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    How to become more calm and reserved.  How to learn to stop in time and radiate calmness when something pisses you off

    █ █ Go to the tree. May it teach you peace. You can find peace only by becoming an observer, calmly looking at the fleeting course of life. The calmer and more balanced a person is, the more powerful his potential and the greater his success in good and worthy deeds. Equanimity of mind is one of the greatest treasures of wisdom.
    █ █ Once upon a time there was one king. And he wanted a picture that would radiate peace and tranquility. So that every time, looking at her, the soul becomes calmer and easier. The reward for such a picture was a bag of gold.Many artists set to work. When all the paintings were completed, the king examined them, but among them only two attracted his attention.
    █ █ Sit comfortably, relax.Turn to your breath, trust it without trying to control it.We have difficult questions to address, and it's important that you feel comfortable...Imagine yourself in a quiet, safe place.In a place where you would feel comfortable and completely safe...

    █ █ 1. Sit down, start breathing evenly and deeply.2. Mentally transport yourself to the countryside that you enjoy. It can be anywhere - where you have actually been or where you would like to go, or in a place that you imagined, but which in reality does not exist. It can be a mountain slope, green fields, a beach - anything.
    █ █ Mind control is the quintessence of life control. No matter what happens to you in life, only you can choose your response to it. Look at the chemicals that most people pour into the fertile garden of their consciousness every day: they worry and worry, worry about the past, mourn the future, and invent their own fears that create chaos in their inner world.
    █ █ 1. Shake yourself to relieve body tension: move your shoulders, fingers, play with your abdominal muscles, relax your face. Breathe more slowly and deeply, speak a little quieter, look away to see more objects and shades around.

    █ █ Psychological effects from this meditation include: a significant reduction in anxiety, fear and anxiety, openness to the feeling of the presence of someone, as well as the presence of the spirit, increased intuition.

    █ █ In Japan, in a village not far from the capital, an old wise samurai lived.One day, when he was teaching his students, a young fighter, known for his rudeness and cruelty, approached him.

    █ █ — Oh, Master, what are the roots of peace? asked the inquisitive student.“The Roots of Tranquility are safe. If a person is not threatened by death or disease, he is calm, answered the Wise One.— Oh, Teacher, what is the trunk of Tranquility made of? asked the smartest student.

    █ █ Two psychiatrists lived in the same house. Every evening they returned from their institutions and often took the same elevator together. The lifter was very much intrigued by one thing that happened over and over again every time.

    █ █ Once the Buddha was walking along the village. Suddenly, several people gathered on the street began to insult him. He listened in silence, keeping calm. And because of this calmness, the offenders somehow felt uneasy.“Something is wrong here,” they thought. “We insult a person, and he listens to our speech like music.”

    █ █ Try to focus on what is happening to you "here and now." This will help you find peace of mind, stop endlessly analyzing the past and building a vague future. Even when emotions are overwhelming, you can step back from the situation. This will allow you to find the answer to the question: “What do you really want? It is important to learn to see more of the good than the bad. Fears arise when we don't want to look at something. Fear, like a compass, points out what I need to pay attention to in order to improve my life. That is why you need to follow fears, look them in the eye, although this is not easy. But the fears do not stand up to scrutiny.
    █ █ 1. Comb. During the working day spent in front of the monitor, the mimic muscles tense up so much that the head becomes heavy and starts to hurt. One way to avoid stress is to comb your hair for 10-15 minutes. This procedure helps to “disperse” the blood and relax the muscles.
    █ █ I have long noticed that I feel more balanced and confident when I take the time to relax, meditate or pray. Quite pleased with the result, I soon stop doing it. Gradually my life becomes more and more tense, I come to despair. Peace is leaving me. Then I resume my relaxing activities, and life gradually improves.

    █ █ One young man was given as an apprentice to a famous martial artist. Day after day, the young man did all the dirty and hard work in the Master's house, and he did not think to teach him anything.The young man endured for a long time, and then he could not stand it and asked the senior student.
    █ █ When an unpleasant thought occurs to you, try the technique that Goldin teaches his participants in his experiments. Instead of being distracted, allow yourself to observe the thought. Let yourself see if this thought is an old tune - here's your first clue that this is not critical information to believe.
    █ █ 1. Take a 10-minute walk. This will help the body to relax and relieve tension leading to anxiety.2. Listen to relaxing or at least regular music that you like. This will help you take your mind off your stressors.
    █ █ How much time and energy do we spend worrying about other people's words, meeting other people's requirements? Sometimes it seems that life consists of this. At some point, tired of the tension, we say in our hearts: “Fuck it all!” That's where you need to start, says Sarah Knight, author of The Magic of Giving a Fuck.
    █ █ This is an exercise to clear your entire energy field. It is best to do it at the end of the day, especially during those periods when you communicate with a lot of people. It helps clear energy debris.
    █ █ Why am I making an elephant out of a fly? Because "flies" don't let the ego feel good, at ease - it wants "elephants". Even Suffering should not be a fly, but an elephant, as big as Mount Everest.

    █ █ Ask yourself: "Am I feeling joy, peace and lightness from what I am doing now?"If not, then this means that time obscures the present moment, and life is perceived as a heavy burden or as a struggle.

    █ █ This Tibetan breathing and cleansing practice aims to balance your mind and get rid of all negative thoughts before your meditation session.

    █ █ A happy person is very easy to recognize. He seems to radiate an aura of calmness and warmth, moves slowly, but manages to do everything, speaks calmly, but everyone understands him. The secret of happy people is simple, it lies on the surface, but for some reason very few manage to unravel it.That secret is the absence of tension.

    █ █ Without knowing it, people infect each other with a virus, which in psychology is called the "O" virus. We, as if along a chain, transmit negative emotions to each other, carry them further through life. And sometimes it is very difficult to stop the "epidemic" on your own. "What kind of virus is this and how to get rid of it - this is our conversation today.
    █ █ As soon as the trinity of enemies - fear, anxiety and despair - attacks you, poisons your mind and body, weakens your ability to attract what you want to yourself, immediately begin to take deep breaths and repeat as quickly as possible, out loud or to yourself, the affirmation that is an effective antidote for this poison, powerful, encouraging and attracting good to you:Life in me is inseparably boundwith the life of all things,and she is totally dedicatedmine
    achievements and my success.

    █ █ If there are repetitive stressful situations in your life that you can't adjust to - so that every time you experience a storm of emotions that you try to hide from others? Maybe it's public speaking, or exams, or forced communication with an unpleasant person for you.
    █ █ Psychologists know a lot of techniques to overcome stressful situations. Anyone can master these techniques and exercises to relieve stress.It is desirable to engage in calming psychotechnics every day. Best immediately after waking up. Within a few days you will feel that you have become calmer, more confident, more invulnerable to stress.If you monitor your mood and relieve tension in time with the help of these exercises, you yourself will not notice how quickly everything will improve in life, stress will recede and a white streak will begin again.
    █ █ If you get negative emotions at work. Well, not just at work...

    █ █ The practice of upeksha, or equanimity, will help you withstand the storms of life. When confronted with troubles, the opposite principle applies: let us “talk”, but we must not allow the “mixing” of thoughts and emotions, internal confusion. When we practice upeksha, we are touched by injustice and we want to make things right, but at the same time, deep down, we maintain a serene, clear calmness.

    █ ? █ Vampirism is possible only if you allow it.

    █ █ Be even and calm, as if crossing a river in winter.Be attentive and prudent, as if you were surrounded by dangers on all sides.Respect the dignity that befits a traveler who has found only temporary shelter.

    █ █ Repeat to yourself the same positive phrase or a certain sound combination. It can also be prayers and mantras. You can simply count from one to a hundred many times in a row.

    █ █ When you don't like the conditions around you and you find yourself thinking about it more and more, that it makes you really unhappy, get out of the house and stay outdoors as much as possible. Try to walk at least three kilometers every day; take a deep breath of fresh air and think as you do this:"Now I breathe in the Life, Love and Power of the Universe."
    █ █ When this enemy of happiness and serenity begins to overcome you, immediately begin to sing - as loudly as possible, and if you cannot sing loudly, then at least to yourself. Sing whatever you like.

    █ █ All the space around you is filled with a sensitive, influenceable intellect and power, ready to take any form at any moment and directly and completely dependent on your habitual mood of thought. Pfeel like a part of the great universe. In this case, you will achieve a state of serene concentration, which, although held by conscious exertion of the will, is the very essence of peace and rest.
    █ █ There is nothing inherently good or bad in the world - our thoughts make everything so. Harmonious thought leads to the creation of harmonious physical and material conditions, which in turn continue to influence us and give rise to more and more positive and pleasant thoughts. Your individual mind and the Universal First Causal Mind are closely interconnected and constantly interact.

    █ █ What just happened? Describe the event or person that triggered your negative reaction.Here's how I reacted to a situation, event, or person...

    █ █ At the energy level, all material objects have the same meaning. It is we who endow them with certain qualities: good - bad, cheerful - sad, attractive - repulsive, good - evil, simple - complex, and so on.
    █ █ In order to hear the rustle of the morning stars, it is enough just to remember in time that you need to pay attention to your state of mind. The only sign to which special attention should be paid is the state of mental comfort during decision-making.
    █ █ You meet each event as a positive and thus always go on a favorable offshoot, more and more often meet with a wave of luck. But you don’t have your head in the clouds, because you act intentionally and consciously. Thus, you are balancing on a wave of luck. This is the essence of transerfing. How not to worry and not worry? - Act. ... It is enough to occupy yourself with something, and you will immediately feel how anxiety has subsided.

    █ █ All your troubles happen when you stop realizing that you are infinity. The awareness of infinity in the final state is the expansion of the mind. This is the reality of the mind. Do not worry. Only fools worry. God's people are always listening to God's song. If your whole body praises God, the whole world will praise you.
    █ █ The sixth principle recommends “Do not fuss and do not make sudden movements!” Otherwise, you will violate the plans of many people and their patrons.Failure is your way of education.Following this principle means: if something in your life does not work out, do not fuss! It may seem to you that misfortunes or failures are constantly haunting you, but in fact everything may be different.
    █ █ Positive thinkers tend to imagine what they want to get, not what they fear the most. What we think about is what we get.You are preparing to give a speech to two hundred people. You tell yourself, “Don't be nervous! Don't forget the words! Don't be embarrassed!" And what happens when you are in front of an audience? What a shame! You can't even remember your own wife's name!

    █ █ The events that occur do not affect the degree of your happiness. What matters is your attitude towards them.When someone stops following the rules you set - go into a rage! This is the position of the loser!

    █ █ When you are overwhelmed by worries, try to forget about them for a while!When you are asked: “Are you probably worried about what happened?” Answer: “I wanted to worry, but then I changed my mind!”. Stay in the present! Do what needs to be done today, and postpone worries for tomorrow.

    █ █ Usually it's not a particular incident that annoys us, but the fact that our expectations were not met. In addition to you, six and a half billion people live on planet Earth. In order for them to at least occasionally get what they want, we have to give in something. Yelling and fighting is useless.

    █ █ What you fight always intensifies, and what you resist eats deeper. There are three main states of selfish relationships:when I want somethingwhen I fail to get what I want (hence anger, resentment, accusations, complaints), andwhen I don't care.

    █ █ Every person has moments when it is necessary to relieve emotional stress. If you don't know where to start, try one of these unusual relaxation techniques. Yoga, green tea and massage are off the list!


    █ █ How many unnecessary things we say in a day! The chaos of thoughts creates chaos in speech, and then in life. This film is deeper than it might seem at first glance. Here is workaholism, which interferes with LIVING, and relationships in the family, and child-parent relationships ...The main character is a yap, which the world has never seen. And then one day this talkative character finds out that he has exactly one thousand words left to say aloud, after which he will surely die ...

    How to calm down?
    1. Get ground under your feet. Walk around the room for a few minutes, feeling your feet. So you will be grounded, you will find a sense of yourself again. Taking a few deep breaths will help focus and solidify your grounding.
    2. Imagine your inner core - a line that runs from above through the top of the head and goes into the ground. Start gently and slowly escorting emotions, lowering them along the rod into the ground. Don't do this meditation abstractly in your head, but focus on bodily sensations.
    3. Feel with your inner gaze "dan tian" - the lower energy center located inside the body two fingers below the navel. Feel the equanimity in this place. Come back to your inner support every time you feel like you're being swept away by an emotional tide.

    In our life, every person needs that all problems and issues are resolved quickly and efficiently. It is these people who achieve more happiness and success in life than others, who are always nervous and worried about every little thing in life, wasting energy and precious time for nothing. Everyone needs to learn and become calmer and more balanced to make life even better and happier.

    Why are you worried and nervous

    Ask yourself this question first, and then move on to solving the problem. Without knowing the reasons why you constantly feel anxiety, you will not be able to fully and effectively cope with this problem and become happier. Write down on a piece of paper all those points that you think make sense to harm you and prevent you from becoming calmer and more balanced. Gradually, you will eliminate these problems and thereby achieve the desired result.

    Don't envy!

    In no case is it unnecessary to envy people, even if they are really happy and successful. Take care of your life and become just as successful and happy yourself. Jealous, you block the path to happiness and success, waste your precious time, start to worry and get nervous because you have not become as happy as they are, which takes a lot of energy and strength. Therefore, if you want to become calmer and more balanced, read:. And you, applying the recommendations given in the presented article, will become better and more successful and achieve what you want.

    Get creative work.

    The most ideal option become calmer and more balanced, is to just do creative work, preferably the one that you like and suits best. For this, of course, it will take time to look for and select such a job. But when you do all this and start doing business, then becoming calmer and more balanced will not be a problem for you. Remember that in life you should always do what brings joy, even if it is not yet paid.

    Control over emotions and thoughts.

    Also, in order to become calmer and more balanced, you need to begin to analyze and control all your thoughts and emotions. Thus, a person, controlling himself, will create only positive thoughts and emotions, which is very good. Moreover, it is enough to conduct control for a month, and then everything will work automatically and out of habit, it will no longer be necessary to conduct control, but it is necessary to maintain positive, and it is useful not to perceive the negative. Just find the source of this energy in life and draw everything you need from it.

    Reach your goal to the end.

    In most cases, a person who has set goals for himself does not achieve them to the end and abandons the goal halfway to success due to all sorts of problems and failures. Remember one thing, failure is the only way to happiness and success. Therefore, no matter what, achieve your goal to the end, even if you suffer success after failure. What does not kill makes us stronger, so boldly strive for your goal, because by achieving it you can not only become more successful, happier, but also calmer and more balanced because you feel joy that you have finally reached your goal. But without fail, you can’t stop there, and start creating even new and bigger goals, which will be even more difficult to reach, but this accordingly tempers the character, and you will already achieve more than from small goals.

    Dream .

    What would become calmer and more balanced , you need to sleep not 8 hours, but as much as you want. If a person has enough and 4 hours of sleep, this is not a disease, this should be rejoiced, since you will do more than others by 4 hours, and even more, since there are those who sleep even 10 hours, and this is also not a disease. The human body is diverse, and there are no identical people who need to sleep the same amount of time. After all, everything is quite the opposite, if a person sleeps little and forces himself to sleep more, then this is the problem, since you are torturing and killing your body. If you sleep 4 hours a day and feel good, then what is the problem here? There are no problems, there are new opportunities and a lot of time for new successes and victories.

    Change life.

    The most interesting and effective option to become calmer and more balanced is simply to change your life. But for this you need to spend a little time and create this life first in your mind, and then implement it in life. Read more about this: how, and you will become as successful as you yourself imagined in your subconscious. A person, with his thoughts and dreams, if they are rooted in his head, creates his own reality, so be careful with desires, they have the effect of coming true. Butand it is unnecessary to be afraid of good desires, as they will make you better.

    Food .

    Also remember that what we eat is what we are. Therefore, in order to become calmer and more balanced, eat what you like, but do not overeat and create your own diet. There is no need to ask nutritionists and other specialists to do this, since your body knows more than anyone else what it needs and how much. And be sure to give up alcohol and other harmful and non-beneficial foods, as they will turn all your healthy and high-quality food into harmful and poor quality.

    psycho- olog. en

    All successful and strong-willed people are calm, but how to become calm man, not everyone knows. A calm person knows how to listen, which allows him not only to make friends, but also to draw on new sources of information that will be useful in the future to create new ideas for a successful life. The strength of a person lies not in excessive courage, but in the ability to yield to a person, but at the same time always be on the alert.

    How to become calm

    1. Learn to listen.

    The first thing you need to do to become calm is to learn to listen to the interlocutor, and not just talk. When you talk and do not know how to listen to the interlocutor, then you lose his trust, love and knowledge, which he could transfer to you for free. Therefore, to be wise means to be calm and reserved.

    1. Destroy selfishness.

    Every person is selfish in one way or another, and in order to be calm man, you need to fight every day with your egoistic inclinations. This is necessary in order to learn, develop and achieve success in life. Since, showing your egoism, you will not be able to direct your energy in the right direction and you will live your whole life without understanding the meaning of life.

    How to become balanced

    1. Engage in spiritual practice.

    There are no magical techniques to become a balanced and calm person. Only hard training will help you become what you want. Nothing is given just like that. Happy is he who is born a calm and balanced person. The main thing is not to destroy this gift under the influence of the wrong environment, which imposes on you to be bolder and more talkative. How many talkative and courageous people we see around us, and for some reason all of them do not achieve any success in life. Only calm people are able to learn and succeed, as they do not overestimate their self-esteem.

    Spiritual practices can be anything, the main thing is that you like them and bring results. It can be yoga, church rituals and traditions, communication with pure and bright people who have wisdom and life experience. Read the books of successful people, their biographies and you will see for yourself how modest and calm they were and remained, being already successful and rich.

    How to stay calm in any situation

    1. Count up to 100.

    To keep calm in desperate situations, you just need to count to 100. This works when you are angry, when you need to make a quick decision, or just when anxiety arises. Remember all our fears are an illusion of our imagination. We ourselves create pictures of what is not really there. There is no objective reality, it changes as our thoughts, emotions, opinions, statements and knowledge change.

    1. Turn on calm, classical music or do what you love.

    To become a calm person, there are many methods, the best of them: listen to your favorite music, preferably calm, do a job that brings joy or go for a walk to your favorite places. It is also important to leave the job you hate and do what you love. Since work occupies a large part of our lives and we need to carefully approach the issue of choosing a profession, business or hobby. Those people who are engaged in what they love are less likely to get sick and do not experience nervous tension and anxiety.

    Do not waste your strength, health and nerves, even if your previous job pays more than the one you like. Since in the future all the money earned will have to be given to the treatment of diseases associated with nervous feelings and depression. Doctors say that 99.9% of all diseases are related to stress, anxiety and other psychological disorders.

    Sometimes life presents such situations in which every little thing annoys: the husband does not thank for dinner, and the children do not want to collect toys, and the boss reprimands for the task not completed on time ...

    Is it possible to get rid of superficial irritability and become self-confident? Psychologists assure that it is not only possible, but also necessary: ​​it makes life much easier and helps to maintain peace and balance.

    Why does a person lose his composure?

    Having exploded once again on some trifling occasion, the woman begins to think about how to be calm and not be nervous. Sedative pills, heart-to-heart conversations with a close friend, auto-training and even a loud count to ten in a critical situation are used. But the exhausted organism demands its own, and again follows a breakdown with ridiculous decisions dictated not by common sense, but by impulse and momentary emotions.

    Each time, the loss of calmness is repeated simply because there is no exact and only true recipe for how to remain calm in any situation. Therefore, before looking for ways out of this situation, it is worth understanding its causes. Why do some women lose their calm over trifling reasons, while others can boast of iron restraint?

    Among the most common causes of loss of calm note:

    • "Triggers", that is, things, people or events that annoy us for reasons we do not understand: for example, a neighbor with a dog or rush hour on the subway.
    • Prolonged depression, combined with hopelessness and excitement, can cause irascibility.
    • Chronic fatigue and lack of vitamins can also provoke a loss of calm.
    • The presence of physical discomfort: when a person is hungry or cold, even a minor reason is enough to piss him off.
    • The presence of diseases: for example, with diabetes mellitus or thyroid diseases, increased irritability is often noted.

    By identifying the cause of your irritation, you can solve it, and not cope with the consequences of a short temper, which only signals, for example, fatigue or malaise.

    FACT! During pregnancy, many women experience difficulty with balance and the adequacy of reactions to familiar situations. Do not be afraid - this is just the action of a changing hormonal background.

    Peace, only peace!

    Psychologists say with confidence: despite the fact that there is no universal method of how to become calm and not nervous, each person can learn to remain calm in certain life situations.

    • Change the way you see things. Look at the world through the prism of the positive: love yourself and others. Forgive yourself and others for minor mistakes and shortcomings, do not reproach and do not press. Be patient and understanding, learn to stop your irritation. Before you worry, consider the appropriateness of this behavior: what will change and who will benefit from worry.
    • Change your behavior. If a stressful situation is inevitable, then you should change your reaction to it: try to restrain your negative reaction, simulate the development of the situation, avoid communicating with people who are prone to drama. Look at things through the eyes of a grandmother, a kind old woman wise by life experience.
    • Relax. In any situation, it is important to try to remain calm. To do this, psychologists advise to relax, and everyone does it in their own way: someone listens to quiet music, someone uses aromatic oils, someone meditates. For many women, children and animals are a calming factor, so play with your baby and cat for therapeutic purposes.

    These simple and transparent tips will help you understand how to learn to be calm and realize your dreams of balance.

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    It is never too late to change your behavior and learn to calmly perceive the world around you and people. Only after a woman begins to look at the world calmly and balanced, she understands how much peace means in life. Your peace of mind is the key to personal and family well-being, a friendly climate at work and strong friendships.

    Learning how to be calm in any situation of the ocean of life is simply necessary. Problems are raining down on the heads of the inhabitants of the planet Earth, as if from a cornucopia. Ecology, politics, social upheavals, the economy, the psychological state of society as a whole and of each individual individually - nowhere is there even a hint of at least a stabilization of the situation.

    Not everyone will be able to isolate themselves from everyone with a high fence, go to a desert island - there simply won’t be enough islands and fences, but everyone can try to become a self-confident and balanced person.

    Do I need it?

    Owners of certain types of temperament initially have this skill. It was born with them, and helps to maintain equanimity in any situation throughout the life path. We are talking about phlegmatic people who do not know how to be nervous, these unsinkable cruisers of calm and confidence. But, firstly, there are not so many pure types of temperament in nature, and, secondly, having mastered the techniques of how to learn to remain calm, you can teach this to your relatives and loved ones.

    Those representatives of society should master the methods of adjusting their internal state:

    • who find it difficult to control emotions;
    • who avoids difficult questions and difficult situations;
    • who gets on the nerves of every little thing;
    • who are worried about upcoming difficulties, real or imagined;
    • who dreams of always being a discreet person.
    By starting this path, you can radically change your attitude towards yourself and life, make it more comfortable, not be nervous in stressful situations, start the path to personal development and managing your health.

    Why You Shouldn't Be Nervous

    Maybe, well, this training on having calmness? Everyone is nervous, and somehow survive, and some also manage to look great at the same time, build a career, defend dissertations, create families. However, not everything is so rosy, there are many reasons why you should not be nervous.
    • You will be nervous - you will lose control over the situation, and then take you with "bare hands" whoever wants.
    • If you are nervous, family relationships will suffer in all verticals (husband-wife, children-parents, etc.).
    • If you get nervous, you will get something like a boomerang effect from others, your emotion will return to you, only twice as much. Do you need this?
    • You will be nervous - you will get vasospasm, and everything that follows from here (migraine, atherosclerosis, stroke).
    • You will be nervous - the body will begin increased production of the hormone cortisol, which destroys brain cells and nitrogenous decomposition of muscles.
    More scare or enough? Even one of the above reasons is enough to significantly worsen the quality of life of a reasonable person (homo sapiens). And since he is reasonable, then you need to learn how to remain calm, be confident, always remaining a person who controls his emotions.

    Learning to be calm

    Before you start mastering the techniques that allow you to experience and then, at will, return this blissful state, it is advisable to find a picture that will personify this calmness for you and place it in the zone of the immediate environment.

    It can be wallpaper on your computer desktop, a wall calendar, a poster on the wall depicting a peaceful landscape, a sleeping child, sunsets and sunrises, a starry sky, in general, everything that will be a symbol of peace for you.

    The following four techniques were suggested by the French psychologist E. Pigani in order to artificially evoke and reinforce a sense of calm.

    "Jar of honey" - a technique for slowing down movements

    You need to choose some routine action that you do every day “on the machine”, quickly and without hesitation. It can be cleaning the closet, washing dishes, taking a shower, making tea, any other kind of simple activity. Breathing slowly and deeply, you need to slow down your movements as much as possible.

    Now attention is directed to each movement, to the feeling of contact with the object being used. For more believability, you can imagine yourself immersed in a huge jar of honey, and slow down your movements even more.

    The purpose of this exercise is to stop being nervous, to recover quickly in stressful situations, to feel your presence “here and now” with all the acuteness.

    "Jar of rice" - patience training technique

    To do this, you need to count the grains of rice, shifting them from one glass to another. Have you counted? Write down how much you got, and then do everything in reverse order. The results, of course, should match. If you want to grumble, remember that in a Buddhist monastery you would be forced to number each grain of rice.

    "Kettle with food" - a mindful meal reception

    Attitudes towards food in the days of fast food and convenience foods, frozen desserts and ready-made meals from the supermarket have undergone significant changes compared to the beginning of the last century. However, the human body, both then and now, is able to send a satiety signal to the brain only 20-30 minutes after the onset of the action of digestive juices.

    Start your first meal by eating slowly, chewing slowly, and slowly breaking off pieces of the food served. You need to sit with a straight back and with a straight neck, bring cutlery to your mouth slowly, eat calmly. Satiety signals will reach the brain on time, less food will be required, a slim figure is provided along with the ability not to be irritated while eating.

    "Empty pot" - listening to silence

    Every week you need to set aside five (only five!) minutes in order to listen to silence. Turn off all phones, TVs, computers, dim the lights. You need to sit comfortably, without tension, put your hands on your hips. The left hand lies on the right, the thumb of the right hand - on the left palm, does not press on it, but simply lies.

    With your eyes closed, you need to focus on the sensations at the point where the finger touches the palm. In this position, listen to silence for five minutes. Two months later, meetings with silence are already taking place daily. During them, you can think about good and evil. The feeling of how to keep calm will consolidate over time, it can be easily called up in order not to be nervous, to be balanced in any conflict situation.

    Controlling negative emotions

    Zen Buddhists believe that every negative emotion is a message to be read and released. They compare negative emotions with fire and water, they say, it is easier to cope with a fire that has just started and a leaky faucet when you immediately take up the problem. As always, easier said than done, however, and here is the technology to help put everything on the shelves.
    1. Make a list of the 14 most commonly experienced negative emotions (anxiety, shame, hatred, longing, envy, rancor, etc.).
    2. Separate these emotions from your inner self. For example, not “I am jealous”, but “I feel jealous”, not “I am guilty”, but “I feel guilty”, further along the lines.
    3. Remember the strongest attack of anger, its cause, your feelings at the same time, physical sensations. Well, where is he now, this anger?
    4. We return to the list from the first paragraph. Now we need to determine what service each emotion served. "Anxiety helps you stay alert." "Embarrassment helps you adapt around strangers."
    5. In the future, feeling the growth of negativity, try to determine how this emotion can be useful. Most likely, now, having realized this, you will no longer become her hostage.
    Such an analysis requires a certain amount of time and desire. This is not such a high price for the opportunity to always be self-confident and not be annoyed in any situation.

    For every stress there is ... anti-stress

    If you want to assess the level of stress in your life, you can use the "social compliance scale" of American psychologists T. Holmes and R. Rahe, who evaluated every event in the life of an average person on a 100-point scale. In the first place there is the death of a spouse (100 points), and in the last place are the New Year holidays (12 points) and a minor violation of the law (11 points).

    By the sum of points, the level of stress and (attention!) the risk of getting sick are calculated. We don’t need such problems - in order to help ourselves and not get annoyed, we will perform the Antistress exercises.

    We pretend

    Exercise is effective for any level of stress. It is necessary to feign calmness, while a feeling of relaxation arises, and after a few minutes there comes a real calm. Here you need to be a little actor, to convince yourself that you are playing the role of a calm person. The secret here is that our subconscious mind always takes everything at face value - believing you, it influenced the external state.

    We smile and yawn

    Every textbook on psychology gives an example of how, with a smile, 42 facial muscles send a signal to the nervous system, starting the process of regulating breathing, relieving muscle clamps, and releasing “happiness hormones”. It works even with a forced, forced smile, and instantly. The same effect is produced by wide yawning, which does not give annoyance and brings relaxation.

    Understanding the world around

    The best remedy for growing stress is to keep in touch with your own Self. To achieve this, you need to observe what is happening as if from the side, act somewhat detached. You can not lose attention and control over the situation, call yourself all your actions. When you leave the house, say to yourself, "I'm leaving the house." As you wash the dishes, say to yourself, "I'm washing the dishes." When you turn on the computer, say to yourself: "I turn on the computer."

    Think it's too primitive? But “everything ingenious is simple”, you just need to try and make sure of the effectiveness of simple tips that will help you always be confident in your calmness and not get annoyed over trifles.