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  • MGU fundamental medicine results dv. Fundamental medicine - specialties of universities: areas of training a specialist

    MGU fundamental medicine results dv.  Fundamental medicine - specialties of universities: areas of training a specialist

    Good day!

    I am interested in the order of admission under the second program higher education at the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine. I would like to clarify whether it is possible as a result entrance exam in chemistry to use the result of the USE this year? Thanks!

    07/15/2017 | dean's office

    No, Dmitry, you can't! All applicants for the program of the second higher education must pass at the Moscow State University DVI in chemistry!

    Deputy Chairman of the FFM Admissions Committee, prof. Koshelev Vladimir Borisovich

    22.03.2017 | Maria

    direct link

    Hello! Tell me please. I am a 2nd year student at the Faculty of Dentistry in the Volga Federal District. Can I transfer to your university for FFM in the specialty, General Medicine, or do I need to re-enroll in 1 course. On the exam: chemistry-100, biology-95, mathematics-78, Russian -73. Gold medal. I passed chemistry-5, biology-5. Normal anatomy-5, normal physiology-5, histology-5, biochemistry-5. Now we are teaching microbiology, immunology, pathophysiology, pathology, propaedeutics of internal diseases. Thanks.

    03/23/2017 | dean's office Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

    Dear Maria!

    The transition from the specialty "Dentistry" to another university to the specialty "General Medicine" within the framework of budgetary places is impossible. If you want to study with us, then you need to re-enroll at the FFM MSU, for the first year. In case of success, we will be able to re-read you some of the items you handed in as "excellent".

    Dean's Assistant for educational work in junior courses,
    Honored Professor of Moscow State University,
    Koshelev Vladimir Borisovich

    22.03.2017 | Maria

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    Hello, please tell me. At FFM, how many years have normal anatomy and topographic anatomy been studied? Is it possible, after graduating from FFM, to work as a surgeon? Thank you.

    03/23/2017 | dean's office Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

    Dear Maria! At FFM, normal anatomy is studied for three semesters, that is, a year and a half. Pathological anatomy is studied for two semesters in the third year, and in the fourth year, topographic anatomy is studied for one semester. After graduating from FFM, you can work as a surgeon.

    13.01.2017 | Anastasia Ogibenin

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    Hello, is it possible to get a specialty of a pharmacist or pharmacist at your university?

    14.01.2017 | dean's office Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

    Dear Anastasia! At the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University there is a branch "Pharmacy", where you can get the specialty of a pharmacist, a pharmacist-researcher within SIX years of study.

    Dean's Assistant for the new recruitment, Professor Emeritus of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Vladimir Borisovich Koshelev

    09.11.2016 | Anya

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    Good afternoon, is it possible to transfer to the 3rd year of the FFM on the specialty of general medicine, if at the moment I am studying at the P.M. THEM. Sechenov with a degree in Medical Biochemistry

    09.11.2016 | dean's office Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

    Dear Anna! Transfer to another specialty in another university is impossible for you. Try to switch from the specialty "Medical Biochemistry" to "General Medicine" within the IM Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.

    VB Koshelev, Dean's Assistant for Undergraduate Studies at FFM

    10.05.2016 | Natalia

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    Hello! Please tell me the prize winner final stage Does the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Biology enjoy any benefits when enrolling in the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, or does this only apply to chemistry? Thank you in advance for your response.

    05/10/2016 | dean's office Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

    Dear Natalia!

    Winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Biology upon admission to the FFM of Moscow State University receive 100 points for the Unified State Exam in Biology.

    Professor Vladimir Borisovich Koshelev

    26.02.2016 | Akylai

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    Is it possible to enter the faculty of "Fundamental Medicine" for special "general medicine" on a budgetary basis as a citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic? What are the subjects for the exams? Where can I apply? Thank you very much in advance.

    02/27/2016 | dean's office Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

    Dear Akylai! Unfortunately, you can only enroll in a contract form of study. To do this, you will need to pass two exams at Moscow State University: RUSSIAN LANGUAGE and CHEMISTRY (in writing).

    Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Physics of the Moscow State University, Professor Vladimir Borisovich Koshelev

    28.11.2015 | Abdulhamid

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    Hello, I am a Master in Clinic laboratory diagnostics to Tashkent medical Academy... I want to teach a second medical degree in general medicine. Please give me full information. Thanks for your reply.

    11/30/2015 | dean's office Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

    Dear Abdulhamid!

    A second education with us can be obtained only on a contract basis. In 2015, the cost of one year of study at the FFM MSU was 325 thousand rubles. Upon admission to us, you will need to pass two exams: in the Russian language and in chemistry.

    deputy. Dean of FFM MSU
    Koshelev Vladimir Borisovich

    18.11.2015 | Feruza

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    Hello, I wanted to enter the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine with a degree in General Medicine. I am a citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic. Is it possible on a budget basis? If so how? in what subjects do I need to prepare for the exams? Thanks in advance.

    11/18/2015 | dean's office Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

    Dear Feruza!

    Unfortunately, you can only apply to us under a contract. It is necessary to prepare for exams in chemistry and in the Russian language. You will also need a document on secondary education translated into Russian and certified by a notary.

    Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Professor
    Koshelev Vladimir Borisovich

    20.10.2015 | Svetlana

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    Good evening! This year I am going to apply to the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine. However, many say that after graduating from the Faculty of Physics of the Moscow State University, one can only become a researcher or scientific worker in the field of medicine, and not a doctor in charge. Tell me, is it so? If I still want to heal more, rather than research, is it worth trying to enroll in you? Thank you in advance for your response!

    21.10.2015 | dean's office Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

    Dear Svetlana!

    The Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University prepares full-fledged medical researchers. Students passing all clinical disciplines in full at the clinic. E.I. Tareeva, at the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction, at the Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery, at the Scientific Center of Neurology, at the University Clinic of Moscow State University and at other medical institutions in Moscow. Details can be found on the website of the faculty

    06.10.2015 | Alexandra

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    Good evening! I would like to know about what subjects to prepare for unified exam for admission to the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine. Profile mathematics was introduced last year; now this information has been removed from the site. Will they introduce another subject instead of it or together with it? Thanks.

    08.10.2015 | dean's office Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

    Hello Alexandra! So far, the list of the exam required for admission to the FFM MSU in 2016. remains unchanged: chemistry, Russian, MATH (profile) and biology. DWI at Moscow State University - written exam in chemistry.

    Deputy Dean of FFM, Professor V. B. Koshelev

    21.09.2015 | Tatiana

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    Please tell me when in this academic year the day will take place open doors at the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine? Thanks.

    22.09.2015 | dean's office Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

    Dear Tatiana!

    Open days were held in the spring of 2015. The next university-wide open day will take place in January 2016 during school holidays. The Open House Day at FFM is traditionally held on the first Sunday in April.

    Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Physics of the Moscow State University,
    V. B. Koshelev

    31.07.2015 | Alyona

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    Good afternoon, I am planning to study to be a neurosurgeon. If I graduate from the Department of Surgery at Moscow State University, will I have to study somewhere else? Can you please tell me if you can graduate from the above department or is it better to look for "neurosurgery"?

    01.08.2015 | dean's office Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

    Hello Alena! In all MedUniversity there are no graduating departments, as in other natural faculties of Moscow State University. In order to become a neurosurgeon, you need to obtain a medical diploma after six years of study, then complete a general residency in surgery, and then study in a specialized residency in neurosurgery for another two years. FFM has good contacts with the Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery, some of our graduates work there.

    30.06.2015 | Mirsamed

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    Good day! Do I need to take Profile Mathematics for admission to the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, or is it enough to pass the basic level?

    06/30/2015 | electronic reception moderator

    Hello Mirsamed. The list of entrance examinations to the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine provides, in particular, the Unified State Exam in Mathematics. Therefore, you need the results of the USE in mathematics of the profile level. Best regards, e-reception moderator.

    26.03.2015 | Anastasia

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    Hello! I am a 3rd year student of the Volgograd Medical University, Faculty of Medical Biochemistry, I would like to know if there is an opportunity to re-enroll after completing the 3rd course, if so, what kind of entrance tests and when it is necessary to pass; or to enter after the 4th for a master's program for further study at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Biology.

    28.03.2015 | dean's office Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

    Hello Anastasia! I can't answer about Biofak, but at the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine we have a department PHARMACY, the term of study is SIX years and we train not just pharmacists, but pharmacists, researchers. If you are interested in this direction, then you must conquer budget place in a competitive struggle (the competition is more than 10 people for one budget place). To do this, it is necessary to provide high results of four USEs: MATHEMATICS, RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, and in the summer to pass a written four-hour exam in CHEMISTRY at Moscow State University. If you successfully pass the competition, then by the order of the Rector you will be enrolled in the first year, and then we will personally deal with your academic transcript - which subjects passed in "good" and "excellent" can be re-enrolled.

    Deputy Dean, Professor V. B. Koshelev

    13.02.2015 | Nikita

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    Will the number of USE scores in mathematics (profile) be considered when entering the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine in 2015?

    02/14/2015 | dean's office Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

    Dear Nikita! This year, for the first time at the FFM, in addition to the USE in BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, points for the USE in MATH will be taken into account!

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    Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov is 20 years old. He talks about the history of the creation of the faculty and about modern trends in the training of doctors Dean of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Moscow state university them. M.V. Lomonosov, Academician of RAS and RAMS Vsevolod Tkachuk

    Vsevolod Arsenievich, the Faculty of Medicine was opened at Moscow State University in 1992. But, as far as I know, a medical faculty already existed within the walls of the renowned university ...

    State educational and scientific institution - Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, indeed, marks the second round date in its new history. In 1992, the rector of Moscow State University, academician Viktor Sadovnichy signed an order to establish our faculty.

    Everyone knows that the Faculty of Medicine has been a part of Moscow University since its inception, that is, since 1755. An idea of ​​the initial scale of the Faculty of Medicine at Moscow University is given by the "Project on the Establishment of Moscow University" presented by I.I. Shuvalov to the Senate.

    The project indicated that the Faculty of Medicine should consist of three professors: chemistry, natural history and anatomy; a doctor and professor of chemistry was supposed to teach physical chemistry, especially chemistry and chemistry. The doctor and professor of natural history should show the different kinds of minerals, herbs and animals in lectures. The doctor and professor of anatomy should teach and show in practice the structure of the human body at the anatomical theater and accustom students to medical practice.

    Students began to enter Moscow University at the end of May 1755.According to the Synod's decree, the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy sent six of its best pupils to study at the University from among the students in the last grades. Among them was Semyon Gerasimovich Zybelin (1735-1802), the future famous professor of the medical faculty. As a "senior", he received a Synodal Decree concerning all six translations from the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, on May 25, 1755, he appeared at Moscow University and was the first to be enrolled in the student body. He has the honor to be called the first student of Moscow University.

    The first decade of the 19th century was the beginning of the intensive development of medical and scientific activities at the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow University: the teaching of clinical disciplines was improved, the faculty received the first clinical bases.

    Great importance for the development of the medical faculty had the adoption in 1804 of the university charter. In accordance with this document, six new departments were opened at the Faculty of Medicine: Anatomy, Physiology and Forensic Medicine; pathology, therapy and clinic; medical substance studies, pharmacy and medical literature; surgery; midwifery art; animal therapy. In 1805, the first clinics of the Clinical Institute were opened at the Faculty of Medicine.

    The opening of new clinics and institutes on Devichye Pole, the emergence of a clinical town there in the 19th century, contributed to the improvement of teaching and the development of research work at the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow University. N.I. was a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine. Pirogov.

    In the second half of the 19th century, such prominent Russian medical scientists as G.A. Zakharyin, G.I. Rossolimo, N.V. Sklifosovsky, A.A. Ostroumov, S.S. Korsakov, V.F. Sinelnikov, F.F. Erisman, D.N. Grains. The creative heritage of these scientists still has a significant impact on the development of many clinical disciplines that form the basis of modern fundamental medicine.

    In 1930, to meet the country's growing needs for doctors, the First Moscow State University was created on the basis of the Medical Faculty of Moscow University. medical institute... Now it is the first Moscow State Medical University named after M.V. THEM. Sechenov.

    Graduates of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine are highly regarded not only in the leading medical institutions of our country, they are invited to work in scientific centers both in Russia and in other countries. How do you manage to achieve this level of training?

    First, medical school is obligatory. As you understand, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University has a glorious tradition of training doctors. To be honest, at first we were expressed a certain skepticism about the training of doctors at the medical faculty of the university. Yet for 65 years our country lived in a different system. But gradually the new form gained recognition. We, of course, do not claim that she is the best. One of the advantages of studying: the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University attracts lecturers of the chemical, physical, biological, mechanics and mathematics, philosophy, law, and other faculties to conduct classes, deliver lectures. They are world-renowned scientists who study with our students in their specialty. With regard to clinical training, it is exactly the same in the medical faculty as in other universities. The medical center of Moscow State University will start working in the coming days. It has 300 beds, is equipped with the most modern equipment, has 12 operating rooms and a diagnostic center. The result is a multidisciplinary clinic in which the faculty will receive new opportunities for teaching students. Prior to that, they studied in city hospitals and medical centers in Moscow. With the opening of the medical center, the faculty will be able to expand. But we are unlikely to accept more than 100 students per year.

    I note that all over the world medical education extremely expensive. It costs the student from 30 to 50 thousand dollars annually. All over the world, doctors are trained according to a single medical standard. And we stick to it.

    The Bologna Process does not provide for undergraduate and graduate programs for doctors. And it is right. The training of a doctor is special, requiring integral training, which cannot be divided into parts. You cannot change the trajectory of this education, for example, first to give skills, and then knowledge. An important point: MSU has the right to its own educational standards. I will say without false modesty that the bar of our standards is higher than the educational standards of the third generation. The Russian Ministry of Health has recently requested our standards and wants to adapt some of them to the capabilities of other medical universities. They allow for a very intensive and comprehensive training of doctors.

    This year's competition for the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine was higher than for many other universities ...

    This is indeed the case. The average mark on the Unified State Exam for applicants to medical universities in the country reaches 75 points, and on the fundamental faculty of Moscow State University - 92. Of course, 75 according to the old classification is estimated as five. Thus, applicants who have typed on USE results five with two pluses. We take into account the USE grades in the Russian language, literature and chemistry. Plus, our applicants must pass an exam in chemistry at Moscow State University, which is common with students of the Faculty of Chemistry. They solve ten problems that require the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. In the last three years, only those who are recruiting based on the results of three USEs and entrance test in chemistry 371-372 points out of 400 possible. Thanks to this strict selection, well-trained young people come to us. Moreover, we do not seek to recruit as many of them as possible. We have 50 students on a budgetary basis and 20 on a commercial basis. Although, if desired, the faculty could recruit many more students. But we cannot do this, because the one who did not pass the competition, learns worse. Weak students may simply not be able to withstand increased curriculum... Moscow State University spends several times more money on the education of one student than in other universities. That's why paid training ours is quite expensive.

    It has been noticed more than once that the students of your faculty win the competitions of students in purely medical specialties, such as surgery, radiation diagnostics, and other specializations. What, in your opinion, is the secret of the success of their preparation?

    The fact is that we prepare them, as they say, individually. We have two students per teacher. We have always adhered to the global practice, not inventing anything new. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Russian doctors were considered one of the best in the world, they were invited to advise and treat many eminent, noble ladies and gentlemen abroad. The history of Russia contains dozens of names of famous doctors. I would like to believe that the current generation of doctors will restore the former prestige of Russian medicine.

    Nevertheless, there are assessments that Russia is hopelessly lagging behind the developed countries. Our doctors do not want to read scientific literature, improve their qualifications. Is there some truth in the above estimates?

    The Russian doctor, working at 1.5-2 rates, is seriously busy in hospitals and clinics. Add here the inevitable worries of life, chores, and you will understand that it is not at all easy for him to find time for scientific work... Nevertheless, Russian doctors are constantly urged to improve their qualifications. Like, you need to study, you need to read scientific literature. But sociological studies have shown that Russian doctors do not subscribe to scientific journals and do not particularly want to read them. The whole point, of course, is not that Russian doctors are bad or have an insufficient level of education. The secret is different, how to create conditions for them so that they have enough time for everything. In Europe and America, a doctor, in order to be allowed to treat patients at the expense of insurance money, must engage in scientific work. And the bulk of the population receives medical care at the expense of medical insurance, only the richest citizens can afford to go to private clinics. As a result, the insurance company decides whether or not to give the doctor a license to treat. Each hospital sets its own benchmark for a doctor in terms of the citation index of his work by colleagues, as well as the level of the journals in which he is published. The doctor is forced to engage in science, read scientific articles, write them and conduct his own research for this. Thus, doctors are forced to engage in scientific work all their lives. In reality, the doctor deals with the treatment of patients for a month, and spends three months in the laboratory to prepare high-level publications, maintaining his reputation rating. As I said, in our country, doctors do not have such an opportunity, they are overloaded, including writing all kinds of reports. You have to understand that it is pointless to read scientific articles if you yourself are not engaged in scientific work. Wise Confucius said: tell me - I will forget, show me - I will remember, let me do it - I will understand. To understand, one must be involved in scientific work, read scientific journals. If you do not do this constantly, then it will be extremely difficult to understand a lot, literally every day new terms, abbreviations and concepts appear. In our time, medicine is experiencing an unprecedented development. As an example, we can say that the number of scientific publications in various areas of medicine is equal to the number of articles of all other sciences combined. It makes no sense to read scientific journals once a month, it must be done regularly or completely forget about science. And in order for our doctors to be up to the world level, they must have the time and conditions for a fruitful pursuit of science.

    Academic building of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Moscow State University

    Year of foundation 1992 Dean Tkachuk, Vsevolod Arsenievich Location Moscow Official

    Faculty of Fundamental Medicine (FFM) is a structural unit of Lomonosov Moscow State University engaged in educational and research activities in the field of medical science.


    The Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University was opened on July 1, 1992 in accordance with the decision of the administration and the Academic Council of Moscow State University. The first dean of the faculty (until 2000) was the academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, professor Oleg Stefanovich Medvedev (currently the head of the department of pharmacology of the faculty). Since 2000, the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine has been headed by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Vsevolod Arsenievich Tkachuk.

    In 1992, the decision of the administration and the Academic Council of Moscow State University to open the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine interrupted a 60-year break in teaching students and scientific research in the field of medicine at Moscow University. The following main goals were set for the new faculty:

    • training of experienced, competent medical researchers;
    • obtaining new biomedical knowledge through fundamental and clinical research;
    • integration of efforts of scientists and specialists of different specialties for carrying out basic research in medicine;
    • introduction into clinical practice of new drugs, research and diagnostic methods.

    In May 1994, on the basis of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine and the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, the Center for Science-Intensive Technologies in Medicine was created (Director - Professor V.V. In September 2007, the first buildings were opened in the presence of the Mayor of Moscow Yu. M. Luzhkov and the Rector of Moscow State University V. A. Sadovnichy. Medical Center Moscow State University, which is designed to provide both highly qualified stationary and advisory assistance and for the research activities of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University; the center was fully commissioned in August 2013. In March 2011, the Medical Research and Education Center was established at the faculty. On its basis, in turn, in November 2012, the Center for Innovative and High-Tech Medicine was organized (headed by Academician V.A.Tkachuk).

    Studying proccess

    There are two departments at the faculty: General Medicine and Pharmaceutical.


    Specialty training "Medical business" designed for six years. For the first three years, students receive natural science knowledge with the assistance of various faculties of Moscow State University and other universities, and in the next three years, mainly clinical disciplines are taught. Graduates are awarded the qualification of a doctor.


    In 2008, a pharmaceutical department was opened at the faculty. Upon completion of training, graduates of the pharmaceutical department will receive a diploma in the specialty "pharmacy" with the assignment of the qualification "pharmacist". The duration of the training is six years. The student training program includes humanitarian, socio-economic, natural science, biomedical and professional disciplines; at the same time, the teaching of biomedical disciplines is based on special departments of the FFM: medical biophysics, physiology and general pathology, biological and medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, environmental and extreme medicine.

    Scientific activity

    The scientific work carried out at the faculty is closely related to international scientific centers. Employees conduct research in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania (USA), Baker Institute of Heart and Diabetes (Melbourne, Australia), Fraunhofer Institute of Immunology and Cell Therapy (Leipzig, Germany), Institute of Molecular Oncology (Milan, Italy), national institute health protection and medical research INSERM (France), Institute for Medical Research (London, England). In cooperation with Russian and European researchers, the scientists of the faculty receive Active participation in the execution of a number international projects.

    From the moment the faculty was founded, it began close cooperation with the Educational and Scientific Center of the Main Medical Directorate (GMU) of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation (since 2004 - the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Educational and Scientific Medical Center”, UNMC). A number of employees of the UNMC (V.I.Shmyrev, S.L. Arkhipov, N.V. Babenkov, G.I. Rezkov, N.V. research activities... On the other hand, the UNMC and other medical institutions subordinate to the State Medical University are included in the clinical bases of the faculty, and the UNMC willingly provides places in clinical residency for graduates of the faculty.

    Of great importance in teaching students is the fundamental anatomical museum, which demonstrates natural preparations in all sections of anatomy, provided with appropriate annotations, and various anatomical models. All these materials and tutorials allow students to successfully study normal and topographic human anatomy, so necessary for all areas of medicine.

    Many scientific developments of the faculty are carried out in close cooperation with a number of faculties of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

    In 2011, the electronic surgical system Da Vinci Si Surgical was installed at the faculty. This system includes four electronically controlled, ultra-sensitive limbs that allow for minimally invasive medical procedures not achievable with traditional means.

    In 2013, a unique medical facility began to function. Information system, created by the specialists of the faculty together with the employees of the IBS group of companies for the Medical Research and Education Center at FFM. The system provides storage and processing of significant amounts of information, access to heterogeneous unstructured data, automation of medical care processes, processing of medical images and includes subsystems of telemedicine and distance learning.


    The faculty includes 15 departments:

    Department Head of the Department
    Obstetrics and Gynecology Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor
    Savelyeva Galina Mikhailovna
    Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine Academician of RAS, professor
    Tkachuk Vsevolod Arsenievich
    Internal medicine

    Dean of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vsevolod Arsenievich Tkachuk:

    From the first year of its work, the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University (FFM Moscow State University) has fully followed the unified medical standard approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (now the Ministry of Health and social development RF). Despite the name of the faculty, we do not train experimenters, but highly qualified doctors. Almost all of our graduates have become attending physicians, while many of them are simultaneously engaged in scientific research in laboratories at clinics.
    The competition for our faculty is from 6 to 11 people per place, and usually more than half of the applicants are medalists. Mathematics is a profiling exam in all natural science faculties of Moscow University. Applicants submitting documents to the FFM of Moscow State University also pass mathematics. Thanks to this exam, it is possible to select people with logical thinking... Of course, for a doctor, logic is no less important than intuition. In addition, if an applicant is able to write an exam in mathematics for at least a "C", this means that he was studying at school, and not messing around.
    Preparation of a doctor in the specialty "general medicine" in any medical school, including at Moscow State University, is designed for six years. The first three years, students receive natural science knowledge - they study mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology. And in the next three years, mainly clinical disciplines are taught - from general surgery and propaedeutics to cardiology and gastroenterology and even dentistry. All graduates receive a single diploma, where the specialty "general medicine" is indicated. They have the right to work in a polyclinic, write out sheets of temporary disability and send them for consultations to specialists.
    Rector's gratitude
    To become a specialist - a surgeon, urologist, gynecologist - you need to study in residency for another two years. The enrollment for our faculty is about 70 people, and for the residency of Moscow State University we take only 10 best graduates who graduated from the faculty without "Cs" and are recommended by the Academic Council of the faculty.
    A graduate of our faculty can also go to graduate school and engage in scientific medical activities (for example, biochemistry, pharmacology, physiology). Many successfully combine both of these opportunities - first they study in residency, and then go to clinical graduate school in therapy, surgery or any other medical specialty... Thus, at least eleven years pass from admission to the FFM to the degree of candidate of medical sciences.
    However, in almost all countries the term of training for a high-quality doctor is 11-12 years. Medical education is the longest and most expensive. The work of doctors should be well paid just because they spent a lot of time on study.
    Clinic layout
    Our faculty also provides a number of humanitarian courses - for example, in literature, cultural studies, culture of speech. In general, a doctor is not a technocratic specialty, here a lot depends on the personality: the patient must believe him, sometimes submit to his will. In this case, it is very important how the doctor looks, how he speaks, whether he writes correctly.
    It is noteworthy that in medical educational institutions in the United States recently, special attention has been paid to philology - the training program for physicians includes the works of Leo Tolstoy, Chekhov, Veresaev. After all, great writers knew how to penetrate the patient's condition, describe his state of health, and doctors through literature have always learned to understand the psychology of the patient.
    At the faculty, students are treated with great respect - this is an obligation for their future mission in society. Teachers refer to them only by name and patronymic. At the same time, the administration is not separated from the students - we celebrate all holidays together, we quickly respond to comments and wishes of students regarding educational process, we help with everyday problems.
    sign at the entrance
    The faculty members include 10 academicians of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 3 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 38 doctors and 100 candidates of sciences. The total number of students is 300. Thanks to such a highly professional level of teaching, it is very easy for our children to choose the right direction for their future work.
    The local computer network of the faculty has about 100 computers, most of which are in 3 classrooms, there is a dedicated channel for videoconferencing, on-line access to catalogs of Russian and foreign libraries, a full-text database "Adonis" containing more than 700 biomedical journals published by 70 publishers different countries the world.
    Current information about the life of the faculty is presented on the official website, as well as on the student website -
    Selection committee
    The Faculty of Fundamental Medicine at Moscow State University is developing rapidly. In 2005, construction began on a multidisciplinary university clinic with 300 beds. This is a gift from the Moscow government for the 250th anniversary of Moscow University. The initiative for the construction of the Moscow State University Medical Center, its concept and structure belong to the rector of Moscow University, Academician V.A. Sadovnichy.
    Our clinic will be equipped with the latest technology, it will have good diagnostic and treatment equipment, the best doctors in Moscow will come to us, including graduates of the FFM MSU.