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  • Lab diagnostics or laboratory business? Laboratory business - all directions Laboratory business

    Lab diagnostics or laboratory business? Laboratory business - all directions Laboratory business

    Is the distance learning legally?

    Remote training is also called learning using remote technologies (e-learning). Such training is enshrined in the federal law "On Education" dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (ed. From 12/29/2017) and the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 23, 2017 No. 816 "On approval of the procedure for applying by organizations carrying out educational activities, e-learning, remote educational technologies in the implementation of educational programs "(registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 09/18/2017 N 48226). Many leading universities in the country, including Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, implement training programs using remote technologies. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that the form of education is not reflected in the prepared documents received.

    Do you have to come for the final documents?

    If the listener cannot arrive at the document on additional education (diploma, certificate, certificate), then the Center will send them to the auditor of the courier service. The courier will deliver the package and give documents personally in hand to painting. Document delivery is free.

    If I do not pass the test, I will need to pay again?

    For the relocation of the test you do not need to pay. After successful, the final control will be issued a diploma. The tasks of the test covers only those themes that were considered during the training. There were no such cases so that the listeners could not pass the final test at all.

    If I do not have enough time to study the material?

    Electronic distance learning implies the development of the program individual plan. Plan and Training Mode The listener coordinates with the Center for Learning. If the listener needs to extend the time to study the material, he must coordinate this moment with the center. In any case, the final test of knowledge in the form of the test will be opened by the listener after he restrains the entire course of study.

    From another region, we have a big difference in time, how will we contact?

    All learning passes around the clock educational portal Training Center. The listener has round-the-clock access to educational materials. There is 24-hour training support, a personal curator is also enshrined for you, which remains with you in touch during the entire period of learning.

    You are state the educational center? Is there accreditation?

    The training center has a state license, therefore, he has the same rights and obligations, as well as state Institute. You can check the license data on the Rosobnadzor website.

    According to Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education", educational institutions of additional professional education should not have accreditation under the Ministry of Education. They are enough to have a license. In turn, accreditation concerns only institutions of higher and secondary vocational education (universities and souza) that implement programs of higher and secondary specialized vocational education.

    Are carried out not only in relation to biological fluids human organismbut also in relation ambientthat allows you to identify the impact of a variety of external factors on human health. Laboratory technicians, faghers and medical laboratory techniques who prepare equipment and medical laboratory techniques, who prepare the equipment and monitor the presence of the necessary materials, are responsible for compliance with sterile conditions, participate in experiments, conduct observations, remove the instrument readings, lead documentation and help the doctor make conclusions . Also, the staff of laboratories, both laboratory assistants and medical laboratory techniques, can work independently. Despite, it would seem, the auxiliary function that laboratory technicians perform, it is extremely difficult to do without them.

    Work of laborants Not related to large physical exertion, but it requires concentration, responsibility, strictly complying with the rules of security and psychological sustainability. The profession of a laboratory assistant was and remains one of the most sought-after specialties in the labor market, since modern medicine in very many cases can not do without laboratory tests. This applies not only to therapeutic, but also to preventive medicine.

    Currently, everyone can pass courses professional retraining or advanced training in the specialty "Laboratory Business" in Medical University Innovation and Development (MUIR). To enroll in courses, it is required to provide a diploma for secondary specialized medical education.

    The advantages of distance learning in Muir

    • Documents for enrollment can be submitted and in person, and in absentia.
    • Remote learning technologies make it possible to study in Muir, being in any region of the Russian Federation.
    • Individual learning schedule, allowing to obtain education without separation from work and family at a convenient time for a listener.
    • IN training program Courses include questions taking into account the wishes of the listeners.
    • Highly professional teaching staff. Interaction with teachers is carried out online.
    • Listeners get access to the current base of scientific and methodological materials necessary for successful studies in MUIR.
    • The cost of learning is calculated on the basis of the number of disciplines and the program duration.
    • If the final certification was submitted unsatisfactory, the listeners get the opportunity to repeat free training.
    • You can apply for reception to courses right now by phone or through the record on the site.

      Bacteriology 144 hours:
      Requirements for education
      Preparation in the residency in the specialty "bacteriology".
      - occupied posts

      Virology 144 hours:
      Requirements for education: Higher education - Specialties specialty: "Therapeutic case", "Pediatrics", "Medical and Preventive Case", "Medical Biochemistry", "Medical Biophysics", " Medical cybernetics
      Preparation in the residency in the specialty "Virology".
      - occupied posts

      Clinical laboratory diagnostics 144 hours:
      Requirements for education
      Preparation in the internship / redeference in the specialty "Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics".

      Laboratory genetics 144 hours:
      Requirements for education: Higher education - a specialty specialty: "Therapeutic case", "Pediatrics", "Stomatology", "Medical and Preventive Case", "Medical Biochemistry", "Medical Biophysics", "Medical Cybernetics"
      Preparation in the residency in the specialty "Laboratory Genetics".
      - occupied posts

      Requirements for education: Higher education - a specialty "Medical and Preventive Case". Preparation in the residency in the specialty "Sanitary and hygienic laboratory research".
      - occupied posts

    Professional retraining

      Bacteriology 576 hours:
      Requirements for education:Professional retraining in the specialty "bacteriology" in the presence of training in the internship / ordinature for one of the specialties: "virology", "infectious diseases", "clinical laboratory diagnostics", "Laboratory myology", "Epidemiology" or specialists who have a break in work This specialty is more than five years.
      - occupied posts: Bacteriologist; Head of the Structural Unit (department, branch, laboratory, office, detachment, and other) medical organization is a bacteriologist.

      Virology 576 hours:
      - Education requirements:Professional retraining in the specialty "Virology" in the presence of training in the internship / redeference for one of the specialties: "bacteriology", "infectious diseases", "clinical laboratory diagnostics", "Epidemiology" or specialists who have a break in the work on this specialty for more than five years .
      - occupied posts: Virology doctor; Head of the Structural Unit (Department, Department, Laboratory, Cabinet, Detachment, and Other) Medical Organization - a virus physician.

      Clinical laboratory diagnostics 576 hours:
      - Education requirements:Professional retraining in the specialty "Clinical laboratory diagnostics" in the presence of training in the internship / ordinature for one of the specialties of the integrated groups of specialties "Clinical Medicine" or "Health and Preventive Medicine" or specialists who have a break in the work on this specialty for more than five years.
      Positions: Doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics; Head of the Structural Unit (department, office, laboratory, office, detachment, and other) medical organization is a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics.

      Laboratory genetics 576 hours:
      - Education requirements:Professional retraining in the specialty "Laboratory Genetics" in the presence of training in the internship / ordinature for one of the specialties: "Genetics", "Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics" or specialists who have a break in the work on this specialty for more than five years.
      - occupied posts: Doctor - laboratory genetics; Head of the Structural Unit (Department, Department, Laboratory, Cabinet, Detachment, Department, Branch, Laboratory, Cabinet, Detachment and other) Medical organization - a laboratory geneticist.

      Sanitary hygienic laboratory studies 144 hours:
      - Education requirements:Professional retraining in the specialty "Sanitary-hygienic laboratory research" in the presence of training in the internship / redeference with a specialty "General hygiene" or specialists who have a break in the work on this specialty for more than five years.
      - occupied posts: Doctor in sanitary and hygienic laboratory research; Head of the Structural Unit (department, branch, laboratory, office, squad, and other) medical organization is a doctor in sanitary and hygienic laboratory research.

    1. I (Customer), I hereby express my consent to the processing of my personal data received from me during the admission to training on the proposed educational programs "Interregional service center for additional professional medical and pharmaceutical education in FGBOU PIMU and PGMU" (hereinafter - the Center) or when subscribing to site news.

    2. I confirm that the mobile phone number specified by me is my personal phone number allocated to me by the cellular operator, and is ready to be responsible for the negative consequences caused by the number of mobile phone numbers belonging to another person.

    3. Under this Agreement under the "personal data" refers to:
    Personal data that the client gives itself consciously and independently when making an application for training on the site and when subscribing to site news on any page
    (namely: surname, name, patronymic (if any), mobile phone number, email address, region, city of residence, date of birth, client education level, selected training program, address of residence, passport data, diploma professional education, certificates of retraining or advanced training and other).

    4. The client is an individual (a person who is a legal representative of an individual in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation), filled out an application for training on the site, thus expressed its intention to take advantage of educational services offered by the center.

    5. The Center generally does not check the accuracy of the personal data provided by the Client and does not monitor its capacity. However, the Center comes from the fact that the client provides reliable and sufficient personal information On issues offered in the form of registration (application form, subscription form), and supports this information up to date.

    6. The center collects and stores only those personal data that is necessary for admission to training and organization of rendering educational services (execution of agreements and contracts with the client), as well as informing news in the field remote education For health professionals.

    7. The collected information allows you to send to the email address and the number of the mobile phone specified by the client, information in the form of emails and SMS messages via communication channels (SMS-mailing) for the purpose of receiving Educational institutions, organizations educational processsending important notifications, such as changing the provisions, conditions and policies of the center. Also, such information is necessary to promptly inform the client about all changes in the conditions and organization of the educational and process of admission to educational institutions, inform the Client about the upcoming shares, the nearest events and other events of the Center, by sending him newsletters and information messages, as well as for identification purposes Parties under agreements and contracts with a center, communication with the client, including the directions of notifications, requests and information related to the provision of services, as well as processing requests and applications from the client.

    8. Our site uses identification files - cookies. Cookies is a small data fragment sent by a web server and stored on the user's computer. Web client (usually a web browser) Whenever attempt to open the page of the appropriate site, sent this fragment of the data to the web server as an HTTP request. It is used to save data on the user side, in practice is usually used for: user authentication; storing personal preferences and user settings; tracking the status of a user access session; Maintain statistics on users. You can disable the use of cookies in the browser settings. It should be considered, however, that in this case some functions will not be available or can work incorrectly.

    9. When working with personal data of the client, the Center is guided by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006. "On personal data."

    10. I am informed that at any time I can refuse to receive information to the email address by sending an email to the address :. Refuse to receive information to the email address is also possible at any time by clicking on the link "Unsubscribe" at the end of the letter.

    11. I am informed that at any time I can refuse to receive the SMS mobile phone number on the e-mail direction by the electronic letter to the address:

    12. The Center takes the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the client's personal data from unlawful or random access, destruction, changes, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as other unlawful actions with third parties.

    13. To this Agreement and relations between the Client and the Center arising in connection with the application of the Agreement shall be applied Russian Federation.

    14. This Agreement confirming that I am over 18 years old and accept the conditions designated by the text of this Agreement, as well as I give my full voluntary consent to the processing of its personal data.

    15. This Agreement, regulating the client's relations and the Center, has been operating throughout the entire period of provision of client services and access to personalized services of the Center.

    "Interregional Service Center for Additional Professional Medical and Pharmaceutical Education in FGBOU Pimma and PGMU"
    Legal address: 299009, RF, Crimea, Sevastopol, Perezoksky Lane, 19
    IP MICHEDA A.I. Inn 920350703600.

    But about the laboratory business:

    qualification characteristics of specialists with medium medical and pharmaceutical education

    Appendix 4.
    13. Laboratory

    In accordance with the requirements of the specialty in the field of laboratory business, a specialist should know and be able to:
    1. General knowledge
    Fundamentals of legislation on health care;
    law of the Russian Federation "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population";
    regulatory operational documents that determine the structure and organization of the work of sanitary and microbiological laboratories, sanitary and epidemiological supervision centers;
    Charter and rules of the internal regulations of the institution, job descriptions;
    instructive materials available in the laboratory;
    fundamentals Safety when working in chemical and microbiological laboratories;
    basic approaches to the conduct of sanitary and chemical, sanitary and bacteriological research and microbiological diagnosis of infectious diseases;
    rules for conducting accounting and reporting documentation in the laboratory.
    2. General skills
    registration of samples for research and analysis results;
    possession of laboratory technology (work with laboratory dishes, deposition, filtering methods, centrifugation, etc.);
    the use of regulatory references on the relevant sections of hygiene and sanitation;
    provision of successful assistance in urgent states;
    improving the professional level of knowledge, skills and skills.
    3. Special knowledge

    3.1. When carrying out sanitary and chemical research:
    a list of physicochemical studies conducted in the laboratory;
    sampling procedure for sanitary-chemical research in accordance with regulatory documentation;
    ways to prepare water, air, soil, food and materials for physicochemical studies;
    methods of cooking standard, workers and typical solutions;
    safety rules for the operation of electrical installations, pressure vessels;
    safety technique when working with chemical reactivities, liquid-flame fluids;
    the procedure for conducting physicochemical studies and processing results of analysis in accordance with ND.

    3.2. When conducting microbiological studies:
    a list of microbiological, immunosorological and other types of research conducted in the laboratory;
    methods of preparation of smears for the study of the morphological and tinctivial properties of isolated crops, preparation of reagents and painting of smears;
    classification of crops on morphological and tinnitorial properties;
    rules for performing washbas and crops during sanitary and bacteriological research and sterility research;
    terms of work with infectious material;
    methods of disinfection of infectious material;
    methods of sterilization of dishes and nutrient media;
    methods of preparation of nutrient media for primary sowing of material and identification of selected bacteria;
    methods for determining the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs with the help of paper disks and serial dilution methods in dense and liquid nutrient media;
    rules for filling out the simplest results analysis tables;
    safety regulations, production sanitation when working in a microbiological laboratory.
    4. Special skills

    4.1. When conducting physicochemical studies:
    taking a hitch on analytical and technical scales;
    building and verifying calibration graphs;
    work on a photoelectrocolorimeter, pH meter and other measuring instruments;
    selection of air, water, soil, food, food, washing with leather working, with work surfaces for sanitary-chemical research;
    preparation of samples of water, air, food and materials for physicochemical studies;
    preparation of standard and working solutions to graduate devices and measurements;
    preparation of solutions, absorption devices, aspiration equipment for research at industrial enterprises;
    possession of ways of safe operation of electrical installations, sos