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  • Ann Fine is the return of the killer cat. Return of the cat Yuri Sitnikov return of the cat read online

    Ann Fine is the return of the killer cat.  Return of the cat Yuri Sitnikov return of the cat read online

    …His name is Cat, and he must find his home.
    His path is the path of hope! His faith is loyalty to his masters! Life laid traps for him, tormented him with fear, tormented him with pain; the long road began to seem like a road into the void, and the hope of seeing the owners treacherously melted away from endless expectations.
    But the faith of the animal is unshakable! Intuition, luck, responsiveness and disinterestedness of people became the steps of a long staircase leading the Cat to the house.
    Exactly one year will pass, during this time much will change; the Cat himself will change, his attitude to many things, people, the world around him.
    The goal remains unchanged - to find your home. And he is looking for him. Looking for!..

    Check Availability


    publishing house Bookmaster Edition Series Mysterious Adventures ISBN 978-985-549-465-3 , 985-549-465-2

    Year 2013 Pages 288 Hardcover Format 84x108/32 Circulation 3050 copies. Weight 0.296 kg. Barcode 9789855494653

    Mysterious Adventure Series →

    Author: Sitnikov Yu. →


    Yaltukhova Olga// August 31, 2013

    The book is awesome! Left a very strong impression. A touching and sweet story of a ginger cat, intertwined with the stories and destinies of people.

    Brusnikina Lena// March 23, 2013

    Vainorovskaya L// February 8, 2013, 21:12

    My review of the story The Cat and The Return of the Cat.
    Books about animals, special books. They contain the truth of life.
    A huge plus of this story is the strongest dramatic plot. At times it is difficult to read, emotions are over the edge, tears well up in my eyes, but it is impossible to tear myself away.
    The story is worthy of attention, the story of a homeless cat touches to the core, it will not leave anyone indifferent.
    There would be more such bright, sincere books. Our children from an early age should learn to reverently and relate to our smaller brothers.
    A book for family reading. Age from 6 to 99 years.

    Vilkova Anna Sergeevna// February 6, 2013, 15:05

    Continuation of the story "CAT".
    In my opinion, every student should read this book. The book teaches empathy, sympathy for animals, calling for responsibility and justice. Here you can see the difference between good and evil. My 12 year old daughter was reading and crying. And I read aloud to the younger one, and there were moments when he began to sob and tears appeared in him. The book is strong! I advise everyone to have it in the family library. She's worth it.
    The decor is quality. Hardcover with a glossy finish, large print, white, soft-touch paper.

    March 1st is World Cat Day. Cats have lived alongside humans for over 5,000 years. Affectionate and wayward, silent and talkative, velvet and plush - so different, but always loved. Cats make our life brighter, kinder and happier. That is why they not only entered the mythology of different peoples, but also became the heroes of many literary works. Let's celebrate this wonderful holiday and read books about our pets with children. We also offer a simple quiz about book cats and cats.

    Holly Webb "Kitten Whiskers, or Courageous Heart"

    A very touching story about the girl Mia, who lost her pet and friend - the cat Ryzhik, who lived with her almost all her life. And for a long time she cannot decide on a new love for another fluffy creature - the kitten Mustache.

    Whiskers was the smallest and timid of the kittens. He was wary of loud noises and strangers and preferred to hole up in a box while the rest of the kittens bravely explored the vast new world.

    The owner of the kittens, the girl Emily, was worried that no one would want to take such a shy and unkind kitten home. But Mia proved to be patient and kind to win Mustache's friendship. Love for a little kitten crept into her heart and brought with it the joy of new friendship and care.

    Read other books by Holly Webb from the Kind Stories about Animals series: Smokey the Kitten, or the Mystery of the Treehouse, Fluffy the Kitten, or the Christmas Miracle.

    Books can be borrowed from the city children's and youth library, the library named after L.A. Gladina, the family reading library, libraries No. 1 and No. 2.

    Paul Gallico "Jenny and Thomasina"

    The book by Paul Gallico, who is called the American Andersen, includes two wonderful stories "Jenny" and "Thomasina". Paul Gallico himself has always been a good patron of animals; 23 cats and a dog lived in his house.

    The touching and wise fairy tale "Jenny" tells about a boy who once turned into a white kitten. Now he lives on the street, learns to be a cat, make friends, fight, trust people and forgive. The smart cat Jenny comes to his aid and becomes his friend and teacher.

    Thomasina is Paul Gallico's most famous novel. This is an amazing story of the cat Thomasina, the girl Mary Rua and her father, hardened after life's trials. A story that makes you feel and sympathize. This story is “for middle school age”, be careful when offering it to children before, read it yourself first. There are many "difficult" scenes here: what are Thomasina's funeral worth! But reading this book is really worth it, because in the end we are waiting for the triumph of love and kindness. This is a real classic of literature - a magnificent and deep story about a man and an animal, a story about the power of Love.

    The special charm of the story is given by the chapters in which the narration comes from the name of the cat Thomasina. Independent disposition, conceit (after all, she considers herself a goddess) and at the same time, extraordinary tolerance and tenderness for her little mistress, an 8-year-old girl - all this is perfectly conveyed by the author, who understood a lot about cats.

    The book can be borrowed from the city children's and youth library, the library named after L.A. Gladina, family reading library, library number 2.

    Yuri Koval "Shamayka"

    This is a funny and at the same time sad story about a cat of amazing fate.

    In the landfill of a seaside town, an amazingly beautiful cat was born, which was waiting for an unusual fate. Everything was in her cat's life - ups and downs, garbage dumps in the backyards and velvet pillows in rich houses.

    There were friendship and love in her life, there were betrayals and enemies. And the name of the magnificent cat was also different: in the poor quarters - Shamaika, and in the rich - Royal Analostanka.

    Judith Kerr "Foxes Visit Meowli"

    This book by the English writer and illustrator Judith Kerr is just one of a series of books about the cat Meowli. More than forty years have passed since the appearance of the first book, and Meowli has long been the favorite house cat of boys and girls around the world.

    One day, Meowli decided to show off and refused to eat the fish offered to her for dinner. Mr. Thomas decided that Meowli was completely spoiled, and forbade feeding the cat any other food until she had eaten this one. At night, a hungry fox family made its way to the kitchen through the cat's hole.

    The foxes with great joy ate everything that Meowli had not eaten, warmed up and went home satisfied. But Meowli was also pleased, because everyone thought that she had eaten the fish and treated her with her favorite egg as a reward!

    The book can be borrowed from the local children's and youth library.

    Nikolai Vorontsov "Diary of Pompom the Cat"

    The wonderful artist Uncle Kolya Vorontsov has a familiar cat Pompom. For many years he watched him, and then took and drew a whole series of books about Pompom.

    The first book, Pom Pom's Diary of a Cat, tells about the life of Pom Pom and his friend Trundel, full of difficulties and dangers. They always get into different stories, they are fun to solve crossword puzzles, draw, get out of mazes and guess riddles.

    The book has a wonderful text, full of humor, and exciting tasks for children, which are a pleasure to complete, and there’s no need to talk about beautiful illustrations! The book is ideal for children who have just started reading and who are still afraid of large texts.

    The book can be borrowed in the city children's and youth library, the family reading library, in the library number 1.

    Tom Percival "Home for Boyaki the Kitten"

    A very kind and touching story about a little kitten by the English writer and artist Tom Percival.

    Lonely and unhappy, very impressionable and cowardly, he lives in the garbage and is afraid of any shadow. But unexpectedly, the kitten has a secret friend who every day leaves a bowl of warm milk in the corner of an abandoned yard. The kitten soon discovers that it is a little boy dreaming of finding a true friend.

    The boy and the kitten became friends. But suddenly the boy leaves somewhere ... What will happen to the kitten? Will he find a home? Read a book to your child, let him, together with the main character, learn to overcome his fears and sorrows, appreciate his home, where he is loved and always waited for by mom and dad.

    The book can be borrowed from the local children's and youth library.

    Tamara Kryukova "Cat for luck"

    This book by the famous children's writer will make not only young readers smile, but also parents.

    Its main character, the fighting street cat Genghis Khan, accidentally ends up in the house of people and two charming poodles Emik and Asussenne. Once in a new place, the cat feels like a full owner, builds all sorts of tricks and constantly bullies the dogs. But it turns out that he is also capable of a brave act for the sake of a friend. Poodle Emik by chance finds himself on the street among angry stray dogs, and the cat Genghis Khan saves him almost at the cost of his life ...

    The book can be borrowed in the city children's and youth library, the family reading library, in library number 2.

    Anna Starobinets "Kotlantida"

    Did you know that all cats originated from a sunken mainland called Kotlantis? And the ancestors of today's cats were its inhabitants - the cotlantes. Not?! Then we advise you to read the book by Anna Starobinets "Kotlantida". It is unique, interesting and exciting.

    The Kotlants possessed many magical abilities. But here's the problem: they did not pass on to their descendants their right to feline immortality. To return this privilege, it was entrusted to the fearless red cat Baguette, who had the ability to pass through time, as he came from a noble family of cat magicians.

    Baguette must go back in time and rescue magical flowers from Kotlantis that give cats 9 lives. Difficult trials await him, a meeting with the soothsayer Pythia and a beautiful yard cat named Murianna ...

    The book can be borrowed from the local children's and youth library.

    Maria Verkistova "The Adventures of Cat Katushkin"

    How lucky the boy Leva is! After all, his best friend is an extraordinary Bengal cat named Katushkin.

    When Katushkin and Leva are together, they do not get bored - either they fly into space, or they read books, or they find an unexpected way to bring spring closer. They even do general cleaning fun and interesting, because the cat Katushkin and Leva are great inventors!

    And although these are fairy tale stories, the book is in some way biographical, and the boy Lyova and the cat Katushkin are real characters. Maria Verkistova, a musician, journalist, and editor, a participant in the New Children's Book contest, wrote about them. She is talented at writing adult stories and entertaining children's stories.

    The book can be borrowed from the city children's and youth library, the family reading library, library number 2.

    Annie Schmidt "Murli"

    A wonderful fairy tale, named after the heroine, who turned from a cat into a girl.

    Outwardly, Murli is no different from other people, but at the same time she understands the language of cats and surprises with her unusual actions. During the day she sleeps in a large cardboard box, at night she wanders on the roofs in the company of her four-legged friends, at the sight of a dog she climbs a tree and goes crazy from the smell of herring.

    Murli constantly gets into curious and funny situations, as she has to live both in the world of cats and in the society of people at the same time. Relationships between people seem complicated to her, often unfair, sometimes cruel, but Murli chooses the world of people, because here she was lucky to learn what happiness, fidelity, love and friendship are.

    The book can be borrowed from the city children's and youth library, the library named after L.A. Gladina.

    Yuri Sitnikov "The Return of the Cat"

    If you want your child not to offend animals, read to him the dramatic story of a homeless ginger cat with amber-yellow eyes, seventeen and a half years old.

    His name is Cat and he must find his home. The road to home and beloved owners is dangerous and difficult, but the Kota is driven forward by hope and faith that they are waiting for him! Life lays traps for him, tormenting him with fear, tormenting him with pain. But he is helped by instinct, luck, as well as the responsiveness and disinterestedness of kind people.

    This sincere story touches to the depths of the soul, teaches empathy, sympathy for animals, calls for responsibility for those we have tamed. At times, the book is difficult to read, emotions overflow, tears well up in the eyes, but it is absolutely impossible to tear yourself away from reading. Strong book!

    The book can be borrowed from the local children's and youth library.

    "Big Cat Book"

    This collection contains children's stories and fairy tales about cats by such famous classics as D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak, I.A. Krylov, A.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky, S. Cherny and others.

    If your child loves cats, they will love this book. On all pages there are bright large illustrations with cats of all stripes and colors. Sometimes they are so realistic that they look like photographs. Even if your kid will only look at the illustrations, he will not be bored. And if, while looking at the pictures, you also listen to fairy tales and stories that parents will read, then a good pastime will be provided.

    We draw the attention of parents to the fact that the stories “The Eagle and the Cat” by K.D. Ushinsky, “The Owl and the Cat” by A.N. Tolstoy, “Enemies” by S. Cherny contain moments of natural animal cruelty. If your child is still small or very impressionable and easily injured, then it is better to skip these stories.

    The book can be borrowed from the central library, the city children's and youth library, and the family reading library.

    Andrey Usachev, Viktor Chizhikov "Planet of Cats"

    Thanks to the creative collaboration of the poet Andrey Usachev and the artist Viktor Chizhikov, Planet of the Cats was born - hilariously funny, charming and touching.

    As a result of observing cats, their manners and habits, the two main “cat experts” of the country created a whole planet of fluffy and tailed ones, where each cat is special, with its own unique character, muzzle expression, body curve, whisker length and tail position. Viktor Chizhikov drew dozens of cats, and Andrey Usachev wrote poetry for each drawing. They are easy to remember and will tell about feline satiety, feline comfort and ordinary feline happiness. Although some of the poems are not entirely childish, it is safe to say that meeting with cats will bring joy to both adults and children!

    The book can be borrowed from the local children's and youth library.

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    And now we offer a simple quiz about book cats and cats.


    1. In which fairy tale did the cat eat the cannibal?

    2. Where did the most famous cat of A. Pushkin live and what did he do?

    3. In what fairy tale did the mouse take the cat as a nanny?

    4. Who wrote these lines “And today our cat gave birth to kittens yesterday ...”?

    5. One of the most charming cats lived in the village of Prostokvashino. What was his name?

    6. In what Russian folk tale did the cat, together with the Beetle and the mouse, help the owners in hard work?

    7. In what fairy tale did the mice figure out how to escape from the cat?

    8. Which kitten had a dog name?

    9. Which cat did one woman praise against her will 3 times?

    10. Which cat could not be cut off its head?

    11. In what fairy tale a little kitten from the city of Voronezh dreamed of becoming like such an animal that everyone would be afraid of, and all the time turned into someone.


    1. "Puss in Boots" Ch. Perrault

    2. At Lukomorye, on an oak tree, he sang songs and told fairy tales

    3. In "The Tale of the Silly Mouse" S.Ya. Marshak

    4. Sergey Mikhalkov

    5. Cat Matroskin

    6. "Turnip"

    7. "Cat with a bell" L.N. Tolstoy

    8. A kitten named GAV

    9. The cat that walked by itself, from R. Kipling's fairy tale

    10. Cheshire cat from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll

    11. Vitaly Zlotnikov "Kitten from Lizyukov Street"

    She told about book cats and catsElena Sukhareva

    Sitnikov Yury Vyacheslavovich

    Yuri Sitnikov was born in Moscow on May 23, 1980.
    In 1997 he graduated from one of the Moscow schools.
    He received an agronomist diploma from the Russian State Agrarian University named after K. A. Timiryazev, specializing in field crop geneticist, breeder,
    He wrote his first book in 2005, and since the end of 2012 he began to publish.
    Yuri Sitnikov writes in different genres. His books are designed for the widest readership. He writes both for teenagers (detective and adventure stories) and for the adult reader (modern prose with elements of mysticism).
    Such stories about animals as "The Cat", "The Return of the Cat", "If You Don't Have a Dog", "The Story of a Friendship" are addressed to readers of different ages.
    We invite you to read books by Yuri Sitnikov, which are in our library.

    Teenage Adventures and Detectives

    Alibi for 10 "B": a story (12+)

    There was an emergency in the classroom - the teacher lost her money! Only one of the 10 "B" could take them. Gleb and his friends are trying to figure this out. But during the investigation, unexpected details are revealed: it turns out that everyone has something to hide.
    Many fall under suspicion, but how to figure out the real thief? And you also need to have time to solve your personal problems: overcome jealousy, make peace with Alice, who became the star of the series, find the missing actress and not go crazy with Lyuska's kookies, who imagines herself a great writer.

    Desert: a story (16+)

    The famous writer German Slavsky moves to a country estate to continue working on his next novel. Here he finds everything: good interlocutors, inspiration, and a woman with whom he is ready to spend the rest of his life, even if for this he has to sacrifice the principles of a decent person and an exemplary family man.
    But in the dizzying game of relationships, you do not immediately notice that life is also a game, a theatrical production of some madman ...

    Return of the Cat: a story (6+)

    His name is Cat and he must find his home.
    His path is the path of hope! His faith is loyalty to the owners! Life laid traps for him, tormented him with fear, tormented him with pain; the long road began to seem like a road into the void, and the hope of seeing the owners treacherously melted away from endless expectations.
    But the faith of the animal is unshakable! Intuition, luck, responsiveness and disinterestedness of people became the steps of a long staircase leading the Cat to the house. Exactly one year will pass, during this time much will change; the Cat himself will change, his attitude to many things, people, the world around him. The goal remains unchanged - to find your home. And he is looking for him. Looking for!..

    The Case of the Mystery Shot: A Tale (12+)

    Who shot Dashkin's father, the well-known journalist Sergei Filatov? Why is his wife accused of attempted murder? Why would anyone need to search the journalist's mother's apartment? And finally, what do photos of precious Easter eggs have to do with everything? Gleb, Lyuska and Dimon began to investigate, simultaneously solving their own problems, which both at home and at school have accumulated a lot ...

    City that does not exist: a story (12+)

    Slavka did not expect that a summer vacation in a quiet mountain town could turn into a nightmare.
    In the morning, he hears from a local old-timer that the house in which they settled is unhappy: a couple of centuries ago, witches were burned at that place, and after many years, misfortunes are happening there. Slava does not believe this at first, but involuntarily finds herself in captivity of inexplicable events. Life in a new house becomes a terrible dream, but it is impossible to wake up.

    Double Play: A Tale (12+)

    Dimon's head was turned by a new classmate Vera: courtship began, secret dates. As a result - parting with Lyuska and pangs of conscience. Another problem was added to this: Dimon is accused of beating a man and stealing a large amount of money, and Vera acts as the main accuser. There are witnesses, there is evidence, there is no only alibi.
    Friends did not stand aside, starting their investigation. Soon it comes to a standstill, but then a mysterious well-wisher appears ...

    If you don't have a dog: a story (12+)

    This book is about true friendship between man and dog. About selfless fidelity, sincere devotion, disinterested care and courage. Druzh is a German Shepherd puppy. Throughout the story, he will grow up, gain experience, learn and understand life, learn to distinguish important things from insignificant ones.
    On the way to growing up, Druzh will face many trials, overcoming which, he will become a reliable, strong dog without fear and reproach, ready to accomplish a feat and sacrifice himself to save his friend's life. A dog is man's best friend...

    Sign from the Looking Glass: A Tale (12+)

    Slavka did not expect that the usual online fortune-telling could become a whole adventure for him.
    At a friend's birthday party, for the sake of entertainment, the guys decide to get predictions on one Internet portal about spirits, magic and fortune-telling. Glory asks a question to a certain Countess Belozubova, and from that moment something strange begins to happen around. In the mirror, he sees a ghostly woman, notices that someone in black is constantly watching him, and an unfamiliar voice asks him for help.
    Tired of being afraid, Slava and his friends decide to look into this devilry and find themselves drawn into an incredible story full of mysteries.

    The story of one friendship: a story (6+)

    The life of Valera and Maya is full of disappointments: they lost their mother early, they could not come to terms with the appearance of a stepmother in the family. It seems to them that no one really understands them, they are alone.
    In the summer at the dacha, the guys get acquainted with Yulka. She - Yulka - lives in a remote village, she ... is not like everyone else.
    Yulka is defenseless, and her guardian is seriously ill. Being in constant fear, on the eve of trouble, Julia does not suspect that a sharp turn of fate awaits her ahead ... This story is a story of friendship, relationships, knowledge and the concept of life's truths.

    Book of Shadows: A Tale (12+)

    Alex Polyakov came to Vitka and Temka from England. On the very first evening, the boy admitted that he urgently needed to find a friend of his great-great-grandfather, who kept an old book of spells.
    Vitka and his brother undertake to help Alex in his search, find the old man and learn from him the terrible truth related to the spell for eternal life that was read almost a hundred years ago. As soon as the book gets to the guys, mystical events begin to happen to them. And Temkino's curiosity is to blame for everything: at night he opened the book and, contrary to the warnings of the centenarian, read the spell "The Living and the Dead."
    In the morning, the world around the guys changed dramatically...

    Cat: story (6+ )

    This is the story of a domestic cat, which, through the fault of human whim and cruelty, was forced to wander in search of owners. On his way to the house, the Cat had to overcome many obstacles, face good and evil, loyalty and betrayal, learn human warmth and love, indifference and intransigence.
    Yuri Sitnikov wrote about how the book appeared: “The story of the Cat is the story of my cat. Beaten, he lay under a bench near the entrance. He lived with us for five years. When I wrote the story, it seemed to me that this whole story could actually happen to our cat before meeting us."

    Puppet Crime: A Tale (12+)

    The holidays promised to be boring... For days on end, Alice took care of the capricious neighbor cats, and after the return of the mistress, she was accused of stealing an antique doll from the middle of the 19th century. And this is instead of gratitude ... Gleb, Lyuska and Dimon did not leave their girlfriend in trouble. Deciding to investigate the mysterious disappearance of the doll, they soon learned the story of four sisters: Magda, Zelda, Bertha and Hildegard.
    What was the connection between the sisters and the missing doll? Will the friends manage to find themselves in the famous doll room? How to overcome your own jealousy? And how to escape from the killer?

    Forest of Fear: A Tale (12+)

    Lyuska did not expect that a trip to the forest would bring her so much trouble. If only she had gotten lost! The girl is absolutely sure that she saw something terrible, but no one believes her.
    The police accuse the girl of a false call: they do not find signs of a crime.
    Then Luska herself decides to get to the bottom of the truth. And the only clue is a gold medallion.

    Villain Mask: A Tale (6+)

    The life of classmate Gleb Mikhi has changed dramatically. From a typical nerd, he turned into a tough muscular macho. And Mishka changed internally - he became thoughtful, looked out the window for a long time ... until one day he jumped out of it, repeating the "feat" of his friend Max.
    Suspecting something was wrong, Gleb and his friends start an investigation and come across a dangerous group associated with robberies, deceit and secret rituals. And at first glance - an ordinary sports teenage club ...

    Evil Clown: A Tale (12+)

    In the next long-awaited summer, Slava planned to have a good time: his parents bought a summer cottage outside the city, and his best friends, Lilya and Kirill, turned out to be neighbors. However, the new place has prepared a lot of unpleasant surprises for the guys.
    Not far away, gypsy wagons appear on the edge of the forest - and soon misfortunes rain down on their village.
    Why do gypsies take revenge on civilians? What secrets are kept in the attic of Slavina's dacha? Who does your pet dog Ron turn into at night? Will the guys be able to remove the gypsy curse and save their families?

    Hunt for invisible tale (16+)

    Gleb and Lyuska did not think that the winter weekend in the mountains would turn into a nightmare. In the morning, the guys heard a story about the bell ringing - a harbinger of trouble, and in the evening there was a collapse blocking the only road connecting the hotel with the city.
    Brother and sister, their parents and several distant relatives were hostages of "Camelot". They are cut off from the outside world, frightened by a series of mystical events, they have become pawns in someone's terrible game.
    In order to figure everything out and start a fight with unknown forces, Gleb and Lyuska took a risk, diving headlong into the maelstrom of dangerous adventures.

    Abduction On-line: a novel (12+)

    Is it possible to take the word of a guy who claims that he is French and was kidnapped by unknown people? Is it possible to kidnap the same person twice in a week? How to expose the criminal if he was in the hands of bandits?
    When Gleb and his friends realized that the last thread leading to Vadim Dumeril was broken, they fell into despair. It was then that the bell rang ... from the cemetery. All this and more is described in the book.

    Pretenders: A Tale (12+)

    It's amazing how incomprehensibly sometimes behave those whom you considered friends!
    Everyone seems to be pretending to be playing a part in some kind of play. Who is on stage, like Alice or Kazik, and who is in life. Or does it all just seem? Why do people suddenly have so many secrets? It is clear that such things do not end well - Gleb is sure of this. After a night phone conversation, Luska rushes out into the street. She didn't come home. In the morning it turns out that Dimon has also disappeared. After returning, they refuse to tell where they were and what they did. Alice was attacked. Gleb is in a panic! What is it - a series of unthinkable coincidences, or did someone really open the hunt for friends? But who? Why?! Is the reason lies in the found photographs depicting a dagger and a rat?

    Ruble for a million: a story (12+)

    What to do if you become the owner of the rarest coin? But what if the coin suddenly disappeared, and an unknown person entered the apartment under the cover of night in search of a cache in which the artifact was previously found? How can you stay away when there are so many secrets around, the holidays are in full swing, and you are fifteen years old?
    Gleb, Lyuska, Dimon and Alice took up the investigation with such zeal and enthusiasm that they were drawn into the insidious plot of the real mafia. Not afraid of the consequences, the guys took a risk and infiltrated the enemy camp in order to obtain valuable information and save the life of one of their friends.

    The Secret of the Red Hieroglyph: A Tale (6+)

    Spending the holidays at a winter camp is awesome! Celebrating the New Year with friends is fun! Participate in a festive performance - it's interesting! Moreover, Polinka Ermolaeva won a prize in a literary competition, and they decided to make a production based on her story. The roles were distributed among classmates who were to take the stage on January 1st.
    On that day, everything went on as usual: there was a full house in the hall, the performance was a success, the actors performed their roles with brilliance. But suddenly the lights went out, a strange noise was heard, the audience panicked. Actors-schoolchildren disappeared without a trace.

    Show with a star: a story (16+)

    Admit it, do you dream of meeting your idol? Do you want to exchange a few phrases with a celebrity? And take an autograph, take a picture for memory?
    Luska did not suspect that her acquaintance with the famous pop singer would turn her life into a kaleidoscope of unthinkable, risky adventures. Becoming an assistant to a star, she got into the fabulous world of show business - a special world shrouded in many secrets and mysteries. But very soon Lyuska understood: there is no turning back, and staying in a fairy tale for a long time is fraught with serious consequences. This is where things got interesting...

    Extreme vacation: a story (6+)

    What thoughts arise if your teacher was stabbed in the evening, and in the morning you find a bloody knife in your purse? Is it possible to justify oneself before one's conscience, knowing that there was a big quarrel between you and the teacher who fell into a coma the day before? Why did the memory completely erase all the events that occurred after the quarrel? And finally, who can you turn to for help if you are an outcast in the class and you have no friends? High school student Alka Nefedova was already ready to confess to the police when Gleb, Alisa, Lyuska and Dimon offered her their help. The guys decided to conduct their own investigation and prove Alka's innocence. And suddenly Alya received a note: "I know your secret."

    I'm going to look for you: a story (12+)

    Gleb's classmate Vitka Komarov disappeared at the very beginning of the school year. On the day of his disappearance, he was seen in the car of businessman Stepanov, who stubbornly denies that he knew Vitka. Stepanov himself behaves extremely suspiciously: at night he goes to the supermarket in search of a certain bundle, because of which an accident occurs to him later.
    Meanwhile, people continue to disappear in the city. Gleb and his friends begin their own investigation. It leads the guys to a souvenir shop owned by an old woman nicknamed Humpback Nose. Miniature copies of disappeared people are sold on the shelves of her store.

    The books are in the JUNIOR section

    1. How it started

    Oh, okay, I'm begging you! Well, beat me on fluffy scratchy paws. I ruined everything.

    But what a show it was!

    So be it! Pull my tail! I'm the real criminal. And what are you going to do with me now? Confiscate my bowl and say: "Ay-ay-ay, ugly, ugly cat!"?

    From us, from cats, it seems, it’s not required to clearly follow the command “next!”, Do only what is ordered, and faithfully look into your eyes: they say, can’t we bring slippers or something else?

    We cats have our own lives. I like to be in control of my life.

    Oh Taffy! - Ellie was worried, squeezing me in her arms goodbye. My cold look expressed the thought very clearly: “Careful, El! Don't get carried away or I'll scratch you." - Oh, Taffy! We'll be gone for a whole week!

    The whole week? Magic words! A whole week to bask in the sun among the flowers, not flinching from the cries of Ellie's mother: “Taffy! Get out of there! I crushed all the beds!

    A whole week of lying on the TV without listening to Ellie's dad grumbling: “Taffy! Remove the tail! Blocked the gate!

    And most importantly, for a whole week I will not be swaddled and stuffed into an old straw basket, which Ellie and her crybaby neighbor named Melanie adapted for a cradle to cradle and squeeze me.

    Oh, Ellie, how lucky you are! I wish I had someone like Taffy! It's so soft and fluffy!

    Of course, I'm soft and fluffy. I'm a cat.

    Besides, the cat is stupid. I'm smart enough to know that it's not Mrs. Tanner invited to sit with me this time, as she used to be...

    “... No, she had to suddenly leave for her daughter in Dorset ... Do you have in mind a person who could help us ... Just for six days ... Are you sure that this will not make it difficult for you, reverend? Ah, that's how. You love cats, and he will not hurt you ... "

    Will I interfere with the preacher? Pf! More importantly, he will not interfere with me.

    2. Home sweet home

    Aha! Mr Housewife!

    Get off the pillow, Taffy. Are you allowed to lie on the couch?

    Sorry! Didn't this father notice who he was talking to? And what should I do, in his opinion? Scrub the floors? Typing on a computer? Digging up beds?

    Taffy! Don't tear up the furniture.

    Che-ho-oh-oh? What's this? Whose house is it? Him, right? My! If I want to tear up the furniture, I won't ask.

    And worst of all:

    No Taffy! I won't open a new can until I finish this.

    That's right - "it". "It" dried up. Blackened. "It" is yesterday's leftovers!

    And I don't intend to eat it.

    I turned around and walked away. Reverend Barnam yelled after me:

    Come back and finish your dinner!

    Dreaming! Right now! I met with my people - with Bella, Tiger and Pushkins - and said that I was left without dinner. They were hungry too, and we sat on the wall and howled a little, wondering where to eat.

    You can nibble the cheese off the pizza leftovers.

    How about fried fish?

    I would go for a kill for a piece of meat.

    Nobody wants veal ribs?

    In the end we settled on Chinese cuisine. I love how they cook duck legs! The tiger turned on his scent to find the right place and trotted along the street, and then we played "tear the packages." Pretty soon we were eating dinner on our wall with gusto.

    Very tasty.


    Decent choice. We need to eat here more often.

    Portions are huge. What kind of people, huh? Good products are thrown away!

    Yeah, but my friend the preacher obviously didn't throw anything away. The next morning he again put the dried scraps in front of me.

    Taffy, I'm not going to open a new can. If you were really hungry, you would eat it.

    Seriously? Where did he get it from?

    And then he glanced out the window.

    What a mess in the garden! Why such a pile of torn food bags? And why did a terrible cat howl prevent me from sleeping all night? You won't go for a walk tonight.

    Although I am deaf to remarks, my hearing is all right. Thanks for the warning, Reverend! I sneaked up to the second floor and began scrubbing the bathroom window until there was a small gap. Aha! What you need. If you take a quick look, you won’t notice that it’s not closed tightly, but if you give it a good push with your paw, the window will open.

    And there is nothing to criticize the mess in the garden. I still have breakfast there.

    Oh, okay, okay! Maybe it really was a little too much to have a night talent contest right under the window of a poor preacher's bedroom.

    Bella sang "Beauty-a-a-a-a-a-vchik and a dream-a-a-a-tel."

    The tiger sang "Let's ride to New Orleans-a-a-a-n." Pushkins demonstrated his skill in performing Tyrolean songs. And I came up with a brilliant imitation of Ellie, pinching her finger in the car door.

    And yet this is no reason to grab pantaloons, twist them with a tourniquet and shake them with a cry: “I’ll catch it - I’ll put your guts on garters!”

    Just look, - enthusiastically - Natalya said, not taking her eyes off the screen. - Don't you like it?

    Steve walked over to the girl and glanced absently over her shoulder at the image that flickered dimly on the screen.

    The planet is like a planet, - he chuckled. - Nothing special.

    Rubbing his sharp chin with his hand, he turned away.

    The spacecraft was making another orbit around a Class C minor planet. The crew was waiting for the results of the atmospheric analysis.

    Eh, captain. The romantic in you has died, - Natalya looked at the huge green mountains projected onto the screen by the ship's external video cameras. I admired the giant gorges, at the bottom of which blue water splashed. She remembered how, as a child, her parents took her for the first time with them on an air ride. How old was she then? Five or six years? Natalia forever remembered the feeling of delight that overwhelmed her at the sight of the virgin jungle. From a bird's eye view, she was fascinated by the thin streams of waterfalls that cut through the thick green carpet of the rainforest.

    You'd better get to work, - Steve's gruff voice brought her back to reality. - I found time to admire.

    Wearily, he sank into a chair and took a sip of his cold coffee. What exhausted Steve the most was the forced wait. When the automatics processed air and soil samples, time for him stretched endlessly.

    What do you think, Captain, are there living beings on this planet? - asked Natalia.

    Steve scowled at the girl and took another sip of his coffee.

    I don't know, he finally answered. - But they will be soon. Have you prepared Manfred?

    Mani? And nothing will happen to him? - Natalya asked worriedly.

    The big gray cat Manfred, or, as the girl affectionately called him, Mani, as if sensing that the conversation was about him, huddled in the corner of the wardroom. Panting in fear, he glanced at the people.

    If he dies, we will not stick our nose out of the ship, - Steve shifted in his chair, settling himself comfortably. - Prepare the cat for the journey. Perhaps he will catch an alien mouse for dinner.

    A sharp signal sounded. The on-board computer indicator flashed.

    So, sir, - Steve energetically got up from his seat. - Let's look at the results.

    He quickly ran his fingers over the keyboard. Having carefully studied the text that appeared on the monitor, he grunted with satisfaction.

    It looks like everything is in order. Nothing dangerous for cats and people was found. So suits, most likely, will not be needed.

    Natalya squealed happily. Charming dimples on her cheeks, seductive smile and laughing eyes once again embarrassed Steve. Throughout the long flight, he tried to maintain only official relations with the girl. And, I must say, he succeeded, although sometimes the captain caught himself thinking about the possibility of closer communication with Natalya. The twenty-two-year-old companion was fit for his daughter, Steve remembered this, as well as the fact that his family was waiting for him on Earth.

    Natasha ... - the captain hesitated. - Nothing that I called you Natasha?

    Yes, even Natasha, - the girl laughed.

    Natashechka will be, perhaps, too much, - Steve chuckled. - Who do you have left on Earth?

    Manfred, whom everyone forgot about for a while, darted between the legs of the chair. Like a mischievous kitten, he jumped out of the wardroom. Feeling safe, the cat lifted its tail and walked proudly down the corridor.

    You don't have to answer if you don't want to," Steve continued.

    The girl was a little embarrassed.

    Is it really that important? she said softly. Taking a step towards Steve, she was so close that the captain felt her breath. Natalia's wide eyes looked at him. Come on, Steve thought, be a man. Come hug her. Isn't that what you've been dreaming of all these long months?"

    The captain turned away abruptly. He approached the screen, which changed views of the planet.

    It's really beautiful," he said, deliberately dispassionate.

    * * *

    Crazy Manfred, covered from head to toe with sensors, sat in the capsule. If the cat could speak, then, probably, the captain would now not only patch up the scratches on his hands with a band-aid, but also clean his ears from dirty cat curses. With eyes widened in horror, the cat looked through the glass of the capsule at the busily scurrying people.

    Mani, well, do not be afraid, little one, - the girl squatted down, trying to look into the capsule prepared for launch.

    Damn this beast, - the captain processed the last scratch. Once again, he shot a hateful look at the frightened cat.

    Get ready to launch.

    There is to prepare for the launch, - Natalya answered normally. She went to the control panel and entered the correct code. The capsule with the animal slowly lowered into the opening that appeared on the floor.

    The use of cats to test the safety of new planets has become recent. A hundred years ago. After the tragic incident with Jack Nairem, captain of the starship Seeker. Toward the close of many years of wandering through the universe, Jack was honored to discover a small planet. All analyzes have shown that the planet is not fraught with any danger. The radioactive background is normal, the air is breathable, and there are no viruses and bacteria dangerous to humans. However, as soon as Jack landed on the surface of the planet, he was immediately struck by a mysterious disease. The astronaut's body began to convulse, the brain was paralyzed, and the tissues began to decompose intensively after a few hours. The big man Jack literally rotted "in front of" impassive outdoor video cameras. Since then, people have discovered several such planets. Scientists have not been able to really explain what happens on them with living cells. But a new term has entered the everyday life of space travelers - the "Neurem effect".

    To ensure the safety of people on the newly discovered planets, they were the first to release cats. No one knows why these animals were in the role of guinea pigs. With the same success, rats, guinea pigs and the same rabbits would fit here. Yes, anyone. Most likely, ancient superstition prompted people to choose this particular animal. A cat was always let into a new house first, and only then people entered there.

    The launch has been made, captain, - Natalia reported. She sat down in an armchair and, cross-legged, glanced sideways at Stephen. What kind of a man is he, she thought, - did he really not once have a desire to drag her into bed during the entire flight?

    The captain yawned. Stretching sweetly, he rose from his chair and looked at the girl with feigned indifference.

    I'm going to take a nap, he said. - Watch Manfred. If he's all right in an hour, it'll be our turn.

    As you say, captain, - the girl grinned.

    I'm tired of this tin can worse than bitter radish, - Steve muttered, moving away along the corridor.

    * * *

    Manfred was sick. The lid of the capsule opened, letting in fresh air. With a piteous meow, the cat jumped out of its confinement. He looked, to put it mildly, unimportant. The remnants of vomit stuck to his mustache, his eyes stared in fear in different directions, and the video camera attached to the collar slid to one side. Staggering, Manfred took the first steps on the planet.

    Natalya enthusiastically looked at a completely new world opening before her. The camera on the cat's neck transmitted the smallest details to the monitor. A huge bush with dark brown leaves flashed on the screen, then a cracked boulder appeared, like an unknown animal poking out of thick moss. Natalya glanced at the instruments. Biosensors implanted in the cat's body transmitted complete information about the state of the animal's body. Everything was fine with Manfred. The only deviation from the norm is a rapid heartbeat.

    Poor Mani, - the girl sighed. You must be scared out there alone.

    Natalya looked away from the screen. She took the empty glass and turned it over in her hand. After a moment's hesitation, she opened the safe and poured herself some wine. Of course, taking alcohol without the knowledge of the captain is strictly prohibited. “But if you drink just a little, Steve will not notice,” the girl thought. At that moment, a flower appeared on the screen, most of all resembling a water lily. But if earth water lilies usually swim in swampy reservoirs, then this plant grew on reddish dry earth. As soon as the camera, and therefore the cat carrying it, came close to the plant, its leaves lifted up and a small thin tentacle shot out from the center of the flower. When Natalya returned to the screen, she saw only a flashing picture: apparently, Manfred was rushing somewhere at breakneck speed.

    Poor Mani, she repeated. - Afraid of everything.

    She glanced at the chronometer. It's been about an hour. The girl finished her wine in one gulp and went to wake the captain.

    * * *

    Manfred moved cautiously across a clearing overgrown with bushes. He froze as he heard a strange noise. Narrowing his eyes, he carefully watched the moving leaves. Obeying the hunting instinct, the cat approached close to the strange flower. The tentacle fired unexpectedly. Manfred felt a sharp pain in his nose and, without understanding anything, with a drawn-out meow rushed away. The tentacle slowly retracted into the core of the flower, taking the animal's DNA with it.

    * * *

    Natalya looked into the cabin. Steve lay on his stomach with his arms wrapped around the pillow.

    Captain, wake up, - the girl came closer. "Hey," she shook him by the shoulder, "it's time to get up."

    Steve mumbled something under his breath and rolled onto his side.

    Rise! - that there is urine shouted Natalya. The effect exceeded all expectations. Steve rolled head over heels off the bunk and sat on the floor trying to figure out what was going on. The girl laughed out loud.

    You're crazy, - Steve got up from the floor in embarrassment.

    You need to sleep less, ”his companion cooed as if nothing had happened. - Especially when alone.

    Leaving the captain confused, Natalya went out, closing the door behind her.

    Damn girl, - Steve looked at his watch, sighed and headed to the shower.

    Forty minutes later, the lander landed on the surface of the planet. Steve and Natalya, in full combat gear, stood in the middle of a small lawn. The elated mood was not spoiled even by the poisonous greenery of plants, from which the astronauts had watery eyes.

    You know, I feel like in paradise, - the girl whispered, looking around with curiosity.

    First impressions are often misleading, Steve shrugged. By the way, where is Manfred?

    Yes, here he is! - the girl laughed. The crazed cat rushed towards them with all the agility that it was capable of. Running up to the girl, he purred and began to rub against her legs.

    Mani, little one. Here we have arrived. You're not so bored right now, are you?

    Natalya sat down on the ground, stroked the cat and, basking, turned her face to the fresh breeze. Steve once again involuntarily admired the girl. Gray eyes, plump sensual lips, a funny upturned nose... How many times he secretly dreamed about her, but, not wanting to look ridiculous, hid his feelings.

    I'll go for a walk, - he took out a marching emitter from his holster. - Wait here. Leave the module.

    Steve reached the end of the lawn and began to pick his way through the thick, thorny bushes. During the landing, the captain saw a nearby river. Judging by the growing rumble, it's within easy reach from here.

    Damn thorns, - the captain muttered, feeling a sharp prick in his thigh.

    Finally, Steve came out to the black, seething stream. Stopping on the bank of the river, he removed the radio from his belt.

    How are you there?

    Everything is fine, captain, - he heard the answer and the cheerful laugh of the girl. - Installing a projection screen.

    Out of the corner of his eye, Steve saw movement in the bushes.

    Damn it, he looked puzzled. On all sides, cat faces protruded from the thickets. He raised the radio to his lips.

    I don’t understand anything, there are a lot of cats here.

    What kind of cats? - the girl answered anxiously. - Mani near me.

    Steve stepped back carefully. Cats or cats, who would sort them out so immediately, seemed not to pay any attention to the person. They wandered through the bushes and meowed loudly.

    All the animals were like two drops of water like Manfred. Suit, size and even manner of moving.

    Don't touch the animals, he shouted. - Wait for me. They can be dangerous.

    Turning back to the module and trying not to rip his overalls on the thorns, Steve squeezed through the bushes. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through his leg. Steve cursed, collapsed into a bush. His face, scratched on the branches, stinged. He examined his leg, the throbbing pain in his ankle slowly subsiding. There is no fracture, no dislocation either. I'm starting to stumble out of the blue, Steve thought. Directly in front of him, he saw a cat's face, curiously poking out from behind a boulder. A moment later, another appeared.

    Where did you come from here, - groaned Steve. He struggled to his feet and swung at the animals with the first branch that came to hand. Cats, meowing offendedly, immediately disappeared behind a boulder. Limping, Steve moved on. After just a few steps, he stopped. Natalya was standing in front of him. Undressed. That is completely naked. Without even thinking to hide behind, she calmly looked at the captain.

    What do you allow yourself? Steve said in dismay. - Get dressed immediately!

    Despite sincere indignation, he nevertheless for a moment admired the almost ideal forms of the girl.

    So will you stand? The captain began to rage a little.

    The girl looked at Steve curiously. The captain opened his mouth, but the curse didn't escape his lips. He saw another naked girl. An exact copy of Natalia. For a moment, Steve thought he was crazy.

    It can't be, he muttered in dismay. Turning around, Steve noticed how from behind, surrounded by meowing Manfreds, the third naked Natalya was approaching him. Or fourth? He frantically tried to count out of nowhere the female twins that had appeared. Finally, the feverishly working brain threw a saving idea. Hallucination. That's all! There isn't much to breathe here. In vain they went out without helmets! Steve closed his eyes, trying to focus and control himself. Everything will pass now, he reassured himself. But the captain could not concentrate. Different-voiced meowing was heard from everywhere, forcing to believe in the reality of what was happening. Steve tried to control himself until a shaggy and purring animal rubbed against his leg. This turned out to be the last straw that overflowed the captain's patience. Excerpt left him, and he, without understanding the road, rushed to the landing site. Roughly pushing another "Natalya" that got in his way, he rushed forward without looking back.

    Breathing heavily, the captain covered the last few meters. And at that moment there was a scream. Having jumped out into the clearing, he saw Natalya, pale with horror. The girl directed the emitter towards the creatures moving towards her. That this was not a hallucination and not a game of imagination, Steve no longer had any doubts. Naked copies of her were slowly approaching Natalya, trembling with fear. But that wasn't all! Steve saw several of his doubles, in an obscene form, walking around the clearing. The captain moved the jaw of the nearest of them and, looking after the body settling on the ground, ran up to Natalya.

    * * *

    Never before had the wardroom seemed so comfortable and safe to them. Steve and Natalia sat in chairs and took turns sipping strong Scotch whiskey straight from the bottle.

    Calmed down? the captain asked.

    The girl nodded.

    Well, what do you think of all this? - the tipsy captain nodded in the direction of a huge, wall-wide screen, on which pictures of what was happening on the planet were broadcast.

    The girl was slightly flushed from alcohol and no longer looked frightened and confused.

    I don't know, she shrugged.

    The captain smiled.

    When I saw a lot of animals, like two drops of water similar to our Manfred, my first thought was that we had arrived on the planet of cats. Even a theory almost arose. About the alien origin of terrestrial cats.

    So where did the cats come from ... - Natasha hesitated, - and our doubles? Are they reasonable?

    I don't think so, said the captain after a pause. - Someone on this planet got to our DNA and was able to reproduce its structure in the shortest possible time. Here are the clones. And given that we were in contact only with plants, we can conclude ...

    - ... that they are plants? finished Natalia.

    Most likely, the captain chuckled. - I'm sure these creatures are unintelligent. They simply have an amazing ability for biological transformation.

    He got up and, taking a bottle from the table, went to the screen. The naked "Stevens" and "Natalyas" wandered aimlessly through the clearing. Their number already exceeded several dozen, and the furry "Manfreds" literally swarmed under the feet of "people".

    You know, and you have a figure that you need ... - Steve grinned, shamelessly looking at the naked clones of Natalia.

    Nothing to stare! The girl jumped up indignantly.

    So I'm not looking at you, but at them, - Steve laughed. “Remember how unambiguously you looked at my doubles.

    The girl smiled shyly.

    Will we establish contact with them? she asked. Maybe they're smart after all?

    Drunk Steve approached the girl and put his arm around her waist. Pressing Natalya close to him, the captain looked into her laughing ash-gray eyes for a long time.

    And we will establish contact with you, - he said with a grin.