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  • Theoretical and scientific and methodological foundations of optimizing the social development of preschool children in the conditions of the Chekhman's orchard, Aishat Shhahmedovna. Theoretical and scientific and methodological foundations

    Theoretical and scientific and methodological foundations of optimizing the social development of preschool children in the conditions of the Chekhman's orchard, Aishat Shhahmedovna. Theoretical and scientific and methodological foundations

    The main scientific provisions formulated by the author on the basis of the studies carried out:

    • The process of socializing orphans is characterized by specific features, the need to overcome the "barriers" of the development, due to the hereditary factors and the specifics of the social situation of education outside the family. An adequate social development of this contingent of children is possible only in the situation of accounting for this specificity and the organization of educational work oriented towards children.
    • Existing children's homes can solve the problem of adequate social Development The identity of the child-clergyman is only in the case of a comprehensive restructuring of their activities on targeted, meaningful and technological levels. To do this, it is necessary to reorient the children's homes with the "educational" accentuation on the priority of the tasks of the personal formation and psychological harmonization of the child; Rebuild the pedagogical process with the orientation on: an open nature of educational institutions for children - orphans; The maximum approach of the orphanage to the family type of education; organization of the relevant space of the orphanage; close interaction of all entities of education inside the orphanage and beyond; Accounting for the principle of sex differentiation of upbringing; Refusal of the Zasil of Frontal Forms of Work in favor of the Organization various shapes Emotional and personal communications with children, accounting for the experience of the previous child's homeland child's life experience and building individual interaction strategies.
    • The most important condition for optimizing the social development of preschool children in orphanages is the development of scientific and theoretical foundations (the concept of social development, model, etc.) and a package of methodological support (programs, methodological benefits, etc.).
    • A prerequisite for optimizing the social development of orphans in orphanages is the preparation of qualified personnel, aimed at regard to the specifics of the development of this category of students and the originality of the social development situation in which they are located, weapons of teachers with the necessary professional knowledge and skills, as well as the prevention of personal burnout .

    Monographs, educational and methodological manuals

    1. Shamesova A.Sh. Education of orphans of preschool age. [Text] / Shahmenova A.Sh. M.: Academy, 2005, 12.p.l ..

    2. Kozlova S.A., Shakhmanova A.Sh. Children's home teacher: Monograph: M.: Arya, 2011, 12p.l.

    3. Shamesova A.Sh. Preschool Pedagogy: Program and Methodical Recommendations for the course. [Text] / Shakhmanova A.Sh.: Makhachkala.: DGPU, 2001, 3 p.

    4. Shakhmanova A.Sh. Social development of senior preschool children in the context of communication deficit with parents: Program. Thematic planning and abstracts of classes. [Text] / Shakhmanova A.Sh.: M.: School Press, 2008, 6 pp.

    5. Kozlova S.A., Kozotokar S.V., Shahmanova A.Sh., Shukshina S.E. Theory and methodology for familiarization of preschoolers with the social world: a teaching and methodological manual for students of the correspondence department [Text] / Shahmenova A.Sh. // Call. Monograph // - M.: MHPU, 2009,11,5 P.L.

    6. Shamesova A.Sh. Basics of pedagogical skills: Educational and Methodological complex of discipline [Text] / Shahmenova A.Sh.: MGPU. - Series "Curriculum", 2010, 1.5 pp.

    7. Shamesova A.Sh. Preschooler in the Children's House [Text [/ Shakhmanova A.Sh. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the RSPU. A.I. Herzen, 2004, (0.2 pp)

    8. Shamesova A.Sh. About the program of educating children of preschool age in the conditions of an unfavorable social situation [Text] / Shahmenova A.Sh. M.: Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. 2007 (16). (0.5 p.)

    9. Shakhmanova A.Sh. Socio-pedagogical problems of raising orphans in Russia. [Text] / Shahmenova A.Sh. M.: Pedagogy. 2005. №5. (0.3 p.)

    10. Shamesova A.Sh. On the program of education of children of preschool age in the conditions of an unfavorable social situation. [Text] / Shahmenova A.Sh. M.: Pre-school education. 2009. No. 9. (0.1p.l.)

    11. Shahmanova A. Sh. The concept of socialization of children in the conditions of parental deprivation. [Text] / Shahmenova A.Sh. Rostov-on-Don: Izvestia Southern Federal University. Pedagogical sciences. 2009. №12. (0.5 p.)

    12. Shakhmanova A.Sh. The specificity of the professional activity of the teacher of the orphanage. [Text] / Shahmenova A.Sh. SP-B.: Scientific and theoretical magazine "Scientific Notes of the University named after P.F. Lesgafeta. " 2011.№2 (72) (0.3 pp)

    13. Shakhmanova A.Sh. Features of the development of children outside the family. [Text] / Shakhmanova A.Sh.: m. Primary education. 2011. №1. (0.5 p.)

    14. Shakhmanova A.Sh. The role of an adult in the education of a child-orphan. [Text] / Shahmenova A.Sh.m.: Primary education. 2011 №3. (0.7 p.)

    15. Shamesova A.Sh. Self-satisfaction of childhood and responsibility of adults before children. [Text] / Shahmenova A.Sh. Man and education. Academic Bulletin Institute pedagogical education and adult education Russian Academy Education (FGNU Ipoov RAO). 2012. №1 (30). (0, 2 p.)

    16. Shamesova A.Sh. Loked, as a socio-historical phenomenon [Text] / Shahmenova A.Sh.: Tomsk. Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. 2012. №6. (0,5p.l.)

    Articles, theses

    17. Shamesova A.Sh. Program of social development of preschool children in a orphanage. [Text] / Shahmenova A.Sh.// Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. M: MGPU. 2008 (19). (0.5 p.)

    480 rub. | 150 UAH. | $ 7.5 ", Mouseoff, Fgcolor," #FFFFCC ", BGColor," # 393939 ");" onmouseout \u003d "Return nd ();" "dissertation, - 480 rubles, delivery 1-3 hours, from 10-19 (Moscow time), except Sunday

    Shakhmeov, Aishat Shihahmedovna. Theoretical and scientific and methodological foundations of optimization of social development of children of preschool age in the conditions of the orphanage: the dissertation ... Doctors of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.01 / Shakhman Aishat Shahahahamedovna; [Place of protection: Moscow City Pedagogical University] .- Moscow, 2012.- 430 C.: IL. RGB OD, 71 13-13 / 119

    Introduction to work

    The relevance of research

    We present the relevance of research problems in three directions: social conditionality, theoretical significance, practical expediency.

    Social conditionality of the problem.

    Childhood is the most important stage of the formation of a person. It has
    incredit value, on the one hand, as a foundation defining
    Main trends further development, on the other hand, a gem period,
    giving a child a unique life experience, difficult to fill on
    Others age steps. All the children of the Earth have the right to prosper
    childhood. And this right is fixed in the main

    international documents and appraising acts, such as Declaration and Convention on the Rights of Children adopted by the overwhelming majority of the countries of the world. However, in practice, not all children have the opportunity to implement this right. In a particularly vulnerable situation are orphans and children left without parental care.

    Of particular relevance, the problem of the orphanhood acquired in Russia, where at present, according to the Ministry of Education and Science without parental care, over 760 thousand people are brought up (excluding intervalists), and according to independent experts, their number reaches 1 million. In orphanages, about 260 thousand orphans and children left without parental care are constantly living in orphanages, shelters, children's homes and boarding schools. Against the background of the general reduction in the number of children's population, today every hundredth child in Russia lives in the state orphan institution.

    Currently, the problem of orphanhood is one of the priority state problems. The country has created a regulatory - legal framework aimed at protecting the interests of this category of pupils. Orphans are engaged in 19 different departments. Significant material resources are allocated for their content. According to the authorized President of the Russian Federation for the Rights of the Child P.Astakhov, the maintenance of one child in the orphanage stands out from 350 thousand to 2 million rubles per year (depending on the region). However, despite the constant attention of the state to this problem, the situation cannot radically solve the situation.

    Every year, about 20,000 orphan children overlook the orphanages, the overwhelming majority of them (90%) cannot be adequately socialized in society, replete rows of asocial personalities (criminals, alcoholics and drug addicts, suicides, etc.).

    Thus, there is a contradiction between the interest of the state and society in socially adapted, active, creative, law-abiding citizens, the enormous material and spiritual costs for their upbringing and the impossibility of the existing system of the charity of orphans and children left without parental care, ensure that this task is to solve . In addition, the situation aggravates the fact that behind the dry numbers of statistics of the unfavorable graduates of orphanages are crippled human destinies.

    The main reason for which the solution of this problem, in our opinion, is the lack of a coordinated, well-thought-out, scientifically based strategy to solve the problem of orphans, uniting social and psychological and pedagogical aspects and aimed at ensuring each child the opportunity to realize their right to prosperous childhood and successful socialization in Society, strategies built on accounting for the features of the development of this category of children and creating optimal conditions for their personal formation.

    Currently, the state system of raising orphans and children left without parental care includes children's homes (252); Children's shelters (615); Children's houses (1850); boarding schools for orphans (330); Socio-rehabilitation centers of orphans (705); Adoption, custody, patronage, etc. The existence of various forms of the charity of this category of pupils is undoubtedly a positive trend, as it allows you to satisfy the needs of different groups of children. However, at recent times attempts are being made to close orphanages, and children "distribute" in the family to adoption. The idea is positive, but unreal for execution. And practice has shown inconsistency, incorrectness of such a decision: about 70% of families (parents) refuse to adoption, some of the children in their peculiarities will never be welcome for the adoptive family; Part of the children cannot be proposed for adoption (for example, a special category of sick children, children whose parents are not devoid of parental rights, etc.). This attempt not only did not solve the task, but harmed the mental state of children and adoptive parents. Children re-survived the stress of family deprivation, they again abandoned them, they again fell in the category of unnecessary adults, and adults saw their inconsistency in fulfilling the role of parents, and this traumatic situation could also not affect their mental state. All this only aggravated the situation.

    An analysis of the existing system of education of orphans shows that any institutions organized by the state for such children have the right to exist, they cannot be opposed to each other and even more so mutually exclusive. All of them performing their function needed to children. The problem is not to get rid of orphanages, thus, the task of combating orphans has been solved. It should be thought to optimize the education of orphans in the conditions of children's institutions (child houses,

    children's homes, boarding schools). And even if the number of children in orphanages decreases, it is still impossible to refuse them. The development of a scientifically based concept of optimizing the existing system of orphanages and boarding schools, reorienting them to record the characteristics of personal development and the current needs of orphans and children left without parental care.

    The theoretical need to study the problem is due to a number of reasons:

    1. Insufficiently developed the theoretical and methodological foundations of the social development of the personality of a orphan child in the conditions of a orphanage at the initial stages of formation (preschool childhood). Despite the fact that at the research level, the problem of social development of a orphan child in the orphanage was raised, but it was solved in relation to children of school age, or when it concerned the preschoolers, regardless of the analysis of the experience of their previous life and therefore could not have a serious The impact on the change in the level of social development of children in a special situation.

    It should be noted that orphans are very inhomogeneous
    Contingent, uniting different categories of pupils: orphan (4%),
    who have experience in a normal family, whose parents died and
    social orphans (96%), whose parents are alive, but in mind different reasons
    (are in places of detention, devoid of parental rights, etc.)
    They are engaged in the upbringing of their children. Social orphans, in turn,
    combine children - pupils of a child's houses left
    parents in the first days and weeks of life and who never knew who
    mum; children with life experience in disadvantaged family and hit B.
    Child house as a result of the deprivation of their parental parents; children-
    having experience "on the street" (train stations, markets,
    basements, etc.). Each of the named subgroups is characterized
    specific peculiarities of development, but they all have both
    Features, such as: Health Problems (both physical and
    mental); Intellectual lag manifested in
    limited horizons, underdevelopment of mental cognitive

    processes; the absence of skills of educational activities; Problems of psycho-emotional development, socialization, etc. The social formation of each of the named categories is based on a special way due to (among other reasons) life experience before the child's admission to the orphanage and requires accounting for these features in the educational process of the orphanage. These objective features represent a certain difficulty specifically in the social development of the child, in how it enters (and will be included) into the social world and require compulsory accounting in organizing educational and educational work with this contingent of pupils. A deep theoretical analysis of the consequences of the previous child's home experience of the child's life is necessary for its development and the development of directions for adjusting these consequences. Requires

    development Conceptual substantiation of the goal, tasks and content of work with children in this direction.

    2. An orphanage - the traditionally established form of the charity of orphans. Currently, children's homes are organized by the type of activities of ordinary educational institutions for children from the family, but with a round-the-clock stay of pupils. The main focus is made on the implementation of the educational function. Such an organization does not contribute to the full development of the orphan child. After all, the child-pupil of an ordinary educational institution after a kindergarten or school will return home, where it will be able to realize his need for emotional and personal communication, and a child-orphan child in an orphanage is such a possibility. Without the realization of this basic need (in love, emotional intimacy, understanding), the full development of the personality is impossible. Currently, in orphanages, this need for children does not receive proper satisfaction. Such a situation is due to the theoretical and methodological inhematization of the model of the pedagogical process of the orphanage, interaction with adults, peers and the world around, which would maximally meet the implementation of all the basic needs of the orphan child, including the need for emotionally personal communication, love, acceptance and understanding . It is obvious that the development of a common strategy of organizing life, upbringing and learning children of preschool age, which are in special conditions of the orphanage, the definition of principles that should be based on the basis of building a pedagogical process, the answer to the question: what an institution should be in the form of an organization To educate orphans of preschool age, as well as scientific and methodological support of the process of education in orphanages.

    3. Perestroika of the orphanage as an educational institution requires changing approaches to training. Currently, the professional activities of pedagogues of orphanages are based on the type of teachers of ordinary educational institutions for children from the family (there are no qualification characteristics for this category of specialists). Reciplying the role of the teacher of the orphanage, its functional duties, which should be focused not only to fulfill educational functions (training and education), as is done now, but to compensation, as far as possible, the child is missing parents, the organization of various forms of emotional personal Communication with them, etc. Today there is no professional education in the system educational institutionscarrying out such training.

    We believe that a special theoretical, methodological and organizational work is necessary in this direction. Preparation of teachers for working with orphans should be carried out as in the face of pedagogical educational institutions and for them special courses at the undergraduate stage and specialist, specialized programs at the magistracy level, etc.) and in the direction of ensuring

    optimal opportunities to increase professional competence of specialists of orphanages (the development of the content of advanced training courses, theoretical seminars, training groups in orphanages, etc.), which are not enough today. A very important aspect of training teachers for working with pupils of orphanages is a targeted work on the prevention of personal burnout of teachers who, by virtue of the specifics of work and continuous cooperation with such a difficult contingent of children, are strongly subject to this phenomenon. It is necessary to conduct theoretical and methodical study of this phenomenon and develop a system of such work with teachers.

    The implementation of this approach is also impossible without a scientific and methodological justification and development model of the professional activity of the teacher of the orphanage aimed at the preparation of teachers for work in an orphanage.

    Practical need The study of the selected problem is the need to develop software and methodological support of social development of preschool children in the conditions of orphanage and development teaching materials For specialized training of teachers for working with orphans in universities, colleges, in advanced training system.

    Analysis of the state of the problem gives the basis to allocate objective contradictions:

    between the orientation of the international community to strengthen the attention of childhood protection, recognition of the responsibility of adults for the life and welfare of the younger generation and the insecurity of the real conditions for the implementation of these requirements;

    between the needs of society in socially adapted adequate, moral, creative citizens and an existing orphan system that does not ensure the implementation of this need;

    between the social needs of orphans and children left without parental care raised in the face of orphanages and the impossibility of the traditional pedagogical process of children's home to satisfy them;

    between the need to optimize the process of social development of the orphan child and the level of theoretical and methodological development of the problem in scientific research;

    between the huge value in the development of personality initial stages formation (early and pre-school childhood) and the underestimation of this period at the social level and the level of scientific and theoretical understanding;

    between the complexity and specificity of tasks that are designed to decide

    pedagogue of the orphanage and the absence of a special system

    vocational training of pedagogical personnel in universities and


    The need to eliminate these contradictions identified

    research Problem: "Theoretical and scientific and methodological foundations

    optimization of social development of preschool children in

    creative conditions of the orphanage. "

    Object of study: Social development of a preschooler child in an orphanage.

    Subject of study: The conditions for optimizing the process of social development of orphans and children left without parental care in the conditions of a orphanage.

    purpose of this study: Development and justification of the theoretical and scientific and methodological foundations of the process of optimizing the formation of a child-orphan personality in a preschool orphanage.

    Hypothesis Research:

    Social development of preschool children in the conditions of a orphanage will be optimally under the combination of the following conditions:

      changes in the principle of child's entry into social world, based on the specifics of the social formation of a orphan child (severe heredity, education outside the family, etc.) and existing "barriers" of its development, orientation to the child's preceding the child's individual experience of the child and building individual strategies socialization in accordance with it;

      the scientific development of the theoretical and scientific and methodological foundations of the social development of preschoolers in the face of orphanages, a holistic concept and model of social development of a child-orphanage;

      the restructuring of the educational and educational work of the orphanage on a substantial (along with the implementation of the entire spectrum of educational functions, the content of education should include such aspects as: psychological harmonization of the personality of the child-orphanage and the development of its communicative skills; expansion of household skills and skills; creative development personality; POLOROLIA SOCIALIZATION, VOLUING THE FIRE OF LEGAL CULTURE, etc.), and technological (open nature of the orphanage; approaching life in a children's home to family; organization of the relevant educational

    space of the preschool orphanage; transition from the predominance of frontal forms of work to the priority of emotionally personal communication with children; rejection of the excessive regulation of the life of children and the transition to the variation planning and work; a combination of individual and collective forms of working with children; Providing contacts of preschool children with children from schoolchildren from the same kindergarten and peers beyond) levels.

    4. Changing the approaches to training for working with orphans, the scientific and methodological justification of the content and technology of such work in the conditions of professional pedagogical institutions (undergraduate, magistracy) and in the system of advanced training of teachers, including the prevention of professional burning of the pedagog of the orphanage in this work With the training of his overcoming.

    Objectives of research

    First group of tasks associated with the development of the theoretical foundations of the study:

    1. Develop a set of provisions constituting socio
    Pedagogical foundations of development and education of children in preschool

      To identify the main trends and patterns of development and education of children in the pre-school orphanages.

      Develop a concept and a comprehensive model of the child's upbringing process in a preschool orphanage and training for working with children.

    Second group of tasks Wears meaningful target and procedural nature:

      Justify and test the methodology for building a pedagogical process of preschool orphanage;

      Develop a professional pedagog care professional.

    3. Develop content and personnel training technology for
    Works with children in the conditions of the orphanage.

    Third group of tasks Wears applied character:

    1. Develop a program of social development of children,
    raising in preschool orphanages;

    2. Develop the content of master training of teachers,
    preparing for working with children in a children's home;

    3. Develop a cycle of special couplings for undergraduate on the specifics of development
    children and pedagogical work with them in the conditions of the orphanage;

    And develop a training program and programs

    theoretical seminar for pedagogues of orphanages.

    The degree of development of the topic and theoretical base of the study

    The triune character of our subject matter is the social development of the orphan child, the pedagogical process of the orphanage and the specifics of training for such institutions - inevitably determines the delimitation of its components and analyzing the independence of each of the directions. For us were of interest:

      Research, considering different aspects of socialization, adaptation and rehabilitation of pupils of orphanages (V.M. Brevnova, O.V. Bekinina, L.A. Vinichenko, I.V. Dubrovina, M.V. Istomina, S. Koshman, B. A. Kutan, St. Laktionova, V.I. Popov, A.N. Pronin, V. Streltsova, G.N. Shvetsova, etc.); Spiritual and moral development of pupils (A.A. Burlakova, I.A. Kalabina, L.P. Sasunun, etc.); Issues of polish development and preparing children to family life (G.I. Plyansova, R.G., N.E. Tatartseva et al.); views on modern training of preschoolers (A.I. Savenkov, L.A. Paramonov et al.); Problems of psychological harmonization of the personality of a orphan (L.I. Avdeeva, N.Yu. Velichko, O.I. Herbert, T.G. Lukovenko, V.V. Nolovina, N.K. Radina, Satyshev and Dr.).

      Studies in which the pedagogical process of orphanages is analyzed and searching for its optimization (D.N. Gribkov, 3.Trogonko, E.N.Drygina, A. B. Zaytsev, N.V. Kononenko, V.V. Komarov, .E. Kobrinsky, V.V. Komarov, S.N. Koshman, K.V. Kulakov, Xu. Martynova, Yu.M. Merzlyakov, L.L.Mityaev, V.V. Mikhailov, N.A. . Paliyeva, .L.Ronmenova, L.R. Yagutina and

    3. Of particular interest for us were studies dedicated to us

    the problem of training specialists to work with orphans (O.V. Ainikina, A.A. Vasilyev, T.A. Demidova, V.Yu. Ivanova, E.B. Kirichenko, E.O. Kravchenko, Yu.N. Kuznetsova, I.A. Romanova, L.M. Simkin, S.Ya. Skrinsky et al.), In which various aspects of this problem are considered. At the same time, they did not set their task to develop a modern concept of training for working with children of preschool age in a orphanage, justification of the characteristics of the pedagogue of the children's home.

    Despite the fact that the impression of the development of the problem in modern studies is created, their analysis shows that, first of all, most studies are devoted to the children of school age, while the features of adaptation and socialization of the child early and preschool age are practically not studied, although They have pronounced specifics and their place in the process of emerging personality. Secondly, the methodological and theoretical foundations of the social development of children - preschoolers in the conditions of the orphanage, which does not give

    opportunities to develop an adequate system of software-methodical
    accompaniment. Thirdly, in the core studies was made

    attempting, significantly without changing the essence of the process of upbringing in an orphanage, solve local problems, but such a palliative approach cannot fundamentally change the situation in the work of the orphanage.

    Methodological foundations of research The philosophical concepts of socialization of the individual (A.V. Mudrik, I.S. Kon, B.C. Mukhina, A.V. Petrovsky and others); social conditioning (k.d. Ushinsky, P.F. Kapterev, P.P. Blonsky, A.S. Makarenko, G.V. Family, etc.); Understanding childhood ka

    by the period of maximum disclosure of the potential features of the child (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, N.F. Vinogradova, V.T. Kudryavtsev, P.M., Chumichev, etc.); The theory of an activity approach (A.V. Brushlinsky, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, etc.); Ideas about the socio-historical conditionality of the phenomenon of education (A.V. Averyanov, V.G. Afanasyev, I.V. Blauberg, V.G. Budanov, Sp. Kurdyumumov, V.N. Sadovsky, E.G. Yudin); Regulations on the unique individuality of the individual, its intrinsicness (B.M.Bim-Bad, E.V. Bondarevskaya, N.D. Nikandrov, D.I. Feldstein, A.G. Asmolov, etc.).

    Theoretical foundations of research make up

    concepts a holistic pedagogical process (Yu.K. Babansky, V.P. Bespalko, V.V. Kraevsky, V.V. Komarov, I.Ya. Lerner, G.I. Schukina, etc.); Socio-pedagogical concepts of human interaction and environment in the process of personality socialization (B.Z. Vulfov, A.V. Mudrik, Nov. Filonov, etc.); personal-oriented education defining the identity of the child as the highest value (N.A. Alekseev, E.V. Bondarevskaya, V.V. Serikov et al.); Childhood as a space of the development of the body, personality and formation of individuality and sociocultural experience of children of preschool age (L.S. Vygotsky, S.A. Kozlova, V.T. Kudryavtsev, D.I. Feldstein, P.M. Chumicheva);

    theory personal-oriented and activity approach to upbringing (S.A. Samonashvili, E.V. Bondarevskaya, O.S. Bogdanova, Z.I. Vasilyeva, N.F. Vinogradova, V.A. Slastin, I.F. Kharlamov and etc.); Preschool Education, identifying sensitive periods of childhood preschool age and optimal conditions for comprehensive personality development in the process of training and education (A.G. Gogoberidze, O.M. Dyachenko, I.E. Kulikovskaya, V.I. L. L.A. Paramonov et al.);

    theoretical ideas democratization and humanization of education presented in international and Russian legal instruments and laws; The ideas of an integrated and personal-oriented approach to children (B.M. Bim-Bad, V.I. Slobodchikov, L.M. Shpitin, E.I. Stepanov, I.S. Yakimanskaya et al.);

    views foreign scientists associated with the rationale for the conflict entry of the child on Wednesday of independent life and

    activities as a member of society, the doctrine on the motivation of personality behavior (A. Mashloau); Structural and functional theory of socialization of the individual (T.S.S.); The theory of moral development of the personality (E. Erickson).

    Scientific Methodical (Didactic) Basics The work carried out the works of educational scientists and teachers - innovators in the field of educating children left without parental care (I.I. Betskaya, V.F. Odoyevsky, K.D. Shushinsky, V.N. Soroka-Rosinsky, A.S. . Makarenko); Studies on the problems of social protection of orphans (A.N.Nechaeva, E.M. Yerbinsky, T. N. Poddubny, etc.); scientific work, examining the features of the development of orphans and children left without parental care (L.I. Bowovich, I.V.Dubrovina, M.I. Lisin, AM Podishozhan, N.N. Tolstoy, N.A. Kotosonova, etc. ); Basics of psychoddactics, as the branch of scientific knowledge of integrating psychology and theory of learning (A.I. Savenkov); Education of orphans (L.V. Bayborodova, V.V. Belyakov, E.A. Gorshkova, I.F. Dementieva, N.P. Ivanova, A.S. Kochkin, G.V. Semia, L.K .Sidorova); Theoretical and experimental studies of the specifics of the institutions of the boarding school (S. Boekker, I. Langmeier, I.V. Dubrovina, V.T. Kudryavtsev, A.G. Ruza, V.V. Komarov, Yu.M. Merzlyakov, N.F . Velianova, etc.).

    Scientific novelty research:

    a holistic scientific concept of social development of preschool children was developed in the conditions of a kindergarten, in which the value, target, meaningful, structural and technological aspects of the development of a preschooler appear in the new light;

    criteria, indicators, levels of social development of the child of the preschool age raising in the conditions of the orphanage;

    a holistic model of a new type of kindergarten for orphans has been proposed, which is based on the principle of openness of the institution, the integration of the content of education and training, the interpenetration of various forms of the organization of the pedagogical process, accounting for the specifics of boarding facilities in the training of personnel to work in them;

    theoretically substantiated and technologically developed concept and
    Social development program for preschool children in
    Creative conditions of the orphanage.

    research and theoretical justification of the originality
    Professional activities of the teacher of preschool orphanage
    from the position of target, substantive and technological guidelines,
    A professional profession is developed.

    Theoretical significance of the study. The study contributes to the scientific development of the problem of the dependence of the child's development from social living conditions, it has been proven that there are correlations between the level of social development.

    and life experience preceding the child's getting into an orphanage;
    the level of social development and age in which the child remains
    without parental care; between the quality of educational work in
    An orphanage orientation on topical needs of orphans and
    the level of social development of the child; Between the level

    professional competence of the teacher and the level of psychosocial well-being of pupils;

    the study develops and complements scientific ideas about the areas of social development of the child in the conditions of a kindergarten (expanding the ideas about society; psychological harmonization of the identity of the child; the formation of household representations and skills); The study substantiates the optimal parameters of the integration of the content, forms and methods of social development of the child of preschool age in the conditions of a orphanage, giving reason to develop a scientifically based technology of organizing the life and development of the child; The study makes adjustment to training for working with orphans on axiological, meaningful and technological levels. Practical significance of the study.

    The conceptual foundations of the new model of the orphanage, the program "Social development of children of senior preschool age in the conditions of a shortage of communication with parents" make it possible to optimize the process of social development of orphans and children left without parental care.

    Materials Studies contribute to the practice of professional pedagogical education at the level of university training (undergraduate, master's system) and training systems for pedagogical personnel. Based on the study, the master's training program towards the "pedagogue of the orphanage" (1450 hours); Specialization Program for Students pedagogical universities (500 hours); Speccurs programs "Education of preschool orphans (36 hours); "The content and organization of the pedagogue of the orphanage" (36 hours); "Pedagogical support of children with problems of development" (36 hours); "Prevention of teacher's personal burnout" (24 hours) for undergraduate students. A program of improving professional qualifications for teachers and training and training for the prevention of personal "burnout" for pedagogues of orphanages is developed. Their implementation allows you to reflect in the training and retraining system of pedagogical personnel.

    Features of the education of orphans in the conditions of the orphanage, a set of competencies that the pedagogue of the orphanage must have a decision of the task of improving the professional competence of teachers working with orphans.

    Protection issues:

    The process of socializing orphans is characterized by specific features, the need to overcome the "barriers" of the development, due to the hereditary factors and the specifics of the social situation of education outside the family. An adequate social development of this contingent of children is possible only in the situation of accounting for this specificity and the organization of educational work oriented towards children.

    Existing children's homes can solve the problem of adequate social development of the personality of the child preschooler only in the case of a comprehensive restructuring of their activities on targeted, meaningful and technological levels. To do this, it is necessary to reorient the children's homes with the "educational" accentuation on the priority of the tasks of the personal formation and psychological harmonization of the child; Rebuild the pedagogical process with the orientation on: an open nature of educational institutions for children -sold; The maximum approach of the orphanage to the family type of education; organization of the relevant space of the orphanage; close interaction of all entities of education inside the orphanage and beyond; Accounting for the principle of sex differentiation of upbringing; Disclaimer of the Frontal forms of work in favor of organizing various forms of emotional and personal communication with children, accounting for the experience of the previous child's home to the child's life experience and building individual interaction strategies.

    The most important condition for optimizing the social development of preschool children in orphanages is the development of scientific and theoretical foundations (the concept of social development, model, etc.) and a package of methodological support (programs, methodological benefits, etc.).

    Prerequisite for optimizing the social development of orphans in the face of orphanages is the preparation of qualified personnel, aimed at regard to the specifics of the development of this category of pupils and the originality of the social development situation in which they are located, the armament of teachers necessary professional

    knowledge and skills, as well as the prevention of personal burnout.

    Research methods:

    The study used a complex of complementary methods: theoretical (analysis of scientific pedagogical, psychological, philosophical literature; regulatory, program-methodical documents; systematization, generalization, comparatively comparable analysis of the collected data); empirical (pedagogical experiment comprising a statement, forming and control stages; polling methods, observation, study of pedagogical documentation, learning experience pedagogical activity, Evaluation and measurement methods, Mathematical data processing methods). Organization of research

    The study was conducted from 1998 to 2012. Experimental base of research: a sanatorium orphanage for children - orphans and children left without parental care No. 48 of Moscow, orphanage №1 and the house of childhood №8 Election (Dagestan); Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy Education GBOU VPO MGPU; Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology DGPU (Dagestan). In total, for the entire period, the pilot experimental study covered 600 pupils of orphanages of preschool age, 200 pedagogues of orphanages and 500 students of IPGO GBOU VPO MGPU and Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology DGPU (Dagestan). The study was carried out in several directions and was built in stages.

    At the first stage An analysis of the sociocultural situation of the education of children was carried out in the pre-school orphanage; features of the development of this contingent of pupils; factors affecting the process of socializing preschoolers in the conditions of the orphanage.

    In the second stage Conceptual constructive approaches were determined to build the content of work on the socialization of preschool children in the conditions of the orphanage, determining pedagogical technology. Development of a conceptual model for the socialization of preschool children raising in the conditions of the orphanage.

    In the third stage Work was carried out on the development of selection criteria, design and evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed technology and maintenance, the level of development of pupils.

    At the fourth stage Work was carried out on the development and systematization of diagnostic tools, diagnostics of the initial level of social development of preschool children in orphanages; Experimental work, including the development of the content and technology of work on the social development of children

    preschool age in the conditions of the orphanage; Conduct a control stage of experimental work and summing up.

    At the fifth stage The results of an experimental study were summarized and analyzed, the effectiveness of the work was evaluated, conclusions were issued.

    The accuracy of the results obtained Provided methodological validity of the initial theoretical provisions, a set of used research methods, adequate to its tasks and logic, a variety of sources of information; a combination of high quality and quantitative analyzes; reproducibility of the results of experimental work.

    Testing and implementation of research results. The main provisions and research results were presented at scientific seminars, meetings of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy IPPO MGPU. They were outlined by the dissertation in reports and speeches at scientific and practical conferences. The principal conclusions of the dissertation study were approved in All-Russian and international scientific and practical conferences - "Herzen readings" (St. Petersburg, 2004); "Continuous vocational education in the XXI century" (Samara, 2008); "Moral education at the present stage" (m..2001); "Modern pre-school education problems" (M., 2004); "Humanistic ideas in psychology and pedagogy" (M., 2008); Preparation of specialists for the pre-school education system in the process of university education (Sadrinsk, 2008); "The rights of the child in the modern world" (M., 2008); Modern family: state, development trends "(M., 2008); "125 years in Moscow Psychological Society" (M., 2011); "Scientific schools as a factor in preparation of pedagogical personnel" (M., 2010); "A child in a modern educational environment" (M., 2011).

    The results of the study are set forth by the author in monographs, other scientific and methodological publications, textbooks, programs with common 59 printed sheets; Used in developing and reading lectures, courses for the choice of students (undergraduate and specialty), special courses (magistracy), when writing diploma and course works by students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University (Makhachkala, Dagestan) and Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology GBOU VPO MGPU (Moscow).

    The dissertation structure. Work consists of introduction, four chapters, conclusion, a list of literature and applications.

    In administered The relevance of the research topic is substantiated, the problem, purpose, hypothesis and objectives of the study are identified, the object, the subject of the study, the methodology and methodology are disclosed, the degree of development of the problem, scientific novelty, theoretical and

    practical significance, formulated the provisions submitted on

    IN chapter 1 "Orphanhood as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon"

    the problem of childhood is discussed, its function in the formation of a person and

    orphanhood as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon that negatively affecting

    normal socialization of personality. Issues of orphanhood are revealed

    the stories of our state.

    Chapter 2 "Theoretical Fundamentals of the Optimization of the Social Process

    development of preschool children in orphanages "

    considered in science approaches to the problem of optimization

    education, pedagogical process of a modern orphanage from the standpoint

    child preschool age in a orphanage.

    Chapter 3 "Scientific and Methodical Basics of Process Optimization

    social development of children of preschool age in the conditions of children's

    at home" The main provisions of the Social Development Program are presented.

    preschoolers raised in a orphanage developed by

    a statement, formative and control stages carried out

    experimental work.

    In chapter 4 "Preparation of teachers to work with orphans and children,

    devoid of parental guardianship " justified the need

    special training for working with orphans, proposed

    tested in university syllabus Such preparation is presented

    designed trainings for overcoming professional burnout


    In custody summarized the results of the study, formulated

    the main conclusions confirming the hypothesis and the rightness of the provisions,

    weed on defense, the prospect of studying this


    IN Appendix Presented: Social Development Program

    preschool children in a orphanage, promising planning

    work on the program for the year, approximate theme and development of household

    classes, abstracts of psychological classes with children, training program

    on the prevention of personal burnout of pedagogues of orphanages,

    master Preparation Program, Enhancement Course Program

    qualifications of kindergarten specialists, optional courses for students

    "Theoretical and scientific and methodological foundations of optimizing the social development of children of preschool age in the conditions of the orphanage ..."

    -- [ Page 1 ] --

    For manuscript rights

    Shamesa Aishat Shikhahamedovna

    Theoretical and scientific and methodological foundations

    Optimization of the social development of children

    Preschool age in orphanage

    Specialty 13.00.01 - Total pedagogy,

    history of Pedagogy and Education

    Dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

    Moscow 201.

    The work was carried out at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education GBOU VPO Moscow "Moscow City Pedagogical University"

    Scientific consultant Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor GBOU VPO MGPU Kozlova Svetlana Akimovna

    Official opponents:

    academician RAO, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Department of Pedagogy NOU VPO "Moscow Psychological and Social University"

    Bim-Bad Boris Mikhailovich Corresponding Member Rao, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. In the primary education sector of the FGNU "Institute of Content and Training Methods" RAO Vinogradova Natalia Fedorovna Dr. Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychology of Education of FGBOU VPO MPGU, head. Laboratory of Management Social Systems for Childhood Development NOU VPO "Metropolitan Financial and Humanitarian Academy"

    Family Galina Vladimirovna

    Leading organization GOU VPO "Moscow State Humanitarian University. MA Sholokhov "

    The defense will take place on October 10, 2012 at 13.00 at the meeting of the dissertation council D 850.007.06 on the basis of GBOU VPO Moscow, Moscow City Pedagogical University at the address: 129226, Moscow, ul. Tourist, d.19, korp.5.

    The dissertation can be found in the Fundamental Library of the University.

    Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council L.N.Azarov 2


    Relevance Studies The relevance of research problems We present in three directions: social conditionality, theoretical significance, practical feasibility.

    Social conditionality of the problem.

    Childhood is the most important stage of the formation of a person. It has an overwhelming value, on the one hand, as a foundation that determines the main trends of further development, on the other hand, a self-immovable period that gives the child a unique life experience, difficult to fill in other age stages. All the children of the Earth are entitled to a prosperous childhood. And this is the right to legally enshrined in the main international documents and appropriate acts, such as the Declaration and the Convention on the Rights of Children adopted by the overwhelming majority of the countries of the world. However, in practice, not all children have the opportunity to implement this right. In a particularly vulnerable situation are orphans and children left without parental care.

    Of particular relevance, the problem of the orphanhood acquired in Russia, where at present, according to the Ministry of Education and Science without parental care, over 760 thousand people are brought up (excluding intervalists), and according to independent experts, their number reaches 1 million. In orphanages, about 260 thousand orphans and children left without parental care are constantly living in orphanages, shelters, children's homes and boarding schools. Against the background of the general reduction in the number of children's population, today every hundredth child in Russia lives in the state orphan institution.

    Currently, the problem of orphanhood is one of the priority state problems. The country has created a regulatory - legal framework aimed at protecting the interests of this category of pupils. Orphans are engaged in 19 different departments. Significant material resources are allocated for their content. According to the authorized President of the Russian Federation for the Rights of the Child P.Astakhov, the maintenance of one child in the orphanage stands out from 350 thousand to 2 million rubles per year (depending on the region). However, despite the constant attention of the state to this problem, the situation cannot radically solve the situation.

    Every year, about 20,000 orphan children overlook the orphanages, the overwhelming majority of them (90%) cannot be adequately socialized in society, replete rows of asocial personalities (criminals, alcoholics and drug addicts, suicides, etc.).

    Thus, a contradiction arises between the interest of the state and society in socially adapted, active, creative, law-abiding citizens, the colossal material and spiritual costs for their education and the impossibility of the existing system of charity of orphans and children left without parental care to ensure the solution of this tasks. In addition, the situation aggravates the fact that behind the dry numbers of statistics of the unfavorable graduates of orphanages are crippled human destinies.

    The main reason for which the solution of this problem, in our opinion, is the lack of a coordinated, well-thought-out, scientifically based strategy to solve the problem of orphans, uniting social and psychological and pedagogical aspects and aimed at ensuring each child the opportunity to realize their right to prosperous childhood and successful socialization in Society, strategies built on accounting for the features of the development of this category of children and creating optimal conditions for their personal formation.

    Currently, the state system of raising orphans and children left without parental care includes children's homes (252); Children's shelters (615); Children's houses (1850);

    boarding schools for orphans (330); Socio-rehabilitation centers of orphans (705); Adoption, custody, patronage, etc.

    The existence of various forms of charity of this category of pupils is undoubtedly a positive trend, as it allows you to satisfy the needs of different groups of children. However, at recent times attempts are being made to close orphanages, and children "distribute" in the family to adoption. The idea is positive, but unreal for execution. And practice has shown inconsistency, incorrectness of such a decision: about 70% of families (parents) refuse to adoption, some of the children in their peculiarities will never be welcome for the adoptive family; Part of the children cannot be proposed for adoption (for example, a special category of sick children, children whose parents are not devoid of parental rights, etc.). This attempt not only did not solve the task, but harmed the mental state of children and adoptive parents. Children re-survived the stress of family deprivation, they again abandoned them, they again fell in the category of unnecessary adults, and adults saw their inconsistency in fulfilling the role of parents, and this traumatic situation could also not affect their mental state. All this only aggravated the situation.

    An analysis of the existing system of education of orphans shows that any institutions organized by the state for such children have the right to exist, they cannot be opposed to each other and even more so mutually exclusive. All of them performing their function needed to children.

    The problem is not to get rid of orphanages, thus, the task of combating orphans has been solved. It should be thought to optimize the education of orphans in the face of children's institutions (children's homes, orphanages, boarding schools). And even if the number of children in orphanages decreases, it is still impossible to refuse them. The development of a scientifically based concept of optimizing the existing system of orphanages and boarding schools, reorienting them to record the characteristics of personal development and the current needs of orphans and children left without parental care.

    The theoretical need to study the problem is due to a number of reasons:

    1. Insufficiently developed the theoretical and methodological foundations of the social development of the personality of a orphan child in the conditions of a orphanage at the initial stages of formation (preschool childhood). Despite the fact that at the research level, the problem of social development of a orphan child in the orphanage was raised, but it was solved in relation to children of school age, or when it concerned the preschoolers, regardless of the analysis of the experience of their previous life and therefore could not have a serious The impact on the change in the level of social development of children in a special situation.

    It should be noted that children-orphans are a very inhomogeneous contingent that unites different categories of pupils: orphans (4%) who have experience in a normal family, whose parents died, and social orphans (96%), whose parents are alive, but in mind different The reasons (are in places of detention, are deprived of parental rights, etc.) are not engaged in the upbringing of their children. Social orphans, in turn, unite children - pupils of the children's houses left by their parents in the first days and weeks of life and who have never known, who is such a mother; children who have the experience of life in a disadvantaged family and fell into an orphanage as a result of the deprivation of their parental parents; Children's lespers who have the experience of life "on the street" (railway stations, markets, basements, etc.). Each of the named subgroups is characterized by specific features of development, but they all have both general features, such as: health problems (both physical and mental); Intellectual lag, manifested in a limited horizon, underdevelopment of mental cognitive processes; the absence of skills of educational activities; Problems of psycho-emotional development, socialization, etc. The social formation of each of the named categories is based on a special way due to (among other reasons) life experience before the child's admission to the orphanage and requires accounting for these features in the educational process of the orphanage. These objective features represent a certain difficulty specifically in the social development of the child, in how it enters (and will be included) into the social world and require compulsory accounting in organizing educational and educational work with this contingent of pupils. A deep theoretical analysis of the consequences of the previous child's home experience of the child's life is necessary for its development and the development of directions for adjusting these consequences. Requires the development of a conceptual substantiation of the goal, tasks and content of working with children in this direction.

    2. An orphanage - the traditionally established form of the charity of children. Currently, children's homes are organized by the type of activities of ordinary educational institutions for children from the family, but with a round-the-clock stay of pupils. The main focus is made on the implementation of the educational function. Such an organization does not contribute to the full development of the orphan child. After all, the child-pupil of an ordinary educational institution after a kindergarten or school will return home, where it will be able to realize his need for emotional communication, and a child-orphan child in an orphanage is such a possibility. Without the realization of this basic need (in love, emotional intimacy, understanding), the full development of the personality is impossible. Currently, in orphanages, this need for children does not receive proper satisfaction. Such a situation is due to the theoretical and methodological inhematization of the model of the pedagogical process of the orphanage, interaction with adults, peers and the world around, which would maximize the implementation of all the basic needs of the orphan child, including the need for emotional communication, love, acceptance and understanding. It is obvious that the development of a common strategy of organizing life, upbringing and learning children of preschool age, which are in special conditions of the orphanage, the definition of principles that should be based on the basis of building a pedagogical process, the answer to the question:

    how in the form of an organization should be an institution to educate orphans of preschool age, as well as scientific and methodical support of the process of upbringing in orphanages.

    3. Perestroika of the orphanage as an educational institution requires changing approaches to training. Currently, the professional activities of pedagogues of orphanages are based on the type of teachers of ordinary educational institutions for children from the family (there are no qualification characteristics for this category of specialists). We are needed to revise the role of the teacher of the orphanage, its functional duties, which should be focused not only for the implementation of educational functions (training and education), as is done now, but to compensation, as far as the child is missing parents, the organization of various forms of emotional communication with Nimi etc Today in the system of vocational education there are no educational institutions that carry out such training.

    We believe that a special theoretical, methodological and organizational work is necessary in this direction. Training of teachers to work with orphans should be carried out as in the face of pedagogical educational institutions and for them special courses should be developed at the stage of undergraduate and specialist, specialized programs at the magistracy level, etc.) and in the direction of ensuring optimal opportunities to increase professional The competence of specialists of orphanages (the development of the content of advanced training courses, theoretical seminars, training groups in orphanages is necessary, etc.), which are not enough today. A very important aspect of training teachers for working with pupils of orphanages is a targeted work on the prevention of personal burnout of teachers who, by virtue of the specifics of work and continuous cooperation with such a difficult contingent of children, are strongly subject to this phenomenon.

    It is necessary to conduct theoretical and methodical study of this phenomenon and develop a system of such work with teachers.

    The implementation of this approach is also impossible without a scientific research and development and development of a professional activity model of a pedagog of a children's house aimed at training teachers for work in the conditions of a orphanage.

    The practical need for a study of the selected problem is the need to develop programmestic support for the social development of preschool children in the conditions of the orphanage and the development of educational materials for specialized training of teachers for working with orphans in universities, colleges, in advanced training system.

    Analysis of the conversion of the problem gives the basis to allocate objective contradictions:

    between the orientation of the international community to strengthen the attention of childhood protection, recognition of the responsibility of adults for the life and welfare of the younger generation and the insecurity of the real conditions for the implementation of these requirements;

    between the needs of society in socially adapted adequate, moral, creative citizens and an existing orphan system that does not ensure the implementation of this need;

    between the social needs of orphans and children left without parental care raised in the face of orphanages and the impossibility of the traditional pedagogical process of children's home to satisfy them;

    between the need to optimize the process of social development of the orphan child and the level of theoretical and methodological development of the problem in scientific research;

    between the huge meaning in the development of the identity of the initial stages of formation (early and preschool childhood) and the underestimation of this period at the social level and the level of scientific and theoretical understanding;

    between the complexity and specificity of tasks that are intended to solve the pedagogue of the orphanage and the lack of a system of special training training of pedagogical personnel in universities and colleges.

    The need to eliminate these contradictions identified the problem of research: "Theoretical and scientific and methodological foundations of optimizing the social development of preschool children in an orphanage."

    Object of study: Social development of a preschooler child in the conditions of a orphanage.

    Subject of study: The conditions for optimizing the process of social development of orphans and children remaining without parental care in the conditions of a orphanage.

    The purpose of this study: the development and substantiation of the theoretical and scientific and methodological foundations of the process of optimizing the formation of a child-orphan personality in a preschool orphanage.

    Hypothesis Research:

    Social development of preschool children in the conditions of a orphanage will be optimally under the combination of the following conditions:

    1. Changing the principle of the child's entry into the social world, based on the specifics of the social formation of a child-orphan child (severe heredity, education outside the family, etc.) and existing "barriers" of its development, orientation to preceding the orphanage Individual child experience and building individual socialization strategies in accordance with it;

    2. The scientific development of the theoretical and scientific and methodological foundations of the social development of preschoolers in the face of orphanages, a holistic concept and model of social development of a child;

    3. The restructuring of the educational and educational work of the orphanage on a substantial (along with the implementation of the entire spectrum of educational functions, the content of education should include aspects such as: psychological harmonization of the child-orphan personality and the development of its communicative skills; the expansion of household skills and skills; creative personality development ; POLOROLE-SOCIALIZATION, VOLUING THE FIRE OF LEGAL CULTURE, etc.), and technological (open nature of the orphanage; approaching life in an orphanage to family; Communication with children; rejection of the excessive regulation of the life of children and the transition to the variation planning and work; the combination of individual and collective forms of working with children;

    providing contacts of preschool children with children from schoolchildren from the same kindergarten and peers beyond) levels.

    4. Change the approaches to training for working with children;, scientific and methodological justification of the content and technology of such work in the conditions of professional pedagogical institutions (undergraduate, magistracy) and in the system of advanced training of teachers, including the prevention of professional burnout of the pedagog of the orphanage with training His overcoming.

    Objectives of research The first group of tasks is associated with the development of the theoretical foundations of the study:

    1. Develop a set of provisions that make up the socioedagogical foundations of the development and education of children in the pre-school orphanages;

    2. To identify the main trends and patterns of development and education of children in the pre-school orphanages.

    3. Develop a concept and integrated model of the child's education process in a preschool orphanage and training for working with children.

    The second group of tasks is of meaningful target and procedural nature:

    1. justify and test the methodology for building the pedagogical process of preschool orphanage;

    2. Develop a professional pedagog care professor.

    3. Develop the content and technology of training for working with children in orphanages.

    The third group of tasks is applied:

    Develop a program of social development of children, 1.

    raising in preschool orphanages;

    2. Develop the content of master's training of teachers who are preparing to work with children in an orphanage;

    3. Develop a cycle of special couplings for undergraduate on the specifics of the development of children and pedagogical work with them in the conditions of the orphanage;

    Develop a training program and a theoretical seminar program for pedagogues of orphanages.

    The degree of the development of the topic and the theoretical base of the study The triune nature of our research subject is the social development of a orphan child, the pedagogical process of the orphanage and the specifics of training for this kind of institutions - inevitably determines the distinction of its components and analyzing the independence of each of the directions.

    For us were of interest:

    1. Research, considering different aspects of socialization, adaptation and rehabilitation of children's houses (V.M. Brevnova, O.V. Bekinina, L.A. Vinichenko, I.V. Dubrovina, M.V. Inturizn, S.N.

    Koshman, B.A. Kugan, S.V. Laktionova, V.I. Popov, A.N. Pronin, V.

    Streltsova, G.N. Shvetsov et al.); Spiritual and moral development of pupils (A.A. Burlakova, I.A. Kalabina, L.P. Sasunun, etc.);

    questions of sexual development and preparing children for family life (G.I.

    Plyansova, R.G., N.E. Tatartseva et al.); views on modern training of preschoolers (A.I. Savenkov, L.A. Paramonov et al.); Problems of psychological harmonization of the personality of a orphan (L.I. Avdeeva, N.Yu. Velichko, O.I. Herbert, T.G. Lukovenko, V.V. Nolovina, N.K. Radina, Satyshev and Dr.).

    2. Studies in which the pedagogical process of orphanages is analyzed and searching for its optimization (D.N. Gribkov, Z.V.Dorogonko, E.N.Drygin, A.B. Zaytsev, N.V. Kononenko, V. V. Komarov, .E.Kobrinsky, V.V. Komarov, S.N. Koshman, K.V. Kulakov, S.Yu. Martynova, Yu.M.Merzlyakov, L.L.Mityaev, V.V. Mikhailov , N.A. Paliyeva, .L.Razormenova, L.R. Yagutina, etc.).

    3. Of particular interest to us were studies on the problem of training specialists for working with orphans (O.V.

    Anikina, A.A. Vasilyev, TA Demidova, V.Yu. Ivanova, E.B. Kirichenko, E.O.

    Kravchenko, Yu.N. Kuznetsova, I.A. Romanova, L.M. Simkin, S.Y. Skrinsky et al.), In which various aspects of this problem are considered. At the same time, they did not set their task to develop a modern concept of training for working with children of preschool age in a orphanage, justification of the characteristics of the pedagogue of the children's home.

    Despite the fact that the impression of the development of the problem in modern studies is created, their analysis shows that, first of all, most studies are devoted to the children of school age, while the features of adaptation and socialization of the child early and preschool age are practically not studied, although They have pronounced specifics and their place in the process of emerging personality. Secondly, the methodological and theoretical foundations of the social development of children - preschoolers in the conditions of the orphanage, which does not allow to develop an adequate system of software and methodological support. Thirdly, an attempt was made in the studies, significantly without changing the essence of the education process in the orphanage, to solve local problems, but such a palliative approach cannot fundamentally change the situation in the work of the orphanage.

    The methodological foundations of the study are the philosophical concept of socialization of the individual (A.V. Mudrik, I.S. Kon, V.S. Mukhina, A.V. Petrovsky, etc.); Social Development of Education (K.D.

    Ushinsky, P.F. Kapterev, P.P. Blonsky, A.S. Makarenko, G.V. Family and others);

    understanding childhood ka by the period of maximum disclosure of the potential features of the child (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, N.F. Vinogradova, V.T. Kudryavtsev, R.M., Chumicheva, etc.); Theory of the activity approach (A.V. Brushlinsky, L.S.

    Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, etc.); Ideas about the socio-historical conditionality of the phenomenon of education (A.V.

    Averyanov, V.G. Afanasyev, I.V. Blauberg, V.G. Budanov, S.P. Kurdyumov, V.N. Sadovsky, E.G. Yudin); Regulations on the unique individuality of the personality, its sampling (B.M. BIM-BAD, E.V. BONDAREVSKAYA, N.D.

    Nikandrov, D.I. Feldstein, A.G. Asmolov et al.).

    The theoretical foundations of the study make up the concept of a holistic pedagogical process (Yu.K. Babansky, V.P. Nepales, V.V. Kraevsky, V.V. Komarov, I.Ya. Lerner, G.I. Schukina, etc.); Socio-pedagogical concepts of human interaction and medium in the process of identification socialization (B.Z. Wulfov, A.V. Mudrik, G.N.

    Filonov et al.); personal-oriented education defining the identity of the child as the highest value (N.A. Alekseev, E.V. Bondarevskaya, V.V. Serikov et al.); Childhood as a space of development of the body, personality and formation of individuality and socio-cultural experience of preschool children (L.S. Vygotsky, S.A. Kozlova, V.T. Kudryavtsev, D.I.

    Feldstein, R.M. Chumicheva);

    theories of a personal-oriented and activity approach to upbringing (S.A. Samonashvili, E.V. Bondarevskaya, O.S. Bogdanova, Z.I.

    Vasilyeva, N.F. Vinogradova, V.A. Slastin, I.F. Harlamov et al.);

    preschool Education, identifying sensitive periods of childhood preschool age and optimal conditions for comprehensive personality development in the process of training and education (A.G. Gogoberidze, O.M. Dyachenko, I.E. Kulikovskaya, V.I. L. L.A. Paramonov et al.);

    the ideas of democratization and humanization of education, theoretical presented in international and Russian legal documents and laws; Ideas of an integrated and personal-oriented approach to children (B.M. Bim-Bad, V.I. Slobodchikov, L.M. Shpitsin, E.I. Stepanov, I.S.

    Yakiman and others);

    foreign scientists related to the rationale for the views of the conflict-free entry of the child on Wednesday of independent life and activities as a member of society, the doctrine of the motivation of personality behavior (A. Mashloou); Structural and functional theory of socialization of the individual (T.S.S.); The theory of moral development of the personality (E. Erickson).

    Scientific and Methodical (Didactic) Basics of the work carried out are the works of educational scientists and teachers - innovators in the field of raising children left without parental care (I.I. Betskaya, V.F.

    Odoevsky, K.D. Shushinsky, V.N. Soroka-Rosinsky, A.S. Makarenko);

    studies on the problems of social protection of orphans (A.N.Nechaeva, E.M. Yerbinsky, T. N. Poddubny, etc.); Scientific works studying the features of the development of orphans and children left without parental care (L.I. Bozovich, I.V.Dubrovina, M.I. Lisin, A.M.

    Podishozhan, N.N. Tolstoy, N.A. Kotosonova et al.); Basics of psychoddactics, as the branch of scientific knowledge of integrating psychology and theory of learning (A.I. Savenkov); Education of orphans (L.V. Bayborodova, V.V. Belyakov, E.A. Gorshkova, I.F. Dementieva, N.P. Ivanova, A.S. Kochkin, G.V. Semia, L.K .Sidorova); Theoretical and experimental studies of the specifics of the institutions of the boarding school (S. Boekker, J. Langmeyer, I.V.

    Dubrovina, V.T. Kudryavtsev, A.G. Ruza, V.V. Komarov, Yu.M. Merzlyakov, N.F. Veljanova et al.).

    Scientific novelty Research:

    A holistic scientific concept of social development of preschool children was developed in the conditions of a kindergarten, in which the value, target, meaningful, structural and technological aspects of the development of a preschooler appear in the new light;

    Criteria, indicators, levels of social development of the child of the preschool age raising in the conditions of the orphanage;

    A holistic model of a new type of orphanage for children is based, which is based on the principle of openness of the institution, the integration of the content of education and training, the interpenetration of various forms of organizing the pedagogical process, accounting for the specifics of boarding schools in the training of personnel to work in them;

    Theoretically substantiated and technologically developed the concept and program of social development of children of preschool age in the conditions of the orphanage.

    A scientific and theoretical substantiation of the originality of the professional activity of the teacher of the preschool orphanage from the position of targeted, meaningful and technological benchmarks has been developed by a professional activity.

    Theoretical significance Research.

    The study contributes to the scientific development of the problem of the dependence of the child's development from social living conditions, it has been proven that there are correlations between the level of social development and life experience preceding the child's getting into orphanage;

    the level of social development and age in which the child remained without parental care; between the quality of educational work in an orphanage, orientation to the current needs of orphans and the level of social development of the child; between the level of professional competence of the teacher and the level of psychosocial well-being of pupils;

    The study develops and complements scientific ideas about the areas of social development of the child in the conditions of a kindergarten (expanding the ideas about society; psychological harmonization of the identity of the child; the formation of household representations and skills);

    The study substantiates the optimal parameters of the integration of the content, forms and methods of social development of the child of preschool age in the conditions of a orphanage, giving reason to develop a scientifically based technology of organizing the life and development of the child;

    The study makes adjustment to training for working with orphans on axiological, meaningful and technological levels.

    Practical significance Research.

    The conceptual foundations of the new model of the orphanage, the program "Social development of children of senior preschool age in the conditions of a shortage of communication with parents" make it possible to optimize the process of social development of orphans and children left without parental care.

    Materials Studies contribute to the practice of professional pedagogical education at the level of university training (undergraduate, master's system) and training systems for pedagogical personnel. Based on the study, the master's training program towards the "pedagogue of the orphanage" (1450 hours); Program of specialization for students of pedagogical universities (500 hours); Speccurs programs "Education of preschool orphans (36 hours);

    "The content and organization of the pedagogue of the orphanage" (36 hours); "Pedagogical support of children with problems of development" (36 hours); "Prevention of teacher's personal burnout" (24 hours) for undergraduate students. A program of improving professional qualifications for teachers and training and training for the prevention of personal "burnout" for pedagogues of orphanages is developed. Their implementation makes it possible to reflect in the training and retraining system of pedagogical frames. Features of the education of orphans in the conditions of a orphanage, a set of competencies that must have a pedagogue of the orphanage and contributes to the solution of the task of improving the professional competence of teachers working with orphans.


    The process of socializing orphans is characterized by specific features, the need to overcome the "barriers" of the development, due to the hereditary factors and the specifics of the social situation of education outside the family. An adequate social development of this contingent of children is possible only in the situation of accounting for this specificity and the organization of educational work oriented towards children.

    Existing children's homes can solve the problem of adequate social development of the personality of the child's character only in the case of a comprehensive restructuring of their activities on targeted, meaningful and technological levels. To do this, it is necessary to reorient the children's homes with the "educational" accentuation on the priority of the tasks of the personal formation and psychological harmonization of the child; Rebuild the pedagogical process with the orientation on: an open nature of educational institutions for orphans; The maximum approach of the orphanage to the family type of education; organization of the relevant space of the orphanage; close interaction of all entities of education inside the orphanage and beyond; Accounting for the principle of sex differentiation of upbringing; Disclaimer of the Frontal forms of work in favor of organizing various forms of emotional and personal communication with children, accounting for the experience of the previous child's home to the child's life experience and building individual interaction strategies.

    The most important condition for optimizing the social development of preschool children in orphanages is the development of scientific and theoretical foundations (the concept of social development, model, etc.) and a package of methodological support (programs, methodological benefits, etc.).

    A prerequisite for optimizing the social development of orphans in orphanages is the preparation of qualified personnel, aimed at regard to the specifics of the development of this category of students and the originality of the social development situation in which they are located, weapons of teachers with the necessary professional knowledge and skills, as well as the prevention of personal burnout .

    Research methods:

    The study used a complex of complementary methods: theoretical scientific pedagogical (analysis of psychological, philosophical literature; regulatory, methodological documents; systematization, generalization, comparative-comparable analysis of the collected data);

    empirical experiment comprising (pedagogical stateing, forming and control steps; Personal methods, observation, study of pedagogical documentation, study of the experience of pedagogical activity, methods of evaluation and measurement, methods of mathematical data processing).

    Research Organization Research was conducted from 1998 to 2012. Experimental base of research: a sanatorium orphanage for children - orphans and children left without parental care No. 48 of Moscow, orphanage №1 and the house of childhood №8 Election (Dagestan); Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy Education GBOU VPO MGPU; Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology DGPU (Dagestan). In total, for the entire period, the pilot experimental study covered 600 pupils of orphanages of preschool age, 200 pedagogues of orphanages and 500 students of IPGO GBOU VPO MGPU and Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology DGPU (Dagestan).

    The study was carried out in several directions and was built in stages.

    At the first stage, an analysis of the sociocultural situation of the education of children was carried out in the pre-school orphanage; features of the development of this contingent of pupils; factors affecting the process of socializing preschoolers in the conditions of the orphanage.

    In the second stage, conceptual-structural approaches were determined to build the content of work on the socialization of children of preschool age in the conditions of the orphanage, the definition of pedagogical technology. Development of a conceptual model for the socialization of preschool children raising in the conditions of the orphanage.

    At the third stage, work was carried out on the development of criteria for selection, design and evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed technology and the content of work, the level of development of pupils.

    At the fourth stage, work was carried out on the development and systematization of diagnostic tools, the diagnosis of the initial level of social development of preschool children in orphanages; experimental work, including the development of the content and technology of work on the social development of children of preschool age in the conditions of the orphanage; Conduct a control stage of experimental work and summing up.

    At the fifth stage, the results of the experimental study were summarized and analyzed, the effectiveness of the work was evaluated, conclusions were issued.

    The accuracy and scientific results of the results are provided with the methodological substantiation of the initial theoretical provisions, a set of used research methods, adequate to its tasks and logic, a variety of sources of information; a combination of high quality and quantitative analyzes; reproducibility of the results of experimental work.

    Testing and implementation of research results.

    Basic provisions And the results of the study were presented at scientific seminars, meetings of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy IPPO MGPU. They were outlined by the dissertation in reports and speeches on scientifically conferences. The principal conclusions of the dissertation study were approved in All-Russian and international scientific and practical conferences - "Herzen readings" (St. Petersburg, 2004);

    "Continuous vocational education in the XX1 century" (Samara, 2008);

    "Moral education at the present stage" (m..2001); "Modern pre-school education problems" (M., 2004); "Humanistic ideas in psychology and pedagogy" (M., 2008); Preparation of specialists for the pre-school education system in the process of university education (Sadrinsk, 2008); "The rights of the child in the modern world" (M., 2008); Modern family:

    condition, development trends "(M., 2008); "125 years in Moscow Psychological Society" (M., 2011); "Scientific schools as a factor in preparation of pedagogical personnel" (M., 2010); "A child in a modern educational environment" (M., 2011).

    Results of research set forth by the author in monographs, other scientific and methodological publications, textbooks, programs with common 59 printed sheets; Used in developing and reading lectures, courses for the choice of students (undergraduate and specialty), special courses (magistracy), when writing diploma and course works by students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University (Makhachkala, Dagestan) and Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology GBOU VPO MGPU (Moscow).

    Structure of the dissertation. Work consists of introduction, four chapters, conclusion, a list of literature and applications.

    In the introduction The relevance of the topic of research is substantiated, the problem, purpose, hypothesis and research tasks are determined, the object, the subject of the study, the methodology and methodology are disclosed, the degree of development of the problem, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance are formulated, the provisions submitted on protection are shown.

    In chapter 1, "orphanhood as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon"

    the problem of childhood is discussed, its function in the formation of man and orphanhood as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon, which adversely affects the normal socialization of the person. The issues of orphans are revealed in the history of our state.

    In chapter 2 "Theoretical foundations of optimizing the process of social development of preschool children in the conditions of the orphanage"

    the approaches to the problem of optimizing education, the pedagogical process of the modern orphanage from the standpoint of the theory of optimization, the author's concept of social development of the child preschool age is presented in science.

    In Chapter 3, the "Scientific and Methodological Fundamentals of Optimization of the Social Development Process of Preschool Children in the Organization of Children's House" presents the main provisions of the social development program of preschoolers who are brought up in a children's home developed on the basis of the author's concept; The description of the stroke and the results of the stateing, forming and control stages of the conducted experimental work has been given.

    Chapter 4 "Preparation of teachers to work with children-orphans and children deprived of parental guardianship" is justified by the need for special training for working with orphans, a curriculum has been proposed in the university, the developed trainings are presented to overcome the professional burnout of teachers.

    The conclusion summarizes the results of the study, formulated the main conclusions confirming the hypothesis and the rightness of the provisions submitted to the defense, determined the prospect of studying this problem.

    The appendix presents: the social development program of preschoolers in the conditions of a orphanage, promising planning work on the program for the year, approximate theme and development of household classes, abstracts of psychological classes with children, training program for the prevention of personal burning of teachers of orphanages, masters training program, course program Raising the qualifications of the specialists of the orphanage, courses for the choice for undergraduate students.

    The main dissertation of the thesis Historical analysis allowed to trace the dynamics of the relationship of the world of adults to the phenomenon of childhood and the way to a modern view for childhood as a self-defined period in development human personalityhaving an overwhelming value. At the same time, recognition at the global level of the ideas of childhood intrinsicness enters into a contradiction with the practice of a real attitude towards children living in different social conditions. The most vulnerable category are orphans and children who remain without parental care. By the beginning of the 21st century in Russia, the problem of children's orphanhood acquired a threatening scale. The dissertation provides an analysis of the specifics of the modern stage of orphanhood, a material is presented, indicating the relation of the state to solving this problem in different historical periods: From the survival of a child-orphan child to his charity and, finally, to upbringing and learning children in the context of special closed institutions.

    It is shown that the Company's social protection policy and children who remained without parental care, the purpose of which is their social security, in practice, often does not lead to expected results. A paradoxical situation is consistent: to ensure social protection of orphans are spent quite large resources, and the effectiveness of all efforts is disproportionately - the child who remains without parental care, is not protected, both in an orphanage and in independent life.

    Education of a child outside the family imposes an imprint on the emerging person. As a rule, children grew up without parental warmth and participation are carriers of specific characteristics of personal development, such as: psychological problems (increased anxiety, fears, aggressiveness, inadequate self-esteem, lack of basic confidence in the world); Intellectual lag (limited horizon, delay in the development of mental cognitive processes, etc.); Health problems (the vast majority of children's students are carriers of a whole complex of congenital and acquired diseases); Problems of polyassal identification and subsequent socialization of the child, etc.

    The system of raising orphans in orphanages, unfortunately, does not help overcome the effects of parental deprivation, often aggravating them. The result of staying in boarding facilities are the presence of graduates of such characteristics in the socio-psychological status of graduates as: underdeveloped social intelligence, dependency, rental installations, "receptive type of character"

    (E.Fromh), elevated level of victimity, etc.

    This led to the search for new forms of work with orphans (patronage, adoption, etc.), which is a positive trend. However, alternative forms of raising orphans cannot replace the existing state system. In this regard, it is a particular danger of calls for the elimination of orphanages, which, as historical experience and the recent practice of distribution of children in families (as a result, more than 70% of children were returned to children's homes with severe repeated injury to the family), can lead to Creating a situation of destruction of the existing system and the lack of a worthy alternative to it. We believe that along with the development of alternative forms of education of orphans, it is necessary not to destroy the traditional model of orphanages, but to the radically reform it.

    It is necessary to revise the functional purpose of orphanages and determine:

    child house, what is it? Analogue of a closed educational institution with a round-the-clock stay of children (as it is now) or an institution designed to become an alternative to the family? We believe that the orphanage is, first of all, the institution designed to replace the family as much as possible, which the child lost. Consequently, the main function of the orphanage is not educational (which is also very significant), but the family compensation function, i.e., ensuring the child the feelings of psychological protection, comfort, warmth, its arms, the skills and skills in independent life. The implementation of this approach requires a radical restructuring of the entire pedagogical process of the orphanage.

    The key provisions of such restructuring we formulated in the concept of optimizing the social development of preschoolers in the conditions of a orphanage.

    The fundamental position of our concept is a fundamentally different look at the Child's Child. The child is an orphan - this is the same child as millions of his peers from the family and, at the same time,

    - This is a fundamentally different child. The absence of such an important agent of socialization as a family and an early clash with the negative parties to the life of society leads to a change in the trajectory of its development, creates serious barriers to the social formation of the person. These barriers begin to form very early - already at the stage of intrauterine development (as a rule, such children are not desirable in mothers, which during pregnancy do not comply with the necessary medical recommendations, lead an asocial lifestyle). The situation is exacerbated at the stage of early and preschool childhood, in which the most important personal neoplasms occur: the intensive development of all mental processes, the emergence of self-consciousness, identity orientation (social or asocial), primary salvation identification, etc. It is at this age that the child is formed Such an important personality education as basic confidence in the world, which in the future largely determines the quality of his life. The underestimation of the meaning of this period leads to the general physical and intellectual lag, forming the problems of psycho-emotional development (fears, anxiety, aggression, etc.), social failure.

    In addition, if children raised in the family are characterized by approximately the same conditions. early Development (They are surrounded by loving caring adults) in children - children's houses of orphanages Early life experience (before entering the orphanage) will vary greatly. Part of these guys, the initial stage of life spent in a disadvantaged family, the other - in the children's homes for orphans and children's hospitals, someone came from a prosperous family (as a result of the death of parents), etc. The experience gained in each of these institutions is very different. It is necessary to record the individual experience of the child's life before entering an educational institution. The social development of a orphan child under the conditions of a kindergarten is under the general laws of socializing children of relevant age, but at the same time, it must be focused on the accounting of the individual preceding child experience and building individual socialization strategies in accordance with it.

    The solution to this problem requires a cardinal restructuring of the educational work of the orphanage, both on the substantive and technological levels.

    Currently, the content of education in preschool children's homes is similar to the content of education in conventional educational institutions for children from the family (but with the lag for the year). However, more complex tasks are facing children's homes. They are called, except for solving educational functions, compensate for children as far as possible, missing parents.

    Consequently, the content of education under the conditions of the orphanage should, along with the implementation of the entire spectrum of educational functions, include aspects such as:

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    Chapter 1. Orphanhood as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon

    1.1. For childhood quality and adult responsibility before children.

    1.2. History and modern problems of orphanhood.

    1.3. Characteristics of the development of orphans and children remaining without parental care.

    Chapter 2. Theoretical foundations of optimization of social development. Concept and model of social development of children of preschool age in the conditions of the orphanage

    2.1. Theoretical foundations of optimizing the social development of preschool children in the conditions of a orphanage.

    2.2. Concept and model of social development of preschool children in a orphanage.

    Chapter 3. Scientific and Methodical Basics of Optimization of the Process of Social Development of Preschool Children in the Creature House

    3.1. Program of social development of preschool children in the conditions of a orphanage.

    3.2. Social development of preschool children in the conditions of a orphanage (pilot experimental stage of the study).

    Chapter 4. Preparation of teachers to work with orphans and children deprived of parental trusteeship

    4.1. The specificity of the professional activity of the teacher of the orphanage. The role of an adult in a child-orphan child.

    4.2. Fundamentals of professional psychohygien specialists of the orphanage. Personal burnout of the teacher and its prevention.

    4.3. The state of the problem of training for working with children remaining without parental care in psychological and pedagogical studies

    4.4. Training for work with orphans (pilot experimental stage of research).

    Recommended list of dissertations

    • Education and personal development of orphans in the context of alternative forms of life 2008, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Paliyeva, Nadezhda Andreevna

    • Socio-pedagogical support of children who remained without parental care in the process of socialization 2005, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Arkhipov, Anastasia Andreevna

    • Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of preschool children in an orphanage 2011, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Gradusov, Svetlana Evgenievna

    • Organizational and pedagogical conditions of socio-pedagogical support for children-social orphans 2006, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Huako, Angela Askerovna

    • Pedagogical conditions for the formation of socio-psychological readiness for school of pupils of boarding schools for orphans and children left without parental care 2007, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Nagayev, Tatiana Nikolaevna

    The dissertation (part of the author's abstract) on the topic "Theoretical and scientific and methodological foundations of optimizing the social development of preschool children in the conditions of the orphanage"

    The relevance of research

    We present the relevance of research problems in three directions: social conditionality, theoretical significance, practical expediency.

    Social conditionality of the problem.

    Childhood is the most important stage of the formation of a person. It has an overwhelming value, on the one hand, as a foundation that determines the main trends of further development, on the other hand, a self-immovable period that gives the child a unique life experience, difficult to fill in other age stages. All the children of the Earth are entitled to a prosperous childhood. And this is the right to legally enshrined in the main international documents and appropriate acts, such as the Declaration and the Convention on the Rights of Children adopted by the overwhelming majority of the countries of the world. However, in practice, not all children have the opportunity to implement this right. In a particularly vulnerable situation are orphans and children left without parental care.

    Of particular relevance, the problem of the orphanhood acquired in Russia, where at present, according to the Ministry of Education and Science without parental care, over 760 thousand people are brought up (excluding intervalists), and according to independent experts, their number reaches 1 million. In orphanages, about 260 thousand orphans and children left without parental care are constantly living in orphanages, shelters, children's homes and boarding schools. Against the background of the general reduction in the number of children's population, today every hundredth child in Russia lives in the state orphan institution.

    Currently, the problem of orphanhood is one of the priority state problems. The country has created a regulatory - legal framework aimed at protecting the interests of this category of pupils. Orphans are engaged in 19 different departments. Significant material resources are allocated for their content. According to the authorized President of the Russian Federation for the Rights of the Child P.Astakhov, the maintenance of one child in the orphanage stands out from 350 thousand to 2 million rubles per year (depending on the region). However, despite the constant attention of the state to this problem, the situation cannot radically solve the situation.

    Every year, about 20,000 orphan children overlook the orphanages, the overwhelming majority of them (90%) cannot be adequately socialized in society, replete rows of asocial personalities (criminals, alcoholics and drug addicts, suicides, etc.).

    Thus, there is a contradiction between the interest of the state and society in socially adapted, active, creative, law-abiding citizens, the enormous material and spiritual costs for their upbringing and the impossibility of the existing system of the charity of orphans and children left without parental care, ensure that this task is to solve . In addition, the situation aggravates the fact that behind the dry numbers of statistics of the unfavorable graduates of orphanages are crippled human destinies.

    The main reason for which the solution of this problem, in our opinion, is the lack of a coordinated, well-thought-out, scientifically based strategy to solve the problem of orphans, uniting social and psychological and pedagogical aspects and aimed at ensuring each child the opportunity to realize their right to prosperous childhood and successful socialization in Society, strategies built on the participation of the features of the development of this category of children and creating optimal conditions for their personal formation.

    Currently, the state system of raising orphans and children left without parental care includes children's homes (252); Children's shelters (615); Children's houses (1850); boarding schools for orphans (330); Socio-rehabilitation centers of orphans (705); Adoption, custody, patronage, etc. The existence of various forms of the charity of this category of pupils is undoubtedly a positive trend, as it allows you to satisfy the needs of different groups of children. However, at recent times attempts are being made to close orphanages, and children "distribute" in the family to adoption. The idea is positive, but unreal for execution. And practice has shown inconsistency, incorrectness of such a decision: about 70% of families (parents) refuse to adoption, some of the children in their peculiarities will never be welcome for the adoptive family; Part of the children cannot be proposed for adoption (for example, a special category of sick children, children whose parents are not devoid of parental rights, etc.). This attempt not only did not solve the task, but harmed the mental state of children and adoptive parents. Children re-survived the stress of family deprivation, they again abandoned them, they again fell into the category of unnecessary adults, and adults saw their inconsistency in fulfilling the role of parents, and this traumatic situation could not not affect their mental state. All this only aggravated the situation.

    An analysis of the existing system of education of orphans shows that any institutions organized by the state for such children have the right to exist, they cannot be opposed to each other and even more so mutually exclusive. All of them performing their function needed to children. The problem is not to get rid of orphanages, thus, the task of combating orphans has been solved. It should be thought to optimize the education of orphans in the face of children's institutions (children's homes, orphanages, boarding schools). And even if the number of children in orphanages decreases, it is still impossible to refuse them. The development of a scientifically based concept of optimizing the existing system of orphanages and boarding schools, reorienting them to record the characteristics of personal development and the current needs of orphans and children left without parental care.

    The theoretical need to study the problem is due to a number of reasons:

    1. Insufficiently developed the theoretical and methodological foundations of the social development of the personality of a orphan child in the conditions of a orphanage at the initial stages of formation (preschool childhood). Despite the fact that at the research level, the problem of social development of a orphan child in the orphanage was raised, but it was solved in relation to children of school age, or when it concerned the preschoolers, regardless of the analysis of the experience of their previous life and therefore could not have a serious The impact on the change in the level of social development of children in a special situation.

    It should be noted that children-orphans are a very inhomogeneous contingent that unites different categories of pupils: orphans (4%) who have experience in a normal family, whose parents died, and social orphans (96%), whose parents are alive, but in mind different The reasons (are in places of detention, are deprived of parental rights, etc.) are not engaged in the upbringing of their children. Social orphans, in turn, unite children - pupils of the children's houses left by their parents in the first days and weeks of life and who have never known, who is such a mother; children who have the experience of life in a disadvantaged family and fell into an orphanage as a result of the deprivation of their parental parents; Surprise children who have the experience of life "on the street" (train stations, markets, basements), etc. Each of the named subgroups is characterized by specific features of development, but they all have both general features, such as: health problems (as physical, so and mental); Intellectual lag, manifested in a limited horizon, underdevelopment of mental cognitive processes; the absence of skills of educational activities; Problems of psycho-emotional development, socialization, etc. The social formation of each of the named categories is based on a special way due to (among other reasons) life experience before the child's admission to the orphanage and requires consideration of these features in the educational process of the orphanage. These objective features represent a certain difficulty specifically in the social development of the child, in how it enters (and will be included) into the social world and require compulsory accounting in organizing educational and educational work with this contingent of pupils. A deep theoretical analysis of the consequences of the previous child's home experience of the child's life is necessary for its development and the development of directions for adjusting these consequences. Requires the development of a conceptual substantiation of the goal, tasks and content of working with children in this direction.

    2. An orphanage - the traditionally established form of the charity of orphans. Currently, children's homes are organized by the type of activities of ordinary educational institutions for children from the family, but with a round-the-clock stay of pupils. The main focus is made on the implementation of the educational function. Such an organization does not contribute to the full development of the orphan child. After all, the child-pupil of an ordinary educational institution after a kindergarten or school will return home, where it will be able to realize his need for emotional and personal communication, and a child-orphan child in an orphanage is such a possibility. Without the realization of this basic need (in love, emotional intimacy, understanding), the full development of the personality is impossible. Currently, in orphanages, this need for children does not receive proper satisfaction. Such a situation is due to the theoretical and methodological inhematization of the model of the pedagogical process of the orphanage, interaction with adults, peers and the world around, which would maximally meet the implementation of all the basic needs of the orphan child, including the need for emotionally personal communication, love, acceptance and understanding . It is obvious that the development of a common strategy of organizing life, upbringing and learning children of preschool age, which are in special conditions of the orphanage, the definition of principles that should be based on the basis of building a pedagogical process, the answer to the question: what an institution should be in the form of an organization To educate orphans of preschool age, as well as scientific and methodological support of the process of education in orphanages.

    3. Perestroika of the orphanage as an educational institution requires changing approaches to training. Currently, the professional activities of pedagogues of orphanages are based on the type of teachers of ordinary educational institutions for children from the family (there are no qualification characteristics for this category of specialists). Reciplying the role of the teacher of the orphanage, its functional duties, which should be focused not only to fulfill educational functions (training and education), as is done now, but to compensation, as far as possible, the child is missing parents, the organization of various forms of emotional personal Communication with them, etc. Today in the system of vocational education there are no educational institutions that carry out such training.

    We believe that a special theoretical, methodological and organizational work is necessary in this direction. Training of teachers for working with orphans should be carried out as in the context of pedagogical educational institutions and special courses should be developed at the undergraduate stage and specialist, specialized programs at the magistracy level, etc.) and in the direction of ensuring optimal opportunities to increase Professional competence of specialists of orphanages (the development of the content of advanced training courses, theoretical seminars, training groups in orphanages, etc.), which are not enough today. A very important aspect of training teachers for working with pupils of orphanages is a targeted work on the prevention of personal burnout of teachers who, by virtue of the specifics of work and continuous cooperation with such a difficult contingent of children, are strongly subject to this phenomenon. It is necessary to conduct theoretical and methodical study of this phenomenon and develop a system of such work with teachers.

    The implementation of this approach is also impossible without a scientific and methodological justification and development model of the professional activity of the teacher of the orphanage aimed at the preparation of teachers for work in an orphanage.

    The practical need for a study of the selected problem is the need to develop software and methodological support for the social development of preschool children in the conditions of the orphanage and the development of educational materials for specialized training of teachers for working with orphans in universities, colleges, in the advanced training system.

    Analysis of the state of the problem gives the basis to allocate objective contradictions:

    1. Between the orientation of the international community to strengthen the attention of childhood protection, recognition of the responsibility of adults for the life and well-being of the younger generation and the insecurity of the actual conditions for the implementation of these requirements;

    2. Between the needs of society in socially adapted adequate, moral, creative citizens and the existing system of raising orphans, which does not ensure the implementation of this need;

    3. Between the social needs of orphans and children who remained without the care of parents raised in the face of orphanages and the impossibility of the traditional pedagogical process of the orphanage to satisfy them;

    4. Between the need to optimize the social development process of the child orientation and the level of theoretical and methodological development of the problem in scientific research;

    5. Between the huge value in the development of the identity of the initial stages of formation (early and preschool childhood) and the underestimation of this period at the social level and the level of scientific and theoretical understanding;

    6. There is between the complexity and specificity of the tasks that are designed to solve the pedagogue of the orphanage and the lack of a system of special training training of pedagogical personnel in universities and colleges.

    The need to eliminate these contradictions identified the problem of research: "Theoretical and scientific and methodological foundations of optimizing the social development of preschool children in an orphanage."

    Object of study: Social development of a preschooler child in the conditions of a orphanage.

    Subject of research: the conditions for optimizing the process of social development of orphans and children left without parental care, in the conditions of a orphanage.

    The purpose of this study: the development and substantiation of the theoretical and scientific and methodological foundations of the process of optimizing the formation of a child-orphan personality in a preschool orphanage.

    Hypothesis Research:

    Social development of preschool children in the conditions of the orphanage will take place optimally in the combination of the following conditions: [x] change the principle of the child's entry into a social world, based on the specifics of the social formation of a child-orphanage (severe heredity, education outside the family, etc.) and the existing "barriers" of its development, orientation to the preceding child house individual experience of the child and building individual socialization strategies in accordance with it; 0 scientific development of the theoretical and scientific and methodological foundations of the social development of preschoolers in the face of orphanages, a holistic concept and model of social development of a orphan; [x] Perestroika the educational and educational work of the orphanage on a substantial (along with the implementation of the entire spectrum of educational functions, the content of education should include aspects such as: psychological harmonization of the identity of the child-orphanage and the development of its communicative skills; the expansion of household skills and skills; creative development personalities; polishet socialization, attaching the foundations of legal culture, etc.), and the technological (open nature of the orphanage; approaching life in the orphanage to family; the organization of the relevant educational space of the preschool orphanage; the transition from the predominance of frontal forms of work to the priority personal communication with children; rejection of the excessive regulation of the life of children and the transition to the variation planning and work; a combination of individual and collective forms of working with children; providing contacts of preschool children with children of schoolchildren from the same orphanage and peers for his limits) levels; [F] Changing approaches to training for working with orphans, scientific and methodological justification of the content and technology of such work in the conditions of professional pedagogical institutions (undergraduate, graduate) and in the system of advanced training of teachers, including the prevention of professional burnout of the pedagog Houses with the training of his overcoming.

    Objectives of research

    The first group of tasks is associated with the development of the theoretical foundations of the study:

    1. Develop a set of provisions that make up the socio-pedagogical foundations of the development and education of children in the pre-school orphanages;

    2. To identify the main trends and patterns of development and education of children in the pre-school orphanages.

    3. Develop a concept and integrated model of the child's education process in a preschool orphanage and training for working with children.

    The second group of tasks is of meaningful target and procedural nature:

    1. justify and test the methodology for building the pedagogical process of preschool orphanage;

    2. Develop a professional pedagog care professor.

    3. Develop the content and technology of training for working with children in orphanages.

    The third group of tasks is applied:

    1. Develop a program of social development of children raising in the pre-school orphanage;

    2. To develop the content of the master's training of teachers who are preparing to work with children in the orphanage;

    3. Develop a cycle of special couplings for undergraduate on the specifics of the development of children and pedagogical work with them in the conditions of the orphanage;

    4. Develop a training program and programs of the theoretical seminar for pedagogues of orphanages.

    The degree of development of the topic and theoretical base of the study

    The triune character of our subject matter is the social development of the orphan child, the pedagogical process of the orphanage and the specifics of training for such institutions - inevitably determines the delimitation of its components and analyzing the independence of each of the directions. For us were of interest:

    1. Research, considering different aspects of socialization, adaptation and rehabilitation of pupils of orphanages (V.M. Brevnova, O.V. Bekinina, J1.A. Vinichenko, I.V. Dubrovina, M.V. Inturizn, S.N. Koshman, B.A. Kugan, CB Lactionova, V.I. Popov, A.N. Pronin, V. Streltsova, G.N. Shvetsov, etc.); spiritual and moral development of pupils (A.A. Burlakova, I.A. Kalabina, L.P. Sasunun, etc.); Issues of polish development and preparing children to family life (G.I. Plyansova, R.G., N.E. Tatartseva et al.); views on modern training of preschoolers (A.I. Savenkov, L.A. Paramonov et al.); Problems of psychological harmonization of the personality of a orphan (L.I. Avdeeva, N.Yu. Velichko, O.I. Herbert, T.G. Lukovenko, V.V. Nolovina, N.K. Radina, Satyshev and Dr.).

    2. Studies in which the pedagogical process of orphanages is analyzed and search for its optimization (D.N. Gribkov, 3.S.Dorogonko, E.N.Drygin, A.B. Zaitsev, N.V. Kononenko, V. V. Komarov, A.E. Kobrinsky, V.V. Komarov, S.N. Koshman, K.V. Kulakov, S.Yu. Martynova, Yu.M. Merzlyakov, L.L.Mityaev, V.V. Mikhailov, HA Paliyeva, L.Ronenova, L.R. Yagutina, etc.).

    3. Of particular interest to us were studies dedicated to the problem of training specialists for working with orphans (O.V. Anikina, AA Vasilyev, T.A. Demidova, V.Yu. Ivanova, E.B. Kirichenko, E.O. . Kravchenko, Yu.N. Kuznetsova, I.A. Romanova, L.M. Simkin, S.Y. Skrinsky, etc.), in which various aspects of this problem are considered. At the same time, they did not set their task to develop a modern concept of training for working with children of preschool age in a orphanage, justification of the characteristics of the pedagogue of the children's home.

    Despite the fact that the impression of the development of the problem in modern studies is created, their analysis shows that, first of all, most studies are devoted to the children of school age, while the features of adaptation and socialization of the child early and preschool age are practically not studied, although They have pronounced specifics and their place in the process of emerging personality. Secondly, the methodological and theoretical foundations of the social development of children -Descarls are not developed in the conditions of a orphanage, which does not make it possible to develop an adequate system of software and methodical support. Thirdly, an attempt was made in the studies, significantly without changing the essence of the education process in the orphanage, to solve local problems, but such a palliative approach cannot fundamentally change the situation in the work of the orphanage.

    The methodological foundations of the study are - the philosophical concept of socialization of the personality (A.B. Mudrik, I.S. Kon, B.C. Mukhina,

    A.B. Petrovsky et al.); social conditioning (k.d. Ushinsky, P.F. Kapterev, P.P. Blonsky, A.S. Makarenko, G.V. Family, etc.); understanding of childhood as a period of maximum disclosure of the potential abilities of the child (L.S. Vygotsky, A.B. Zaporozhets, N.F. Vinogradova,

    B.T.Kudryavtsev, p.m., Chumicheva, etc.); Theory of the activity approach (A.B. Brushlinsky, Ji.C. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, etc.); ideas about the socio-historical conditionality of the phenomenon of education (A.B. Averyanov, V.G. Afanasyev, I.V. Blauberg, V.G. Budanov,

    C.P. Kurdyumov, V.N. Sadovsky, E.G. Yudin); Regulations on the unique individuality of the individual, its intrinsicness (B.M.Bim-Bad, E.V. Bondarevskaya, N.D. Nikandrov, D.I. Feldstein, A.G. Asmolov, etc.).

    The theoretical foundations of the study are: the concepts of a holistic pedagogical process (Yu.K. Babansky, V.P. Bespalko, V.V. Kraevsky, V.V. Komarov, I.Ya. Lerner, G.I. Schukina, etc.); Socio-pedagogical concepts of human interaction and medium in the process of personality socialization (B.Z. Vulfov, A.B. Mudrik, Nov. Filonov, etc.); personal-oriented education defining the identity of the child as the highest value (H.A. Alekseev, E.V. Bondarevskaya, V.V. Serikov et al.); Childhood as a space of development of the body, personality and formation of individuality and socio-cultural experience of children of preschool age (Ji.C. Vygotsky, S.A. Kozlova, V.T. Kudryavtsev, D.I. Feldstein, P.M. Chumicheva); Theories of a personality-oriented and activity approach to upbringing (S.A. Samonashvili, E.V. Bondarevskaya, O.S. Bogdanova, Z.I. Vasilyeva, N.F. Vinogradova, V.A. Slastin, I.F. Harlamov et al.); preschool education, identifying sensory periods of childhood preschool age and optimal conditions for comprehensive personal development in the process of training and education (A.G. Gogoberidze, O.M. Dyachenko, I.E. Kulikovskaya, V.I. Loginova, Ji.A. Paramonov et al.); Theoretical ideas of democratization and humanization of education presented in international and Russian legal instruments and laws; Ideas of an integrated and personal-oriented approach to children (B.M. Bim-Bad, V.I. Slobodchikov, Jim. Schpycina, E.I. Stepanov, I.S. Yakimanskaya et al.); The views of foreign scientists associated with the rationale for the conflict-free entry of the child on Wednesday of independent life and activities as a member of society, the doctrine of the motivation of personality behavior (A. Mashloou); Structural and functional theory of socialization of the individual (T.S.S.); The theory of moral development of the personality (E. Erickson).

    Scientific and Methodical (Didactic) Basics of the work carried out are the works of educational scientists and teachers - innovators in the field of education of children left without parental care (I.I. Betskaya, V.F. Odoevsky, K.D. Shushinsky, V.N. Soroka-Rosinsky, A.S. Makarenko); Studies on the problems of social protection of orphans (A.N.Nechaeva, E.M. Yerbinsky, T. N. Poddubny, etc.); Scientific works studying the features of the development of orphans and children left without parental care (L.I. Bowovich, I.V.Dubrovina, M.I. Lisin, A.M. Podishozhan, H.H. Tolstoy, H.A. Kotosonov, etc.); Basics of psychoddactics, as the branch of scientific knowledge of integrating psychology and theory of learning (A.I. Savenkov); Education of orphans (L.V. Bayborodova, V.V. Belyakov, E.A. Gorshkova, I.F. Dementieva, N.P. Ivanova, A.S. Kochkin, G.V. Semia, L.K .Sidorova); Theoretical and experimental studies of the specifics of the institutions of the boarding school (S. Bekker, J. Langmeier, I.V. Dubrovina, V.T. Kudryavtsev, A.G. Ruza, V.V. Komarov, Yu.M. Merzlyakov, N.F . Velianova, etc.).

    Scientific novelty Research: | ¥] A holistic scientific concept of social development of preschool children has been developed in the conditions of a orphanage, in which the value, target, meaningful, structural and technological aspects of the development of the preschooler in the conditions of the orphanage appear in the new world;

    0 selected criteria, indicators, levels of social development of the child of the preschool age raising in the conditions of the orphanage; 0 A holistic model of a new type of kindergarten for orphans is based on the principle of openness of the institution, the integration of the content of education and training, the interpenetration of various forms of organizing the pedagogical process, accounting for the specifics of boarding schools in the training of personnel to work in them; [X] Theoretically substantiated and technologically developed a concept and program for the social development of children of preschool age in the conditions of a orphanage.

    The scientific and theoretical substantiation of the originality of the professional activity of the teacher of the preschool orphanage from the position of targeted, meaningful and technological guidelines, has been developed by a professional activity. Theoretical significance of the study.

    0 Investigation contributes to the scientific development of the problem of the dependence of the child's development from social living conditions, it has been proven that there are correlations between the level of social development and life experience preceding the child's getting into orphanage; the level of social development and age in which the child remained without parental care; between the quality of educational work in an orphanage, orientation to the current needs of orphans and the level of social development of the child; between the level of professional competence of the teacher and the level of psycho-social well-being of pupils;

    0 The study develops and complements scientific ideas about the areas of social development of the child in the conditions of a orphanage (expanding the ideas about society; psychological harmonization of the identity of the child; the formation of household representations and skills);

    0 In the study, the optimal parameters of the integration of the content, forms and methods of social development of the child of the preschool age in the conditions of a orphanage, giving reason to develop a scientifically based technology of organizing the life and development of the child; x] Study makes adjustments to training for working with orphans on axiological, meaningful and technological levels.

    Practical significance of the study. The conceptual foundations of the new model of the orphanage, the program "Social development of children of senior preschool age in the conditions of a shortage of communication with parents" make it possible to optimize the process of social development of orphans and children left without parental care.

    Materials Studies contribute to the practice of professional pedagogical education at the level of university training (undergraduate, master's system) and training systems for pedagogical personnel. Based on the study, the master's training program towards the "pedagogue of the orphanage" (1450 hours); Program of specialization for students of pedagogical universities (500 hours); Speccurs programs "Education of preschool orphans (36 hours); "The content and organization of the pedagogue of the orphanage" (36 hours); "Pedagogical support of children with problems of development" (36 hours); "Prevention of teacher's personal burnout" (24 hours) for undergraduate students. A program of improving professional qualifications for teachers and training and training for the prevention of personal "burnout" for pedagogues of orphanages is developed. Their implementation makes it possible to reflect in the training and retraining system of pedagogical frames. Features of the education of orphans in the conditions of a orphanage, a set of competencies that must have a pedagogue of the orphanage and contributes to the solution of the task of improving the professional competence of teachers working with orphans.

    The provisions endowered: the process of socializing orphans is characterized by specific features, the need to overcome the "barriers" of the development, due to the hereditary factors and the specifics of the social situation of education outside the family. An adequate social development of this contingent of children is possible only in the situation of accounting for this specificity and the organization of educational work oriented towards children.

    Oh?] Existing children's homes can solve the problem of adequate social development of the child-preschooler personality only in the case of a comprehensive restructuring of their activities on targeted, meaningful and technological levels. To do this, it is necessary to reorient the children's homes with the "educational" accentuation on the priority of the tasks of the personal formation and psychological harmonization of the child; Rebuild the pedagogical process with the orientation on: an open nature of educational institutions for children - orphans; The maximum approach of the orphanage to the family type of education; organization of the relevant space of the orphanage; close interaction of all entities of education inside the orphanage and beyond; Accounting for the principle of sex differentiation of upbringing; Disclaimer of the Frontal forms of work in favor of organizing various forms of emotional and personal communication with children, accounting for the experience of the previous child's home to the child's life experience and building individual interaction strategies. The most important condition for optimizing the social development of preschool children in orphanages is the development of scientific and theoretical foundations (the concept of social development, model, etc.) and a package of methodological support (programs, methodological benefits, etc.).

    A prerequisite for optimizing the social development of orphans in orphanages is the preparation of qualified personnel, aimed at regard to the specifics of the development of this category of pupils and the originality of the social development situation in which they are located, weapons of teachers with the necessary professional knowledge and skills, as well as prevention Personal burnout. Research methods:

    The study used a complex of complementary methods: theoretical (analysis of scientific pedagogical, psychological, philosophical literature; regulatory, program-methodical documents; systematization, generalization, comparatively comparable analysis of the collected data); Empirical (pedagogical experiment comprising a statement, forming and control steps; Personal methods, observation, study of pedagogical documentation, study of the experience of pedagogical activity, methods for evaluation and measurement, methods of mathematical data processing). Organization of research

    The study was conducted from 1998 to 2012. Experimental base of research: a sanatorium orphanage for children - orphans and children left without parental care No. 48 of Moscow, orphanage №1 and the house of childhood №8 Election (Dagestan); Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy Education GBOU VPO MGPU; Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology DGPU (Dagestan). In total, for the entire period, the pilot experimental study covered 600 pupils of orphanages of preschool age, 200 pedagogues of orphanages and 500 students of IPGO GBOU VPO MGPU and Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology DGPU (Dagestan).

    The study was carried out in several directions and was built in stages.

    At the first stage, an analysis of the sociocultural situation of the education of children was carried out in the pre-school orphanage; features of the development of this contingent of pupils; factors affecting the process of socializing preschoolers in the conditions of the orphanage.

    In the second stage, conceptual-structural approaches were determined to build the content of work on the socialization of children of preschool age in the conditions of the orphanage, the definition of pedagogical technology. Development of a conceptual model for the socialization of preschool children raising in the conditions of the orphanage.

    At the third stage, work was carried out on the development of criteria for selection, design and evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed technology and the content of work, the level of development of pupils.

    At the fourth stage, work was carried out on the development and systematization of diagnostic tools, the diagnosis of the initial level of social development of preschool children in orphanages; experimental work, including the development of the content and technology of work on the social development of children of preschool age in the conditions of the orphanage; Conduct a control stage of experimental work and summing up.

    At the fifth stage, the results of the experimental study were summarized and analyzed, the effectiveness of the work was evaluated, conclusions were issued.

    The accuracy and scientific results of the results are provided with the methodological substantiation of the initial theoretical provisions, a set of used research methods, adequate to its tasks and logic, a variety of sources of information; a combination of high quality and quantitative analyzes; reproducibility of the results of experimental work.

    Testing and implementation of research results.

    The main provisions and research results were presented at scientific seminars, meetings of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy IPPO MGPU. They were outlined by the dissertation in reports and speeches at scientific and practical conferences. The principal conclusions of the dissertation study were approved in All-Russian and international scientific and practical conferences - "Herzen readings" (St. Petersburg, 2004); "Continuous vocational education in the XXI century" (Samara, 2008); "Moral upbringing at the present stage" (M.2001); "Modern pre-school education problems" (M., 2004); "Humanistic ideas in psychology and pedagogy" (M., 2008); Preparation of specialists for the pre-school education system in the process of university education (Sadrinsk, 2008); "The rights of the child in the modern world" (M., 2008); Modern family: state, development trends "(M., 2008); "125 years in Moscow Psychological Society" (M., 2011); "Scientific schools as a factor in preparation of pedagogical personnel" (M., 2010); "A child in a modern educational environment" (M., 2011).

    The results of the study are set forth by the author in monographs, other scientific and methodological publications, textbooks, programs with common 59 printed sheets; Used in developing and reading lectures, courses for the choice of students (undergraduate and specialty), special courses (magistracy), when writing diploma and course works by students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University (Makhachkala, Dagestan) and Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology GBOU VPO MGPU (Moscow).

    The dissertation structure. Work consists of introduction, four chapters, conclusion, a list of literature and applications.

    Similar dissertation work in the specialty "General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education", 13.00.01 CIFR WAK

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    • Preparation of orphans to independent family life in orphanages 2004, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Sataeva, Galina Andreevna

    • Socialization - individualization of children of senior preschool age in the educational process of the orphanage 2012, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Pronon, Angelica Nikolaevna

    • Socio-pedagogical conditions for the education of orphans in a small ornamental house 2009, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Gribkov, Dmitry Nikolaevich

    • Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the preparation of pupils of the orphanage to the device in patronage families 2009, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Shagimuratova, Nurura Mavlizhanovna

    Conclusion of dissertation on "General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education", Shakhmanova, Aishat Shikhahmedovna


    Theoretical analysis of the problem indicates a transformation of attitudes towards the phenomenon of childhood in the process of historical development of mankind: from denial of its importance and the era of adults. Child, Family Code of the Russian Federation, etc.). The most important task of any civilized state is to ensure children the right to prosperity childhood. However, not all children have the opportunity to implement this right.

    In the most vulnerable position there are orphans and children who remain without parental care. The development of this category of children is characterized by specific features due, on the one hand, personal characteristics (problems of physical, psycho-emotional, intellectual, moral development), on the other - the originality of the social environment (upbringing outside the family) and the "barriers" of development that has developed as a result of early acquaintance With negative sides of life. These features impose a print on the social formation process and require their accounting in organizing educational work.

    The system of education of children-orphans is not focused on the specifics of this contingent and, as a result, does not ensure its adequate socialization. Currently, along with the development of alternative forms of orphans (adoption, patronage, etc.), it becomes increasingly an opinion on the need to refuse traditional orphanages. This is a dangerous trend that can bring great harm, in view of a scientifically not substantiated nature. We are convinced that, along with the development of alternative forms of education of orphans, it is necessary to preserve, but serious reform, the state system of orphanages and boarding schools, the optimization of educational work in them. Moreover, it is important to start this work from the initial stages - preschool children's homes.

    Optimization of social development of preschool children in the conditions of an orphanage is possible with a set of conditions:

    0 Development of the conceptual foundations and a holistic scientific and informed model of the social development of the child in the conditions of a orphanage; 0 Changing the principle of child's entry into the social world; 0 Ensuring the scientific and methodological support of the pedagogical process of the orphanage, the development of specialized programs, benefits, methodical materials; 0 Preparation of highly qualified specialists who own special competencies necessary to work with this contingent of pupils and solve the problems of their social rehabilitation, adequate socialization and subsequent development. The concept of the concept, model and the author's program of social development of children of preschool age in the conditions of the orphanage confirmed the validity of an approach based on expanding and concretizing the ideas of children about the social world (close and distant social environment); compensation for personal consequences of negative experience in the child's house, on the street, in a disadvantaged family; psychological harmonization of the personality of a orphan; The formation of practical skills of life in the social world, the experience of positive interaction with him.

    Positive results were achieved in the work due to the restructuring of the educational process of the orphanage based on its openness, transition from the priority of frontal forms of working with children to individual personal communication; The inclusion of new forms of work (household classes, psychological classes), oriented to the needs of children, etc.

    The study confirmed the conceptual framework for training teachers to work with orphans on targeted, meaningful and technological levels in university and professional qualifications raising systems. Under the conditions of the university, it is the development of specialized courses in the framework of the training of bachelors and specialized master's programs. In the conditions of the advanced training system: theoretical seminars, training programs, single methodical days, specialized courses. An important direction of work is the prevention of a personal "burnout" of the teacher of the orphanage. The implementation of this approach can significantly increase the level of professional readiness of teachers to work with orphans.

    However, the problem of research is so extensive and multifaceted that, along with the resolves, unsolved problems remained, requiring further study. These are the problems of pedagogical accompaniment of a orphan child at the stage of early childhood; continuity at different stages of development, specifics of the personal development of a orphan child (moral, polish, labor, mental, aesthetic, physical), the problems of psycho-emotional development, the features of the interaction of children inside the orphanage, etc. In the study, we have not yet found the answer, many issues related to training for working with children in orphanages, children's homes, boarding schools. Studying this problem must be continued.

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