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  • World Poetry Day - "Souls are beautiful impulses." World Poetry Day Why day poetry celebrates March 21

    World Poetry Day -

    Poetry is a language that is clear to the resident of any corner of the world. Poetry unites peoples and culture, helps every person to get closer to each other. Since the most ancient times, people expressed their feelings and thoughts by verses and poems, and these thoughts found their response in the hearts of thousands and millions of other people. At all times, the poets trusted how to anyone else, because it is poetry - a reflection of true feelings and emotions. And the official World Poetry Day is March 21.

    How did poetry appear?

    IN Ancient Greece Poetry called human speech as a whole, in any manifestations (prose, theatrical performances, speeches of politicians and speakers, any philosophical disputes, poems, and so on). However, it became clear later that only the person who could see something new and elevated was capable of writing verses in the most ordinary and ordinary things. Poets can dive into their own imaginary world and any events are experiencing stronger than others. Thanks to this, the thoughts that are told in poetry, won the attention of thousands of people, fond of themselves, make you feel what power the poet invested in his creations.

    When is the day of poetry celebrated?

    Poetry Day is a young holiday. Only in 1999 at the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference was proclaimed World Poetry Day - March 21. The first holiday was held in Paris, it is here that the UNESCO headquarters is located. At the General Conference, it was decided that it was poetry - the opportunity for a person to get the right answers to the most burning issues, and that is why it was decided to make such a holiday with worldwide and annual. Thanks to this bright day, there is an attraction for culture, people recognize new authors, gain knowledge and the opportunity to understand themselves in their inner world Through feelings and thoughts, which causes poetry in our hearts. Various scenarios World Day Poets are replaced annually, the program is complemented, new writers, publishers and awards appear.

    history of the holiday

    Despite the fact that it was officially proclaimed only in 1999, the history of the World Poetry Day begins in 1938. It was then that the well-known poetess Tessa Sui Webb showed the initiative to create such a day, and the American state of Ohio supported this gust and proclaimed on October 15 in the afternoon of poetry. Why exactly October 15?

    This is the birthday of the well-known ancient Roman poet Vergil. Already by 1950, the tradition of celebrating the day of poetry was established in 38 states of America, and in Mexico, this day was celebrated as a national day of poetry. This tradition picked up other countries of the world, the holiday was not yet recognized as official, but already scattered around the world. And only in 1998, on the initiative of Morocco, the UNESCO General Assembly submitted a proposal to proclaim the World Poetry Day. Despite the fact that many countries celebrated the day of poetry to the famous UNESCO conference, in Moscow, Paris, Brussels and some others major cities The world has become significant only after 1999.

    The first day of poetry in Moscow passed on March 21, 1999 in the State Literary Museum, in 2000 - in the theater on Taganka, and in 2001 the tradition of conducting a large-scale two-day poetic festival originated. Every year, the program celebration of the day of poetry is only growing and updated, the scale of the events held are huge, so you can already safely speak not only about one day, but about the whole month of poetry. Not only the capital notes, almost all major cities of Russia pass festivals, poetic evenings, marathons, and so on. Often, literary readings and various events in the library on the World Poetry Day are held. If you believe stories, the most first poems were written back in the 23get BC.

    Goals of the day of poetry

    World Poetry Day is the ability to draw the attention of each inhabitant of the planet for a unique feature of poetry to touch on in a person the deepest strings of the souls, awaken creative abilities, respond to any spiritual questions. Many people find their peace and relaxation in verses, thanks to the poetic word, they learn to understand themselves in their thoughts and mental experiences. Another important goal of the holiday is the opportunity to declare itself novice writers and small publishing houses. This day is a peculiar impetus for the development of not only poetry, but also other types of art, because events are involved any creative directions, whether there are dances or music. It is also worth mentioning another great goal of the day of poetry - this is a promotion of language diversity, support for "extinct" languages, returning to the oral tradition of poetic readings, the creation of a positive image of poetry in funds mass media.

    Poetry is truly one of the most ambitious and ingenious achievements of humanity. Almost every person at some point in life I tried to compose poems, tested this mental impulse, these emotions that are not expressed by conventional words. Psychologists recommend writing poetry to everyone who ever thought about it, not in the name of glory and global recognition, but in order to streamline their thoughts, find the inner harmony.


    World Poetry Day - a new holiday is quite new, but despite this, it is actively celebrated around the world, and each country has already has its own traditions and rules. On March 21, literary evenings are mandatory, the famous authors hold meetings with readers, novice writers will present their creations, thereby stating themselves. And congratulations on World Poetry Day receive not only poets, but also their readers, publishing houses, editorial board newspapers, philological faculties and even journalists.

    Algorithm Writing a script

    Like any holiday, the day of poetry is also drawn up special scenarios, according to which not only large-scale events are held, but also local, for example on the basis school Library. But even such a small celebration needs scenarios to the World Poetry Day. In order for the holiday to go with a bang, you should write a script based on the next short algorithm:

    1. Decide on the form of the event. It may be: conversation, exhibition, concert, performance, competitive program, as well as mixed forms.
    2. The next step is to generate ideas. The most important thing in the scenario is a plan. In order to determine the idea of \u200b\u200ba holiday with maximum accuracy, spend brainstormAnd the brilliant option is accurately removed.
    3. Distribution of duties is important; Do not try to stick everything on the shoulders of one person, in this case, exactly nothing will work.
    4. Time is the most important resource. In order not to do everything at the last moment, install clear deeds.

    That's all, spend the holiday and enjoy the atmosphere of the celebration!

    American awards and other traditions

    In America, back in 1919, a bonus of the Yale group of young poets, which is an annual and very honorable reward was created. It is available on March 21, but awarded it with young American poets, followed by the future of national poetry. The decision makes a specially created commission, which includes experts from their business. Often, events in libraries on World Poetry Day take ambitious scales.

    An unusual tradition exists in China, it is here that poetic evenings take place even in honor of the festivals of the dragon boats. In other countries, they are held on the World Poetry Day of the exhibition.

    Traditional events in Russia

    Russia also approved the poet's literary premium, which has been operating since 2005. There is a day of poetry in Moscow Annual International Festival "Biennale Poets". On March 21, the awards ceremonies are awarding such honorary premiums as the "Moscow Account", as well as the poetic "Oscar". The "Moscow-Transit" award is considered quite unusual, the essence of which is to support the interest of the reading Muscovites and the literary public to writers who work in the regions. Because of such a rich program, the celebration of the World Poetry Day can last at least 10 days.

    Poetry and Internet

    In 2009, 2009, on the day of the holiday, a new competition was presented, who was called the "People's Poet", in addition, was unlawfully recognized as the influence of the Internet for the public and established the "Union of Internet poets".

    It is difficult to imagine a person without poetry. We learn poems at school, I read Pushkin, we sing a song, compose poetic congratulations on the holidays. Poetry is paints that help paint our lives with bright colors. The day of poetry is a holiday that is important not only for poets, but also for readers, because these creations live in the soul of every person since its very early age. Poetry is a reflection of freedom, the strength of the word and an integral part of the culture of every nation. Poetry is a language that is understood by every people of the world. And every state, every people and culture are trying to do everything to protect and encourage the development of poetry and do not forget about verses as an element of our common cultural vitality.

    World Poetry Day is celebrated on March 21. In 2020, the holiday passes the 21st time. In celebrations, literary associations, fans of poetry, journalists, editors, critics, translators, teachers, students and graduates of philological educational institutions who are passionate about the writing poems people are involved.

    The purpose of the holiday is to introduce people to poetry, provide the opportunity for young talents to declare themselves.

    The content of the article

    history of the holiday

    For the first time, the day of poetry appeared in 1938 in the US state of Ohio. He was initiated by the poetess of Tessa Sui Webb. The holiday was held on October 15 - on the birthday of the ancient Roman poet Vergil. In 1951 he was noted as a national day of poetry of 38 American States and Mexico.

    World Poetry Day officially established resolution of the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference (United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization) of November 15, 1999. For the first time, the holiday was March 21, 2000. In Russia, he was noted in Moscow in the theater on Taganka.

    Traditions of the holiday

    Participants in celebrations give each other rare books, share their impressions from works, recruit poems, discuss new works.

    IN educational institutions Themed evenings are arranged. Students act with reports on the life of literary figures, read the rhymed rows for memory.

    On the air of radio stations and television broadcasts about the life and creativity of poets.

    • In Russian, there are words that do not rhymes: exhaust, larks, frost, embankment, user, wire, torso.
    • In the works of Pushkin there are 22 thousand different words, Lermontov - 15 thousand.
    • In verses about the nature of Russian poets, such three trees are most often found: birch, pine and oak.
    • In Russian, the verbs with the end of "AT" are best rhyme. There are 5.5 thousand options for them.
    • The first poetess is considered the Akkada Princess Enhadanun, who lived in the 23rd century to our era.
    • Chinese Emperor Qianlong, who rules in the XVIII century, executed the authors of sad poems.
    • Scientists from Liverpool University in the UK concluded that the reading of the verses activates the work of the brain.

    Beautiful rhymed lines - it is a great way to congratulate close man Happy Birthday, express admiration and appreciation. Only talented and gifted people are capable of writing poetry. This is dedicated to them world holiday. The day of poetry unites authors around the world. Its main goal is to introduce people to the beautiful, providing young talents to declare themselves well. An event is celebrated annually March 21.

    history of the holiday

    The history of the celebration of this event is rooted in the distant 1938 year. The author of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe foundation of the celebration is a poetess from Ohio - Tessa Sui Webb. Under its initiative, the holiday was first celebrated on October 15. He was dedicated to the birthday of the famous ancient Roman poet named Vergilius. In 1951, he became national in the United States. The solemn event joined 38 states of America and Mexico. The official status of the worldwide it received on the 30th assembly of UNESCO. The help for him is the resolution adopted on November 15, 1999.

    For information, in the decision of UNESCO, it was said that it often answers the most acute and deepest spiritual issues of modern people of a person - but for this purpose you need to attract the broadest social attention. For the first time, he began to celebrate him with relative scope in March 2000. This day is the creation of a positive image of poetic art in the media, which is open to people.

    Among other things, it is thanks to the celebration of the World Poetry Day that each Creator had an excellent opportunity to declare himself with small publishing houses, the efforts of which allow us to bring the living creativity of modern poets to mass readers, as well as literary circles that revive the everlast tradition of beautiful rhymed lines.

    "Poetry - Devilsk Wine"
    Avreliy Augustine (354 - 430)

    "... Poetry is a painting that they hear ..."
    Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

    "Poetry - the music of words"
    Thomas Fuller (1654 - 1734)

    The word "poetry" comes from Greek. Poieo - create, create, build, create.

    It is believed that the most ancient anthem poems were created in the XXIII century to our era. The author of the poetess of Enchudanna's poetess, who was the daughter of the Akkadian king Sargon, who conquered the UR (territory of Iran). Enhateda wrote about the lunar God Nanne and his daughter, the goddess of the morning star Inann. The hymns of Enhateda were considered sacred.

    The poetic form right up to the Renaiss Age was revered in Europe as one of the main conditions of beauty and was a practically the only tool for turning the word into art. In Russian literature in the "golden age" of Russian literature, and sometimes today, the poetry was often called all fiction Unlike the uneasy.

    In 1999, at the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference, it was decided to celebrate annually World Poetry Day on March 21.

    Date - March 21, the day of the Spring Equinoxy in North Hemisphere, was chosen as a symbol of the renewal of nature and the creative nature of the human spirit.

    The first World Poetry Day passed in Paris on March 21, 2000, where the UNESCO headquarters is located.

    On this day in different countries The world are arranged festivals, quiz iconkurs of famous people of poets.

    "Poetry," the UNESCO decision says, "can be a response to the most sharp and deep spiritual issues of a modern person - but for this it is necessary to attract to it as widely as possible public attention.

    In addition, World Poetry Day should be able to broadly declare himself a small publishing houses, whose efforts, mainly comes to readers the work of modern poets, literary clubs, reviving the eternal tradition of a lively poetic word. "

    This day, UNESCO considers, is intended to serve as a positive image of poetry as truly modern art, open people in the media.

    First initiative institution official day poetry applies to the end of the 1930s. In 1938, the American state of Ohio at the initiative of the poetess Tesa Sui Siza Webb proclaimed the day of poetry on October 15 - it was the birthday of the ancient Roman poet Vergil. Later, this date was recognized as a thirty-eight US states, as well as Mexico, and was noted as a national day of poetry. Then this day began to be celebrated in other countries as World Poetry Day.

    In Moscow, the first day of poetry passed on March 21, 2000 in the theater on Taganka. His initiator was the "Voluntary Protection Society" (DOS), headed by the poet Konstantin cedar.

    The celebration of the World Poetry Day in Russia annual is celebrated by various poetic shares in theaters, literary clubs and salons.
    Since 2009, events dedicated to the Day of Poetry are organized in the central office of writers with the support of the literary portal in partnership with UNESCO Bureau in Moscow and under the auspices Federal Agency Press and mass communications. - the largest server of modern poetry in Russia

    National Literary Prize "Poet of the Year"
    The National Literary Prize "Poet of the Year" was established by the Russian Literary Club in conjunction with the publishing house "Copyright" in order to search for new talented authors who can contribute to modern literature.

    "Poetry calendar" - Category Dmitry Shevarova in the Russian newspaper

    "Anthology of Russian poetry for family reading" - site

    The network appeared space of sound and visual communication with the world of Russian poetic classics: the site "Anthology of Russian poetry for family reading." Here you can hear (and see!) How the vintage rows sounds performed by modern actors, as the landscapes of Russian artists come to life to Tchaikovsky's music. Poems, many of which were per century, or on a half, completely forgotten by the Russian reader, now how fresh news will fly out in Facebook and Vkontakte.

    Poem as a gift

    Vasily Zhukovsky
    To poetry
    Wonderful gift of the gods!
    About fiery hearts fun and love
    About the beauty quiet, soul charming -
    Poetry! With you
    And sorrow, and poverty, and gloomy exile -
    Lose your horror!
    In the shade of the oak, over the flow,
    Friend friend, with a clear shower,
    In the wretched hut for his
    Forgetting rock, rocked rock, -
    Sings, dreams and - Blessed!
    And who, and who is not animated
    Your Divine Influence?
    Tsiewnitsa is a thoughtful blyazan
    Laplanders, wild son of snow,
    His misty depression glorifies
    And inexperial harmony of poems,
    Looking at stormy trees, depicts
    And smoky your shala, and the chlad, and the noise of the seas,
    And quick running sled
    Flying on snow with Plena Raptive.
    Happy lots of poor
    Ostay, leaning on the plow,
    Emptied by slowly with tired oxen -
    Sings his forest, his peace meadow,
    And the sweetness of winter evenings
    When, with the noise of the blizzard, before the focus is brilliant,
    In the circle of your sons,
    With a drink foam and boiling,
    He pours joy in the heart
    And peacefully at midnight falls asleep,
    Forgetting to the wild brazdes spilled sweat ...
    But you who raise heavenly revitalizes
    Singers, my soul friends!
    In the sad journey of the minute life of this
    Torny laze with flowers sleep
    And in the ardent hearts, pour your flame!
    Yes the sound of your loud lir
    The hero, to the glory of the awaken,
    Divit and shock the world!
    Yes, youth inflamed
    From them in delight of tears pour,
    Altar of the Fatherland Lobziet
    And death for him, as good, expects!
    Yes poor worker souls bloom
    From your grace songs!
    But yes your thunder will hit
    In these brutal and depraved,
    Which, in shame, with an elevated man,
    Innocence, valor and honor, I definitely,
    Dare to magnify yourself with demigods! -
    Friends of the Heavenly Muses! Pleny a fuss?
    Quite minute successes -
    Signless praise, kimvalny ringing
    empty, -
    Despite luxury joy,
    Let's go great in the footsteps! -
    The path to the immortality of fate is open to us!
    Do not coole yourself praise
    High pyrote, contemptuous soul, -
    Dry itemed to grind!
    FaBov's favority for the ghost to chase?
    Pet fesbov in a prayer
    And the humiliation of Fortune is seduced?
    The offspring distributes the crowns and the Ambassador:
    Daring your mausoleum into the altar to convert!
    Oh glory, hearts admiring!
    About the lot sweet - in love
    The offspring to live!

    December 1804.

    Phoebus - (Greek. - Shining), the second name of God Apollo
    Tsevnitsa - People's World Musical Instrument, Sweet
    Oratay- PAKAR, BRAKER, DRONTASHETS, PLUGER (who kept keeps)

    "... Poetry is a painting that they hear ..."

    Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

    "Poetry - the music of words"

    Thomas Fuller (1654 - 1734)

    World Poetry Day is celebrated annually on March 21. Poetry is probably one of the most ingenious achievements of humanity. To pour your feelings in a poetic form, imprinted in the rhyme to the reefness, to dream of the future and remember the past, at the same time turning to millions and remaining alone with them, - only poetry, the greatest of the arts created by man is capable of it.

    Not many become great and famous poets, but many at least once in their lives tried to compose poems. After all, most people are far from alien to those "beautiful gusts of the soul", which encourages a person to take a handle, a piece of paper and start creating.

    The magic power of the poetic word is able to have a huge impact on any person. Let's remember that every person who heard in their lives heard in his life was the words of a lullaby song. This is truly the brightest and excellent poetry.

    In the history of Russian culture, poetry traditionally played a big role.

    Russian Earth has the right to be proud of great poets whose creativity is of world importance. But 2015 - the year is special, this is the year of literature and the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

    Therefore, we dedicate this article to military poets and military poetry.

    History of World Poetry Day

    For the first time, an American poetess Teres Webb was performed for the first time with the initiative of the festival institution in the mid-30s of the 20th century. She proposed to celebrate the International Day of Poetry on October 15, in honor of the date of birth of the famous poet and philosopher Vergil. It should be noted that her proposal has found a positive response in the hearts of many people: By 1951, on October 15, the National Day of Poetry was celebrated not only in 38 US states, but also in European countries. The celebrations had an unofficial character, and the date of their holding was not fixed in the calendar of memorable days.

    Only November 15, 1999, UNESCO, at the 30th Conference, adopted a resolution on the establishment international Daywhich was supposed to "breathe the second life" into the world poetic movement. For the first time, the holiday was celebrated on March 21 in 2000, in Paris, it is there is a UNESCO headquarters.

    Date - March 21, Spring Equinox Day in the Northern Hemisphere, was chosen as a symbol of the renewal of nature and the creative nature of the human spirit.

    The main goal of the international day of poetry was to emphasize the greatest importance that plays literature in the cultural life of modern society, combine the poets of the whole world and give them the right and the opportunity to declare themselves!

    It is believed that the most ancient verses of the hymn were created in the 23rd century to our era. The author of the poetess - the poetess-priestess of En-Hedu-Ana (En-Hedu-Ana), which is known only to be the daughter of the Akkadian king of Sargon, who conquered the UR (territory of Iran). En-Wedding-Ana wrote about the lunar God of Nanne and his daughter, the goddess of the morning star Inanna. The hymns of Enhateda were considered sacred.

    The poetic form right up to the Renaiss Age was revered in Europe as one of the main conditions of beauty and was a practically the only tool for turning the word into art. In Russian literature in the "Golden Age" of Russian literature, all the fiction is often called, in contrast to the uneximiced.

    What and how poetry expresses

    The word "poetry" comes from Greek. Poieo - create, create, build, create.

    At all times, people loved and believed poets. After all, poetry is created by feelings, emotions, imagination of the poet. The ancient Greeks meted under poetry human speech, in all its manifestations. This is a prose, and theatrical declamation, and inspired speech and philosophical dispute and, of course, poems. Currently, poetry seems to be something beautiful, unusual and this is actually so. Only one who knows how to see the elevated over commonplace can write poetry, it can immerse themselves in the imaginary peace, has a fine spiritual organization and depth of feelings.

    Poetry allows you to enjoy the word, gives rise to strong, heartfelt words that have a special energy subordinating our imagination and fascinating. This great power They breathed her poet, and he draws her from the world around us, perceiving and feeling the power of the wind and the sun, hearing the melody of the raid waves and the rustling forest, finding it in the disturbing suspension of love.

    After all, the poet completely looks at our world and is explained by understandable and inspired images. Our wonderful Russian is obliged to writers and poets by the appearance of many words. The word "substance" came up with Lomonosov, "Industry" belongs to Karamzin, and the "dullness" of Saltykov-generous. Thanks to the poetic insight, Igor Northerners, we met with the word "launch".

    Poetry - forever young, trembling and beautiful love of mankind! On our planet, not finding people who would not be familiar with her.

    Of course, poets have varying degrees Talent, but sometimes a genius is born like Pushkin, who give humanity immortal works, the centuries embarrassing the imagination of people and make thinking and feel. Poets remain alive witness time.

    If you step into the abyss of beautiful words, then a completely new world will open before us!

    Poetry, laid war ...

    It is said that when the guns are rich, the muses are silent. But from the first to the last day of the war, the voice of poets did not stop. And the cannonada could not drown it. The readers never listened to the voice of the poets so sensitive. Famous English journalist Alexander Vert, who spent almost the whole war in the Soviet Union, in the book "Russia in the war of 1941 -1945" testified:

    Russia is also perhaps the only country where the poems read millions of people, and such poets, like Simonov and Surkov, read every time during the war.

    The shocks of the war gave birth to a whole generation of young poets, which then called front-line, their names are now widely known: Sergey Narovkatov, Mikhail Lukonin, Mikhail Lviv, Alexander Mezhirov, Julia Drunina, Sergey Orlov, Boris Slutsky, David Samoilov, Evgeny Vinokuriy Married, Bulat Okudzhava, Nikolai Panchenko, Anna Akhmatova, Musa Jalil, Petrus Broj, Olga Bergoltz and many others. Poems created during the war years are marked by the sign of the harsh truth of life, the truth of human feelings and experiences. In them, sometimes, even sharp, even visiting to the dwelling rapist and offenders, the humanistic beginning sounds power. All kinds of poetic weapons: and fiery invited publicism, and sincere lyrics of the Soldier's heart, and the caustic satire, and large forms of lyrical and lyrical epic poems - found their expression in the collective experience of the military years.

    Poetry (Of course, the best things) did a lot to ensure that there are a sense of responsibility in the formidable, catastrophic circumstances, an understanding of what is from them, from everyone, it is from him - nor from anyone, no one can shift responsibility - The fate of the people and the country depends.

    Simonova Poems, Surkov, Isakovsky taught to fight, overcome military and rear tires: fear, death, hunger, destroy. Moreover, they helped not only fight, but also live. It is in a harsh military, more precisely, in the most difficult first months of the military suffering, almost all poetic masterpieces of Simonov were created: "You remember, Alyosha, the roads of Smolensk region ...", "Wait for me, and I will come back", "if we were with your power ..." "Major brought a boy on the booth ..." The person supplied in exceptional circumstances subjected to the most cruel tests, re-recognized the world and from this he himself became different: more difficult, courageous, richer by social emotions, zurcha and more accurately in the assessments, both the movements of history and his own personality. War changed people. They are now differently looking at the world, and on themselves. "I am the other", "I'm not the one, not the one in Moscow before the war," the poems of K. Simonov ("Meeting on Alien") of 1945 is alleged.

    Unusual chinel, bitterness, maternal tears, and then first death, and "bombing all day" - all this together is completed by the phrase, in which surprise sounds, and the refusal of illusions, and irony, and, above all, maturity, calmly - Men's understanding of truth:

    Yes, the war is as we wrote her -
    This is bitter truth ...

    The courage and love are inseparable in the heart of the soldier, and probably, therefore, the poems of the war years produce the impression of special integrity and harmony. We are united in front of us, and this is the character of that person, who survived in the first battles with fascism, and then defeated the enemy. In one Chekhovsky story, it says that "from a sad song pulled free life." So from the sad and separate "dugout" blows by force, negascique love for a woman, to life, to his native land. As if in the firing frost of the first military winter, breathing was heard from the distant, but inevitable spring!

    "We are waiting for me, and I will return to all deaths called ..." - The poem K. Simonov called upon everything - to hope and wait! And to believe the front-line in the fact that it is waiting for him very much. This faith will largely feed its courage and durability. The work took for a living conviction in the inevitability of a meeting of people drawn to each other. The phenomenon "Wait for me", cut, reprinted and rewritable, sent from the front home and from the rear - to the front, the phenomenon of the poem, written in August 1941 on someone else's dacha in Peredelkino, addressed to quite concrete, earthly, but at this moment - a distant woman, Coming beyond poetry. "Wait for me" - a kind of prayer, spoken of fate, a fragile bridge between life and death, and it is the support of this bridge. It is predicted that the war will be long and cruel, and guess that a person is stronger than war. If you like, if you believe.

    The poem "In the front-line forest" M. Isakovsky is highlighted by rare cheerfulness, although the reminder of peaceful days and aggravated the drama of the existing situation, and the poet did not hide: tens of thousands of people went every day consciously and meaningful to death. In the richest poetry of the war years, no one, perhaps, did not declare with such marginal frankness that there are waves of those who listens at this moment of Waltz in the front-line forest. It is not surprising that most of the songs grew in the trenches born of war, such as the "blue handkerchiefs", "Dark Night", "Beating in the closestry of the fire ...", "In the Forest of the front-line", "Ogonos", were purely lyrical. These songs warmed the soldier's heart, extending in the cold wind of severe military life.

    But the main songs of the Military Songs on the verses of V.Lebedeva -kumach "Sacred War" and M.Sakovsky "Katyusha".

    Military poetry with a female face

    Olga Berggolts (1910 - 1975)

    During the Great Patriotic War Berggolts, staying in his hometown, all 900 days of blockade, worked on the Leningrad Radio (the speeches were included in the book. "Says Leningrad", 1946, 1st ed. It was seized due to the so-called. Leningradsky affair after the defeat of the magazines " Star "and" Leningrad "). Often, exhausted from hunger, spent the night in the studio, but never lost the power of the Spirit, supporting his appeals to Leningrads confidential and courageous verses. During the war, O. Bergholts created his best poetic works dedicated to the heroism of the defenders of the city: "Leningrad Poem", the poem "February diary", poems included in the book "Leningrad Notebook", "Leningrad", "Leningrad Diary", and other works . Berggolts leveled to the existing army, her poems were published on the pages of newspapers, on the posters of the "TASS windows". Lines O. Bergoltz carved on the granite stele of the Piskarevsky Memorial Cemetery: "No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten."

    Yulia Drunina (1924 - 1991)

    When the Patriotic War began, at the age of sixteen, he is recorded in a voluntary sanitary squad at Rocca (the district society of the Red Cross) and works by a nurse in the eye hospital. Participates in the construction of defensive structures under Mozhaisk, it falls under the bombing and, fulfilling its direct responsibilities, becomes a sanitarian of the infantry regiment. Fought, was injured. After the injury, was a cadet of the school of junior aircraft officers (Shmas), after which he received a direction in the assault regiment in the Far East. Battalion Sannaster; All forces rushing to the front. Having received a message about the death of his father, goes to the funeral by dismissal, but from there it does not return to his regiment, and travels to Moscow, to the Main Directorate of the Air Force. Here, deceiving everyone, receives a certificate that behind the train and travels to the West.

    In Gomel gets a direction in the 218th Rifle Division. It was again injured. After recovery, I tried to enter the literary institute, but it was confused. Returns to self-propelled artpol. The title is a foreman of the medical service, fighting in the Belarusian Polesie, then in the Baltic States. Contusion, and on November 21, 1944 receives a document "... It is not least to the Military Service".

    Printed as a poet since 1940. In early 1945, in the magazine "Banner" was printed a selection of poems of druin.

    Vera Inbert (1890 - 1972)

    After spending three years in Blockadny Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War, Inbera displaced the life and struggle of residents in verses and prose. Her husband, professor of medicine Ilya Davydovich Stasun, worked in the 1st Medical Institute in a precipitated city.

    In 1946 he received the Stalin Prize for the blockade poem "Pulkovsky Meridian". He was awarded three orders and medals.

    It is impossible not to recall other women poets of those times such as Aakhmatov, M. Aliger, R. Kazakova.

    The lyric poetry of the Great Patriotic War period is a bright, diverse, wide on the spectrum of human feelings expressed in it. She was distinguished by the passion of civilian and height of thoughts, directed towards the struggle for the freedom of their homeland. Truly the poets of war knew the "One Duma of Power, one - but a fiery passion" - will to victory. Walking along with the warring people on the roads of the war, they carefully peered into his face, listened to his speech and in this constant intimacy found power for their verse.


    We know that now lies on the scales
    And what is done now.
    Hour courage struck on our clock,
    And courage will not leave us.

    Not scary under the bullets are dead to lie down,
    Do not hurt without bed.
    And we will keep you, Russian speech,
    Great Russian Word.

    Free and honest to carry you
    And grandchildren give, and save from captivity
    Forever! (A. Akhmatova, 1941)

    The poetic journalism of the period of war - the phenomenon of its scope is almost unreflected. The scale of newspaper work (and in the newspapers, all journalistic verses were initially and published) were truly ambitious. It suffices to say that, for example, in 1944, 821 military newspaper printed, and the total one-time circulation was 3195,000 copies.

    With newspaper strips, twisted nights,
    Still missing smoke front
    Satire, song, slogan, verses
    I come to my readers, "Nikolay Brown wrote.

    And so might say all poets-publicists.

    Poetic journalism was an indispensable and combat participant of every day of the military suffering. In the best works, she combined the sharp deposit of a journalistic form, the deepest hatred of the enemy with hot humanism, proletarian internationalism, with the deepest faith in the celebration of humanity. This magnificent and complex alloy and gave poetic journalism of the period of the Great Patriotic War with the colossal agitation power of the impact.

    Eternal art

    Poetry lived, lives and will live infinitely long. If earlier it was the complex writings of ancient Greek poets, where the game of words and associations were confused and knocked down from thoughts reading, then it was embodied in the poetry of the Middle Ages and silver century. Well, if we speak in the language of today, then along with classical poetry, the poems are embodied in modern, youth art.

    Poetry, "the UNESCO decision says," can be a response to the most sharp and deep spiritual issues of a modern person - but for this it is necessary to attract to it as widely as possible public attention. In addition, World Poetry Day should give the opportunity to broader small publishing houses, whose efforts, mainly comes to readers creativity of modern poets, literary clubs, reviving the eternal tradition of a lively sounding poetic word.

    This day, UNESCO considers, is intended to serve as a positive image of poetry as truly modern art, open people in the media.

    Imagine our life without poetry ... without congratulations on holidays, without songs, without Pushkin, Lermontov, Shakespeare, modern authors .... It will be a boring life without an explosion of emotions, expressed by simple letters on paper, without that little mysticism, when the same words, but written in a certain order, can be touched to tears. The word power has a special energy that is fond of and submitting our imagination.

    Vasily Zhukovsky

    To poetry

    Wonderful gift of the gods!

    About fiery hearts fun and love
    About the beauty quiet, soul charming -

    Poetry! With you

    And sorrow, and poverty, and gloomy exile -

    Lose your horror!

    In the shade of the oak, over the flow,
    Friend friend, with a clear shower,
    In the wretched hut for his
    Forgetting rock, rocked rock, -
    Sings, dreams and - Blessed!
    And who, and who is not animated
    Your Divine Influence?

    Tsiewnitsa is a thoughtful blyazan

    Laplanders, wild son of snow,

    His misty depression glorifies
    And inexperial harmony of poems,
    Looking at stormy trees, depicts
    And smoky your shala, and the chlad, and the noise of the seas,

    And quick running sled

    Flying on snow with Plena Raptive.

    Happy lots of poor
    Ostay, leaning on the plow,

    Emptied by slowly with tired oxen -

    Sings his forest, his peace meadow,
    And the sweetness of winter evenings

    When, with the noise of the blizzard, before the focus is brilliant,

    In the circle of your sons,

    With a drink foam and boiling,

    He pours joy in the heart

    And peacefully at midnight falls asleep,

    Forgetting to the wild brazdes spilled sweat ...
    But you who raise heavenly revitalizes

    Singers, my soul friends!

    In the sad journey of the minute life of this
    Torny laze with flowers sleep
    And in the ardent hearts, pour your flame!

    Yes the sound of your loud lir
    The hero, to the glory of the awaken,
    Divit and shock the world!
    Yes, youth inflamed
    From them in delight of tears pour,
    Altar of the Fatherland Lobziet

    And death for him, as good, expects!
    Yes poor worker souls bloom

    From your grace songs!
    But yes your thunder will hit
    In these brutal and depraved,

    Which, in shame, with an elevated man,
    Innocence, valor and honor, I definitely,
    Dare to magnify yourself with demigods! -
    Friends of the Heavenly Muses! Pleny a fuss?

    Quite minute successes -

    Signless praise, kimvalny ringing

    empty, -
    Despite luxury joy,
    Let's go great in the footsteps! -

    The path to the immortality of fate is open to us!

    Do not coole yourself praise

    High pyrote, contemptuous soul, -

    Dry itemed to grind!

    FaBov's favority for the ghost to chase?
    Pet fesbov in a prayer

    And the humiliation of Fortune is seduced?

    The offspring distributes the crowns and the Ambassador:
    Daring your mausoleum into the altar to convert!

    Oh glory, hearts admiring!
    About the lot Sweet - in the love of the offspring to live!