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  • How to analyze a poem? An example of analyzing a poem, how to properly analyze a poem

    How to analyze a poem?  An example of analyzing a poem, how to properly analyze a poem

    How to do a job analysis

    Before proceeding with the analysis of work, one should clearly understand the meaning and relationship of the following terms: purpose, objectives, areas of activity, forms and methods of work, and, in fact, work analysis.


    The purpose of the work is the desired end result


    The tasks that are set and solved in the process of activity are intermediate goals, the achievement of which involves obtaining the final result.


    Directions of activity are ways of solving the tasks

    Forms and Methods

    Forms and methods are those "Tools" with the help of which the librarian solves the assigned tasks in various areas of activity (conversations, exhibitions, reviews, literary matinees, quizzes, competitions, reading analyzes, etc.)

    Job analysis

    Unlike the report, the analysis involves the mandatory indication of the desired and obtained results of the work performed (both positive aspects and shortcomings) and conclusions indicating the completion, change or the need to continue work in each specific area.

    Home purpose of work schools in general and libraries in particular is the education of a harmoniously developed personality, socially adapted to life (an educated, well-mannered, healthy person).

    Based on this, main tasks The library works are:

    Assistance to the educational process. It includes the following areas, which can be set as independent tasks:
      Information culture. Teaching the skills to search for and use information Overcoming failure in learning Work to maintain and preserve the native language Introduction to the values ​​of global culture Education of a culture of behavior
    Patriotic education. Includes the following areas, which can be independent tasks:
      Russian culture Family Small Motherland Earth is our common home. Ecology Protecting your Motherland
    Healthy lifestyle.

    Job analysis starts with listing tasks, set and resolved in the reporting year. An independent task is also the methodological theme of the school.

    After listing the tasks, you should go directly to the analysis of the work carried out during the reporting period.

    As mentioned above, it is recommended to combine the work done into groups in accordance with certain tasks. That is, first they talk about activities related, for example, to the direction “Promotion of the educational process” and evaluate its effectiveness, then analyze the work on “Patriotic education”, etc.

    This section indicates and analyzes the joint work with teachers of various disciplines, class teachers to solve certain problems and the effectiveness of this activity (informing about the availability and new receipts of methodological and subject literature, preparing and holding school-wide and class events, etc.)

    Working with parents

    This section indicates and analyzes the work carried out with parents (discussion of the problems of children's reading, presentations at class hours with reviews of children's literature and analysis of students' reading, individual consultations, participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of school and class library events, etc.)

    Work with public libraries and other public, private and public organizations

    This section should indicate the types of joint activities with city public libraries, clubs, etc. It is also possible to reflect the participation of third-party organizations in the work of the library (for example, sponsorship)


    This section indicates how the librarian improved his professional qualifications (training in courses, studying special literature, getting to know the work experience of colleagues, etc.) But you need not only to list where and how the knowledge was obtained, but also indicate how it was , or will be put into practice.

    At the end of each section, a conclusion is drawn, which summarizes the work carried out in this direction. indicated. what results were obtained, what was done, what did not work and why.

    The analysis of the work ends with a general conclusion. Here it is necessary to summarize the results of the work, assess the fulfillment of the tasks set and outline promising areas of activity.


    Start analyzing a lyrical work by determining the date of writing and. Collect material on the creative history of the poem, tk. the factual side is very important for understanding its theme. Indicate to whom it is dedicated, if it has an addressee.

    Determine the theme of the work, i.e. what he writes about: about nature, love, the relationship between the lyrical hero and society, about philosophical categories, etc. Answer the question how the theme of the poem relates to its title.

    Follow the movement of the lyrical plot: how the mood of the lyrical hero changes throughout the poem, his attitude to what the author is talking about in. Words expressing feelings will help you with this: sadness, admiration, passion, bitterness, despondency, etc.

    Determine the features of the composition of the work, i.e. its construction. Find the main compositional technique used by the author: repetition, contrast, comparison by association, etc.

    Determine the size. Five sizes are used in the syllabic-tonic system: iambic is a two-syllable size that includes short (unstressed) and long (stressed) syllables. Trochee - a two-syllable poetic size, the foot of which contains a long and a short syllable following it. A dactyl is a three-syllable meter consisting of one long syllable followed by two short syllables. Amphibrach is a poetic meter formed by three-syllable feet with stress on the second syllable. Anapaest is a three-syllable poetic meter, the foot of which consists of two short and one long syllable. Depending on the number of stops, you can tell exactly how complex the size of the poem is.

    If the strings are not the same length, do not forget to indicate that the string is being truncated (growth). If the first and third lines are longer than the second and fourth, then the unstressed syllable is truncated. If the first and third lines are shorter than the second and fourth - building.

    It is not very easy to analyze a lyrical work, since much depends on the personal subjective perception of poetry. However, there are certain analysis schemes that help structure the analysis more clearly. There is no single scheme or plan for analyzing a poetic text, but in any case, it should show how well and deeply the reader understood the poem.

    You will need

    • The text of the poem, a piece of paper, a pen


    Specify the theme of the poem. Ask yourself: "What is the poet talking about in this?". Poetic works can be, patriotism, politics. Some describe landscapes and the beauty of nature, others are reflections on philosophical topics.

    In addition to the theme, sometimes it is also required to determine the idea or main idea of ​​the work. Think about what exactly the poet wanted to convey to the reader, what “message” lies in his words. The main idea reflects the attitude of the poet to the written, it is a key factor for a true understanding of a literary work. If the author of the work raised several problems at once, list them and highlight one as the main problem.

    Write what artistic means and stylistic devices the author used in this work. Give specific ones from the poem. Indicate for what purpose the author used this or that technique (stylistic figures, etc.), i.e. what effect was achieved. For example, rhetorical questions and appeals increase the reader's attention, and the use of irony indicates the author's mocking attitude, etc.

    Analyze the features of the composition of the poem. It consists of three parts. It's the meter, and the rhythm. The size can be indicated schematically so that it is clear which syllable is stressed. For example, in iambic tetrameter, the stress falls on every second syllable. Read one line from the poem aloud. So it will be easier for you to understand how the stress falls. The way of rhyming is usually indicated using the notation "a" and "b", where "a" is one type of line ending of the poem, and "b" is the second type.

    Specify the features of the image of the lyrical hero. It is advisable not to skip this point in the analysis of the poem. Remember that in any work there is an author's "I".


    At literature lessons or at the Olympiad, students often have to analysis poems. You can do this work with high quality and without much effort if you get acquainted with the plan (sequence and main components) analysis and lyrical works.


    Start compiling analysis poems with the message of the most important information about the work of the poet. First of all, indicate the date of writing the lyrical work and correlate it with the stages of the life and work of the poet. For example, during the period that is commonly called the Boldin autumn, a lot of works by A.S. Pushkin were written. If you get acquainted with the life story of the poet, you will understand the reason for such a creative upsurge: at that time, A.S. Pushkin was preparing for marriage with N.N. Goncharova and was happy.

    Indicate to which literary direction this lyrical work belongs: classicism, romanticism, realism, modernism, etc. Try to comment on the poet's choice. For example, in the early works of M.Yu. Lermontov, in the thirties of the nineteenth century, romanticism prevails. In these works you can feel the deep loneliness of the lyrical hero, his protest against reality, society, etc.

    Uncover creative story poems. If it was in one creative period of the poet, and completed much later, then this is an important remark in analysis e works. In addition, it is worth indicating information about what served as the impetus for writing poems. For example, the poem "Reflections at the front door" by N.A. Nekrasov, when he saw from the window how cruelly they treated the petitioners, at the porch of an important nobleman. In a few hours he wrote a poem, although before that he was in a creative crisis and could not write a single line.

    Specify a topic poems: love lyrics, reflections on the purpose of the poet and poetry, description of nature, love for the Motherland, etc. Try pro analysis to determine with the help of what artistic and expressive means, stylistic figures, etc. the poet reveals this theme.

    If the poet uses metaphors, epithets, oxymorons, and other artistic and expressive means, indicate them. Also note the impersonation, if any.

    If the mood or pace poems changes from the first stanzas to the last, indicate this in analysis e. For example, A.S. Pushkin's "Prisoner", the first lines are imbued with a gloomy mood, and in conclusion, when the poet writes about free life, the pace speeds up, and hopelessness and longing are replaced by the expectation of a miracle, joy,.

    Indicate the rhyme that you applied

    Let me know how you feel about what you read. poems, as well as what conclusions about the work of the poet, about his personality you were able to draw. If you have a desire to get acquainted with the works of this author in more detail after your analysis Oh, be sure to check it out.

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    Poetry is a special construction of speech, the most compressed and emphatically emotional area of ​​artistic thought. There are many specific elements in the poem: rhythmic organization, rhyme, special intonation and expressive means. Parsing these elements is analysis poems.


    Determine the genre of the analyzed poems. Genre lyrics combine the theme with metrical and stylistic means, as well as a pronounced emotional mood (ode - delight, idyll - tenderness, elegy - sadness, satire -).

    Each genre has its own themes. For an ode, these are religious, revolutionary, state; for an elegy - love, death, the transience of life, nature.

    In Russian poetry, there are five main sizes: trochee, in which stressed and unstressed syllables alternate: iambic - with alternation of unstressed and stressed; dactyl (stressed, unstressed, unstressed); amphibrachium (unstressed, percussion, unstressed) and anapaest (unstressed, unstressed, percussive).

    Next define the rhyme poems. It is a means of connecting lines with each other and is accurate (late - menacing), inaccurate (melting - waving), rich (firmly - urgently) and poor ( - counter).

    In addition, depending on the location of the stress, rhymes are divided into, with the stress on the last syllable (full - bottom), feminine, in which the penultimate syllable is stressed (rules - forced) and dactylic (chained - enchanted).

    The rhythmic structure of the lines is perceived when they are repeated. At the phonetic level, sound repetitions play an important role: assonances or repetitions of vowel sounds and alliteration - repetitions of consonants. In poetry, they are expressive and acquire semantic and aesthetic significance. Often they perform a visual function, which is called sound recording. For example, “Thunder rumbles” by Gorky, “Shurshat” by Balmont.

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    When analyzing a poem, you should determine the following:

    a) genre
    b) size;
    c) the type of rhyme and rhyme;
    d) the presence of sound repetitions and their role;
    e) paths and figures.

    Useful advice

    When determining the size, in order to avoid confusion and uncertainty, it is necessary to analyze not one, but several lines of the poem.


    • Approximate composition plan interpretation of a poetic text

    There are many schemes for analyzing a lyrical work. In some, more attention is paid to the form of the verse, in others the emphasis is on semantic content. Indeed, there is no universal plan for analyzing a poem. It all depends on the purpose of the analysis. As a rule, school analysis is simpler than university analysis. The proposed plan is one of the most complete and multifaceted. Some points of the plan can be replaced or swapped.


    Brief information about the author and the poem.
    There is no need to describe the entire biography of the author - it is enough to confine ourselves to those facts that are directly related to the analyzed poem. Give a brief history of the creation of the poem.

    We are dealing with a text if the sentences are united by a single theme and are related to each other grammatically and in content. Compositional unity and relative completeness make it possible to give a general title and highlight semantic parts. The lessons of literature require a comprehensive analysis of the text, the compilation of which is the subject of the proposed article. As an example, the parable "About a tired traveler" will be considered.


    The purpose of the analysis is to develop the ability to understand the ideological and aesthetic value of works and explain the origins of their expressiveness. Thanks to them, students will be able to write essays, reflections and other texts, replenishing vocabulary and using different styles of speech. What is text analysis, how to do it correctly?

    M. Gasparov identifies three levels that need to be mastered in the study of the work:

    1. Ideological and figurative (impressions and emotions, author's ideas and motives for writing, main characters and the writer's attitude towards them).
    2. Stylistic (analysis of syntax and vocabulary).
    3. Phonic (stanza, rhythm, metrics), used for lyrical works.

    Comprehensive text analysis requires certain preparation and knowledge, which we will discuss in more detail in the next subheading.

    Action algorithm

    Most often, literature deals with works of art - the smallest units of literary creativity, where the author's word about his understanding of life is refracted through the reader's perception. The analysis of a literary text requires the following actions:

    • careful reading with the allocation of individual parts (chapters, subheadings, paragraphs);
    • reflections on the title, which carries the main idea of ​​the essay;
    • drafting a text plan;
    • studying vocabulary and finding out the meaning of unfamiliar words in the dictionary;
    • collecting information about the author and his worldview, historical era and features of the creation of the work;
    • knowledge of the theory of literature, revealing what a genre, composition, chronotrope is;
    • possession of the skills of highlighting artistic means of expression (epithets, metaphors, hyperbole).

    Analysis plan

    In order to consider the work in the unity of form and content, the plan must include literary and linguistic aspects. Its scheme should precede the analysis of the text. How do you research a work of art? The following plan is proposed:

    1. Theme, main problem and meaning of the title.
    2. Author's position.
    3. Microthemes.
    4. Parts of the text and means of communication between them.
    5. Speech, style, genre of the work.
    6. The means of expression used, their role.
    7. Text composition.
    8. Reader's attitude to the problem of the work, emotional perception.

    The analysis of the text, an example of which will be considered in the article, is based on the content of a literary work. A small parable "About a weary traveler" tells about a group of people climbing a mountain. Everyone walked cheerfully and easily, and only one lagged behind the rest and complained of fatigue. At first, heavy luggage interfered with him, and his friends decided to free him from the burden. After some time, the traveler again began to delay the walkers and grumble that his legs hurt. The comrades decided to carry the friend in their arms, but they heard groans that he was getting tired even when they carried him. The traveler was carefully lowered to the ground, but the dissatisfied one again told how hard it was for him to lie down.

    The Lord heard the groans and sent the young man eternal rest. Death from laziness frightened the companions, who considered such an end of life despicable. For them, to die with honor is to die from work, raising their soul to the Mountain of Life.

    Text analysis: how to do it on the example of a specific work

    The theme of the parable is the attitude to life as an act and constant work, which is the essence of human life. The author is interested in the problem of the relationship between man and society, life and death, work and inaction. His conclusion: only labor leads a person to self-improvement and spiritual beauty. And that means to God.

    Four stanzas are distinguished in the text, expanding microthemes: a tired person and travelers, people and God, the moral aspect, and the author's conclusion. The first two stanzas are connected by a chain, and the subsequent ones by a parallel connection. This helps to reflect the sequence and logic of events and the formation of the author's thought.

    Analysis of the text, an example of which is considered in the article, allows us to define the work as a parable - a story containing a lesson. This is a small form of epic work, in which there is a didactic idea. The action is not tied to a specific place, but it could take place in any era and in any place.

    The style of the work is artistic. Colloquial speech is intertwined with bookish, solemn vocabulary.

    Completion of the analysis

    • A rich synonymic row for the central character, which makes his image more voluminous ( tired - alone - traveler - dissatisfied - unfortunate traveler - tired of the road).
    • Repetitions of words that help emphasize the annoyingness of the protagonist.
    • Paired antonyms that turn the work into a continuous antithesis: all - one, fun - grumbling, work - laziness, life - death.
    • Variety of vocabulary: from pathos words ( despicable, dust) to negative-evaluative ( grumbled), which allows to convey the author's irony in relation to the traveler.

    When analyzing the text, how to make the transition to the composition? First you need to determine how the plot develops. In this example, it is linear. There is a plot - the lag of a tired traveler and his dialogue with his comrades. The climax is a remark addressed to God, that “he is also tired of lying down.” The denouement is the attainment of eternal rest.

    The system of images is built in the form of a triangle: travelers - tired - God. The Almighty is not in a state of interaction with the characters, he is above them, fulfilling, in fact, the dream of the afflicted.

    The phraseological units used and the author's concluding reflections on the death of a tired traveler contribute to the fact that instead of a negative attitude towards the hero, the reader feels sympathy. So unreasonably and absurdly he disposed of his life. God stays with those who continue their difficult ascent to the Mountain of Life.

    Text analysis in literature cannot do without a personal relationship to what is read, because any work of art is designed to influence a person's emotions.

    Who needs a SWOT analysis and why? How to carry it out correctly. What types of SWOT analysis exist and in what situation to apply them.

    Starting a business project, many are faced with the need to plan their actions for a short or long period of time. In order for planning to be adequate to the current situation, it is necessary to take into account one's own capabilities that can be used to achieve the goal, shortcomings that could prevent this, as well as the influence of external factors on the success of the enterprise. One of the effective evaluation methods is a SWOT analysis, which will allow, taking into account all the realities, to build the most effective strategy for promotion, sales, advertising campaigns and any activity related to the life of the project.

    What is SWOT Analysis

    Currently, there are several methods for assessing the current position of a company that have proven their practical effectiveness in strategic planning. The most popular are SNW analysis and SWOT analysis.

    SNW analysis allows you to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the company, as well as take into account the characteristics of the organization that cannot be attributed to either the first or the second. At the same time, SNW does not take into account the factors of the outside world, which can also greatly influence the success of a particular strategy.

    SWOT analysis consists in evaluating the pros and cons of the company in terms of achieving the goal or accomplishing the task, as well as all the opportunities and risks of the external environment in which this company exists. This method is indispensable for strategic planning and setting goals and objectives of the organization, as well as for choosing ways to achieve and solve them.

    The name SWOT is an English abbreviation: Strengths (strengths), Weaknesses (weaknesses), Opportunities (opportunities), Threats (threats). It is these parameters that are evaluated in the analysis.

    What issues does the use of SWOT analysis solve?

    SWOT analysis is primarily aimed at assessing all the factors that may affect the achievement of the company's goal. Therefore, this analysis must be carried out based on a specific task.

    SWOT helps answer the following questions:

    • what resources the company has and what will be needed to achieve the goal;
    • what resource will be spent to achieve the goal;
    • what resources can be attracted from the external environment;
    • what hinders the achievement of the goal within the company;
    • what factors in the external environment can slow down or make it difficult to achieve the goals;
    • as a general conclusion - is the goal set for the company achievable and under what conditions is it possible;

    Simply put, by applying this method, the analyst clearly sees what can be done to achieve the goal, what means the company has to achieve this, and whether there are means to achieve the goal that can be taken from the outside world. Risk factors and ways to prevent them are also evaluated.

    Video: what is a SWOT analysis and how to do it

    The essence and varieties of SWOT analysis

    SWOT analysis is a description of all the above factors, and its results are most often visualized in the form of a table.

    SWOT table

    Inside the companyIn the outside world
    AdvantagesThis includes everything that contributes to the achievement of the company's strategic planning goals (strengths of the company)This includes all factors contributing to the development and achievement of goals (opportunities). For example, an increase in demand for a given product or service, an increase in the price of certain assets at the disposal of the organization, etc.
    disadvantagesEverything that can limit is entered into this cell.
    in achieving the goal within the company (weaknesses of the company)
    This cell includes economic, political, social, market and other factors that may adversely affect the implementation of the set goals (threats)

    Express analysis

    Express analysis is the simplest and fastest form of analysis. It includes accounting and evaluation of internal and external factors from the table above. All these factors are analyzed and summarized in the following table, which is called the cross matrix. Only those factors that can be correlated with each other are entered into this matrix. For example, high production rates (strength of the enterprise) will allow you to take advantage of high demand for the product (opportunity). Or lack of experience (weakness) may prevent the implementation of tasks in a highly competitive environment (threat).

    The advantage of express analysis is its simplicity and the ability to do it quickly. And also this form of SWOT analysis allows you to reflect internal and external factors in their interaction, which is important for the formation of an organization's strategy.

    The disadvantage of such an analysis is its superficiality and the fact that the matrix does not include those elements that may also be important for the development of the company, but they cannot be associated with an opportunity or a threat.

    Table: SWOT cross matrix

    Summary analysis

    A summary analysis is an analysis of both the present moment and the long-term prospects for the development of a company or product. This type of analysis is most often used in conjunction with other market research tools. To conduct a summary analysis, it is necessary to write out all the factors in the SWOT table, then evaluate each factor in terms of its weight for the company and the likelihood of its occurrence in the future.

    The summary analysis is done carefully, the process uses data obtained through other studies, if possible, the situation of the company under study is compared with the situation of competitors. Methods for improving the situation are also being developed.

    Mixed Analysis

    The mixed type of analysis simply combines the two previous ones. This is a detailed study of the company's position in the future, the results of which are entered into a cross matrix.

    Principles of

    In order for the results of the SWOT analysis to be reliable, it is important to adhere to some principles when conducting it:

    1. Avoid subjectivity. If you are evaluating a product, then its uniqueness and usefulness should not be your personal opinion, but the result of surveys, focus groups or other studies that allow statistically reliable assessment of market opinion. Strengths and weaknesses should be considered as such not according to the analyst, but according to the results of the research and in comparison with a similar product of competitors.
    2. Set as specific goals as possible. Simply assessing the situation is meaningless if there is no evaluation criterion, which becomes the significance of the factors under study for the goal. You have to get away from something. The more specific the goal, the more reliable and useful in practical application the result will be.
    3. Clearly categorize the SWOT elements according to the table. Do not confuse external threats with weaknesses or opportunities with resources. The fashion for your product will be your opportunity to increase sales, and the high quality of the product (again, compared to competitors and in the opinion of the market) will be your strength.
    4. Combine SWOT with other research methods. It is important that the elements of the matrix are not the analyst's conjectures, but actually confirmed by practice or research facts. The more information available to the analyst, the more accurate the result will be.
    5. Analyze only those factors that will be needed to achieve the goals and build the desired strategy.

    All weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities are determined by the actual data and results of marketing research, available in the public domain or obtained by the analyst

    In some cases, it is necessary to consider only those weaknesses and strengths within the company that can be influenced. A familiar marketer talked about how a SWOT analysis of the activities of a manufacturing organization with which he worked was built. At the same time, it was decided to evaluate the most delineated and amenable to influence area: the activities of the sales department. Neither the product nor production activities were taken into account, since it was the management of this department that planned to reconstruct in order to increase sales (at that time the company was operating at a loss). The goal was also set as specific as possible and understandable in digital terms: to develop a strategy to increase sales of an existing product without upgrading production (the company simply did not have the resources for this at that moment). It was this specific formulation of the question that led to the effectiveness of strategic planning in the future.

    Why and who needs a SWOT analysis

    SWOT analysis is a tool that has the desired effect when used correctly. Like an ax, which will be great for chopping wood, but not at all suitable for making porridge (although Russian soldiers may have a different opinion on this), a SWOT analysis will only be useful if applied to the site.

    At the same time, in many cases it is possible to do (and many even do) without a SWOT analysis, nevertheless, this tool will greatly facilitate the understanding of what and how to do, increasing the effectiveness of the strategy several times over.

    In what cases SWOT analysis will not hurt:

    • when compiling a tree of organization goals, determining the strategy for existing in the market both in the short and long term (here it is simply necessary);
    • when you start a new business project;
    • in cases where you are developing a new industry, developing or launching a new type of activity.

    Despite the fact that in theory a SWOT analysis should be done when starting any project, as it will show the feasibility of the undertaking, it will allow you to weigh all the risks and evaluate the opportunities, commensurate them with the internal resource, in practice, most often beginners neglect this. Many business projects start from scratch anyway, without building a strategy, and only then, after the first successes, managers turn to marketers. Nevertheless, a certain percentage of such projects, created on enthusiasm, come to a strong position in the market. Most often, SWOT analysis is used by those who have made bumps on their first business projects, as well as entrepreneurs who have sufficient experience and knowledge to understand the need for market research and their own product (organization).

    SWOT analysis allows you to form an action plan to achieve the goal

    Now it is necessary to be able to correctly analyze the poem, both for schoolchildren and students of philological faculties. In the modern school, more and more attention is paid to the analysis of poems every year, since the specifics of the USE provide high requirements for knowledge of terminology and practical skills in various fields. School programs are somewhat more complicated, students must master voluminous materials and be well versed in many literary nuances.

    The main features of the analysis of the poem
    The increase in the semantic load and the number of terms must be harmoniously combined with the release of teaching hours in schools for teaching the exact sciences. That is why the analysis of the poem is the best way to present the material and instill practical skills. When making an analysis, children quickly repeat all the terms, in practice they see how different poetic means differ.

    To analyze poems, you need to know a whole range of artistic techniques, determine stylistic trends, types of rhymes, make a graphic representation of a poetic text, and know the means of poetic phonetics and syntax. As a rule, the analysis of a poetic work takes a lot of time, it seems more difficult than the description of a prose text. The study of poems, their description, the creation of essays devoted to analysis usually cause the greatest difficulties for schoolchildren. Even students of secondary courses in linguistic areas are not always able to freely use literary tools, sometimes they do not see the structure of the text and cannot correctly determine the type of rhyme, artistic means, they confuse the image of the author and the lyrical hero.

    To eliminate all difficulties, it is important first of all to learn how to perform analysis according to a strict scheme, without deviating from a given algorithm. In this case, one must rely only on facts and know exactly the meanings of terms when a poetic text is studied in the field of its construction. Also, often, especially within the framework of the school curriculum, it is required to highlight one's own reader's position, artistically express personal impressions of the poem read. This is usually done in the form of a mini-essay. In this case, the skills of a competent presentation of thoughts, the ability to compose a logical and complete text that answers a question that fully reveals the topic, will come in handy.

    Thus, in order to perform a correct analysis of a poem, one needs a complex of literary knowledge and practical skills, the ability to determine the theme, the idea of ​​the text.

    Poem Analysis Algorithm
    When analyzing a poem, it is recommended to adhere to a clear scheme. In various articles devoted to the issue of research and description of poetic texts, they note that a rigid framework can prevent an objective study of a poem. In fact, no matter how subtle the poetic form is, it is important to consistently analyze the text. At school and institute, it is advisable to ask students to learn the scheme by heart, moreover, detailed, with the necessary explanations. This will make it easier to analyze, eliminating the possibility of missing the right items.

    Requirements and schemes are different everywhere: at universities they are as detailed as possible, they tend to have a detailed analysis in terms of vocabulary, artistic means, types of rhymes and stanzas; at school, more attention is paid to the content, idea, plot and images.

    There is a traditional scheme by which you can correctly analyze a poem, supplementing it with points indicated in a specific curriculum.

    1. First of all, you need to indicate the name of the work itself, the name of the author. This is often forgotten, however, even if the analysis needs to be done in the form of an essay, this information will need to be entered at the beginning.
    2. Then you should consider the history of the creation of the poem, highlight the facts of the author's biography that have any connection with the lyrical plot, pay attention to the time of writing the text and the history of its publication. If there is a dedication, it should be written about. It will be necessary to comprehend the context of the work as a whole, correlate it with a specific stage of the author's poetic work, highlight typical and atypical features. Thus, the place of this poem in the work of the poet is clarified.
    3. When it is possible to single out a certain literary movement to which the author belongs, it must be indicated. For example, if the poem is written in the traditions of futurism or acmeism.
    4. The theme of the poem is highlighted. This is a kind of basis for any text. Since there are often difficulties with attributing a work to a particular topic, it is customary to first indicate the leading topic by choosing the appropriate option from several traditional ones: landscape theme, friendship lyrics, love, philosophical, civil, poetry and poet theme. It is advisable to write about the main motives of the work, that is, narrower formally fixed sub-themes, such as the motive of loneliness, meeting, enmity, longing, disappointment, exile. Determining the theme of the poem, you can learn to understand its meaning and subtext.
    5. It is important to say about the development of the conflict and the plot in the poem. You should highlight the main events and try to state them, even if this is a description of nature: "the lyrical hero looks at ...". The lyrical-epic genre is characterized by a detailed plot, and in lyrical poems it is noticeably weakened.
    6. At this stage, having found out the main theme and motives, the development of the conflict, you need to write about the idea of ​​​​the poem. An effective method is to try to ask problem questions to the work, determining its essence, subtext. The problem is usually introduced into the subtext, rarely formulated openly. It is often difficult for schoolchildren to grasp the difference between a topic and an idea. Sometimes teachers do not draw a clear boundary, as a result, it is even more difficult to remember the specifics of the idea in the future. The theme is what the poem is about. The idea is what the work is written for. The author clothes the idea that he wants to convey to the reader in a poetic form and comes up with a specific content. But first it is the idea that appears, it plays the main role in the work, determines its theme, form, artistic means.
    7. Then you need to determine the main mood of the poem, see how it changes. Most often, the feelings of lyrical heroes are described in dynamics.
    8. It is very important to be able to correctly identify the lyrical hero. Even in literary criticism, among scientists, the opinion about the boundaries of this concept is ambiguous. The hero of a lyrical work manifests himself only through emotions, he is very often completely likened to the image of the author, which is not true. The lyrical hero and the author can be connected in different ways. Sometimes a lyrical subject is singled out: the world is passed through the prism of a fictional "I". Sometimes the lyrical hero is the "double" of the author, revealing his consciousness. In philosophical poetic works, the lyrical hero is the most difficult to determine, since problems come to the fore, and not the image of emotions and feelings.
    9. Next, you need to specify what composition the work has. Dividing the text into semantic parts, it is easy to follow the development of the plot, the theme, the transformation of mood, to see the main poetic idea. It is necessary to determine whether the stanza is a complete thought, or several stanzas express one thought, the meaning of the stanzas is contrasted or compared. Separately, they write about the role of the last stanza: how significant it is for revealing the idea, whether the conclusion contains. Not every poem has a pronounced composition, the analysis depends on the specifics of the text.
    10. Now it is necessary to indicate what vocabulary the author uses in the poem: neologisms, occasionalisms, archaisms, everyday vocabulary, everyday, journalistic, bookish.
    11. It is important to correctly list all literary devices, artistic means, to accurately determine the poetic size. At school, they are more often limited to indicating the size (iambic, trochee, dactyl, amphibrach or anapaest) and depicting its graphic design, determining the number of feet. They write the main tropes (epithets, comparisons, allegories, hyperbole, personifications, metaphors). University students necessarily give a more detailed analysis. They describe in detail the means of poetic syntax and intonational figures (rhetorical question, exclamation, appeal, anaphora, epiphora, gradation, ring, junction, antithesis, omission, parallelism, inversion, non-union, invective, juxtaposition of opposites). They also write in detail about poetic vocabulary, designate rhyme in detail (for example, masculine, adjacent, exact), indicate rhythm-forming elements (metric stresses, end pauses, internal consonances, etc.). If the poem was attributed to a specific direction, it is important to prove this with examples, analyzing artistic means.
    12. The genre affiliation of the poem is indicated (madrigal, elegy, ode, satire), stylistic (folk song flow, classical, propaganda).
    It is best to conclude the analysis with a small sketch: write about your personal impression of the text you read, express your own reader's opinion, tell how the work influenced the inner world, what it reminded you of.

    It is very important to be able to correctly analyze the poem. In the process of studying the text, you can discover in it a lot of new things that were not noticed when reading. Analysis develops memory, literary skills.