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  • When they put sticks in the wheels. The meaning of the phraseological unit "put a spoke in the wheel" and the history of its origin. "Put a spoke in the wheel": the meaning of phraseology

    When they put sticks in the wheels.  The meaning of phraseology

    An extremely interesting branch of the science of language is that which studies similar in meaning to one lexeme. They are called phraseological units. There are several types of such formations. So, phraseological fusions are those combinations of words when the meaning of a holistic concept is not motivated by their meaning, as, for example, in the expression “to kill a worm”.

    "Put a spoke in the wheel": the meaning of phraseology

    Each of the lexemes included in the phrase can retain a figurative meaning that creates the general meaning of the expression. In this case, we see in front of us. An example is the combination in question.

    The meaning of the phraseological unit "put a spoke in the wheel" is disapproving. So they say when they want to emphasize that someone deliberately interferes in some business, in the implementation of the plan.

    In the modern sense, most often we are talking about the obstacles erected by officials, bureaucrats to creative, thinking people, innovators in their fresh ideas, work or discoveries.

    The history of the origin of the phraseological unit "put a spoke in the wheel"

    There is no consensus on the origin of this combination. The meaning of the phraseological unit “put a spoke in the wheel” can go back to the direct meaning of such an action.

    Thus, such a point of view is expressed that this turnover arose from the custom of using special sticks to slow down / stop the progress of a cart, wagon or some other vehicle if necessary. Thus, a stable combination “putting a spoke in the wheel” appeared, the origin of which was due to physical action.

    Synonyms of phraseologism "put a spoke in the wheel"

    It is known that many words and expressions in the Russian language have “twins” similar in meaning. This combination is no exception. The meaning of the phraseological unit “putting a spoke in the wheels” implies not only “to prevent”, “not to give”, “to interfere”, “oppose”, “tear”, but also such expressions as “to be a bone in the throat”, “become (stand) across the road (at someone on the way)”, “throw a log under your feet”, “be (be) a hindrance (obstacle)”, “make obstacles”, “confuse cards”, “cross the road”, “tie on the legs and hands."

    By and large, for the expression "putting spokes in the wheels" a synonym is any word or combination with the meaning "interfering", "creating a problem".

    It is interesting that this seemingly purely Russian phrase has its analogues with the same meaning in other European languages. The translation from French sounds exactly like in Russian, from English - "put a spoke in someone's wheel", from Spanish - "set the bandwagon", from German - "throw sticks under someone's feet". As we can see, many nations use this meaning.

    The use of the phraseological unit "put a spoke in the wheel" in literature

    The use of set expressions by writers in their work greatly enriches the language of the works. The meaning of the phraseological unit "put a spoke in the wheel" in literary speech is confirmed by its frequent use by writers of different times - from classics to contemporaries. So, in "War and Peace" Leo Tolstoy remarks: "God only grant that Prince Kutuzov ... takes real power and would not allow anyone to put a spoke in his wheels."

    Sergei Sergeev-Tsensky also uses this set expression in Brusilovsky Breakthrough. Excerpt: “So work, how you need to be amazed at this, and not put spokes in his wheels for this!”.

    Vladimir Tendryakov in "The Fall of Ivan Chuprov" also used this phraseological unit. Excerpt: “That is why I came to you. But there are also those who put spokes in my wheels.

    Put a spoke in wheel put sticks in wheels Razg. Unapproved More often than not. Intentionally interfere with someone in any business, in the implementation of something. From noun. with meaning faces: worker, foe... puts spokes in the wheels of whom? engineer, entrepreneurs…; put sticks in wheels in what? in action, at work...

    To work like Alexei Alekseevich, because you need to be amazed at this, and not put spokes in the wheels for it. (S. Sergeev-Tsensky.)

    I know that they still believe in me... But there are also those who put spokes in my wheels. (To Tendryakov.)

    (?) The turnover goes back to the custom of using special sticks to slow down the progress of the cart, wagon and other vehicles.

    Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .

    See what it is to "put a spoke in the wheel" in other dictionaries:

      Put a spoke in wheel- to whom. Razg. Express. Intentionally interfere with something. Figure it out and report to me tonight ... The pilots are sweating their brows trying to fulfill the flight training plan, and the slobs put spokes in their wheels (G. Hoffmann. The birth of a feat) ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

      put a spoke in wheel- Insert (put) sticks into the wheels Intentionally interfere, interfere in what l. actually... Dictionary of many expressions

      put sticks in wheels (insert)- STICK, and, well. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

      Insert (put, stick) sticks in the wheels- to whom; to what. Razg. Unapproved Intentionally disturbing someone. in what l. deed. FSRYA, 308; ZS 1996, 65; SHZF 2001, 48; Yanin 2003, 74; F 2, 171, 181; BMS 1998, 430; BTS, 1258 ...

      Insert put sticks in the wheels Razg. Unapproved More often than not. Intentionally interfere with someone in any business, in the implementation of something. From noun. with meaning faces: worker, foe... puts spokes in the wheels of whom? engineer, entrepreneurs ...; ... ... Educational Phraseological Dictionary

      Shove sticks in the wheels- to whom. Sib. Unapproved The same as putting sticks in the wheels. WWTP, 135 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

      Poke sticks in the wheels- to whom. Psk. Unapproved The same as putting sticks in the wheels. SPP 2001, 59 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

      insert- see insert; i/u, i/eat; nsv. To put sticks in the wheels (also: colloquial; interfere with someone, prevent something) ... Dictionary of many expressions

      stick- and; pl. genus. lok, date lcam; well. see also stick, stick 1) a) A branch or a thin trunk of a tree, cut and peeled of shoots. Wattle sticks. Cut out an oak stick. b) resp.; unfold ... Dictionary of many expressions

      WHEEL- WHEEL, a, pl. wheels, wheels, cf. 1. In various mechanisms: a disk or rim rotating on an axis or mounted on a shaft and serving to set the mechanism in motion; generally a device of this form. Steering k. Rowing k. Mill k. Toothed k. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov


    • Pilgrims of the Spiral, Neklyudov Vyacheslav Viktorovich Series: Ours is there Publisher: Centerpoligraph, Buy for 476 rubles
    • Pilgrims of the spiral, Neklyudov V., It's good to return home after a long trip through the worlds of the Fibonacci spiral, but it's bad that, trying to help your comrade get things right, you inadvertently cross the path not only of the Russian FSB, but ...

    Put a spoke in wheel to whom. Razg. Express. Intentionally interfere with something. - Figure it out and report to me tonight ... The pilots are sweating their brows trying to fulfill the flight training plan, and the slobs put sticks in their wheels(G. Hoffman. The birth of a feat).

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

    See what "Insert spokes into wheels" is in other dictionaries:

      put a spoke in wheel

      put a spoke in wheel- Insert (put) sticks into the wheels Intentionally interfere, interfere in what l. actually... Dictionary of many expressions

      put sticks in wheels (insert)- STICK, and, well. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

      Insert (put, stick) sticks in the wheels- to whom; to what. Razg. Unapproved Intentionally disturbing someone. in what l. deed. FSRYA, 308; ZS 1996, 65; SHZF 2001, 48; Yanin 2003, 74; F 2, 171, 181; BMS 1998, 430; BTS, 1258 ...

      put sticks in the wheels- insert put sticks in the wheels Razg. Unapproved More often than not. Intentionally interfere with someone in any business, in the implementation of something. From noun. with meaning faces: worker, foe... puts spokes in the wheels of whom? engineer, entrepreneurs ...; ... ... Educational Phraseological Dictionary

      Shove sticks in the wheels- to whom. Sib. Unapproved The same as putting sticks in the wheels. WWTP, 135 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

      Poke sticks in the wheels- to whom. Psk. Unapproved The same as putting sticks in the wheels. SPP 2001, 59 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

      insert- see insert; i/u, i/eat; nsv. To put sticks in the wheels (also: colloquial; interfere with someone, prevent something) ... Dictionary of many expressions

      stick- and; pl. genus. lok, date lcam; well. see also stick, stick 1) a) A branch or a thin trunk of a tree, cut and peeled of shoots. Wattle sticks. Cut out an oak stick. b) resp.; unfold ... Dictionary of many expressions

      WHEEL- WHEEL, a, pl. wheels, wheels, cf. 1. In various mechanisms: a disk or rim rotating on an axis or mounted on a shaft and serving to set the mechanism in motion; generally a device of this form. Steering k. Rowing k. Mill k. Toothed k. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov


    • Pilgrims of the Spiral, Neklyudov Vyacheslav Viktorovich Series: Ours is there Publisher: Centerpoligraph, Buy for 476 rubles
    • Pilgrims of the spiral, Neklyudov V., It's good to return home after a long trip through the worlds of the Fibonacci spiral, but it's bad that, trying to help your comrade get things right, you inadvertently cross the path not only of the Russian FSB, but ...

    According to information from the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry dated April 3, on this day, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang held a regular press conference.
    Below is a transcript of that press conference.

    - According to reports, DPRK Foreign Minister Lee Yong-ho arrived in Beijing today. Will the Chinese side make contact with him?

    - The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK, Lee Yong-ho, is indeed in Beijing. Member of the State Council, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will hold a meeting with him, information about which we will publish in a timely manner.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov reportedly said yesterday that he believes the Skripal poisoning was staged by the UK to divert attention from its exit from the EU. Earlier, the Russian side decided to retaliate by expelling diplomats from the UK, the USA and a number of other countries from the Russian Federation. What comments can the Chinese side make on this?

    We noticed that the parties concerned have not yet come to a common conclusion on the “Skripal case”, and Russia has taken symmetrical responses to the expulsion of its diplomats.

    We believe that the parties concerned should find out the full truth about the Skripal case as soon as possible and properly resolve differences based on mutual respect and the principle of consultation on an equal footing. In a situation where the international community is facing many challenges, the parties should cast aside the Cold War mentality, abandon the confrontation between blocs and work together to protect peace, stability and tranquility on earth, make efforts to build a new type of international relations based on the principles of mutual respect, impartiality, fairness and mutually beneficial cooperation.

    - First question: the Russian side said that it was denied participation in the investigation of the “Skripal case”, does the Chinese side think that Russia should be allowed to participate in this investigation? The second question is that State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will visit Russia tomorrow. Due to the “Skripal case”, there is tension in diplomatic relations between Russia and Western countries. What information can the Chinese side convey to Russia in this situation?

    As for the first question, as I just said, there is still no general conclusion on the “Skripal case” that is recognized by everyone. The Chinese side advocates that the parties clarify all the facts of this case as soon as possible and resolve the conflict based on mutual respect and the principle of consultations on an equal footing.

    As for the visit of State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi to Russia, my colleagues already answered a similar question last week. This visit is a symbol of the development of comprehensive relations of strategic cooperation and partnership between the two countries in a new environment. According to my information, during his visit, Wang Yi will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin and hold talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. There, the parties will exchange views on issues of bilateral relations and other issues of common interest to both states.

    The Chinese side decided from April 2 to suspend the effect of reduced tariffs on 128 items of American goods imported into China. Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai, in connection with the investigation of Section 301 of the Commerce Act, said that if the United States eventually releases the so-called list, China will resolutely respond in the same volume, with the same amount and with the same intensity. Are the parties looking for ways to resolve the problem in order to avoid worsening the situation and Sino-US trade and economic relations?

    As everyone already knows, on April 1, the Committee on Customs Duties under the State Council of the People's Republic of China issued a decision to suspend tariff incentives on some US goods. China's move is in retaliation for the U.S. tariffs on imported steel and aluminum under Section 232 of the U.S. Trade Expansion Act, and to balance the damage done to China's interests. It should be made clear that this measure is in response to the US imposition of Section 232 tariffs, and not to the Section 301 investigation of the Commerce Act.

    We constantly say that China does not provoke a trade war and does not intend to wage one, but we are not afraid of a trade war. If someone insists on war, so much so that he even breaks on the door of the house, we will fight to the last. China intends and can take all necessary measures to protect its own just and legitimate interests. If the United States, in accordance with the investigation under the 301st section of the Commerce Act, applies restrictive measures against the Chinese side, China will, of course, respond to them. The US has a list, China can make a list too.

    We always emphasize that China is always open to negotiations. We hope, together with the United States, through dialogue and consultations, to resolve differences in the field of economics and trade, to properly resolve problems. At the same time, when conducting dialogue and consultations, the parties should be guided by the principles of international law and international trade, and not by the internal laws of the United States; observe the principles of mutual respect and equality, and not take a dominant position and not use unilateral threats; show mutual understanding and make mutual concessions, and not ask for an exorbitant price and not fool your head.

    We hope that the United States will remain reasonable, show a clear understanding of the situation and listen to the voices of business and industry representatives and ordinary people, and also, as soon as possible, abandon the policy of unilateral action and trade protectionism, through dialogue and consultations, together with China, will resolve differences and work together to promote the healthy and stable development of China-US economic and trade relations for the benefit of the two peoples.

    “Japan reportedly recently announced the unification of the command of its ground self-defense forces, the first such step it has taken since the Second World War. The Japanese authorities explained their actions by the fact that, in the future, Japan is likely to face ballistic missile tests and strikes aimed at its territory, and therefore it needs coherence in its response. Such actions are a hint that the likelihood of China attacking Japan and North Korea testing ballistic missiles is increasing. How can the Chinese side comment on this?

    Can China attack Japanese territories? Did the Japanese side say so?

    “They didn’t talk about China directly, they just said that they might face more ballistic missile tests and attacks on their territory. Some analysts have interpreted this as an allusion to North Korea. What does the Chinese side think?

    As many have noted, recently there has been a positive trend in the situation on the Korean Peninsula, all interested parties are actively expanding cooperation. Many countries have contributed to this, including the US, and some progress has been made. Japan is apparently being ignored in this process.

    Recently, Japan again began to talk about the fact that the DPRK may now be preparing for new nuclear tests and, possibly, test launches of ballistic missiles. They "sound the alarm" and successfully attract the attention of the international community.

    Let Japan calm down, it is clear and unchanging that the world community is determined to push forward the denuclearization of the peninsula, to fully and fully implement the decisions of the UN Security Council on North Korea.

    At the same time, we hope that the parties will be able to take advantage of the opportunities provided to them, meet each other halfway in negotiations, make joint efforts to defuse the situation on the peninsula, and once again put the solution of the Korean issue on the track of dialogues and consultations. We hope that no one will put a spoke in the wheel.

    — On April 2 local time, the Egyptian National Electoral Commission announced that current President Al-Sisi had won the 2018 presidential election. How can the Chinese side comment on this? What are your expectations regarding the future development of China-Egypt relations?

    We heartily congratulate President Al-Sisi on the start of his second presidential term, President Xi Jinping sent him a letter of congratulations. The Chinese side supports the choice of the Egyptian people and hopes that the Egyptian people, under the leadership of Al-Sisi, will achieve even greater success in finding a development path that is in line with the situation in the country.

    Over the past few years, due to the interest of the leaders of the two countries, relations between China and Egypt have developed very quickly. China wants to continue to be Egypt's partner, and will continue to strengthen efforts in this direction, further develop exchanges and cooperation in various fields, promote all-round strategic cooperation and partnership so that they reach a new stage of development.

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