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  • Brief description of the scarecrow. "I, Scarecrow" - it's so much fun

    Brief description of the scarecrow.

    In 1981, a story was published that shocked Soviet readers, because the events described in it looked like real nonsense: young Leninist pioneers spread rot on a new student. The author of the work is Vladimir Zheleznikov. “Scarecrow” (a brief summary is given below) - this is how he called his story, the idea of ​​​​which he took from life: similar events happened to his granddaughter. The work shocked the actor and director so much that already in 1983 a feature film shot by him with the same name was released on the screens of Soviet cinemas.

    So, a summary of "Scarecrow". The action takes place in a small provincial town. The local eccentric old man Nikolai Nikolaevich Bessoltsev, who collects paintings, is visited by his 12-year-old granddaughter Lena. She enrolls in a local school, absolutely sincerely hoping to make new friends here. But classmates almost immediately begin to mock her. They are amused by her spontaneity and naivete, combined with her awkward appearance: long, thin arms and legs, a big mouth with an eternal smile and two pigtails. Before she even spent five minutes in a new class, she gets the nickname "Scarecrow". The summary of this story is not able to convey those negative emotions that their new classmate caused in schoolchildren.

    Only one boy did not laugh at her. It was Dima Somov, who enjoyed the authority of the whole class, since he was considered handsome and smart, and was also the son of wealthy parents. But Lena Bessoltseva is alien to any selfish thoughts. She just wants to be friends. Dima accepts her friendship and tries to protect her as much as possible from the attacks of her classmates. And when he saved the dog that Valka's classmate wanted to hand over to the knacker, he became a real hero for the girl. But soon the friendship cracked because of Somov's act. He told the teacher that the whole class ran away to the cinema. Lena heard this conversation, but she was firmly convinced that Dima would admit to his classmates that it was because of him that now they would not all go on vacation to Moscow. But he did not confess, and the girl took his guilt upon herself. Somov's conversation with the teacher was heard by two more classmates, but they preferred to remain silent in order to see how he would get out. Lena, as a traitor, has been boycotted.

    Once Valka the flayer ran into the courtyard of the house where the Scarecrow lived (the summary is not able to convey all the details), and stole her dress from the clothesline. In addition, he saw Somov there. He chased after Valka to take away the dress. Lena ran after them and ended up at a dilapidated church, near which the whole class had gathered. The boys and girls made a scarecrow out of straw (the summary does not allow describing the whole enormity of the further action), put a stolen dress on him and arranged for him to be burned. Bessoltseva rushes to a burning branch with a dress and, having untied it from a pole, disperses her blasphemous classmates with it. She understands that everyone hates her for the betrayal that she did not commit, but continues to remain silent.

    Somov betrays one of his classmates who heard his confession to the teacher, but

    Lena doesn't care anymore. She wants to leave this town and persuades her grandfather to let her go or go with her. Grandpa hesitates. Lena comes to Somov's birthday, shaved bald, and in the very charred dress that was put on the scarecrow. A brief summary will never convey all the emotions, so it would be better to read a book or watch a movie. The girl defiantly plays the fool and with a fake smile proclaims herself a scarecrow, a freak and a nonentity. Classmates are shocked, but everyone suddenly understands in the depths of their souls that each of them is a freak and a nonentity. They leave Somov's house, and the next day they are finally convinced that he is the traitor. They are ready to ask for forgiveness from Lena, but it's too late: she's leaving. Her grandfather travels with her, but before leaving, he donates his house, along with a priceless collection of paintings, to the city. He presented the school with a portrait of his grandmother. When the children saw the picture, they were stunned: from an old portrait, more like an icon, a young woman looked at them, exactly like Bessoltseva.

    This article presents summary according to the chapters of the story Scarecrow"Vladimir Zheleznyakova.

    Lenka, the main character of the story, ran through the streets of the town in a highly agitated feeling, mentally turning to her grandfather with one single request - to urgently leave this city.

    Lenka's grandfather's name was Nikolai Nikolaevich Bessoltsev. He knew well the history of his old town, standing on the banks of the Oka. The Bessoltsev family was respected in the city. One of the Bessoltsevs was an artist, and the other a doctor. The doctor was shot by the Nazis for treating Soviet soldiers with German medicines. Nikolai Nikolayevich loved the Bessoltsevs' house from childhood and decided to come to his native city after the death of his wife. Upon arrival, Nikolai Nikolaevich found a house with boarded up windows, a leaky roof, and a rotten porch. He immediately set to work. He was unsociable and not talkative. The townspeople treated the arrived Bessoltsev with respect, but they did not understand his way of life. He liked to walk around the city all alone. And at night, the lights were often on in his house. It was rumored that Nikolai Nikolaevich was a big fan of painting and that he was buying up paintings with his last money. In fact, Nikolai Nikolayevich was examining the paintings of his great-grandfather, an artist, which at one time were carefully hidden by Nikolai Nikolayevich's sister, sheathed with burlap. Nikolai Nikolaevich dreamed that his son and his family would someday come to live in this house. Once the townspeople saw Nikolai Nikolaevich accompanied by a girl of 12 years old. He told everyone he met that this was his granddaughter Lena. In autumn Lenka went to the 6th grade.

    September Lena lived in an inspired state. She admired and marveled at the autumn city. But at the beginning of November, something happened. Lenka ran into the house in an excited state. Grandfather, Nikolai Nikolaevich, at that time removed dust particles from the paintings and immediately admired them. He did not notice what condition Lenka was in. She shook everything out of the briefcase and began to collect her things in it. She immediately asked her grandfather for money to go home to her parents. Nikolai Nikolaevich asked what happened. Lena said that Dimka Somov had a birthday and again asked for money for a ticket. Grandfather refused. Lena stated that then she would steal the painting from him and sell it. She began to remove the nearest picture from the wall. For this, the grandfather gave Lena a slap in the face. Then Lena ran to the door. Nikolai Nikolaevich grabbed Lena by the arm. But she bit her grandfather and ran away. Nikolai Nikolayevich dressed hastily and ran out after him.

    At this time, Lena's classmates were going to Dima Somov's birthday party. Sixth-grader Valka, who will later be given the nickname "Flayer", Shaggy and Red, dressed up Shmakova and Popov. Then they noticed the bespectacled Vasilyev on the one hand and Mironova, nicknamed the Iron Button, dressed in a school uniform. Judging by Vasiliev's clothes and the bag in his hands, he was not going to the birthday party. To a direct question from the guys whether Vasilyev was going to Somov, Vasilyev honestly answered that he was not. Mironova asked about the true reasons for this decision. Vasiliev said that he was simply tired of Somov. Then the Iron Button asked Vasiliev: "Do you know what is due for betrayal of ideals?" The guys did not begin to find out for a long time what was happening. They surrounded him. Mironova "expressively looked at Shaggy" and Shaggy hit Vasilyev hard. He fell, got on his knees and tried to find his glasses. Valka stepped on Vasiliev's glasses. But Vasiliev put on broken glasses, called the guys savages and ran away. Later, the guys met the class teacher Margarita Ivanovna, who at that time was not up to the guys. A little later, the guys came face to face with Lena Bessoltseva. The kids were really excited. They guessed that Lenka was going to leave. They began to yell that the Scarecrow was leaving their city and that they had won. They surrounded Lena and began to shout the word "Scarecrow!" They circled around her and continued to tease her. This scene was seen by Nikolai Nikolaevich who appeared. He stopped this madness with the words that it is not good for six to one. Everyone wanted to run away. But Mironova did not allow anyone to escape from the Patcher (that was the nickname of Nikolai Nikolaevich). She contemptuously told Lena's grandfather that they had nothing to be ashamed of, but he should be ashamed of his granddaughter. Nikolai Nikolaevich asked why. Iron Button advised him to ask Lena herself. After that, a group of teenagers went to Dima Somov, and grandfather and Lena decided that she would leave the city tomorrow. At home, through the window, they heard the sounds of fun from Somov's house. Nikolai Nikolaevich could not muffle these sounds either with a closed window or by playing the piano. Then Lena decided to tell her grandfather everything that had happened to her.

    Lena began her story from the very beginning, that is, from September. Margarita Ivanovna, the class teacher, asked Ryzhy to introduce Lena Bessoltseva to the class. Lena really wanted to make friends with Ryzhim and therefore smiled all the time. The redhead, seeing Lena's smile, could hardly contain his laughter. Entering the classroom, Red could no longer restrain his laughter. He introduced Lena "so new" that the whole class began to laugh too. Lena had a smile, even if the strings were sewn on! The guys laughed at Lena and her grandfather, the Patchmaker. But Lena decided that they were just funny guys and also laughed along with everyone. Lena was immediately dubbed the Scarecrow. Only Dimka Somov stood up for Bessoltseva and stopped the general mockery of Lena. At that moment Margarita Ivanovna entered. She was getting married. On the occasion of her happiness, she treated the children with a box of chocolates. And she also invited the guys to go to Moscow on vacation. The class rejoiced. Margarita Ivanovna said that the children should ask their parents for money for the trip. But Dima Somov said that it would be more correct to earn money for the trip. Everyone supported. It was time to start the lesson. But Lena didn't have her place in the class. Of all the guys, Dima Somov was the most friendly to her. Therefore, Lena asked him if the place next to him was free. Dima said that it was busy. But he will try to solve this problem. He informed Shmakova at all hearing that there were applicants for her place. Shmakova was indignant, but gave way to Lena and moved to Popov, holding a grudge against both the newcomer and Dima. Then the class began to visit kindergartens, state farms and factories in order to earn money for the trip. On one of those days, the guys were working in the garden, picking apples. The day was rainy. Lena came in only shoes, which immediately got wet. Then Dima took off his rubber boots and gave them to Lena. Once they worked in a toy factory. Dima Somov received another salary for the whole class. The money was put into a common piggy bank. Dima handed the piggy bank to Lena for safekeeping. She at that time was with a Hare mask on her head. When Dima left the room, the guys put on animal masks and began to circle around Lena, shouting that they would outsmart the Hare and take away the treasure chest. In the beginning, Lena accepted the game. But when they started pinching and pushing her, she got scared, fell down and called Dima for help. He came. The game has stopped. Lena said that there are a lot of animals around. One day Lena and Dima were walking down the street together. Then Dima noticed Valka dragging a dog on a rope. Dima took the dog away and immediately released it. Valya began to loudly call Petya, his older brother, for help. He ran. Petya hit Dima. And later it turned out that the dog was caught again by the brothers. Dima told Lena that Valya was catching dogs in order to sell them to the knackers for money. Then Lena called Dima a hero and offered friendship. Kissed him. Valya and Petya saw this scene.

    It's the last day of school before the holidays. Money for a trip to Moscow was collected. The last lesson was supposed to be physics. But "physics got sick." The guys decided to skip class and go to the cinema. However, when they entered the classroom, the children found a note on the blackboard from Margarita Ivanovna, announcing that instead of physics there would be a lesson in literature. Moreover, Dima Somov finished off everyone with a statement that after school everyone should go to work for free in a kindergarten. They promised to help, but the word must be kept. But no one supported him. They began to argue with him and look for excuses: some shouted that their parents forbade them to work, others that it was not fair to work for free, etc. Then Petya, Valka's brother, appeared at the door and generally erased Margarita Ivanovna's note. At the same time, he reminded Dimka that offending his brother is fraught. Therefore, Dima's desire to tell about Valka that he is a flayer immediately disappeared. The class decided that, in fact, someone unknown could have erased the writing on the blackboard. This was the reason to quickly get together in the cinema. The guys are gone. But not all. Shmakova and Popov remained in the class. Dima forgot his piggy bank. Shmakova and Popov began to dream of who could buy what with the money from the piggy bank. Hearing footsteps, they hid under the desk. Margarita Ivanovna entered. A little later, Dimka ran in for a piggy bank. He did not know that Lena was running after him and turned out to be an unwitting witness to the conversation between Dima and the class teacher. Dima did not know about those hiding under the desk either. Margarita Ivanovna demanded that Dima tell why they erased her note from the board and where everyone was. Dimka tried to get out, but Margarita called Dimka a coward. Then Dimka told everything. Lenka thought that Dima would tell the guys about everything. But Dima was silent. He didn't tell the truth to her either. Meanwhile, Shmakova thought of something.

    The next day everyone came to class with their suitcases. Margarita Ivanovna was in a very beautiful dress and with a rose. But her face was distressed and stern. She announced to everyone that the principal of the school slapped her with a reprimand due to the fact that the students of her class deliberately disrupted the lesson. In this regard, the trip to Moscow is cancelled. Someone angrily declared that they deliberately disrupted the lesson in order to annoy Margarita Ivanovna. The teacher was amazed. Dimka Somov tried to calm everyone down and even offered to go to the director and apologize. And Margarita Ivanovna shouted that the guys were joking like that. But when everyone realized that the trip was finally cancelled, they asked what to do with the money they earned. Margarita Ivanovna went up to the piggy bank and broke it. She said that now the guys can go to the cinema at least every day and left the classroom. We decided to share the money. Shmakova began to count and arrange into 36 piles. Dimka offered not to give up the idea of ​​going to Moscow, saving up more and going on a trip during the winter holidays. But no one supported him except Bessoltseva. And the Iron Button unexpectedly offered to find a traitor, because someone passed the class to Margarita. Dimka was very frightened. And Lena hoped that he would confess. But in vain. Mironova gave the traitor 3 minutes to confess himself before she called his name. Everyone was silent. 3 minutes have passed. Then the Iron Button began to measure the pulse of everyone. Popov's pulse was elevated. She called him a traitor. Somov stood up for Popov. But the Iron Button interrupted him and demanded that Popov tell everything. Popov agreed to tell everything. And again Dimka was frightened. Seeing how Dima's face had changed, Lenka took pity on him and declared that she was a traitor. Shaggy hit her twice hard on the back. But Lenka still laughed. The Iron Button proposed to boycott Scarecrow! Everyone agreed. Margarita Ivanovna heard about the boycott, going up to the door and pounding on the door. When Mironova opened the door, someone told Margarita Ivanovna that Moscow was calling her to the phone. The classroom immediately forgot what she wanted from the class and ran to the phone. Everyone shouted "Boycott Scarecrow!" And Lenka also shouted "Boycott!", as if it did not concern her. And laughed along with everyone. Valka stuck to Dimka and demanded that he shout "Boycott Scarecrow!" Then Lenka once again felt sorry for Dima. And she loudly shouted "Boycott!" in Valentine's ear. Valka immediately backed off. When the buses moved to Moscow, the guys saw Margarita Ivanovna below. She waved her hand at them. Valya suggested that she spit on her head. Others were outraged by this. Shaggy generally called Valya a bastard. Finally, everyone decided that Margarita Ivanovna was simply calling everyone downstairs. The class immediately rushed to run to the buses. Only Dimka and Lena remained in the office. Dimka wanted to say something to Lena, but she unexpectedly laughed. Then Dima ran out of the classroom. Lena ran out after Dima. It was the last day she had fun.

    Dima and Lena joined the class. In the general joy of the school, only the 6th grade was downcast. As it turned out, the guys misjudged Margarita Ivanovna's gesture. The whole school left for Moscow, except for the primary grades and their 6th grade. Almost all classmates began to disperse. Only a group of leaders remained. They ominously surrounded Lena and Dima, clasped their hands and began to tease, trying to hurt them between insults. Unexpectedly, Vasiliev broke the circle and gave the boycotted an opportunity to escape. The chase began. Dima and Lena ran into the hairdresser's. Aunt Klava, Ryzhy's mother, worked there. Dima managed to ask her not to give out the location of him and Lena. Aunt Klava complied with the request. But while Dima and Lena were hiding, they turned out to be unwitting witnesses to the conversation between Ryzhy and his mother. It turns out that Red has not seen his father for more than 3 years. In Moscow, Ryzhiy wanted to see him. Mom told Red that his father was waiting for him. The redhead got very angry and rushed off with an even greater desire to take revenge on the Scarecrow for the disrupted trip. When Lena and Dima came out of hiding, Somov asked Lenka when she had time to tell Margarita about everything. Lena admitted that she did not tell the class anything, she just wanted to protect Dima. Dima asked Lena not to tell the guys anything yet, because this story does not look very believable. Without her, he will tell the guys the truth. Lena agreed. At this point in the story, grandfather and Lena quarreled, because the grandfather could not stand it and called Dimka a coward, a scoundrel and a traitor. And he even tried to protect his evil classmates. So it seemed to Lena. Then she fell silent and cut off her story. But she continued it the next day. She thought of Red. And for some reason, she suddenly felt sorry for him. She decided that perhaps Redhead laughed to tears at himself with everyone together, not because he was having fun, but from deep resentment? So Lena had a rethinking of what had happened.

    Lena and Dima did not leave the hairdresser's because Lenka unexpectedly decided to do her hair. For some time Dimka was waiting for her, and then he decided to go home. On the way he met Valka. When asked where Bessoltsev, Dima replied that he did not know. Realizing that Lenka was in danger, he doubted whether it was worth going home, but the rumbling in his stomach helped Somov decide in favor of the house. While Dimka was walking, he figured out how and what to tell the guys to get behind Lenka. Therefore, he went home with a very light soul. While Dima was having lunch, the guys gathered near the hairdresser's, wondering where the fugitives might be. Valka said that he had seen Somov, but that he did not know where the Scarecrow was. Popov appeared and told everyone that Dimka Somov's father had bought a brand new car. The guys were envious. Vasiliev came and they tried to beat him for letting the traitors out of the ring. Then the door of the barbershop opened and everyone saw Lena with her hair. Shmakova became even angrier with envy. Lena was surrounded. Valka took out a pipe and peas. He began to painfully fire at Lenka. She didn't cry. But she clutched at her sore spots out of inertia. The guys enjoyed their mockery. Unexpectedly, Aunt Klava came out. Peas got into her. She angrily demanded to stop bullying Bessoltseva. But Ryzhiy not only disobeyed his mother, but even tried to hit Lena. Aunt Klava grabbed his hand. At that moment, Valka and Shaggy grabbed Lenka and tried to drag him away. Lenka fell and screamed heart-rendingly "Dimka". Aunt Klava demanded not to touch the girl. But no one listened to her. Then Vasiliev suddenly scattered the guys and gave Lena the opportunity to escape. Everyone immediately rushed after her. And Vasiliev saw Dimka and stopped. There was a conversation between Dima and Vasiliev. Vasiliev admitted that he likes Bessoltseva and that he does not believe in her betrayal. And Dima asked Vasiliev to talk to Lena and invite her to leave the city. At that moment, they heard from afar the words of classmates "Scarecrow" and "Traitor". Then they rushed towards the screams.

    Lena ran out into her street. After her shouted "Scarecrow!". Passers-by turned around and looked with curiosity at the running Scarecrow. It was humiliating. And remembering this, Lena regretted that then she rushed to run. Now she believed that it was necessary to just fight back to the end no matter what. And if she ran, then she felt guilty. She was able to get to her house. And then she saw Dima. The guys rushed to him. He began to tell them something, moving away from her house. Lena decided that Dimka was revealing the truth to the guys and was delighted. She was waiting for him, she thought he would come and tell everything. But he didn't come. Then she called him. Dima's sister picked up the phone. She said that Dima was not at home. It got dark. Someone knocked on the window. Lenka opened its doors. A bear's head appeared in the window with a terrible roar. Lenka was very frightened, slammed the window and turned off the light. Grandpa came. He was very happy that evening, because he received a picture of his great-grandfather "Masha" as a gift. It was the last work of the artist. Grandfather told Lenka about the picture, about the one that was depicted in this picture, but Lena listened to him listlessly and without much interest. Again there was a knock on the window. Grandpa opened the window. With a roar, a bear's head appeared. Grandfather contrived and tore off his head. Under the mask was Dimka. Lenka immediately decided that Dimka was forced to do this, and now Dimka introduced himself to her with his hands tied. She began to shout out the window "Dimka", but no one answered. Grandfather tried to calm her down. But Lenka was in the strongest excitement. She ran out of the house, thinking that Dimka did not respond because a gag was put in his mouth. However, she saw that in fact all her tormentors were sitting at Somov's house and drinking tea. No one held Dimka's hands, beat him, or tied him up. Then she realized that Dimka had deceived her. She grabbed a stone and broke a window in Dima's house. She returned home pale and exhausted. Through the window, he and his grandfather heard "Scarecrow!" and "Patcher!"

    The next day, Lena was washing her soiled dress. Through the window, she noticed Dima, who was going to her. She immediately went out into the garden, ostensibly to hang her dress to dry. Dimka went into the garden. He confessed to Lenka that he was a scoundrel. He asked for forgiveness and promised to tell the guys everything. Lenka believed him again. Then Dima kissed her. The kiss was seen by Valka passing by. He jumped up, tore the dress off the rope, and said he would return it in exchange for the bear mask. Dimka demanded to return the dress and rushed after Valka. Lena stopped Somov, went to the house for a bear's muzzle and gave it to Dima. Somov asked if Lenin's grandfather knew about what was happening? Lena said no. Dima was delighted. He ran to the guys to confess. And Lenka was afraid for Dimka and decided to be there in case of trouble. The boys gathered in the barn. Lena hid near the rotten hole in the barn. The guys laughed at Ryzhiy, who put on Lenin's dress and portrayed the Scarecrow. Entered Dimka demanded to give the dress. Valka immediately began to talk about the kiss and that Somik was working on two fronts. Dimka was immediately twisted. Valka began to beat Somov until he could defend himself. But Dimka went berserk and escaped. A fight started. Dimka grabbed the pole and began to swing it. The guys did not dare to attack the armed Somov. But when Somov met the eyes of the Iron Button, she ordered him to give up the pole. He said that 4 guys hid behind the girl's shoulders and threw the pole. A conversation took place between Mironova and Somov, in which Dima tried to confess to the denunciation. Everyone agreed that Dimka could well tell Margarita about everything and immediately began circling menacingly around Somov. Dimka got scared again and said that he was joking. But Iron Button demanded to confess, looking into her eyes. Everyone began to attack Dimka. Lena could not stand it and ran into the barn. She began to push them away from Somov. She fought. When they noticed her, they were very surprised that she was not afraid to come. Mironova bluntly asked which of them and Somov was the traitor. Lena said she did. Dimka did not refute her words. Lena demanded to return her dress. But the guys began to throw it to each other over Lena's head. And she rushed between them, trying to catch. When the dress fell into Dima's hands, she held out her hand and smiled at him. But he did not give her the dress, but threw it to someone else. He was immediately approved. Lena hit Dima on the cheek. The guys knocked her down, tied her up, and dragged her out of the barn. There was also a garden scarecrow. They put Lenin's dress on him, stuck him in the ground and handed matches to Dima. He hesitated. Lena asked him not to set it on fire. But Dima set it on fire. And then Lenka screamed very loudly and heart-rendingly. The guys got scared and let Lena out. She rushed to the fire, tore the scarecrow out of the ground and began to swing it. The boys started to run away in fear. And Lena circled with a stuffed animal in her hands until she fell. She heard Mironova tell Dimka about her that traitors should not be pitied. Then Lena heard receding footsteps. After some time, Dima returned to Lena (He was hiding in the bushes) and again gave her a promise to tell the whole truth. It's just that no one believed him now. Lena began to take off her dress from the scarecrow. I got burned. Dimka touched her cheek. But Lena recoiled from him, as if stung. She went to the river. I found an old boat there and hid under it.

    The next morning I had to go to school. But Margarita Ivanovna has not yet arrived. Lena skipped this day. Lena came to school when Margarita had already arrived. Lena was late on purpose and went into the classroom after the bell. Margarita invited Lena to sit down. But Lena was waiting for a fair analysis of what had happened. The teacher did not understand what Lena was expecting. Moreover, Margarita Ivanovna offered to forget everything that happened, because she was no longer angry with her 6th grade. Then Lena said that she would never sit down at the desk again, she was leaving and went to say goodbye. Lena ran out of the classroom. At that moment, Lenka suddenly confessed to her grandfather that she had betrayed him, because she was ashamed of his patches and did not defend his honor. They say if he was a beggar, then she also hid from him and was ashamed. Now she understands that this is not possible. This was the end of Lena's story. She began to collect things, intending to leave the town. And the music from next door was still coming. Suddenly, Vasiliev appeared on the threshold in broken glasses. He asked Lena if she was really leaving and if she was really a traitor? But what about honor? Then Nikolai Nikolaevich said that Lena had not betrayed anyone. Vasiliev retorted, saying why then is she leaving? Cowardly? Then Lenka jumped up, put on a burnt dress that had once been on a scarecrow and ran out. Vasiliev followed her.

    Lenka ran into the hairdresser's. Aunt Klava met her extremely unfriendly. But Lenka told her almost everything, without giving out Dimka's name. Aunt Klava sympathized with Lena and wanted to do the best hairstyle. But Lenka demanded to shave her head. Aunt Klava was indignant. Then Lenka grabbed the scissors and cut her hair. Aunt Klava reconciled herself and shaved Lenka. Bessoltseva pulled on her cap and went to Dimka. When she entered, everyone was surprised and the dancing stopped with merriment. Lenka grimaced to the music in front of everyone. When the music stopped, she pulled off her hat and everyone saw her shorn head. Lenka began to shout that it was necessary, how beautiful they all are, and she is a SCARECROW! She spoke to each one separately. She asked Dimka how it happened that he was so positive, but became friends with Scarecrow? Traitor? That's probably why he doesn't look her in the eyes and is so thin. Worries, apparently, that he made friends with the sneak! What about Iron Button? How did it happen that she, a fighter for justice, is friends with the flayer Valka, who sells dogs for a ruble? Well, Shaggy? Come on, hit the Scarecrow on the head! After all, the main thing in life is strength! In the end, Lenka said that she felt sorry for them, the poor. And she left. Shaggy rushed to Valka because of the dogs. Valka accidentally revealed the secret of his family during the scuffle. It turns out that Shaggy's father was made disabled by the brothers Valka because of the moose, which the forester, Shaggy's father, once tried to protect. Iron Button ordered Shaggy not to touch Valka, and snorted contemptuously in the direction of the flayer. In her opinion, such people do not belong in her company. Valka ran away. Mironova praised the Scarecrow, saying that Lenka did a good job, hit everyone! And if she had not been a traitor, then she would have made friends with her, because all the rest are squishy! After these words, Mironova left. Shaggy and Red followed her. Dima, Shmakova and Popov remained in the room. It was then that Shmakova revealed the truth to Dimka, saying that at the moment of his conversation with Margarita, she and Popov were sitting under the desk and heard everything. Dimka was terribly frightened. And Shmakova, pleased that now Somov was in her power and the slave Popov could be replaced by Somov, declared that this was a secret and they would not tell anyone in the class! But Popov suddenly declared that he could no longer do it and ran out.

    The next morning Lena woke up from knocking and shuddering at home. She ran out into the street in fear. Nikolai Nikolaevich clogged the windows of the house. Seeing Lena, he demanded to bring nails. When the house was boarded up, Grandfather and Lena went to the pier. They carried with them a picture that they called Masha and suitcases. Suddenly, already familiar voices reached them: “Hold!” The guys from the Lenin class ran past Lena and grandfather. They drove Dimka Somov through the streets of the city, as they once drove Lena. Lena gave the picture to her grandfather and ran after the angry guys. Dimka was herded into the classroom. He was pressed from all sides. Then Somov jumped up on the windowsill, opened the window and announced that he would jump down. At that moment, Lena entered the classroom. No one saw her, everyone was riveted on Dima. Lena quietly and calmly said "Get off the window!" Then Dimka jumped off. The guys surrounded Lena. Mironova proposed to boycott Somov. The guys began to vote "For!" and only Bessoltseva was AGAINST! Iron Button was surprised. She asked why Scarecrow is against? And Lena replied that she was poisoned and burned at the stake. Therefore, she will never poison anyone. Valka shouted that then the boycott and Scarecrow. But no one supported him. In general, few people now considered him, he was despised for his savagery. Then Margarita Ivanovna came in and said that Lena's grandfather, Nikolai Nikolaevich Bessoltsev, had donated his legendary house and a priceless collection of paintings to the city. Therefore, now a museum will open in the city. Lena was surprised no less than her classmates. It was difficult for the children to understand Lena's grandfather's act, because the house was very expensive, and according to legend, paintings cost a million in general. Everyone gasped. There was a knock on the door. It was the same Patchmaker. He looked at the guys. And then, unexpectedly, he presented the school with his favorite painting, Masha. He took Lena and they left to leave. Margarita Ivanovna also had to leave in order to see her husband off. But Vasiliev said loudly and with regret: "What kind of people did they raise their hand against!" The class began to blame Somov for everything. And again the word "Boycott!" Then Margarita Ivanovna decided to sort everything out and did not go to see her husband off. Mironova told about everything cool. Margarita Ivanovna felt ashamed that she did not help Lena at the right time. She asked with horror why Somov did not say anything to the guys? Somov's answer shocked everyone even more. Why is he the only one? After all, even Shmakova and Popov knew the truth. The class was noisy again. Smirnova again proposed a boycott. But no one supported her. And Ryzhiy suddenly announced that he would no longer make decisions like the majority, but would live with his own head! Iron Button then declared that she alone would boycott Somov, because it was so fair! And suddenly burst into tears. It turned out that Mironova did not like her mother's behavior and that everything in their life was covered up. Valka noticed that in life everyone is looking for their own benefit. But then Ryzhiy objected, they say, how then are the Bessoltsevs? To which Valka said that the Bessoltsevs were freaks, but they were all ordinary. But Ginger issued a different verdict - "We are children from the cage. That's who we are! We need to be shown in the menagerie ... For money." The boat horn sounded. Everyone rushed to the window except Somov. Ginger was the first to move away from the window and unfold the picture that Nikolai Nikolaevich had presented before leaving. The depicted Masha, who was already 100 years old, looked like a Scarecrow, like two drops of water. The redhead shouted "She!" And everyone saw the depicted Lenka. "Scarecrow!" shouted Shaggy. And Vasiliev objected, saying that it was Bessoltseva! Then Ryzhiy could not stand it and wrote on the board with chalk: "Scarecrow, forgive us!"

    Takovo summary according to the chapters of the story Scarecrow"Vladimir Zheleznyakova.

    Zheleznikov's story "Scarecrow" evokes the most conflicting feelings among its readers. In the heroes of the story, you can recognize yourself, your classmates or acquaintances. The author very accurately managed to describe the feelings and behavior of children, which are very often inherent in social groups.

    When creating the story, Zheleznikov wanted to show that often children are insensitive and cruel towards more vulnerable peers. Teenagers tend to assert their identity by immoral methods, by insulting a person who does not have the opportunity to rebuff such actions. The main character of the story, Lena Bessoltseva, turned out to be such a “whipping puppet”.

    The plot of the story "Scarecrow"

    A new student, Lena Bessoltseva, comes to one of the provincial schools in Soviet Russia. She is the granddaughter of an artist who leads a secluded life, which was the reason for the removal of the townspeople from him. Classmates try to smile at Lena, but in fact openly make it clear to the new girl, whose rules are here.

    Over time, Bessoltseva begins to be despised for her kindness and kindness, classmates give the girl the nickname "Scarecrow", thus emphasizing her stupidity and lack of her own opinion. Lena has a kind soul, and she tries in every possible way to establish contacts with her classmates, not even reacting to an insulting nickname.

    However, the cruelty of children, led by class leaders, knows no bounds. Only one person feels sorry for the girl, and Dima Somov begins to be friends with her. One day the children decided to skip classes and go to the cinema. Dima was forced to return to the classroom to pick up the piggy bank that he forgot there.

    He was met by a teacher, and after a long interrogation, the boy was forced to tell the truth that his classmates had run away from classes. After that, the children decide to punish Dima for his betrayal, but suddenly Lena, who has remained neutral all this time, stands up for her friend and begins to justify him.

    Classmates quickly forget Dima's sin, and transfer their aggression to the girl. Lena was boycotted to teach her a lesson. Cruel children, who understand absolutely nothing about life's values, burn an effigy symbolizing Lena in the school yard.

    The girl, unable to withstand such social oppression any longer, asks her grandfather to leave this city. After a while, the grandfather and his unfortunate granddaughter leave. After Bessoltseva left their lives, the children were overcome by terrible torments of conscience, they understood that they had lost a really good, honest person, but it was too late to do anything.

    The social question in the story

    The story "Scarecrow" has a very scandalous character. The author expresses his open contempt not specifically for children, whose psyche is just being formed, but for their parents and teachers, who did not interfere with Lena's oppression.

    Adults should have understood that Lena should not be held responsible for the asceticism of her grandfather, but did not react in any way, and even in some cases supported, the cruel behavior of the girl's classmates.

    A vivid example is the teacher Margarita Ivanovna, who, in her own way, indirectly also took an active part in the moral oppression of the child. The teacher supported bright and strong personalities, but she lacked the wisdom of life to consider such a personality in Bessoltseva.

    This article presents summary according to the chapters of the story Scarecrow» Vladimir Zheleznyakova.

    Lenka, the main character of the story, ran through the streets of the town in a highly agitated feeling, mentally turning to her grandfather with one single request - to urgently leave this city.

    Lenka's grandfather's name was Nikolai Nikolaevich Bessoltsev. He knew well the history of his old town, standing on the banks of the Oka. The Bessoltsev family was respected in the city. One of the Bessoltsevs was an artist, and the other a doctor. The doctor was shot by the Nazis for treating Soviet soldiers with German medicines. Nikolai Nikolayevich loved the Bessoltsevs' house from childhood and decided to come to his native city after the death of his wife. Upon arrival, Nikolai Nikolaevich found a house with boarded up windows, a leaky roof, and a rotten porch. He immediately set to work. He was unsociable and not talkative. The townspeople treated the arrived Bessoltsev with respect, but they did not understand his way of life. He liked to walk around the city all alone. And at night, the lights were often on in his house. It was rumored that Nikolai Nikolaevich was a big fan of painting and that he was buying up paintings with his last money. In fact, Nikolai Nikolayevich was examining the paintings of his great-grandfather, an artist, which at one time were carefully hidden by Nikolai Nikolayevich's sister, sheathed with burlap. Nikolai Nikolaevich dreamed that his son and his family would someday come to live in this house. Once the townspeople saw Nikolai Nikolaevich accompanied by a girl of 12 years old. He told everyone he met that this was his granddaughter Lena. In autumn Lenka went to the 6th grade.

    September Lena lived in an inspired state. She admired and marveled at the autumn city. But at the beginning of November, something happened. Lenka ran into the house in an excited state. Grandfather, Nikolai Nikolaevich, at that time removed dust particles from the paintings and immediately admired them. He did not notice what condition Lenka was in. She shook everything out of the briefcase and began to collect her things in it. She immediately asked her grandfather for money to go home to her parents. Nikolai Nikolaevich asked what happened. Lena said that Dimka Somov had a birthday and again asked for money for a ticket. Grandfather refused. Lena stated that then she would steal the painting from him and sell it. She began to remove the nearest picture from the wall. For this, the grandfather gave Lena a slap in the face. Then Lena ran to the door. Nikolai Nikolaevich grabbed Lena by the arm. But she bit her grandfather and ran away. Nikolai Nikolayevich dressed hastily and ran out after him.

    At this time, Lena's classmates were going to Dima Somov's birthday party. Sixth-grader Valka, who will later be given the nickname "Flayer", Shaggy and Red, dressed up Shmakova and Popov. Then they noticed the bespectacled Vasilyev on the one hand and Mironova, nicknamed the Iron Button, dressed in a school uniform. Judging by Vasiliev's clothes and the bag in his hands, he was not going to the birthday party. To a direct question from the guys whether Vasilyev was going to Somov, Vasilyev honestly answered that he was not. Mironova asked about the true reasons for this decision. Vasiliev said that he was simply tired of Somov. Then the Iron Button asked Vasiliev: “ Do you know what is due for betrayal of ideals? The guys did not begin to find out for a long time what was happening. They surrounded him. Mironov " looked expressively at Shaggy and Shaggy hit Vasiliev hard. He fell, got on his knees and tried to find his glasses. Valka stepped on Vasiliev's glasses. But Vasiliev put on broken glasses, called the guys savages and ran away. Later, the guys met the class teacher Margarita Ivanovna, who at that time was not up to the guys. A little later, the guys came face to face with Lena Bessoltseva. The kids were really excited. They guessed that Lenka was going to leave. They began to yell that the Scarecrow was leaving their city and that they had won. They surrounded Lena and began to shout the word "Scarecrow!" They circled around her and continued to tease her. This scene was seen by Nikolai Nikolaevich who appeared. He stopped this madness with the words that it is not good for six to one. Everyone wanted to run away. But Mironova did not allow anyone to escape from the Patcher (that was the nickname of Nikolai Nikolaevich). She contemptuously told Lena's grandfather that they had nothing to be ashamed of, but he should be ashamed of his granddaughter. Nikolai Nikolaevich asked why. Iron Button advised him to ask Lena herself. After that, a group of teenagers went to Dima Somov, and grandfather and Lena decided that she would leave the city tomorrow. At home, through the window, they heard the sounds of fun from Somov's house. Nikolai Nikolaevich could not muffle these sounds either with a closed window or by playing the piano. Then Lena decided to tell her grandfather everything that had happened to her.

    Lena began her story from the very beginning, i.e. From september. Margarita Ivanovna, the class teacher, asked Ryzhy to introduce Lena Bessoltseva to the class. Lena really wanted to make friends with Ryzhim and therefore smiled all the time. The redhead, seeing Lena's smile, could hardly contain his laughter. Entering the classroom, Red could no longer restrain his laughter. He introduced Lena " so new that the whole class started laughing too. Lena had a smile, even if the strings were sewn on! The guys laughed at Lena and her grandfather, the Patchmaker. But Lena decided that they were just funny guys and also laughed along with everyone. Lena was immediately dubbed the Scarecrow. Only Dimka Somov stood up for Bessoltseva and stopped the general mockery of Lena. At that moment Margarita Ivanovna entered. She was getting married. On the occasion of her happiness, she treated the children with a box of chocolates. And she also invited the guys to go to Moscow on vacation. The class rejoiced. Margarita Ivanovna said that the children should ask their parents for money for the trip. But Dima Somov said that it would be more correct to earn money for the trip. Everyone supported. It was time to start the lesson. But Lena didn't have her place in the class. Of all the guys, Dima Somov was the most friendly to her. Therefore, Lena asked him if the place next to him was free. Dima said that it was busy. But he will try to solve this problem. He informed Shmakova at all hearing that there were applicants for her place. Shmakova was indignant, but gave way to Lena and moved to Popov, holding a grudge against both the newcomer and Dima. Then the class began to visit kindergartens, state farms and factories in order to earn money for the trip. On one of those days, the guys were working in the garden, picking apples. The day was rainy. Lena came in only shoes, which immediately got wet. Then Dima took off his rubber boots and gave them to Lena. Once they worked in a toy factory. Dima Somov received another salary for the whole class. The money was put into a common piggy bank. Dima handed the piggy bank to Lena for safekeeping. She at that time was with a Hare mask on her head. When Dima left the room, the guys put on animal masks and began to circle around Lena, shouting that they would outsmart the Hare and take away the treasure chest. In the beginning, Lena accepted the game. But when they started pinching and pushing her, she got scared, fell down and called Dima for help. He came. The game has stopped. Lena said that there are a lot of animals around. One day Lena and Dima were walking down the street together. Then Dima noticed Valka dragging a dog on a rope. Dima took the dog away and immediately released it. Valya began to loudly call Petya, his older brother, for help. He ran. Petya hit Dima. And later it turned out that the dog was caught again by the brothers. Dima told Lena that Valya had been catching dogs in order to rent them to the knackers for money. Then Lena called Dima a hero and offered friendship. Kissed him. Valya and Petya saw this scene.

    It's the last day of school before the holidays. Money for a trip to Moscow was collected. The last lesson was supposed to be physics. But " physics got sick". The guys decided to skip class and go to the cinema. However, when they entered the classroom, the children found a note on the blackboard from Margarita Ivanovna, announcing that instead of physics there would be a lesson in literature. Moreover, Dima Somov finished off everyone with a statement that after school everyone should go to work for free in a kindergarten. They promised to help, but the word must be kept. But no one supported him. They began to argue with him and look for excuses: some shouted that their parents forbade them to work, others that it was not fair to work for free, etc. Here Petya, Valka's brother, appeared at the door, and generally erased Margarita Ivanovna's note. At the same time, he reminded Dimka that offending his brother is fraught. Therefore, Dima's desire to tell about Valka that he is a flayer immediately disappeared. The class decided that, in fact, someone unknown could have erased the writing on the blackboard. This was the reason to quickly get together in the cinema. The guys are gone. But not all. Shmakova and Popov remained in the class. Dima forgot his piggy bank. Shmakova and Popov began to dream of who could buy what with the money from the piggy bank. Hearing footsteps, they hid under the desk. Margarita Ivanovna entered. A little later, Dimka ran in for a piggy bank. He did not know that Lena was running after him and turned out to be an unwitting witness to the conversation between Dima and the class teacher. Dima did not know about those hiding under the desk either. Margarita Ivanovna demanded that Dima tell why they erased her note from the board and where everyone was. Dimka tried to get out, but Margarita called Dimka a coward. Then Dimka told everything. Lenka thought that Dima would tell the guys about everything. But Dima was silent. He didn't tell the truth to her either. Meanwhile, Shmakova thought of something.

    The next day everyone came to class with their suitcases. Margarita Ivanovna was in a very beautiful dress and with a rose. But her face was distressed and stern. She announced to everyone that the principal of the school slapped her with a reprimand due to the fact that the students of her class deliberately disrupted the lesson. In this regard, the trip to Moscow is cancelled. Someone angrily declared that they deliberately disrupted the lesson in order to annoy Margarita Ivanovna. The teacher was amazed. Dimka Somov tried to calm everyone down and even offered to go to the director and apologize. And Margarita Ivanovna shouted that the guys were joking like that. But when everyone realized that the trip was finally cancelled, they asked what to do with the money they earned. Margarita Ivanovna went up to the piggy bank and broke it. She said that now the guys can go to the cinema at least every day and left the classroom. We decided to share the money. Shmakova began to count and arrange into 36 piles. Dimka offered not to give up the idea of ​​going to Moscow, saving up more and going on a trip during the winter holidays. But no one supported him except Bessoltseva. And the Iron Button unexpectedly offered to find a traitor, because someone passed the class to Margarita. Dimka was very frightened. And Lena hoped that he would confess. But in vain. Mironova gave the traitor 3 minutes to confess himself before she called his name. Everyone was silent. 3 minutes have passed. Then the Iron Button began to measure the pulse of everyone. Popov's pulse was elevated. She called him a traitor. Somov stood up for Popov. But the Iron Button interrupted him and demanded that Popov tell everything. Popov agreed to tell everything. And again Dimka was frightened. Seeing how Dima's face had changed, Lenka took pity on him and declared that she was a traitor. Shaggy hit her twice hard on the back. But Lenka still laughed. The Iron Button proposed to boycott Scarecrow! Everyone agreed. Margarita Ivanovna heard about the boycott, going up to the door and pounding on the door. When Mironova opened the door, someone told Margarita Ivanovna that Moscow was calling her to the phone. The classroom immediately forgot what she wanted from the class and ran to the phone. Everyone shouted "Boycott Scarecrow!" And Lenka also shouted "Boycott!", as if it did not concern her. And laughed along with everyone. Valka pestered Dimka and demanded that he shout "Boycott Scarecrow!" Then Lenka once again felt sorry for Dima. And she loudly shouted "Boycott!" in Valentine's ear. Valka immediately backed off. When the buses moved to Moscow, the guys saw Margarita Ivanovna below. She waved her hand at them. Valya suggested that she spit on her head. Others were outraged by this. Shaggy generally called Valya a bastard. Finally, everyone decided that Margarita Ivanovna was simply calling everyone downstairs. The class immediately rushed to run to the buses. Only Dimka and Lena remained in the office. Dimka wanted to say something to Lena, but she unexpectedly laughed. Then Dima ran out of the classroom. Lena ran out after Dima. It was the last day she had fun.

    Dima and Lena joined the class. In the general joy of the school, only the 6th grade was downcast. As it turned out, the guys misjudged Margarita Ivanovna's gesture. The whole school left for Moscow, except for the primary grades and their 6th grade. Almost all classmates began to disperse. Only a group of leaders remained. They ominously surrounded Lena and Dima, clasped their hands and began to tease, trying to hurt them between insults. Unexpectedly, Vasiliev broke the circle and gave the boycotted an opportunity to escape. The chase began. Dima and Lena ran into the hairdresser's. Aunt Klava, Ryzhy's mother, worked there. Dima managed to ask her not to give out the location of him and Lena. Aunt Klava complied with the request. But while Dima and Lena were hiding, they turned out to be unwitting witnesses to the conversation between Ryzhy and his mother. It turns out that Red has not seen his father for more than 3 years. In Moscow, Ryzhiy wanted to see him. Mom told Red that his father was waiting for him. The redhead got very angry and rushed off with an even greater desire to take revenge on the Scarecrow for the disrupted trip. When Lena and Dima came out of hiding, Somov asked Lenka when she had time to tell Margarita about everything. Lena admitted that she did not tell the class anything, she just wanted to protect Dima. Dima asked Lena not to tell the guys anything yet, because this story does not look very believable. Without her, he will tell the guys the truth. Lena agreed. At this point in the story, grandfather and Lena quarreled, because. grandfather could not stand it and called Dimka a coward, a scoundrel and a traitor. And he even tried to protect his evil classmates. So it seemed to Lena. Then she fell silent and cut off her story. But she continued it the next day. She thought of Red. And for some reason, she suddenly felt sorry for him. She decided that perhaps Redhead laughed to tears at himself with everyone together, not because he was having fun, but from deep resentment? So Lena had a rethinking of what had happened.

    Lena and Dima did not leave the hairdresser's because Lenka unexpectedly decided to do her hair. For some time Dimka was waiting for her, and then he decided to go home. On the way he met Valka. When asked where Bessoltsev, Dima replied that he did not know. Realizing that Lenka was in danger, he doubted whether it was worth going home, but the rumbling in his stomach helped Somov decide in favor of the house. While Dimka was walking, he figured out how and what to tell the guys to get behind Lenka. Therefore, he went home with a very light soul. While Dima was having lunch, the guys gathered near the hairdresser's, wondering where the fugitives might be. Valka said that he had seen Somov, but that he did not know where the Scarecrow was. Popov appeared and told everyone that Dimka Somov's father had bought a brand new car. The guys were envious. Vasiliev came and they tried to beat him for letting the traitors out of the ring. Then the door of the barbershop opened and everyone saw Lena with her hair. Shmakova became even angrier with envy. Lena was surrounded. Valka took out a pipe and peas. He began to painfully fire at Lenka. She didn't cry. But she clutched at her sore spots out of inertia. The guys enjoyed their mockery. Unexpectedly, Aunt Klava came out. Peas got into her. She angrily demanded to stop bullying Bessoltseva. But Ryzhiy not only disobeyed his mother, but even tried to hit Lena. Aunt Klava grabbed his hand. At that moment, Valka and Shaggy grabbed Lenka and tried to drag him away. Lenka fell and screamed heart-rendingly "Dimka". Aunt Klava demanded not to touch the girl. But no one listened to her. Then Vasiliev suddenly scattered the guys and gave Lena the opportunity to escape. Everyone immediately rushed after her. And Vasiliev saw Dimka and stopped. There was a conversation between Dima and Vasiliev. Vasiliev admitted that he likes Bessoltseva and that he does not believe in her betrayal. And Dima asked Vasiliev to talk to Lena and invite her to leave the city. At that moment, they heard the words of classmates "Scarecrow" and "Traitor" from a distance. Then they rushed towards the screams.

    Lena ran out into her street. After her shouted "Scarecrow!". Passers-by turned around and looked with curiosity at the running Scarecrow. It was humiliating. And remembering this, Lena regretted that then she rushed to run. Now she believed that it was necessary to just fight back to the end no matter what. And if she ran, then she felt guilty. She was able to get to her house. And then she saw Dima. The guys rushed to him. He began to tell them something, moving away from her house. Lena decided that Dimka was revealing the truth to the guys and was delighted. She was waiting for him, she thought he would come and tell everything. But he didn't come. Then she called him. Dima's sister picked up the phone. She said that Dima was not at home. It got dark. Someone knocked on the window. Lenka opened its doors. A bear's head appeared in the window with a terrible roar. Lenka was very frightened, slammed the window and turned off the light. Grandpa came. He was very happy that evening, because. received a picture of his great-grandfather "Masha" as a gift. It was the last work of the artist. Grandfather told Lenka about the picture, about the one that was depicted in this picture, but Lena listened to him listlessly and without much interest. Again there was a knock on the window. Grandpa opened the window. With a roar, a bear's head appeared. Grandfather contrived and tore off his head. Under the mask was Dimka. Lenka immediately decided that Dimka was forced to do this, and now Dimka introduced himself to her with his hands tied. She began to shout "Dimka" out the window, but no one answered. Grandfather tried to calm her down. But Lenka was in the strongest excitement. She ran out of the house, thinking that Dimka did not respond because a gag was put in his mouth. However, she saw that in fact all her tormentors were sitting at Somov's house and drinking tea. No one held Dimka's hands, beat him, or tied him up. Then she realized that Dimka had deceived her. She grabbed a stone and broke a window in Dima's house. She returned home pale and exhausted. Through the window, he and his grandfather heard “Scarecrow!” and "Patcher!"

    The next day, Lena was washing her soiled dress. Through the window, she noticed Dima, who was going to her. She immediately went out into the garden, ostensibly to hang her dress to dry. Dimka went into the garden. He confessed to Lenka that he was a scoundrel. He asked for forgiveness and promised to tell the guys everything. Lenka believed him again. Then Dima kissed her. The kiss was seen by Valka passing by. He jumped up, tore the dress off the rope, and said he would return it in exchange for the bear mask. Dimka demanded to return the dress and rushed after Valka. Lena stopped Somov, went to the house for a bear's muzzle and gave it to Dima. Somov asked if Lenin's grandfather knew about what was happening? Lena said no. Dima was delighted. He ran to the guys to confess. And Lenka was afraid for Dimka and decided to be there in case of trouble. The boys gathered in the barn. Lena hid near the rotten hole in the barn. The guys laughed at Ryzhiy, who put on Lenin's dress and portrayed the Scarecrow. Entered Dimka demanded to give the dress. Valka immediately began to talk about the kiss and that Somik was working on two fronts. Dimka was immediately twisted. Valka began to beat Somov until he could defend himself. But Dima " brutalized' and escaped. A fight started. Dimka grabbed the pole and began to swing it. The guys did not dare to attack the armed Somov. But when Somov met the eyes of the Iron Button, she ordered him to give up the pole. He said that 4 guys hid behind the girl's shoulders and threw the pole. A conversation took place between Mironova and Somov, in which Dima tried to confess to the denunciation. Everyone agreed that Dimka could well tell Margarita about everything and immediately began circling menacingly around Somov. Dimka got scared again and said that he was joking. But Iron Button demanded to confess, looking into her eyes. Everyone began to attack Dimka. Lena could not stand it and ran into the barn. She began to push them away from Somov. She fought. When they noticed her, they were very surprised that she was not afraid to come. Mironova bluntly asked which of them and Somov was the traitor. Lena said she did. Dimka did not refute her words. Lena demanded to return her dress. But the guys began to throw it to each other over Lena's head. And she rushed between them, trying to catch. When the dress fell into Dima's hands, she held out her hand and smiled at him. But he did not give her the dress, but threw it to someone else. He was immediately approved. Lena hit Dima on the cheek. The guys knocked her down, tied her up, and dragged her out of the barn. There was also a garden scarecrow. They put Lenin's dress on him, stuck him in the ground and handed matches to Dima. He hesitated. Lena asked him not to set it on fire. But Dima set it on fire. And then Lenka screamed very loudly and heart-rendingly. The guys got scared and let Lena out. She rushed to the fire, tore the scarecrow out of the ground and began to swing it. The boys started to run away in fear. And Lena circled with a stuffed animal in her hands until she fell. She heard Mironova tell Dimka about her that traitors should not be pitied. Then Lena heard receding footsteps. After some time, Dima returned to Lena (He was hiding in the bushes) and again gave her a promise to tell the whole truth. It's just that no one believed him now. Lena began to take off her dress from the scarecrow. I got burned. Dimka touched her cheek. But Lena recoiled from him, as if stung. She went to the river. I found an old boat there and hid under it.

    The next morning I had to go to school. But Margarita Ivanovna has not yet arrived. Lena skipped this day. Lena came to school when Margarita had already arrived. Lena was late on purpose and went into the classroom after the bell. Margarita invited Lena to sit down. But Lena was waiting for a fair analysis of what had happened. The teacher did not understand what Lena was expecting. Moreover, Margarita Ivanovna offered to forget everything that happened, because. she is no longer angry at her 6th grade. Then Lena said that she would never sit down at the desk again, she was leaving and went to say goodbye. Lena ran out of the classroom. At that moment, Lenka suddenly confessed to her grandfather that she had betrayed him, because. ashamed of his patches and did not defend his honor. They say if he was a beggar, then she also hid from him and was ashamed. Now she understands that this is not possible. This was the end of Lena's story. She began to collect things, intending to leave the town. And the music from next door was still coming. Suddenly, Vasiliev appeared on the threshold in broken glasses. He asked Lena if she was really leaving and if she was really a traitor? But what about honor? Then Nikolai Nikolaevich said that Lena had not betrayed anyone. Vasiliev retorted, saying why then is she leaving? Cowardly? Then Lenka jumped up, put on a burnt dress that had once been on a scarecrow and ran out. Vasiliev followed her.

    Lenka ran into the hairdresser's. Aunt Klava met her extremely unfriendly. But Lenka told her almost everything, without giving out Dimka's name. Aunt Klava sympathized with Lena and wanted to do the best hairstyle. But Lenka demanded to shave her head. Aunt Klava was indignant. Then Lenka grabbed the scissors and cut her hair. Aunt Klava reconciled herself and shaved Lenka. Bessoltseva pulled on her cap and went to Dimka. When she entered, everyone was surprised and the dancing stopped with merriment. Lenka grimaced to the music in front of everyone. When the music stopped, she pulled off her hat and everyone saw her shorn head. Lenka began to shout that it was necessary, how beautiful they all are, and she is a SCARECROW! She spoke to each one separately. She asked Dimka how it happened that he was so positive, but became friends with Scarecrow? Traitor? That's probably why he doesn't look her in the eyes and is so thin. Worries, apparently, that he made friends with the sneak! What about Iron Button? How did it happen that she, a fighter for justice, is friends with the flayer Valka, who sells dogs for a ruble? Well, Shaggy? Come on, hit the Scarecrow on the head! After all, the main thing in life is strength! In the end, Lenka said that she felt sorry for them, the poor. And she left. Shaggy rushed to Valka because of the dogs. Valka accidentally revealed the secret of his family during the scuffle. It turns out that Shaggy's father was made disabled by the brothers Valka because of the moose, which the forester, Shaggy's father, once tried to protect. Iron Button ordered Shaggy not to touch Valka, and snorted contemptuously in the direction of the flayer. In her opinion, such people do not belong in her company. Valka ran away. Mironova praised the Scarecrow, saying that Lenka did a good job, hit everyone! And if she had not been a traitor, then she would have made friends with her, because all the rest are squishy! After these words, Mironova left. Shaggy and Red followed her. Dima, Shmakova and Popov remained in the room. It was then that Shmakova revealed the truth to Dimka, saying that at the moment of his conversation with Margarita, she and Popov were sitting under the desk and heard everything. Dimka was terribly frightened. And Shmakova, pleased that now Somov was in her power and the slave Popov could be replaced by Somov, declared that this was a secret and they would not tell anyone in the class! But Popov suddenly declared that he could no longer do it and ran out.

    The next morning Lena woke up from knocking and shuddering at home. She ran out into the street in fear. Nikolai Nikolaevich clogged the windows of the house. Seeing Lena, he demanded to bring nails. When the house was boarded up, Grandfather and Lena went to the pier. They carried with them a picture that they called Masha and suitcases. Suddenly, already familiar voices reached them: “Hold!” The guys from the Lenin class ran past Lena and grandfather. They drove Dimka Somov through the streets of the city, as they once drove Lena. Lena gave the picture to her grandfather and ran after the angry guys. Dimka was herded into the classroom. He was pressed from all sides. Then Somov jumped up on the windowsill, opened the window and announced that he would jump down. At that moment, Lena entered the classroom. No one saw her, everyone was riveted on Dima. Lena said quietly and calmly, “Get off the window!” Then Dimka jumped off. The guys surrounded Lena. Mironova proposed to boycott Somov. The guys began to vote "For!" and only Bessoltseva was AGAINST! Iron Button was surprised. She asked why Scarecrow is against? And Lena replied that she was poisoned and burned at the stake. Therefore, she will never poison anyone. Valka shouted that then the boycott and Scarecrow. But no one supported him. In general, few people now considered him, he was despised for his savagery. Then Margarita Ivanovna came in and said that Lena's grandfather, Nikolai Nikolaevich Bessoltsev, had donated his legendary house and a priceless collection of paintings to the city. Therefore, now a museum will open in the city. Lena was surprised no less than her classmates. It was difficult for the children to understand Lena's grandfather's act, because the house was very expensive, and according to legend, paintings cost a million in general. Everyone gasped. There was a knock on the door. It was the same Patchmaker. He looked at the guys. And then, unexpectedly, he presented the school with his most beloved painting, Masha. He took Lena and they left to leave. Margarita Ivanovna also had to leave in order to see her husband off. But Vasiliev said loudly and with regret: “What people they raised their hand against!” The class began to blame Somov for everything. And again the word "Boycott!" Then Margarita Ivanovna decided to sort everything out and did not go to see her husband off. Mironova told about everything cool. Margarita Ivanovna felt ashamed that she did not help Lena at the right time. She asked with horror why Somov did not say anything to the guys? Somov's answer shocked everyone even more. Why is he the only one? After all, even Shmakova and Popov knew the truth. The class was noisy again. Smirnova again proposed a boycott. But no one supported her. And Ryzhiy suddenly announced that he would no longer make decisions like the majority, but would live with his own head! Iron Button then declared that she alone would boycott Somov, because it was so fair! And suddenly burst into tears. It turned out that Mironova did not like her mother's behavior and that everything in their life was covered up. Valka noticed that in life everyone is looking for their own benefit. But then Ryzhiy objected, they say, how then are the Bessoltsevs? To which Valka said that the Bessoltsevs were freaks, but they were all ordinary. But Red gave a different verdict - “ We are kids in a cage. That's who we are! We need to be shown in the menagerie ... For money.» The boat horn blew. Everyone rushed to the window except Somov. Ginger was the first to move away from the window and unfold the picture that Nikolai Nikolaevich had presented before leaving. The depicted Masha, who was already 100 years old, looked like a Scarecrow, like two drops of water. The redhead shouted "She!" And everyone saw the depicted Lenka. "Scarecrow!" shouted Shaggy. And Vasiliev objected, saying that it was Bessoltseva! Then Ryzhiy could not stand it and wrote on the board with chalk: “ Scarecrow, forgive us!«

    Takovo summary according to the chapters of the story Scarecrow» Vladimir Zheleznyakova.


    Year of writing:

    Original reading time:

    V. Zheleznikov


    4 hours


    Vladimir Zheleznikov is one of the writers who were very popular during the Soviet era. Scarecrow is perhaps his best work. A film was made based on it, with Kristina Orbakaite and Yuri Nikulin in the lead roles.

    The story is still relevant today. After all, she teaches to resist betrayal and be faithful in love and friendship. These are eternal themes. In our fast paced times, people value brevity. There is no time to read the whole book, then read it Summary: Scarecrow - V. Zheleznikov

    1Main characters

    2 "I, Scarecrow" - it's so much fun

    3To Moscow, to Moscow

    4The scarecrow is boycotted

    5 Don't be afraid of anyone

    6"Scarecrow, forgive us!"

    7Scarecrow quiz

    main characters

    granddaughter Lena- the granddaughter came to a small town to live with her grandfather.

    grandfather Nikolai Nikolaevich He lives by collecting and spends all his savings on paintings. His dream is to open a museum. Once his great-grandfather was a serf artist, and he decided to find and collect all the paintings of his great-grandfather. In the town they call him "the patcher". He always walks around in an old, worn coat.

    "I, Scarecrow" - it's so much fun

    Lena comes to study in a new class. The class greets the newcomer with ridicule. And when the children find out that she is the granddaughter of the "Patcher", they begin to call her the Scarecrow. The girl thinks that this is such a joke and that everyone is having fun. So she laughs at herself too.

    There is a tight-knit group in the class. The leader of this group is Mironova. The girl has a strong will and is very principled. For this, she was nicknamed the Iron Button. Mironova is merciless to those who, she believes, act cowardly. Valya (boy) is also included in this company.

    He believes that nothing in life is more important than money. They can be mined using any means. Shaggy is the strongest boy in the group. He believes only in physical influence. There is in the group and the one over whom everyone laughs. His name is "Red". The boy is indeed red. Shmakova is a recognized beauty of the class. Her main features are resourcefulness, cunning and coquetry. She surrounds herself with "slaves". Her main "slave" is Popov. He was big and narrow-minded.

    Dima Somov also walked with this company. But he was not subordinate to Mironova. Being the smartest in the class, he tried to carry himself independently. Shmakova, as she did not want to, could not make him her "slave". Lena Bessoltseva sat down with him. She liked him immediately. And Dimka immediately stood up for Lena. Real knight. The kids had a great teacher. Her name was Margarita Ivanovna. The woman was busy with her personal affairs and was going to get married. She had no time to delve into children's problems.

    To Moscow, to Moscow

    Margarita Ivanovna said that during the holidays there was an opportunity to go to Moscow with the whole class. Dima Somov suggested that they would not take money from their parents, but would earn it on their own. Everyone liked the idea. The class went together to pick apples, the children swept the streets and went to the local factory, where they glued toys.

    Somov bathed in the rays of glory. He found a large piggy bank where the guys put all the money they could earn. Bessoltseva was admitted to the group and she became friends with Dima.

    An unpleasant incident happened to Lena at the factory. She decided to try on the head of a hare. Classmates also put on animal muzzles and surrounded the naive Bessoltseva. She became very scared. Dima saved her and drove everyone away.

    Dima and Lena were walking and saw Valka, who was busy with a disgusting business. He rented stray dogs for a ruble. Somov took away the unfortunate animal from the little bastard and threatened that he would tell everyone about what he was doing. His brother stood up for the flayer.

    He was older than the guys and had already served in the army. Lena suddenly realized that Dima, about whom she thought that he was not afraid of anyone, was very frightened. His face literally turned upside down with fear.

    Autumn came soon. The piggy bank could already be broken. According to the schedule, there should be a physics lesson in the classroom. The children came to it and saw that it was written on the blackboard about replacing physics with literature. Dima told everyone that they had to go to kindergarten to do their patronage work. The guys did not want to work for free. Valka shouted the loudest.

    Somov decided that he would tell everyone about this flayer. He was prevented by Valka's brother, who unexpectedly entered the classroom. Dima was again afraid of his threats. And then Valka's brother took a rag and before he left, he erased the inscription on the replacement of lessons from the board. Everyone decided that they were now free and fled to the cinema.

    Shmakova and her "slave" Popov remained in the classroom. Lena, leaving the school, injured her knee. This made her return to visit the infirmary. Dima forgot the piggy bank and returned to the classroom to pick it up. And then Margarita Ivanovna came. She was shocked that no one came to class.

    And she called Dima a coward. Then the boy decided to tell her the truth. Shmakova, Popov (under the desk) and Lena (outside the door) heard everything. Lena thought that Dima would tell her everything. He was silent. Shmakova will also remain silent.

    In the morning the school was filled with joyful children. Everyone wanted to go to Moscow. Margarita Ivanovna stated that there would be no excursion for the 6th grade. So they decided to punish them for disrupting the lesson of literature.

    The class teacher was reprimanded for this incident. But they let her go to the capital. She had a fiancé living there. Everyone began to resent, Margarita Ivanovna in her hearts jumped out of the office and slammed the piggy bank on the floor. We decided to share the money.

    Scarecrow is boycotted

    The Iron Button decided to find out who betrayed the class. She decided that it was Dima, who returned to pick up the piggy bank. The boy was very scared. Lena waited for him to say how everything was.

    The tension in the class grew. And then, seeing how scared Dima was, Lena decided to take the blow. Only Vasiliev did not believe it. All the rest, led by Mironova, announced a boycott of Bessoltseva. Class heard the word "boycott". But she had no time to delve into the essence. She was waiting for a meeting with her fiancé in Moscow.

    The class began to poison the girl. She began to be persecuted and humiliated. When Dima tried to stand up for her, he was also boycotted. Scarecrow, they didn’t call her otherwise.

    Lena told Dima that she heard everything and therefore took the blame on herself. The boy promised her that he would confess. But he lacked the courage. Shmakova conceived her game and told Popov to keep quiet.

    Grandfather, when the girl cut her hair bald, was amazed at her resemblance to the girl that her great-grandfather depicted in the picture. Fascinated by his own affairs, Nikolai Nikolaevich did not understand what was happening to his granddaughter.

    But they scared her with a bear's head. When the old man pulled off the mask, it turned out that Dima was under it. Lena was very worried that he was forced to. And the grandfather did not notice any persecution.

    When the hunted Lena, in a soiled dress, went home, she decided to look at Dima. He had the whole company. And no one tortured him. Sat and watched TV. Drank tea. Lena began to realize that Dima would never confess.

    Another sad day has come. Lena washed her dress and wanted to hang it up. She was in the yard. Dima came and unexpectedly said that he was a vile coward. And if she suffers a little, then he will tell everyone the truth. And then he kissed Lena. Valka saw everything. He stole the dress and ran away.

    The scene ended in a barn. Everyone has gathered here. Dimka, as if in jest, confessed. Everyone rejoiced. Now he will be the object of harassment. Somov once again had to pretend that he was joking.

    No need to be afraid of anyone

    Again the girl saved him. She took over again. And the boy remained silent. When Lena was not given the dress and played with it, passing it to each other, Dima also threw the dress over without giving it to her. Then she came up and punched him in the face. Then everyone decided that the Scarecrow should be burned.

    The guys found somewhere a stuffed animal on a stick. They put Lena's dress on him, wrote a sign "Scarecrow of a traitor" and forced Dima to set fire to it. Lena rushed to extinguish the dress, as if she herself was on fire. And in the soul of the girl there was a change. She was no longer afraid of anyone.

    "Scarecrow, forgive us!"

    The teacher arrived with her husband. She didn't even remember that terrible word "boycott". While the girl was telling her grandfather everything, everyone was having fun at Somov's. The Bessoltsevs prepared to leave.

    Vasilyev found out about this and accused Lena of being a coward. Lena cut her hair bald, put on a burnt dress and, really looking like a stuffed animal, came to the house where everyone was having fun. She told everyone what she thought of them, proudly turned around and left.

    The company was not up to fun. Everyone dispersed. Shmakova and Popov remained. And then the girl laid everything out to Dima that they were also in the class when he admitted that everyone had gone to the movies.

    Shmakova calculated everything exactly. Now Dima Somov, handsome and smart, will become her faithful slave. Popov could not bear such a betrayal. He, beside himself with what he heard and saw, told the Iron Button everything.

    Nikolai Nikolaevich decided that he and his granddaughter should leave the town. He decided to give all the paintings to the local museum. Is free. Lena came to the pier and saw how the company she knew was driving another outcast - Dima Somov. The boy ran away in fear, clinging to the fence.

    Bessoltseva returned to class. She was greeted with a measure of friendliness. When Margarita Ivanovna came, the boycott was already announced to Somov. Lena did not participate in this. The teacher enthusiastically spoke about Bessoltsev's act. Everyone so gasped.

    At this time, grandfather entered the classroom. He decided to give the school a picture of "Mashka", it was very similar to Lena, their distant relative. Previously, he wanted to keep this picture for himself, but now he has changed his mind.

    And no one else wanted to arrange a boycott. And on the board they wrote in large letters: “Scarecrow, forgive us!”.