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  • Description of Juliet Capulet from William Shakespeare's tragedy Romeo and Juliet. W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet": description, heroes of the work of the Capulet and Montagues

    Characteristics of Juliet Capulet from the tragedy of William Shakespeare

    The symbol of true and pure love, according to most people, is the eternal work of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. The writer wrote many plays and a sonnet on this subject, but the most memorable is still the story of two heroes who, despite their young age, were able to know this true feeling and save it to the "gravestone".

    Eternal work of love

    The main characters of this story are Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. Members of two families that have long been at enmity with each other. The action of the tragedy takes place in Verona, a town that brings together two young heroes of the play at one of the balls.

    Young Romeo immediately notices the sweet and truly beautiful Juliet, feelings for which flared up in him like a fiery flame. And this flame could no longer be extinguished either by the enmity of families, or by time, or by death. The same feelings flare up in a young person in the very first minutes of meeting with her Romeo. But what is Juliet Capulet really like, what true feelings was she capable of?

    Brief description of Juliet

    A sweet, pure and carefree creature - this is how you can describe the young lady who plays the main role in the work. From birth, the girl was surrounded by love and care from both her parents and her nurse. Juliet was only fourteen years old, and all she could spend her free time on was the holidays and balls that her noble family constantly arranged. The rest of the time she spent at home, accompanied by her servants. This characterizes Juliet as a modest and pure girl.

    The girl treated her family and friends with love and deep respect. Juliet fulfilled all the wishes and instructions of her mother and father. She also admitted that she would soon need to get married, although she did not want to think about it. The thought of marriage for love did not leave her, despite the fact that this feeling had not yet visited her.

    The external characteristics of Juliet are practically not described in the play, but from the context of the work it can be assumed that the girl was very fragile, charming and beautiful. And it is completely combined with her inner world and feelings.

    The birth of love

    Juliet also accepted the fact that her family had long been at enmity with the Montagues. Although hatred for them was instilled in her own family from childhood, the girl did not want to enter into conflicts between the warring parties and remained neutral on this topic. In the opinion of the young lady, it would be foolish to harbor a grudge against them just because they are Montagues.

    Juliet had to feel all the hardships of this enmity of families only after the first meeting with Romeo. That's when she first thinks about it. The author endowed this young creature not only with a big heart, but also with a mind that tells her that love should be above parental decrees and someone's enmity.

    Juliet's Love Character

    Having confessed their feelings, the lovers decide on a secret wedding, which, according to the priest, was supposed to rise above all insults and reconcile the warring families. It was able to prove the true feelings of the young, all their purity and integrity.

    Love for the young Romeo so obscures the mind of a young person that all other troubles and hardships fade into the background for her. She easily accepts the death of her brother, who died at the hands of Montecchi. As she herself admits, she would have survived a thousand more such deaths, but not the news about the expulsion of her beloved from the city. Juliet is ready to sacrifice anyone to her feelings, if only her Romeo was next to her.

    The tragic end of a love story

    The turning point in the fate of the young lady is the desire of her parents to marry her to a noble count. Juliet's heart breaks from the imagining of her impending marriage and the betrayal of her eternal and only love. Then the girl goes for help to the local priest, who offers to drink a special drug that can put her to sleep.

    The courage shown in this scene can turn all thoughts about Juliet's softness and carelessness. The characterization of the hero shows all her courage and determination, in the name of saving love. She knows that she can die if the priest gives her poison instead of sleeping pills, but she still takes this act for the sake of getting closer to her chosen one.

    All fears and doubts are dispelled by the death of Romeo. Ready to sacrifice everything to be reunited with her beloved, she sacrifices herself. Juliet Capulet dies in her family vault after stabbing herself with Romeo's dagger. True love, which lives in the hearts of young heroes, cannot bear the thought of a future life without its soulmate. Courage, devotion and endless loyalty personify Juliet in the final scene of the work.

    The tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" shows the significance of true love in the destinies of people. Such a feeling is capable of any feat and sacrifice. Even if that sacrifice is one's own death. Shakespeare endows Juliet Capulet with all the qualities of a real woman: fidelity, devotion, care and eternal love.

    The story of tragic love - writers and poets of all times and peoples turned to such a plot. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet was no exception. Far from being an English classic, he became the ancestor of such a plot. But the opportunity to show the all-consuming happiness of loving people, which can even overcome a sad end, is such an idea of ​​Shakespeare's work.

    History of creation

    He loves her. She loves him. Relatives against their union. The lovers solve this problem in their own way: the imaginary death of the beloved, which led to the true death of the young man. This plot has been known since the time of Ovid, who so colorfully painted in his Metamorphoses the love story of Pyramus and Thisbe. The only difference with Shakespeare's plot was that it was not the poison that caused the death of the young man in love, but the sword.

    Of course, Shakespeare was familiar with the work of Ovid. But he also studied well the short story of the Italian Luigio da Porta, who, back in 1524, described the love of Romeo and Juliet from Verona in The Story of Two Noble Lovers. This short story has been changed many times (Juliet was 18 years old at the beginning, before her death she manages to talk with Romeo, but then dies of longing for her lover).

    The main source that served as the basis for Shakespeare's immortal work was Arthur Brick's poem "Romeo and Juliet", created by him in 1562. Shakespeare reworked the plot somewhat: events take place in the summer for 5 days (Brick has 9 months in winter). He completed work on the work in 1596 (the exact date of creation is unknown, but it was printed at that time).

    The plot of the work

    Two noble families from Verona, the Montagues and the Capulets, have been at enmity for centuries. Even the servants of the masters are drawn into the conflict. After another battle, the Duke of Verona Escalus warns that the culprit will be punished at the cost of his own life.

    Romeo, a member of the Montecchi family, is in love with Rosalind, who is Juliet's friend. Mercutio's friend and Benvolio's brother are trying in every possible way to drive sad thoughts away from Romeo.

    At this time, the Capulet family is preparing for the holiday. Invitations have been sent out to all the noble people of Verona. At the celebration, the 13-year-old daughter of Senor Capulet, Juliet, should be introduced to her fiancé, Count Paris.

    Romeo and his friends also come to the ball at the Capulet's house. After all, here he hopes to meet Rosalind, who is the owner's niece. So that no one recognizes them, the young men decide to use masks. Their plan was exposed by Juliet's cousin, Tybalt. To prevent a possible conflict, the owner of the house is trying to stop Tybalt.

    At this time, Romeo meets Juliet's gaze. Sympathy is born between young people. But on the way to happiness there is a huge obstacle: the age-old enmity between the Montagues and the Capuleti.

    Romeo and Juliet swear allegiance to each other and decide to get married, believing that this will put an end to the bad relationship between their relatives. Romeo, through the nurse, negotiates with the monk Lorenzo to conduct the ceremony.

    A few hours after the wedding, the young man witnesses how Tybalt kills his friend Mercutio. Romeo, in a rage, deals a death blow to Tybalt himself.

    Tragic events led to the fact that the Duke decides to exile the young man from Verona. Monk Lorenzo invites Romeo to wait for a certain time in Mantua.

    At this time, Juliet's parents inform her that they are preparing to marry her to Paris. In desperation, the girl turns to Lorenzo. He gives her a special sleeping pill to simulate death with it. Romeo does not know about this.

    When the young man saw the sleeping Juliet, he decided that she had died. Romeo kills Paris and takes the poison himself.

    Juliet wakes up and sees the lifeless body of Romeo. In desperation, she stabs herself. The death of lovers reconciles the families of Montague and Capulet.

    main characters

    The daughter of Señor Capulet, surrounded since childhood by the love and care of her loved ones: parents, cousin, cousin, nurse. In her incomplete 14 years, she has not yet met love. The girl is sincere, kind and does not delve into the conflict of families. Obediently follows the will of the parents. Having met Romeo, she completely surrenders to the first feeling, because of which, as a result, she dies.

    A romantic young man from the Montecchi family. At the beginning of the novel, he is in love with Rosalind, Juliet's cousin. Love for Juliet turns him from a frivolous reveler into a serious young man. Romeo has a sensitive and passionate soul.


    Nephew of Montecchi, friend of Romeo. The only one of all the characters who does not support the enmity of families and tries to avoid conflicts entirely. Romeo has complete confidence in Benvolio.

    Nephew of the Prince of Verona. Juliet's fiance. Shakespeare describes him as handsome and with a good heart: he also does not support the conflict of families. Dies at the hands of Romeo.

    Monk Lorenzo

    Confessor who takes an active part in the life of Romeo and Juliet. Secretly marries lovers. He is ready to pray for everyone, and fervently desires to stop the war between the Montagues and the Capulets.

    Tybalt- Juliet's cousin, who maintains a blood feud between families. Kills Mercutio, and himself dies at the hands of Romeo.

    Mercutio Romeo's friend, a young rake, narcissistic and sarcastic. Was killed by Tybalt.

    The main idea of ​​the work

    In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare shows true human values ​​that can destroy traditions. Love has no barriers: it is not afraid of any prejudice. Young people are ready to go against society for the sake of their happiness. Their love is not afraid of life or death.

    Romeo and Juliet is one of the most interesting works of William Shakespeare. The tragic love of the main characters Romeo and Juliet, described by the English playwright, still causes unprecedented popularity among readers. The enmity between two wealthy families that have been at war for several centuries finally stops. It ended thanks to the great and pure love of two young hearts who, by an absurd accident, left this world. The real feelings that the heroes carried through many hardships and deprivations eventually brought the long-awaited peace to the families.

    Characteristics of the heroes of "Romeo and Juliet"

    main characters


    Romeo Montecchi is a young and passionate ladies' man, frivolous but friendly. Initially courting the impregnable Rosalina. He wants to achieve her location with all his might, thinking that this is love. However, his friends are against this relationship. After meeting with Juliet, Romeo forgets about Rosaline. He understands what real feelings are, looking at Juliet. Their love is full of difficulties, misunderstanding on the part of warring parents. Romeo will do anything to be with his beloved.


    Juliet Capulet is, in fact, still a child. By nature, he is kind and calm. Parents for her are considered an undeniable authority. The girl completely obeys their will and does not oppose parental decisions. But that was before meeting Romeo. When a young man appeared in her life, she went against her relatives and refused to marry the eminent count. For the sake of Romeo, Juliet is ready for even the most desperate step. Literally in an instant, a cute child turns into a wise and reasonable woman.

    Minor characters


    Romeo's cousin and friend. Benvolio is an ardent opponent of the enmity of families. In everything supports Romeo, who completely trusts him. He is constantly in close proximity to Romeo and Mercutio.


    Romeo's best friend, a rake and a merry fellow, a relative of the Count of Verona. Mercutio is one of the most notable characters in the play. By nature, caustic and narcissistic. The young man is killed by Tybalt's sword, in Romeo's arms.


    Nephew of the Prince of Verona, Count. Juliet's fiancé, also against the enmity of families, has a good character. Dies at the hands of Romeo at the grave of Juliet, accusing the young man of the death of his bride. Relative of Mercutio.

    Monk Lorenzo

    Concerned about the enmity of two eminent families. Lorenzo takes an active part in the development of the love relationship between Romeo and Juliet. Helps them, crowns lovers. He believes that this love will bring reconciliation to the Capulet and Montague families. Lorenzo invites Juliet to act out her death in order to find a reunion with Romeo.


    Juliet's cousin. Supports the enmity of families, seeks to further inflame the centuries-old conflict. He kills Mercutio, and he himself dies at the hands of Romeo, who avenged his friend. Negative character throughout the play.

    The Capulet and Montague families

    Two families leading a long-term enmity between themselves. They don’t even remember why the conflict started. After the death of beloved children, they reconcile.

    Romeo and Juliet are heroes who showed the world what true love is. All Shakespeare's stories are saturated with human experiences and tragedy. The play "Romeo and Juliet" is also included in this list. The characteristics of these characters make it clear that, despite their age, people have different views and thinking. The description of the plot and images of the characters is summarized briefly.

    Benvolio, a young man, nephew of Lord Montecchi, close friend of Romeo and Mercutio.

    Against the backdrop of vengeful enmity, besides our protagonist of the play, Benvolio is the most prudent character, revenge did not darken his eyes, the thirst for blood did not seize his soul. He, the only one in all the skirmishes of the warring clans, is, though weak, but an obstacle, a stopping force, appealing to the mind of people, to the world.

    The role of Benvolio in the play is not big, but important. He is like a white crow against the background of black flocks on both sides. Yes, he fights on the side of Montague, but only defending himself, attacking, inciting quarrels is not in the rules of a young man. His goal is to end the feud. And this is clearly stated in the play. Who else was against hostility? Who else in his play did Shakespeare contrast with enmity (except the prince)? Juliet, Romeo? Perhaps, but their attitude towards her in the play is bypassed, they are too carried away by their inner experiences to see what is happening around. Unless Paris, a relative of the Prince of Verona, expressed his bewilderment at such a long confrontation.

    At the very beginning of the play, during the servants' fight in the bazaar, in the midst of all this general turmoil and cruelty, Benvolio bursts onto the stage with a call to people to stop and disperse. This is his first attempt in the play to extinguish the hatred reigning in the hearts.

    Weapons away - and instantly in places!
    You don't know what you're doing, fools.

    (Knocks their swords out of their hands.)

    And, perhaps, he would have succeeded if the “furious Tybalt”, Capulet’s nephew, who was extremely hostile, had not suddenly appeared.

    How did you deal with this man?
    Here is your death - turn around, Benvolio!

    I want to reconcile them. Put in your sword
    Or let's separate them together.

    But Tybalt does not share Benvolio's good intentions, and the fight continues, Benvolio's attempt was unsuccessful. Of course, but how else, because he is alone against everyone with his other convictions. The second attempt in the play to avoid bloodshed is made by Benvolio, trying to stop the quick-tempered Mercutio, who climbs on the rampage with all his might, trying to incite Tybalt to a duel.

    Please, Mercutio, let's go.
    Today it's hot. Capulet everywhere.
    We can't avoid trouble
    And in the veins the blood boils from the heat.

    Benvolio utters these words of warning even before meeting Tybalt, as if he feels something is wrong, feels that a terrible misfortune will happen. Although, on the other hand, these words can be interpreted from the point of view of the cowardice of a young man, then everyone will decide for himself who Benvolio is for him - an opponent of enmity or a cowardly “hero”, constantly trying to leave, hide, avoid clashes. I'll probably stick with the first option. And I hope many will agree with me.

    In vain we make noise among the crowd.
    One of two things: retire - either
    Discuss the dispute with a cold soul
    And let's go. They look from everywhere.

    The second attempt was just as unsuccessful, but unlike the first, it entailed much more serious consequences. If you think about it and imagine for a moment that Benvolio was able to persuade Mercutio to leave? Mercutio, Tybalt would have remained alive, Romeo would not have been expelled from Verona, and later would have been aware that Juliet did not drink poison, but only a magical sleeping pill. But this did not happen ... it's all only "if".

    Benvolio dearly loves his family, for the sake of the peace of Romeo's parents, who are worried about their son, absorbed by an unknown sadness, he promises to find out its source. At the same time, Lord Montecchi says that Romeo did not open his heart to anyone, although many friends tried to find out the cause of sadness.

    Have you tried asking him?

    And I and our many friends;
    But he alone is the adviser of his feelings.
    He - I will not say that he is not faithful to himself,
    But he is so uncommunicative and secretive,
    So unavailable to any questions ...

    However, Romeo considered that friend Benvolio is the only one worthy of his trust, which indicates that he regards him as a faithful devoted comrade and adviser. And this again characterizes Benvolio from the best side.

    Blame - love?


    Not love?

    Yes. dislike me

    Benvolio also dearly loves Romeo, is interested in his fate, his experiences, tries to alleviate them by giving wise advice, to participate in his fate, to help a friend. It is felt that he is not afraid of the topic of love relationships, without hesitation, he readily gives advice, “they knock out a wedge with a wedge”, invites Romeo to look around, take a closer look at other girls. It seems to me that Benvolio is still that womanizer, a supporter of love affairs. Since love seems to him so simple and easy, this all-consuming passionate feeling is not familiar to him. Most likely he had fleeting hobbies, which he immediately forgot about, fluttering from one to another. We know how difficult it is to tear a person out of the heart ...

    No, brother, I rather cry.

    Dear friend, about what?

    About the heart of a friend.
    Listen to me: forget about her ...
    Give free rein to your eyes: on other beauties
    Look carefully...
    Your eyes, crystal scales,
    Let them weigh the beauty and other beauty.

    But the bright image of Benvolio is overshadowed by the unexpected attack of Mercutio, who describes his character in a completely different way, completely refuting the prudence and good disposition, which we wrote about at the beginning.

    You remind me of one of those fellows who, having entered the tavern, slam their sword on the table and exclaim: "God grant that I do not need you!" - and after the second goblet they poke a servant with a sword when there is no need for it.

    Do I really look like such a young man?

    Still would! You are one of the hottest little guys in all of Italy. A little hurt you - you get angry; and if you get a little angry, you offend everyone. Yes, you can quarrel with a man because he has one hair more or less than yours in his beard; you can get into a fight with a nutcracker just because you have hazel eyes. What eye, except yours, will see this as a reason for a quarrel? Your head is full of enthusiasm, like an egg is full of yolk, although it has been beaten so many times during quarrels, it is amazing how it has not yet been broken like an egg. Once you got into a fight with a man because he was coughing on the street and with this, as if he woke up your dog, who was sleeping in the sun. Didn't you once attack a tailor for daring to put on his new doublet before Easter, and someone else for lacing up new shoes with old ribbons? And it is you who persuade me not to start quarrels!

    Well, if I were such a bully as you, everyone would willingly buy the right to my inheritance, and he would have to wait no more than an hour and a quarter.

    You are a headless little one!

    Unexpected turn. The characterization puts us at a loss, but we remember that Benvolio is an opponent of quarrels and inciting hostility. How so? Mercutio describes him as an explosive person who "give me just a reason." But remember, what is a friend of Mercutio? Mercutio is a rather extraordinary character, he is a dreamer, if any other hero of the play spoke in a similar way about Benvolio, we would have to believe, willy-nilly, but because Shakespeare put these words into the mouth of the talkative Mercutio, we can easily question their meaning. But still remember that in every joke there is only a fraction of a joke. So who knows, who knows...

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    The protagonist of the tragedy, a romantic young man in love, a representative of a noble family in Verona. The Montecchi family has been at odds with another respected family in the city, the Capuleti, for a long time. Romeo and Juliet become victims of this long-standing feud. The hero appears before the reader at the very beginning of the work as a naive young man who walks all the time with friends and is in love with some absurd beauty named Rosalind.

    The main character of the tragedy, a young girl with the naivete of a child, who changed in the name of love. Juliet belongs to the Capulet family, which has long been at enmity with the Montecchi family. She appears at the beginning of the work and appears as a carefree girl, surrounded by the care of her parents, protected by her cousin Tybalt and beloved by her nurse.

    One of the main characters of the tragedy, Juliet's nanny from infancy. She plays a very important role in a girl's life. Having lost her child early, she treated Juliet like her own daughter and was strongly attached to her. The main character trusted the nurse with all her secrets and always turned to her first for help.

    One of the heroes of the tragedy, a monk who occupies one of the key positions. Not afraid of a long-standing enmity, brother Lorenzo married two beloved Romeo and Juliet. The monk is represented as a wise and insightful person, who understands that only love can destroy a long-standing confrontation.

    Hero of tragedy, cousin and good friend of Romeo. A distinctive feature of the character is his attitude to the centuries-old enmity. Perhaps this is the only hero who evaluates everything with a cold head and approaches this issue very skeptically.

    One of the heroes of the tragedy, Romeo's best friend from a young age, a hot and quick-tempered young man. According to the plot, he is a relative of the Prince of Verona. This young rake spends all his time with friends. For their sake, he is ready for anything, and for the sake of Romeo, he even went to certain death. He was killed by Juliet's cheeky cousin, Tybalt.

    One of the heroes of the tragedy, cousin of Juliet Capulet on the maternal side. He is strongly attached to Juliet and is extremely protective of her. Tybalt's bad attitude towards the Montecchi family is explained by his difficult childhood and poor upbringing. In the course of events, he was killed by Romeo in revenge for the dastardly murder of Mercutio.