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  • Christmas play in English. A play in English of the Christmas story "To Meet Santa" A story of Christmas in English for children

    Christmas play in English.  A play in English of the Christmas story

    Today on English 4 kids premiere. Kyle Keaton reads his new Christmas story for kids in English: “How Little Bear Spent Christmas With Santa”.

    The story is suitable for children who already know a little English and is published by us without translation. Below will be given a link to download and print this story without illustrations.

    If you and your children like this story, we will be glad if you send us your drawings and we will publish them here with pleasure.

    Kyle Keaton reads "How Little Bear Spent Christmas With Santa"

    1. Once upon a time there was a little Bear and Little Bear was trying to write a letter to Santa Clause. For it was after Thanksgiving and Christmas was right around the corner. Little Bear had always been told to write a letter to Santa and make sure that Santa knew what Little Bear needed for Christmas. This year though, Little Bear was just too busy to write a letter, as he had so much to do.

    Little Bear was more worried about getting gifts for his mom, dad and all his grandparents that he never had time to stop and think about what he needed. So that letter to Santa was never written.

    Little Bear was a kind and thoughtful little bear and he always put others before himself. So he went about making gifts for his parents and grandparents. For his mom he dried hundreds of flowers that he had collected all summer. These he made into a wonderful smelling potpourri, He even found a wonderful, only slightly cracked bowl to put the dried flower pedals in, that his mom would just love to see all winter long. For his dad, he made a fishing lure out of an old wine cork and he painted it like a shark from the ocean. For his grandparents he painted a picture of each of them. He hid the paintings in the woods and covered the paintings with leaves and branches, so that no one would see them and spoil the gift.

    2. Now all this was good and most proper for a little bear to be doing, but Santa Clause got worried, for he kept track of all the kids in the world and here it was a week before Christmas and no letter from Little Bear. Why there was a letter from Little Calf, Little Squirrel, Little Lamb, Little Blue Jay and millions of others, but no Little Bear. Santa got worried…

    You see Santa knows good children and Santa knew that Little Bear was an good child. So Santa grabbed one of his Reindeer and rode to see if Little Bear was okay.

    Santa peeking around a tree trunk found Little Bear painting pictures, making lures and drying flowers. Santa also found that Little Bear was so worn out at the end of the day, that he had no time to write a letter to Santa and tell Santa what he wanted. Santa went back home to the North Pole and thought about what to give a little bear that was too busy making gifts for his family to care about what he wanted for Christmas.

    Santa came up with a trick to play on Little Bear. Santa would send Mister Owl to ask him what he wanted. Mister Owl went to Little Bear as he was asked by Santa and presented his question, “What would you like for Christmas, Little Bear?”

    3. Little Bear looked up in surprise as he was finishing the painting of his great grandpa bear, just two days before Christmas and he paused a few seconds thinking at the last brush stroke and said, “I guess that I do not need anything! For I have all that any little bear could ever want!” Then Little Bear said, “I have hugs, kisses, lots of food and lots of love! What more do I need?” Then he finished the brush stroke and declared the last painting done. In fact he declared all the gifts done and just in time for Christmas which was just two days away…

    4. Mister Owl flew back to Santa in the North Pole and reported what he was told. That left Santa in worse shape than he was. For now he had no idea what to get Little Bear. Then since Christmas was two days off and he had to hurry and get done. Santa put his thoughts on the back burner and hurried to get all the gifts together for all the kids all over the world. All the while not knowing what to get a good Little Bear.

    Christmas came and Santa put off going to Little Bears home in the deep woods, until last. In fact Little Bear had just gotten up and everyone in the family was gathered around the Christmas Tree in the house and opened up their gifts. Papa Bear and all the rest noticed that Santa had not been by and they were worried. Little Bear had gifts from all the family and he had good gifts of clothes and toys, but the stocking by the fireplace was empty.

    Little Bears gifts to the family were a big hit and Papa Bear was so proud of his new fishing lure that he went immediately and stuck it on his fishing hat. That way he would have it safe until spring came and the rivers and lakes thawed from the winter ice. Momma Bear could not get enough deep sweet breaths of her dried flowers and Little Bears grandparents spent all morning hanging their freshly painted portraits that Little Bear had painted. Everyone was very happy, except Santa never came to the house.

    5. Little Bear told everyone why he did not get anything from Santa. As Little Bear said, “I did not ask for anything and I did not want anything, for I have all I need!” Then Little Bear said, “I never wrote a letter to Santa!”

    Then as everyone thought about what Little Bear just said. There came a rattle, bang, crunch and boom in the front yard of the Bear home in the woods. They all ran to the windows and looked out to see what had happened. Then what appeared before their eyes as the snow settled from being blown around in a whirlwind. There appeared Santa and his reindeer. Then as they stared with wonder a knock came upon the door.

    Little Bear ran to the door, for his family was too shocked to go themselves and politely invited Santa to come inside. Santa stepped inside and asked for pardon that he has interrupted the family day of Christmas. Everyone all stared and Santa took that as an OK that was all right. Then Santa asked to speak to Little Bear for a minute.

    Papa Bear shook his head yes and his eyes were as big as tea cups. Santa said, “Little Bear, you never sent me a letter!” Little Bear gulped and thought, “Oops I am in trouble!”

    Then Santa went on, “I have never had that happen and when Mister Owl came back to me and said that, “Little Bear said, “I have hugs, kisses, lots of food and lots of love! What more do I need?” I had run out of time to try to think of what to get you, Little Bear. So I decided to come by in person and give you a gift that no other kid will have. For kids love to tell me what they want for Christmas, but you did not want anything!”

    6. Santa looked at Little Bear and said, “If your Papa and the rest of your family say OK! I want to take all of you to the North Pole and have you spend Christmas with Mrs. Santa Clause, the elves, the reindeer and I. For we always have a late Christmas after everyone else has theirs!”

    Faster than a Little Bear can say, “Yippee!”, the whole family crowded into the sled with Santa and before they knew it they were at the North Pole having a special Christmas…

    They had games to play with the elves and they even got to meet Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer. He had a cold and his nose was even redder than normal. They ate so much food that they all felt like their clothes would pop the buttons and Mrs. Santa Clause had tears in her eyes as they all had to leave…

    Santa dropped them off at their Bear home in the woods and as the sleigh lifted into the sky they heard, “Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas Little Bear!”

    Little Bear said later as his mom tucked him in bed, “I got the best Christmas gift in the whole world and I am glad that my whole family was able to share in it.”

    Then he said as his tired eyes closed, “There really is a Santa!”

    Christmas is perhaps the most inspiring holiday for both children and adults. Children are waiting for a miracle, in the morning they will find their gifts under the tree. And then they are waiting for winter fun, guests, games, goodies. Adults also love this holiday, they remember their carefree childhood and surging feelings fill their hearts with joy. Magic is in the air… Read two very simple stories about Christmas in English, listen to a New Year's song and watch a wonderful video clip.

    My favorite day - Christmas (My favorite day is Christmas)

    Christmas is December 25th. This is my favorite time of the year. We decorate our Christmas tree with toys, tinsel and lights. Then we set the star or fairy on top.
    We put our gifts under the tree. We send Christmas cards and sing Christmas songs at school or church. Some people sing songs and get paid.

    Merry Christmas,
    Merry Christmas,
    Merry Christmas
    and Happy New Year!

    Children are waiting for Santa Claus to bring them presents. Many leave food for him to eat when he comes to visit. For Christmas dinner we eat turkey and then Christmas cake. My favorite part is pulling crackers!

    Santa's Christmas (Santa's Christmas)

    Santa is ill (Santa got sick)

    It was a beautiful December day with clear blue skies and snowy treetops. Christmas was in the air! But everything was quiet in Santa's house. The usual hustle and bustle of preparing Christmas presents is gone because Santa is sick. "Oh my God, what will the kids say when they don't get presents this year?" Santa thought sadly as he lay on the bed.

    Reindeer (Deers)

    Suddenly he heard a noise outside. He looked out the window and saw his four deer standing patiently as usual. But they seemed completely out of breath, as if they had just finished a long trip. Santa looked closer and couldn't believe what he saw. Behind the deer was a long train of sledges carrying small children dressed in all sorts of colors.

    Children (Children)

    One by one they jumped into the snow and headed for Santa's house. Soon there was a knock at the door. ‘Come in!’ said Santa because he was very curious. A little girl came, hugging something soft in her arms. "I heard you were sick, Mr. Santa," she began. "So I'm giving you my teddy bear to keep you company."

    Gifts for Santa (Gifts for Santa)

    "Why, thank you, little Emma!" Santa said because he knew every child by name.
    Then a young boy entered with a red bag in his hands.
    “We knew you were sick, Papa Santa,” he said. "So my family knitted this blanket for you to keep you warm during the winter days."
    “Why, what a wonderful idea, Paul!” Santa whispered, patting him on the head. And one by one the kids came in through Santa's door, each with a special gift to wish Santa well. There were cookies, pies, socks, mittens, books, puzzles and even a small Christmas tree!

    Kindness (Kindness)

    "Christmas has come to my doorstep!" Santa exclaims. "Come, let's all share these wonderful gifts." And he gathered the children around him in a big circle. "Santa, what do you like best?" Emma asked shortly. "My dear ones," Santa replied smiling, "It's the love and kindness that each of you showed me today that is the best gift for everyone." He looked lovingly at all the energetic faces around him. "This, my little ones, is the true meaning of Christmas." And with that, Santa gave each of the children a big, warm holiday hug.

    Here are two stories about the most favorite holiday of children - Christmas. You can find even more stories for beginners on various topics at, as well as many colorful and simple video stories in English (only without translation) on

    Sections: Extracurricular work

    The scenario of the New Year's fairy tale in English "When Christmas comes".

    A Russian girl is sitting in am armchair and reading a book of fairy-tales.

    Her mother calls her.

    Mother: Stop reading books, dear, New Year is coming. Help me to lay the table, please.

    Russian girl: Just a moment, Mum. It's my favorite tale. I wish I were there in the fairy tale.

    music. Lights go down.

    A group of children is singing Christmas carol “Holy night”.

    silent night,
    holy night,
    All is calm
    All is bright
    Round yon virgin mother and child,
    Holy infant so tender and mild.
    Sleep in heavenly peace
    Sleep in heavenly peace.
    in the forest. (slide “Winter Forest”)

    Russian girl is looking around her with great interest.

    Russian girl: Where am I? I can't believe my eyes. Is it a fairy tale? Oh, it's cold here. Where shall I go?

    A white rabbit appears on the stage. He is in a hurry. He is looking at his watch and taking it in and out of his waistcoat.

    Rabbit: Oh, dear, oh dear! I'll be too late!

    Russian girl: What? A rabbit with a pocket and a watch in it? Of course, I'm in a tale. Who's ever seen a rabbit with a watch?

    Children on the other side of the stage:

    1. A cat went to town to buy a hat.
      What? A cat with a hat? A hat for a cat?
      Who's ever seen a cat in a hat?
    2. A cock went to town to buy a clock.
      What? A cock with a clock? A clock for a cock?
      Who's ever seen a cock with a clock?
    3. A bear went to town to buy a chair.
      What? A bear with a chair? A chair for a bear?
      Who's ever seen a bear with a chair?
    4. A dog went to town to buy a log?
      What? A dog with a log? A log for a dog?
      Who's ever seen a dog with a log?
    5. An owl went to town to buy a towel.
      What? An owl with a towel? A towel for an owl?
      Who's ever seen an owl with a towel?
    6. A hen went to town to buy a pen.
      What? A hen with a pen? A pen for a hen?
      Who's ever seen a hen with a pen?

    Russian girl: Mister Rabbit, wait for me, please!

    Lights go down.

    Queen's palace. (slide “Palace”)

    The Queen is sitting at the desk. There is a blackboard near the desk. Rabbit comes through the gates and runs into the palace. The Russian girl enters and hides nearby.

    Rabbit: Good evening, Your Majesty! I am on time (bows). Let's start our lesson. May I ask you to write down four irregular verbs?

    Queen: All right. Dictate!


    Chancellor comes.

    Chancellor: Good evening, Your Majesty! May I ask you to put your signature? To four edicts only.

    Queen: Write! Well! But then I won't write - begin-began-begun. Give me your papers!

    Chancellor: Thank you very much, Your Majesty!

    Queen: And what shall I write?

    Chancellor: Either "execute" or "forgiveness".

    Queen (counts): E-xe-cu-te, for-gi-ve-ness. I shall write "execute" - it is shorter.

    Russian girl comes out: Stop it! What have you written?

    Queen: Who are you? How dare you speak to me like this? I am your queen.

    Russian girl: You executed a person and didn't think about him!

    Queen: But I can't write and think at the same time!

    Russian girl: It isn't necessary. First you should think and then you should write.

    Queen: If I do that, I shall think and think and think and then I'll go mad.

    Russian girl: Nonsense! And besides, you are not my Queen. I am not from here. I am from Russia.

    Queen: Russia? Where is it? Oh, I know, your people live on the other side of the Earth and they walk with their downward heads.

    Russian girl: Do you study at school? You don't know Geography at all. (slide “The map of Russia”)Russia is the largest country in the world with a long and interesting history and culture. Do you know how Russian people celebrate Christmas traditionally?

    A group of children is going around the hall and singing Russian folk songs.

    Russian girl: Russian people made up a lot of fairy-tales. One of them we prepared for you in a modern version. Can you guess the tale?

    Queen: Why should I know it? Mr. Rabbit knows well.

    Rabbit: It's Russian folk-tale “The Turnip”. But I hardly guessed it.

    Queen: As for me I know Math.

    Russian girl (writing at the blackboard): How much is six multiplied by six?

    Queen: Six times six is ​​eleven. Mr. Rabbit, is it OK?

    Rabbit (sadly): OK, Your Majesty.

    Russian girl (writing): Multiply eight by eight, please.

    Russian girl: Awful!

    Queen: And I know Biology very well.

    Russian girl: Then answer, when do snowdrops appear in the forest?

    Rabbit whispers: April.

    Queen: Snowdrops? Of course, in December, because snow falls in December.

    Snowflake dance.

    Russian girl: You are wrong. It's impossible. Snowdrops blossom in April.

    Queen: OK. I want April now. I like snowdrops very much. I have never seen them.

    Rabbit: April will come soon. You have to wait only three months or 90 days.

    Queen: 90 days! But I can't wait! Tomorrow we are going to have a New Year's party. I want to have snowdrops for this party.

    Rabbit (sadly): Your Majesty, you can't break the law of Nature.

    It's winter now….

    Music (winter) (slide “Winter”)

    Rabbit: Then comes spring with the first dripping of melted snow and snowdrops…

    Music (spring) (slide “Spring”)

    Rabbit: After spring comes bright summer….

    Music (summer) (slide “Summer”)

    Rabbit: And then comes golden autumn with a lot of fruits and vegetables, rains and winds.

    Music (autumn) (slide “Autumn”)

    Queen: I'll promulgate a new law of Nature! Mr. Rabbit! Sit down and write! I'll dictate to you. “The grass is green.

    There are a lot of flowers in our forest. Bring a basket of snowdrops to our palace for the New Year's party! “A full basket of gold is waiting for you!” Chancellor!

    Chancellor comes.

    Queen: Set my seal and claim my order!

    Chancellor: But Your Majesty…

    Queen: This is my order!

    Lights go down.

    in the forest. (slide “Winter forest”).

    It's freezing. A giant caterpillar is sitting under the tree covered with snow.

    Mr.Rabbit and Russian girl are standing and hesitating in which direction to go.

    Rabbit: Let's go this way. Frosty the famous snowman lives here. I hope he can help us.

    Russian girl: I am so tired. What's the use of looking for snowdrops in winter. Where can I sit down?

    Russian girl tries to sit down on a giant caterpillar but jumps up and cries.

    Russian girl: What is it? Dear me! It's a snake!

    Caterpillar: First of all can't you be more polite and stop sitting on a delicate caterpillar?

    Russian girl: Caterpillar in winter! It's incredible!

    Caterpillar: Stop talking nonsense. Can't you see? It's me. What are you doing here on Christmas Eve?

    A group of children is singing Christmas carol “Away in a manger”.

    Away in a manger, no crib for a bed

    The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head.

    The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay

    The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.

    Russian girl: We are looking for snowdrops.

    Caterpillar: Isn't it more incredible to look for snowdrops in winter?

    Russian girl: Certainly it is. Am I going mad?

    Caterpillar: Why haven't you said before you are going crazy? I am sure only Rudolf can help you – he is also an extraordinary creature. You have to go that way. (Show them the way).

    Russian girl: Thank you. Bye.

    Rabbit: Thank you Miss (kisses her hand). Shall we meet one day?

    Carterpillar: Put down my phone number, ducky. (Hugs and kisses him).

    Lights go down. music.

    Lights go up. Russian girl and Mr. Rabbit are going through the forest.

    chorus. Song "Rudolf the Red-Nose Reindeer".

    Rudolf, the red-nosed reindeer
    Had a very shiny nose.
    And if you ever saw it
    Used to laugh and call him names.
    They never let poor Rudolph
    play in any reindeer games.

    Then one foggy Christmas Eve
    Santa came to say
    "Rudolf with your nose so bright,

    you would even say it glows.
    All of the other reindeers

    Won "t you guide my sleigh tonight?"

    Then how the reindeer loved him,
    As they shouted out with glee:
    "Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer,
    you"ll go down in history!"

    Rudolph appears. Russian girl and Mr. Rabbit run to him.

    Rabbit: Mr. Rudolf we are so glad to see you. Can you help us to find snowdrops.

    Rudolf: Snowdrops? What a strange idea! I can manage to get moss and lichen for you.

    Russian girl: But we need snowdrops very much.

    Rudolf: You need a real magician, you need Santa.

    Russian girl: Where is he? Tell us, please, we are in a hurry.

    Rudolf: I can't tell you. He is very busy now, he is preparing Christmas gifts for children. That's why nobody knows where he is. But you can ask Frosty.

    Rabbit: Who is Frosty?

    chorus. Song "Frosty, The Snowman".

    Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul,
    With a corncob pipe and a carrot nose,
    And two eyes made of coal.
    Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale, they say.
    He was made of snow but the children know
    How did he come to life one day.
    There must have been some magic in that
    old silk hat they found,
    For they put it on his head
    He began to dance around!

    Oh, Frosty the snowman,
    Was alive as he could be!
    And the children say he could
    Laugh and play
    Just the same as you and me.
    Thumpety thump thump,
    Thumpety thump thump
    Look at Frosty go!
    Thumpety thump thump
    Thumpty thump thump
    Over the hills of snow…

    Frosty (appears): Who called me?

    Russian girl: Dear Frosty, can you show us the way to Santa's house. We need his help. It's Christmas Eve now and we'd like to get a basket of snowdrops on Christmas Day.

    Frosty: What strange presents do people want to have on Christmas! OK, if you guess my riddles, I'll show you the way.

    Russian girl: We'll try and I think children will help us (to the audience). Will you help us to guess Frosty's riddles?

    It's blue by night
    By day it's white.
    It is cold and not dry
    It falls from the sky. (Snow)

    Fat and gay, on a winter day,
    He came here with us to stay.
    But day by day he grew sad and thin,
    And so we brought his younger brother in. (A calendar)

    In winter and in summer
    They stand in one color. (A fir-tree and a pine)

    This is the season
    When children ski
    And Santa brings
    The bright Christmas tree. (winter)

    Frosty: Let's go that way. I'll follow you, you can lose yourselves. (They are going away).

    music. Chorus “I wish I were a snowman”

    I wish I were a Snowman,
    So tall and big and white.
    I'd never have to clean my teeth,
    Or go to bed at night.
    But maybe Mister Snowman
    Is wishing he were me
    For I'll be here when summer comes,
    But where will the Snowman be?

    music. Song "Christmas is Coming.."

    Christmas is coming
    The goose is getting fat
    Please, to put a penny
    In an old man's hat
    Please put a penny
    In an old man's hat.
    If you have no penny
    A half penny can do
    If you have no halfpenny
    Then God bless you.

    Lights go down.

    Santa's house. (slide "Santa's house").

    Santa Claus is picking up his bag.

    Santa: A new nose for Rudolf, a new broom for Frosty, a beautiful hat for the caterpillar, a basket of snowdrops for the Queen. What else? Ah, they are coming. We'll see if they gain their presents.

    All: Santa, hello. Help us please!

    Santa: All right! I've just learned a new and very modern dance. If you dance with me I'll make all your wishes come true.

    Dance. Everybody is dancing.

    The clock strikes.

    Santa: Christmas has come!

    Song “We wish you a Merry Christmas…” (All participants).

    We wish you a merry Christmas

    We wish you a merry Christmas
    And a happy New Year!
    Good tidings for you
    Wherever you are
    Good tidings for Christmas and a happy New Year!

    Picture 1

    Figure 2

    Figure 3

    Figure 4

    Figure 5

    Figure 6

    Material for the preparation of a school-wide event - a Christmas performance in English with numbers.

    The story of Grinch and Santa Claus

    1 Speaking Magic creature 1

    2 Speaking Magic creature 2

    3 Speaking Magic creature 3
    4 Speaking Magic creature 4

    5 Speaking Magic creature 5 (
    6 Speaking Fir Tree 1
    7 Speaking Fir Tree 2
    8 Speaking Snowman
    9 Speaking little bear
    10 Speaking Snowflake 1
    11 Speaking Snowflake 2
    12 Speaking Snowflake 3
    13 Speaking Snowflake 4
    14 Speaking Tree 1
    15 Speaking Tree 2
    16 Speaking Tree 3
    17 Speaking Tree 4
    18 Speaking Tree 5
    19 Speaking Rudolph
    20 Speaking Penguin 1
    21 Speaking Penguin 2
    22 Speaking Grinch
    23 Speaking Santa Claus
    24 Speaking St Nicholaus
    25 Speaking Girl 1
    26 Speaking Girl 2
    27 Speaking Girl 3
    28 Speaking Narrator

    1 Song with movements Make a circle
    2 Poem and movements Chubby Snowman
    3 song A bear went over the mountain 1A
    4 Snowflake dance A song with movements 2nd girls
    5 Rudolph song + dance Rudolph the red nose reindeer - 2nd class
    6 Song+dance Penguin song 1st V
    7 Song with movements 2nd class
    8 Final song “Santa Claus is coming to town”

    The Beginning
    Narrator: this is the story of Santa Claus, or Saint Nicholaus and how he, a real person, became in the modern world Santa Claus;
    St. Nicholas: I "m Nicholas, Bishop of Myra. That" s in Turkey.
    Narrator:: I don't care for turkey myself. I prefer chichen with salad.
    St. Nicholas: I don't eat Turkey. I lived there. Now I am a Saint?
    Character 1: Why?
    St. Nicholas: I did lots of good things for people. My parents were rich, but I gave away my inheritance. I did miracles that helped people.
    Character 1: like what?

    THREE girls appear on stage:

    Three girls together: Remember us, Bishop Nicholas?
    Girl 1: Our family was very poor.
    Girl 2: Our father had no money for our dowries; so we could not find husbands.
    Girl 3: We were ready to go out on the streets to beg money, and become slaves
    Girl 1: You came by our house in the dark of night, and you left a bag of gold for each of us.
    Girl 2: You threw it into our chimney so nobody would know
    Girl 3: And it landed in the socks that was getting dry by the fire
    Girl 1: And these presents saved us all!
    Girl 1: I found a wonderful husband.
    Girl 2: I used mine to get a good education.
    Girl 3: I started my own business.

    All Girls: You were so kind, Saint Nicholaus (singing, leave the stage)
    Saint Nicholaus: Does that remind you of something?
    Narrator: But You don't look like Santa Claus.
    Saint Nicholaus: LikeA distant cousin, I should say.
    in Holland and Germany.
    On the feast day, I would come through the villages
    after the children were asleep
    and leave candies and coins in their shoes.
    I wanted them to have a little taste of the wonderful gift
    on Christmas day.
    European settlers brought me across the sea to the New Land.
    the American genius for advertising gave me a new life

    Santa Claus is a good hearted soul.
    But sometimes he forgets where he came from.
    Narrator: Oh, I see. This is how the story should be told. And now let's follow Santa to the magic forest where he is getting ready for Christmas

    SCENE 1
    Magic creatures are appearing one by one on the stage, reading poems, hugging each other.
    Magic Creature 1:
    Merry Christmas!
    Isn't it fun
    To say "Merry Christmas"
    to everyone?
    Magic Creature 2:
    Time for a party
    And gifts and things
    That makes everyone happy
    And give their heart wings!

    Magic Creature 3:
    Trimming trees in stocking feet
    Eating all we want to eat.
    Giving presents to our friends
    This is how the whole year ends.

    Magic Creature 4:
    Santa comes
    To bring us toys
    Giving us many
    Christmas joys.

    Magic creature 5:
    I like to visit Santa Claus
    When Christmas time is near.
    It's fun to climb up on his lap
    And whisper in his ear.

    Magic Creature 1: Look! There is a note hanging from the Christmas tree!
    Magic Creature 2: Let's read it! Maybe it's a present for us

    All come to the Christmas tree. Horrible music sounds, then A voice reads out the message: “I hate Christmas! I've taken Santa Claus from you! You will have no Christmas!
    Magic Creature 3: No Christmas?
    Magic Creature 4: No Presents?
    Magic Creature 5: No candies?
    Magic Creature 1: We must do something!
    Magic creature 2:Let's find Santa!

    Two Fir Trees come out on stage.
    Fir Tree 1Up, down, all around
    You run, sing, jump and play!
    Fir tree 2:I know that you
    Like dancing too
    Can you please
    Dance for us today!
    Magic creature 3: Let's dance for the trees!
    Magic Creature 4: maybe it will help
    Magic creature 5: Let's call our friends to help us!

    Magic creatures call the “O form” to dance and sing a Christmas song.
    “Make a circle…”. In the end they put Christmas decorations on the trees.
    A fire tree:
    Look what we see
    You've decorated the tree!
    Now I'll help you
    As you helped me!
    A fir tree gives a piece of a map to one of the creatures. As the "0" leave the stage, the voice reads out:
    This is the first part of the map where Santa is kept. Follow it to make Santa free. You should help elves (?) and they will give you the rest of the map
    All creatures leave the stage.

    Scene 2
    Magic creatures come out one by one on stage
    Magic Creature 1: Where are we? This is a strange place!
    Magic Creature 2: Look at the map! Are we at the right place?
    Magic Creature 3: I think we are. But I'm not sure.
    Magic Creature 4: Look! Someone is coming! Maybe he knows where we are!
    Magic Creature 5:Let's ask him to help us. Maybe he knows the way!
    A snowman appears on the stage
    A snowman:
    A chubby little snowman
    Had a carrot nose.
    Along came a rabbit
    And what do you suppose?
    That hungry little bunny
    Looking for his lunch
    ATE the snowman's carrot nose.......
    Nibble, nibble, CRUNCH!
    Magic Creature 1: Why are you so sad?
    A snowman: A bunny ate my nose yesterday and nobody wants to play with me (crying)
    Magic Creature 2: We want to play with you!
    Magic creature 3:We like playing games!
    Magic creature 4: Our friends enjoy games too
    Magic creature 5: Form 1! Come and play with us! We know that you like playing!
    1form comes on stage singing a song about a snowman.
    The first formers bring a carrot as they appear on stage. They pass the carrot from 1 person to another and then finally give it to the snowman. The snowman turns away and appears with the new nose!
    Snowman: I'm so happy now! I've got a new nose and new friends! Let's play a game!
    The snowman comes down from the stage and shows the movements to the 1st formers. The 1st formers repeat after the snowman
    A chubby little snowman
    Hold your arms in a circle to make a fat belly.
    Had a carrot nose.
    Point your forefinger out from your nose.
    Along came a bunny.
    Hop like a bunny
    And what do you suppose?
    Turn palms upward and shrug in disbelief.
    That hungry little bunny
    Rub your tummy.
    Looking for his lunch
    Shade your eyes, as if looking into the distance.
    Ate that snowman's carrot nose
    make a movement as if eating a carrot
    Nibble, nibble, CRUNCH!
    Jump and clap your hands

    A snowman: Thank you, little ones! I am happy again. And can I help you in any way?
    Magic Creature 1: Oh, we're looking for a Santa. Grinch took him away!
    Magic Creature 2: We need another piece of the map.
    Magic creature 3:Do you know where to find it?

    Magic creature 5: And without Santa Claus there will be no presents, no fun, no sweets!
    A snowman: It happens so that I’ve got a map …somewhere…Oh, let me see… (takes a piece of the map from his pocket) Here it is! Take it!
    Magic creatures: Thank you. (Everybody leave the stage

    Scene 3
    scary music. Magic creatures appear on stage
    Magic creature 1: What a creepy place!
    Magic creature 2: Where are we now?
    All stop. You can hear weeping….
    Magic creature 3: Listen! Somebody is crying!
    Magic creature 4: Look! A bear! And he is crying!
    All creatures come to the bear
    Magic creature 5: Dear bear, why are you crying?
    Baby bear: I'm lost! I can't find my family
    Magic creature 1: I think I saw a family of bears on our way!
    Magic creature 2:Let's go and call them!
    Magic creature 3: We need to help all good creatures on our way.
    Magic creature 4:Then we can find help ourselves.
    Magic creature 5: And free Santa from Grinch!
    Two magic creatures run away from the stage and come back with the 1stformers who are dressed as a bears (have a bear mask) and are singing a song: “A bear went over the mountain”

    The bear went over the mountain
    The bear went over the mountain
    To see what he could see.
    To see what he could see
    To see what he could see

    the other side of the mountain,
    the other side of the mountain,
    Was all that he could see.
    Little bear: Thank you! I am with my family and friends now. By the way, what are you doing here in the middle of nowhere?
    Magic creature 1: We're looking for Santa Claus!
    Magic creature 2: Grinch took him away!
    Magic creature 3: We need a map to continue our way!
    Magic creature 4: We want to have a Christmas party!
    Magic creature 5: There will be no fun without Santa Claus and his bag with presents!
    Little Bear: Wait! I think I saw a piece of a map near my tree (goes from the stage and reappears with another part of the map). Is that it?
    Magic creatures fit the part of the map, say goodbye to the bears and leave the stage. The bears leave the stage from the opposite side.

    Scene 4
    Sound of gusts of wind. Magic creatures appear on stage
    Magic creature 1: This place is full of snow.And a strong wind is blowing!
    Magic creature 2: It's so cold!I'm freezing!
    Magic creature 3: Me too! What are we doing here?
    Magic creature 4: I am scared! I don't like this place.
    Suddenly they heard the sound of music. The stop at the end of stage and watch snowflakes appear to the music.
    Form 2 appears on the stage dressed as snowflakes. They dance a snowflake dance (to the sound of music - waltz? Snowflake dance from nutcracker).
    When snowflakes see magic creatures, they stop
    Snowflake 1: Who are you? Why are you here?
    Snowflake 2: What are you doing in our kingdom? Who let you come to this place?
    Snowflake 3: Let's turn them into the icicles! They will stay here forever.
    Snowflake 4: Let's freeze them into statues! They will make good decorations for our kingdom!
    Magic creature 1: Wait! Don't turn us into statues!
    Magic creature 2: We want to learn how to dance!
    Magic creature 3: And you dance so well!
    Magic creature 4: Teach us how to dance!
    Magic creature 5: We want to dance like you!
    Snowflake 1: I like their words.
    Snowflake 2:I think this creatures are kind!
    Snowflake 3:Let's call our friends from the forest….
    Snowflake 4:And teach them our magical dance!

    Snowflakes call the 2nd formers. They dance (the girls) and the boys sing the song

    Snowflake 1: You are good students!
    Snowflake 2: We like your dance!
    Snowflake 3:We know what you are looking for.
    Snowflake 4: Here is a prize for you (gives magic creatures a piece of the map, everybody leaves the stage)
    Scene 5
    Sounds of creepy music. Magic creatures appear on the stage. Students (3rd form) dressed as trees appear from the other side
    Tree 1: Stop where you are!
    Tree 2: Freeze!
    Tree 3: Don't move!
    Tree 4: We won't let you pass until you solve our riddles
    Tree 5: Are you ready to test your minds?
    Magic creature 1: We'll try…
    Magic creature 2: And if we can't find the answer….
    Magic creature 3: Our friends (looks at the audience) will help us
    Magic creature 4: Because they like Christmas too…
    Magic creature five: And we want to have a great Christmas party together!

    A pen-guin Creature 1

    A pineapple. Creature 2

    Answer: Cupids. Creature 5

    Answer: Comet. Creature 1

    Tree 1: What a brainy team you are!
    Tree 2: And you've got a lot of friends!
    Tree 3: (turning to the other trees, with its back to the creatures)I think we can help them too.
    Tree 4: It's a good idea!
    Tree 5 (coming in front of all the trees): We know, you're looking for something!
    Magic creature 1: Yes! You are right! Grinch has stolen Santa!

    Magic creature 5: So we need a map
    Magic creature 1: …to find his hiding place
    Magic creature 3: Help us, please
    Tree 1:
    Look in the Hollow
    In the trunk of the tree
    You'll find what you need
    if you follow me!
    The trees takes away the creatures….Trees and magical creatures leave the stage
    Scene 6
    Magic creatures appear on stage
    Magic creature 1: We're getting nearer and nearer..
    Magic creature 2: and the closer we get…
    Magic creature 3: …the creepier it feels…
    Magic creature 4: We should be more careful now…
    Magic creature 5: Unless we want to get in a trap…
    Magic creature 1: …set by this horrible Grinch…

    Grinch appears from the other side
    Horrible! Terrible! Awful Grinch
    Your words make my body itch!
    So there you are! Get what you deserve
    You, silly, touched my nerve!
    Roars in terrible way!
    Magic creature 1: Look, what we've done!
    Magic creature 2: We made him even angry!
    Magic creature 3: Now he won't give us Santa Claus back.
    Magic creature 4: Shhhhh!!! I hear some noise! Looks like somebody is crying…
    Magic creature 5: And Here it comes….
    Rudolph the Reindeer appears on the stage, crying
    I am so upset
    My nose is no longer red
    Grinch made it brown
    Santa will not need me now!
    Magic creature 1: I think we can help him!
    Magic creature 2: Do you remember our Christmas song?
    Magic creature 3: About Rudolph…
    Magic creature 4: If we sing it together for him….
    Magic creature 5: His nose will be glowing again…Let's call our friends to help us sing the reindeer song!
    4th formers come on stage and sing the song. Some of the students dance around Rudolph, and while they are Dancing Rudolph puts on a shining Red nose.
    had a very shiny nose
    and if you ever saw it
    you would even say it glows

    all of the other reindeers

    they never let poor Rudolph
    join in any reindeer games

    then one foggy christmas eve
    Santa came to say:

    you"ll go down in history."

    Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
    had a very shiny nose
    and if you ever saw it
    you would even say it glows
    all of the other reindeers
    used to laugh and call him names
    they never let poor Rudolph
    join in any reindeer games

    I am happy today
    I can guide your way
    Grinch from now on
    Has to step away! (with his horns to the audience)
    Let's go and find Santa! I think I know where to go!

    Scene 7 (At the gates of Grinch's cave)
    Magic creature 1: Well, this looks like it!
    Magic creature 2: Are you sure?
    Magic creature 3: Let's look at our map
    Magic creature 4: We don't need a map, silly
    Magic creature 5:We've got Rudolph with us!
    Rudolph: yes, I can smell that Santa is here
    Penguins appear on stage:
    Penguin 1:
    I am a bird you know quite well,
    All dressed in black and white.
    And even though I do have wings
    They're not designed for flight.

    Penguin 2:
    I "m a little penguin

    I "m a little penguin
    (Do a "penguin walk" in place.)
    On the ice.
    (Point down to the ground.)
    I think cold is very nice.
    (Wrap your arms around your chest and smile)
    Then I hop around once, then twice.
    (Hop up and down.)
    I think that ice is very nice.
    (Nod your head and smile.)

    Penguins (1st formers appear singing a song)
    Ten Little Penguins
    (tune: Ten Little Indians)

    Ten little penguin chicks.
    1st formers stand by the Big penguins
    Penguin 1:
    Who are you and what do you want?
    Aren't you afraid of us a lot?
    We can make you run away
    We don't want you to stay!
    Penguin 2:
    This is our hiding spot
    So tell us now - what do you want?
    Magic creature 1: Grinch has stolen Santa!
    Magic creature 2: We have no presents now!
    Magic creature 3: We've got no sweets!
    Magic creature 4: We've got no Christmas tree!
    Magic creature 5: We can invite you to our party if you help us….
    Magic creature 1: …to bring Santa Claus back…
    Magic creature 3: …because when there is no Santa….
    Magic creature 2: … there is no Christmas and no fun!

    Penguin 1: Will you really invite us to the party?
    Magic creatures (all together): Yes!
    Penguin 2: Cap, shall we let them through?
    Penguin 1: Yes boss! I want to have a party!
    Magic creatures and penguins leave the stage

    Scene 8 (At the Grinch's cave)
    Magic creatures, Rudolph and Penguins appear from one side, Grinch from the other
    I've got Santa but no fun!
    Oh where, oh where is everyone?
    Where are crackers, candies, cake?
    Is Christmas happiness just a fake?
    Grinch starts crying
    Magic creature 1: We can make you happy!
    Magic creature 2: We can make you laugh!
    Magic creature 3: Join us for some fun!
    Magic creature 4: Elves! snowflakes! Squirrels! Help us make Grinch happy!
    Magic creature 5: If we make him happy, he'll let Santa Claus free
    Magic creature 1: We'll have a big Christmas party
    Magic creature 2:We'll have a lot of fun.
    Magic creature 3:We'll have a lot of presents!
    Magic creature 4:We'll have candies and cakes!
    Magic creature 5: And we'll be happy again!

    2nd former) come on stage. They sing a song. While singing Grinch starts laughing and singing too.

    Let's all do a little clapping,
    Let's all do a little clapping,
    And spread Christmas cheer.

    (A variant - if you are happy and you know it….

    If you "re happy and you know it clap your hands.

    If you "re happy and you know it clap your hands.

    If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
    If you "re happy and you know it stomp your feet.

    If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
    If you "re happy and you know it nod your head.

    If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
    If you"re happy and you know it shout "Hooray!"

    If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
    If you're happy and you know it turn around.

    At the end of the song Santa Claus appears on the stage to the tune Santa Claus is coming to town
    Santa Claus: Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas everyone! I'm free! I'm back! Let's celebrate!
    At the end of speech all actors come on stage and to the stage and sing a song
    Santa Claus is coming to town…
    The end

    0form Make a circle
    Time to make a circle.
    Make a circle, big big big.
    Big big big.
    Make a circle, small smallsmall.
    hello hello hello.

    Make a circle, round and round.
    Round and round.
    Round and round.
    Make a circle, round and round.
    hello hello hello.

    Make a circle, up up.
    Down down.
    up up.
    Make a circle, down down.
    Now sit down.

    The Snowman Song Lyrics
    I'm a happy snowman
    white and fat.
    Here are my buttons
    here is my hat.

    Whew, it's hot as a melt away.

    Whew, it's hot!
    It's getting cold again.

    I'm a happy snowman
    white and fat.
    Here are my buttons
    here is my hat.
    When the sun comes out you'll hear me say
    whew, it's hot as a melt away.

    Whew, it's getting really hot now.
    Oh no!

    I'm a sad snowman,
    wet and flat.
    Where are my buttons?
    Where is my hat?
    When the sun goes down you'll hear me say,
    (Hey, it's getting cold again! Yeah!)
    Hey it's cold again hooray!
    Hey, it's cold again hooray!

    Walk, walk, walk, like a snowman.
    Dance, dance, dance like a snowman.
    Jump, jump, jump like a snowman.
    Turn, turn, turn like a snowman.

    Oh it's getting hot again!
    Melt, melt, melt like a snowman.

    Five little snowmen standing in a line
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5 so fine

    Four little snowmen standing in a line
    1, 2, 3, 4, (Clap) so fine
    Melt in the sunshine with a sigh
    We'll see you next year bye bye

    Three little snowmen standing in a line
    1, 2, 3, (Clap, Clap) so fine
    Melt in the sunshine with a sigh
    We'll see you next year bye bye

    Two little snowmen standing in a line
    1, 2, (Clap, Clap, Clap) so fine
    Melt in the sunshine with a sigh
    We'll see you next year bye bye

    One little snowman standing in a line
    1, (Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap) so fine
    Melt in the sunshine with a sigh
    We'll see you next year bye bye

    2nd forms girls dance and the boys sing “Winter Hockey pockey
    The Winter Pokey
    Tune: Hokey Pokey
    customized by Mrs. Jones

    right hand

    You take your right mitten out.
    You put your right mitten in
    Then you shake it all about.

    That's what it's all about!

    left hand
    You put your left mitten in
    You take your left mitten out.
    You put your left mitten in
    Then you shake it all about.
    You do the winter pokey, (shiver)
    And you turn yourself around.
    That's what it's all about!

    right foot
    You put your right boot in
    You take your right boot out.
    You put your right boot in
    Then you shake it all about.
    You do the winter pokey, (shiver)
    And you turn yourself around.
    That's what it's all about!
    left foot
    You put your left boot in
    You take your left boot out.
    You put your left boot in
    Then you shake it all about.
    You do the winter pokey, (shiver)
    And you turn yourself around.
    That's what it's all about!

    upper body in, hands from neck to end of scarf
    You put your long scarf in
    You take your long scarf out.
    You put your long scarf in
    Then you shake it all about.
    You do the winter pokey, (shiver)
    And you turn yourself around.
    That's what it's all about!

    hands over ears and put head in
    You put your earmuffs in
    You take your earmuffs out.
    You put your earmuffs in
    Then you shake it all about.
    You do the winter pokey, (shiver)
    And you turn yourself around.
    That's what it's all about!

    hands on head and put your head in
    You put your warm cap in
    You take your warm cap out.
    You put your warm cap in
    Then you shake it all about.
    You do the winter pokey, (shiver)
    And you turn yourself around.
    That's what it's all about!

    touch shoulders and sweep toes and put whole body in
    You put your snowsuit in
    You take your snowsuit out.
    You put your snowsuit in
    Then you shake it all about.
    You do the winter pokey, (shiver)
    And you turn yourself around.
    That's what it's all about!

    The Bear Went Over the Mountain
    The bear went over the mountain
    The bear went over the mountain
    The bear went over the mountain
    To see what he could see.
    To see what he could see
    To see what he could see
    the other side of the mountain,
    the other side of the mountain,
    the other side of the mountain,
    Was all that he could see.

    What kind of bird can write? Tree 1
    A pen-guin Creature 1
    What do you do when you cross an apple with a Christmas tree? Tree 2
    A pineapple. Creature 2
    When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving? Tree 3
    Answer: In the dictionary. Creature 3
    What does a snowman like to eat for breakfast? Tree 4
    Answer: Frosted Flakes. Creature 4
    Which one of Santa's reindeer can be seen on Valentines day? Tree 5
    Answer: Cupids. Creature 5
    Riddle:Which on of Santa's reindeers can you see in outer space? Tree 1
    Answer: Comet. Creature 1
    Q: Why can "t the Christmas tree stand up? A: It doesn't have legs. Tree 2 - Creature 2
    Q: What do you call a snowman in the summer? A: A puddle! Tree 3 - Creature 3
    Q: Why is Santa so good at karate?A: Because he has a black belt!Tree 4 - Creature 4
    What "s at the end of Christmas? The letter S. Tree 5 - Creature 5
    Which reindeer is known to be the fastest of them all? Dasher Tree 1
    4th form

    had a very shiny nose
    and if you ever saw it
    you would even say it glows

    all of the other reindeers
    used to laugh and call him names
    they never let poor Rudolph
    join in any reindeer games

    then one foggy christmas eve
    Santa came to say:
    "Rudolph with your nose so bright
    won "t you guide my sleigh tonight?"

    then how the reindeer loved him
    as they shouted out with glee (yippee)
    "Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
    you"ll go down in history."

    Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
    had a very shiny nose
    and if you ever saw it
    you would even say it glows
    all of the other reindeers
    used to laugh and call him names
    they never let poor Rudolph
    join in any reindeer games

    Ten Little Penguins
    (tune: Ten Little Indians)

    One little, two little, three little penguins,
    Four little, five little, six little penguins,
    Seven little, eight little, nine little penguins,
    Ten little penguin chicks.
    2nd form (boys and girls) girls sing and boys make movements
    If you "re happy and you know it clap your hands.
    If you "re happy and you know it clap your hands.
    If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
    If you "re happy and you know it clap your hands.

    If you "re happy and you know it stomp your feet.
    If you "re happy and you know it stomp your feet.
    If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
    If you "re happy and you know it stomp your feet.

    If you "re happy and you know it nod your head.
    If you "re happy and you know it nod your head.
    If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
    If you "re happy and you know it nod your head.

    If you"re happy and you know it shout "Hooray!"
    If you"re happy and you know it shout "Hooray!"
    If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
    If you"re happy and you know it shout "Hooray!"

    If you're happy and you know it turn around.
    If you're happy and you know it turn around.
    If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
    If you're happy and you know it turn around.

    Let's All Do a Little Clapping Sing to: We Wish You A Merry Christmas
    Let's all do a little clapping,
    Let's all do a little clapping,
    Let's all do a little clapping,
    And spread Christmas cheer.
    2. Jumping 3. Twirling 4. Stretching 5. Bending 6. Hugging….

    Final song: Santa Claus is coming to town

    Full text of the material Scenario of the Christmas Tale in English; 1-4 classes, see the download file.
    The page contains a snippet.


    Christmas Musical Tale in English

    "Time of Miracles"

    Shaydullina Landysh Minnafikovna,

    English teacher I sq. category,

    MAOU "Lyceum No. 78 named after A. S. Pushkin",

    city ​​of Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan

    "Time of Miracles"

    Christmas night (Christmas night). Two sisters (grade 7) decorate the Christmas tree and talk about their gifts:

    1. Tomorrow is Christmas. This night is magic because Santa comes to children and gives them presents.

    2 . Oh, what should I wish? What present do I want ? (thinks, looks around the stage and the audience).

    I want a toy and I want a doll

    I want a car and a big ball.

    Oooh, I don't know!

      And I want a puppy. A little puppy with big funny ears (laughs and looks dreamily at the ceiling).

      A puppy? Ha, I am sure our parents will be against it! But.. Who knows… It`s a magic night and all wishes come true.

      Oh, and don't forget, we must prepare a present for Santa!

      Yes, tasty cookies and milk. ( takes biscuits and milk). You know, Santa ia always hungry ( takes one cookie and wants to eat it).

      Eh, eh… It's for Santa!

      (puts the cookies back on the plate) Oops, sorry, I know.

      Put the cookies on the table! ( look at the clock) It`s late. Time to go to bed.

    The girls leave. Snowflakes (grade 4) come out with a dance. End of the dance - Santa (7th grade) enters, smiles, pats the girls on the head and goes to the stockings on the fireplace. Suddenly he sees cookies and milk. Smiling.

    Santa: Ho, ho! Cookies! Two nice girls left them for me. Mmm, so tasty! (tastes cookies). Their present is good. I liked it! So now my turn! Jenny wants a puppy (waves her wand and takes out a puppy, puts it in a gift stocking).

    And Manny… Oh, she said: “I want a toy and I want a doll

    I want a car and a big ball.

    Well, OK! ( Santa takes out the gifts, calls them in English again and puts them on the fireplace and in a stocking. Santa sits down v armchair).

    Santa: I`ll have a rest and go to other houses to give presents to other children.


    Morning has come. The girls just got up. They take the stage. Pull up and yawn. They look at the fireplace and shout joyfully, interrupting each other.

      Jenny! look!

      Manny! Do you see?

      Yes, I do. There is something in the stockings!

      Presents…our presents!! Santa brought them!

      This is my stocking! Oh what is there? A puppy!)))

      And… Oh a ball, a car, a doll and a toy! Everything I wanted! Santa didn't forget anything.

    Girls jump, rejoice and laugh.

      This is the best Christmas! I like it so much.

      And I am so happy, too. (Looks into the hall and joyfully shouts to the audience) MerryChristmas!!! I wish you Merry Christmas!

    Children come out and sing a song Merry Christmas"

    Bibliography The author of the text is Shaydullina Landysh Minnafikovna