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  • All-Russian Day of National Parks Reserves. Day of Reserves and National Parks of Russia. The date you need to know and remember

    All-Russian Day of National Parks Reserves. Day of Reserves and National Parks of Russia. The date you need to know and remember

    "All-Russian Day of Reserves and National Parks" is a relatively young date in the calendar of eologists. He began to celebrate since 1997. It was exactly that year, the "Wildlife Guard" and the World Wildlife Foundation "made an initiative to celebrate annually in Russian Federation "Day of Reserves and National Parks."

    The choice of ecologists, for the "Day of Reserves and National Parks" fell on this date - January 11 is not accidental. That day, in 1916 in Buryatia, the first in Russian Empire The State Reserve called the Barguzinsky Reserve (since it is located on the eastern slope of the Barguzinsky Range). January 11 - All-Russian Day of Reserves and National Parks.

    In the autumn of 1916, the first legal act was adopted by the regulatory procedure for the creation and functioning of the reserves "On the establishment of rules for hunting reserves" and published in the "meeting of legal arrangements and orders of government" No. 304 of October 30, 1916.

    December 29, 1916 (January 11, in a new style) in Russia, the national reserve is created in Russia - Barguzinsky, on the shore of Baikal, which continues to function and today. The creation of the reserve occurred during the First World War, which indicates the attention of the Russian state to preserving the protected areas.

    In the coming years, 11 reserves will be created until 2020. In the Saratov region - Saratov Steppe, in the Urals - "Shaitan-Tau", in Siberia - "Belozersky", "Steppe", "Vasyugan", "Barabinsky", in Transbaikalia - "Dzhidinsky", in the Far East - "Big Tokco, "Middle School" and the Reserve "Medvezhi Islands" near the coast of Chukotka. In addition to the reserves, 10 national parks will be created. In the next 10 years, the state will spend tens of billions of rubles on the development of reserves.

    The fate of the protected case

    Alexander Chibilev, Dr. geogr. sciences, cl. Ran.

    In 1912, the Imperial Russian Geographical Society (IRGO) established the environmental commission. Her creators were professors of the Moscow and St. Petersburg universities, geographers, zoologists, botany. The Commission worked until 1918. The main result of its activities was the plan for creating a network of reserves in Russia. To fully come true, it was not destined, however, on the basis of this plan already in soviet time Reserves opened in many regions of the USSR.

    In the year of the century of the Commission, the Russian Geographical Society resumed her work. This event was devoted to the meeting of the RGO Council of the RGU held in Orenburg. We offer the attention of readers the presentation of the report with which one of the initiators of the restoration of the environmental commission, the Vice-President of the Russian Geographical Society, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Corresponding Member of RAS Alexander Chibilev.

    Let us turn to the origin of the environmental movement in Russia. Interest in nature at the end of the XIX century, especially in university circles, was great. The cause and at the same time due to its series of large geographical expeditions, numerous and very effective botanical and zoological studies. The military, which carried out extensive research in Asia, in the Caucasus, in the Polar Areas played at this process. At the same time, excellent editions came out with quite large circles, take at least the "life of animals" Borm, bookurlin, Sabaneev's books. In short, the society has already prepared for real work on nature conservation. We needed only a specific and executable plan, people who can develop and implement it, as well as financial and administrative support. (It's not true, a little changed over last hundred years?) All these components happily combined in a geographical society.

    At the head of a new social movement in defense of nature monuments stood outstanding domestic scientists: Botanist I. P. Borodin, anthropologist and geographer D. N. Anuchin, Lesoveod G. F. Morozov, St. Petersburg zoologist D. K. Solovyov, Head of the Department of MSO . A. Kozhevnikov, Botany Kharkov University V. A. Taliev, Geographer V. P. Semenov-Tian-Shansky and his brother Entomologist A. P. Semenov-Tian-Shansky. They own the idea of \u200b\u200ban ethical and aesthetic approach to the protection of wildlife and to the protected business. This direction was the most close to the then intelligentsia. And this is very important, since it is the intelligentsia that put the greatest support to a new movement.

    In 1892, V. V. Dokuchaev expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to create special reserved stations. Unlike national parks in the United States, who threw out both places for hunting, fishing, entertainment and recreation, Dokuchaev proposed to command a plot and "provide it to exclusive use" by indigenous species of flora and fauna. The idea of \u200b\u200bDokuchaev was developed by scientists and the scientists, whom we have the right to call the "mighty bunch of a domestic protected case."

    Today, after 100 years, it is very important to recall these wonderful figures of the Russian geographical society, whose ideas at the beginning of the XXI century have become even more relevant than at the beginning of the twentieth century.

    Ivan Parfenyevich Borodin(1847-1930) - Russian Botanist, Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, founder and chairman of the Russian Botanical Society (since 1915), Vice President of the Academy of Sciences. In 1910, in the report "Protection of Monuments of Nature", he wrote that the creation of protected areas - "This is our moral debt to homeland, mankind and science. We have already understood the need to protect the monuments of our old days; It is time for us to imbued with the consciousness that the most important of these are the remains of that nature, among which our state power has once seen, our ancestors acted. It would be a crime to lose these remnants. " Borodin drew attention to the fact that the imperial Russian geographical society with its extensive network of departments in all, including remote, provinces has unique opportunity Organize a "central environmental committee with the participation of representatives of various interested departments."

    It was after this report I. P. Borodina on March 5, 1912, the Council of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society approved the provision on the permanent environmental commission, in which the second paragraph was recorded: "The Commission's goal is to initiate interest in the general segments of the population and the government to the issues of the security of monuments Nature of Russia and actually preserve in the inviolability of individual sites or entire localities, important in botanic and zoogeographic, geological and generally in physical and geographical relations, the protection of certain types of plants, animals, and so on. "

    Gregory Alexandrovich Kozhevnikov(1866-1933) - Professor Zoology and Director of the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University. In 1909, in the article "On the need for the device of the protected areas of Russian Nature", for the first time in the domestic scientific literature, he stated the importance of preserving certain territories of wildlife in complete inviolability: "Plots intended to maintain samples of primitive nature ... must be protected in the most strict The meaning of the word. ... no need to remove anything, add nothing to do anything. We must provide the nature of yourself and observe the results. The protected areas have a huge meaning, and therefore their device should be a public and private initiative, but the state should go ahead here. "

    Georgy Fedorovich Morozov (1867-1920) - Geographer and Botanist, the creator of the exercise on the forest as a geographical and historical phenomenon. It was one of the consistent supporters of a geographical approach in the organization of a network of reserves: "The allocation of protected areas should occur whenever possible on the basis of the basis of the Botaniko-Geographical Division: the protected areas must be in each botanical and geographical area, representing a number of characteristic and most valuable In scientific relationship types of vegetation. " Working in the Commission, G. F. Morozov proposed to determine and undertake the most valuable forest standards in different regions of Russia.

    Andrei Petrovich Semenov-Tian-Shan(1866-1942) - President of the Russian Entomological Society. One of the most radical supporters of the sickness of wildlife. In his opinion, "Freedom is necessary for nature just as it is necessary for people." This freedom, in his opinion, should provide reserves: "Nature is untouched by man gives him no replaceable aesthetic pleasures, elevating his soul, - there is a big moral duty to nature, sown duty before the mother."

    Veniamin Petrovich Semenov-Tian-Shan(1870-1942) - geographer and statistics, founder and editor of many different publications "Russia. Complete geographical description of our Fatherland "(1899-1914), one of the most active members in the environmental commission. It was he who summarized the proposals of its members and in October 1917 prepared a report "On the types of localities in which the reserves of the Type of American National Parks need to establish." A map of the Northern Hemisphere was attached to the report, on which the national parks of the United States and 46 national parks were applied, which must be organized in Russia. In the placement of these protected territories V. P. Semenov-Tian-Shansky applied a purely geographical principle. Calling the proposed objects according to the United States by national parks, scientist, essentially, meant reserves with their significantly more stringent protection regime, restriction for visiting and economic activities.

    The words V. P. Semenova-Tian-Shansky can serve as a real testament for subsequent generations: "On our responsibility lies to preserve for offspring, where only you can, in complete integrity, completely features of the face of the Earth, so that it always had the opportunity to peer into them And learn in kind of what it only heard from books. ... The preservation of the untouched natural one-piece geographical landscape from distant ancestors will help the descendants easier to critically sort out in all the difficult artificial setting, in which they will have to live and act ... "

    In 1918, the environmental commission of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society ceased to exist. Nevertheless, many of its members continued to, as far as possible, offer their ideas to the new leadership of the country. So, in 1919, G. A. Kozhevnikov appealed to the Soviet government with a memorable note, which states: "In front of the Russian Republic lies the task of global importance - to maintain a number of animal forms that are not anywhere outside of our Fatherland and for the fate of which Interest is watching the scientist world of the whole world. When judged, it is useful to have an example Western Europe And, in particular, the United States of America, which in the interests of state benefits do not spare funds for the protection of nature. "

    Proceedings of the classics of domestic nature and protected business and after 100 years remain in demand, arouse disputes. Attentive analyst will find a lot of contradictions in them. Often, science was not free in his choice, which led and leads to incorrect, ambiguous conclusions, tragic errors. The entire twentieth century in the history of the domestic reserve business is a kaleidoscope of contradictory solutions. Here are some dates that mean cool turns in this story.

    1898 - Created a private reserve of Ascania-Nova.

    1916 - The first Russian state reserve Barguzinsky was created on Baikal.

    1917 - presented by V.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, the first draft of Russia's protected network.

    1922 - Report by G. A. Kozhevnikova "On the needs of the Nature of the RSFSR" receives support in the People's Commissariat and the Academy of Sciences.

    1930 - "Cleaning" in Slavovka, dismissed and repressed prominent figures of nature conservation. The first reserves in the USSR are opened, among them: Altai, Bashkir, Voronezh (1927), "Galichi Mountain" (1925), Kandalakski, Kivach, Oksky and others.

    1933 - the first All-Union Congress on the Protection of the Nature of the USSR calls on "to disrupt the fetish of inviolability with reserves, to populate the whole country with the useful fauna and harmful to negotiate."

    1930-1940 - 42 new reserves were established.

    1951 - 88 were completely closed and the territory of 20 reserves was reduced. Of the 130 reserves left 40. Their area has decreased more than 11 times.

    1960 - the total number of reserves reached 85. Adopted Law "On the Protection of the Nature of the RSFSR".

    1961 - 16 forest reserves are closed, logging on their territory. The area of \u200b\u200breserves decreased twice.

    1962 - a statement about state reserves was adopted, their status was restored as research institutions.

    The 1980s - the number of reserves in the USSR reached 200. The first national parks are created.

    1988 - Created the Ministry of Security ambient USSR, and then the RSFSR.

    2000 - the Federal Agency has been abolished - the State Committee for Environmental Protection, in direct subordination from which there were reserves.

    The purpose of the work of the recreated constant environmental commission should be clear and clear answers to several extremely important issues. Their seven, and I will allow myself a few words about each. I note at the same time, in addition to answers to the questions, we must take real actions, the benefit that the RGO has all the possibilities for this. And, believe me, not only because of administrative support, which, of course, is important, but also because our work finds a response among many scientists, public figures, entrepreneurs. But let's return to the "seven" questions.

    1. Is all the islands and islands of wildlife, preserved in Russia, have the status of protective territories? What objects from the list of the 1917 environmental commission are still waiting for their recognition?

    Unfortunately, at present, the location of the protected areas is determined not so much of a scientifically informed necessity as the peculiarities of the geographical position, and mainly - the lack of economic interests and transport inaccessibility. In this regard, the protected islands of wildlife are distributed in the country extremely unevenly. There are practically no reserves in the main agricultural lane of Russia. The standards of zonal steppe and forest landscapes occupy a negligible area, which indicated V. V. Dokuchaev, I. P. Borodin, V. P. Semenov-Tian-Shansky.

    Until now, such specially protected natural areas of higher grade are not created (with a strict regime of landscapes, flora and fauna, with developed scientific units), as Hibinne Park, Park of the Central Russian Hill, Barabinsky Forest Park, Ural Urming. But they entered the list of IRGO PPK
    1917. Or, for example, in 1943, it was organized, and then liquidated the Kungur cave reserve in the Perm Territory. In addition, many reserves and national parks work in essentially cut borders compared to those that were originally designed.

    The most important task of our commission is to find out why in some physical and geographical and administrative-territorial regions of Russia there is no representative network of specially protected natural territories (PAs), including top rank. As an example, the Urals can be brought, where key landscape territories are included in the existing reserves and national parks, but many of those that need to be created to cover the entire natural diversity of the region.

    2. What are the habitats of rare biological species, especially those responsible for which Russia, those served, serve or can serve their-shaped symbols of the country or its regions, are not yet provided with environmental measures?

    I would like to pay attention to the three branded types of the fauna of Russia from three main natural elements: water, air and ground.

    As for the aquatic environment, in the first place in importance, we must have, of course, the Russian ceremony and other types of sturgeon - passing in the pools of the Black and Caspian seas and the Turkish * in Siberian rivers. Despite the successes of artificial dilution of sturgeon, over the past 20 years there has been a catastrophic reduction (20-40 times) of the natural population of Russian sturgeon, Beluga, spikes in the Caspian Sea basin. Only by changing the environmental status of the Transboundary River Urals and some other Caspian Basin Rivers, you can still preserve the world's largest natural population of the sturgeon North Caspian region.

    Among the rare species of birds should pay attention to the endemic of Russia and Eurasia - the Red Country Casocci. Russia is fully replied to the safety of this species in the world fauna, since its entire range from the Arctic tundra to the North Caucasus, along with the paths of migrations, is located on our territory. To preserve the greedy barracks, it is necessary to create a cluster reserve, which includes the habitat of this species on Taimyr, wins of Western Siberia, steppe lakes of the Zauralye, the wetlands of the North Caucasus.

    Another title view of the disappeared fauna of Russia is a wild horse. The RGO allocated a special grant for supporting the Przhevalsky horse reintroduction project. Currently, in the whole steppe belt, Eurasia from Hungary to Mongolia and China only Russia really did not start reintroduction of the Przhevalsky horse in their steppes. On the territory of the Orenburg region for the release of wild horses, a plot of 16.5 thousand hectares was prepared, and only a goodwill of the responsible workers of the Ministry of Environment, the leaders of the Orenburg region are needed, so that this project becomes reality.

    3. Another important task of modern protected business is the harmonization of relations between environmental and recreational and tourist activities.

    Reserves were originally created not for tourism and tourists, but for the protection and isuity of natural objects. National parks, on the contrary, are intended primarily for organized rest. It is impossible to mix and confuse these tasks. Reserves should not earn money through tourism. Legalization of ecotourism in the protected areas of national parks, especially in reserves is a direct violation of the protected regime, the results of which are sometimes catastrophic and are always irreversible. It is impossible to force reserves to prove their right to exist through tourism.

    Nevertheless, it is possible to engage in tourism on specially protected natural territories, but this activity is permissible only in buffer zones and should not cover the area of \u200b\u200brest ** and protected nuclei.

    4. An important issue on which the Commission will have to work, - the problem of the integration of federal and regional OPT systems into the socio-economic development of the territories.

    Wildlife Islands - Classic Reserves - should not economically justify their existence: their incredit value is already in the fact that they are that they give us a realization that somewhere on Earth there are still corners with untouched nature. The usefulness of these territories cannot be evaluated by market methods. They are almost invaluable as unique masterpieces of world art, architecture or archaeological monuments, and are also unbalanced in the event of loss.

    At the same time, being on the balance sheet of the state or the subject of the federation, sometimes in private ownership, natural heritage facilities are included in the economic infrastructure of one or another region. Consequently, for these territories an unacpended niche should be highlighted. They must be clearly designated in the schemes of land management and district planning, it should be banned here for all economic activities.

    Nevertheless, reserves and especially national parks must play an important role in the economy of the region. Large regional reserves and national parks can be used as basic nuclei to create naturally protected clusters. Transfer by national parks and reserves to directly departing nearby reserves, parks, monuments of nature and other protected areas will allow to extend the culture of nature conservation to neighboring landscapes, create new protected areas with wildlife and increased natural diversity, reasonably transfer part of the recreational and tourist load from the main core protected areas for other landmarks.

    5. Our commission will be necessary to deal with the prevention and preventing of internal and external anthropogenic and natural and anthropogenic risks.

    Threats of fires, ecological autonomy of the PAs, Voluntarist decisions of administrative and economic bodies, looting and poaching, violations of the protected regime and use for the hunt and production of scientific material *** - always accompanied and accompany the daily activities of our reserves and national parks. But the same threats in more more than Dangerous for sections of wildlife and unique landscapes, not yet taken under the protection of the state. So, only over the past year, the RGO environmental commission had to be engaged in real threats related to new options for mastering the phosphorite deposit on the territory of the Designed National Park of the Khibiny Mountains. Not so long ago, we have prepared proposals for the creation of the Polar-Ural National Park in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District and the Supolar-Ural National Park in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District. Both of these initiatives arose as a result of the construction of roads, pipeline laying and the planned industrial development of the ore deposits of the Polar Urals.

    In the fall of 2011, in our submission, the President of the RGO has solved questions about the termination of the plundering of the Paleontological heritage of the Novosibirsk Islands. As part of the 2012 Expedition, the group worked on this archipelago, which is now preparing proposals for creating a national park on it.

    Even the status of world natural heritage sites (they are currently in Russia - 10) does not protect them from man-made impact. For examples, it is not necessary to walk far: "Lake Baikal" - the functioning of the BCBC and illegal construction on the coast; "Camchatka volcanoes" - search and exploration, plans to change the boundaries of the object; "Western Caucasus" - the lack of security status of the buffer zone, projects of economic development; "Golden Altai Mountains" - pipeline construction plans, poaching; "Komi's virgin forests are projects for the development of mineral deposits, etc.

    To trace the process of occurrence and development of natural and anthropogenic threats during the twentieth century, the beginning of the XXI century can be used by the example of Buzuluk boron. This unique forest is the largest pine array in the world among the steppes - in the XIX - early XX century became the school of domestic woodland and forest biogeoceology. Here G. F. Morozov and V.N. Sukachev worked out the doctrine of types of forests, and in 1917 V. P. Semenov-Tian-Shansky included Buzuluksky Bor into the project of the environmental commission as one of the 45 national parks of Russia. The fate of Bora is tragic and instructive. Over the past two centuries, fires occurred at 75% of its territory. Particularly devastating fires 1831, 1879, 1921. In 1932, the State Reserve was created in part of the territory of Bor. Then the activities of the reserve were criticized, and in 1948 it was eliminated. Immediately begins the period of large-scale reforestation work. As a result of the misunderstanding of forestry at 30 thousand hectares, forest stations were made, which were non-inflicted due to the overestimated density. Completed the situation that in parallel with the reforestation was carried out solid logging of ripe forests. In 1959, in the territory of Bor, there are exploration and production of oil, gas in deep drilling - about 200 wells were drilled, more than 20 of them commercially. Low culture of oil and gas production led to massive oil spills, fires. In 1973, under pressure from the scientific community, the first ban on the extraction of oil and gas was announced. Oilmen left after a network of pipelines, industrial garbage, liquidated and canned wells, which represent a technogenic hazard. And only in 1994 by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, Bohr is included in the list of state reserves and national parks recommended for the organization in the territory of the Russian Federation in 1994-2005. In 2007, Buzuluksky Bor finally became a national natural park. But the dangers on it did not end. Oil and gas wells are still not shown in the safe condition. There are still threatened fires for this territory. Even during the Great Patriotic War, the center of Bor was brought along a special railway arsenal armament. In June 2012, this arsenal reminded himself when they began to rush and fly away a few kilometers around artillery shells.

    6. The Commission will also have the development of new categories of protected natural territories covering the landscape and biological diversity of the country.

    In 1918, the St. Petersburg Zoologist D. K. Solovyov in his work "Types of organizations promoting the protection of nature" offered more than 30 forms of protection of the objects of the natural protected fund. Unfortunately, they did not find their use in Russia. However, in the USA, Canada, Great Britain and other countries, such categories are set - for example, a region of protected landscape, sections of exceptional natural beauty, a picturesque river, a national river, etc. In Canada, 13 rivers with a total length of 3 thousand km received the environmental status of the National River. In the USA in 1993, 153 river plots of the total length of 18 thousand km were protected by a special law. The world is widely practiced so-called cluster PAs linear (for example, along the migration path) and a bush type. In addition, in many territories, environmental regime can be seasonal. To preserve biodiversity (specific species of plants and animals), certain types of protective environmental use are practiced, for example, a limited load grazing, gentle sealing. Naturally, these methods are unacceptable for classic reserves, areas of rest of national parks.

    7. One is essential tasks Our commission is to raise the cult of primordial landscapes and wildlife of the country, as the common heritage of all nations.

    It would be right that in the Russian Park project, which announced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the RGO in August 2012, found their reflection of the best samples of unique landscapes and wildlife of our Fatherland. The sections of the original nature should become one of the central symbols of Russia and the national community, which we indicate the words "Russian people". Many of us are very afraid in relation to Russia to use the concept of "National Landscape". However, if we want to keep Russia, we need to declare a single national landscape and the best samples of the preserved wildlife, "belonging to all together." But for this it is necessary to adopt the laws "On National Landscape", "On Wildlife".

    "All the best in nature belongs to everyone together" - these words of the Roman writer Petronia, written in the first century of our era, should be remembered. Standards and unique wildlife samples, protected and not yet protected, must be universal.

    There are quite a few places left on Earth, which man's hand did not touch. People understand the reason that their influence on the planet from year to year is becoming all destructive. To keep the land in the original form for future descendants, her animal and vegetable worldMultiple parks and environmental zones are created.


    Nature is exposed to pollution no longer than the first hundred years. But seriously thought about it only in 1997. It was then that, on January 11, the Day of Reserves and National Parks was established. This number is not chosen at all by chance, on this day in 1916 the first national reserve was created in Russia - Barguzinsky. On its territory there is a wonderful place - the Valley of Geysers.

    In Russia, the protected natural territories have existed - these are cult places, protected groves, reserves for hunting, in which the kings, princes and other known.

    But the first state reserve was created at the time. Its creation made it possible to preserve and increase the population of not only a Barguzin sable - many other animals and plants began to appear in more.

    Some statistics

    According to statistical data, reserves and national parks protect and retain about 80% of world flora and fauna. There are more hundreds of reserves and 50 national parks in Russia. According to the area, which such zones occupies, the Russian Federation is in the first place compared to other countries. The total area of \u200b\u200ball protected areas is about 200 million hectares. And this is not a little bit of 12% of the entire territory of the country. Therefore, the World Day of Reserves is very important for Russia, because huge territory Protected areas is constantly growing.

    Environmental Protection Act

    Each of us has the right to live and exist in a favorable environment. However, we all must:

    1. Bear and nature and the environment.
    2. With special cruelness to relate to natural wealth.

    The Law on Defines the Legal Fundamentals of the State Policy in the field of naturally nature and attitude towards it. The authorities solve socio-economic tasks, contribute to the preservation natural resources etc. All this needs to be done to meet the needs of current and future generations.

    Reserve - what is it?

    To put the sign of equality between the reserve and the national park is impossible - this is not the same thing. Especially since there is such a holiday - the day of nature reserves and national parks, so you need to distinguish these two names. The reserve is a plot of land or water under the protection of the state, within the boundaries of which it is forbidden to use on business purposes so may be called a research institution, which secured protected areas. Russia has about 80 reserves and hunting farms. They are prohibited in all operations that can disrupt natural integrity.

    The concept of "National Park"

    In the Russian Federation, the formation of specially protected objects is the traditional and effective form of environmental protection. The National Park is a water area or a territory on which unique are protected. From the reserve, the National Park is characterized by the fact that visitors are allowed on its territory. Only in strictly reserved places is allowed to relax and move. Violations of these rules entail huge penalties and criminal liability.

    About reserves and national parks

    These territories play a huge role in the preservation of wildlife heritage. These objects are protected by the legislation of the state. And not only on the day of nature reserves and national parks guard and protect natural objects. These are constantly doing. The protected areas are subjects of scientific research: ecologists and biologists. They study the populations of animals and plants, their growth dynamics and mutual existence.

    January 11.

    This date in the calendar of all ecologists appeared recently and since then is considered an unofficial holiday. It is celebrated in the Russian Federation annually on the initiative of several organizations. 11 Reserves and National Parks) Environmentalists emphasize the attention of society on the problems associated with environmental zones. In addition, this is a professional feast of employees whose is connected with the protection of natural objects. In total, there are about 11,500 people in the country. It was January 11, they are celebrated by various awards for a special contribution to environmental protection.

    On the Day of Reserves and National Parks, hundreds of organizations and thousands educate Russians. After all, the daily and sometimes selfless work of environmentalists makes it possible to preserve the unique landscapes of nature, the diversity of representatives of flora and fauna in Russia. Libraries invite everyone to visit book-illustrative exhibitions dedicated to the problems of ecology, nature, animal protection. Conduct charitable shares to collect funds. Call on this day carefully use and natural resources.

    The All-Russian Day of Reserves and National Parks hosts various lectures and conferences. They include the main activities aimed at preserving natural wealth. On television, programs dedicated to nature and its protection are broadcast. On the streets of calendars, booklets associated with this topic.

    National parks and reserves are favorite places for travelers around the world. They are preserved in their original state to this day, so each of us must mostly responsibly and carefully applies to these objects.

    Since 2000, the European Community has decided to hold the European Day of Parks on May 24.

    Europe appreciates natural resources, and even in urban conditions it tries to do everything you need for gardening and for those people who want to breathe fresh air at any time - that is why in every European country you can see a lot of green zones and parks. The parks are guarded by the state, on their territory it is forbidden to litter, tear plants, dig or spoil trees. It is worthwhile to relate to the nature of their country, this is reminded of us, since 1999, representatives of the movement for clean parks in Europe for citizens of their country.

    On the day of parks, thematic excursions, exhibitions, festivals, children's programs are being organized, lectures are read, films dedicated to environmental protection are shown. Holiday is conceived to attract public attention to the fact that protected natural territories are an invaluable part of not only natural, but also the cultural European heritage.

    From the history of the holiday ...

    The selection of the date is explained by the fact that on May 24, 1909, the first European National Park was created. Today in Europe there are a large number of national parks.

    It is worth highlighting, for example, vanuaz Park in FranceThe area of \u200b\u200bwhich is about 50 hectares. It is the habitat of Zaitsev, Serne, Surkov, Mountain Goats and many other animals. The most beautiful alpine meadows are considered one of the most magnificent places for shooting in the world.

    Coto de Doñana Park in Spain Located in a swampy impassable area and is a transshipment point for birds that fly from north to Africa. In this unique place you can see Flamingo, heron, Spanish eagle, storks.

    National Park Yasmund in Germany is a variety of landscape in a small space. Cretaceous cliffs that are in this park are known to the world due to the pictures of the famous artist Caspar David Friedrich.

    Briun Islands in Croatia - This is another very beautiful national park. Here you can admire a variety of vegetation: pines, Mediterranean oaks, olives, laurels, rosemary. In addition, the park contains historical monuments that were created even in the era of ancient Rome.

    In the Russian Federation, national parks have been created since 1983. The National Parks "Losina Island" and "Sochi" appeared first. Their creation should have solved the problem of tasks: the organization of tourism, protection of natural, cultural heritage, sustainable development of the territory.

    It is noted annually on the initiative of the International Union of Nature Protection (IUCN). Reserves are called part of the territory or water area, forever seized from all types of use and stored in natural ecosystems.

    The world's largest reserve Located in Africa. It was established in 2002 by combining three national parks - the Kruger National Park in South Africa, the Limpopo National Park in Mozambique and the Gonazeng's National Park in Zimbabwe. Their total area amounted to 35 thousand square kilometers. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a reserve belongs to Nelson Mandela.

    And the smallest reserve is located in Russia. Its area is only 2.3 square meters. km. The reserve consists of six sites: Galichi Mountain, Morozova Mountain, Plushan, Bykov Neck, crows Stone and crowded cliffs. Reserve "Galichiya Mora" founded on April 25, 1925 in order to protect the unique flora and the fauna of these places.

    From the history of the holiday ...

    Today in the Russian Federation there are 100 reserves and 35 national parks. Their total area is 3% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation. IN Chelyabinsk region - 4 reserves (Ilmensky, East-Ural, Yuzhno-Ural, Arkim) and 2 National Parks (Taganya and Zyuratkul). One of the oldest reserves of the country - Ilmensky State Reserve celebrated its 85th anniversary. Today it is environmental protection, research state Institution With the status of the Institute as part of the Ural branch Russian Academy science In Russia, these reserves entering the RAS system are only four. The Ilmensky Reserve is unique and the fact that this is the only mineralogical reserve in Russia. International day of the reserves - one of five professional holidays For Keepers of Reserved Lands: May 24 - International Day of Parks and Reserves, June 5 - World Environmental Day, October 6 - World Habitat Day, October 14 - Day of the workers of the protected case.

    On January 11, the World Reserve Day Day of Reserves and National Parks was first celebrated in 1997 at the initiative of the Wildlife Protection Center, World Wildlife Foundation. On January 11, the Day of Reserves and National Parks was chosen to commemorate the anniversary of the formation of the First State Reserve of Russia (according to a new style) of the Barguzinsky Reserve in 1916. Today, Russia has 100 reserves and 35 national parks (their total area is about 3% of the country's area).

    On February 2, World Wetlands Day in 1975 entered into force on February 2, 1972, the Convention on Wetlands, which Soviet Union ratified in 1977. The main task is to protect marine bays, lakes and wetlands from pollution by chemical waste. In our country, more than 40 such land, representing the greatest recreational, economic and cultural value taken on the territory of 21 subjects of the Russian Federation under protection.

    On February 19, World Day for the Protection of Marine Mammals of the Nineteenth Forers on the planet marks World Marine Mammals Protection Day (Whale Day). It is considered a day of protection not only by whales, but also all marine mammals and other living beings of the seas and oceans. This day has been celebrated since 1986, when after 200 years of merciless extermination of whales, the International Pharmaceutical Commission introduced a ban on whale fishing. Every year on this day, various environmental groups conduct shares in defense of whales and other marine mammals.

    March 14, the Day of Action against Plotin, Action in the Protection of Rivers, Water and Life International Day against Plotin is noted on the initiative of the Public Organization "International River Network" (USA). "For rivers, water and life" the motto of this day. The construction of the dam, which humanity leads from ancient times, primarily caused by the need to protect against flooding and irrigation of fields. IN modern world To ensure the growing need for water and energy in the world, 45 thousand large (over 15 meters) dams are operating in the world. The most impressive number of large dams is located in China: 22 thousand (45% of the total number in the world). In second place in the United States, then the former USSR, India and Japan.

    On March 21, the International Forest Day for the first time to celebrate the International Forest Day all over March 21, on the day of autumn equinox in the southern hemisphere and spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, originated on the 23rd General Assembly of the European Confederation of Agriculture in 1971. The main task International Day Forests raise the awareness of the inhabitants of the planet about the importance of forest ecosystems, their true state, the main measures of their protection, reproduction and recovery. Each second, the Earth loses more than 1.5 hectares of virgin forests - natural light planets, habitats of many animals and plants.

    March 22 World Water Day World Water Day has been celebrated since 1992 at the proposal of the International Water User Association and its President Alfred Flow. Main goals of holding World Day UN water resources formulated this way: to fully contribute to the adoption of the necessary measures to ensure drinking water; inform the world community about the importance of protecting and maintaining fresh water resources and water resources as a whole; Combine the efforts of states, international organizations, public non-governmental organizations and business in different countries. In 2003, the UN General Assembly announced GG. International Decade Action "Water for Life" "Water for Life"

    April 1 International birds Day This Yunnat Spring Festival in the USSR was established in 1926. In 1998, the Ants Children's magazine proposed to revive birds day. This appeal was supported federal Service Forestry and the Union of Protection of Birds of Russia, and the holiday was timed to April 1 - to the mass arrival of birds from warm edges. South for birds is only a place to survive, and they return home. Our task is to meet them worthy, benevolently, save from chemicals and poachers, give the gentle and feed. After all, birds also please us as the spring, flowers, music please.

    On April 7 World Health Day on April 7, the whole world celebrates World Health Day - on this day, the charter of the World Healthy Reference (WHO) has entered into force. During the existence of it, 190 countries of the world became members, including our country. In the charter, signed by the governments of these countries, for the first time at the international level, the human right to health was proclaimed, the principle of responsibility of governments for the health of their people was approved and referred to as a non-invalid health connection with the strengthening of science and international security.

    April 15, the All-Russian action "Days of protection against environmental danger" begins on this day on this day, which is completed on June 5 World Environment Day. Environmental education and in the world, and in Russia is considered today the priority direction of learning and education of students secondary schools. A program of the decade of education in the interests of sustainable development, announced by the UN in G.G., also includes the task of developing environmental education.

    On April 15 - June 5, the Days of protection against environmental danger in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from "On holding the Days of Protection against Environmental Danger" in Russia, a large-scale all-Russian environmental action is conducted. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, a large-scale all-Russian environmental action is carried out in Russia in Russia. The purpose of the Days of Protection is to draw attention and efforts to the practical solution to the environmental problems of all branches of government, scientists, the public, the media, youth, the entire population. The purpose of the Days of Protection is to draw attention and efforts to the practical solution to the environmental problems of all branches of government, scientists, the public, the media, youth, the entire population. The action begins on the day of environmental knowledge - April 5 and ends on World Environment Day - June 5. The action begins on the day of environmental knowledge - April 5 and ends on World Environment Day - June 5.

    April "March of Parkov" For the first time, days of nature reserves and national parks were organized in 1996 on the initiative of the Center for Wildlife Protection. This holiday, which is carried out annually as a propaganda event in support of protected natural areas, was called "March of Parkov". Every year hundreds of thousands of people take part in the "march parks". More than 200 states and non-governmental organizations of the CIS cooperate with CDPA as organizers of local marches.

    On April 22, the Day of Earth on April 22 marks the day of the Earth. This initiative originated in 1970 in the United States and eventually received international distribution. On this day, people remember environmental catastrophes and irreversible consequences of human activity, threatening the very fact of the existence of the Earth. People spend rallies, demonstrations, concerts in protecting nature, require adoption new environmental laws, plant trees, clean the garbage on the streets, purify the banks of the rivers.

    May 3, the day of the Sun is the most ancient of the man deified shone. The disk symbol goes back to the Egyptian hieroglyph. Alchemists had a sign of the sun. Now people relate to the Sun more prosaic, but it has not diminished his role in the life of humanity. Today the sun is primarily a renewable energy that is constantly surrounding us and which can be used. It does not need to be mined from the ground, it does not lead to the formation of radioactive and toxic waste. At the same time, the removal of the solar energy itself, we do not change the energy balance of the planet.

    On May 15, the International Climate Protection Day International Climate Day is celebrated in connection with the proclamation of meteorologists of the need to protect climate as a resource for the well-being of current and future generations. International Climate Day is celebrated in connection with the proclamation of meteorologists of the need to protect climate as a resource for the well-being of current and future generations. In December 2007, the United Nations Conference was held on Bali (Indonesia) on climate change issues. In December 2007, the United Nations Conference was held on Bali (Indonesia) on climate change issues. The international communiqué, calling the world leaders to develop policies and take measures to allow the trade and industrial sector to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and mitigate climate change. An international communique signed, calling the world leaders to develop policies and take measures to allow the trade and industrial sector to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide, and soften the climatic changes.

    On May 24, the European Day of Parkov On May 1909, the 9th first national parks in Europe were created in Sweden. Then other parks were created, the European Federation of National and Natural Parks was formed - the European Council Federation (Europarc Federation). The Federation announced on May 24 by the European Day Parks. Spent for the first time in 1999, this day is now celebrated annually throughout Europe, and in last years - In Russia. On this day, numerous events are held on the territory and around the reserves to celebrate the natural beauty of Europe and its cultural heritage, putting forward their protection both at the present time and in the future.

    On May 31 World Warm Tobacco Day on May 31, the International Promotion on Combating Smoking is held around the world - World Warm Day without tobacco, that is, a day free of tobacco smoke. A day without tobacco was installed in 1988 by the World Health Organization (WHO). On this day, activities are held to inform the public regarding the dangers associated with the consumption of tobacco, the business practice of tobacco companies, WHO's activities in the field of combating tobacco epidemic, as well as the fact that people can do worldwide to defend their rights For health and healthy environment, as well as to protect future generations.

    June 5 World Environment Day. Ecologist Day of the Russian Federation World Environment Day (Slaughter) was established at the XXVII session of the UN General Assembly on December 15, 1972. Since 1973, it is celebrated annually on June 5 in all UN member countries, including in Russia (since 1974). The trio contributes to an increase in public awareness about environmental issues and contributes to an increase in the level of environmental knowledge of each person.

    July 11 International Population Day This day has been celebrated since July 1987, when the population of the planet reached 5 billion people. The rapid growth of the population of the world has become the subject of serious concern to UN in the 60s. World population from 1960 to 1999 It has more than doubled by turning 6 billion in October 1999 according to UN forecasts, in 2050 on Earth will live from 8 to 10.9 billion people. Population Day is intended to draw public attention to the urgestibility and importance of solving demographic and other problems related to it.

    August 16 International Day of Homeless Animals This day entered the international calendar under the proposal of the International Society of Animal Rights (ISAR). This day entered the international calendar under the proposal of the International Animal Rights Society (ISAR). In Russia, near homeless animals - these are the data of the center for the protection of animal rights "Vita". In Russia, near homeless animals - these are the data of the center for the protection of animal rights "Vita". The problem of homeless animals is familiar to every major city, where the issue of construction of shelters for homeless animals is. The problem of homeless animals is familiar to every major city, where the issue of construction of shelters for homeless animals is. People for a variety of reasons break up with pets, family, financial, psychological ... But no matter how valid and seriously the reason for the animal on the street is unimaceous! People for a variety of reasons parted with pets, family, financial, psychological ... But whatever respectful and serious it seemed to throw an animal to the street for a lot of champion! And if some people do cruelly, then there must be others who will show mercy, help, care. And if some people do cruelly, then there must be others who will show mercy, help, care.

    On September 11, the birthday of the World Wildlife Foundation on September 11, the birthday of the World Wide Foundation on September 11, 1961 in the small Swiss town of Morga, where the headquarters of the International Union of Nature Conservation, WWF arose, the goal of which was proclaimed the preservation of life on Earth. Created by the Commonwealth of large businessmen, scientists and government leaders, with the support of Prince Bernard Dutch and Duke of Edinburgh WWF turned into an influential and independent international organization. In 1962, the Foundation appealed to all countries with a call to sign the "World Charter for Wild Animal Protection" "The World Charter for Wild Animal Protection"

    World Charter for Wild Animal Protection 1. Prevent any further destruction of wild animals; 2. Allocate the necessary areas for the preservation and reproduction of wild animals; 3. Protect all wild animals from intentional or unintended acts of cruelty; 4. Promote development in children a sense of love for nature, teach them to understand her; 5. To bring to the consciousness of all those in their activities directly contact with nature, that they are a huge responsibility regarding the conservation of nature in its original condition; 6. Organize help with the nations facing the urgent task to preserve their wild animals; 7. Adjust joint efforts to save wild animals of all countries of the world. 1. Prevent any further destruction of wild animals; 2. Allocate the necessary areas for the preservation and reproduction of wild animals; 3. Protect all wild animals from intentional or unintended acts of cruelty; 4. Promote development in children a sense of love for nature, teach them to understand her; 5. To bring to the consciousness of all those in their activities directly contact with nature, that they are a huge responsibility regarding the conservation of nature in its original condition; 6. Organize help with the nations facing the urgent task to preserve their wild animals; 7. Adjust joint efforts to save wild animals of all countries of the world.

    September 15, Greenpeace Greenpeis Birthday - Greenpeace - "Green World" - the most famous independent international public organization. Greenpeace struggles against nuclear tests, environmental pollution by industrial waste, the destruction of rare species of animals and plants, cutting down forests and so on. The Greenpeace organization was established in 1971, in Canada. Then a small group of people rented visiting the vessels and went to it to the US Polygon area to Amchitka Island (Alaska) in protest against nuclear tests, after which the United States refused to use this landfill.

    October 2 World Pet Day World Pet Day is celebrated since 1983 every year on October 2, on the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi - an advanced fighter for humane attitudes towards pets. The purpose of the celebration of this day is to open, tell and achieve a decrease in the future in the future of the sufferings and death of billions of cows, pigs and other pets on animal husbandry enterprises and in the grounds of animals.

    October 4 World Animal Day World Animal Protection Day It is customary to celebrate on the death of Saint Francis - a respected Catholic ward, which was considered the patron saint of all defenseless, including animals. The decision on the annual celebration of this day on October 4 was made back in 1931 by the participants of the International Congress of Adherents to the Protection of Nature, which took place in Italy. This decision was supported by organizations established to protect animals in different countries of the world, and spend a variety of activities on this day in order to increase the public consciousness and activity of citizens regarding animal protection.

    On October 5, the Day of Education of the International Union of Nature Protection on October 5, the Day of Education of the International Union of Nature Conservation International Union of Nature and Natural Resources - (IUCN), an international non-governmental organization with a consultative status with UNESCO. Created in 1948, unites more than 600 national scientific, state and other institutions and organizations from 130 countries. The highest authority is the General Assembly. Since 1979 Official IUCN Software Document is a worldwide environmental strategy. Headquarters in Glada, Switzerland The organization has observer status under the UN General Assembly.

    October 6 World Habitat Protection Day The Day of habitat is celebrated on October 6, all over the world. This holiday was approved in 1979 under the Convention on the Protection of Wild Fauna and Flora and Natural Habitat in Europe. A person has long been affected by its activities, changing it. Every year in the world more and more territories are transferred to the discharge of agricultural, pastures are subject to changes due to the growth of cities, mining, construction of factories and other objects of the national economy.

    October 16 World Food Day annually celebrate World Food Day was decided in 1979 at the Conference of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (Food and Agricultural Organization, FAO). Date - October 16 - was timed to the Day of Education FAO. The goal of the World Food Day is to raise public awareness regarding the world food problem and strengthen solidarity in the fight against hunger, malnutrition and poverty. For many countries, especially the third world, the main problem is a lack of food. According to FAO experts, there are 800 million starving people in the world. 62 million people face emergency situations Because of hunger, lack of food or malnutrition.

    On November 15, the Day of Recycling Over the past 30 years, humanity spent the third resources available on Earth. Every year, resource consumption increases by one and a half percent. In this century, the population of the Earth increased 4 times, the volume of industrial production increased almost 20 times. Currently, about 80 billion tons of garbage accumulated in the dumps. And these mountains grow, because only a third of the side products are processed. Today, the question of the recycling of waste is again raised on the agenda. "Second life" waste helps to save a significant amount of raw materials and energy.

    On December 1, the World AIDS Day The world learned about the new disease in 1978, but only in 1982 the name of AIDS is used - the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. World AIDS Day was first celebrated on December 1, 1988 after the meeting of the health ministers of all countries sounded a call for social tolerance and expanding the exchange of information on HIV / AIDS. In April 1991, in order to attract the public attention to the problem of AIDS, the artist Frank Moore creates a red ribbon - the official international symbol of the fight against AIDS. A very fast red ribbon has become a symbol of AIDS, popular in the widest layers of society.

    On November 29, the Day of Creation of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature (IPP) on the initiative of Russian scientists, public and statesmen in 1924 was created by the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation - the largest public environmental organization of Russia. The purpose of the creation of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature was the need for a voluntary association of the scientific forces and the most progressively thinking public to restore and the rational use of the country's natural resources undermined by merciless operation, civil War and devastation. Since 1960, the VOP is a member of the International Union of Nature Protection (IUCN).

    December 29 International Day of Biological Diversity International Biodiversity Day has been celebrated since 1993. The main goal is to draw the attention of the inhabitants of the planet to the need to preserve the biological diversity of life on Earth. In 1966, the data on the disappeared and endangered animal species were published under the name "Red Book". The list of disappearing animal species, unfortunately, is replenished. But there is a reason for optimism: there are "green pages" in the Red Book. There are species saved from extermination.

    Day of nature reserves and national parks is celebrated annually on January 11. The purpose of this ecological holiday is to form a culture of a trepitative and careful attitude towards nature. The date is designed to emphasize and attract the attention of the general public to the problems associated with the improper attitude of the population to the environment.

    history of the holiday

    A day aimed at preserving parks and reserves is celebrated on January 11 since 1997. The founder of the celebration was a special center whose activities are focused on the protection of wildlife. The initiative was supported by the World Wildlife Foundation. Now the holiday is carried out with the help of other public formations whose work is related to the environment. Why is the 11th number of the first month of the year chosen? This day has a symbolic color.

    The whole thing is that in 1917, in Russia, the establishment of the first reserve of state values \u200b\u200bfell on this date. He is called Barguzinsky. The purpose of the formation of such an object is to protect the population of various animals and birds on Baikal. But especially important scientists considered to save a Barguzin sable living in those places.

    It should not be noted that earlier, in the fall of 1916 in the Russian Empire, the first legal act took place in the Russian Empire, which regulated the order to create and function reserves. We are talking about a document called "On the establishment of rules about the Hunting Reserves", published in the "Meeting of Proposals and Government Orders".