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  • Passing points at the Academy Ped. Passing points of pedagogical universities. Passing score in technical school

    Passing points at the Academy Ped. Passing points of pedagogical universities. Passing score in technical school

    Reform russian education It is difficult, the new minister of Mindreat will have to clear the Augean stables of the formation, faded with supporters of Bologna, and in the people called "Bolotnaya" system school learning and training specialists. Finns at one time were cut down that the training system that existed in the USSR is really the best in the world and stamped it, adapting it to their educational standards. Now the best in the world is the Finnish education system.

    However, back to the Russian reform and pay attention to the fact that in 2013, in order to stimulate the applicants to flow into colleges, that is, in order to motivate, first of all, graduates of the 9 -th grade to obtain a special mid-level education have been canceled by entrance exams.

    In exchange, the competitions of certificates and passing points were introduced after grade 9. At the same time, each, let's call them by analogy with universities, the DSUs for each specialty determines independently. Therefore, the question of which passing point to the college after 9 years of studying at school, sounds ridiculous, as in the case of the question of the average temperature of the patients of the hospital.

    Passing score in technical school

    College and technical school - these educational institutions Gemini-brothers for the receipt of SSO after the 9-pilot at school. And paraphrasing Mayakovsky, which of them for high-quality education is more valuable, we can argue that when it is referred to as a foreign manner of College, it is understood by the technical school, when the "technical school" is said, then there is a college.

    The same as in college, controversial definition passing point In the technical school, firstly, it is necessary to specify this which passage score grade 9, that is, with incomplete or for a graduate with a full average formation.

    Secondly, what specialty is interested in the passing score and, thirdly, you need to specify a specific technical school.

    Because for graduates of the 9th grade of the passing score, it is installed on an average estimate of the certificate, somewhere in the range from 3.5 and to maximum assessment 5, for graduates with a full average formation of 130 and to the maximum 200 points of the EGE result.

    As for the passing indicators in the specialty, then here is about the same range of knowledge estimates. And if you take individual technical schools, then the password parameters can independently install in a smaller side of the lower values.

    Passing point in medical college

    Without going into banal arguments about humanity and necessity medical professionswho are always in demand by society should take into account that the average medical education You can get after 9 classes.

    The passing point in Honey College also depends on the specialties as the nursing and obstetric matter, as well as from the average certificate indicator, which determines the educational institution independently, depending on the set and number of applicants in place.

    As for other areas, which in Honey colleges are considered concomitant, here is the same principle of determining the average passage of the BALA, as for the main specialties.

    More recently, the requirement was observed in honey schools, the requirement was observed that for admission it was necessary to pass exams on biology, as well as in the Russian language.

    Now everything has changed and for admission it is necessary to pass a written psychological test For compliance with the psychological and physical abilities of applicant, the requirements for a specialist of medicine.

    Passing points in colleges 2017

    If you take, for example, any college honey, then, the 2017 Passing Ball is unlikely to differ from previous years. Moreover, there is a possibility that the average passage of the certificate and the result of the USE will be below the threshold of the previous years due to a significant reduction in the number of applicants due to the so-called "demographic pit", which happened at the beginning of "zero". Just at that time, so many children were not born as it was born before.

    Therefore, such situations such situations are especially provincial colleges, where passing estimates may not be strictly fixed, for example, in cases where 30 applications are submitted to 30 places in college, then in this case all 30 applicants come. Then the average valuation of the certificate with the lowest indicators will be considered a pass assessment, or the lowest EGE indicator. The main thing is that the assessments are, as they say, adequate training profile, and also corresponded to the status, or rather, the indicator, what college gives himself an assessment.

    Passing point - the value is non-permanent. Its value has a strong influence the number of universities with similar quality of education, as well as the number of applicants.

    You will need

    • - Admission Office of the University, information on how many applicants with good results of the EGE;
    • - Statistics.


    To have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe magnitude of the passing point, it is worth waiting for the date of the end of the reception of documents, and on the basis of the data obtained, to learn how many points need to have in order to be a student. But because of the EGE's results using the results, this number may decrease, for example, if someone takes his documents to another university.

    If you want to wait for mood and patience, you can use the following scheme. To start learn the statistics of the passing points in this educational institution Over the past year 3-4. Continue to explore the resulting numbers. On average, the passing score ranges 5-10 points annually.

    Of course, there are chances of getting into the passing score of graduates with the ideal results of the exam. However, it is precisely this contingent that can significantly raise the magnitude of the passing point.

    Video on the topic

    Moscow state University named after M.V. Lomonosov is one of the leading educational institutions of our country. Every year it goes here from different parts of Russia and from abroad. The highly professional teaching staff prepares qualified specialists in various specialties. How to get to Moscow State University?


    First, you must get a certificate of average. The presence and silver medal does not give any benefits upon admission, however, it can be considered during the exams with equal results with another applicant. Daily, you can visit "Day open doors", Where you find out the necessary information about further training, talk to the rector, ask questions and see a list of documents required when admitted to the university. It is advisable to chat with former university graduates and find out information about the learning process.

    Secondly, it will be necessary to write a statement to the name of the rector, which is submitted to the Reception Commission. The form of the document can be viewed on the official website. reception Commission Moscow State University. Or ask to ask the Admission Office, they will also give instructions to fill it.

    Syroidic children, children with disabilities, citizens up to 20 years old, having one parent of the disabled person of 1 group, citizens, with a family income less than the subsistence minimum, persons who have served in the army under a contract for at least three years have the right to preferential admission according to the legislation of the Russian Federation. The same advantage poses the winners of All-Russian Olympiads held annually in different subjects among secondary educational institutions.

    In addition to the statement of the established sample, you need to prepare other documents. It can be a certificate or a diploma of the presence of average special Education. Copies of the birth and passport certificate, 8 black and white photos of 3 sizes 3 to 4, a copy or original certificate of results obtained in a single state exam. It should be noted that copies of documents are not necessarily assigned in the notary. Persons eligible for benefits should also provide the necessary confirmation of their words.

    Documents with a statement can be sent by mail to the MSU address or attributed directly to the admission committee personally. After that, applicants are allowed for additional entrance exams.

    Foreign persons who want to get to Moscow State University are provided with a hostel for the entire period of study. Moscow State University training specialists in full-time, evening and correspondence formas. The feed of that, you can always submit an application and documents for admission to the magistracy and graduate school.

    To submit documents to arrive, a certain period is given, which changes every year, so this question must be found in advance in the admission committee.


    • what exams in Moscow State University

    School graduates who submitted applications for admission to our country's universities are tormented in guesses, they will come or not. They are interested in where you can get data about passing points. Since the results of a 100-point scale are used for admission to universities, the exact data is unknown to anyone.


    Wait for posting the first lists of applicants, and you will see what data they seek in this university. Do not be discouraged if your surname is far from the first rows of this list. These are just preliminary data. Carefully look at the column of people who submitted originals (they will not be so much). Since the law is allowed to submit documents to five educational institutions, these same names have certainly already found themselves in the lists of other universities.

    Track the analysis the results of the EGE In your area in news reports, on the Internet (on the sites of specific universities), in newspaper articles. Such data are in publicly available use, presented in the form of statistics (it can be tables, graphs,). Everything will help you focus and understand how big your chances are. If your satisfactory scores are thinking about whether it is worth sending the original documents to the university.

    Consult with graduates of past years. On a personal example and the example of your classmates, they will tell you how they did themselves. Comparing your and their points, you will approximately know passing. But remember that in each educational institution of the passing score - somewhere above, somewhere below. To some extent it depends on the prestige of the university, the number budget seats and the number of beneficiaries who submitted documents.

    Be sure to write a phone number in the application. Universities who value their applicants will inform you personally about the results of enrollment, perhaps they will even offer to immediately bring everything required documents. It also happens that the specialty you chose requires high passing points. The statement also express their wishes about another specialty, with lower points. In this case, your chances will increase.

    Education is an important aspect in personality life. Good professional knowledge and skills strengthen self-confidence, help getting good work and becoming material wealth. "Where to go to learn?" - Ask a question most of the current graduates.

    Student this university: I studied at the IPSU at the faculty foreign languages Exact year and I was enough. I write only my personal impressions of this university. Now I study in another university and I have something to compare with. My acquaintance with MPGU occurred from the day of the open door. And that immediately it was necessary to push me away, so this is the type of KGF building on Vernadsky Avenue. But for some reason I did not push. Inside on the first floor, it seems like everything is decent, as it seemed. Later, during the receiving campaign, I rose to the 6th floor of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. To say that repair there was no long ago, it's nothing to say. But by the way, the reception of documents was held in a less decent audience. I just did not see other audiences then. I do not know that I was driving me and why I preferred to MPGU. I still can not answer this question. Probably, his experienced greatness and that it was the first and leading pedage of the country's university. The keyword here "was". We, future students, came to the meeting of students. How many other words were said, just such a noodle on the ears. And about material support, and about large scholarships, and about individual approach, and even about the fact that the university will try to provide everyone (!) Student with a laptop if necessary. Naturally, all this was a lie. And by the way, the woman we talk about all the space prospects, I never met anymore at the university.
    I paid a little attention to the state of the university in the past paragraph, now I want to describe it in more detail. In the very horror of some audiences, I came when we were on cleaning. Huge holes in linoleum, the desks that hold only on the chewing and chairs, which as if brought from the garbage. These are just some of the charms of the audience. The windows were not replaced by the most buildings of the building. They were even scary to open them, it seemed that they would fall on your head. And in the winter, a terrible draft of them blew. The most remarkable is toilets, more precisely, their lack. Instead of them holes in the floor. No, of course not everywhere, but the main toilets on the floors are such other than the first and second. About the presence of toilet paper does not have to speak. Even in the KGF, very "beautiful" elevators. They, too, seemed not changed from the 60-70s of the last century. It may happen that you get stuck and you will be very soon pulling out. A small point in favor of the KGF is a big dining room and there it is not alone. In general, it is where. It is still very nice on physical education, especially the unclosed dressing room, so you are either dragging the bags or stays on duty and sits with bags. But this, too, there is a small plus, if you sit with my bags, you counted it as for visiting a couple of physios.
    About the state of the audience, I have already signed, go to the organization and work of the dean, if this can be called "work". For the first time, I encountered a problem when I received student. Most of my alignments received their numbers on September 5-7, I'm just after a half months. I and other poor people stood in line for 4 hours, while the lady who had to give us them constantly went for lunch. Dean until December did not pay a girl from my group, although she did not appear three months at the university. Then we had a gorgeous compiled schedule. First, the audience did not correspond to the reality or in one attoriety could put two different subjects and who will come first, that and the audience. Secondly, one seminar could put in 3-4 groups, in the cheating cabinets we barely barely placed. Some had to practically sit in the corridor. Then one more our "entertainment" was to look for Paul couples chairs. The lectures also took the fun. They often put the whole stream, these are 20 groups, and in each group from 16 people. It was such that I had to sit on the stairs or crowded so that it was difficult to write. Correctly because of such a number of people, there was no longer heard on the middle papers of the teacher.
    Now the next item. How to pass couples and a few words about teachers. I admit, not all couples passed so terrible, there were nothing quite nothing. The main language pairs take place on the same group. Such as grammar, speech practices and phonetics. But the most linguistic practice is incredibly small. We spoke very little in English. In other matters, it will be lucky as with the teacher. Now about teachers. Chestically self-signed. For example, the most terrible teacher was the Tirskaya Anna Alexandrovna. She was just a terrible teacher, could noise, shank, constantly late for 20 minutes. Insulting students This is the usual thing for it. I was constantly shaking before her pair. Once she spoiled me for finding her inappropriate audience. Yes, we had to look for her an audience for a couple, then call her to deign to descend. She is one of the strongest phonetists in the IGSU, but as a teacher and as a person is just disgusting. Because of her, many students were expelled from the university. She simply piled them on the gibbage and on the crown and did not hesitate to insult them at the same time. She constantly passed on our mental abilities, said that we were all mistaken by the university. I do not know who can like this approach to teaching. I simply did not perceive her, I had to hire a tutor on phonetics, because I did not understand anything. She poured me on the final control, but the benefit of the exam was accepted by another teacher. I do not understand why such "tactful" teachers generally allow working. There is still a couple of teachers from whom I just had in shock. But in the IGSU there are strong and adequate teachers. Only the fact of the matter is that only "meet" and how lucky. There was a teacher who allowed himself to be late for 40 minutes, and then he stated that there would be no lectures and seminars, because MPGU did not pay him for it. Of course, teachers are also in a difficult situation in this university.
    I also like that now freshmen pay in a year 195 thousand and it is only in English, two languages \u200b\u200bare even more expensive. In MPGU, students have a unlawful question: what money goes? Not clearly for repairs.
    I would also like to tell the story about how I was deducted. I walked seven circles of hell. I could not attend three months (!) I swore and quarreled. Just remember scary.
    I tried to paint everything over Maxim. These memoirs left this university about themselves. My Council of Applicants. Think carefully before entering MPGU. At least on the inm. MPGU likes to recruit a lot of people, in the group there can be 18 people. About normal teaching can not be speech. Money leak is also another incomprehensible question. I recommend, if you still want to go to the IGSU, ask students of 2-4 courses. Assume everything that interests. And better than a few people. Still, if you still be accurate to act in the IGSU, make dating people from different groups. It will help you in the future, you will exchange information, homework.
    Here is such a bitter experience I have. And how glad I am still moving to another university. It's just the sky and the earth!

    Teacing is art, work is no less titanic than the work of a writer or composer, but more severe and responsible.

    The teacher appeals to the soul of human not through music, as a composer, not with the help of paints, as an artist, but really.

    Raises his knowledge and love, with his attitude to the world.


    Pedagogical universities are in the first list, as they are the basis of any education. They are preparing teachers and teachers for all levels educational system - kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities. Teachers are not just teaching children to sciences, but also form the worldview, "they sow intelligent, kind, eternal." Most of the school student and students spend next to the teachers. Therefore, it is so important that graduates of pedagogical universities are highly educated, intelligent worthy. The future fate of the younger generation depends on the quality of teaching. As Teshash said: "The teacher must have a maximum of authority and a minimum of power." Only one who has authority from students can instill love for knowledge, to teach a lot.

    Fundamental and high-quality education Future teachers can get in state pedagogical universities. The page of each university presents its description, addresses and details, open-door days, form of training, information about the availability of budget places, hostels, military departments.

    To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach, and love those who teach.

    V. Klyuchevsky

    IN last years The popularity of the teacher's profession has significantly increased. The flow of applicants in the MGPA last year amounted to 25 thousand people - 17 people in 1 place place! The number of budget places is increased to 1290. This situation is observed in other pedagogical universities. The reason for increasing demands pedagogical education It is a state program for the modernization of the training system, which led, among other things, to raising the salary of teachers. The world has changed, and there must be other teachers going keep up with the times. Modern teachers are designed not only to strengthen the shaking authority of the teacher's profession, but also to build it to a new height. In order for an honorable privilege in the future to get pedagogical education.

    The government is preparing an additional series of measures to improve the quality of life of teachers.

    The pedagogical universities come not only in order to become a teacher, but also to receive the profession of a competent municipal manager applying modern management methods and business informatics.

    His distinctive feature is a fairly incredible position of Moscow pedagogical universities. In Top-10, there were only two of them, and the first of them with the middle score of the EGE 63.6 takes only a seventh position. And the rating is headed - Chelyabinsk State pedagogical University (66.4) followed by the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University and the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I.Getzen.

    The overall shift of emphs towards the regions and some weakening of the positions of metropolitan and St. Petersburg universities, apparently, indicates a decrease in demand for pedagogical specialties in both capitals. At the same time, the overall picture of the receipt and a sufficiently high density of the EGE results, indicates relative equality in the level of preparation of applicants, which naturally affects the search for alternative options.

    No. p / p The name of the university Middle score Min score exam % of the total number of applicants adopted by the budget of the EGE Competition
    1 Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University 66,4 64,3 5,1
    2 Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University 66,2 59,6 68,6
    3 Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I.Getzen, St. Petersburg 65 59,8 73,4
    4 Chuvash State Pedagogical University. AND I. Yakovlev 64,3 53 85,3
    5 Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg 64,3 60,2 92,7
    6 Murmansk State Pedagogical University 63,6 55,5 81,5
    7 Moscow Pedagogical State University 63,6 54 89,3
    8 Penza State Pedagogical University. VG Belinsky 63,6 54,2 92,6
    9 Tatar State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Kazan 63,4 54,6 81,4
    10 Moscow City Pedagogical University 62,9 51,5 89,1
    11 Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg 62,6 53,4 85
    12 Yaroslavl Soviet Pedagogical University. K.D. Ushinsky 62,3 55,2 85,3
    13 Tula State Pedagogical University. L.N. Tolstoy 61,7 54,7 88,2
    14 Moscow Humanitarian pedagogical Institute 61,6 54,1 78,6
    15 Vologda State Pedagogical University 61,6 54,9 81,8
    16 Bashkir State Pedagogical University. M.Akmullah, Ufa 61,3 50,3 93,6
    17 Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Academy 61,2 52,8 84
    18 Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University. V.P. Astafieva 61,2 56,2 80,7
    19 Lipetsk State Pedagogical University 61,1 45 93,3
    20 Moscow State Regional University 60,8 51,8 78,7
    21 Perm State Pedagogical University 60,6 50,2 85,7
    22 Omsk State Pedagogical University 60,4 52,4 92,9
    23 Kaluga State Pedagogical University. K.E. Tsiolkovsky 59,6 47,8 90,8
    24 Orenburg State Pedagogical University 59,1 48,4 90,5
    25 Birsk State Socio Pedagogical Academy 59 49,3 88,2
    26 Ulyanovsky State Pedagogical University. I.N.Ulyanova 58,8 47,5 83
    27 Transbaikal State Humanitarian Pedagogical University. N.G. Chernyshevsky 58,4 50,4 77,5
    28 Glazovsky State Pedagogical Institute. V.G. Korolenko 58,2 48,9 90,7
    29 Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute. M.E.Evsevieva 58,1 48,8 75,3
    30 Volgograd State Pedagogical University 57,8 46 74,2
    31 Pskov State Pedagogical University. CM. Kirov 57,5 45,9 90,4
    32 Tomsk State Pedagogical University 57,4 51,8 84,3
    33 Altai State Pedagogical Academy, Barnaul 57,2 52,3 80,8
    34 Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University 57 45,2 92,7
    35 Sterlitamak State Pedagogical Academy. Zainab Biisheva 57 45,5 87,7
    36 Karelian State Pedagogical Academy, Petrozavodsk 57 43,1 85,1
    37 Biy Pedagogical State University. V.M. Shukshina 56,8 47,3 83,2
    38 Elabuga State Pedagogical University 56,4 43,2 90,8
    39 Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute 56,2 47,9 93,6
    40 Voronezh State Pedagogical University 56,2 44 81,2
    41 Komi State Pedagogical Institute, Syktyvkar 56,1 44,4 86,6
    42 Dagestan State Pedagogical University 56,1 42,6 98,7
    43 Amur Humanitarian and Pedagogical State University, Komsomolsk-on-Amur 56 51,7 86,3
    44 Shui State Pedagogical University 56 48,5 89,3
    45 Michurinsky State Pedagogical Institute 55,7 43,7 87,7
    46 Naberezhinsky State Pedagogical Institute 55,5 43,5 90
    47 Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute 55,5 45,6 92,9
    48 Arzamas State Pedagogical Institute. A.P.Gaidara 55,5 44,8 80,8
    49 Surgut State Pedagogical University 55,3 48,5 97,1
    50 Kuzbass State Pedagogical Academy, Novokuznetsk 55 40,9 94,9
    51 Blagoveshchensky State Pedagogical University 53,7 42,6 83,5
    52 Slavic-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute 52,7 40,1 93,7
    53 Armavir State Pedagogical University 52,3 42 93,7
    54 Shadrin State Pedagogical Institute 51,8 43,3 87,8
    55 Borisoglebsky State Pedagogical Institute 51,8 41,9 77,9
    56 Volzhsky State Engineering and Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod 49,7 40,7 95,9
    57 Tobolsk State Social and Pedagogical Academy. D.I. Iveleeva 49,6 35,4 87,3
    58 Solikamsky State Pedagogical Institute 49,3 38,8 85
    59 Ussuri State Pedagogical Institute 49,2 39,4 91