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  • What lies at the heart of the brainstorming method. Brainstorming method and its modifications. Presenting the problem correctly

    What lies at the heart of the brainstorming method.  Brainstorming method and its modifications.  Presenting the problem correctly

    Posted On 11.01.2018

    Name... Communication exercise "Brainstorming"


    Group psychological training procedure. Participants learn to use brainstorming (using a fictional problem as an example).

    Brainstorming is a fairly common procedure, especially in Western management. It is regarded as one of the most important business tools. If an organization wants to be “on the wave”, to keep up with competitors, and in some ways to surpass them, then it is necessary to take care of innovations, whether you want it or not. And any innovation starts with an idea. And ideas come to minds of people. And the more people are involved in the idea generation process, the better. Especially if these are people close to the problem field. Therefore, many active leaders do not spare the resources to first gather ideas and then weed them out.

    One of the common mistakes or shortcomings is that not very prepared participants are invited to participate in a brainstorming session: they may be aware of what brainstorming is, but they do not yet have experience of participating in a brainstorming session, there may be a number of fears ... It is advisable not to regret a couple of hours of time for the adaptation of the participants, if necessary. For this, in fact, this exercise is intended.

    The presenter invites the participants to try to think a little more freely, relaxedly, without regard to the possible result. It is proposed to learn to give your thoughts complete freedom and not try to direct them along a certain channel.

    In practical psychology, this is called free association. A person says whatever comes into his head, no matter how absurd it may seem. Free association was originally used in psychotherapy, when analyzing the deep interests and abilities of a person. Today, brainstorming is widely used to solve various industrial, administrative and other tasks.

    The brainstorming procedure is extremely simple. A group of people gathers in order to "freely associate" on a given topic. Examples of production tasks solved by brainstorming can be given a variety of:

    How can you improve your visitor experience?

    How to get a loan?

    How to increase labor productivity?

    How to cut costs?

    Each brainstorming participant offers whatever comes to his mind and sometimes does not seem relevant to the problem. At the same time, criticism is completely prohibited.

    The goal of brainstorming is to get as many new, original ideas as possible. The result of a brainstorming session can be quantified: the more ideas, the better. Then, after brainstorming, ideas will be analyzed, generalized. The most important thing now is to collect as many ideas as possible.

    Ideas are carefully recorded: sometimes in writing, sometimes audiovisually. At the end of the actual brainstorming session, the ideas are critically assessed. As a rule, they are evaluated by another group of people.

    After explaining to the participants the meaning of the brainstorming session, the presenter suggests "stretching a little" in this technique. He suggests a problem for discussion. It is advisable to take a realistic problem, not quite "sucked from the finger", with a number of aspects, "pitfalls". The problem should be playful, that is, it should not directly affect someone's interests from the participants. Examples of problems:

    In general, the exercise is allotted from forty minutes to two hours. This, of course, is not a full-fledged production brainstorming session. Brainstorming is divided into three parts: first discussion (about 50% of the time), thinking in silence (about 20% of the time), third discussion.

    The facilitator makes sure that the participants do not evaluate each other's ideas in every possible way. At the end of the storm, ideas are also not evaluated. This is done in order to tune the participants in the right way: in the process of brainstorming, it is not the result that is important, but the process itself.

    A warm-up for the development of creative imagination is carried out by testing students to determine the level of creativity development. This term means the specifics of the process as a result of which a person creates something new, i.e. creates. When applied to adolescents, creativity is seen as the ability to abandon stereotypical ways of thinking. There are four main features of creativity:

    1. Originality - the ability to produce extraordinary associations and responses.

    2. Semantic flexibility - the ability to highlight the function of an object and suggest its new use.

    3. Figurative adaptive flexibility - the ability to change the form of a stimulus so as to see new possibilities in it.

    4. Semantic spontaneous flexibility - the ability to produce a variety of ideas in a relatively unlimited situation.

    On these grounds, students are divided into two groups: generators of ideas and analysts.

    Tests to identify learners - generators of ideas:

    1. Tests for originality:

    a) some text is proposed, and the subject should offer as many titles as possible for it;

    b) several hypothetical situations are described, the subject is asked to list all their possible consequences.

    2. Tests for semantic flexibility:

    a) five objects are given, but only one of them can solve the problem.

    For example, the task is to light a fire; objects = fountain pen, cucumber, bead, pocket watch, light bulb.

    Answer:watch, their glass can be used as a magnifying glass.

    b) given two objects, you need to connect them so that you get a useful third.


    100 ideas in half an hour. Brainstorming That Works

    Figurative adaptive flexibility test in an example:

    Match puzzles, where a different result is achieved by moving one match.

    Example: IX - IV = V

    Solution: X - IV = VI

    4. Test for semantic spontaneous flexibility:

    a) suggest all possible ways of using ordinary things;

    b) list as many objects as possible belonging to this class.

    Tests for identifying student analysts:

    1. Test "Ask and Guess":

    consists of three parts:

    a) questions;

    b) suggestions of reasons;

    c) assumptions of consequences.

    The core of the test is a neutral drawing or a verbal description of a neutral situation. For example, a person is bent over water and examines his own reflection.

    In part a), the subject is asked to ask as many questions as possible about this picture; in part b) he must come up with as many reasons for this event as possible; in part c) list all its possible consequences.

    2. Test "Product Improvement:

    the test uses an image or description of a simple industrial product, such as a child's toy, as a stimulus. It is required to propose interesting ways to change it.

    3. Test "Unusual use":

    similar to test 4 a) of the idea generator group.

    4. Test "Unusual questions":

    invites the subject to ask as many questions as possible regarding the object offered to him.

    5. Test "Just Suggest":

    requires you to imagine a completely unlikely situation as a stimulus. For example, you need to imagine that there are ropes attached to the clouds that go down to the ground. The subject must say what can come of it.

    From the history of brainstorming

    The method with the original name brainstorming (brainstorming, brainstorming) is named after its author Alex Osborne in. Since that time, the history of its use has overgrown with legends. The method found application in many countries, received a number of new names, appeared in the form of many modifications. Under the influence of other, more modern methods, its field of application has narrowed, although it is still being turned to at times when a person is very passionate about his work or passionately wants to help another.

    Society needs bright, original ideas. Nominating them requires unusual, out-of-the-box thinking, since the right idea is often the opposite of the obvious.

    A. Osborne asked the question: why is the creative potential of citizens poorly used to solve the problems facing the country?

    The fact is that to present ideas in a form designed according to all the rules, with justifications, knowledge is needed that most people do not have. A. Osborne decided to divide the problem so that experienced professionals would take care of the legal arrangement, while the rest would focus only on putting forward ideas.

    Brainstorming as a method is very simple. A. Osborne provides for the following stages in it:

    ¾ preparatory;

    ¾ generating ideas;

    ¾ analysis and evaluation of ideas.

    To organize the brainstorming process and to manage the work, a leader is appointed who, at the preparatory stage, must understand and formulate the task, determine the participants for the next stages (it is better if in the class after testing there are generators of ideas on one side, on the other - analysts); to ensure the fixation of ideas (tape recorder, etc.).

    At the stage of analysis, we advise you to slightly deviate from the recommendations of A. Osborne. Let the author of the idea justify it, but if he cannot give a clear explanation, then let anyone who wishes do it, regardless of the conditional division of the group into generators of ideas and analysts. Then the activity of the group and a high pace of work will be ensured.

    The sequence of work on the proposed idea can be as follows: generalization of the idea, clarification of the principle, assessment of the prospects of the principle and, finally, filling it with specific content.

    Brainstorming example

    A task.

    Iron ore concentrate transported on ships with non-segmented holds behaves like a liquid even with a slight pumping. Such a mass causes a lot of trouble: when heeling, it flows from one side to another, creating the threat of overturning. Suggest options for eliminating this deficiency.

    Leading. I remind you once again about the complete prohibition of criticism at the generation stage, even with a glance, a shrug, a skeptical expression, etc.

    (1) Generator of ideas A. I suggest pouring to the very top, until the hold is full. Then there will be no room for overflow. (Idea number in brackets).

    (2) Generator of ideas B. It is possible to restrict the freedom of movement of the load by pressing it with the shields from above.

    (3) Idea generator B. You can make the side "wings" extend during a storm. Then the pitching is not terrible.

    (4) Generator of ideas G. And it is possible to make the hold divided by a partition in half.

    (5) Idea Generator A. It is better to lower a few baffles so that there are compartments.

    (6) Generator of ideas D. It is necessary to have devices like on a gyroscope.

    (7) Generator of ideas B. When a person bends down, he throws out his hand from the opposite side. Let the ship be like that.

    (8) Generator of ideas E. And if you cover the load with some kind of tire?

    (9) Idea generator B. Spray with polyurethane foam fluid. I have seen that this is how the bodies of cars are sealed when transporting grain.

    (10) Generator of ideas G. Make large pieces instead of pellets. They will grapple and will not roll.

    (11) Idea generator B. Freeze cargo. Moisten first and then freeze.

    Leading. Let's remember what we are transporting.

    (12) Generator of ideas A.

    Oh, you can magnetize!

    (13) Generator of ideas D. Place a special pillow under the body and inflate. The cargo will be pressed against the ceiling of the hold.

    (14) Idea generator B. Then it is better to squeeze from above.

    (15) Idea generator E. Burn a part of the load from above so that it is sintered in the form of a crust.

    Leading. By the rules, the generation of ideas is not stopped. We have a different situation. Let's draw the line to appreciate the ideas. At this stage, you can listen to the arguments of the parties and smash them to smithereens. Who came up with the first idea?

    Idea generator A. I submitted. But I thought that this would not work without special vibrators. Mom pours flour into the jar, and I shake it - and there is still a lot of room.

    I withdraw my proposal.

    Analyst N. And the second idea is bad. What dimensions should the shields be? How to press them?

    B. jack.

    Analyst N. how many do you need for the whole ship?

    Analyst M. and partitions are not the best option. But pressing the air from above, like a pillow, is good. So in cars the life of the driver is saved. Just let the author show their solution.

    Idea generator V. Large containers made of rubberized fabric. When rolled up, it looks like a large pipe. And it is pumped by an onboard compressor.

    Leading. But what about the idea of ​​a bottom pull?

    Analyst Z. But the magnetic idea is very good. And cheaper and more compact. Electromagnets in the form of a garland around the perimeter. If you don’t need to, turn it off.

    Here we will interrupt the transcript of the discussion of ideas. Let's just say that the ideas of fixation with the help of magnetic field, inflatable elements, as well as with a change in the consistency of the load, etc. The guys made, in essence, their first inventions.

    After finishing the discussion of the options, the success of the students is necessarily noted, showing that creativity is within the power of everyone.

    Notable fact: "Brainstorming was invented in the 1930s as a practical idea generation technique for regular use by 'creatives' at the BBDO ad agency." But that all changed in 1942 when Alex Osborne - "O" in BBDO - published a book called How to Think Up (not published in Russian), which thrilled the minds of his fellow advertisers or Crazy guys. "

    Since 1942, the idea generation technique, which got its start in a New York creative agency like wild ivy, has swept all Silicon Valley startups. And now, near Stanford, every introvert cringes every time, anticipating the prospect of sitting in a room full of colleagues, writing down their “raw” ideas on Post-it stickers and posting them for everyone to see. (If you are one of them, watch David Kelly's TED Talk on Confidence in creativity, which complements well Susan Kane's speech on the power of introverts.)

    I've had a lot of brainstorming sessions in my life: with designers at IDEO, with Tom and David Kelly (I'm the co-author of Creative Confidence), and with the TED editorial staff. And I noticed that not everyone is delighted with the idea of ​​brainstorming. In fact, I have become convinced that there is no one and only correct way to brainstorm. You must be prepared to change the format, duration, and parameters of each session to adapt it to the possible mix of introverts, extroverts, and their levels of creative confidence.

    Here are 12 tips on how to brainstorm killer with (most) introverts:

    1. Please report the issue or topic well in advance. For introverts who tend to come up with the best ideas away from stressful environments, prior knowledge of the topic is key. It allows them to prepare a few creative options and not panic over the assertive behavior of extroverts.
    2. Have the group sit down at a round table. It worked for King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
    3. Have short sessions. 10 minutes at the end of a regular meeting is fine, as some people may feel sick at the sight of a full hour meeting reminder pop-up.
    4. Add ideas to a numbered list as you come up. Get rid of the stickers and use only large pieces of paper on your desk or magnetic board, if available.

      Brainstorming method

      Numbering allows people to feel even more successful progress towards the intended goal. A kind of mental pat on the shoulder.

    5. Set a specific number of ideas as your goal. Let's say 25. Give this number to the participants at the very beginning and do not stop until you have typed that much. If you wish, you can continue further, but this is already a nice bonus.
    6. Start with the participant to your left and work in a circle. One idea per participant at a time. Don't miss anyone. This way you will hear everyone, not just the loudest ones.
    7. The default mode for successful brainstorming is yes, and. Like comedians when improvising, good brainstormers don't take the time to finish off a ridiculous idea. Instead, they develop it by adding something really cool, or they quickly give out a new one. In other words, you need to build on the ideas of others. I set this landmark at the beginning of each brainstorming session and reinforce the concept along the way; it is the exact opposite of how large, traditional corporations approach working on new ideas. The purpose of this stage is to create "remixes", to complement other people's ideas, and not to filter or criticize them.
    8. Write down all the ideas you have expressed, and take a neutral, respectful attitude towards each one. Consciously or subconsciously, others will begin to behave in the same way. Try to make everyone in the room feel heard, so that everyone has permission to speak up and don't make judgments along the way. Pro tip: Don't write down the name of the author of the idea.
    9. Distribute an unfiltered list of ideas to participants when finished. Send by email, upload to Google Doc - whatever is more convenient for your team. You never know which piece of idea will "shoot" and lead the participants to the next brilliant idea.
    10. If the phrase "brainstorming" doesn't work for you or your team, rename it. Call the process "design improvisation", "mini-jam", "five minutes to think" - whatever. The name is far less important than the goal - to bring people together in an environment that encourages the generation of ideas worth spreading or solutions to problems worth eradicating.
    11. Mod # 1: Passive Brainstorm 5-Day Edition... If everyone is in the same office, as a successful alternative to in-person brainstorming, you can hang a large sheet of paper on the wall next to the kitchen or restroom by writing a question on it and leaving a pen for answers. room "M / F"). Let it hang for 5 days, and then take a picture and decode.
    12. Mod # 2: Passive Brainstorming 5 minute version. A second alternative to armchair brainstorming is to introduce a five-minute "inspiration" break at about three in the afternoon when people need a recharge anyway. Throw in an idea by sending a group email (or any other culture-specific method) with the subject line: "Five Minute Break for Inspiration:" - and invite them to the discussion. One "but": this method works best when in your letter you immediately give several options available and strictly adhere to the limit of 5 minutes.

    Like other idea generation tools, brainstorming was invented to achieve creative success with less effort, not more stress - which is why creatives are still using this technique as early as 75 years after its invention. But generating lots of brilliant ideas is just one step. The next critical step, already in a closer group, is to filter the list of ideas and choose the best ones to implement.

    Some brainstorming modifications

    The 6 hats method

    The Six Hats Method is one of the most powerful thinking organization techniques developed by the English writer, psychologist and creative thinker Edward de Bono.

    In his book Six Thinking Hats, de Bono describes techniques to help structure both collective and personal mental activity, making it more productive and understandable.

    The Six Thinking Hats Method allows you to develop flexibility of mind, creativity, helps a lot overcome the creative crisis, helps to make the right decision and more accurately correlate your way of thinking with your goals and objectives.

    It is especially well suited for evaluating unusual and innovative ideas, when it is important to take into account any opinion and consider the situation from different planes.

    The essence of the six hats method

    At the heart of Edward de Bono's method is the concept of parallel thinking. As a rule, this or that decision is born in a clash of opinions, in discussion and polemics. With this approach, preference is often given not to the best of the options, but to the one that advanced more successfully in the controversy. With parallel thinking (constructive in essence) different approaches, opinions and ideas coexist, and do not oppose and do not collide head-ons.

    Six thinking hats, in the process of solving practical problems, help to cope with three main difficulties:

    1. Emotions. Instead of thinking about a solution, we often limit ourselves to an emotional reaction that determines our further actions.
    2. Confusion. Not knowing what to do and where to start, we feel uncertainty (this is especially manifested either in the moments when we face a complex multi-level task, or when we are faced with something for the first time).
    3. Confusion. When we try to keep in mind a large array of information related to a task, we try to be logical, consistent and creatively thinking, be constructive, and even make sure that the people around us (interlocutors, colleagues, partners) are like this, usually all of this leads to nothing but confusion and confusion.

    The 6 Thinking Hats Method helps to overcome these difficulties by dividing the thinking process into six different modes, each of which is represented by a metaphorical hat of a specific color. Such a division makes thinking more focused and stable and teaches us to operate on various aspects of it in turn.

    Six Thinking Hats

    1. White hat thinking is a mode of focusing attention on all the information we have: facts and figures. Also, in addition to the data that we have, "putting on a white hat", it is important to focus on the possibly missing, additional information, and think about where to get it.
    2. The red hat is the hat of emotions, feelings and intuition. Without going into details and reasoning, at this stage all intuitive guesses are expressed. People share emotions (fear, resentment, admiration, joy, etc.) that arise when they think about a particular solution or proposal. It is also important here to be honest, both with yourself and with others (if there is an open discussion).
    3. The yellow hat is positive. Putting it on, we think about the perceived benefits that a solution gives or carries a proposal, we reflect on the benefits and prospects of a certain idea.

      And even if this idea or decision at first glance does not bode well, it is important to work out this very optimistic side and try to reveal hidden positive resources.

    4. Black hat the exact opposite of yellow. In this hat should go to mind extremely critical assessments of the situation(ideas, solutions, etc.): be careful, look at possible risks and hidden threats, at significant and perceived shortcomings, turn on the search for pitfalls and be a little pessimistic.
    5. The green hat is a hat of creativity and creativity, looking for alternatives and making changes. Consider all sorts of variations, generate new ideas, modify existing ones and look closely at other people's developments, do not disdain non-standard and provocative approaches, look for any alternative.
    6. The blue hat - the sixth hat of thinking, unlike the other five, is intended for managing the process of implementing an idea and working on solving problems, and not for evaluating a proposal and working out its content. In particular, using a blue hat before trying on everyone else is a definition of what is to be done, i.e. formulating goals, and at the end - summing up and discussing the benefits and effectiveness of the 6 hats method.

    Image-based brainstorming

    Associating solutions with different images is a useful tool for developing and finding new ideas. To refine ideas or previously suggested solutions, it is effective to build associations with other elements, such as images or visual data. This method stimulates the search for new points of view on the solution or problem that is before you.


    This method stimulates the search for new points of view on the solution or problem that is before you.


    Prepare many different illustrations. Get together at one table and show each image for a minute. During this minute, all team members write their associations with the image on the stickers. Try to find as many ridiculous associations as possible. If the team is stumped, change the image. Continue the process until you have enough associations.

    You can and should

    • Think big.
    • Write the first thing that comes to mind.
    • Thinking from the opposite.
    • Use a lot of random images, preferably not related to the idea, problem or focus questions.

    It is impossible

    • To linger on one image for a long time. If you're stumped, just change the illustration.

    Method 635

    The 635 method is one of the types of brainstorming. The numbers b, 3, 5 represent six participants, each of whom must write down three ideas within five minutes.

    Brainstorming: 7 rules, 19 techniques and 10 common mistakes

    The leaf walks in a circle. Thus, in half an hour, everyone will write down 18 ideas to their asset, and all together - 108. The structure of ideas is clearly defined. Modifications of the method are possible. This method is widely used in foreign countries(especially in Japan) to select from a variety of ideas the most original and progressive in solving certain problems.

    Today one of the most effective ways peer review is the brainstorming method (MBM). The scope of its application is determined by the following cases:

    • when the object of research is not subject to a strict mathematical description and formalization;
    • when the characteristics of the object under study are insufficiently substantiated, since they do not have detailed statistics;
    • if the functioning of the object is multivariate and depends on many factors;
    • when forecasting complex economic phenomena that are dynamically changing and evolving;
    • if the situation excludes other methods of forecasting.

    A wide range of social and economic processes fall under these conditions. Other methods of expert assessments have a similar scope of application. Brainstorming is impractical to use when its object is predictable and well studied.

    The history of the creation of the brainstorming method

    This method was invented in the middle of the last century by the founder of the BBD & O news agency, famous copywriter Alex Osborne. Let's talk about this in more detail. After all, his brainchild - the Moscow School of Music - is in demand by managers for making special, fundamental and creative decisions that require the inclusion of the factor of "collective intelligence". In this case, the leader himself is most often the leader of the discussion. Such a role requires a combination of certain qualities in his personality: a benevolent attitude to any ideas, high creative activity.

    How was the brainstorming method first applied?

    This example has already become a classic. Mr. Osborne has not been a copywriter and businessman all his life. During World War II, he served as the captain of a merchant ship cruising between prosperous America and warring Europe. Unarmed ships were often torpedoed and launched to the bottom by German warships on raids.

    History buff Alex Osborne recalled the ancient practice of dealing with critical situations by Viking sailors when he received a radiogram about a possible attack by an enemy submarine. Once upon a time, the entire crew was convened on the deck of the drakar by the captain, and then, in seniority, starting with the cabin boy and ending with the captain, they expressed their way of resolving the crisis.

    The captain of the American ship decided to revive the ancient method of management decisions - brainstorming (as he called it), and called the crew on deck. Among the absurd decisions expressed, there was one that got into the stage of further rethinking: so that the whole team lined up along the side to which the torpedo was moving and blew on it, which would lead to the deviation of the lethal charge.

    Then a German submarine sailed past, but Captain Osborne patented the invention. A propeller was attached to the side of the ship, creating a powerful jet at the right time, thanks to which the torpedo changed the angle of attack and slid along the side.

    Methodological framework for brainstorming

    More broadly, theoretical basis MMSh served as the famous heuristic dialogue of Socrates. The ancient philosopher believed that skillful questions could be used to induce any person to awaken their potential abilities. Socrates saw in the conversation the most important tool for clarifying the truth. Alex Osborne was able to use formal rules to simulate an environment conducive to the awakening of creativity in a team of people.

    The Moscow School of Music served as a theoretical impetus for the creation of a synectics method that motivates intellectual activity in different teams and communities.

    How to properly organize a brainstorming session?

    What is the hidden potential of the Moscow School of Music? The fact is that it triggers the mechanism of collective intelligence when resolving urgent problems... At the same time, we will make a reservation that there are situations that preclude its use. In particular, the brainstorming method is ineffective in finding a way out of such problems that:

    • have only one solution;
    • are abstract and generalized;
    • if the problem is formulated with excessive complexity (in this case, it should be divided into subproblems and resolved in parts).

    At present, the Moscow School of Music has so powerfully entered the practice of corporate activity as the leading method for choosing the best ways to solve multivariate problems that its varieties have become relevant. Let's list some of them:

    • brain ring;
    • brainstorming using a board;
    • "Japanese" brainstorming;
    • Delphi method.

    In the further narration, we will characterize these particular methods of MMS. However, at first, for a more complete understanding of them, it is logical to imagine classical method brainstorming from the point of view of its methodology.

    Preparatory stage of MMSh

    Its high-quality implementation requires compliance with some organizational points, in particular, compliance with the stages.

    The brainstorming method involves a clear formulation of the problem itself, the choice of a leader, as well as the identification of participants in two groups: for generating solutions and for their subsequent expert assessment.

    Starting from the organization stage, mistakes that reduce the effectiveness of the method should be avoided. A vague, unclear goal and task setting initially leads to zero efficiency. If the problem put up for discussion has an ambiguous structure (in fact, consisting of several problems), then there is a high probability that the discussants will get confused in the priority and order of solving the problem.

    Group composition

    The optimal number of participants in groups is 7 people. Acceptable is quantitative composition groups are considered 6-12 people. It is not recommended to form smaller teams, as it is more difficult to achieve a creative atmosphere.

    It is advisable to take people of various qualifications and professions into the group. Specialists are accepted as invited persons (not participants). For more dynamic work, mixed groups (both men and women) are welcome. It is also recommended to balance the number of persons with an active and contemplative life position. The negative effect is the presence at the discussion of the problem of a manager who is skeptical about the possibilities of its resolution.

    A few days before the second stage of the MMSh - the discussion - the persons selected into the groups are given the date of the event and the formulation of the problem. To do this, the presenter distributes to the participants compact (up to 1 page) printed materials with a clearly defined goal - to resolve the problem, its brief description.

    It will be useful for those discussing to find out the trajectory of the development of the problem, it needs to be displayed in a diagram. It is also fundamental to show the points of contact of people with the problem: when, under what circumstances this problem really interferes with the realization of the interests of society.

    Standard time frames for brainstorming

    Brainstorming will be effective when organized properly. It is most effective to conduct MSM in the morning from 10:00 to 12:00 or in the afternoon - from 14:00 to 17:00. Directly the place of its implementation is advisable to choose a separate room or audience isolated from noise. It is advisable to equip it with a poster with the rules of the Moscow School of Music, a board for the operational display of ideas.

    To maximize the concentration of participants on the problem, their tables should be located so as to surround the leader's table, that is, be placed around it in a square or ellipse.

    The solution to the problem by the method of brainstorming should be recorded either on video or on a tape recorder so as not to miss the ideas expressed. Moderate humor is encouraged at the event. The use of the brainstorming method is relevant for forty to sixty minutes. If a simple subproblem is being discussed, then a quarter of an hour is enough.

    Stage of direct generation of ideas

    The phase of direct generation of ideas is characterized by intense intellectual work of those present. By its onset, the brains of the participants in the brainstorming session must be maximally tuned in to creative work. The facilitator's qualifications should help to do this correctly. As a beginning, a short and smooth introduction usually follows, expressing the presenter's conviction that he has gathered creative and creative people, his benevolence and commitment to the success of the event. Further, the presenter conducts a short intellectual warm-up of those present with the help of boring questions. Provoking the activity of the participants, he can ask, for example, about the lyceum nickname of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (by the way, did you know that fellow students called the future classic Egoza?).

    A brainstorming session is not a meeting where the “sitting down” doze in the back rows. The stage of the implementation of the IMS is aimed at formulating the maximum options for solving the problem. Both ideas that indicate new directions of the solution and ideas that develop the options already formulated are taken into account. At the same time, it is forbidden to criticize any, even the most fantastic option.

    Since the proposed methods can be not only very different, but also the most fantastic, the presenter himself maintains a cheerful, creative atmosphere, he himself puts forward, among other things, incredible ways to overcome the problem.

    Solving a problem by the method of brainstorming is considered effective if more than one and a half hundred options are recorded within half an hour. The priority of the number of ideas expressed over their quality is clearly visible. All of them are quickly fixed by specially designated markers on large sheets of paper (A3 or A2).

    Ideas capture phase

    There are two ways to write them. In the first of them, the participants in the discussion express their ideas in turn. In this case, one person is enough to display, which may even be the presenter. The second way of expressing ideas is more dynamic. With him, anyone discussing can freely express their ideas at any time. At the same time, the only secretary is not able to capture ideas, so I appoint 2-3 people to perform this function. The advantage of the second method is the generation of more ideas. The downside is that the thought process is multichannel, so there is no way to build a thought in a directional way. The options are reviewed privately by the peer review team, but without prior evaluation. Just takes notes.

    It is recommended to proceed to the stage of expert assessment of the options for solving the problem only after a certain period of time. To comprehend the methods proposed by the participants in the discussion, it is necessary to take a pause for at least a week. This time is not without results! After all, the participants of the competition will subconsciously analyze and rethink the options they like. This is the time of the so-called creative incubation. After all, the brainstorming method is used to select the most successful and creative idea, and for this the phase of creative incubation is important. We do not recommend neglecting it.

    Expert review

    When the stage of evaluation begins, the proposals are first grouped by topic (according to the directions for solving the problem). Thus, in the beginning, the most successful ways of resolving in different directions of options are highlighted. For each of them, relevant factors are highlighted.

    Then the algorithm for discussing options for solving the problem involves the use of the Pareto method. The principle discovered and researched by this sociologist says: "20% of the effort gives 80% of the result."

    The method of brainstorming a task at the stage of analyzing the methods of solving problems, the identified factors of solving problems, serves to build a Pareto table, where for each factor the number of its repetitions is indicated, as well as the% of their total number.

    Then a bar-type diagram is built, displaying the number of occurrences of a factor along the vertical axis, distributing them in descending order of the factor's significance - along the horizontal. At the final stage, the Pareto chart is analyzed.

    The curve connecting the top points of the diagram of different factors is called the Pareto curve.

    The widely used methods of expert assessments of brainstorming basically contain this technique. Its advantage is its versatility. MMSh is considered to be in demand for solving managerial problems. A constructive trait of brainstorming is the development of ideas originally expressed by some participants on the part of others.

    Practice of using MMSh

    Modern managers are often forced to make decisions that require taking into account the perception of personnel values, based on their experience and individual needs. The method of brainstorming in making management decisions in this regard is an ideal tool. After all, the power of a leader is based on two principles: organizational and personal. And brainstorming strengthens the organizational side, allowing you to effectively motivate and organize people to carry out collective decisions.

    It is obvious that MMS cannot be effective enough if the people who practice it do not have special and methodological knowledge. But at the same time, the level of preparation of the participants should be different. The highest requirements are imposed on intellectual abilities leading, as well as to his status in the team. For this role, it is preferable to choose a person who really enjoys authority: production (as a deep specialist), informational (colleagues turn to him for advice).

    Often, the method of brainstorming in the adoption of SD is used by a leader in a stalemate:

    • when there is not enough individual knowledge and experience;
    • if you need to step beyond the stereotyped thinking of specialists who perform standard actions in their area, which in relation to the problem under study turn out to be ineffective.

    In this case, many shrug their shoulders, say: "You can't jump above your head!" Are they right? Not always! In our postindustrial time, the one-of-a-kind decision-making methods usually used in work often turn out to be ineffective. Brainstorming, on the other hand, is becoming more and more relevant.

    Brainstorming is taught in universities

    Perhaps that is why it is being studied today even in universities to solve specialized educational problems, in connection with research work. There are special educational methods for teaching MSH students, which train:

    • originality of thinking (the ability to unique solutions to problems and original associations);
    • semantic flexibility (the ability to identify the desired object in a selection and to determine unexpected use for it);
    • figurative adaptive flexibility (the ability to see new productive directions in the stimulus);
    • spontaneous semantic flexibility (the ability to produce maximum ideas in a short time).

    Types of brainstorming

    Brainstorming as a teaching method involves students mastering its various subspecies.

    • Brain ring is characterized by written formulations discussing options for solving a problem. Participants write down their ideas and exchange papers. Thus, ideas put forward by one person find their development with the help of the imagination and intelligence of other people. Once pharmacists, conducting this event dedicated to the creation of a unique product, in their time, combining two notes, developed a unique product: a shampoo-conditioner in one bottle. This kind of brainstorming method worked productively. This example is a well-known fact and is often mentioned.

    • A chalkboard is useful for implementing the second method. To it, the discussants attach sticky notes with the answer options written on them. The results of their intellectual assault are clear, they can be easily combined and sorted.
    • The Japanese brainstorming technique developed by Koboyashi and Kawakita is also called hail of rice. With its help, those participating in the brainstorming come to a single result. Each participant in his own way defines one certain fact, in his opinion, exhaustively characterizing the problem. From these cards, the participants put together a set that gives a complete description of the problem. Then the second stage of brainstorming begins in Japanese: participants are given blank cards on which each, one on each card, writes his own version of the solution to the problem. Then the cards are grouped in the context of the similarity of the options set forth in them. The options are combined, a three-dimensional vision of the solution to the problem appears.
    • A more specialized forecasting method is the Delphi method. At the same time, brainstorming is transformed into a consistent opinion of specialists. It is used to predict social and economic processes. This method is multi-stage, cards with options for resolving the problem are sequentially transmitted to all participants. The discussion is attended by from 10 to 150 people. Its forecasting efficiency is maximal for the nearest period from 1 to 3 years.

    Instead of a conclusion

    Brainstorming as a teaching method and as a research method is effective when done competently. At the same time, typical mistakes should be avoided. Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of his key figure - the leader. At the stage of generating ideas, a relaxed and fun atmosphere is created, any criticism is excluded. An important role is played by the scrupulous recording of all the proposed options.

    Its scope of application is currently extensive, because now there are a great many complex and difficult-to-describe processes in society and the economy.

    Brainstorming is a way of solving questions based on stimulating the creative activity of a group of participants. The purpose of this approach is to get as many ideas as possible from each of the group members in order to solve a problem or find an answer to a pressing question. At the end of the assault, the best idea for its implementation is selected.

    Combining group discussion with brainstorming techniques is one of the better ways getting a lot of ideas, because different people have different styles thinking and life experiences.

    This allows less time and energy to be spent than trying to find a solution with the help of a single person. Other positive aspects of such a group discussion are that it stimulates the creative activity of the participants, and also helps each member of the group to open their minds more open to other views of things.

    The method can be used both in companies for making management decisions, and with certain modifications for individual purposes.

    History of origin

    Alex Osborne

    Brainstorming (or brainstorming (brainstorming); in English it is written - brainstorm) was developed by the American journalist Alex Osborne (1888 - 1966).

    Initially, the method was proposed for employees of an advertising agency, the founder of which was Osborne. The following statements are attributed to the author:

    • “Quantity, quantity and again quantity! This is the motto of the day. "
    • "The more attempts, the more likely it will hit the target."

    Thus, the main idea of ​​the method is a large number of various ideas, from which the best can then be selected.

    It is interesting to note that the founder of another well-known method of generating ideas - TRIZ G.S. Altshuller believed that on the contrary, the quality of ideas is important, not their quantity.

    Introductory rules

    When conducting a brainstorming session, it is necessary to identify a leader or leader who will manage the process. The facilitator sets tasks, defines rules and coordinates the discussion.

    Idea generation and analysis are most often performed by the same participants, but it is possible that they will be different people. In some cases, this will ensure greater objectivity of the decisions made.

    The main problems of brainstorming, as a rule, are the prolongation of the discussion time, as well as the fear of the participants to be criticized by others. The first problem is solved by limiting the time for discussion. Getting rid of the second problem is more difficult and, more often than not, completely impossible. You can only strive for this.

    Brainstorming stages and technology

    1. State your current status and goals

    First of all, formulate the current state from which you need to find a way out, or describe the problem that needs to be solved. Each participant should know the ultimate goal of the discussion. Set a time frame and formulate session rules that include no criticism or judgment of any proposed ideas. Designate someone to write everything down on paper or on a chalkboard.

    2. Generating ideas

    Involve each participant in the process through alternate presentations. Encourage them to throw in as many ideas as possible. Participants should present their suggestions and ideas, which should be written down without any censoring. The brainstorming coordinator should stop any attempts to assess the viability of ideas generated by participants before the session is over.

    If you are a participant in an assault, focus on the situation and state your assumptions without fear of ridicule or criticism. Stimulate your own creative thinking and imagination. Think about any possible solutions to the assignment that you might take. You can also brainstorm any other group member's idea and expand on their original proposal.

    3. Analysis

    When the time allotted for the session is over, collect all the proposals and analyze them with the group. Interview all participants to select the top 5 ideas from a list of all ideas received. Once you've done this, you can then continue with a more focused brainstorming session to develop this list of ideas.

    To get the final result or idea, ask yourself, how would you rate this idea on a 10-point scale for your situation? You can trust your intuition to use your inner feelings.

    The final solution may require one or more sessions. If you encounter such a situation, distribute the list to the participants for review, so that they can further analyze it and propose new solutions. Formulate the criteria for evaluating the end result so that everyone can understand what they have to offer in the next session.

    4. Execution

    Once your group is in agreement and has a final decision, follow through. Provide feedback so you can see if there is a result. If there is no result, you should look at the problem from a different angle and organize an additional discussion session.

    1. Provide a relaxing environment and atmosphere. People are more capable of productive thinking when they are not distracted and feel free. It is good if the brainstorming takes place in the form of a kind of game.
    2. It is better if a small group of about 5 people is involved in the process. If the group is large, it is better to divide it into parts. A large group will take more time and several sessions before you can formulate a final decision.
    3. The more the participants differ from each other, the more advantages you have, as this will allow you to get more diverse opinions.

    Reverse brainstorming

    The purpose of this technique is to identify weaknesses and shortcomings. Here, instead of looking for a solution to the problem, a search is made for situations that worsen the situation.

    Approximate use of the technique:

    1. Formulate the problem and write it down.
    2. Ask a question how to cause a problem or worsen the situation.
    3. Brainstorm the answers to these questions.
    4. Collect a list of possible worsening of the situation.
    5. Flip them over and search for solutions to fix the problems you have identified.

    Individual techniques

    With some peculiarities, you can brainstorm and solve some personal issues. In order to produce many ideas, you need to expand your thinking, learn to look at things from different angles.

    Let's say you want to find a way to make more money. Start by writing your goal as a question. For example, "How to earn XXX amount during the year?" By writing a certain amount, you make it clearer what you intend to achieve. When you ask yourself “how,” your brain starts looking for an answer. You will be able to concentrate and attract relevant ideas.

    Write down your thoughts and ideas, but don't judge them right away. Do not think about their viability. Continue until you have written at least 20 ideas. If you get inspiration, write down more than 20 of them, but in no case stop until you write down 20.

    Choose from the list what you might be doing right now and just do it. By simply starting, you will lay the foundation for the process of achievement to begin to take place.

    Also, for finding ideas, a tool such as is useful, but more on that in another article.

    Brainstorming method invented by Alex Osborne (USA) in the 40s of the 20th century The main idea is this: to separate the generation of ideas from its criticism, or rather to separate the dreamer from the critic.

    We often have to deal with problems that require a lot of time and effort to solve them, read a lot of literature, ask friends for advice and everything is unsuccessful, a solution has not been found.

    Brainstorming method is designed to solve problems, or rather, generate solutions and choose the most suitable ones. For example, searching for a new name for a product or company, searching for non-standard approaches - in a word, when there is a task, and there is no idea how to approach it, where to start.

    Examples of themes for brainstorming:

    How to earn 1000 euros?

    What is the name of the dog?

    Why are things not going well?

    What to do with ….?

    Where to spend your weekend?

    What kind of business to start?

    Brainstorming method steps

    1) Organizational issues (space, people), problem statement

    • We find people to generate ideas, (approximate number 7 + - 2)
    • We inform them what the task is.
    • We select a group moderator (a moderator is someone who will follow the rules of brainstorming at all its stages, write down ideas, suggest their own). It is better if this person is energetic, active, and, most importantly, who knows the features of the brainstorming method.

    Difficulties Solution options

    2) Himselfbrainstorming (idea generation)

    • It is possible to briefly introduce the participants to the specifics of the brainstorming method, but this is not a prerequisite.
    • The moderator writes down the task on the board.
    • The group members are given 1-5 minutes to reflect on the topic and write down the ideas that have come up on a piece of paper.
    • Before discussing ideas, you must communicate the rules of discussion:

    • The main thing is the number of ideas. Don't make any restrictions.
    • Full ban on criticism(lack of evaluation of the idea)
    • Unusual and even absurd ideas are welcome.
    • Mix and match any ideas.
    • Do not look for details (at this stage, it is enough to voice the idea thesis).

    • The moderator writes down all ideas... And he finishes writing when they are over or there are already enough of them.

    Possible difficulties at the stage of choosing a suitable idea and ways to solve them:

    Complexity Solution option
    Group members have few or no ideas. This can happen if the task is too global or if the participants have a brain block.

    Break a big problem into many small ones and solve them one by one.

    Offer to think about an abstract topic. Do a warm-up, walk, sit comfortably, preferably in a dreamer's pose, leaning back in a chair.

    Participants are lethargic and don't want to do anything. Offer to play the game: "How else can you use a plastic bottle." Any simple object is taken, for example, a plastic bottle, a rod from a pen, etc. Next, the task in 5 minutes is to come up with as many options for using this subject as possible (even the most absurd and unrealistic). Offer a prize for more options that you come up with. Next, move on to the main topic of brainstorming.
    People can't resist criticism The moderator needs to clearly follow the rules of brainstorming: ideas first, then everything else. There are no good or bad ideas. All ideas are good in their own way.
    There are a lot of ideas, how do you manage to write everything down? The moderator records using the mind mapping technique. Writing in this form will give you even more creative ideas, plus it will help you concentrate on the task.

    3) Choosing a suitable idea (analysis of ideas)

    • Before you start choosing the right idea, you need to remove duplicate ones that are not related to the topic or problem.
    • We prioritize (in accordance with the criteria that are most important for us in solving this problem). The criteria can be as follows: speed, time, money, etc.
    • We work out the most preferred ideas (what and how to do, who is responsible for what, deadlines, resources, stages, etc.)

    Possible difficulties at the stage of choosing a suitable idea and ways to solve them:

    Difficulties Solution options
    Arguments over prioritization and weeding out unrealistic ideas. Take a break for 5-7 minutes before starting to choose an idea. The moderator proposes criteria for evaluating the idea (budget, deadlines, etc.). Prioritizes criteria and selects ideas according to them.
    At the stage of working out the details, the idea becomes unrealistic. Work out weak points or take the next idea.
    A dilemma arises between two ideas, we do not know which one to choose.

    Use mind mapping when solving dilemmas.

    Generate a 3rd idea that has the strengths of the first two ideas.

    Brainstorming Modifications

    Brainstorming has many varieties, most of which can be used in business meetings to solve professional problems. These include: Reverse, Shadow and Combined Brainstorming, Brainwriting, Individual Brainstorming, Chalkboard Brainstorming, Solo Brainstorming, Visual Brainstorming, Japanese Brainstorming, Morphological and Problem Circle Analysis Method, analogies, random impulse, method "635", method of moderation. Let's consider the characteristics of the listed technologies.

    1. Reverse brainstorming

    It is preferable to use it when creating a new improved design, a new service or developing a new idea when two creative tasks are being solved:

    • identification of the maximum number of shortcomings in existing products, services, ideas;
    • maximum elimination of these shortcomings in a newly developed product or service.

    "The goal of reverse brainstorming is to compile the most complete list of shortcomings of the object or idea in question, which are subject to unrestricted criticism."

    As a result of reverse brainstorming, the maximum full list shortcomings, defects and potential problems of the object under consideration, shortcomings and difficulties of operation are predicted for 10-20 years in advance, so that the resulting list of shortcomings will ensure the longest competitiveness of the objects.

    2. Shadow brainstorming

    Not every person can engage in creative activity in the presence and with the active intervention of outsiders. In this regard, when conducting a brainstorming session at a business meeting, it may be advisable for some of the idea generators to provide conditions for simultaneous presence and absence. It is possible to resolve these contradictions with the help of shadow brainstorming.

    The session is conducted by two subgroups of idea generators. One of them - the generators themselves - call ideas out loud, subject to the conditions of criticism. Another subgroup - the shadow one - monitors the progress of the generators, but does not directly participate in the discussion. Each participant writes down their ideas arising from the discussion conducted by an active subgroup.

    The list of ideas put forward by the generators and lists of solutions proposed by all participants of the shadow subgroup are transferred after the end of the session to a group of experts whose task is not only to evaluate ideas, but also to develop and combine them, i.e. the creative process in this group enters a new phase.

    3. Combined brainstorming

    The above methods of direct (or shadow) and reverse brainstorming can be used together in various combinations.

    Double direct brainstorming consists in the fact that after the direct brainstorming, a break is made for 2-3 days, after which it is repeated again. During a break, a powerful apparatus for solving creative problems - a person's subconsciousness, synthesizing unexpected fundamental ideas - is included in the work of the specialists participating in the business meeting.

    Conversely, direct brainstorming is usually used to predict the development of brainstorming. First, with the help of reverse brainstorming, they identify all the shortcomings and weaknesses, poorly developed or insufficiently substantiated sides of the existing object, ideas and highlight the main ones among them. Then they conduct a reverse brainstorming session in order to eliminate the identified main deficiencies and develop a draft of a fundamentally new solution. In order to increase the time for forecasting, this cycle should be repeated.

    4. Brainwriting

    This technique is based on a brainstorming technique, but the group members do not express their proposals aloud, but in writing. They write their ideas on slips of paper and then exchange them with each other. The neighbor's idea becomes a stimulus for a new idea, which is included in the resulting sheet. The group exchange sheets for 15 minutes.

    5. Individual brainstorming

    This method, in essence, does not differ from the method of collective brainstorming and is carried out according to the same rules. The only difference is that the session is performed by one specialist. He generates ideas himself, registers them himself, often evaluates his ideas himself. The duration of the session should not exceed 3-10 minutes. All the ideas that have arisen are necessarily fixed on paper. The author should not start assessing them immediately, but after a while, for example, after a week.

    To successfully use individual brainstorming, you must learn to ask yourself questions with possible alternative answers.

    6 board brainstorming

    In a special room where a business meeting is held, it is necessary to hang a special board on the wall so that employees place sheets on it with notes of those creative ideas that come to their minds during the working day. This board should be hung where it is most conspicuous. In the center of it should be written - in large bright (multi-colored) letters - the problem to be solved.

    7. Solo Brainstorming

    This technology can be used both in teamwork and individually. If one of the specialists wants to use the brainstorming technique on their own, then it is better to create a special card index for their ideas. Absolutely all ideas deserve to be entered into the card index - successful, not very successful, or even completely seeming absurd or empty. Then you need to sort out all your ideas, add something, improve and summarize, choosing those thoughts that will optimally contribute to achieving the goal, solving the problem.

    8. Visual brainstorming

    As a rule, ideas appear quickly, one after another, and a sketch made at the moment the idea was born will allow not only to fix a successful thought, but also not to lose the pace in the process of thinking.

    Basic principles of visual brainstorming:

    • Speed ​​and flexibility of thinking
    • No premature criticism
    • Fast reaction

    9. Japanese Brainstorming

    There is also a Japanese (ring) decision-making system - "kingisho", the essence of which is that a draft innovation is being prepared for consideration. It is handed over for discussion to persons according to the list drawn up by the leader. Everyone should consider the proposed solution and give their comments in writing. This is followed by a meeting. As a rule, those specialists are invited whose opinion is not entirely clear to the manager. Experts choose their solution according to individual preferences. And if they do not coincide, then a preference vector arises, which is determined using one of the following principles:

    b) dictator - the opinion of one person is taken as a basis.

    This principle is typical for military organizations, as well as for decision-making in emergency situations;

    c) the Cournot principle is used when there are no coalitions, i.e. the number of solutions is proposed equal to the number of experts.

    d) the Pareto principle is used when making decisions when all experts form a single whole, one coalition.

    e) Edgeworth's principle is used in the event that a group consists of several coalitions, each of which is not profitable to reverse its decision.

    10. Morphological method and method of analyzing a range of problems

    Methods consist in decomposing the original problem into components or emerging problems, and then in their subsequent breakdown into alternative ways of implementation. Then all possible combinations are made. For each of them or only for the most promising options, a corresponding project is drawn up.

    11. Method of analogies

    The idea of ​​the method is to isolate the problem that has arisen and try to solve it with the help of ideas from other spheres of life and science. At one time, the method was applied so successfully that a whole science was born on its basis - synectics. Her field of borrowing technical ideas in biology is called bionics.

    To use the analogy method, you need

    a) isolate the cause of the difficulties;

    b) formalize it as much as possible to the level perceived by specialists from other fields;

    c) describe the goals of the future decision and objective constraints;

    d) highlight the area of ​​life or science, in which there can be solutions that are close in meaning;

    e) select a team of specialists from the chosen field;

    f) organize and conduct a brainstorming session;

    g) interpret the solutions obtained for the initial domain;

    h) choose among them those that are realizable and the most effective.

    12. Random impulse

    Our thinking apparatus functions as a self-enlarging memory system. The amount of attention is limited and associative. Those. when two signals enter the brain simultaneously under specially created conditions, a certain logical chain should be established between them, which can significantly change the perception of each of the signals.

    Basic techniques to speed up this process:

    • uniting many people;
    • visiting places where there are many random things (shop, exhibition, library, etc.);
    • deliberately combining previously unrelated thoughts, for example, using random clue words.

    13. Method "635"

    Six people come up with three ideas each on a given question in five minutes.

    Then, in a clockwise direction, the leaflets with their opinions are passed, for example, clockwise. Over the next five minutes, each participant must familiarize himself with all the proposals of his neighbor and detail them. This is done until everyone has worked on all the ideas of the group.

    In half an hour, as a maximum, 18 developed proposals are ready. The next half hour is given for discussion, addition and selection of the best options.

    14. Moderation method

    Participants fill out three cards each with a brief description of their problems (anonymously).

    The moderator shuffles the received cards and in turn announces their content, suggesting that they be assigned to certain groups. If the opinions of the participants differ, the final decision belongs to the author of this card. As a result, all problems are divided into groups (clusters).

    Each of the clusters is discussed. The following possibilities are offered: exclusion (inclusion) from it of any problems, division into several smaller groups, or, conversely, their consolidation.

    A common name for the clusters is being developed. Their relative importance is determined.

    A further development of the brainstorming method is synectics or " synectic assault "- the most powerful of the methods of psychological activation of creativity created abroad.

    The idea of ​​synectics is to unite individual “creators” into a single group for joint formulation and solution of specific creative problems, and the concept of “synectics” itself includes a whole range of tools and methods.

    “The method is based on the use of unconscious mechanisms that are manifested in a person's thinking at the moment of creative activity. In a situation where people are united in a group, they are required to express their thoughts and feelings about the set creative task. An irrational form of discussion is the reason for the manifestation of metaphors, images, symbols in memory ”.

    A feature of synectics that distinguishes it from the usual method of brainstorming is the organization of the group's influence on the creative activity of individuals. At the same time, attention is paid to attempts to surpass oneself, to abandon standard approaches. The creative competition has a group of participants in synectics great importance, everyone seeks to "take on" the largest part of the proposed creative solutions.

    Emotional type is an important criterion for selecting group members. It affects how a person approaches the task at hand. Here, another significant line of differences between synectics and brainstorming is revealed. The selection of a group of brainstorming generators consists in identifying active creators with different knowledge. Their emotional types are not particularly considered. In synectics, it is quite the opposite. Rather, two people will be chosen with the same baggage of knowledge and experience, if at the same time they are completely different in the emotional sphere.

    Synectics defines the creative process as mental activity in a situation of setting and solving a creative problem, where the result is a creative or artistic solution. In general, synectics includes two basic processes:

    • The transformation of the unfamiliar into the familiar
    • The transformation of the familiar into the unfamiliar

    Turning the familiar into the unfamiliar means turning over, changing the everyday, routine, generally accepted view and reaction to things. Synectics believes that looking at the known as the unknown is the foundation of creativity.

    The purpose of synectics is to direct the spontaneous activity of the brain and nervous system meeting participants to research and transform the design problem.

    The organization of the synectic session (synectic meeting) is borrowed from brainstorming, but it still differs from it in the use of some methods of psychological adjustment, including the very active use of analogies.

    When developing an idea or concept, the human brain carries out some kind of activity, which is a system of various actions. This is the collection and processing of information, its comprehension, generation of ideas, forecasting, decision-making, their implementation, control. The impulse of the beginning of the creative process is possible in a situation of choice.

    For an idea to appear, you need insight or the use of special heuristic technologies for generating ideas, such as synectics. Especially often the phenomenon of "insight" manifests itself in the work of a well-trained, prepared group, when it acts harmoniously, fixing itself on a more or less irrational basis of its reasoning on the problem, for some time avoiding attempts to formulate finally completed ideas and thoughts.

    The use of analogies in the creative process is an intermediate link between intuitive and logical procedures of thinking. In solving creative problems, various analogies are used: concrete and abstract, analogies of living and inanimate nature etc.

    In synectics, the following chain of actions is implemented sequentially:

    • Analysis of the problem;
    • Discussion of the issue (to what extent the problem is understood by the participants);
    • Determination of the main difficulties and contradictions that impede the solution of the problem;
    • Asking leading questions;
    • Search for analogies that allow expressing a given problem in terms that are familiar to group members from their work experience;
    • The transformation of the ordinary into the familiar;
    • Development and formulation of a promising idea and its packaging in terms of real actions.

    The advancement of ideas and their subsequent selection largely depends on the leader of the meeting, his professional and communicative skills, tact, mobility and resourcefulness, the ability to create a creative atmosphere and activity.

    The process of organizing creative work in synectics includes the following main points:

    • Initial statement of the problem;
    • Analysis of the problem and communication of the necessary background information;
    • Finding out the possibilities for solving the problem;
    • Reformulation of the problem;
    • Joint choice of one of the variants of the reformulated problem;
    • Putting forward figurative analogies;
    • Adjustment of the approaches to the solution outlined by the participants of the synectic assault or ready-made solutions to the requirements inherent in the formulation of the problem.

    In the real practice of conducting a synectic assault at a meeting, the participants, as a rule, strive immediately, without observing all the listed synectic procedures, to find a solution to the problem.

    Pros and cons of the brainstorming method

    Brainstorming, as well as many other collective decision-making methods, has certain advantages and disadvantages.

    One of the most important benefits of brainstorming is that it encourages creative thinking, generating ideas in a comfortable, creative environment.

    All participants in the process are being activated. They are deeply involved in the process of generating ideas and discussing them, they are more flexible in assimilating new ideas, and they feel equal.

    Laziness, routine thinking, rationalism, lack of an emotional "spark" in the conditions of this technology are removed almost automatically. Relaxedness activates intuition and imagination.

    There is going beyond standard thinking. Interactive interaction creates a synergistic effect. Someone else's ideas are refined, developed and supplemented, the chance of missing a constructive idea decreases.

    A large number of ideas and proposals are involved, which allows you to avoid a stereotype of thinking and select a productive idea.

    Brainstorm Is a simple method that is easy to understand and easy to apply in a business meeting. It does not require complex equipment, technology, much time and a specially organized spatial environment.

    It is also necessary to highlight the disadvantages of brainstorming, which will help to avoid problems when solving problems by brainstorming.

    In connection with the fact, during a brainstorming, the generation of any ideas, even fantastic ones, is encouraged; often its participants leave the real problem. It can be difficult to find rational and productive ideas in the stream of various proposals. In addition, the method does not guarantee a thorough development of the proposed idea.

    Due to the high degree of involvement of the meeting participants, everyone is responsible for the final result, and if everyone has ideas, the time spent on discussing them increases.

    If the staff is poorly trained in cooperation and teamwork, the participants in the meeting may not be satisfied with the effectiveness of their activities. In addition, many participants may insist on their own authorship of the discussed ideas and prefer to be leaders in the creative process at the expense of those who are less developed and prepared.

    Not enough developed ability distillation causes difficulties in choosing from a large number of developed ideas only those that will really contribute to solving a problem or problem and, therefore, they can be translated into concrete actions.

    When something went wrong, a difficult problem is not solved and, in general, "the crocodile is not caught, the coconut does not grow", you need to turn to the collective mind. Of course, collective work is not always more effective than individual work, especially in creativity. However, in the face of an intellectual impasse, a properly organized “mind unification” can yield tremendous results. One of the most well-known methods of collective intellectual activity is the brainstorming method.

    The saying “one head is good, two is better” did not arise by chance. It has long been noticed that the most interesting, bright ideas and solutions come to mind when you discuss your problem with someone. And often it is enough to tell another person about an incomprehensible moment in order to understand the essence of the issue. And you have noticed, I think, that other people's problems that have been shared with you are easier to solve than your own, and other people's mistakes are more noticeable.

    What happens, from the point of view of psychology, in the process of collective discussion of the problem? It is known that thoughts are born as an exchange of impulses between different parts of the cerebral cortex. And during a collective discussion, external resources are connected to it, and not only your system of associations is triggered, but also the associative memory of the interlocutor. And it is not at all necessary that it is richer than yours, just different, and experience and knowledge are different. Thus, intellectual resources are doubled. And if not two, but several people participate in the discussion, then the volume and variability of associative information increases many times.

    The process of speaking is also of great importance. Talking about a problem, you clothe sometimes vague thoughts in clear phrases and formulations - after all, you need the interlocutor to understand you. In speech activity, the process of "crystallization" of thought takes place.

    The ancient psychophysiological mechanism also plays an important role in collective discussion. It manifests itself in the fact that, surrounded by other people, a person unconsciously "reads" their emotional state, feelings, moods and psychologically tunes in to the group, as if becoming one with it. This setting causes a kind of resonance effect - not only emotions become brighter and stronger, but also more effective mental activity.

    But with a group intellectual activity not so simple. The phenomenon of infection also leads to an increase in the spontaneity of the behavior of people in a group, and a discussion that is left to chance very quickly turns into a chaotic "bazaar", or even into a scandal due to disagreement of some with the opinion of others. Therefore, the correct organization of the group discussion of the problem plays an important role.

    By the way, the effectiveness of organized collective thought was noticed by people in ancient times. In ancient chronicles, stories have been preserved that the method of controlled, organized discussion of a problem was used by the ancient Vikings. IN difficult situation the jarl or the captain of the drakkar gathered the entire team and invited the soldiers to speak out. Everyone had to speak, starting with the youngest and inexperienced, ending with the leader or captain. This arrangement ensured freedom of expression when the elders did not suppress the initiative of the younger ones. But the final decision was made by the leader.

    This principle is also at the heart of the popular heuristic brainstorming method, or brainstorming.

    Features of the brainstorming method

    Briefly characterizing this method, then its essence is that all members of the group express the largest possible number of ideas for solving the problem. Ideas can be from banal to the most delusional, the main thing is that there are a lot of them. The purpose of this method is to break the mindset that prevents you from seeing a new, original, non-standard solution.

    The history of the method

    Although brainstorming sessions were known in ancient times, the American researcher of creativity Alex Osborne is now considered its author. The idea behind this method has an interesting history.

    During World War II, Osborne served as an officer in the English Navy. One of the main problems was the German torpedoes, which killed many ships. The question of how to protect the ship from this threat seemed insoluble until Osborne used the ancient Viking method. He assembled the crew on deck and invited everyone, starting with the cabin boy, to formulate their options for solving the problem. Among the many constructive and not very constructive proposals, one seemed interesting to Osborne. The sailor, apparently, jokingly suggested that the whole team line up on the side of the deck where the torpedo is expected, and amicably blow on it, thereby driving it away from the side.

    Rave? At first glance, yes. However, after some time, Osborne patented his invention: an additional propeller, which was installed so as to drive a wave along the side of the ship, thereby forcing the torpedoes to deviate from the course.

    This experience of finding a creative solution inspired A. Osborne so much that after the end of the war he began research. And he described the method of collective search for solutions, which he called brainstorming (brainstorming), in the book "Guided Imagination", which was published in 1953.

    Basic rules and principles of brainstorming

    In brainstorming, as in any collective method, proper organization plays an important role. All participants in brainstorming are divided into two groups, one of them, which includes idea generators, is called "storming", and the second consists of critics and analysts who consider the effectiveness and efficiency of all proposed solutions.

    Composition and selection rule for group members

    As for the group "storming", the most effective is considered to be a group of 6-8 people. Fewer people limit the variety of ideas they can express, and more people make it harder to organize. When selecting members of the "assault" group, the following should be considered:

    • there should be professionals in the group, people who understand the problem, although their experience and level of knowledge may be different;
    • The "storming ones" must be equal, any relations of subordination and pressure of authority are excluded;
    • in the process of work, it is necessary to maintain an atmosphere of benevolence and encouragement of any ideas; people should not feel discomfort and fear of being stupid or upstart;
    • "Storming" is also an important condition that must be taken into account when selecting a group.

    In addition to those who express ideas, those who evaluate, criticize, and analyze these ideas also participate in brainstorming. Their task is to listen carefully, record and objectively evaluate each, even the most fantastic or delusional solution, and identify constructive and original thoughts in it.

    The group of critics should include people with a high level, who have an analytical mindset and, of course, also understand the essence of the problem. Important qualities members of the analytical group should be open to everything new and have a positive attitude, as well as faith in the success of the case and in the possibility of finding an effective solution. They should not only analyze and criticize ideas, but also stimulate the "storming" to find a solution.

    Brainstorming procedure

    Brainstorming consists of several stages. The success of finding solutions to the problem depends on the correct organization of each of them.

    1. Selection of group members. It is important to take into account not only the competence and mentality of the "storming" and "critics", but also their relationship. Latent or dislike between participants can lead to impairment and bias.
    2. Statement of the problem. A clear definition of the problem to be solved is essential for the correct direction of the discussion. It is also better to entrust this to professionals, otherwise the discussion may go in a completely different direction.
    3. Generation of ideas. This is the main stage when the group of "storming" is actively working, and its members must express as many ideas as possible. At this stage, the role of the leader-organizer of the assault is very important. It stimulates the activity of the participants, encourages the timid and silent, guides the discussion, but in no case does not put pressure on its authority.
    4. Systematization of ideas. At this stage, a group of critics is actively involved in the work, whose members must record all the ideas expressed, no matter how crazy they seem. And the first stage of their active work is the systematization of the proposed solutions. Its criteria are selected depending on the goal, but they can be as simple as possible. For example, it is possible to classify ideas into categories: "real", "unreal", "there is something in this", "complete nonsense" and "brilliant". By the way, the borderline between the last two categories is often difficult to distinguish.
    5. Evaluation and criticism of ideas. All options are analyzed and evaluated for the degree of promising and originality. This applies even to the most ingenious, which prevents mistakes in the future. After all, one overlooked trifle can make a seemingly ingenious decision unproductive.
    6. Selection of the most suitable ideas. This is the final step that summarizes the work of the think tank.

    And if among the proposed solutions to the problem, there were no suitable ones? Then the brainstorming procedure is started again, possibly with a different composition of the groups. The leader, in the role of which he often acts, the head of the unit, etc., should evaluate the effectiveness of their work

    Disadvantages of Brainstorming

    Brainstorming immediately became popular after the publication of A. Osborne's book. Despite the criticism of many professional psychologists, he was carried away in all areas of activity: from elementary school to government offices. Brainstorming was considered almost a miracle-working method with which you can solve any problem. True, this hobby reached our country much later, which did not diminish the enthusiasm for the method.

    However, it gradually became clear that brainstorming requires a lot of energy and working time, and the proposed solutions are far from always suitable for implementation. In fact, a seemingly serious method turned into an exciting, but often useless game. The point here is the objective disadvantages of brainstorming:

    • Disorganization. The spontaneous process of generating ideas led to the expression of a large number of original, but not viable solutions. After all, all the participants tried to demonstrate, first of all, their creativity, and final goal was often forgotten altogether. Attempts to somehow organize and streamline the process led to a decrease in its productivity - people simply fell silent, fearing to say something wrong.
    • Refusal to evaluate ideas in the generation process. This principle, important for the method, led to a whole complex of problems. Often a good, working solution was simply "chatted up", forgotten, lost behind the mass of more original, but less working options. As expected, the attention of the group was attracted by the most fantastic ideas, and the natural process of associative thinking took the participants far beyond the rational. And each new idea was even more fantastic than the previous one.
    • Brainstorming, as a method, is suitable for a certain category of people - open, sociable, actively interacting. Creative personalities often do not belong to this category, so they felt constrained and uncomfortable in a brainstorming environment reminiscent of an oriental bazaar. It often turned out that the most creative individuals were the least active.

    Because of these shortcomings, brainstorming was criticized at the peak of its popularity, and now it is rarely at all a truly working tool for generating ideas. Most often, brainstorming is used by psychologists or coaches to demonstrate the benefits of teamwork and the effectiveness of collective intelligence.

    But still, you should not completely abandon the principle of group work when solving complex problems. Understanding this led to the development of various modifications of brainstorming, in which they tried to eliminate the shortcomings of the original method. This, for example, is the "Ship Council" method, where one person - the leader - played the role of a group of critics. On the basis of brainstorming, the heuristic method "Delphi", which is less known in our country, was also developed, including the work of independent experts and the synectician W. Gordon.