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  • Rating of the best pedagogical universities in Russia. Best Pedagogical Universities of Russia Prestigious Pedagogical Universities

    Rating of the best pedagogical universities in Russia. Best Pedagogical Universities of Russia Prestigious Pedagogical Universities

    Recently, the state has become an active struggle for quality higher education In our country: a part of educational institutions that do not meet the necessary requirements have been closed, the part has lost the opportunity to train students in some specialties, another part entered into other, larger universities. These changes in particular touched upon - among them only those that have shown themselves most effectively. However, on this, work on improving the formation of future teachers was not over: the state plans to produce specialists who will be as ready for teaching and raising children from the first days of work. Many pedagogical universities accepted this relay, and now actively work on improving the curriculum. In which universities now teach pedagogical skill is best? We have made a rating of 10 pedagogical universities in Russia, who know how to train the best teachers of the country.


    Cost of training (full-time): from 67,000 to 133,000 rubles per year


    Opens our university rating, located in the very center of the Volga Federal District - the Republic of Chuvashia. According to rating estimates of the Ministry of Education ChGPU. I.I. Yakovlev is the best university in the region and bypass all other educational institutions of the republic. However, it is among the very best pedagogical universities of the country, it is not therefore - since the 30s of the last century of the ChGPU. I.I. Yakovleva released a lot of teachers who received the status of deserved country teachers. Among the graduates of this university, there were a lot of those who simply made their contribution to the development school Education In the Volga region. The traditions of education laid back in Soviet times have been preserved at the university and in our days, and thanks to this graduates of ChGPU. I.I. Yakovleva is so well prepared for pedagogical activity.


    Cost of learning (full-time): from 89,000 to 155,000 rubles per year

    Image source:

    VGPU presented with our country a lot of prominent figures of science, culture, politicians and sports - this is the poet V.Ya. Evtushenko, and writer Yu.D. Goncharov, and deputy State Duma R.G. Guests and coach of Olympic champions on gymnastics Yu.E. Stucman and many others. Not every provincial university boasts such a number famous people Among their graduates - especially those who are not associated with the profile of the university. This VGPU is largely owed to the comprehensive development of its students - conferences, sections, circles, courses additional education Presented widely in this university. Enrolling here, you can open yourself on the other hand. Well, as the very formation, no doubt - more than 70 thousand graduates of the VGPU working in the specialty have proven university as an educational institution that issuing decent personnel for regional schools.


    The cost of learning (full-time): from 87,000 to 144,000 rubles per year

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    According to recent years More than 70% of NGPA graduates are arranged in specialty. These figures include not only those who received pedagogical education - other directions that are not related to pedagogy (, etc.) are also operating in the structure of the university (, etc.). The high percentage is largely due to the quality of students' training - Employers of Novosibirsk highly appreciate the education obtained in NGPU. However, the geography of graduates is not limited to in one region - with the Diploma NGPA is employed in other areas of Siberian, Ural and Far Eastern Federal Districts.


    Training cost (full-time): from 106,000 to 124,000 rubles per year

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    The number of students in URGPU today reaches almost 20 thousand - by the number of students, this university is one of the largest in Yekaterinburg and one of the most numerous among all pedagogical educational institutions in Russia. Popularities of Urgpu uses applicants from all over the country - there are hostels, is conducted scientific workMagazines are published and various studies are held. However, the most important advantage of the university is his active participation in the project of modernization pedagogical education: The educational program of the university is changing and adjusted, and the results of this work have already noted graduates.


    Cost of training (full-time): from 78,000 to 105,000 rubles per year

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    Mining University offers more than 150 educational programs. Each of them after the end of training allows graduates to teach at school, Dusza or University, however, many graduates find the use of knowledge gained in other areas that are far from pedagogy. Thus, on employment, the University of Nizhny Novgorod region is bypassing the leading universities of the Nizhny Novgorod region and is one of the most sought-after employers from the country's pedagogical universities. Special emphasis here is made to study languages \u200b\u200band the passage of practice, and distinguished students encourage high scholarships (the admission committee of the university argues that it can reach 20,000 rubles).


    Cost of learning (full-time): from 108,000 to 120,000 rubles per year

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    KPP them. V.P. Since the beginning of the 2000s, Astafieva has been actively working on improving the pedagogical education program. In this university, the traditions of preparing the best teachers of the region are strong - for the entire existence of the university, more than 55 thousand specialists were released here, many of which received the title of "Honored Teacher" and "Honored Science Worker". Among the graduates of the kities, there are many historians, philosophers, local lores, physicists and athletes who have become the Olympic champions - high eruditions and the comprehensive development of students have always been characteristic of this university. True, it will be not easy to do there: the middle score of the eg incoming is very high, so be prepared for competition.


    Training cost (full-time): from 70,000 to 109,000 rubles per year

    Sources: REGNUM.RU.

    Yagpu them. K.D. Ushinsky more than once competed with leading universities of our country: in 2007, he took 5th place among pedagogical and linguistic universities Russia, in 2010 - 10th place on average balle Eger among all state universities, In 2015, he received the title of the most sought-after Humanitarian University, and in 2016 he entered the list of the best on an independent assessment of the quality of education of universities of the country. With her merit, he must traditions laid down first teachers (then another teacher institution) - these were teachers who had already experienced work experience in the best gymnasiums and academies of Moscow and St. Petersburg and marked with orders and medals for merits in pedagogical activities. The high level of teacher training has been preserved today, thanks to which Yagpu them. K.D. Ushinsky turns out to be among the best pedagogical universities in Russia.


    Cost of learning (full-time): from 99,000 to 111,000 rubles per year

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    Tomsk is the innovative city of Russia. Historically, a scientific center was formed here, which has great importance For our country. Numerous NII Tomsk conducts major research in the field of medicine, physics, chemistry and IT technologies, and the state is actively supporting them. Local universities are engaged in scientific developments: ,. TGPU is not an exception: According to the ratings of recent years, this university was among the most innovative pedagogical universities in Russia. In addition, in demand by employers, TGPU also was noted - in 2015 he took 2nd place in the ranking of all Russian universities.


    Cost of learning (full-time): from 91,000 to 215,000 rubles per year

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    The whole of the famous scientists and figures of Russian science among teachers can boast MHPI - one of the leading pedagogical universities of Russia, founded back in the XIX century. In the entire history of the existence of an educational institution, Vasily Klyuchevsky, Ivan Tsvetaev, Alexey Councils, Igor Tamm, Lev Vygotsky, Otto Schmidt, and other outstanding figures of their era and other outstanding figures of their era and other outstanding figures of their era. This university is one of the few wears the status of not only an educational, but also a research institution - projects are being developed in the walls of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and studies are being conducted, which has a huge impact on the development of pedagogy in our country.


    Training cost (full-time): from 107,000 to 229,000 rubles per year

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    RGPU them. A.I. Herzen is considered one of the best universities Russia: on the demand of graduates, he regularly competes not only with pedagogical, but also classical universities in our country. This is an educational institution since the times Tsarist Russia In addition to extensive knowledge, it gave their students the most important skills and skills - what made it possible to consider RGPU in the university, giving a "profession" from the first occupation. University has great and cultural significance. It features the only institution of the peoples of the North in the country, professional newspapers and magazines are published, and the temple of Sv is located on the territory of the university itself. Apostles Peter and Paul are one of the few places in the country where services are conducted with a survival.

    Teachers at all times treated the category of intelligentsia were respected and revered in society. Today, this trend also has a place; That is why many graduates, also moving with love for children and the desire to make a good deed for the benefit of their native country, decide to associate their lives with teaching. In this article, we have drawn up the rating of pedagogical universities in Russia. Is it worth going to big cities, or decent universities with high levels exist in settlements With a small number of residents? How many points should be gained to enter? Let's deal with!

    Moscow Pedagogical State University

    Or abbreviated - MPGU. This university, founded in the distance 1872, is currently a real mastodont in the field of training of professional teachers. The main building of this educational institution is located in Moscow at ul. Small Pirogovskaya, d. 1. In 2015, another famous institute was joined to the university, namely, the Moscow State Humanitarian University. Mikhail Sholokhov. Today in the IPGU, you can get the formation of the following levels:

    • undergraduate;
    • master;
    • graduate school;
    • 2nd higher;
    • additional education.

    On the basis of the university, its born branches are also functioning, namely the Sergiev Posad and Egorievsky branches of the IPSU. In several cases scattered throughout Moscow, students are preparing for students received by the selected area into one of the following institutions:

    • institute of Philology;
    • university of the Foreign languages;
    • institute of Sports and Health
    • institute of Art;
    • institute of Policy and History;
    • institute of Childhood;
    • institute of Chemistry and Biology;
    • institute of Communications, Journalism and Media Education;
    • institute of Socio-Humanitarian Directions;
    • institute information systems, physics and technologies.

    In addition, in the IFSU, in addition to institutions, there are 4 not yet reorganized faculty:

    • mathematical;
    • geographical;
    • pedagogy and psychology;
    • preschool pedagogy and psychology.

    What to do in the IGSU?

    Among the pedagogical universities in Russia, MPGU is in demand because it belongs to the category of state, and, it means that budget places incoming (usually about 2245!). And this program acts as for balavelars full-time and correspondence form Training and under masters. The minimum passing score for free training in 2016 amounted to an average of just over 74 points for 1 subject, with varying this indicator in one or the other direction depending on the selected specialty. Days open doors We are held from March and cover the period of April and even May, when graduates have to be finally determined with the choice. Therefore, opportunities to look at the life of the university with their own eyes the applicants are provided enough. The cost of training on a commercial basis is at least 60-70 thousand rubles, on average - about 160000-180000 rubles and higher.

    Russian pedagogical universities: MGPU

    Do not confuse with the aforementioned MPGU, because the vectors of their development are completely different. If first combines an innovative approach with solid pedagogical traditionsaccumulated over a period of more than a century of existence, MHPA, based only in March 1995, is a higher education institution, rather than a new type, represents not only a young, but also an extremely promising educational institution. In the ranking of pedagogical universities in terms of average competitive Point EGE MGPU occupies an honorable 2nd place: in order to enroll on a budget basis, the graduate will need to pass each item on average for 70 points and higher. You can do it quite possible, because the total number of budget places exceeds the mark in 2000! If it is not possible to go to the budget, you can submit documents for commerce, the cost of which will be on average 170 thousand rubles. In the structure of the MHP, which is currently one of the largest metropolitan centers of education, culture and science, 13 institutions stand out:

    • additional education;
    • cultures and arts;
    • mathematics, natural sciences and computer science;
    • psychology of education and pedagogy;
    • sociology, psychology and social relations;
    • comprehensive rehabilitation and special education;
    • management;
    • foreign languages;
    • humanitarian education;
    • system projects;
    • legal;
    • medium vocational education name (college);
    • sports and physical culture.

    It also functions 1 faculty, pedagogical, whose body is located in the city of Zelenograd. Applicants should not be afraid and think that to obtain the profession of the teacher they will have to move to the Moscow region, because the system of educational reform equates the name of the institute to the name of the Faculty, and, it means that all of the above directions in the capital are implemented. Of the 4 buildings in different parts of Moscow, the main thing is that located on the m. VDNH at the address 2nd Agricultural passage, d. 4. It is here that in the summer it works a reception office; This should bring documents for admission.

    Pluses MGPU

    Of the objective advantages of the institution: excellent technical equipment (the presence of 91 multimedia audiences, of which in 18 there are interactive boards, and in 40 - soundsaw complexes), participation in international projects and the proposal to students of exchange practices, internships, travel abroad, as well as assistance from the administration in further employment.

    RGPU them. Herzen

    Russian based in St. Petersburg, also refers to the best pedagogical universities in Russia. In order to enroll here, you will need to pass each exam by more than 74 points; In general, 2266 applicants can count on the budget. The university was founded in May 1797 and only in 1991 acquired the status of the University. Currently, the university includes 100 departments and 20 faculties. The multi-level education system implemented in the walls of the institution prepares pedagogical frames in the following areas:

    • methods of preschool / primary education and pedagogy;
    • philology;
    • teaching Russian as a foreign language;
    • literature and Russian;
    • social pedagogy;
    • speech therapy and oligophrenopedagogic;
    • sport I. physical education etc.

    In the list of state pedagogical universities in Russia, RSUP them. Herzen is distinguished by the fact that leads the direction of labor frames even on such unique and unique faculties in the country, as the Faculty of Human Philosophy, the Faculty of Peoples of the Far North, a separate faculty of life safety. In the walls of the university, more than 20 thousand students study. A special advantage of the institution is to maintain partnerships with many foreign educational institutionsCanada, China, Austria, Poland, Netherlands, America, Germany and other countries.

    Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. K. Minina

    In NGPU. The goat mining is much easier to enter: here the average examination point according to one subject must exceed the mark of 69 units. But annually provided budget seats are significantly less than in previous institutions under consideration; About 468 people can count on the receipt by free form. The cost of training for commerce will be at least 30 thousand rubles and higher. Founded in 1935, so far the university boasts the following institutions:

    • advertising and public relations;
    • institute of Childhood;
    • additional education;
    • socio-economic and natural sciences;
    • institute of Arts;
    • social, humanitarian and historical education;
    • institute of Youth Culture and Policy;
    • information and physical and mathematical education;
    • psychology mass media and philology.

    The remaining pedagogical universities of Russia: list

    In a good account today also listed Naberezhnokilninsky Institute Socio-pedagogical technologies and resources, Moscow citys and Tomsk, Chelyabinsk, Glazovsky, Omsk, Bashkir, Voronezh, Uralsky, Chuvash, Ulyanovsky, Novosibirsk and other pedagogical universities. Therefore, if a person has no funds to move to the capital, it is not necessary to chase in the most prestigious name - the obtained and in these local higher educational institutions The level of pedagogical education will be very worthy.

    Pedagogy is a truly vocation. Someone calls her art, someone - philosophy, and someone the most difficult profession, but the truth is that everything is right - this is creativity, and hard work, and joy from the results of students and the learning process. If you understand that such a profession is close to you, we suggest familiarizing yourself with those universities in which you can get it.

    - These are the places that have deserved universal respect, working for decades above the perfect curriculaBy developing your own training systems, encouraging students and conducting a variety of activities aimed at combating the creative principle with rational.

    1. MGPU - - This university exists relatively recently (since 1995), but has already managed to become quite reputable. The university has its own concept, according to which the development of the university and the interaction of the teaching staff inside it. Combine science, education and culture - this is the purpose and meaning of the work of the MGU. If you add all technical innovations, information capabilities, the most powerful teaching and material base, it turns out that the university not only successfully implements its concept, but also provides a worthy example of other universities.

    As many as 60 programs of higher education and 65 - postgraduate, 10 institutes and 7 faculties are a real forge of masters of their case.

    Alexandra Inzova, graduate of 2013:

    "I really liked learning there. I think that I was lucky with teachers, it is largely merit. They were all very intelligible explained, there was practice with children, including with impaired psyche and difficult. It helped to understand the specifics of the profession and find individual approach To each child, to understand, in which direction to send it and how to help. "

    Numerous diplomas and rewards, as well as good words of students and graduates - the best confirmation of the high level of the university.

    How many traditions merged into one with this association, how many different teachers began to interact on new principles, but the result exceeded all the expectations - the most powerful scientific and pedagogical base and the implementation of educational programs at the highest level on all directions prove correctness received On the combination of three faculties in one. Galina Kuznetsova, Director of the Department international cooperation And the public relations of the MGU them. MA Sholokhov:

    « Educational process In MGGU Sholokhov built in such a way that in addition professional training (which is unconditionally paid decent attention) In graduates Sholokhov form universal social competencies.

    Success professional activity All areas are provided at the expense of their development. We pay great attention to cultural competence, sociability, development of the leader's behavior model, the ability to set goals and plan their achievement, the ability to create and implement projects, etc.

    We are considering the education process as a combination of scientific knowledge and a medium in which students can realize their skills and develop universal competences of students, which is a solid foundation of any activity aimed at success - whether it is a policy, business, public service or pedagogy.

    In the learning process, regardless of the direction of preparation, such courses were introduced as the history of Russian literature, life navigation, project management, etc., which, in combination with the active activities of students in the Volunteer Center "Sochi-2014", for example, or in the school of counselors, as well as in many Others give an effective result. "

    At the moment, school graduates can choose one of three profiles -

    1. Pedagogy and primary education technique

    2. Psychology and Social Pedagogy

    3. Psychology and pedagogy of pre-school education.

    Teachers of all items are people, not just devoted to their work, but also have awards, scientific degrees, titles.

    Students are offered from the very beginning to plunge into the world of pedagogy and feel that this is - already in the first year you can try yourself as a warranty or volunteer, to become participants in the student brigade reception Commission or activist in the student council. Many students go to international children's camps, where they receive the necessary experience and, of course, relax themselves.

    To understand what teachers produces the Pedagogical Faculty, you can simply look at those titles that these graduates are honored - among them and "teachers of the year", and "educators of the year", and the institutions where they work are becoming the best children's teams and the best educational institutions .

    3. MHPU - - This university leads its history since 1996. And he also has its own idea, the concept is to combine university education with academic science. It turned out or not, it can be judged by the present situation of the university - it is practically in all ratings, if it comes to pedagogy. This university can be called one of the most modern, it is very close to real life, and knowledge acquired by students, in demand in advance - leadership in their development and training programs is responsible for a social request - the needs of urban social sphere Considered first. With the help of practice, students learn to solve pressing tasks, which is very important, because they learn to navigate in modern information space.

    High qualifications of specialists cooperating with, confirmed by their scientists with titles and regalia - among them academicians, Correspondent members of RAO, Doctor of Science, Candidates of Sciences, as well as personnel from the Psychological Institute Russian Academy Education.

    Methods with the help of which students become modern educators, too, must be modern, so advanced equipment, computers and multimedia techniques have become an integral part of the educational process.

    Since the university psychological-pedagogical, psychology will be inextricably linked with pedagogy at all stages of studying it. This is understandable and logical - a good teacher, in addition to the wonderful knowledge of his subject, should no less well know and those who teach him.

    Whatever university you have chosen, do not forget that the teacher is the one who lays many basics in the rapid children's minds, it largely depends on it, what society we will see in the future, so we will take the most seriously to study!

    Good luck in arrival!

    What points were accepted in universities focused on the preparation of future teachers? You can learn about this in the appropriate ranking.

    The name of the university Profile Middle score exam enrolled in the competition A total of budget places, people.
    by competition according to Olympiads by benefits by target set
    Moscow pedagogical state University pedagogical 74,3 1264 5 119 83
    Moscow city pedagogical University pedagogical 71,9 1070 5 45 0
    Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzena, St. Petersburg pedagogical 74 864 18 94 201
    Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. Goat minina pedagogical 69,4 468 0 34 99
    Naberezhninsky Institute of Socio-Pedagogical Technology and Resources pedagogical 69,6 175 0 7 16
    Moscow City Psychological Pedagogical University pedagogical 68,1 442 0 17 0
    Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University. K.D. Shushinsky pedagogical 69,6 364 0 20 91
    Volga State Socio-Humanitarian Academy, Samara pedagogical 68,5 407 3 29 73
    Ural State Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg pedagogical 68,9 478 0 39 65
    Moscow State Regional University pedagogical 68,4 743 4 32 158
    Tomsk State Pedagogical University pedagogical 70,8 290 0 31 84
    Glazovsky State pedagogical Institute them. V.G. Korolenko pedagogical 69,2 131 0 22 170
    Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University. V.P.Astafieva pedagogical 67,8 292 3 23 35
    Voronezh State Pedagogical University pedagogical 68,9 366 1 34 75
    Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University pedagogical 67,2 485 0 32 56
    Volgograd State Socio Pedagogical University pedagogical 67,3 485 0 30 84
    Ulyanovsky State Pedagogical University. I.N.Ulyanova pedagogical 66,9 481 0 34 72
    Chuvash State Pedagogical University. I.Ya.Yakovlev, Cheboksary pedagogical 66 420 0 26 56
    Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University pedagogical 66 728 0 57 46
    Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University pedagogical 65,9 483 0 34 53
    Orenburg State Pedagogical University pedagogical 65,1 400 0 18 37
    Bashkir State Pedagogical University. M.Akmullah, Ufa pedagogical 65,9 492 0 38 87
    Murmansk State Humanitarian University pedagogical 65,6 198 0 21 26
    Nizhny Tagil State Social pedagogical Academy pedagogical 64,1 177 0 9 9
    Tula State Pedagogical University. L.N. Tolstoy pedagogical 65 437 1 40 135
    Moscow State Regional Socio Humanitarian Institute pedagogical 64,9 297 0 11 97
    Altai state Academy education them. V.M.Shukshina, Biysk pedagogical 66,5 61 0 8 23
    Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute. M.E.E. Evsevieva, Saransk pedagogical 66,5 393 0 25 95
    Armavir State Pedagogical Academy pedagogical 64,1 289 0 21 65
    Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute pedagogical 63,5 203 0 5 67
    Shadrin State Pedagogical Institute pedagogical 61,8 335 0 17 31
    Lipetsk State Pedagogical University pedagogical 61,1 459 0 28 35
    Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg pedagogical 62,4 423 0 28 34
    Omsk State Pedagogical University pedagogical 60,2 528 0 15 42
    Surgut State Pedagogical University pedagogical 59,1 334 0 8 86
    Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul pedagogical 60,1 173 1 40 198
    Blagoveshchensky State Pedagogical University pedagogical 57,9 341 0 22 38
    Borisoglebsky State Pedagogical Institute pedagogical 56,5 83 0 4 5
    Amur Humanitarian and Pedagogical State University, Komsomolsk-on-Amur pedagogical 55,7 198 0 12 12
    Chechen State Pedagogical Institute, Grozny pedagogical 60,7 325 0 39 331
    Dagestan State Pedagogical University, Markhachkala pedagogical 52,7 447 0 29 0
    North Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute, Vladikavkaz pedagogical 47,4 161 0 3 11