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  • Middle medical staff - who belongs: a list of specialties. Medical professions: list. Profession Medical Sister List of posts in the specialty Medical

    Middle medical staff - who belongs: a list of specialties. Medical professions: list. Profession Medical Sister List of posts in the specialty Medical

    Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


    In order to improve the certification system and certification of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel, I order:

    1. Enter:

    1.1. Nomenclature of specialties of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel (Appendix 1).

    1.2. The list of compliance of the specialties of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel with the posts of these specialists (Appendix 2).

    1.3. Regulations on specialists with medium medical and pharmaceutical education (Appendix 3).

    1.4. Qualification characteristics of specialists with medium medical and pharmaceutical education (Appendix 4).

    2. The management of scientific and educational medical institutions until 01.08.98 to develop new and revise the current training programs for the specialization of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel in accordance with the nomenclature of specialties approved by this order.

    3. The department of medical statistics and computer science until 01.01.98 make the necessary changes in the form of reports of health institutions in connection with the introduction of the nomenclature of the specialties of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel.

    4. Heads of health authorities and pharmaceutical service of subjects Russian Federation, chief doctors of GosanaPidnadzor centers in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heads of medical and pharmaceutical educational organizations State and municipal health systems of the Russian Federation:

    4.1. When certifying and certification of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel, it is guided by the nomenclature approved by this order.

    5. Appendix 1 to the Regulation on the Certification of Middle Medical and Pharmaceutical Workers of the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 131 of 23.05.95 No. 131 "On approval of the Regulation on the Certification of Middle Medical and Pharmaceutical Workers"; Clause 5 of the order of the State Committee of Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision under the President of the Russian Federation of August 31, 1992 No. 72 "On the procedure for the certification of secondary medical professionals of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation" in the part concerning the list of specialties of medium-sized medical workers, to recognize invalid strength.

    6. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to First Deputy Minister Onishchenko G.G.

    Minister TB Dmitrieva



    Nomenclature of specialties of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel

    Appendix 2.

    Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 19.08.97 No. 249

    Head of Personnel Management A.I. Toroptsev

    Comments to the order

    Tamara Aduuva, Head of the Department of Forecasting the Development of Medical Personnel Management Personnel of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

    Natalia ovansianz, Deputy Head of the Department of Certification and Reserve for Work Abroad Office of Frames of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

    The need to develop a nomenclature of specialties of medium-sized medical and pharmaceutical workers was associated with further improvement of certification and certification of the specified personnel. If the nomenclature of medical and provincial specialties has been no longer one decade, the nomenclature of the specialties of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel, the list of compliance with the posts of these specialists, as well as the qualification characteristics and provisions on specialists in the form in which they are presented in the order, approved for the first time.

    The nomenclature of specialties of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel includes 26 specialties. When it is developed, the following regulatory documents were used: state educational standards and the nomenclature of posts of secondary and pharmaceutical personnel.

    When discussing the project of the Nomenclature of the specialties proceeded from the fact that basic education allows specialists with an average medical and pharmaceutical formation to fulfill their professional duties for a number of traditionally established specialties ("therapeutic case", "nursing case", "obstetric matter", " laboratory diagnostics") Immediately after the end of the medical educational institution. In this case, the specialty specified in the nomenclature coincide with the name of the specialties by diploma.

    However, the nomenclature includes and specialty ("physiotherapy", " functional diagnostics"," radiology "and others) that require additional vocational education Immediately after receiving a diploma, since basic education does not give the necessary knowledge and skills for these specialties.

    Allocation of new specialties - "Organization of Nursing Case", "Operational Business", "Anesthesiology and Resuscitation" - dictated by the emergence and development of new medical technologies, improving the structure of medical and preventive institutions, an increase in the requirements for training specialists in the postgraduate level.

    The approved nomenclature has allowed to streamline certification and certification of specialists, that is, issuing certificates and assign qualification categories in context with specialties.

    Developed provisions on specialists (requirements for education, rights, obligations, responsibility) and qualifying characteristics (general and special knowledge, skills and manipulation) will be used in the preparation of test tasks for the qualification exam.

    The list of compliance of specialties by specialist positions allows you to clearly determine which specialty should receive a certificate and be certified by an employee who occupies one or another position. For example, the emergency medical care station receives a certificate and is certified by the specialty "therapeutic case". The medical sister of the Cabinet of Ultrasonic Diagnostics receives a certificate and is certified by the specialty "Nursing". The Feldsher-Laberaent of the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory receives a certificate and is certified by the specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".

    With the introduction of new specialties, a natural question arises: whether qualification categories continue when moving from one specialty to another? This issue is considered by the Ministry at the present time.

    It should be noted that in addition to the main goal, this order allows you to make changes and additions to the current regulatory documents on certification, certification and advanced training of medium-sized medical and pharmaceutical workers.

    Unfortunately, scientifically based criteria for introducing a particular specialty have not yet been developed, which creates certain problems.

    All these questions rose to the college of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "On the state of the personnel policy and tasks of the Ministry of Health of Russia for its improvement in accordance with the concept of health care and medical science in the Russian Federation", held on 23 December 1997.

    If the readers of the magazine will have suggestions, additions or comments to this order, we are always ready to take note of it in order to further improve the certification system and certification.

    Maria Selezneva, Director of the Moscow Training and Methodological Center for Middle Medical Education Committee of Health of the Government of Moscow

    The success of reforming health care is largely dependent on specialists with medium medical and pharmaceutical education.

    Key issues - training professional competent specialists as well efficient use To meet the needs of the population - the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation pays great attention.

    In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 261 of August 29, 1997, "On the introduction of state educational standards of secondary vocational education" Training of specialists with average medical education It is carried out according to curricula implementing government educational standards in terms of government requirements for the minimum content and level of training of graduates in all specialties of the industry, in accordance with which there are significant attention to the issues of psychology, economics, management. Up to 3 years increased primary training (based on full total secondary education).

    In "Provisions on Specialists" for each specialty approved:
    - general provisions;
    - responsibilities;
    - rights;
    - a responsibility.

    The "Qualification Specifications" section approved the requirements for:
    - general knowledge;
    - general skills;
    - special knowledge;
    - special skills;
    - The ability to perform manipulations according to the approved list.

    Order No. 249 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "On the nomenclature of specialties of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel":
    - equalizes the requirements for graduates educational institutionsand to working specialists;
    - Determines the need for generally continuous education and advanced training not only in order to prepare for certification and certification exam, but also puts specialists before the need to improve the level of professional competence, competitiveness in a rapidly changing world, adapting to modern requirements, compensation for missing knowledge.

    Advanced training is necessary not only for working specialists with secondary medical education, but also for teachers of educational institutions.

    In order to implement the Order No. 249, the priorities are:

    1) in the primary training system - correction curriculum, preparation of materials of the final state certification of graduates in accordance with the requirements of Order No. 249 MZRF;

    2) in the system postgraduate Education - revision of curriculum training programs for specialists with secondary medical education;

    3) organization of study, the introduction of Order No. 249 in medical institutions, associations of specialists;

    4) Revision of certification and certification materials with relevant commissions.

    The implementation of Order No. 249 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "On the nomenclature of specialties of secondary and pharmaceutical personnel" is a new step towards improving the preparation and professional competence of working specialists.

    Registration N 27723.

    In accordance with subparagraph 5.2.7. Regulations on the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 N 608 (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, Art. 3526), order:

    To approve the nomenclature of medical professionals and pharmaceutical workers according to the annex.

    Minister V. Skvortsova


    Nomenclature of medical professionals and pharmaceutical workers

    I. Medical workers

    1.1. Managers posts:

    chief doctor (chief) of a medical organization;

    director of the hospital (houses) of nursing care, hospice;

    deputy Head (Chief) of the Medical Organization;

    head of the structural unit (department, branch, laboratory, office, detachment, and other) medical organization - a specialist doctor;

    head of the head physician, the head) of the structural unit exercising medical activities, other organizations;

    main medical sister (home midwife, chief paramedic).

    1.2. Positions of specialists with high-tech professional (medical) education (doctors):

    a) doctors specialists, including:

    an obstetrician gynecologist;

    obstetrician-gynecologist of the workshop medical site;

    an immunologist's allergist;



    virus physician;







    children's cardiologist;

    children's Children's Oscologist;

    children's urologist-andrologist;

    children's Surgeon;

    children's endocrinologist;


    a nutritionist;

    health care doctor;

    infectious disease physician;


    doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics;

    clinical Mikogo doctor;

    clinical Pharmacologist;



    laboratory doctor; [<]*[>]

    laboratory genetics;

    mikogo laboratory doctor;

    doctor of manual therapy;






    general practitioner (family doctor);



    osteopath doctor;






    pediatrician urban (district);

    pediatrician Pediatrician;

    plastic surgeon;

    doctor in aviation and space medicine;

    physician medicine physician;

    doctor for hygiene of children and adolescents;

    power hygiene doctor;

    doctor on labor hygiene;

    hygienic education doctor;

    doctor for communal hygiene;

    physician physical education doctor;

    physician examination doctor;

    medical prevention doctor;

    medical rehabilitation doctor;

    general hygiene doctor;

    doctor for palliative medical care;

    doctor on radiation hygiene;

    doctor for radiopovascular diagnosis and treatment;

    doctor in sanitary and hygienic laboratory research;

    physician medicine doctor;

    doctor of the reception office;



    psychiatrist Psychiatrist;

    psychiatrist Children's psychiatrist;

    psychiatrist Children's Psychiatrist;

    psychiatrist teenage psychiatrist;

    psychiatrist Teenage Psychiatrist;

    psychiatrist narcologist;

    psychiatrist narcologist district;






    x-ray physician;



    cardiovascular Surgeon;

    emergency medical care doctor;

    statistical doctor;


    children's dentist;



    dentist surgeon;

    forensic medical expert;

    forensic psychiatric expert;


    survival prosthetist;


    teenager tenderer's physician;

    therapeutic physician;

    therapeuts of the district medical site;


    toracal surgeon;

    orthopedistian traumatologist;

    transfusion physician;

    ultrasound diagnostician;




    plot's phthisiarist;

    doctor of functional diagnostics;


    maxillofacial surgeon;




    senior doctor of the station (separation) ambulance;

    senior doctor of the station (separation) ambulance of the mountainous parts;

    ship doctor;


    1.3. Positions of specialists with professional professional (non-medical) education:

    methodist instructor on therapeutic physical education;

    medical psychologist;

    medical physicist;

    judicial expert (expert biochemist, expert genetic, expert chemist);

    chemist expert medical organization;

    expert physicist on control of sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;



    1.4. Positions of specialists with secondary professional (medical) education (medium medical personnel):

    hygienist dental;

    milk Kitchen Head;

    head of healthy health - Feldscher (medical sister);

    head of the Feldsher-Okushersky point - Feldscher (obstetrician, nurse);

    head of Medical Prevention Cabinet - Feldscher (medical sister);

    head of the production of institutions (departments, departments, laboratories) of detonation;


    dental Technician;

    disinfector instructor;

    hygienic education instructor;

    medical physical education instructor;

    labor therapy instructor;

    laboratory assistant;


    medical anesthesist;

    medical sister of a general practitioner (family doctor);

    medical sister dietary;

    medical and social care sister;

    medical sister is a cessation (postpone);

    medical sister patronage;

    medical sister dressing;

    medical sister in cosmetology;

    medical sister on massage;

    medical sister (Feldsher) on the reception of emergency medical challenges and the transfer of their emergency hospitals for emergency medical care;

    medical sister of the reception office;

    medical sister procedural;

    medical rehabilitation sister;

    medical sister sterilization;

    medical sister Section;

    medical sister in physiotherapy;

    medical disinfector;

    medical laboratory technician (Feldsher-Laberant);

    medical optical optometrist;

    medical recorder;

    medical statistics;

    medical technologist;

    operating medical sister;

    assistant entomologist;

    x-ray beast;

    senior nurse (obstetrician, paramedic, operating medical sister, dental technician);


    feldsher ambulance;


    feldsher-driver ambulance.

    1.5. Other medical professionals (junior medical personnel):

    junior medical care sister;

    sanitary driver;


    II. Pharmaceutical workers

    2.1. Managers posts:

    director (head, chief) of the pharmacy organization;

    deputy Director (Head, Chief) of the Pharmacy Organization;

    head of the Warehouse of the Organization of Wholesale Trade of Medicines;

    head of the medical warehouse of the mobilization reserve;

    deputy Head of the Warehouse of the Organization of Wholesale Trade Drugs;

    head of the Structural Unit (Department) of the Pharmacy Organization.

    2.2. Positions of specialists with higher professional (pharmaceutical) education (provisions):


    analyst pharmacor;


    provision technologist;

    senior pharmacist.

    2.3. Positions of specialists with secondary professional (pharmaceutical) education (average pharmaceutical personnel):

    junior pharmacist;

    senior pharmacist;


    2.4. Other posts of pharmaceutical workers (junior pharmaceutical personnel):


    sanitary (washer).


    1. Positions "Chief Doctor (Head) of the Medical Organization", "Deputy Head (Chief) of the Medical Organization", "Head of Head (Chief Physician, Head) of a Structural Unit, performing medical activities, other organizations" refer to medical professionals in the event that In their labor (official) duties include the implementation of medical activities;

    2. The names of the posts of deputy heads (chief) of the medical organization are complemented by the name of the section of the medical activity, the leadership of which he implements. For example, "Deputy Head of Medical Organization for Medical Parts", "Deputy Head of Medical Organization for the Medical Part", "Deputy Head of Medical Organization for Clinical Expert Work", "Deputy Head of Medical Organization for Work with Nursing Human Resources" and the other.

    3. Positions "Deputy Director (Head) of the Pharmacy Organization", "Head of the Warehouse of the Organization of Wholesale of Medicinal Products", "Deputy Head of the Warehouse of the Organization of the Wholesale Trade of Medicines", "Head of the Structural Unit (department) of the pharmacy organization" refer to posts Pharmaceutical workers If their organizational and (or) functional activities are directly related to the wholesale trade of drugs, their storage and (or) retailers with drugs, their release, storage and manufacture.

    4. The name of the post of a doctor is formed taking into account the specialty, in which the employee has the appropriate training and work on which is imputed to its duties. For example, "therapist".

    5. The names of the positions of the heads (chiefs) of structural units (departments, departments, laboratories, cabinets, detachments and other) are complemented by the name of the doctor's post, corresponding to the profile of the structural unit. For example, "Head of Surgical Department - a surgeon".

    6. In a medical organization providing specialized medical care, or in the presence of a structural unit in the medical organization, providing specialized medical assistance, the name of the post of admission department is complemented by the name of the doctor's office of the relevant specialty. For example, the "doctor of the reception office is a doctor of emergency medical care."

    7. Names of the posts "Okusher", "Sanitary", "Packing", replaced by female people, are referred to: "Obstetric", "Sanitary", "Packovier"; And the name of the post "Medical sister", replaced by the men of male sex, is referred to - "Medical Brother (Medbrat)".

    [<]*[>] Name of the Position "Mother-Laberaent" is maintained for specialists adopted by this position until October 1, 1999

    The document has lost strength

    In order to improve the certification system and certification of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel, I order:

    1. Enter:

    1.1. Nomenclature of specialties of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel (Appendix 1).

    1.2. The list of compliance of the specialties of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel with the posts of these specialists (Appendix 2).

    1.3. Regulations on specialists with medium medical and pharmaceutical education (Appendix 3).

    1.4. Qualification characteristics of specialists with medium medical and pharmaceutical education (Appendix 4)

    2. The management of scientific and educational medical institutions until 01.08.98 to develop new and revise the current training programs for the specialization of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel in accordance with the nomenclature of specialties approved by this order.

    3. The department of medical statistics and computer science until 01.01.98 make the necessary changes in the form of reports of health institutions in connection with the introduction of the nomenclature of the specialties of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel.

    4. Heads of health authorities and the pharmaceutical service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the chief doctors of the states of state-poypidenadzor in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the heads of medical and pharmaceutical educational organizations of the State and Municipal Health Systems of the Russian Federation:

    4.1. When certifying and certification of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel, it is guided by the nomenclature approved by this order.

    medium medical and pharmaceutical staff previously assigned to them qualifying categories and issued certificates of specialists.

    5. Appendix 1 to the Regulation on the Certification of Middle Medical and Pharmaceutical Workers of the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 131 of 23.05.95 No. 131 "On approval of the Regulation on the Certification of Middle Medical and Pharmaceutical Workers"; Paragraph 5 of the order of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision under the President of the Russian Federation of August 31, 1992 No. 72 "On the procedure for the certification of secondary medical professionals of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation" in the part concerning the list of specialties of medium-sized medical workers, to recognize invalid strength.

    6. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to First Deputy Minister Onishchenko G.G.


    TB Dmitrieva

    Attachment 1


    Nomenclature of specialties of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel:

    1. Organization of nursing.

    2. Therapeutic matter.

    3. Obstetrics.

    4. Dentistry.

    5. Dentistry orthopedic.

    7. Hygiene and Sanitation.

    8. Disinfection business.

    9. Hygienic education.

    10. Entomology.

    11. Laboratory diagnostics.

    12. Histology.

    13. Laboratory business (specialty belongs to the state-poid service)

    14. Pharmacy.

    15. Nursing.

    16. Nursing in Pediatrics

    17. Operations.

    18. Anesthesiology and resuscitation.

    19. General practice.

    20. X-ray.

    21. Functional diagnostics.

    22. Physiotherapy.

    23. Medical massage.

    24. Medical physical education.

    25. Dietology.

    26. Medical statistics.

    Appendix 2.


    Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 19.08.97 No. 249

    The list of meetings of the specialties of medium medical and pharmaceutical personnel by specialist posts:

    Name specialties

    Name posts

    1. Organization of nursing.

    Director of the hospital (houses) of nursing care, hospice;
    head of dairy kitchen related to the group
    remuneration of managers; Main Medical Sister,
    Senior Medical Sister Ambulatory-Polyclinic
    institutions acting on the rights of departments
    Therapeutic and prophylactic institution.

    2. Therapeutic matter.

    Senior Feldscher, Feldsher, Head
    Feldsher-obstetric item - Feldsher;
    Head of Swelling - Feldsher;
    Head of Medpopkt - Feldsher

    3. Obsterskoe case

    Older midwife, midwife; Head
    Feldsher-obstetric item - midwife

    4. Dentistry.


    5. Dentistry orthopedic.

    Senior dental technician, dental technician.

    7. Hygiene and Sanitation.

    Assistant Sanitary Doctor.

    8. Disinfection business.

    Instructor disinfector.

    9. Hygienic education.

    Sanitary enlightenment instructor.

    10. Entomology.

    Assistant Entomologist.

    11. Laboratory diagnostics.

    Feldsher-laboratory, laboratory assistant.

    12. Histology.

    Feldsher-laboratory, laboratory assistant.

    13. Laboratory
    (Specialty and positions
    refer to the state-eypidservable).

    Feldsher-laboratory, laboratory assistant.

    14. Pharmacy.

    Senior pharmacist, pharmacist.

    15. Nursing.

    Senior nurse, nurse,
    including cessation, procedural, dressing;
    Head of Feldsherko-Okuscher
    item - medical sister, head
    health satellite,
    Head of Medpopkt - nurse.

    16. Nursing in Pediatrics.

    17. Operations.

    Senior Operating Medical Sister,
    Operating medical sister, nurse
    (Medical sister working in offices
    (cabinets) invasive diagnostic and treatment methods)

    18. Anesthesiology and resuscitation.

    Medical sister anesthetist.

    19. General practice.


    20. X-ray.

    X-ray beastr.

    21. Functional diagnostics.

    Senior nurse, medical sister.

    22. Physiotherapy.

    Senior nurse, medical sister.

    23. Medical massage.


    24. Medical physical education.

    Medical physical education instructor.

    25. Dietology.

    Head of dairy kitchen, medical sister.

    26. Medical statistics.

    Medical statistics.

    Head of Personnel Management A.I. Toroptsev

    Appendix 3.

    Regulations on specialists with medium medical and pharmaceutical education

    1. General provisions

    1.1. TO professional activity As a specialist in the field of medical massage, persons who received higher medical education are allowed in the specialty "Nursing", the average medical education, a diploma in the specialties "Nursing", "therapeutic case", "obstetric cause", and a certificate of medical massage "

    1.2. A specialist in the field of medical massage is used in positions that meet the specialty "Medical Massage" are appointed and dismissed from office in accordance with applicable law.

    1.3. In its work, legislative, regulatory acts, official documents in the field of health, orders, instructions and orders of higher officers are guided.

    2. Responsibilities

    2.1. Control over compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for organizing the work of the Cabinet of massage and the workplace of the massage therapist.

    2.2. Preparation of patients and massage therapist for massage, monitoring the condition of patients during procedures.

    2.3. Conducting therapeutic (classic), segmental, point, sports, hygienic, cosmetic, hardware massage, underwater soul massage.

    2.4. Use of private massage techniques for diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, central and peripheral nervous

    systems, internal organs, Diseases of metabolism, urogenital system, skin, in the postoperative period of regenerative treatment in surgery.

    2.5. Use of massage techniques in children, massage and exercise in early childhood.

    2.6. Compliance with the rules of the combination of massage with therapeutic physical education, physiotherapy procedures, stretching, manual therapy.

    2.7. Compliance with the requirements of labor protection, safety, occupational safety, fire safety during the operation of premises, equipment and equipment used for medical massage.

    2.8. Ensuring infectious safety of patients and medical personnel, fulfilling the requirements of infectious control in the massage office.

    2.9. Timely and qualitative conduct of medical records.

    2.10. Compliance with the moral and legal norms of professional communication, the fulfillment of the requirements of labor discipline.

    2.11. Sanitary and educational work.

    2.12. Regular advanced training.

    2.13. Provision of prefigure assistance in urgent states.

    3. Rights

    3.1. Receive the information necessary for the qualitative performance of functional duties.

    3.2. To make suggestions to improving the quality of medical care to the population, improving the organization of labor.

    3.3. To give orders to the younger medical staff of the Cabinet of Massage, control the volume and quality of the work performed by them, monitor the operation of equipment for the repair of equipment.

    3.4. Take part in meetings, conferences, sections, medical associations, which addresses issues related to professional competence.

    3.5. Increase your qualifications, certified to assign the qualification category.

    4. Responsibility

    A specialist for the failure to fulfill its professional duties is responsible provided for by the current legislation.

    Appendix 4.

    Qualifying characteristics of specialists with medium medical and pharmaceutical education

    XXIII. Specialty: "Medical Massage"

    In accordance with the requirements of the specialty in the field of medical massage, the specialist should know and be able to:

    1. General knowledge

    Professional appointment, functional duties, rights and responsibility of a specialist;

    Fundamentals of legislation and rights in health care;

    Health insurance basics;

    Organization of the work of a medical institution in new economic conditions;

    Theoretical basis nursing;

    Philosophy and ethics of nursing business;

    Psychology of professional communication;

    Main reasons, clinical manifestations, methods of diagnosis, complications, principles of treatment and prevention of diseases and injuries;

    Species, forms and methods of rehabilitation, organization and conducting measures for the rehabilitation of patients;

    Testimony and contraindications to the use of basic groups of drugs, the nature of interaction, complications of drug use;

    Fundamentals of valeology and sorenologies; methods and means of hygienic education; the role of nursing staff in global, federal, territorial health programs for the health of the population;

    Basics of clinicalization, social significance of diseases;

    A system of infectious control, infectious safety of patients and a meditance and preventive institution with institutions of a sanitary and epidemiological profile;

    Organization of office work and accounting and reporting activities of the structural division; Main types of medical records;

    Labor protection and security technician in a medical institution;

    Functional responsibilities, the rights and responsibility of the younger medical personnel;

    2. General skills

    Analyze the situation and make decisions within their professional competence and authority;

    The government has prepared a new nomenclature of specialties of medical and pharmaceutical professionals. After approval of the regulatory act, the operating order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated October 7, 2015 No. 700N will cancel. This information will be useful not only to the heads of medical institutions, but also

    Three categories of medical specialties

    The draft order of the Ministry of Health "On the nomenclature of specialists of specialists with higher medical and pharmaceutical education" provides for the allocation of three categories of specialties of specialists (prepared by the Ministry of Health of Russia 26.02.2019):

    • main specialty;
    • basic specialties;
    • specialty requiring specialized training.

    According to the specified classification to basic The specialty are related higher education Level Specialty. TO basic - specialty, obtaining the right to implement medical or pharmaceutical activities, on which it is possible after training on the programs of the ordinacy. TO third category Such specialties that require specialized training in the residency with an abbreviated period on the basis of one of the basic specialties.

    For specialties, the category also provides for the opportunity to undergo training professional programs professional retraining. But only those who have work experience in certain positions and the presence of a redemption on a basic specialty will be able to go through retraining.

    New list of medical specialties

    1. Therapeutic case

    2. Pediatrics

    3. Medical and prophylactic

    4. Pharmacy

    5. Stomatology

    6. Medical biophysics

    7. Medical biochemistry

    8. Medical cybernetics

    9. Nursing

    Basic specialty

    1. Obstetrics and Gynecology

    2. Allergology and Immunology

    3. Anesthesiology resuscitation

    4. Gastroenterology

    5. Hematology

    6. Genetics

    7. Dermatovenerology

    8. Children's Surgery

    9. Infectious diseases

    10. Cardiology

    11. Clinical laboratory diagnostics

    12. Clinical Pharmacology

    13. Medical microbiology

    14. Neurology

    15. Neurosurgery

    16. Neonatology

    17. Neuropsychology

    18. General medical practice (family medicine)

    19. General Hygiene

    20. Oncology

    21. Health Organization and Public Health

    22. Osteopathy

    23. Otaginolaryngology

    24. Ophthalmology

    25. Pathological anatomy

    26. Plastic surgery

    27. Pediatrics

    28. Industrial pharmacy

    29. Psychiatry

    30. Radiology

    31. X-ray

    32. Cardiovascular Surgery

    33. Ambulance

    34. Dentistry of general practice

    35. Sports Medicine

    36. Forensic medical examination

    37. Therapy

    38. Toracal Surgery

    39. Traumatology and orthopedics

    40. Urology

    41. Control and economics of pharmacy

    42. Office of nursing activities

    43. Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosia

    44. Physical and rehabilitation medicine

    45. Phthisiiria

    46. \u200b\u200bSurgery

    47. Maxillofacial surgery

    48. Endocrinology

    49. Epidemiology

    The list of medical specialties for which professional retraining can be passed, look at the "specialty category specialty"

    Why the Ministry of Health changes the nomenclature of the specialties

    The gradation of specialties envisaged by the design of the order is necessary to provide medical and pharmaceutical workers with a wide range of educational trajectories, in which each of the specialists will receive the right to change the specialty in accordance with their preferences. It will also allow them in a short time to get the right to replace the posts of medical and pharmaceutical workers, where there is a personnel deficit.

    Changes in Professandard Medical Workers

    If the new nomenclature of the specialties will be approved, it will be necessary to make changes to the current professional standards. It is necessary to expand the requirements for education for a number of specialties.

    New Medical Specialties in Nomenclature

    The prepared draft of the new nomenclature will not cancel any specialty. All of them will remain. But a new " Physical and rehabilitation medicine" This specialty attributed to the category of basic.

    Update Order No. 707n and new qualification requirements for health workers

    At the same time, qualifying requirements for medical and pharmaceutical workers with higher education in the direction of training "Health and medical sciences" will also update. Accordingly, the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of October 8, 2015 No. 707n also expects changes.

    Such updates are needed that during the development of industry professional standards, changes have occurred in the requirements for medical professionals, namely, doctors and provisions. Recall that since 2016, following the requirements of the professionals, for some posts.

    The need to change can be illustrated with the relevance of qualifying requirements for specialists who have completed professional education Before and after 2016. So those who have received basic medical education until 2016 can pass the internship or the residency in the specialty "dermatovenerology". But for those who received professional medical education after 2016, it is necessary to undergo primary accreditation and training in the residency in the specialty "dermatovenerology" in the part that concerns the professional competencies described in the generalized labor functions of the professional standard "Dermatovenerologist's professional standard."

    How do you receive a new specialty "Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine"

    Father graduates after 2016 can master the specialty "Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine", passing training in the ordinacy.

    What to do those doctors who have certificates in their hands on the following specialties:

    • "Therapeutic physical education and sports medicine";
    • "Manual therapy";
    • "Reflexology";
    • "Physiotherapy".

    They will sufficiently be trained under the professional retraining program towards "physical and rehabilitation medicine". So far training program Not yet developed in the COFO and will be introduced into the list of professional retraining courses after approval of the above-mentioned draft of the order of medical specialties.

    New Nomenclature of medical professionals and pharmaceutical workers

    The order of the order also provides for changes in the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 20.12.2012 No. 1183N "On approval of the nomenclature of the posts of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers."

    The new nomenclature of posts will be complemented by the new section of the "posts of specialists with higher (medical) education that fulfilled the Federal State Educational Standard in the direction of training" Bachelor ", in connection with the emergence of specialists in the industry with new preparation."

    We will also introduce a number of new professionals with higher (non-medical) education in connection with the development of medical rehabilitation:

    • ergotherapist,
    • kinesotherapist
    • medical psychologist.

    In the new nomenclature of posts, such a position as "the Ordinator" appears. This position will be appointed by specialists who have completed training on higher education programs and have a certificate of primary accreditation of a specialist. During this period of time they will be able to execute official dutiesprovided for by the qualification characteristic of a specialist doctor, only under the guidance of a mentor (specialist doctor), having a specialist certificate (certificate of accreditation) for the relevant specialty, responding to it for its actions.

    At the same time, certain requirements for the occupancy of posts, according to which the Ministry of Health of Russia received a greater number of appeals from employers and medical workers. For example, the possibility of classes of the head of the head of the Clinical Laboratory of a specialist with the highest non-medical education is enshrined).