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  • Magnetic storms in February. Schedule of magnetic storms for February: schedule for every day Magnetic storms in February schedule

    Magnetic storms in February.  Schedule of magnetic storms for February: schedule for every day Magnetic storms in February schedule

    By the end of winter, our body becomes especially vulnerable. During the entire winter period, we mainly have food that is not too rich in vitamins and biologically active substances. In addition to vitamin deficiency, a lack of sunlight, low temperatures, constant fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and humidity and other unfavorable climatic factors affect the state of the body in winter. Therefore, in order to avoid the negative impact of all of the above points, in February you need to especially carefully monitor your health. In addition, the final month of winter 2018 is expected to be rather unfavorable in terms of solar activity, geomagnetic conditions and magnetic storms. The schedule of magnetic storms and solar activity for the month of February 2018 will show us which days of this month will be unfavorable, and will allow us to properly prepare for them.

    Schedule of magnetic storms for February 2018, unfavorable days in February 2018 for weather-sensitive people. February 2018 will begin with a rather difficult and unfavorable period. Strong disturbances of the geomagnetic field are predicted for the dates from 4 to 6 February. During this period, the state of health can significantly deteriorate, and absolutely everyone can feel this, including healthy people who do not belong to the category of weather-dependent. The next burst of geomagnetic activity is expected on the 9-12th. At this time, there may be such negative manifestations of the state of health as increased nervousness, irritability, unmotivated aggression. Light excitations of the magnetosphere are expected on February 15-18 and February 20-23, 2018.

    Magnetic storms - schedule for February 2018. Bad days in February 2018.

    Magnetic storms - schedule for February 2018. Bad days in February 2018 was last modified: February 18th, 2018 by Magnetic storms

    All of us have ever witnessed unreasonable ill health, both among children and the elderly, and among middle-aged people. Sometimes these are pressure surges, causeless headaches, the body's reaction to changes in the weather. Sometimes the reason for feeling unwell lies in solar activity and magnetic storms.

    Schedule of magnetic storms for February: schedule for every day

    If in January people on Earth felt the impact of several magnetic storms of medium intensity, then the second month of the new year will be calm in terms of geomagnetic disturbances. The sun provides a great respite for meteorological people.

    Meteorologists have long learned to predict the onset of geomagnetic storms. True, the forecast for a month cannot be reliable, and the most accurate data can be obtained one or two days immediately before the start of the magnetic storm.

    Regardless of whether a powerful magnetic storm is expected, everyone needs to heed the advice and take care of their health.

    No magnetic storms are expected until the end of February. Minor geomagnetic disturbances are possible on February 10 and 16.

    February magnetic storm schedule: impact on people

    People with increased meteosensitivity are most susceptible to the negative effects of magnetic storms. As a rule, this category of people begins to sense the approach of a magnetic storm in advance. However, feeling unwell can be caused not only by magnetic storms.

    Each person is different, so the body's response to magnetic brie is individual. The negative impact of magnetic storms in February 2018 in humans can manifest itself in different ways. It may be a slight indisposition, or serious health problems may arise. Most often, magnetic storms cause headaches, dizziness, pressure surges, aching joints, drowsiness or, on the contrary, insomnia. To minimize the negative effects of magnetic storms, you need to follow simple yet powerful tips.

    In order to protect yourself as much as possible during the magnetic storms in February 2018, you need to lead the most healthy lifestyle. Timely rest and sleep, full and balanced nutrition, walks in the fresh air - all this will ease your condition during this difficult period. It is necessary to give up bad habits, hard and exhausting training. Avoid stressful situations, arguments, conflicts, quarrels - anything that can cause negative emotions.

    Magnetic Storm Schedule for February: Northern Lights

    In professional slang, one of the varieties of geomagnetic manifestations is called magnetic storms. In simple terms, this is the reaction of the globe to flares that occur on the surface of the Sun. As a result, oscillations occur, after which billions of charged particles are thrown into the atmosphere by the Sun. The solar wind picks them up, carrying them away at great speed. These particles can reach the Earth's surface in just a few days.

    Our planet has a unique electromagnetic field that has a protective function. However, microparticles, which at the moment of approaching the Earth are perpendicular to its surface, are able to penetrate even into the deep layers of the globe. As a result of this process, a reaction of the earth's magnetic field occurs, which changes its characteristics many times in a short period. This phenomenon is called a magnetic storm.

    Magnetic storms can affect not only mood, but also well-being. Often, meteosensitive people sense in advance that a negative period is approaching. Use a storm schedule to defend against negative solar attacks in time.

    According to preliminary forecasts of meteorologists, February will be a rather prosperous month. It will not have strong magnetic storms due to solar activity. However, the forecast may change, because the unpredictable Sun can unexpectedly release another prominence, which will reach the Earth's magnetosphere.

    Perturbation of the Earth's magnetosphere on February 10

    For this day, meteorologists predict a weak disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field. A single solar burst is expected on Saturday, but weather-sensitive people can feel the negative impact as early as Friday morning. In connection with this state of affairs, everyone who is exposed to the influence of solar winds should take timely protective measures, unload the day so as not to overwork. Meteorologists recommend drinking plenty of fluids and light exercise, mostly in warm water. You can visit the pool to relax and relieve discomfort.

    Weak magnetic storm on February 16

    On Friday, February 16, meteorologists again expect a strong surge in the Sun, which will make people worry. This outrage will not be as dangerous as a full-blown storm, but it can affect your mood. Avoid conflicts and try to spend most of your time in privacy. Use exercises to help you regain harmony and a positive attitude. Also, meteorologists advise using herbal infusions to reduce stress and panic attacks. Often, these are the symptoms that accompany weather-sensitive people on the eve of solar attacks.

    Solar eclipse February 15

    On this day, meteorologists do not expect significant surges, but the day will be quite stressful for people who are sensitive to all weather changes. Many will begin to feel the approach of such a significant event within three days, and three days after symptoms of ailments and headaches may appear. This period will be quite dangerous, so each person should carefully monitor their well-being. An increase in the load on the cardiovascular system during the days of eclipses is not uncommon, which means that it will be quite difficult for young children, the elderly and those who suffer from heart disease to endure such a phenomenon. On the day of the eclipse, avoid negative emotions, exclude heavy food, coffee and alcohol from the menu, which will only add unpleasant symptoms, or even cause the development of diseases. Driving vehicles should also be postponed to avoid the possibility of accidents. Even physically and mentally healthy people are advised to exclude any manifestation of aggression, major transactions and participation in gambling. For those experiencing panic attacks, it is important to take care of their condition in advance and not be completely alone.

    How to protect your health during magnetic storms

    Each person reacts differently to weather changes. The approach of storms and a sharp drop in temperature can cause both slight discomfort and quite serious deterioration in health. Among the most common people call:

    • migraine;
    • aching joints and bones;
    • pressure surges;
    • increased heart rate;
    • dizziness;
    • drowsiness.

    To protect yourself as much as possible, meteorologists recommend observing the following simple rules:

    • eliminate lack of sleep, normalize the schedule of awakenings and waste at bedtime;
    • follow a sparing diet that excludes overeating, fatty and spicy foods, coffee and alcohol;
    • to refuse from bad habits;
    • do not travel long distances, especially with a sharp change in climatic conditions;
    • less direct sunlight;
    • keep the body in good shape with light physical activity;
    • stay positive;
    • eliminate conflicts.

    By following these rules, you can alleviate your condition. Don't give up on daily activities that can help you take your mind off sad thoughts. However, do not overdo it. Do not forget that only a doctor can prescribe medications, so do not self-medicate. Use traditional medicines and herbal infusions only if you do not have allergic reactions.

    During prolonged magnetic storms, remain calm so that panic attacks do not provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Keep yourself in great shape, and then you can significantly reduce your dependence on weather conditions. We wish you health, well-being, and do not forget to press the buttons and

    All of us have ever witnessed unreasonable ill health, both among children and the elderly, and among middle-aged people. Sometimes these are pressure surges, causeless headaches, the body's reaction to changes in the weather. Sometimes the reason for feeling unwell lies in solar activity and magnetic storms.

    The body's response to magnetic storms

    The body's reactions to magnetic vibrations can be headaches, insomnia, loss of strength, depression, pressure surges and disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system of the body. Experts assure us that only 10% of the world's population is sensitive to magnetic storms. How true this is not for us to judge. We would just like to warn you against being too suspicious while reading this article.

    Schedule of magnetic storms for March 2020 - April 2020

    The schedule is updated every day! Bookmark!

    Magnetic fluctuations in February should be expected in the indicated numbers. In general, March 2020 and April 2020 will most likely not upset us with frequent and strong magnetic storms. Particularly serious flares in the sun are not yet expected, and scientists warn us only about very insignificant geomagnetic fluctuations.

    Causes of magnetic storms

    Any geomagnetic disturbances occurring with our planet directly depend on the processes that are taking place on the Sun at this time. While flares occur on our star in areas of dark spots, plasma particles enter space, which rush at great speed to the planets of the solar system. When these particles reach the atmosphere of our planet, they become the cause of the earth's geomagnetic oscillations.

    I would like to warn suspicious and impressionable people from inventing false symptoms and diseases attributed to geomagnetic fluctuations. Of course, everyone has their own response to magnetic storms. In addition, the question of the influence of geomagnetic vibrations of the earth on human well-being has not yet been thoroughly studied by scientists. However, it should be noted that the state of our health at the moment directly affects how we respond to solar activity.

    If you are susceptible to some kind of disease, you have a weakened immune system, you are in a stressful situation, overextended and emotionally exhausted, in this case, your body can malfunction and react to magnetic storms with a serious deterioration.

    If, on the contrary, you are cheerful, cheerful, healthy and cheerful, it is most likely that you will not even notice the past magnetic storms and will spend this day no worse than any other.

    For the most sensitive people, doctors have developed a recommendation system. Partial or full compliance with these rules will help you survive magnetic storms in March 2020 - April 2020 without any health problems.

    On the days preceding magnetic fluctuations and on the days of magnetic storms, refrain from drinking alcohol and plentiful food, including fatty, spicy, salty. During this period, it is better to observe moderation in food and try to focus on healthy food.

    Drink more clean water. Do not neglect teas, compotes, herbal mixtures, chicory. Try to consume drinks that do not have a strong effect on your cardiovascular system. Try to refrain from coffee, strong and invigorating teas.

    Try to spend more time outdoors and less time locked up. Any heavy physical activity is recommended to be postponed for another period. Walking in the fresh air, on the other hand, will benefit you.

    Monitor your blood pressure

    During magnetic storms, you can drink soothing herbal tinctures or add them to tea. Motherwort, valerian, sage, and several other herbs can help you survive magnetic vibrations more easily.

    Try to avoid quarrels and conflicts. In addition, it is recommended not to undertake work that requires concentration or monotony of actions.

    If you have any chronic illnesses, make sure you have the necessary medications at hand at all times.

    Try to give your body and mind a rest during this difficult period, and then you will experience periods of magnetic vibrations without any problems!

    Such a phenomenon as a magnetic storm has long been the object of close study of scientists around the world. The fact that magnetic storms can negatively affect human well-being is not questioned. During this period, even completely healthy people may experience malaise, weakness, headache and other symptoms. Very often we associate this condition with accumulated fatigue, stress, the onset of a cold, etc. But if you know the reason for this condition and prepare in advance for it, then you can minimize the harmful consequences.

    The appearance of magnetic storms is primarily associated with solar activity. The fact is that flares appear from time to time on the surface of the luminary, as a result of which a stream of ionized particles appears, scattering at a speed of 400 km / s. When these particles reach the Earth, they can affect the planet's magnetic shell, causing geomagnetic disturbances of varying strength.

    This phenomenon is called a magnetic storm. Typically, magnetic storms occur at mid and low latitudes and can last for several hours or several days. Currently, scientists have learned to predict the onset of magnetic storms by observing the activity of the Sun.

    Schedule of magnetic storms for February 2018

    The shortest month of the year will be rich in magnetic storms. According to scientists, at least four tangible geomagnetic waves are expected in February.

    • On February 5, a rather powerful magnetic storm is predicted, which, first of all, will be felt by meteorological people. On this day, you can expect a sharp deterioration in well-being, surges in blood pressure, problems with the heart and blood vessels, and other symptoms.
    • On February 7, an average magnetic storm is expected. Healthy people may not even notice it. Elderly people, as well as those who suffer from chronic diseases, should be more attentive to their health.
    • On the 10th, a strong magnetic storm is expected again.
    • On February 15, a medium-strength magnetic storm is approaching, which will be the last this month.

    How magnetic storms affect human life and health

    Magnetic storms can affect many areas of human activity: cause interruptions in communications, disrupt navigation of ships, etc. But, above all, geomagnetic disturbances can have a negative impact on human health. First of all, this applies to the elderly and people suffering from chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The fact is that under the influence of magnetic waves, blood can thicken, its current slows down, which can cause oxygen starvation and, as a result, the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes. Experts have long noticed that in most cases, problems with the heart and blood vessels occur precisely during magnetic storms.

    In addition, even quite healthy young people these days can also experience symptoms such as general malaise, weakness, irritability, headache, pain, nausea, etc. These days, many tend to experience depression, reaching the point of mental illness. It is no coincidence that it is during the period of magnetic storms that a large number of suicides occur.

    Experts warn that during increased solar activity, concentration of attention may decrease, which leads to traffic accidents. It is also noticed that many people may not feel the onset of magnetic storms at all.

    How to behave during magnetic storms

    Magnetic storms can be quite serious stress for our body. However, these unpleasant consequences can be avoided, it is enough just to follow simple recommendations:

    • Give up junk fatty foods;
    • Do not drink alcohol, as well as strong tea and coffee;
    • If possible, avoid heavy physical and mental stress;
    • Avoid conflict situations that can lead to stress;
    • Pay more attention to your well-being;
    • More to be in the fresh air away from the bustle of the city;
    • Avoid visiting crowded places;
    • Give preference to light plant foods, herbal teas, fresh juices, clean drinking water;
    • If you have chronic diseases, have the necessary medicines with you;
    • In case of a sharp deterioration in health, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor.

    Look video on how to reduce the impact of magnetic storms on our health: