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  • Looking for girls in universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the District. Twitters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, FGSU in the Twitters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. History of changes to the register

    Looking for girls in universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the District. Twitters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, FGSU in the Twitters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. History of changes to the register

    Far Eastern law Institute MVD. Russian Federation - Firstborn, among the highest legal educational institutions of the MAVD system on huge territory Far East. Founded on August 6, 1921 as a central police instructor school. Under various names School in the initial
    the period was located first in Chita, and in the pre-war years in the cities of Blagoveshchensk and Vladivostok. In October 1941, the school's activities were suspended, and the entire personnel was sent to the front. School resumed its activities in 1946 in Khabarovsk in the form of courses for the preparation of the operational composition of the police. In May 1950. Courses were reorganized to the school training school of the MGB of the USSR, which in 1952 received the status of the average special School Police (Khabarovsk Middle Special School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR).
    In pursuance of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on June 25, 1979. Order No. 609/206 by the order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs of December 20, 1979. From January 10, 1980, the Khabarovsk Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was created on the basis of the Central School of School of Militia, since 1992 she was named the Khabarovsk High School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (HSH .
    Due to the fact that the pedagogical team of the school made a huge contribution to the training of specialists for the internal affairs bodies of Eastern Siberia and the Far East, the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 1998. No. 80-p On the basis of the outcomes of the state certification, the HSHV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was transformed into the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
    In the present, the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - the State Educational Institution of the Higher vocational education on the preparation of specialists with the highest special legal education For criminal investigation devices and the investigation of the internal affairs bodies. Training at the university takes place on a free budget basis. In addition, the institute has a paid faculty educational services (full-time and correspondence forms of training), there is an adjuncture, faculty absentee learning and advanced training. The educational process at the Institute provides 14 departments.
    The "Gold Fund" of the Institute is its faculty. For its basis, these are specialists of the highest qualification. Among them are 10 doctors of science, 12 professors, 45 associate professors, 75 candidates of science, 7 people have honorary titles "Honored Worker higher School Russian Federation "," Honored Worker physical culture Russian Federation".
    For organization and maintenance educational process The institute has three educational buildings. Educational audiences and lecture halls equipped in accordance with modern technical requirements, a laboratory, a sports two-story complex, Rifle Tyr, two libraries with reading Balls, actual hall, computer classes and the Internet class, which can be used for free on the territory of the Institute.
    Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia uses scientific potential in the branch of the Primorsky Territory to ensure the needs of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Far Eastern Federal District in specialists. Thus, the university is one of the largest educational institutions in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
    Important importance in the institute is attached to the moral and aesthetic education of cadets, the satisfaction of their cultural needs and the provision of creative expression. Cadets and listeners have the opportunity to show their talents in the dance and vocal genres, on the speeches of the national team of the KVN Institute; Engage in the spiritual orchestra, theater studio, vocal tool ensemble.
    In order to increase the scientific potential of students at the Institute, the Scientific Society of Cadets and Listeners has been established, scientific research is carried out in various areas of the activities of the internal affairs bodies. The most active members of the scientific society that showed high results in scientific activityAt the end of the Institute, they have the opportunity to enroll in the ambuna of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, followed by the continuation of the service at the Institute as teachers.

    Head of FGKOU in the Twitter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: Andreev Alexander Alexandrovich
    - He is a leader in 1 organization.
    - He is the founder in 1 organization.

    The company with the full name "Federal State Educational Educational Establishment of Higher Education" Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "" Registered 05/13/1999 in the Khabarovsk Territory region at the Legal Address: 680020, Khabarovsk Territory, Khabarovsk city, barmented alley, 15.

    Registrar "" Awarded the company Inn 2723011600 OGRN 1022701193855. Registration number in the FIU: 037003080686. Registration number in FSS: 270730105427071. Number of licenses issued: 3.

    The main activity in OKVED: 85.22. Additional species OKVED activities: 47.11.2; 55.10; 56.29; 72.20; 84.24; 85.21; 85.23; 85.30; 85.41.9; 85.42.1; 85.42.9.


    OGRN 1022701193855
    Inn 2723011600
    KPP 272301001
    Organizational and legal form (OPF) Federal State Commissioning Institutions
    Full name of the legal entity Federal State Educational Educational Institution of Higher Education "Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation"
    Abbreviated name of the legal entity Twitters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, FGSU in the Twitters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
    Region Khabarovsk region
    Legal address 680020, Khabarovsk Territory, Khabarovsk city, barmented alley, 15
    Name Inspection federal tax Service On the railway area of \u200b\u200bKhabarovsk, №2724
    Address 680021, Khabarovsk Territory, Khabarovsk G, Stanny Ul, 18
    Date of registration 13.05.1999
    Date of assigning OGRN 18.11.2002
    Accounting in the FTS.
    Date of registration 14.04.1994
    Tax authority
    Information about registration in the FIU
    Registration number 037003080686
    Date of registration 12.07.1991
    Name of the territorial authority Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the southern district of Khabarovsk, №037003
    Information about registration in the FSS
    Registration number 270730105427071
    Date of registration 08.10.1996
    Name of the executive body Branch number 7. State institution - Khabarovsk regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, №2707


    1. License number: GT 0074199 HC / 1897
      License Date: 21.10.2015

      - Office of the Federal Security Service for the Khabarovsk Territory
    2. License number: GT 0074310 HC / 2010 on work
      License Date: 11.01.2017
      The date of commencement of the license: 11.01.2017
      License Execution Date: 21.10.2020
      The name of the licensed type of activity, which is issued a license:
      - Activities associated with the protection of state secrets (FSB of Russia, FSTEC of Russia, CVR of Russia, Ministry of Defense of Russia)
      Name of the licensing body that issued or re-implemented license:
      - Office of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in the Khabarovsk Territory
    3. License number: 2545
      License Date: 21.02.2017
      The date of commencement of the license: 21.02.2017
      The name of the licensed type of activity, which is issued a license:
      - educational activities licensed by the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor)
      - Educational activities (with the exception of this activity carried out by non-state educational institutions located on the territory of the Skolkovo innovation center)
      - the activities of organizations implementing educational activities According to educational programs of higher education
      Name of the licensing body that issued or re-implemented license:
      - Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science

    OKVED codes

    Additional activities (11):
    47.11.2 Retail sale of non-frozen products, including drinks and tobacco products, in non-specialized stores
    55.10 Hotel activities and other seats for temporary residence
    56.29 Activity of catering enterprises for other types of nutrition
    72.20 Scientific research and development in the field of public and humanitarian sciences
    84.24 Public Order and Security Activities
    85.21 Education professional average
    85.23 Preparation of highly qualified personnel
    85.30 Professional training
    85.41.9 Education Additional children and adults other, not included in other groupings
    85.42.1 Activities of schools training drivers of motor vehicles
    85.42.9 Activities for additional professional education Other, not included in other categories


    1. Name: Vladivostok branch of the Federal State Educational Educational Institution of Higher Education "Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation"
      Address: 690087, Primorsky Krai, city of Vladivostok, Street Kotelnikova, d. 21
      PPC: 253643001
      Tax authority name: Inspection of the Federal Tax Service under the Leninsky district of Vladivostok, №2536
      The date of registration in the tax authority: 29.06.2011

    other information

    History of changes to the register

    1. Date: 18.11.2002
      UAH: 1022701193855
      Tax authority:
      Cause of changes: Admission to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of Legal Facial Information Registered before July 1, 2002
    2. Date: 03.02.2003
      UAH: 2032700448438
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Claims on Industrial District G. Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes:
    3. Date: 07.06.2004
      UAH: 2042700218845
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Claims on Industrial District G. Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes:
    4. Date: 08.06.2005
      UAH: 2052700237973
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes:
    5. Date: 28.07.2005
      UAH: 2052740182394
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: Representation of information on accounting of a legal entity in the tax authority
    6. Date: 05.04.2006
      UAH: 2062723020644
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes:
    7. Date: 13.07.2007
      UAH: 2072723040168
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes:
    8. Date: 26.07.2007
      UAH: 2072723044777
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: Amendments to the legal entity contained in the Unified state registry legal entities, in connection with the errors made by the applicant in the previously submitted statement
      - a statement about entering into a single state register of legal entities of changes in information on a legal entity, when correcting errors made by the applicant earlier
    9. Date: 20.11.2007
      UAH: 2072723073696
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to amending the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, on the basis of an application

      - Charter of a legal entity
      - Decision on making changes to constituent documents
    10. Date: 06.12.2007
      UAH: 2072723075709
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: Changes in information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
      - Application for issues in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities Changes in information on a legal entity not related to amending constituent documents
    11. Date: 09.01.2008
      UAH: 2082723000248
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: Amendments to the information on the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, due to the errors made by the applicant in the previously submitted statement
      - a statement about entering into a single state register of legal entities of changes in information on a legal entity, when correcting errors made by the applicant earlier
    12. Date: 17.06.2008
      UAH: 2082723054709
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: Presentation of information on registration of a legal entity as a policyholder in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
    13. Date: 01.08.2008
      UAH: 2082723089029
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: Changes in information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
      - Application for issues in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities Changes in information on a legal entity not related to amending constituent documents
    14. Date: 19.11.2008
      UAH: 2082723110325
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to amending the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, on the basis of an application
      - application for state registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity
      - Order
      - Tired
      - Document on the payment of state duty
    15. Date: 30.07.2009
      UAH: 2092723073364
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes:
    16. Date: 28.09.2009
      UAH: 2092723102316
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to amending the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, on the basis of an application
      - application for state registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity
      - Order
      - Document on the payment of state duty
      - Tired
    17. Date: 29.06.2011
      UAH: 2112723045048
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to amending the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, on the basis of an application
      - application for state registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity
      - Document on the payment of state duty
      - Order of making changes
    18. Date: 04.07.2011
      UAH: 2112723047336
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes:
    19. Date: 05.07.2011
      UAH: 2112723048315
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: Admission to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities Information on Removing Certificate
    20. Date: 06.07.2011
      UAH: 2112723048403
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: Representation of information on accounting of a legal entity in the tax authority
    21. Date: 15.07.2011
      UAH: 2112723051880
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: Amendments to the information on the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, due to the errors made by the applicant in the previously submitted statement
      - a statement about entering into a single state register of legal entities of changes in information on a legal entity, when correcting errors made by the applicant earlier
    22. Date: 15.07.2011
      UAH: 2112723051967
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: Amendments to the information on the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, due to errors admitted to the registering authority
    23. Date: 15.07.2011
      UAH: 2112723052022
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: Representation of information on accounting of a legal entity in the tax authority
    24. Date: 18.07.2011
      UAH: 2112723052176
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: Admission to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities Information on Removing Certificate
    25. Date: 14.02.2012
      UAH: 2122723010881
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to amending the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, on the basis of an application
      - application for state registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity
      - Document on the payment of state duty
      - Order and change in the charter
    26. Date: 06.02.2013
      UAH: 2132723007855
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: Representing the licensing body of information on the provision of license
    27. Date: 13.05.2014
      UAH: 2142723036036
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to amending the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, on the basis of an application
      - application for state registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity
      - Document on the payment of state duty
      - Tired
      - Power of Attorney on Gusev Ou
    28. Date: 21.01.2015
      UAH: 2152723031624
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: Amendments to the information on the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, due to the errors made by the applicant in the previously submitted statement

      - Power of Attorney at Sukhov

    29. Date: 06.03.2015
      UAH: 2152723038906
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: Amendments to the information on the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, due to the errors made by the applicant in the previously submitted statement
      - P14001 Application for correcting errors made in previously submitted documents (clause 2.2)
      - Power of Attorney at Sukhov
      - receipt in obtaining documents submitted by the applicant
      - P80001 State Registration Decision
    30. Date: 10.03.2015
      UAH: 2152723039104
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: Amendments to the information on the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, due to errors admitted to the registering authority
    31. Date: 10.03.2015
      UAH: 2152723039115
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: Amendments to the information on the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, due to errors admitted to the registering authority
      - decision on making changes to the register in connection with the mistakes
    32. Date: 30.07.2015
      UAH: 2152723069882
      Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Industrial District, Khabarovsk, №2723
      Cause of changes: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to amending the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, on the basis of an application

      - Public duty payment document
      - Charter of Yul in the new edition
      - Power of attorney for Nikolaev OV
    33. Date: 11.11.2015
      UAH: 2152724137124
      Tax authority: Inspection of the Federal Tax Service for the Railway District of Khabarovsk, №2724
      Cause of changes: Representing the licensing body of information on the provision of license
    34. Date: 15.12.2015
      UAH: 2152724173028
      Tax authority: Inspection of the Federal Tax Service for the Railway District of Khabarovsk, №2724
      Cause of changes: Representing the licensing body of information on the provision of license
    35. Date: 29.01.2016
      UAH: 2162724088866
      Tax authority: Inspection of the Federal Tax Service for the Railway District of Khabarovsk, №2724
      Cause of changes: Changes in information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
      - P14001 Statement of change of considerations that are not related to change. Education. Documents (clause 2.1)
      - Power of Attorney at Sukhov I.M
    36. Date: 10.03.2016
      UAH: 2162724160498
      Tax authority: Inspection of the Federal Tax Service for the Railway District of Khabarovsk, №2724
      Cause of changes: Changes in information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
      - P14001 Statement of change of considerations that are not related to change. Education. Documents (clause 2.1)
      - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
      - Power of attorney for Nikolaev OV.27AA0918477
    37. Date: 08.07.2016
      UAH: 2162724378342
      Tax authority: Inspection of the Federal Tax Service for the Railway District of Khabarovsk, №2724
      Cause of changes: The beginning of the procedure for reorganizing a legal entity in the form of accession
      - P12003 Notification of the beginning of the reorganization procedure
      - Order
      - Power of attorney to Nikolaev O.V. (27A0918477)
    38. Date: 02.09.2016
      UAH: 2162724473338
      Tax authority: Inspection of the Federal Tax Service for the Railway District of Khabarovsk, №2724
      Cause of changes: Presentation of information on registration of a legal entity as a policyholder in the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
    39. Date: 24.11.2016
      UAH: 2162724717373
      Tax authority: Inspection of the Federal Tax Service for the Railway District of Khabarovsk, №2724
      Cause of changes: Changes in information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
      - P14001 Statement of change of considerations that are not related to change. Education. Documents (clause 2.1)
      - Extract from the order
      - Power of Attorney at Sukhov Irina Mikhailovna
    40. Date: 30.11.2016
      UAH: 2162724728450
      Tax authority: Inspection of the Federal Tax Service for the Railway District of Khabarovsk, №2724
      Cause of changes: Reorganization of a legal entity in the form of accession to another legal entity
      - P16003 Statement of Termination of Accession
      - Transmission Act
    41. Date: 27.12.2016
      UAH: 2162724777488
      Tax authority: Inspection of the Federal Tax Service for the Railway District of Khabarovsk, №2724
      Cause of changes: Changes in information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
      - P14001 Statement of change of considerations that are not related to change. Education. Documents (clause 2.1)
    42. Date: 14.01.2017
      UAH: 2172724044337
      Tax authority: Inspection of the Federal Tax Service for the Railway District of Khabarovsk, №2724
      Cause of changes: Representing the licensing body of information on re-issuing documents confirming the availability of a license (information on the extension of the license life)
    43. Date: 06.06.2017
      UAH: 2172724343834
      Tax authority: Inspection of the Federal Tax Service for the Railway District of Khabarovsk, №2724
      Cause of changes: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to amending the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, on the basis of an application
      - P13001 Application for changes made to establishment. Documents
      - Public duty payment document
      - Information card
      - Information card
      - List of changes and Order No. 247
      - Power of Attorney at Sukhov I.M.
    44. Date: 12.12.2018
      UAH: 2182724603268
      Tax authority: Inspection of the Federal Tax Service for the Railway District of Khabarovsk, №2724
      Cause of changes: Representing the licensing body of information on the provision of license
    45. Date: 20.03.2019
      UAH: 2192724148758
      Tax authority: Inspection of the Federal Tax Service for the Railway District of Khabarovsk, №2724
      Cause of changes: Presentation of information on accounting of a legal entity in the tax authority at the location of the branch / representation
    46. Date: 30.04.2019
      UAH: 2192724227320
      Tax authority: Inspection of the Federal Tax Service for the Railway District of Khabarovsk, №2724
      Cause of changes: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to amending the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, on the basis of an application
      - P13001 Application for changes made to establishment. Documents
      - Changes to the charter of Yul
      - Order
      - Order + Charter

    2019-09-17 06:28:44

    Acquaintance with the practice of 🖥🚨-free district police officers visited the duty of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Khabarovsk. Employees of the duty officer told third-party work on the organization of work on the disclosure of crimes on hot pixels, registration of incident reports, the formation of a daily operational report and the capabilities of video phixation systems. Cadets learned that more than 400 chambers of the hardware and software complex "Safe City" allow police officers to monitor public order. Acquired knowledge cadets will be worked out in the future at the educational polygon of the Institute "Duty part of the ATS"Designed to model the operational and service tasks of divisions and also equipped with a modern APK" Safe City ". Photo of the press group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Khabarovsk # Twita # MVD # Russia # Police # Cadets # Practicals # studies # Universities # Khabarovsk #Enducodee #mvd #Russia #Edition

    551 3

    2019-09-16 06:30:22

    The first sports victories in the new school year did not wait! 🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁 Dynamo Championship on the summer sports orientation Police Major Andrei Goman took 2nd place in the second age group, Cadet Nikita Danilyuk ran 3rd in the first. According to the results of these competition, the two-world team of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was awarded Bronze, this is a good result for the team debuting against 10 experienced rivals. Alike 3 Command Place the Institute received on an athletics relay dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the end of World War II. Theory results showed the sambists of the two of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Ufa. At the Republic of the All-Russian Festival of National and Neolimpian Sports, Yulia Martynova occupied 2nd place, and Danil Monasks - 3. 🏅 Bourz at the Championship of DFO on boxing in his weight won seed of Tatarnikov. Congratulations to athletes! Let your belief in itself and hard work will bring even more results this season. # Twit-sumsions # cadets # Sporthabarovsk # Khabarovsk # sport27 # leamental school # box # victory # police # messenger #police #mvd #Russia

    675 2

    2019-09-08 04:01:43

    In a single day of voting, the protection of public order at the polling stations of Khabarovsk is carried out by the Swirl cadets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia together with the senior colleagues @ 27mvd. Today, citizens choose the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the 70s single-mandate district and the new convening of the Legislative Duma of the region. In addition, the Komsomol team vote for candidates for the position of head of the city and to the city duma. In Khabarovsk, the elections of the deputies of the city parliament also pass. In total, more than 2 thousand law enforcement officers are followed by the rule of law in the elections. Polling stations will close at 20.00. Have time to fulfill your civic duty and make the right choice! # Twitus # Ministry of Internal Affairs # Russia # Police # United Angry # 2019 # Khabarovsk # KhabarovskyKrey #dvui #mvd #Russia #khv

    521 1

    2019-09-06 03:26:58

    The first school week comes to the end of ahead of the wonderful September weekend, let them be bright and sunny 🌞 # Twitus # MVD # police # Russia # University # Khabarovsk # September # 2019 #dvui #mvd #Russia #khv #police

    690 1

    2019-09-03 04:02:28

    Knowledge Day in the Twitth of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia # Ministry of Internal Affairs # Twittime # Police # Russia # Far Long-term # day # September # 2019 #dvui #mvd #Russia

    698 9

    2019-09-02 05:15:51

    Today at the Place of the Institute, the first persons of the city and the region congratulated Pyatkirts with an important event - Getting the first officer! Already tomorrow, more than 200 junior police lieutenants will go into practice and begin to fulfill official tasks in the territorial units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. According to the current tradition, the undergraduates have handed over the first planners the key - a symbol of knowledge gained during the training. Also, the leaders awarded employees and cadets "For participation in a military parade on the Victory Day", which is very symbolic, because today the whole country celebrates the day of the end of World War II! We sincerely congratulate the personnel with the Day of Knowledge, and fivekirts with the assignment of special ranks! # Twitus # MIVD # Russia # police # day # September # 2019 #mvd #dvui # 2019

    881 3

    2019-08-31 23:35:33

    Go Russia! 🇷🇺 Cadet courtyards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Semen Drins won the championship of Europe for kickboxing among young men and juniors. The athlete became the best in the "Ful-Contact with Low-Kit" section in the weight category up to 81 kg. This year's competitions are held in the city of Gyor (Hungary), about 2,000 fighters from more than 40 countries take part, among whom, in the Russian national team Semen - winner of the world championship last year, the pupil of the Sports School "Master." "In 2017, at the European Championship, I became the second, this year revenge. I had three fights - with Bulgarian, with an Italian and finals with a Russian athlete from St. Petersburg. It was not easy to win - in the second battle damaged his hand, but still did not give up to the last. " Also gold in his weight took another athlete from Khabarovsk. Congratulations! We wish you a further success. # Cadets # Twitus # MVD # athletes #dvui #mvd #Sport #russia #kikboxing

    599 1

    2019-08-31 06:44:15

    Trying all this and a lot of things learned freshmen on camp fees in just a month! Today, in the presence of relatives and close cadets, the closing ceremony was held on a suburban training base, where "recruits" have demonstrated the acquired skills. They not only comprehected the foundations professional activityBut also found the time to prepare creative numbers than they proved the ability to cope with multitasking. Ahead of the school year and all forces, experience and skills will be needed for productive work. Congratulations to the guys with the successful passage of the "course of a young fighter" and wish good luck in the future comprehending profession! # Twitus # Ministry of Internal Affairs # Russian Federation # Russia # teachings # countryhow-books # teens2019 # Professionian # summer # August # KMB #dvui #mvd #Russia #august # 2019

    622 3

    2019-08-28 03:20:25

    Those who believe that it is not difficult to acquire new habits, they simply did not pass "the course of a young fighter" on the country's country school database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia! While all students are only going with the forces on the eve of the new school year 📚 The cadets are already struggling to comprehend the Aza profession. Summer fees allow ⠀ ✅ faster to get used to the schedule ⏰ ✅ closer to get acquainted with your one-laugures during psychological trainings 😃⠀ ✅ improve your physical shape without waste of money on the subscription to the fitness club 🏋🏻♀️⠀ ✅ to develop vigilance (after all, somewhere in the grass there may be a "explosive device") 🧨 ✅ to take a multitasking (only those who stand "at the post" taught the words oath, They will understand what the speech) 🙂 is difficult, but years later, many graduates say that this time was one of the best periods in their lives. Freshmen, wish you forces and patience! Remember that starting always harder # double # freshman # Summer seeds # country houseboybase # tooth2019 # Endurient2019 # University # Khabarovsk # russian #dvui #Egust # 2019

    611 8

    Information is taken from open sources. If you want to become a moderator of the page

    bachelor, specialist, other

    Qualifications level:

    full-time, absentee

    Form of study:

    Diploma of the state image

    Finishing document:

    License №0.0000 from 08/29/2011 00:00, really indefinitely


    Accreditation №0.0000 dated 11/17/2010 00:00, valid on November 17, 2015


    From 151 to 151

    Passing score:

    number budget seats:

    Characteristic of the university

    Budget financing (free learning):
    Non-state financing (paid training):
    Delay from service:
    Military Department:
    Preparatory training:
    Medical service:
    Medical dispensarization:
    Sport sections:
    Number of candidates of science75
    Number of prof. And doctors:22

    general information

    al Of Extra Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - the firstborn among the highest legal educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the vast territory of the Far East. Founded on August 6, 1921 as a central police instructor school. Under various names School in the initial
    the period was located first in Chita, and in the pre-war years in the cities of Blagoveshchensk and Vladivostok. In October 1941, the school's activities were suspended, and the entire personnel was sent to the front. School resumed its activities in 1946 in Khabarovsk in the form of courses for the preparation of the operational composition of the police. In May 1950. Courses were reorganized to the school training school of the MGB of the USSR, which in 1952 received the status of an average special school of the police (the Khabarovsk Middle Special School of Militia of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs).

    In pursuance of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on June 25, 1979. Order No. 609/206 by the order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs of December 20, 1979. From January 10, 1980, the Khabarovsk Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was created on the basis of the Central School of School of Militia, since 1992 she was named the Khabarovsk High School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (HSH .

    Due to the fact that the pedagogical team of the school made a huge contribution to the training of specialists for the internal affairs bodies of Eastern Siberia and the Far East, the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 1998. No. 80-p On the basis of the outcomes of the state certification, the HSHV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was transformed into the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    At the present time, the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a state educational institution of higher vocational education for the training of specialists with higher special legal education for criminal investigation and investigators of the internal affairs bodies. Training at the university takes place on a free budget basis. In addition, the institute has a faculty of paid educational services (full-time and correspondence forms of education), there is an adjuncture, faculty of absentee training and advanced training. The educational process at the Institute provides 14 departments.

    The "Gold Fund" of the Institute is its faculty. For its basis, these are specialists of the highest qualification. Among them are 10 doctors of science, 12 professors, 45 associate professors, 75 candidates of science, 7 people have honorary titles "Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation", "Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation".

    See all photos

    Twitus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

    1 is



    • faculty of absentee learning
    • faculty of law enforcement
    • faculty vocational training and additional vocational education
    • faculty of jurisprudence

    Conditions of receipt


    The Institute is preparing frames for police departments:

    According to the Specialist Program, the qualifications of a lawyer in the specialty 40.05.01 - " Legal support national security ", the term of study is 5 years in person (on the basis of secondary general education);

    According to the program of the specialist, qualifications, a lawyer in the specialty 30.05.02 - "law enforcement", the term of study is 5 years in person (based on secondary general education);

    Under the program of the specialist, qualifications of a lawyer in the specialty 050.05.02 - "law enforcement", the term of study is 6 years in absentia (on the basis of secondary general education);

    According to the undergraduate program in the specialty 40.03.01 - "Jurisprudence", the term of study 3 G. 6 months. in absentia (on the basis of secondary legal education);

    According to the undergraduate program, in the specialty 40.03.01 - "jurisprudence", the term of study 4 g. In absentia (on the basis of higher non-legal education).

    In 2015, the Institute at the expense of the federal budget based target reception Carries out a set in the following specialties and areas of preparation:

    Full-time education:

    40.05.01 - Legal support of national security (program of specialist, qualification - lawyer, specialization - criminal law, narrow specialization - preliminary investigation in the internal affairs bodies):

    lifetime of 5 years (based on secondary general education).

    Extramural studies:

    40.03.01 - Jurisprudence (undergraduate program; qualification - academic bachelor; preparation profile - criminal law (the activity of the operational criminal investigation, the activities of the district authorized police)):

    learn of study 3 G. 6 months. (on the basis of the average professional (legal) education);

    learn of training for 4 years (based on higher professional (non-revocricant) education);

    40.05.02 - law enforcement activities (the program of the specialist, qualification - lawyer, specialization - operational and investigation activities of the internal affairs bodies, administrative activities of the internal affairs bodies; narrow specialization - the activities of the operational criminal investigation, the activities of the district authorized police):

    lifetime of 6 years (based on secondary general education).

    Aspirator contacts

    Adjuncture of the federal state government educational institution Higher Professional Education "Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" was established in 1993 in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 05/11/1993 No. 225.

    Currently, adjuncts are being trained in the delivery in the direction of preparation of 40.07.01 "Jurisprudence".

    The following scientific specialties are open in the adjuncture of the institute:
    12.00.02 - constitutional law; constitutional trial; municipal law;
    12.00.08 - Criminal law and criminal law; criminal executive law;
    12.00.09 - criminal proceedings;
    12.00.11 - Judicial activity, prosecutor's activities, human rights and law enforcement;
    12.00.12 - Criminalistics; forensic expert activities; operational investigative activities;
    12.00.14 - Administrative law; administrative process.

    • Creation
    • Extra


    About the work of the veteran organization of the twoness of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the upbringing of patriotism in future defenders of law and order

    The veteran organization of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was formed in 1991, now there are 260 pensioners, more than 20 veterans of professors, and associate professors, candidates and doctors of science, are engaged in teaching and educational work with cadets.

    How time flies quickly, aging, sick and leave the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Now they leave life from the German bullets, from injuries, contusions and diseases. There are 2 people left in our team.

    Currently, in the activities of bodies and educational institutions of the internal affairs of the Russian Federation, considerable attention is paid to the improvement of the work of veteran organizations on the social protection of veterans and the patriotic education of young employees of the internal affairs bodies.

    Every year in Khabarovsk, a scientific and practical conference "Patriotic education of the younger generation, experience, problems and tasks" is held, where they say that in the conditions of external and internal threats, the issues of patriotic education are becoming vital in Russian statehood. The entire system of patriotic education should be aimed at attracting the young generation of the senses of responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland. The conference participants believe that educational institutions should be the main link of patriotic education. In his youth brought up patriotism, courage, a sense of loyalty to the traditions of the state whose citizens they are. All these features are formed by way of life in society, targeted educational work.

    For the formation of the personality of the cadet, as an employee of the internal affairs bodies, a citizen and a patriot of Russia, a systematic impact on their consciousness and feeling. The formation of patriotism is one of the most important areas of activity of the department for educational work and the veteran organization of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    At the moment, the main tasks of the veteran organization on the heroic-patriotic raising of cadets, future law enforcement defenders are:

    Education of love for multinational Russia;

    The formation of a deep understanding of the need for its protection against terrorism and the attack from the outside;

    Clarification of the need for a decisive fight against crime as a national disaster, personal responsibility of each employee in this important public business;

    Studying the history of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Native Institute, the upbringing of the cadets of loyalty to the traditions of the internal affairs bodies, the desire to increase them;

    Propaganda of the heroism and the courage of employees of the internal affairs bodies, exemplary performance of official debt.

    On May 9, the events dedicated to the 66th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War were solemnly ended. Naturally, the victory holiday caused another rise in the work on heroic-patriotic education. The Branch of Educational Work was created by the Plan of the main events, which includes literary quiz, Opening of the championship on the shooting of the tablet weapons, visiting veterans, presenting congratulations, providing material assistance, an invitation to the solemn meetings and a concert, the laying of wreaths on the Schalva Square in the Eternal Flame, who died when performing official debt.

    Each veteran participant in the Great Patriotic War consolidated coursework units. Couchers help them in solving everyday problems, in holidays are handed gifts. Veterans of the Went of the Went of the B.I. And Andreeva P.A. Bathroom renovated, plumbing replaced ...

    Work on the social protection of veterans of the participants of the Great Patriotic War is under the constant control of the veteran organization and the management of the institute.

    One of the directions of patriotic education in the study of history, philosophy, political science and cultural studies is to write abstracts on certain topics. In the institute newspaper "Cadet Bulletin", the systemally published materials contributing to the formation of patriotic, civil position at cadets, the performance of the veterans of our team.

    On days Open doors, the beginning of the excursion is to familiarize with the history, traditions, good deeds, with veterans - teachers. This year was the guests of high school students from Chegdomyna, Primorye and the Amur region.

    During your stay in our walls educational institution Cadet meetings are held, during which the issues of history are addressed, the traditions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Khabarovsk Territory. Within the framework of the educational process, the history of the internal affairs bodies of the Far East is being studied by cadets of the Museum of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Khabarovsk Territory, meetings with veterans are organized.

    Special value B. patriotic education Cadets of our Institute has a solemn ritual.

    The educational impact is increasing due to solemnity, emotionality, which not only convince the personnel in the need to follow traditions, but also inspire them for a conscientious attitude towards a service debt. Supports the desire to imitate the preceding generation veterans in their loyalty to the Motherland. This and the solemn ritual of taking the oath, which veterans are invited. The release of specialists of the internal affairs bodies with higher education, presentation of officer pursuit, solemnly handing service certificates. These activities are held with the invitation of the executive authorities of the Far Eastern District, the Khabarovsk Territory, Veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs, are widely illuminated in the means mass media. With the participation of veterans, solemn meetings are held, such as the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, the Day of the Russian Police. The Council of Veterans is trying to find new forms of educational work, meetings with interesting people, experienced veterans operatives, with participants of the Great Patriotic War, veterans, whose childhood has passed in the war years. Meetings with graduates of the first years of becoming our university - Colonels, Generals.

    Presentation of the book of the first Chairman of the Council of Veterans of Our Institute, Colonel Militia in the resignation of Mostyaeva Anatoly Alekseevich "We have something to remember" events in Afghanistan, where he participated as the commander of a special squalt squad, was interesting and cadans and teachers.

    In connection with the anniversary of the Chernobyl tragedy, an informational evening was held with the participation of a veteran of Colonel Police Militia Strompel V.E., a direct member of those events, the peculiarities of public order protection in the 30-km zone.

    In anticipation of such professional holidays As the day of the education of the criminal investigation and the day of investigative employees, cadet meetings with employees of the operational and investigative divisions of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Khabarovsk Territory are held.

    The work of the veterans council is carried out in close cooperation with the department for educational work of the personnel of the institute, joint work plans are drawn up.


    More than 30 years ago, in May 1983, the Far Eastern Law Institute received the right to conduct publishing activities. At the same time, the editorial group was formed and a plot of operational printing was formed, on the basis of which monographs were published, tutorials, lecture courses, educational and methodical literature.

    Over the past decades, the technology of the release of literature has changed radically changed, the volume of its publication has increased, the publisher has undergone.

    Since 2011, the editorial and publishing department is an independent structural division of the Institute. The staff consists of 10 people: Head, 3 editor, technical editor, corrector, 2 engineers typography, designer, department inspector.

    The main task of editorial and publishing activities is the preparation and issuance of training, educational and methodological and scientific materials necessary to ensure educational process and the practical activities of the internal affairs bodies.