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  • What to do at night if you are bored. Tips: what to do at night if you're bored? Take some medication

    What to do at night if you are bored.  Tips: what to do at night if you're bored?  Take some medication

    If you can’t sleep in the evening, then don’t waste your time, but think about what you can do at night when you are bored. In fact, there are a lot of options, let's look at the most common of them.


    Perhaps the most rewarding activity will be reading books, blogs or articles on self-development. The 21st century is characterized by rapid development in everything. To become a successful person and live a decent life, you need to constantly develop your abilities and skills, as well as look for the skills and talents inherent in nature. Thus, self-development is an integral part of our life.

    If it suddenly happened that you don’t know what to do when you are bored at home at night, then just find the information that is useful to you and study it. Analyze your life, maybe in some area you are not good enough or do not understand something. All this can be corrected if you start to engage in self-development.

    Think about what qualities you would like to develop. Maybe you have problems with communication or with a career? Are you having a hard time setting your goals? Believe me, all your questions are solved. You can find answers on the Internet and in books.

    Goal setting

    Did you feel sluggish, lethargic and broken? I think yes. This condition is known to many people. Most often, this condition is due to the lack of goals and any aspirations in life.

    It is said that purpose is the driving force of life. Think about this expression. Think about the last time you had a goal. A person who knows what he wants and where to strive for, feels the inner strength and energy. If a person has a goal, he lives, he is happy. That is why it is so important to clearly understand your goal.

    In order to determine the direction of your life and understand your true goals, there is one trick. Take this exercise seriously. Imagine yourself at 40, at the age when half of your life has been lived, and you are ready to harvest the fruits of your many years of work. Think about where and with whom you would like to wake up, what will surround you, what sounds you will hear, what smells you will feel. Think about what you will do during the day, what people around you will do. Maybe you will go to your dream job (think about this more specifically, imagining a real field of activity) or to the sea that you can see from your bedroom windows. Mentally live the whole day. Imagine everything, idealizing as much as possible, as you would really like, without embarrassment and without limiting your desires.

    Such a test helps to understand your true desires and determine who you really want to be. Now you know exactly what you are striving for, it remains only to go this way, enjoying every day of your life.


    To feel focused throughout the day, do some planning. When you are thinking about what to do at night if you are bored, then this is the best time to make a plan for the next day. Since during the night the plan written before going to bed will settle down in the head. When you wake up, you will clearly understand the plan of your actions. Thus, the day will be the most productive. As practice shows, if you make a plan in the morning, then it does not have time to settle down in your head, therefore, the effectiveness of such planning is less.


    Creativity is associated with inspiration, which loves the night. What to do at night if you're bored? Of course, look for inspiration. Each person has their own sources of inspiration. They can be: music, loved one, friend, art, and so on.

    When you are inspired, start creating. It can be poetry, stories, maybe you want to tell the world something by writing a book or starting your own blog. Many tend to create on paper canvases. In this case, you can pour out all the accumulated emotions on a white sheet. If you want to create a masterpiece, then the night will definitely not hurt you, unleash your full potential.

    The two most common areas have been covered above. However, no one will forbid musicians to create at night. Although no, the neighbors will obviously be unhappy when you start splashing your life through notes.


    If you are wondering what to do at night when you are bored at home, then a walk is a good option. A night promenade will help you gather your thoughts, take a break from people and everyday worries. It will be especially great if you have time to buy yourself a glass of coffee to go before the cafe closes. Such walks are a good psychological relaxation.

    You can arrange a car ride through the city at night, taking with you a loved one or friend, as well as delicious food and a hot drink. Such moments are very sincere and at the same time cheerful. Often young people arrange dates in this style, because the city at night looks very romantic.

    If you love sports, you will probably prefer a bicycle to a car. Walking at night is just incredible. Just imagine: there is not a soul on the street, you are rushing on a bicycle, and a light cool breeze blows you from all sides. Isn't it perfect?

    Work or study

    It often happens that after a working day something else needs to be finalized. If at night at the computer You can start doing unfinished work. This option is suitable if you are not very tired during the day and your brain is ready to work for a couple more hours. Students very often do assignments at night, because what to do at night if you are bored?

    The best solution is still a dream, which over the years begins to be valued more and more. After all, human health directly depends not only on his lifestyle and nutrition, but also on sleep. Remember that a person needs at least 6 hours of sleep. We hope now you know exactly what to do at night if you are bored. Be healthy and don't miss the night!

    What to do at night when bored?

      • Answer BV questions
      • Read an interesting book (or vice versa, terribly boring, then you will fall asleep and have vivid dreams)
      • Watch an exciting movie
      • Play with your pet (if available)
      • Communicate in social networks
      • Computer games, various applications
      • Listen to music (only not loudly, so as not to listen to the rhythmic melody of neighbors punching your door later)
      • Find a new hobby and devote this time to it
      • Engage in learning a foreign language

      And this is by no means an exhaustive list.

    • The night is very conducive to mental activity, and therefore, this is a great time to get creative, learn something new. Why not draw, write poetry or start mastering touch typing? There are enough options and enough for many nights.

      If I'm bored at night, then I go to the Big Question and answer questions.

      It takes me a lot of energy to answer, so after 5-6 questions I fall asleep from fatigue.

      If I don’t have the strength to print, but I want to do something, I read books only if I start reading, I won’t fall asleep until I finish reading, so sometimes I don’t go to bed until 2-3 in the morning, sometimes I don’t go to bed at all)

      Sometimes I still watch movies or cartoons, series or anime. Or I listen to music.

      If I do not have enough communication, I correspond with friends, they also often do not sleep at night.

      Personally, I don't think about it when my wife is at home. making love. but when there are no different ideas here, I stick around in the net. and I listen to music. and I play counter. I also love to ride my car around the city at night

      I always have a few interesting games on my computer for this case.

      Yes, there are a lot of options, according to taste and color, as they say. It can be anything, the main thing is that you do not disturb anyone with this. During the night, you can do the cleaning and put things in order in the house, and so for leisure, do something, read, draw, embroider, knit, write poetry and the like. The Internet, too, has not been canceled, chats, social networks. networks, search for interesting and necessary information, you can also learn languages ​​online, entertaining, exciting and useful. In the end, you can do something in the kitchen, bake a delicious pie, for which there was never enough time during the day, or any other tasty dish, and then you will enjoy yourself and your loved ones with joy.

      It is quiet at night and nothing will prevent you from concentrating on your thoughts. This is a very good opportunity to introspection.

      Modern life is fast paced. Often there is no time to stop and think about why I make certain decisions, what drives me, what my motives are. It turns out that a person is not very familiar with himself. At night, it’s just that you can delve into your mind.

      It is possible and not so globally to approach this issue. Just analyze the events of the past day.

      Tons of options-

      1. You are bored but they are not - go there to them and you will not be bored either.

      2. You are bored and they are sleeping, wake up and you will not be bored, but hurt a lot.

      3. At night, just do it, it is desirable to sleep, it is clear that one is bored, solve your problem, but only during the day.

      If you are bored at night, you need to wake up your other half (if you have one) and say or show how much you love. There are, of course, two options, but in the worst case, you can always sit down at the computer and do what you love.

      I think try to sleep. take a soothing bath. drink tea with motherwort and lie down, try not to think about anything. or imagine yourself on vacation in the Maldives. in any case, it is better not to encourage insomnia.

    — How do you sleep?

    - Badly. I fall asleep early in the evening, wake up late in the morning, but after dinner I toss and turn for hours - I can’t fall asleep.

    It was a joke.

    I wanted to defuse the situation somehow, because you are probably reading this at 2 am, angry and tired.

    This article will not be banal advice on what to do with insomnia. Instead, here are 5 ways to make the most of your time if you're still awake.

    No need to torture yourself

    Practice shows that if you can’t fall asleep for more than half an hour, then you won’t fall asleep. Sleep in general is such a thing that comes only when you manage to completely relax. Willpower and persuasion cannot lure sleep.

    My advice to you: do not sleep - get up and get down to business!

    Just what?

    Something not very exciting. And it is desirable to do this in dim light. So, our chances of falling asleep at least after a couple of hours increase dramatically.

    In addition, I would like to spend this time with benefit.

    Activity #1: Read a book

    My favorite "nuk" -

    For this, some technical book on work or business literature is much better suited. In short, without a plot and special ups and downs. The more boring, the better.

    Session #2: Brainstorming

    You can also draw -

    Insomnia is a good excuse to brainstorm.

    The fact is that it is in such a “wadded” state that our brain begins to lose control over logic and often gives out the most incredible “pearls”. Here and there is a chance to slip a brilliant idea.

    It is advisable to always keep a voice recorder next to the bed for such cases. Or a notebook with a pencil to draw a mind map?

    Activity #3: Plan your day

    Although you can’t plan everything in the world -

    Very often, our insomnia is caused by the fact that there are some "holes" and inconsistencies in tomorrow's schedule. All this vibrates in our subconscious, preventing us from falling asleep.

    Write down the schedule of your meetings, print out the map, taxi phone numbers, conveniently fold all the things you need in the morning.

    Lesson #4: Eat a "frog"

    And for some they are national cuisine -

    Frogs are unpleasant things that you endlessly put off.

    I don't know why, but frogs are most easily destroyed at night. Apparently, this is due to the loss of our brain control over the situation. One way or another, in one sleepless night I sometimes destroy a small herd of frogs.

    Activity #5: Take a walk

    Quite a fearless street somewhere in Tenerife -

    What could be nicer than a night walk?

    In fact, almost everything if you walk in a criminal area. If your area allows you to walk quietly, then it’s a sin not to use it from time to time.

    What definitely not to do

    It's bad to be like this!

    A full stomach is a guarantee that you DEFINITELY won’t be able to sleep normally.

    What do you do during insomnia?

    And how do you still manage to fall asleep?

    Write in the comments!

    There are people who are larks, and there are owls who are awake at night and at the same time feel great.

    Psychologists call "night activity" a problem, but if you just don't feel like sleeping, what can you do about it? Lying down and fantasizing about how you would act in this or that situation quickly gets boring, but there are many different activities.

    What to do if you suffer from insomnia? Everyone sleeps at night, so you won't be able to play the guitar, do repairs, or start spring cleaning of the house.

    You need to use other ideas, to occupy yourself before going to bed. There are plenty of options, and there are both useless pastimes and useful ones.

    What to do at night if you do not want to sleep?

    The first step is to consider the most popular options. Some of them help to fall asleep, and some, on the contrary, are exhausting and make you want to lie down and fall asleep.

    You can list them as much as you like:

    • read a book;
    • to see a movie;
    • chat on the Internet;
    • play a game on the phone;
    • listen to music with headphones;
    • take a bath;
    • read other blog articles;
    • write poetry;
    • sit in social networks;
    • make a selection of music on the player.

    Let your imagination run wild, some people discover new hobbies during insomnia. Of course, the possibilities are limited at night, but you can come up with something interesting. One of my acquaintances started painting when he was bored.

    Online work is the best option

    Any time can be spent usefully when you have a computer or at least a mobile device at hand. There are many different ways to earn money online, when you are tormented by insomnia, you can take the first step and register on sites where real money is paid.

    While everyone is sleeping, you have a real opportunity to earn extra money, even if it’s a little, but then you will always have an interesting activity so as not to lie uselessly, suffering from insomnia.

    What can you do? Here are some options:

    1. Fans of computer games should register on the site There you can earn game currency for the most popular games (Tanks, Steam, CS GO, etc.). Richies are paid to the balance, they are then exchanged for game balances. The work is simple, most often you need to register and play here.
    2. With benefit, you can spend time registering in the most famous questionnaires. Use and create a profile on each system. In the future, you will receive questionnaires (by Email), and real money is paid for filling them out. On average, the survey is about 50 rubles.
    3. If you like spending time on social networks and you are registered on almost all popular sites, then try it. In this system, different assignments are available. Join groups, add friends or just put classes, each action is paid.
    4. Another easy way to earn extra money at night is to use the Userator service. On it, site owners order visits to their resources and perform various actions. Do not forget to install the program of this service, even if you fall asleep, it will continue to work.
    5. For those who suffer from insomnia, online communication most often helps. Even for this on the Internet you can get money. In an article about