe oneself: the observer simply will not see something, but he will not be able to correctly interpret something.

    To resort to introspection as one of the types of self-help in our own development is not an easy way, but it is effective.

    5 reasons to start analyzing yourself

    Climbing where no one usually looks, digging there and pulling all sorts of filth into the light - how can this be useful?

    1. ✪ Firstly, there is not only muck, but also a lot of buried treasures, among which there are many talents and abilities.
    2. ✪ Secondly, knowing the structure of your own personality, you can easily explain to yourself certain actions, thoughts and feelings. The less uncertainty in the intrapersonal space, the calmer and safer it is.
    3. ✪ Thirdly, having seen something impartial in oneself, a person is already less eager to condemn others, realizing that he himself is not sinless. And of course, one should not forget about destabilizing influences from outside, which will cause much less damage to a person who has understood and accepted himself.
    4. ✪ Fourth, identifying and eliminating your own mistakes - learn to positively influence your loved ones, remove conflicts, negativity and build harmonious relationships.
    5. ✪ Strengthen your health by removing emotional destruction from your life.

    Therefore, you need to pull yourself together and soberly evaluate everything that you managed to dig out from the depths of your own personality, from the depths of your subconscious. Something will most likely need to be fixed. This applies to those traits that can significantly complicate the life of both the wearer and those around them and are predominantly destructive. Everything else needs to be learned to use.

    So what is introspection?

    First of all, in thinking about your own actions and emotional reactions to various stimuli. Starting the process, you need to answer the question “what did I do?”, And then gradually go to the answer to the question “why did I do this?”. The problem is that a person tends to either unnecessarily blame himself for some committed misconduct, or justify himself, turning a blind eye to his own mistakes. And here you can return to the danger of obtaining an unreliable result.

    As a rule, during psychotherapy, a specialist directs the actions of his patient, helping him to avoid possible mistakes. However, when it is carried out independently, the risk of unreliability increases somewhat if you do not know the algorithm for solving such a question.

    In order to reduce it as much as possible, various methods of objectifying the result are used, which boil down to the fact that a person in the process of passing the test cannot predict what result one or another of his answers will lead to. Moreover, in any well-designed test there is a scale for the reliability of the result, the assessment by which allows you to understand whether it is worth taking the test at all or it is better to postpone it for the next time.

    These include the Eysenck questionnaire (type of temperament) and Leonhard (character accentuation) - classic tests that are recommended for passing. In addition to them, it is worth referring to the tests of Sandra Bem (femininity - masculinity), Kinsey and Klein (sexual orientation): they give the most reliable result than all others compiled on the same topic.

    Again, why do we need tests? To prevent self-deception. Not many people, standing in front of a mirror, will be ready to admit that they are prone to hysteria and excessive demonstrativeness, right? Testing will make you open your eyes to yourself.

    So the first step is to run some tests. It is best not to spend more than two or three per day, so that fatigue does not affect the result. In this case, the second step is to accept these results. It is worth mentioning in advance that surprises during introspection are a common thing.

    Personality has four components. The first of them lies on the surface and is known both to the person himself and to those around him. The second is known only to him, but to no one else. The third is seen by people from the outside, but not its owner. The fourth is hidden from everyone. Thus, surprises are inevitable.

    Self-analysis of the mistakes of your past

    The main rule in self-observation- this is no negativity and self-destruction. On myself - only Light, and mistakes, whatever they are, I will definitely correct them. Introspection is useless if it consists of self-flagellation and self-pity.

    • Mentally and slowly go through all your life, remembering and writing down all your mistakes, sins, everything where your conscience was not clear. You should be aware that the biggest mistake that blocks all positive changes is pride, non-recognition of your past sins. Record each error in a separate paragraph 1, 2, 3 ...
    • Further, for each item, forgive yourself in writing and let go of the negative (guilt, envy, resentment ...). You can let go of the negative on a lit candle, who has a good imagination, on the mental screen you can create a hologram (for example, a brightly glowing ball) and imagine how it takes all this blackness from you.

    Do introspection slowly, in detail and as sincerely as possible, and your life will begin to change for the better, and there will be more joy in your soul.

    If you made a mistake today, then you should never reproach and scold yourself. Self-flagellation is a very vicious practice. Analyze: what events led to positive emotions, and to which - negative ones.

    If it is difficult to understand, to determine your talents and desires, then in this case only one thing will help - thorough introspection. In principle, psychological tests are based precisely on introspection, they simply ask leading questions with multiple answers, according to which one can draw up a “picture” of a person’s desires and talents. But you can do without tests, psychologists, hypnotists. You can do your own self-analysis.

    It's best to keep a diary, which is regularly filled with new events from your life with an analysis of your actions, actions in these events. Important: Naturally, one should write in a diary without being afraid of anything, frankly, but as if others would read it. When you fill out its pages, think that it is not only for your eyes, but is quite accessible to others. This will allow you to see your inner world from the position "from the side of another person."

    If you have never kept a diary, then there is another method: Take a notebook and try write your biography- a life lived since birth, try to remember the details and your experiences, feelings in the events of those days, as if you were writing a fiction novel. Well, if you don’t succeed with “arts”, then just write a detailed biography, and after writing, when you read, remember these moments and relive them in your imagination. This is a very strong introspection, you will see something in yourself that you did not notice before.

    You can also conduct such a “concrete” introspection with questions “on the forehead”: WRITE leading questions, answer them, and analyze, starting with the word “why?” and “how could this affect me?”. For example:

    Question: What does (work) my father do? Answer: Tinsmith. Analysis: HOW could this affect me?(and if you also work as a tinsmith now, you can analyze it like this: “maybe I have the makings and talent for working on tin, or maybe, on the contrary, the need to work like a father was postponed in the subconscious, and I didn’t even think about what I want to do on really").

    Question: What kind of music (songs, style, genre) do I like? Answer: classic. Analysis: Why?(well, analyze what attracts you so much in this music, it can be calmness, and admiration that a person wrote such complex melodies, and even love for history, rarity, etc., etc.)

    With all your serious approach to, you still will not be able to achieve a complete picture of your inner world. This is an endless process, therefore, in order to better understand yourself, you need to keep a diary (not necessarily daily, you can write down only those events that affected you in a special way). Analyze your life, your response to the actions of the world around you. If, for example, you are afraid of something, then be sure to think - “WHY am I afraid?”. Constant introspection will allow you to control not only your emotions and actions, but also your thoughts.

    When introspection, take a very close look at the people around you. Your environment is your mirror. Why do you like being around these people? What attracts you the most about them? Everyone knows the old proverbs: "Whoever you mess with, that's what you'll get" and "Tell me who your friend is, and I'll tell you who you are." If you want to change your life, then any psychologist will advise you to start by changing the people around you. Of course, not in the literal sense, but simply to spend most of your time surrounded by those people whose qualities you would like to possess. As you do self-reflection, make it a priority to analyze your childhood and your relationship with your parents. Parental analysis itself is also necessary, both in terms of genealogy and in terms of the impact your parents have on you.

    Introspection - the basics of self-study, how to understand yourself

    Hello dear readers of my blog! Today I want to tell you about the most important thing. About how to look into yourself, about how to understand yourself. About what is called introspection of oneself of one's life and character. And this is really the most important thing in our life. Having understood yourself, you will understand what happiness is, what to do, and what is best to refuse.

    What is a good life?

    Probably, for most modern people, when they hear the word “learn to live,” it comes to mind “to live well, become rich,” and so on. But it's not. Or rather, not quite so. Wealth, fame and other ghostly elements of the "top of happiness" in fact turn out to be not so happy. Rather the opposite. All this makes life so difficult for a person that most rich people dream of being happy. Because they are definitely not the same.

    The psychological aspect of the relationship to what is called “happiness” is a thing so deep and individual that it is quite difficult to describe it.

    For everyone, happiness is something deeply intimate, personal, indescribable.

    My task is not to give everyone happiness, my task is that you yourself, with my help, find it. To do this, you must first find yourself.

    A professional psychotherapist, coaching or teaching a person is not a technique for increasing intelligence, talent and abilities. And the fact that the person himself could make himself more intelligent, talented or capable. And here the objective level is not important - what matters here is how much you yourself evaluate this level and how much your level will help you become happy, live in harmony with yourself.

    Self-study and its methods

    To begin with, it is worth understanding that self-study is the study of the unconscious in oneself. You yourself act as a patient and a specialist, for example, a psychotherapist. The question arises: is it possible that a person himself, with his complexes, shortcomings and resistances, could objectively study himself and his character? The answer is simple - not only is it possible, but it is the basis of psychotherapy. Without work on oneself, a concrete personality is impossible on the part of anyone.

    Another question arises: what method of introspection is best to choose, which one is better? And also the answer is quite simple. There is no better school for self-diagnosis of personality, there is your desire, and nothing more. Of course, there are many schools, and the main thing in them is not the method itself, or the school, but the ability to convey knowledge to a person and encourage him to achieve harmony with himself.

    Here it is worth mentioning the school of Freud and the neo-Freudians. Recently, this direction of the study of the unconscious from rather specific positions has become fashionable. I think that neither Freudians nor neo-Freudians should be trusted more than other schools. Undoubtedly, sexual attraction has a significant role in the personality and its actions, but this role is unlikely to be dominant. But here, as they say, a matter of taste.

    Your feelings are the key

    Let's go back to the basics of introspection. The main thing in the method of self-study of your subconscious is to minimize resistance as much as possible.

    Resistance is a natural reaction of your personality to its study due to prevailing stereotypes, habits, character, and so on. The lower the resistance level, the higher the quality of self-diagnosis.

    It is necessary to try to forget about your habits and addictions, to treat yourself as if to another person. You need to forget your feelings for the moment, and concentrate on your feelings earlier, at some specific moment. Your desire matters here. The higher the desire to comprehend oneself, the less resistance should be.

    For example, you are suffering from the fact that you broke up with a person who was once close to you. You cannot fully sleep, work, communicate, and your thoughts are directed only to this.

    In order to understand what happened to you, you must calm down and remember your feelings for this once close person at different stages. Remember how you felt when he gave you flowers, when you watched an interesting movie together, when you first quarreled because of your flirting at a party with your acquaintance. Remember how you read horoscopes and one of the horoscopes suggested to you that you are supposedly “Aquarius”, and your loved one is “Cancer”, therefore “Aquarius” always flirts, and “Cancer” is closed and these two “signs” are incompatible. If you honestly and objectively try to conduct self-analysis, remember the words of your mother about your loved one. Remember that you didn’t actually want to flirt with a friend at a party, but the horoscope simply obliged you to behave in full accordance with your “sign”.

    Delve into yourself:

    • How did you feel when you first met?
    • Fear of loneliness?
    • Fear of looking fat?
    • Fear of bad breath in the morning when you got up one time later than usual and did not have time to brush your teeth?
    • What were your feelings when you were alone for the first time?

    Resistance and your Self will definitely send you on the wrong track, and force you to reject an attempt at introspection. Yes, your loved one is definitely overly jealous. After all, he must enter into your position, recognize your freedom.

    Now imagine everything that you felt in those moments, but from the point of view of an outside observer. How would you react to another girl who openly flirts with a friend at a party, knowing in advance that her loved one does not like it. And you will surely see that your behavior was not just ugly, but out of place and out of time. That your behavior was provoked by that nonsense that people invent and call "horoscope". That these "horoscopes" contradict each other, because they are nothing more than a human invention due to fantasy and marketing ...

    We have superficially considered only the very first method of introspection of oneself and one's behavior, we have given a superficial look at self-study. So that you understand what it is and in which direction you should go.

    Be sure to subscribe to my blog updates and tell your friends about it!

    29.05.2014 -


    In the article I tell what self-analysis of a person means to me, why it is needed, and when it is needed. Self-analysis is an analysis of oneself as a person, therefore it is individual, but below I will describe the basic principles, and give personal examples.

    Introspection is tracking the processes occurring inside our psyche. In other words, this is an analysis of all your aspirations, habits, views and other programs. This is the first necessary cycle of personality.

    The article is purely practical, and if you were looking for this information for personal use, then get ready for a lot of material, and be sure to bookmark the necessary pages to return to them at any time convenient for you.

    Self-analysis is the observation of oneself and one's life, with an emphasis on tracing cause-and-effect relationships. It is needed for a deeper understanding of ourselves, but in general, it passes in a completely natural way in the course of our life.

    Sometimes we need to thoroughly and purposefully engage in artificial introspection, allocating certain time and conditions for this, so that it would be deeper, and therefore of higher quality. But why and when it is necessary, we will consider further.

    When to Use Practical Introspection

    Self-analysis must be used:

    • began to experience fears and uncertainty about the future
    • something is bothering you, but you can't figure out what it is

    Why do you need self-analysis of personality

    With the help of introspection, we can find out the true causes of our life feelings, and this will give us certainty of what needs to be done next, and how to get rid of unpleasant feelings. It will also allow us to determine what we specifically want, and what steps we need to take to achieve this.

    Practicing Qualitative Introspection

    Look at your schedule, set aside a few hours of free time during the week, ideally let it be a whole evening, a whole day or half a day. An hour of time may not be enough, and if the practice is interrupted unfinished, then it simply will not make sense, so allocate time with a margin. Finish early, there will be plenty of free time and inspiration to start action.

    Next, determine a place where you can be completely alone so that no one bothers you at this time. Take a notepad and pen with you. Turn off your phone, social media, internet, computer, TV, etc. Nothing should distract you at this moment, no external interference with your thoughts.

    Put your brain in alpha state. To do this, calm down, try to turn off the internal dialogue, relax, and just try to feel the state of joy, remember the happiest moments in your life. Next, intensify this state of joy and calmness, and then turn off the internal dialogue and memories again. Just allow physical and mental peace to flow over your entire body. Then move on to questions.

    Questions for introspection

    Ask yourself questions, and think carefully about each one, and then write down the final answer to each question in a notebook. Try to find the deepest reasons for your desires. Sample questions:

    • Am I a happy person? (how much, why, and can I be happier)
    • What makes me happy?
    • What's stopping me from being happy?
    • What do I really want and why do I need it? Why do I want it?
    • What brings me the most joy?
    • What needs to happen to make me happier?
    • What are my strengths and weaknesses? Advantages, disadvantages.
    • What would I like to get rid of in my life?
    • What inner personality traits would I like to develop in myself?
    • What prevents me from changing my life, my views, my habits?
    • What am I kidding myself about?
    • How am I being honest with myself?

    I can recommend following the following pattern. You ask yourself a question, and when you get an answer, you ask what it will give me and why do I need it? Further, having received the answer, you ask again, why is this so? And so on until the very end, until you can determine your true, natural aspirations.

    Example from my life

    During my school years, I went in for sports, often watched sports stars on TV, and I wanted to become the same. I was also attracted by the way famous musicians and actors are greeted, many recognize them, they want to be photographed as a keepsake and are often asked to leave an autograph. Then it seemed to me that striving for fame was my personal desire, and therefore it did not leave me for a long time even after school. I wanted to become a rich and famous person, but fame attracted me more.

    Over time, I noticed that the desire to become rich has grown, and the thirst for fame has become less. But later I understood why it happened.

    As I later realized, I was attracted not by fame itself, but by the opportunities that it brings. Later, I was attracted to the idea of ​​becoming rich, but my true desire was to get the opportunities that wealth brings. It is comfort, safety, a sense of calm.


    When I got older, I began to analyze my desires and identify their true causes. It turned out that the desire to be famous is just an external program that has infiltrated my teenage psyche with the help of television screens. In fact, fame and wealth are not my true desires, the real aspirations are completely different. I also noticed that the desire to become rich is not only the desire for a more comfortable life (reducing the stressful situations associated with providing housing and food), but also the same thirst for fame, but on a more local level, on a smaller scale. Why? I will touch on this below.

    What I asked myself, and what I came to. Questions - answers. Introspection.

    • Why do I need a lot of money? (more than just housing, food, clothing)

    This will allow me to buy the biggest luxury houses, the most beautiful cars, football clubs and more.

    • Why do I need houses, cars and stuff?

    It turns out that this is also a desire for fame, as this would allow me to attract attention with the help of things that most people cannot. It was my inner desire to stand out from the background of others. Okay, I understand that this is a veiled desire for fame, expressed in an attempt to buy other people's attention with money, but why do I need this?

    • Why do I need fame?

    What I understood was a real discovery for me. It turned out that I always wanted something that in fact was not my true desire, I just moved by inertia and was led by other forces, because I absolutely do not need fame itself in its pure form, it does not interest me. It turned out that fame was indifferent to me, but I wanted to get it? I just knew that she would give me what really interests me. But then what interests me?

    • Why did I need it?

    It turned out that subconscious aspirations played. Since childhood, I could watch on television how many girls react to the stars, and among these girls I liked many, the conclusion is obvious. After such incidents, gaining fame became my seemingly natural aspiration. But really, I needed something else. When childhood ended and adolescence began, my first attempts to start relationships with girls began. Most of the first attempts, due to inexperience, ended unsuccessfully, but over time I was rescued by observation and a penchant for introspection. Then I began to study the psychology of girls, I wanted to understand what they need from men so that I could give it to them. Further, I began to constantly develop the necessary internal qualities in myself, as well as correct myself and my behavior in relation to girls, and due to this I was able to enter adulthood. But even then I noticed that I can’t interest some girls, no matter what strategies I use. And when I saw how these same girls were almost in love with various famous musicians, who at the same time did not even do anything, then of course I had a subconscious desire to become as famous as these stars. In my student years, I noticed that many girls preferred to date only rich guys and men.

    • Why did I want to interest women?

    When I got older, I was able to gain enough experience, and I already wanted to have more girls. But as I understood, this was not my true desire. These were excuses like it's okay for a man to have more than one girl, but I was kidding myself. This is also not a true desire, but just an attempt to be no worse than someone else, just a way to assert oneself for oneself. Only after knowing myself and my true desires, I realized that one girl who really suits me would be enough.

    I perfectly see and understand that many people live the same way out of inertia as I did before. Therefore, whatever the woman I like would consider a worthy man in her understanding, I still continue to set high goals in order to meet the corresponding requests. Obviously, achieving better results will help to be interesting to any circle of people, regardless of their beliefs and their perception filters. The rules of the game are such that in our world your importance is determined by what you have, how much you earn, how famous you are, and everything like that. Of course, I had girls who completely suited me, and with whom I did not mind starting a family life, but in the end I could not give them the life they dreamed of. And we always talked about it in plain text, because it was something like business communication.

    • Why do I need to be interesting to any circles of people?

    From the above, I realized that my main goal is to create a family with a woman that I really like. I realized that I am a person of traditional values, and I like it. In this case, I do not deceive myself and live in harmony with myself, my true values ​​and desires. The girl I like may be in any circles, have certain beliefs, attitudes, or be influenced by certain forces, laws or circumstances. In order to be able to influence circumstances, I must have a sufficient number of external forces, that is, be a more influential person. And as I said before, very specific things affect people. I often had to refuse a girl despite the fact that I liked her, only because I could not give her the life she wants. Moreover, even more often it happened that I could not even start a relationship with the girl I liked, only because my standard of living was much lower than hers. At such moments, I felt like a real asshole, and I realized that in order for me to be able to build a family with any girl I like, I must build my life so that not a single girl feels discomfort next to me. It doesn’t matter what lifestyle she has been used to since childhood, I must live such a life in order to be able to fulfill absolutely any requests within reason.

    Life has deprived us of choice, it has put before us certain laws by which we must live. Roughly speaking, the relationship between men and women is a market, but I'm not saying that many people think so, on the contrary, many people think that this is not so.

    Social life

    I still have to lead an active social life, but the difference between conscious and unconscious life is obvious. Now I am absolutely indifferent to fame, and if I try to be more visible in society, then this is in order to get more returns from my activities, you get the point? If this allows me to increase my income, then I will have to be more social (get attention), and this works in most areas. The more a musician, for example, becomes famous, the more he will earn, and the higher his status will be in the eyes of other people. And it's not just talent, as many people think. Most of us know very obscure musicians who make higher quality material than 90% of the popular exponents in his genre. I'll give you an example. Let's say you wrote a book, it can be interesting and useful to many people, and others also tell you about it. If the book has already been written, you have put your work and your soul into it, then why not do it in such a way that you would get a great return from it, especially if you consider that it really carries great value or is very interesting. If you do not show social activity and do not promote this book, then no one will read it, or several people will read it. If you spent a whole year on it, then this is not the return you want. Of course, I will try to make more people have the opportunity to read it, as it can be recommended to friends, and I will be able to be in demand as an author. In general, everything is clear here.

    Rules of the game

    From all this, it turns out that I have the main goal of life, and all the rest of the desire for social significance can be considered not from the position of what I want, but from the position of what I should. The main goal in my case is the creation of a family, and everything else is just creating conditions for the realization of my life goal. I also quite clearly defined the main mission of my activity, from which people who in one way or another use the results of my activity will benefit. I realized long ago that if I manage to have the necessary standard of living, then I can benefit more people, I can do charity work, and I am more likely to realize my dream, that is, create a family.

    If I do not need to shine, then it is more profitable for me to remain in the shadows, but to promote my products (for example, there are many rich investors and businessmen whom few people know, they are interested in making their companies more in demand).

    It turned out that all I really want is what you can feel with your heart, feel, that is, be happy, in the process of this movement. In general, I'm certainly happy, there is just a feeling of incompleteness. This is normal, we will have some unfinished business all our lives, and in no case should this deprive us of the state of happiness at the moment. When the work is done, we will have even more joy and pleasure, but if you become attached to your goals and dreams, you take away your happiness. Just take the steps and experience happiness on your way to your dream.

    To each his own

    Everyone has their own life and their own views on this world. From the above introspection, it becomes clear that our life consists of programs, and in my case, I returned to the program that I absorbed from childhood, and this is just the realization of my own right to choose. For most normal people, choosing family values ​​for themselves is a completely natural phenomenon, especially since it correlates with the innate instincts for self-preservation, reproduction, and procreation. But all this does not mean at all that everyone should be supposedly normal, and not have the right to manage their own lives at their own discretion. You can fulfill your personal mission on this earth as you see fit, but the question is whether you will be truly happy in doing so, and whether this choice is a choice of your heart and soul.

    • Article

    Self-analysis in different situations

    I analyze each phenomenon in my life, and I conduct the thorough and deep analysis that is given above as I have time for this, but I try to allocate time for this if possible. With a thorough introspection, it is enough to determine your desires, goals, all your movements in life, and simply understand yourself. There are no clear patterns here, everyone does it in their own way, remember the main goal of introspection is to determine the causes of what is bothering you and deal with it all.

    • Article

    Once you've done your introspection, you'll know what to do. If there is an understanding, then proceed to, and introduce new necessary habits into your life that correspond to your priorities and desires.

    If you feel a lack of strength, then you need to do it first and restore

    Finally, I will add that, despite the name, for high-quality introspection it is necessary to be able not only to analyze, but also to feel. How to learn it? You already know how to do this, but the quality of these skills is developed differently for everyone. How to develop these skills? Very simple, practice. Doing this constantly, you gain experience, you learn to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, as you begin to understand yourself and understand this world.

    That is why I put personality introspection in the first place, since the direction of your movement will depend on its quality and depth.

    Introspection of personality, source - blog Xche.