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  • Can a cybernetic physician work as an engineer? Specialty "Medical Cybernetics" (specialty)

    Can a cybernetic physician work as an engineer?  Speciality

    We bring to your attention an article on medical cybernetics by Yulia Chaika.

    Medical cybernetics is a new direction in science that compiles the solution to diagnostic problems and the latest computer developments. This approach allows you to combine the use of the necessary medical devices and apparatus with care for human health.

    History of medical cybernetics

    Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, domestic medical cybernetics began its development with a significant lag. Only in 1959 this discipline was restored in its rights and began to actively develop along with other sciences.

    In the Soviet Union, the first medical diagnostic system was created in 1964. It was then that in the laboratory of the Institute of Surgery. Vishnevsky, the first automatic system designed to diagnose congenital heart disease was developed. Later, in 1969, the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery developed an algorithm to automatically diagnose lesions of the heart valves.

    The first serial devices for laboratory diagnostics began to be produced at the plant. Semashko in the 70s of the last century. By this time, automatic control systems (ACS) were considered not a gimmick, but absolutely necessary tool in the work of a doctor. For example, a monitoring complex "Symphony" was developed for surgeons, which made it possible to monitor the patient's condition during surgical operations, the first system of providing medicines "Pharmacy" and others were adopted. This is how medical cybernetics began to develop in our country.

    The development of cybernetics by the end of the twentieth century

    New principles of laboratory diagnostics of various diseases presupposed the presence of a staff of trained specialists. This is how a new discipline - "Medical Cybernetics" appeared in medical universities. The specialty immediately attracted applicants for its novelty and prospects. The first graduation of cybernetic doctors took place in 1979 at the Faculty of Medicine and Biology of the Second Moscow medical institute... By the mid-1980s, cybernetic principles for solving many medical problems are becoming an everyday reality. V large cities diagnostic centers appear, equipped with modern automated control systems, which make it possible to diagnose the most severe diseases based on the test results. In centralized healthcare institutions - hospitals, hospitals, sanatoriums - logs are created for the automated processing of incoming medical data, through new automated complexes, beds are kept in each institution, and an appointment with a doctor is made.

    What cybernetics studies

    Detailed information on all areas of this section of science can be provided by the Department of Medical Cybernetics of any medical university in our country. In general, science studies the interaction of control processes occurring in living nature, the coordinated work of various systems, the ability to respond to external stimuli, return to its original state after external exposure, and so on.

    Since the laws of change in systems are universal, they can be used very widely. For example, medical cybernetics uses the principles of systems interaction in the development of management technologies in healthcare and practical medicine. Within the framework of this scientific field, mechanisms for correcting life processes are being developed, methods for recognizing serious diseases at the earliest stages of the pathological process are being improved.

    System components

    In practice, it looks like this. Any modern system diagnostics consists of three components:

    • memory, which stores all medical information related to this group of diseases (symptoms, test indicators, etc.);
    • a logical device that allows you to process current information, comparing the symptoms of the patient, the results of his medical examination with the available data;
    • output devices of the obtained analysis - display, printer, etc.

    How diagnostic devices work

    When creating a diagnostic apparatus, the first thing to do is develop a method for formal description of the health status of the examined person, and analyze all the clinical signs of the disease. From the resulting array of information, only those data are selected that are suitable for quantitative analysis. In addition to numeral parameters, information about the frequency of clinical signs, about their classification and assessment is important for making a correct diagnosis. All received information is stored in the memory of the computing device. At the moment of receipt of current data on the patient's condition, the machine compares the existing symptoms with those that are stored in the computer's memory. Thus, a preliminary map of the patient's examination is drawn up, a possible diagnosis is made.

    What hardware diagnostics can do

    The logic of the process is comparable to the conclusions of a diagnostician - the available signs lead to a diagnosis, which is based on all previous medical experience. Such diagnostic systems can issue an opinion only for those diseases, information about which is loaded into the memory of the machine. A device designed to diagnose heart disease is unlikely to be able to recognize laryngitis or osteochondrosis, even if all the visible signs are present. ACS is unable to detect a new disease. For this, the corresponding data is simply not stored in the memory of the machine. On the other hand, the automated system will significantly help the doctor in drawing up diagnostic charts, comparing statistical data, making complex diagnoses and other things.

    Getting a diagnosis isn't everything. Monitoring the treatment process, the use of various physiotherapy procedures also requires sophisticated modern equipment with a unique software, which is also being developed by medical cybernetics.


    Universities that graduate specialists in this profile are usually medical. Good programs training offer:

    • Siberian State University of the Ministry of Health (Tomsk).
    • Voronezh State University.
    • Pskov State University.
    • Krasnoyarsk state honey. University named after Voino-Yatsenetsky.

    All those who wish to study such a discipline as "Medical Cybernetics", universities offer to attend a short course of pre-university training (zero faculty). Here, students update their own knowledge of school subjects - mainly mathematics, physics and biology. Each listed educational institution has a corresponding faculty. "Medical cybernetics" is not the only specialty there. On the websites of such faculties, you can get acquainted with the preliminary training plan, which contains a list of studied theoretical disciplines and practical classes.

    How to get the specialty "Medical Cybernetics"?

    Important for admission USE results in Russian, mathematics and biology. The passing score is 77 and above. The term of training for a specialist is six years. It is possible to obtain bachelor's, specialist's or master's degrees in the specialty "Medical Cybernetics". Moscow universities that train specialists in this area are represented by only one educational institution - the Russian National Research University. Pirogov. In 2016, he received a state order for the training of students, and now 16 people will receive higher education in this specialty at the expense of the state.

    Applied Medical Cybernetics

    Universities in Russia have developed their own learning programs in such a way that theoretical disciplines complement and expand the practical knowledge of the future healthcare professional. Medical students are trained in the following areas:

    • hardware diagnostics and treatment;
    • development automated systems;
    • methods of setting up and managing medical equipment;
    • solving organizational problems in the health care system.

    The widespread introduction of computerization and automatic control systems has led to a sharp reduction in paperwork. From their jobs medical staff enters information into computers, receiving at the output the results of the analysis of the entered data. In addition, the form of obtaining information from the general database has significantly changed, the time for processing requests has been reduced, and the forms for submitting reports have been simplified. All this has led to a significant increase in the efficiency of the staff of medical institutions. Medical cybernetics has played a significant role in this improvement. This profession is thus quite interesting. Where can a specialist work?

    Areas of activity

    A university graduate whose diploma specifies the specialty "Medical Cybernetics" can work in the field of instrumental or laboratory diagnostics. Simply put, create and maintain medical equipment.

    Alternative employment

    Additional areas of work can be scientific activity or teaching. In higher educational institutions willingly hiring experienced specialists practical work on medical equipment.

    Various enterprises specializing in the repair and modernization of existing automatic control systems are no less interested in medical cybernetics specialists. Cyberneticists are expected in companies that create software for devices, adjust existing software taking into account current requirements, and so on.

    Conventionally, medical cybernetics can be represented by the following groups:

    • Computational diagnosis of diseases

    This part is associated with the use of computer technology when processing information from a biological object in order to make a diagnosis. The first step is to develop methods for the formal description of the patient's health status, conduct a thorough analysis to clarify the clinical parameters and signs used in diagnosis. Here, those characteristics that carry quantitative estimates are of prime importance. In addition to the quantitative expression of the physiological, biochemical and other characteristics of the patient, computational diagnostics requires information about the frequency of clinical syndromes (from a priori data) and diagnostic signs about their classification, assessment of diagnostic efficiency, etc. All these data are entered into the computer memory, which are then compared with the symptoms of the patient. Control over the state of the body is necessary in many areas of human activity (sports, industrial, educational, military), but it is especially important in stressful situations or in such medical conditions as, for example, surgery using artificial blood circulation and breathing systems in a state of anesthesia, etc. For such purposes, it is necessary to create information systems for operational medical control (ISOVK), which read biomedical information, automatically recognize the functional state of the patient, fix violations in the body, diagnose diseases, control devices that regulate vital functions.

    • Automated control systems and the possibility of using them for the organization of health care.

    Here the goal is to create industry-specific automated systems (OSAU). Such systems are created for such an important industry as "healthcare". Features of OSAU in health care is that it should include both a control unit and other elements: prevention, treatment (with diagnostics), medical science, personnel, material support. The primary tasks of the OSAU Healthcare include the automation of the collection and analysis of statistical information on the main areas of medical activity and the optimization of some management processes.

    Educational institutions conducting recruitment in the specialty "Medical Cybernetics"

    • Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, where these specialists were first trained at the Faculty of Medicine
    • Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk)
    • Penza State University
    • Northern federal university(Arkhangelsk)
    • Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
    • Pskov State University (Pskov State University, Pskov)
    • #redirect Krasnoyarsk state medical University named after Professor V.F.Voino-Yasenetsky
    • Southwestern State University (South-Western State University, Kursk)
    • FEFU, Vladivostok (from 2015)
    • SKGGTA, Cherkessk (from 2016)

    Previously, there was an engineering specialty "Medical Cybernetics" corresponding to the current direction of education "Biotechnical systems and technologies". Now with the name "Medical Cybernetics" there is a direction of the specialist of higher medical education... Its graduates - doctors of cybernetics - receive the right to work as a doctor only after completing an internship or residency. But due to the fact that they study a large amount of technical disciplines, it is impossible to ensure that they study the same medical subject at least three times under the guidance of three different teachers, usually from different departments, which, according to international standards, is required from future clinicians. ... Therefore, they cannot work in particularly responsible medical specialties in the field of surgery, obstetrics, therapy, etc., or enroll in internships and residencies in these specialties. The range of their areas of specialization in medicine is accordingly limited. This is a clinical laboratory case, functional diagnostics, radiation diagnostics, medical physics. But on the other hand, unlike ordinary graduates in the specialty "General Medicine", they can work as engineers without postgraduate education. On April 29, 2010, the Academic Council of Penza State University opened a new specialty 060114 - "Medical Cybernetics" for the training of "Physician-cybernetics" specialists. The duration of training in the specialty is 6 years. Entrance tests: Mathematics - a specialized subject, biology, Russian. The cybernetic physician is trained to carry out practical and scientific activities aimed at the development, implementation and operation of automated technological and administrative management systems in order to improve the quality of medical care for the population and effective use health resources. Specialists are intended to work in institutions, healthcare, institutions of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and other departments interested in specialists of this profile. A cybernetic doctor, specialty 060114, prepares for work:

    1) in medical treatment and diagnostic organizations (hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics); 2) in scientific research medical and biological centers, laboratories and institutes associated with the operation of medical equipment and the conduct of biomedical experiments; 3) in territorial and regional commercial health care structures.

      What Cybernetics Teaches Us

      Medical Biophysics: Molecules and Diseases / Moscow State University

      School of Management Science. Cybernetics by Norbert Wiener.



    Conventionally, medical cybernetics can be represented by the following groups:

    • Computational diagnosis of diseases

    This part is associated with the use of computer technology when processing information from a biological object in order to make a diagnosis. The first step is to develop methods for the formal description of the patient's health status, conduct a thorough analysis to clarify the clinical parameters and signs used in diagnosis. Here, those characteristics that carry quantitative estimates are of prime importance. In addition to the quantitative expression of the physiological, biochemical and other characteristics of the patient, computational diagnostics requires information about the frequency of clinical syndromes (from a priori data) and diagnostic signs about their classification, assessment of diagnostic efficiency, etc. All these data are entered into the computer memory, which are then compared with the symptoms of the patient. Control over the state of the body is necessary in many areas of human activity (sports, industrial, educational, military), but it is especially important in stressful situations or in such medical conditions as, for example, surgery using artificial blood circulation and breathing systems in a state of anesthesia, etc. For such purposes, it is necessary to create information systems for operational medical control (ISOVK), which read biomedical information, automatically recognize the functional state of the patient, fix violations in the body, diagnose diseases, control devices that regulate vital functions.

    • Automated control systems and the possibility of using them for the organization of health care.

    Here the goal is to create industry-specific automated systems (OSAU). Such systems are created for such an important industry as "healthcare". Features of OSAU in health care is that it should include both a control unit and other elements: prevention, treatment (with diagnostics), medical science, personnel, material support. The primary tasks of the OSAU Healthcare include the automation of the collection and analysis of statistical information on the main areas of medical activity and the optimization of some management processes.

    Educational institutions conducting recruitment in the specialty "Medical Cybernetics"

    • Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, where these specialists were first trained at the Faculty of Medicine and Biology
    • Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk)
    • Penza State University
    • Northern Federal University (Arkhangelsk)
    • Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
    • Pskov State University (Pskov State University, Pskov)
    • Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky
    • Southwestern State University (SWSU Kursk)
    • FEFU, Vladivostok (from 2015)

    Previously, there was an engineering specialty "Medical Cybernetics" corresponding to the current direction of education "Biotechnical systems and technologies". Now with the name "Medical Cybernetics" there is a direction of a specialist in higher medical education. Its graduates - doctors of cybernetics - receive the right to work as a doctor only after completing an internship or residency. But due to the fact that they study a large amount of technical disciplines, it is impossible to ensure that they study the same medical subject at least three times under the guidance of three different teachers, usually from different departments, which, according to international standards, is required from future clinicians. ... Therefore, they cannot work in particularly responsible medical specialties in the field of surgery, obstetrics, therapy, etc., or enroll in internships and residencies in these specialties. The range of their areas of specialization in medicine is accordingly limited. These are clinical laboratory work, functional diagnostics, radiation diagnostics, medical physics. But on the other hand, unlike ordinary graduates in the specialty "General Medicine", they can work as engineers without postgraduate education. On April 29, 2010, the Academic Council of Penza State University opened a new specialty 060114 - "Medical Cybernetics" for the training of "Physician-cybernetics" specialists. The duration of training in the specialty is 6 years. Entrance tests: Mathematics - a specialized subject, biology, Russian. The cybernetic physician is trained to carry out practical and scientific activities aimed at the development, implementation and operation of automated technological and administrative management systems in order to improve the quality of medical services for the population and the efficient use of healthcare resources. Specialists are intended to work in institutions, healthcare, institutions of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and other departments interested in specialists of this profile. A cybernetic physician, specialty 060114, is preparing for work.

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      Branch in St. Petersburg

    • RGUP

      Russian State University of Justice

    • IBDA

      Institute of Business and business administration

    • Nizhny Novgorod branch

      Branch in Nizhny Novgorod

    • Perm branch

      Branch in Perm

    • SSEU

      Samara State the University of Economics

    • VSHKU

      Graduate School of Corporate Governance

    • NI TSU

      National Research Tomsk State University

    • SPbGASU

      Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

    • KGASU

      Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

    • RGUTIS

      Russian State University of Tourism and Service

    • Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin

      Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin

    • NGPU them. K. Minina

      Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin

    • Moscow Poly

      Moskovsky poly Technical University

    • FEFU

      Far Eastern Federal University

    • RSSU

      Russian State Social University

    • MGRI-RGGRU them. Sergo Ordzhonikidze

      Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze

    • SevSU

      Sevastopol State University

    • KalmSU

      Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikova

    • IFLA

      Moscow University of Finance and Law

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      Ugra State University

    • Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis

      Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis

    • University under the IPA EurAsEC

      University at the EurAsEC Interparliamentary Assembly

    • IGUMO and IT

      Institute of Humanities Education and information technologies

    • NWTU

      Northwest Open Technical University

    • SPbUTUiE

      Saint Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics

    • MBI

      International Banking Institute

    • MIPT

      Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)

    • PSPbGMU them. I.P. Pavlova

      First Saint Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlova

    • PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov

      Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov

    • MGIMO

      Moscow State Institute international relations(University) MFA of Russia

    • SPbAU RAS, Academic University

      Saint Petersburg National Research Academic University of the Russian Academy of Sciences

    • Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

      Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation

    • SPbSU

      Saint Petersburg State University

    • NRNU MEPhI

      National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"

    • RANEPA

      Russian academy national economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation

    • VAVT Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

      All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

    • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

      Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

    • North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

      North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

    • State IRYA them. A.S. Pushkin

      State Institute Russian language them. A.S. Pushkin

    • Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry A.I. Evdokimova of the Ministry of Health of Russia

      Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimova

    • Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

      Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

    • RPGUP, North-West Branch

      Russian State University of Justice, North-West Branch

    • RNIMU

      Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov

    • SPbGPMU

      Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

    • VSMU them. N.N. Burdenko

      Voronezh State Medical University N.N. Burdenko

    • St. Petersburg Institute (branch)

      St. Petersburg Institute (branch)

    • MSLU

      Moscow State Linguistic University

    • Financial University

      Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

    • GBOU VPO KubSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia

      Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia

    • KSMU

      Kazan State Medical University

    • NGLU

      Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after ON. Dobrolyubova

    • KrasSMU them. prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky

      Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky

    • RGAIS

      Russian state academy intellectual property

    • KGK them. N.G. Zhiganova

      Kazan State Conservatory named after N.G. Zhiganova

    • Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky

      Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky

    • NSU

      Novosibirsk National Research State University

    • PMGMU them. I.M.Sechenov

      First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov

    • Russian Customs Academy

      Russian Customs Academy

    • UGMU

      Ural State Medical University

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      Higher School of Finance and Management

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      Branch in St. Petersburg

    • RGUP

      Russian State University of Justice

    • IBDA

      Institute of Business and Business Administration

    • Nizhny Novgorod branch

      Branch in Nizhny Novgorod

    • Perm branch

      Branch in Perm

    • SSEU

      Samara State University of Economics

    • VSHKU

      Graduate School of Corporate Governance

    • NI TSU

      National Research Tomsk State University

    • SPbGASU

      Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

    • KGASU

      Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

    • RGUTIS

      Russian State University of Tourism and Service

    • Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin

      Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin

    • NGPU them. K. Minina

      Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin

    • Moscow Poly

      Moscow Polytechnic University

    • FEFU

      Far Eastern Federal University

    • RSSU

      Russian State Social University

    • MGRI-RGGRU them. Sergo Ordzhonikidze

      Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze

    • SevSU

      Sevastopol State University

    • KalmSU

      Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikova

    • IFLA

      Moscow University of Finance and Law

    • YSU

      Ugra State University

    • Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis

      Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis

    • University under the IPA EurAsEC

      University at the EurAsEC Interparliamentary Assembly

    • IGUMO and IT

      Institute of Humanities Education and Information Technologies

    • NWTU

      Northwest Open Technical University

    • SPbUTUiE

      Saint Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics

    • MBI

      International Banking Institute

    • MIPT

      Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)

    • PSPbGMU them. I.P. Pavlova

      First Saint Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlova

    • PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov

      Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov

    • MGIMO

      Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

    • SPbAU RAS, Academic University

      Saint Petersburg National Research Academic University of the Russian Academy of Sciences

    • Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

      Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

    • SPbSU

      Saint Petersburg State University

    • NRNU MEPhI

      National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"

    • RANEPA

      Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

    • VAVT Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

      All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

    • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

      Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

    • North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

      North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

    • State IRYA them. A.S. Pushkin

      State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin

    • Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry A.I. Evdokimova of the Ministry of Health of Russia

      Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimova

    • Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

      Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

    • RPGUP, North-West Branch

      Russian State University of Justice, North-West Branch

    • RNIMU

      Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov

    • SPbGPMU

      Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

    • VSMU them. N.N. Burdenko

      Voronezh State Medical University N.N. Burdenko

    • St. Petersburg Institute (branch)

      St. Petersburg Institute (branch)

    • MSLU

      Moscow State Linguistic University

    • Financial University

      Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

    • GBOU VPO KubSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia

      Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia

    • KSMU

      Kazan State Medical University

    • NGLU

      Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after ON. Dobrolyubova

    • KrasSMU them. prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky

      Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky

    • RGAIS

      Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property

    • KGK them. N.G. Zhiganova

      Kazan State Conservatory named after N.G. Zhiganova

    • Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky

      Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky

    • NSU

      Novosibirsk National Research State University

    • PMGMU them. I.M.Sechenov

      First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov

    • Russian Customs Academy

      Russian Customs Academy

    • UGMU

      Ural State Medical University

    • St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee

      St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation