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  • Institute of Business Administration MHPU. Institute of Business Administration (IDA) of the Moscow City Pedagogical University (MGPU) Institute of Business Administration in IHU

    Institute of Business Administration MHPU. Institute of Business Administration (IDA) of the Moscow City Pedagogical University (MGPU) Institute of Business Administration in IHU

    (Properentor of GBOU VPO Moscow State Academy of Business Administration)

    The aspiration of Russia into the global world community has made appropriate changes in the development strategy of the Higher School of the Russian Federation. Modernization of education reoriented Higher school In the direction of the consolidation of universities.

    In this regard, GBOU VPO Moscow state Academy Business administration was attached to the GBOU VPO to the Moscow City Pedagogical University in the form of a new structural unit - the Institute of Business Administration, which became the successor of GBOU VPO Mgad.

    The Institute of Business Administration is the successor of the GBOU VPO of the Moscow State Academy of Business Administration, whose history has already been fruitful for more than 20 years of fruitful work for the benefit of Russian education.

    Institute of Business Administration (MGAD) - was one of the first universities Russian Federationwhich created and implements a full system of multi-level continuous vocational education in the field of humanitarian and socio-economic sciences.

    Education at the Institute is focused on the advanced meeting of the needs of the Moscow economy in highly qualified personnel and is based on the widespread use of educational innovation.
    The preparation system is aimed at the formation of specialists who can work in a rapidly changing economic situation, in competition conditions, initiate and implement economic, business and social projects.

    Educational activities

    1. secondary vocational education

    GBOU VPO Moscow State Academy of Business Administration is actively implementing secondary vocational education programs in the framework of in-depth training in the specialty:

    080114 "Economy and Accounting (by industry)" with the qualifications of the qualification "Accountant, a tax specialist".

    Training duration - 3 years 10 months.

    The program of the SPO teaching is conducted by the faculty of the Academy, 80% of teachers have scientific degrees and scholars.

    As part of the preparation of the SPO, students undergo a program of medium (full) general education. Furnitution of training under the program of medium (full) general education, students undergo additional certification in uniform, on the basis of which students receive a certificate of average (full) common education.

    EGE Items: - Russian and mathematics; - social studies, history, computer science and other general educational items.

    Studying on the SPO program, students study two mandatory foreign languages: english (Basic) and German, French, Spanish, Japanese (one mandatory student's choice).
    For students of the level, the work of sections and creative associations is organized for deepening knowledge on subjects and the development of creative and project activities.

    Practice for Students Level SPO Mgad is an integral part of the main educational program secondary vocational education. According to the results of certification and practice, students of the 2nd course of the SPO will receive the testimony of "Secretary".

    After the successful completion of training under the program of secondary vocational education, students continue to study on the abbreviated program of higher professional education in the direction of 080200.62 "Management" (undergraduate).

    2. Higher Professional Education

    The Academy implements the following levels and preparation directions:

    Bachelor - Assigns the qualification "Bachelor" in the direction of "Management",

    "Bachelor" in the direction of "Economics",

    "Bachelor" in the direction of "jurisprudence",

    "Bachelor" in the direction of "Information Security",

    "Bachelor" in the direction "Trading",

    "Bachelor" in the direction of "Psychology",

    "Bachelor" in the direction of "philosophy",

    "Bachelor" in the direction of "Organization of work with youth",

    "Bachelor" in the direction of "Library and Information Activity",

    "Bachelor" in the direction " Professional education (by industry). "

    Magistracy - Assigns the qualifications of "Master" in the direction of "Management", "Master" in the direction of "Economics", "Master" in the direction of "jurisprudence".

    3. Postgraduate preparation

    SECOND DEGREE. The Academy implements programs in the specialties "Management", "Economics", "Jurisprudence".

    Graduate school. Specialty: "Economics and Management of the National Economy", "Philosophy of Science and Technology", "Social Philosophy".

    58 percent of graduate students are successfully protected during the first year since graduate school.

    Additional vocational education: Improving the qualifications of teachers, managers educational institutions, economists and lawyers of educational institutions and educational bodies, retraining of accountants, heads of personnel services, managers of enterprises, managers in the field of management, finance, economics and linguistic training.

    On the quality of education

    We are responsible to our listeners and students, their parents and all who use our education services for its high quality and compliance with the best international standards.

    We are confident in our abilities and believe that a serious and responsible attitude towards the case of education in our country creates the conditions for its spiritual and material rebirth.

    Forms of education

    ■ Employment

    ■ Distance

    Training is produced on a budgetary and contractual basis. Provided training for people with disabilities

    From the history of the Moscow State Academy of Business Administration

    1992 - on the basis of the decision of the Moscow Committee for the Education and Prefecture of Zelenograd administrative District The city of Moscow was opened by the Zelenograd College of Management and Commerce, later became the Moscow College of Business Administration. The college has preparing modern specialists in the field of management, economics and finances in a market economy.

    1996 - College for the first time released under the management of management. Due to the special importance of this event for the district of state diplomas, graduates presented personally from the district prefect.

    August 1997 - College becomes the basis for creating Moscow state Institute Business Administration (MGID). College of Business Administration became a division of the Institute.

    2006 - on the basis of the results of state certification and accreditation, the university was transformed into the Moscow State Academy of Business Administration.

    Training structure Mgad in Zelenograd

    Average professional education

    School, first college step. Graduates are awarded a certificate of an average (full) general education and a certificate of qualification "Secretary" with knowledge of English.

    College, second stage. Graduates are awarded to a state diploma on the average professional education of elevated levels with the qualification of the "Accountant with in-depth preparation" with the knowledge of two foreign languages: mandatory English; German, French, Japanese - to choose from. Direction of in-depth training - "Financial activities".

    Higher professional education

    Mgad in Zelenograd exercises training in the next levels and areas of preparation: Bachelor's progress - Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Trade, "Bachelor of Jurisprudence".

    Master - Assignment of the qualification "Master of Economics", "Master Management". The educational is implemented by an internally absentee (evening) and absentee forms of training, as well as external.

    Postgraduate preparation

    Second Higher Education: Programs by specialties "Management Management", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "Jurisprudence".

    Postgraduate Studies: "Economics and Management of the National Economy", "Philosophy of Science and Technology", "Social Philosophy".

    About 58% of graduate students successfully undergo protection during the first year since graduate school.

    Additional vocational education: improve the qualifications of educational institutions, teachers, economists and lawyers of educational institutions and education authorities; conduct retraining leaders of personnel services, accountants, enterprise managers; managers in the field of management, finance, economics and linguistic training.

    Every year in the Academy there is an internship and training for managers and employees of district departments, the prefectures of the Zelenograd district, managers and school teachers.

    At the moment, Mgad in Zelenograd prepared and rejected more than 3.5 thousand specialists in the field of economics, management, jurisprudence and education.

    Moscow State Academy of Business Administration: Modern managers for modern society.

    Zelenograd branch - Institute of Business Administration is a structural division of GAU in the MHP.

    The Zelenograd branch was created in order of reorganization by joining the MGPA in 2013 Mgad and the Pedagogical Faculty of IPPO MGPU in 2015.

    The structure of the Zelenograd branch includes

    • implementing scientific projects significant for the city;
    • implementing programs additional education children and adults focused on the formation of future skills;
    • International Chess Education Center A.E. Karkova.

    Students in the Zelenograd branch are studying students in various directions of undergraduate and graduate:

    Undergraduate: Teacher Education: Primary education. Foreign language; PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION: Education Psychology; Personnel Management; Management.

    Master: Economy: Analysis of foreign economic activity; Special-defectological education: Inclusion in primary education

    Students studying in the Zelenograd branch on undergraduate and master's programs, are students of the University of Profile Institutes: Institute humanitarian Sciences and management, institute pedagogy and education psychology, Legal Institute. This opens up broader students in choosing training programs in the magistracy.

    The Department of Economics and Management works on the territory of the Zelenograd branch. The faculty staff of the department consists of doctors of economic sciences and candidates of economic sciences, specialists in the field of global economy, foreign economic activity. The depreciation of the department is 100%, of which doctors of science - 40%, Candidates of science -60%.

    As part of graduate school and doctoral studies, the department prepares highly qualified specialists in the specialty 08.00.05 - "Economics and Management of the national economy"

    The traditional for the Zelenograd branch of the MHP is the holding of a scientific and practical conference "Creativity of young". Every year more than 400 schoolchildren participate in this conference.

    Students of the Zelenograd branch live not only scientific life, but also organize social and significant projects for the city and university: "The Strategic Session" University of the Future "; Volunteer movement: donor shares; Shelter "Nika"; Give a smile (accompanying children in a social shelter).

    Every year, students of the Zelenograd branch, together with graduates, conduct a festival of youth creativity, which is a platform for manifestation of students' talents. In the festival active participation The students of the economic college are accepted, and students of the Children's Center "My Planet", studying in Zelenograd, in the building 425a.

    Zelenograd branch-Ida Gaow in the MGPU works fruitfully with the Directors Interdistrict Council educational organizations The Zelaoa and Matushkino, Zeliao, with the prefecture of Moscow, with the prefecture, the prefectors of Silino and Matushkino. This is confirmed by the annual participation of the Zelenograd branch in the relay of festivals interdistrict Councils Directors of educational organizations "Our common opportunities are our common results", organized by the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

    Institute of Business Administration of the Moscow City pedagogical University (Previously, the Moscow State Academy of Business Administration) is one of the first universities of the Russian Federation, which established and implements a system of multi-level continuous vocational education in the field of humanitarian and socio-economic sciences. Founded in 1992


    • Institute of Law
    • Institute of Economics and Management
    • Institute of Magister Programs

    Higher Professional Education, Bachelor

    Direction directions:

    • 080200.62 "Management". At the end, a state diploma is issued with assigning the degree of "bachelor" in the direction of Management.
    • 080100.62 "Economy". At the end, a state diploma is issued with the assignment of the degree of "bachelor" in the direction of "Economics".
    • 030900.62 "Jurisprudence". At the end, a state diploma is issued with assigning the degree of "bachelor" in the direction of "jurisprudence".
    • 100700.62 "Trade". At the end, a state diploma is issued with awarding the degree of "bachelor" in the direction of "Trading".
    • 030300.62 "Psychology". At the end, a state diploma is issued with awarding the degree of "bachelor" in the direction of Psychology.
    • 040700.62 "Organization of work with youth." At the end, a state diploma is issued with appropriation to the degree of "bachelor" in the direction of "Organization of work with youth".
    • 071900.62 "Library-information activities". At the end, a state diploma is issued with the degree of "bachelor" in the direction of "Library and Information Activities".
    • 090900.62 "Information Security". At the end, a state diploma is issued with appropriation to the degree of "bachelor" in the direction of "Information Security".
    • 030100.62 "Philosophy". At the end, a state diploma is issued with the assignment of the degree of "bachelor" in the direction of "Philosophy".
    • 051000.62 "Professional training (by industry)". At the end, a diploma is issued with a degree of "bachelor" in the direction of "Vocational training (by industry)".

    Forms of study:

    First higher education:
    - full-time (term of study 4 years);
    - part-time (term of study 5 years);
    - correspondence (lifetime of 5 years).

    Second degree:

    Abbreviated program based on a diploma of specialized secondary vocational education (SPO):
    - part-time (term of study 3 years);
    - correspondence (training period 3 years).

    Higher Professional Education, Master

    Direction directions:

    • 080200.68 "Management". At the end, a state diploma is issued with the Assignment of the Master's degree in the direction of "Management".
    • 080100.68 "Economics". At the end, a state diploma is issued with the assignment of the degree of "Master" in the direction of "Economics".
    • 030900.68 "Jurisprudence". At the end, a state diploma is issued with the assignment of the degree of "Master" in the direction of "jurisprudence".

    Forms of study:

    First higher education:
    - full-time (learning date 2 years);
    - part-time (learning time 2);

    Second degree:
    - internally correspondence (learning date 2 years);
    - correspondence (learning date 2 years).