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  • Passing point in Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Bel Yui Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia). Education in university

    Passing point in Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Bel Yui Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia). Education in university

    Coordinates: 50 ° 34'25.24 "p. sh. 36 ° 33'52.74 "in. d. /  50.57368 ° C. sh. 36.564651 ° C. d. (G) (O) (I)50.57368 , 36.564651

    The history of the Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia begins on March 15, 1985, when the order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 96 "On Organizative Issues on the Belgorod special Secondary School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR" in Belgorod was formed special high school Militia of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (BSSSM) on the preparation of precinct inspectors and secondary legal education. 200 cadets were credited to the first course.

    Continuing the personnel policy of the Ministry of the Interior Russian FederationThe provision of internal affairs bodies by qualified specialists was the transformation in 1992 by the BSSSM in the Belgorod Higher Militia School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    Special place in the history of the university is engaged public order In Moscow during the October events of 1993, when, in difficult days for Russian democracy, the staff and students of the school stood on the defense of the constitutional system and the future of Russia. For exemplary service, the staff of the school was gratitude to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and 28 employees and listeners were awarded government awards.

    Pursuant to the order of the government by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of June 20, 1997 No. 378 Belgorod high school Police was renamed Belgorod law Institute Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    From education and to the present, more than 5,000 graduates successfully implement the knowledge gained in law enforcement bodies of Russia and the CIS countries, of which about 3,000 employees are in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Belgorod region.

    The Institute provides training for legal frameworks: according to the specialties "Jurisprudence" and "Law Enforcement" for the internal affairs bodies for full-time and correspondence forms of training; according to specializations of operational-search, administrative and legal, preliminary investigation in the ATS; According to the preparation profiles, opera-soluble ur, BEP, precinct authorized militia, investigators and investigators.

    Retraining and improving the qualifications of employees of territorial internal affairs bodies. Educational institution It also prepares lawyers on extrabudgetary basis.

    The Belgorod Law Institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia functions as a single educational and scientific complex, structurally uniting management apparatus, adjuncture, 5 faculties, 13 departments, service-combat training and auxiliary divisions.

    IN educational process new educational technologies are being introduced professional activity. In order to strengthen the practical orientation of training, starting in September 2003, twice a week for cadets of all courses organized practical training directly in the services and divisions of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Belgorod region and the ATC of the city of Belgorod under the guidance of teachers and practical workers. The Center for Legal Information and the Public Reception, where cadets and students provide free legal services to the population.

    A new generation of youth is entered into a conscious life, part of which are graduates of the BLYUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which in the near future there are intended transformations in Russia. And the state needs not only highly qualified specialists, but also in one person competent cultural citizens, patriots of their homeland.

    To implement the above tasks on March 30, 2004, the University of Culture is opened on the basis of the Institute. Co-founders of the University of Culture became Belgorod State Academic Drama Theater named after M.S. Shchepkin (artistic director Slobodchuk V. I.), Belgorodsky state Institute Cultures and Arts (Rector Kurgansky S. I.) and Belgorod State Music School. S.A. Degtyarev (director Granchenko N. A.), with which the institute has close creative contacts.

    The institute has a modern educational and laboratory base. It includes 7 lecture halls equipped with multimedia systems and others. technical means Training, 64 learning audiences, 2 photo laboratories, 6 forensic polygons, 5 sports halls, 2 categories. The infrastructure of the institute is constantly evolving. Recently implemented large projects to strengthen the material and technical base, training conditions. In 2004, a library complex of more than 1500 m.kv was built and commissioned, with a general foundation of more than 150 thousand publications, a sports complex with an area of \u200b\u200b1400 m.kv., including 3 specialized hanits for martial arts, gaming and gyms , locker rooms and showers, gasified and restored country training base of the institute. More than 370 computers are combined into a local computing network.

    The regional administration of the institute was transferred to the urban stadium. Equipped with modern electronic equipment rifle shooting. In addition to classes, various regional and regional competitions are held regularly.

    The Institute employs three masters of sports of international class, 19 sports masters, 32 candidates for the master of sports, more than 200 historians.

    Cooperation with police and police departments of Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, England and Poland develops fruitfully.

    Currently, more than 2,800 cadets, listeners and students from 30 regions of Russia are studying at the Institute.

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after I.D. Putilin - Federal State Veatte Educational Institution higher education in Belgorod.


    The history of the Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia begins on March 15, 1985, when the order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 96 "On the organizational and staff on the Belgorod special secondary school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR" in Belgorod, a special secondary school of the police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (BSSSM) Preparation of precinct inspectors and cameplods with secondary legal education. 200 cadets were credited to the first course.

    The continuation of the personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, aimed at ensuring the internal affairs bodies by qualified specialists, was the transformation in 1992 by the BSSSM in the Belgorod Higher School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    A special place in the history of the university is carried out by carrying a public order protection in Moscow during the October events of 1993, when, in difficult days for Russian democracy, the staff and students of the school stood on the defense of the constitutional system and the future of Russia. For exemplary service, the staff of the school was gratitude to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and 28 employees and listeners were awarded government awards.

    In order to order the government by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of June 20, 1997, the Belgorod Higher School of Militia was renamed Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    From education and to the present, more than 5,000 graduates successfully implement the knowledge gained in law enforcement bodies of Russia and the CIS countries, of which about 3,000 employees are in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Belgorod region.

    Education in university

    The Institute provides training for legal frameworks: according to the specialties "Jurisprudence" and "Law Enforcement" for the internal affairs bodies for full-time and correspondence forms of training; according to specializations of operational-search, administrative and legal, preliminary investigation in the ATS; According to the preparation profiles, opera-soluble ur, BEP, precinct authorized militia, investigators and investigators.

    Retraining and improving the qualifications of employees of territorial internal affairs bodies. Educational institution also prepares lawyers on extrabudgetary basis.

    The Belgorod Law Institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia functions as a single educational and scientific complex, structurally uniting management apparatus, adjuncture, 5 faculties, 13 departments, service-combat training and auxiliary divisions.

    The educational process introduces new educational technologies of professional activities. In order to strengthen the practical orientation of training, starting in September 2003, twice a week for cadets of all courses organized practical training directly in the services and divisions of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Belgorod region and the ATC of the city of Belgorod under the guidance of teachers and practical workers. The Center for Legal Information and the Public Reception, where cadets and students provide free legal services to the population.

    A new generation of youth is entered into a conscious life, part of which are graduates of the BLYUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which in the near future there are intended transformations in Russia. And the state needs not only highly qualified specialists, but also in one person competent cultural citizens, patriots of their homeland.

    To implement the above tasks on March 30, 2004, the University of Culture is opened on the basis of the Institute. Co-founders of the University of Culture became Belgorod State Academic Drama Theater named after M.S. Shchepkin (artistic director Slobodchuk V. I.), (Rector Kurgansky S. I.) and Belgorod State Music School. S.A. Degtyarev (director Granchenko N. A.), with which the institute has close creative contacts.

    The institute has a modern educational and laboratory base. It includes 7 lecture halls equipped with multimedia systems and other technical means of training, 64 learning audiences, 2 photo laboratories, 6 forensic polygons, 5 sports halls, 2 categories. The infrastructure of the institute is constantly evolving. Recently, large projects for strengthening the material and technical base, training conditions have been implemented. In 2004, a library complex of more than 1500 m.kv was built and commissioned, with a general foundation of more than 150 thousand publications, a sports complex with an area of \u200b\u200b1400 m.kv., including 3 specialized hanits for martial arts, gaming and gyms , locker rooms and showers, gasified and restored country training base of the institute. More than 370 computers are combined into a local computing network.

    The regional administration of the institute was transferred to the urban stadium. Equipped with modern electronic equipment rifle shooting. In addition to classes, various regional and regional competitions are held regularly.

    The Institute employs three masters of sports of international class, 19 sports masters, 32 candidates for the master of sports, more than 200 historians.

    Cooperation with police and police departments of Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, England and Poland develops fruitfully.

    Currently, more than 2,800 cadets, listeners and students from 30 regions of Russia are studying at the Institute.

    License A No. 166953 dated November 23, 2006
    Certificate of state accreditation № 000455 dated December 22, 2006

    The history of the Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia begins on March 15, 1985, when the order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 96 "On the organizational and staff on the Belgorod special secondary school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR" in Belgorod, a special secondary school of the police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (BSSSM) Preparation of precinct inspectors and cameplods with secondary legal education. 200 cadets were credited to the first course.

    The Institute provides training for legal frames:

    • by the specialties of "jurisprudence" and "law enforcement" for the internal affairs bodies for full-time and correspondence forms of training;
    • according to specializations of operational-search, administrative and legal, preliminary investigation in the ATS;
    • according to the preparation profiles, opera-soluble ur, BEP, precinct authorized militia, investigators and investigators.

    The Belgorod Law Institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia conducts retraining and raising the qualifications of employees of territorial internal affairs bodies. Educational institution also prepares lawyers on extrabudgetary basis.

    The Belgorod Law Institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia functions as a single educational and scientific complex, structurally uniting management apparatus, adjuncture, 5 faculties, 13 departments, service-combat training and auxiliary divisions.


    • Faculty of absentee learning
    • Faculty of optional vocational education
    • Faculty of jurisprudence
    • Faculty of law enforcement
    • Extrabudgetary faculty
    • at the state budget (free) basis:
      • 030505 - "Law Enforcement", a term of study for 5 years (full-time);
      • 030505 - "law enforcement", period of study 6 years (correspondence form);
      • 030505 - "law enforcement", period of study 3 years 6 months (correspondence form on the reduced program, for employees of internal affairs bodies with secondary special legal education).
    • on extrabudgetary (paid) basis:
      • 030501 - "Jurisprudence", a term of study for 5 years (full-time);
      • 030501 - "Jurisprudence", term of study 6 years (correspondence form).
      • 030501 - "Jurisprudence", a term of study for 3 years 6 months (correspondence form on the reduced program, for persons having a secondary special legal education or higher non-revocative education).
    • according to the program of postgraduate education - adjuncture on a budget (free) basis and postgraduate studio on extrabudgetary (paid) basis:
      • 12.00.01 - "Theory and History of Law and State; History of legal exercises ", term of study 3 years;
      • 12.00.09 - "Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Judicial Examination; Operational search activities ", learning deadline for 3 years;
      • 12.00.14 - "Administrative right, financial law, information law", term of study 3 years;
      • 13.00.08 - "Theory and Methods of Vocational Education", a term of study 3 years.

    Reviews: 16


    Hello, is it possible to go to the girl with grade 9, if the documents for admission after grade 11 were sent. Thank you.