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  • Kazan State University Address. Kazan (Volga) Federal University. Higher School IT and Information Systems

    Kazan State University Address. Kazan (Volga) Federal University. Higher School IT and Information Systems

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    Mon, W., Wed, Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 17:00

    Latest reviews of the CFU.

    Diana Gromova 23:26 06/04/2013

    In 2012, I entered the Faculty of Economics of the Kazan Federal University. Admission to the CGFEI was my children's dream, but two years ago several universities merged into a single CFU, so we all now - one big family of the Kazan federal. The passing points for this faculty have always been high - more than 230 points on three subjects, which is serious enough for the exam. Fortunately, I scored almost 270, so there was no problem with the arrival. In general, thanks to EE Corrup ...

    Natalia Stepanenko 19:56 02.06.2013

    Kazan Federal University (CFU), former KSU them. Ulyanova-Lenin, Kazan. From the nine federal universities of Russia since 2010, great figures of Russia studied here: Lenin, Tolstoy, Lobachevsky and others. But over time, much changes, what is now CFU from himself? I went to the faculty of journalism, now it is referred to as the Institute of Mass Communications and Social Sciences. In addition to the exam, you need to pass creative competition, as in any other university. At the faculty of Nesko ...

    general information

    Federal state autonomous educational institution higher education "Kazan (Volga) Federal University"

    Branches KFU.


    № 01664 acts indefinitely from 09/22/2015


    № 01539 applies from 01.12.2015 to 03/25/2021

    Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for CFU

    Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
    Efficiency indicator (out of 7 points)6 6 7 7 5
    Middle Screen EGE in all specialties and training forms70.27 74.97 69.53 67.32 70.12
    Middle score exam enrolled on the budget79.61 79.41 76.69 75.10 77.77
    Middle score exam enrolled on a commercial basis66.45 64.48 64.36 62.88 66.54
    Medium for all specialties minimal score Ege enrolled in full-time compartment46.37 53.75 45.61 44.80 51.24
    Number of students30545 30102 29491 28964 28391
    Full-time compartment24223 23932 22806 22876 21749
    Part-time compartment92 78 150 232 339
    Extramural6230 6092 6535 5856 6303
    All data

    Kazan (Volga) Federal University is one of the oldest educational institutions in Russia, which in 2019 marks 215 years.

    The university is engaged in the training of top-level specialists both for the Volga region and for all Russia, as well as countries of near and far abroad. Students have the opportunity to participate in the exchange programs, language internships, various forms Academic mobility.

    KFU is the most powerful modern complex of 614 objects located in Tatarstan, regions of Russia and abroad. Thanks to this students and staff of the university, all conditions and opportunities for development are provided.

    The educational process is conducted in 13 institutes, 1 highest school and 1 faculty. Over the past 6 years, the university annually equips on average more than 100 educational and about 30 research laboratories with equipment at the level of the best standards.

    The CFU has a stimulation and support system of students. This developed 17 different species Scholarships - increased, social and many special.

    The university includes a multidisciplinary medical complex, where students are accepted. Also, the university has one of the largest student campuses of Russia - the Universiade village, where 12 thousand students live.

    Since 2013, CFU has been a member of the Federal Program of 5-100, aimed at improving international competitiveness and getting into the TOP 100 world university ratings. CFU enters QS subject ratings on linguistics, archeology, journalism, english language and literature, education, economics, mathematics, physics, chemistry.

    CFU is one of the oldest Russian universities, which made a huge contribution to the development of higher education and science in our country. Many famous scientists and public figures came out of its walls.

    Today, as many decades ago, it continues to remain a place where you can get high-quality higher education, so there are always many people who want to enter this university. The main issues that are worried about applicants relate to the placement of students in Kazan, the faculties of KFU, specialties and points needed to enroll in budget and paid places. You will find answers to them in this article.

    Institutes and Faculties

    KFU is a classic multidisciplinary higher educational institution, which is preparing highly professional staffs for Russian science, economics, production, education and other spheres in many specialties and areas.

    In 2011, reorganization was carried out, as a result of which the institutions of the Kazan Federal University appeared on the basis. They were led by the director, who have great powers than the deans.

    Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology

    This unit was created in 2012 as a result of the reorganization of the former biological and soil faculty of KFU. In Kazan, there are 13 of his departments, three dozen research laboratories, biology research, zoomuses. E. A. Eversman. In addition, the Institute has 4 educational and scientific databases for spending summer practices outside the city, including one on the White Sea. Manages the division of A. Kiyasov.

    Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management

    In June 2006, the geographical and geo-socological faculties KFU Kazan were transformed into the Institute of Ecology and Geography, later it was renamed to the Institute of Ecology and Nature Management. The Institute includes 2 branches: ecology and environmental management, as well as scientific and production units, including the Center for Environmental Design and Engineering Exquisites, which are carried out by scientific and applied work for the domestic economy. There are 5 scientific and educational laboratories. Since 1812, a meteorological observatory is functioning at the university. In addition, the Institute has 3 databases for practice.

    Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies

    The Geological Faculty of CFU (Kazan) in 2011 was transformed into the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies. It consists of 7 departments, a geological museum, 3 research laboratories and the oldest magnetic observatory.

    Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

    The unit that bears the name of the great scientist N. Lobachevsky was established in 2011 on the basis of Mehmat KSU with the accession of mathematics and mechanics named after N. Chebotareva and some Department of the Mathematical Faculty of TGGPU.

    KFU Kazan: Law Faculty

    This unit is known that at one time Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin graduated from him. Today there are 9 departments, as well as:

    • educational and criminalistic laboratory;
    • legal information center;
    • branch of the UNESCO Department of Human Rights and Democracy and the Tatar branch of this Intellectual Property Protection Structure;
    • UC additional educational services;
    • centers of international law and European documentation.

    KFU: Pedagogical Faculty

    Kazan traditionally was the forge of Tatarstan teacher's personnel and the Volga region. At the pedagogical faculty of the CFU, the basic and programs of professional preparation "Defectology", "Psychology of Education" and "Pre-school education" are valid. Training is organized at full-time and absentee departments.

    At the faculty there are departments:

    • pedagogy;
    • psychology;
    • theories and methods of primary and preschool education;
    • theories and techniques of physical education and safety of vital activity.

    Other divisions

    Asbiturients who are interested in which faculties are in CFU (Kazan), it will be useful to learn that there is also a management institution, economics and finance that was opened in 2014. From year to year, the number of applicants who want to get an education in this unit KFU in Kazan is growing. The Economic Faculty was popular and in soviet periodSince it allowed to get in demand and prestigious specialties.

    In addition, it is greatly interested in studying in the Engineering Institute. At his departments do implement educational programs Higher professional formation of all levels in order to prepare engineering and technical personnel.

    In 2003 by merging the chemical research institute. A. Butlerova and Chimph KSU was created the corresponding institute, which continues to wear the name of the Great Scientist. Its employees along with educational activities are based on fundamental and applied scientific research.

    In 2011, the Institute of Physics, which continues the 200-year-old Natural Scientific Traditions of the CSU.

    A large role in the education of young people is played by the general ventilation department physical education and sports (Okfvis).

    It includes the corresponding divisions of two reorganized universities: KGFEI and TGGPU. Okfvis are preparing specialists in the field of physical education and livelihood safety for secondary schools and trainers for the Sports School. It consists of 5 specialized departments: theory physical culture, sports disciplines, gymnastics and cyclic sports, adaptive physical education and livelihood safety.

    The effectiveness of occupations is ensured by the presence of a sports complex with the Bustan swimming pool, a football-athletic maneja and the gymnastic hall of the central stadium, an educational and wellness center, as well as hulls for theoretical classes.

    It is impossible not to mention the Institute of Computational Mathematics and IT, which was created on the basis of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of the KSU, operating since 1978. His scientific frames are known for their developments far beyond Tatarstan.

    Higher School IT and Information Systems

    This CU training unit, founded in 2011, is preparing specialists for IT companies.

    The structure of VS ITIS includes 6 well-equipped centers: Microsoft, Cisco Systems, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Oracle, etc..

    Institute of Philology. Lev Tolstoy

    The KFU subdivision includes 2 faculties of the former KSU, as well as 4 - former TGGPU.

    At the moment, 2 branches (Russian and foreign philology named after L. Tolstoy and Tatar philology and intercultural communications have been operating in the IFMC CFU. G. Tuquet), as well as the Higher School of Art. S. Sydashev, on which more than 3,000 students study.

    Institute of Socio-Philosophical Sciences

    This important scientific and educational division of the CFU was formed in 2014. IFED KFU retains and develops university traditions of teaching political science, philosophy, sociology, religious studies, journalism, conflictology, as well as the theory of public communications. The knowledge obtained by graduates of the institute allows them to successfully manifest themselves in various branches of humanitarian and socio-political activities, as well as in the field of media and public communications. The teaching staff of the IPFN KFU seeks to combine fundamental theoretical preparation with applied research.


    In 2013 on the basis of the Institute international relations The KSU was created by a new unit, in which the centers of Iraniustics, Korean, Japan Studies, Judaiki, Arab culture, Middle Eastern research, Turkey, Culture and the history of Islam, Oriental manuscripts, Central Asia, Islamic civilization, economics and law, intercultural dialogue, as well as the Institute Confucius.

    Institute of Psychology and Education

    The division united the Faculty of Psychology of the KSU, the Faculty of Psychological and Pedagogical Education of TGHPU and some structures of the Institute for Education of the RT Education. Faculty of Psychology KFU Kazan is the largest educational institution Volga region to prepare teachers and psychologists, where you can get all the levels of higher education, including doctoral studies.

    Information for incoming

    If you want to go to the faculties of KFU in Kazan, passing points can be found from newsletters published by the university. They change the year from year, depending on the number of applicants at their level of preparation. In addition, it should be noted that there are some categories of citizens who enjoy the right of preferential enrollment on the undergraduate programs. The main points received by the EGE will be flattened by a number of additional, depending on the personal achievements of the applicant. These include dinners at the Olympics, as well as the presence of a gold or silver medal.

    Should consider that some entrance tests CFU spends independently. These include the examinations of the subject of the design of the subject, journalism, drawing and economic geography.

    All nonresident students of KFU 1 (glads) are provided to a bed-place in one of the university's hostels.

    Now you have enough information to decide which faculties KFU (Kazan) can be done if you have a desire to become a student of this university.

    Someone: Good evening. I want to ask for advice. I do not know what to do and where to turn how to draw attention to this problem. The fact is that in the New Institute at CFU (Institute Fundamental medicine Both) Curl full mess. Many students are deducted to the right and left. When entering the first course, the dentists were 4 groups, in each group of 28-30 people were, and 8 groups of the medical faculty of 25 people. After the first year, after the autumn additional session, due to the fact that many were unable to pass the test on the anatomy, they were very expensive. There are 3 groups of dentists, a maximum of 16 people in a group, and 5 groups of hospitals. And I still do not know how many expensive among cybernetics and biochemists. The attitude of teachers to students is generally terrible. When surrendering modules, tests and exams, if you did not like the teacher, then consider you did not pass. They come to couples at the beginning, arrange independent work, leave to disassemble the material on their own and leave, come 5 minutes to the end, ask whether there are questions (but! At the same time, when you ask something, answer that you need to read carefully, and in the textbook everything is written). Naturally, when you answer your questions, the desire to ask something else disappears. The teachers themselves do not explain anything, everyone says that we all studied students themselves. And this is in medical! I believe teachers should transfer their experience through explanations, show how and how important this profession is important to awaken the desire and love for this profession in the student, and not to beat it all from the student, since he chose the teaching in Honey University. There is no stable textbook on subjects, especially in histology and anatomy. There are no textbooks in the library. You have to buy. Each teacher has different preferences in textbooks. And naturally, many types of textbooks, and different information in them. It is especially difficult at the exams, when you say that it was preparing for one textbook, and they scream in response "your problems, it was necessary on another textbook" .. We also buy textbooks themselves, they all do not cost cheap from 1000 rubles. It turns out we need one only the subject of several textbooks to buy? I am asked where our money goes, and we do not have budget seats And each pays from 110.000 and above the amount. If you calculate how much money they receive only at the expense of one course, it turns out a very huge amount. They know how to pull up the money, but they should not teach it !!! If you do not pay for a certain period of study, then it is threatened by the deduction. As for the passage of exams, tests and modules, compared to other universities, the difference of attempts given to surrender, huge. After the introduction of a new learning system, we left a very small number of attempts. At the same time, they ask very hard, even despite the fact that they themselves do not explain anything. Now there is a winter session, and so it remains very little, and we all continue to deduct and deduct for not the delivery of a particular exam. Very disappointing for the guys who, when admit, had very high points, but the other day was expelled. I know how they were preparing how they taught everything. But, alas, they were filled .. On the video conference, the director of Ifmyba said: "We want to release only very good specialists, so weakly eaten." I agreed with this until I found out how I was able to close the credit on histology of my classmate. In the list upon receipt he had the lowest score on the exam. And judging by his attitude to study, I can confidently say that 70 percent of all students (expelled and those who still cannot close the credit on histology) know more than he! So the question is now actually want to release "good" specialists? Many students want to translate to other universities, but! Because Ifmiba has no accreditation (and the translation of the same course on which he studied is carried out only from an accredited university in accredited) very complicates the task. In another university you can escape only, having lost the year of study and so much money, i.e. Start learning only from the first year. Upon admission, no one was notified of the accreditation of the Iphmib. What do we do?? Help me please!!!

    The oldest university of Tatarstan was founded 17 (according to old style 5) November 1804. The development of the university began in four offices: moral and political sciences (7 departments), physical and Mathematical sciences (9 departments), medical sciences (6 departments) and verbal sciences (6 departments). Since the founding of the university, the Department: Criminal and Civil Law, General Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Botany, Geography, History, Eastern Languages, Russian, foreign languages. A significant contribution to the development and development of the university was made outstanding scientists and rectors - N.I.Lobachevsky and M.T.Nizhzhin. In the walls of the Kazan University, the opening of a global scale was made, without which it is impossible to imagine modern scientific research. So, without the theory of non-smoke geometry N.I.Lobachevsky, it is difficult to talk about the development of modern cosmonautics. Without the theory chemical structure organic substances A.M. Butlerova would not have the achievements of modern chemistry, which we see and feel in everyday life. The phenomenon of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), open E.K. Zavoysky, today is one of the most effective methods of scientific analysis in natural science.

    Today, the university is headed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Meakzum Salakhov.
    The uniqueness of the formation provided by the Kazan University is his academity and quality, as well as that it is based on the rich traditions of 200-year history of the university. As practice shows the most popular specialties for which training in high school is being conducted: legal and economic specialties, specialty related to the development and application of information systems and technologies, as well as earth sciences (geological and environmental specialties). This is explained by the fact that Russia today becomes a country with civil
    Society I. market economy. At the same time, the future progress of society depends on the development of new technologies and success in the field of natural sciences. Kazan University provides graduates after graduating from the university in employment. This is mainly carried out by collecting information on specialists in various industries in the region and Kazan. This information is prompt to students in a timely manner. In addition, the university works with graduates in the direction so that they themselves make efforts for employment. The university tries to keep track of how the employment of young professionals is coming, using the Association of the Association of KSU. The percentage of graduates working in their specialty and the employment time at different faculties is significantly different. Economists, lawyers, psychologists, philologists (from 50 to 75% in the first half of the year (from 50 to 75% in the first half of the year after the end of the university, are beginning to work in its most quickly in their specialty. For other specialties, the employment of graduates is sometimes delayed for a year or more. To date, more than 16.5 thousand students are studying at Kazan University (together with branches in the cities of Zelenodolsk and Naberezhnye Chelny). Annual graduates receiving a diploma with honors are about 600 people. The average competition for admission to the university for the last 4 years amounted to about 3 to 4 people in place. The geography of the distribution of graduates of the Kazan University is very wide. Graduates of the CSU work in various state and non-governmental organizations, institutions, enterprises, including in the highest bodies of the state power of Russia. Among the most famous and prominent graduates of the KSU can be called: Morozova Oleg Viktorovich, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation; Bushigina Andrei Evgenievich, Deputy Head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation; Govorukhina Stanislav, film director, deputy of the State Duma; Smakov Renata Mirgalimovich, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of Russia and others. Communication with graduates of the university is carried out through the Association of graduates of the Kazan University.