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  • Energy of temperament: strengths and weaknesses. Reactive Personality Traits Reactive Personality

    Energy of temperament: strengths and weaknesses.  Reactive Personality Traits Reactive Personality

    Psychology can provide almost all the answers to questions about human behavior. This science can explain why some people become leaders, while others try to avoid attention all their lives. An important role in the characterization of personality is played by the type of temperament, which is influenced by such a concept as reactivity. In psychology, this is often taken as a determining factor in an individual's response to various external stimuli.

    Temperament as seen by ancient philosophers and scientists

    Even ancient philosophers argued that a person has a number of features given to him at birth, which are later formed into a set of traits or the so-called character. It is impossible to significantly change these features; they lend themselves only to slight adjustment under the influence of society and upbringing.

    What determines temperament or character, scientists of that time could not imagine, but they made attempts to substantiate their numerous theories in proportion to knowledge in medicine and psychology. The founder was Hippocrates, he was the first to define each of the types that are used to this day. That's just the famous doctor explained the temperament by the predominance of this or that fluid in the human body.

    Over the years, European scientists have tried to put forward their own typology based on the physical characteristics of people. This version has been subject to great criticism in the scientific world and is now practically not used.

    Temperament through the eyes of Hippocrates and Claudius Galen

    Hippocrates gave a definition of personality temperaments, and his student and follower Claudius Galen wrote a large scientific treatise, where he described each type in detail and in detail, specifying the liquid that is contained in the maximum amount of human organs.

    Based on the theory of Galen, the following types of human temperament existed:

    • sanguine - this person had a large amount of blood, which influenced his actions and emotions;
    • phlegmatic - he was the result of the predominance of phlegm;
    • choleric - had an increased bile content;
    • melancholic - suffered from an abundance of black bile in the body, which eats away at his internal organs.

    Almost until the eighteenth century, this theory was perceived as the only correct one. And only the hard work of modern scientists dispelled the fantastic assumptions of Hippocrates, although the names and characteristics of temperaments have remained unchanged and are actively used.

    Division into temperaments in modern psychology

    He made a great contribution to the formation of psychology. As a result of research, he found out that a person from birth has his own which determines his behavior. Moreover, this theory is equally effective for animals and humans. Subsequently, Pavlov's research became the basis for the work of Soviet and European psychologists. As a result, a scientifically based typology of human temperaments emerged:

    1. Sanguine. People of this temperament easily adapt to new conditions, are active and efficient. For the most part, they are friendly and tall. They are sensitive to the mood of others and are extroverts.
    2. Choleric. This temperament characterizes irritable and quick-tempered people. They are very quickly distracted from the case, it is difficult to concentrate. Expression of emotions in choleric people is rapid and short-lived, they can also be considered extroverts.
    3. Phlegmatic person. Such people are very efficient, but it is difficult to switch from one activity to another. They are not very emotional and are able to remain calm in any situation. All their movements are slightly slowed down, the same applies to facial expressions. Phlegmatic people are classified as introverts.
    4. Melancholic. Melancholic people are very sensitive, but not too active. They are touchy, but timid and inhibited. Such people have low productivity and find it difficult to get along with new people. The slightest trouble causes them violent emotions, paralyzing any activity.

    To determine a person's temperament, it is necessary to consider it in relation to a number of properties. Psychology has a productive system that allows you to analyze the type of nervous system and classify it.

    Basic properties of temperament

    The definition of temperament is impossible without eight aspects that characterize it:

    • sensitivity;
    • activity;
    • the ratio of reactivity and activity;
    • plasticity and rigidity;
    • reaction rate;
    • extraversion or introversion.

    An experienced psychologist evaluates the personality for each aspect and deduces the type of temperament. The most important parameters are considered to be reactivity and activity. It is worth talking about them in more detail.

    Reactivity in Psychology: Definition

    It is difficult to say when psychology emerged as a serious science and began to consider a person's personality, taking into account all aspects of temperament. But the scientific community believes that Wolf Solomonovich Merlin was the first to introduce such a concept as reactivity in psychology. This gave impetus to further studies of psycho-emotional differences between individuals, which eventually resulted in the fundamental scientific theory.

    At the moment, it can be argued that reactivity in psychology is the uncontrolled reactions of an individual to any external and internal stimuli. The intensity and duration of these reactions largely determine.In the future, psychologists came to the conclusion that it is emotional reactivity that is responsible for the efficiency and productivity of labor. In psychology, this has acquired particular importance; many large corporations in the West use the concept of reactivity when recruiting new personnel.

    Reactivity and speed of decision making: is there a relationship?

    According to the results of numerous studies and tests, psychologists have found that the speed of decision-making and reactions to various life situations depends on reactivity.

    People with high reactivity often make decisions under the influence of emotion and moment, many of their conclusions and reactions are incorrect. But in a critical situation, they are able to save the life of not only one person, but also many others. The same cannot be said about individuals with low reactivity. They ponder each decision for a long time and are not able to make it at a particular moment under the influence of stimuli from the outside world.

    Formula of reaction intensity in emotional reactivity

    Since reactivity in psychology is a reaction to an external stimulus, it would be natural to assume that it has a certain strength. In the modern world, there is even a formula according to which it is possible to determine the degree and saturation of the reaction.

    In people with low reactivity, the intensity is in direct interaction with the force of the impact. The more pressure you put on such a person, the more intense their reaction is.

    Otherwise, everything happens to people who are excitable. The intensity of their reaction is absolutely independent of the strength of the impact. Even the slightest pressure triggers an intense response from the individual. This makes highly reactive people unpredictable and difficult to control.

    Reactivity in psychology: examples of manifestation in everyday life

    In order to have a complete understanding of reactivity, let's give a simple example from life. Suppose that you are dreaming of a vacation after a hard year of work. Your friends are also going to relax, but one goes to the mountains, and the other dreams of a lazy beach vacation in a warm country. Both of them call you with them, but after much deliberation, you decide on a trip to the sea and the sun. The moment you are ready to voice your decision to a friend, he begins to argue that you should go with him and have no right to do otherwise. This is where your reactivity matters a lot. What will you do? Will you start resisting the pressure and abandon the already planned and desired beach holiday by going to the mountains in protest? Or stick to your original plan, regardless of the pressure being put on you?

    People who are capable of doing harm to themselves are highly reactive and often draw the wrong conclusions from the situation. Moreover, the personality of the opponent does not play a role in making a decision, it can be a close friend or an unfamiliar person. The tendency to make hasty and wrong decisions is revealed in those people who have increased reactivity. In psychology, this is considered to be a constant, from which they start in determining the temperament of a person.

    Reactivity and activity: features of the relationship

    It has long been proven that the productivity of any human activity determines the ratio of reactivity and activity. This in psychology was expressed in several formulas that appeared as a result of special and long-term research. Highly reactive individuals have little activity, since they cannot work with concentration and are constantly distracted by the slightest external stimuli. In addition, internal stimuli act on this type - thoughts, emotions, memories. All this significantly reduces labor productivity.

    Individuals with low reactivity usually have the highest activity. They are able to solve one problem until the result is achieved, without being distracted by anything in the world around them. Such people are able to work for weeks and months until they get what they want. Scientists who have given the world great discoveries are often referred to this type.

    The psychological reactions of many people cannot be controlled, but with some knowledge, one can predict a person's behavior and draw conclusions about his capabilities on the way to the top of career growth.

    Complications of a reactive nature are the most serious, dangerous and common complications of blood transfusion. Their development is due to the incompatibility of the donor blood transfused or the body's response to the transfusion medium.

    Among the complications of a reactive nature, reactions and blood transfusion complications are distinguished. The reactions are not accompanied by serious and long-term dysfunctions of organs and systems. Complications are characterized by severe clinical manifestations that pose a danger to the patient's life.


    According to the severity of the clinical course, reactions of three degrees are distinguished: mild, moderate and severe.

    Mild reactions are accompanied by an increase in body temperature within 1 ° C, pain in muscles, limbs, headache, chills and malaise. These phenomena are short-lived and do not require treatment.

    Reactions of moderate severity are manifested by a rise in body temperature by 1.5-2 ° C, increasing chills, increased heart rate and respiration, and sometimes a skin rash.

    In severe reactions, the body temperature rises by more than 2 ° C, tremendous chills, cyanosis of the lips, vomiting, severe headache, muscle and bone pain, shortness of breath, urticaria or Quincke's edema are observed.

    Depending on the cause of the onset and the clinical course, the following types of reactions are distinguished:


    antigenic (non-hemolytic),


    a) Pyrogenic reactions

    The reasons for the development of pyrogenic reactions are not associated with immunobiological incompatibility and are a consequence of the formation of pyrogenic substances in the transfusion medium - the products of the breakdown of proteins from donor blood or the vital activity of microorganisms that penetrate into the blood during its preparation, storage or in violation of the rules of asepsis at the time of transfusion.

    The clinical picture is an increase in body temperature, a feeling of heat, chills. Headache, tachycardia and other secondary manifestations are possible.

    Treatment. With a mild reaction, no special measures are required. With the development of a severe reaction or a reaction of moderate severity, it is necessary to stop blood transfusion, inject antipyretic drugs (analgin, reopirin), narcotic analgesics (promedol), antihistamines (diphenhydramine, tavegil).

    Prevention consists in observing the rules for the procurement, storage and transfusion of blood. With the use of disposable plastic containers for the collection of blood and its components and disposable systems for transfusion, the frequency of such reactions is significantly reduced.

    b) Antigenic (non-hemolytic) reactions

    The causes of these reactions are not associated with bacterial pyrogens, but are caused by sensitization by antigens of leukocytes, platelets and plasma proteins as a result of previous blood transfusions and pregnancies. In 50% of cases, the development of reactions is associated with anti-leukocyte antibodies.

    The clinical picture of the reaction appears 20-30 minutes after the end of blood transfusion (chills, fever, development of bradycardia, headache and back pain). These symptoms are a consequence of the release of pyrogenic, vasoactive and complement-activating substances during mass death of leukocytes.

    Treatment. The emergence of post-transfusion reactions of a non-hemolytic type requires vigorous therapy with the use of antihistamines, cardiovascular drugs, narcotic analgesics, detoxification and anti-shock solutions.

    Prevention consists in a thorough history taking and, if indicated, in the use of an individual donor selection. To prevent the development of post-transfusion reactions, a lymphocytotoxic test and a leukoagglutination reaction of the patient's serum and donor leukocytes are performed in the serological laboratory. For persons with a history of multiple blood transfusions or repeated pregnancies, for the treatment of anemia, transfusion of EMOLT, devoid of leukocyte, platelet and other plasma and cellular immunoaggressive factors, is recommended.

    c) Allergic reactions

    Causes. Allergic reactions are caused by the body's sensitization to various immunoglobulins. The formation of antibodies to immunoglobulins occurs after transfusion of blood, plasma and cryoprecipitate. Sometimes these antibodies exist in the blood of people who have not tolerated blood transfusion and have not had a pregnancy.

    The clinical picture. The severity of allergic reactions can vary from mild to the development of anaphylactic shock. With allergic reactions, it is possible to develop urticaria, Quincke's edema, bronchospasm. In the pathogenesis of anaphylactic shock, the reaction plays a dominant role. "Antigen - antibody", in which biologically active substances are released that damage the vascular wall with the formation of edema and a sharp drop in blood pressure, there is also a spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchi. Patients become restless, complain of shortness of breath. On examination, there is hyperemia of the skin, cyanosis of the mucous membranes, acrocyanosis, cold sweat, wheezing, deafness

    heart, pulmonary edema.

    Treatment. To eliminate allergic reactions, desensitizing agents are used, and according to indications, corticosteroids, cardiovascular and narcotic drugs.

    Patients in a state of anaphylactic shock require immediate anti-shock therapy. In the complex of therapeutic measures, it is necessary to include jet or drip administration of volume-replacing solutions, corticosteroids, antihistamines, bronchodilators, heart and sedatives.

    Prevention of allergic reactions consists in a thorough history taking in order to identify previous sensitization, the use of washed erythrocytes, the individual selection of a donor, and the preliminary administration of antihistamines to patients with a predisposition to allergic reactions.


    Blood transfusion complications are the most dangerous for the patient's life. The most common cause of blood transfusion complications is blood transfusion incompatible with the ABO system and the Rh factor (approximately 60%). Less often - with incompatibility with other antigenic systems, transfusion of poor-quality blood.

    The main and most severe in this group, and among all blood transfusion complications, is blood transfusion shock.

    a) Complications of blood transfusion incompatible with the ABO system. Blood transfusion shock

    With blood transfusion incompatible with the ABO system, a clinical picture of shock develops, which is called "Blood transfusion shock".

    The reason for the development of complications in most cases is a violation of the rules provided for in the instructions for the blood transfusion technique, the method for determining the ABO blood groups and conducting tests for compatibility. With blood or EM transfusion incompatible with the group factors of the ABO system, massive intravascular hemolysis occurs due to the destruction of the donor's erythrocytes under the influence of the recipient's agglutinins.

    In the pathogenesis of blood transfusion shock, the main damaging factors are free hemoglobin, biogenic amines, thromboplastin and other hemolysis products. Under the influence of high concentrations of these biologically active substances, a pronounced spasm of peripheral vessels arises, which is quickly replaced by their paretic expansion, which leads to a violation of microcirculation and oxygen starvation of tissues. An increase in the permeability of the vascular wall and blood viscosity impair the rheological properties of blood, which further disrupts microcirculation. The consequence of prolonged hypoxia and the accumulation of acidic metabolites are functional and morphological changes in various organs and systems, that is, the complete clinical picture of shock develops.

    A distinctive feature of blood transfusion shock is the occurrence of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome with significant changes in the hemostasis and microcirculation system, gross violations of central hemodynamic parameters. It is the DIC syndrome that plays a leading role in the pathogenesis of damage to the lungs, liver, endocrine glands and other internal organs. The starting point in its development is the massive entry into the bloodstream of thromboplastin from destroyed erythrocytes.

    Characteristic changes occur in the kidneys: hydrochloric acid hematin (a metabolite of free hemoglobin) and the remains of destroyed erythrocytes accumulate in the renal tubules, which, along with spasm of the renal vessels, leads to a decrease in renal blood flow and glomerular filtration. The described changes are the cause of the development of acute renal failure.

    The clinical picture. During complications of blood transfusion incompatible with the ABO system, three periods are distinguished:

    blood transfusion shock,

    acute renal failure


    Blood transfusion shock occurs immediately during the transfusion or after it, lasts from several minutes to several hours. In some cases, it does not manifest itself clinically, in others it proceeds with severe symptoms leading to the death of the patient.

    Clinical manifestations are initially characterized by general anxiety, short-term agitation, chills, pain in the chest, abdomen, lower back, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, cyanosis. Pain in the lumbar region is considered a pathognomonic sign for this type of complication. In the future, circulatory disorders characteristic of a shock state gradually increase (tachycardia, a decrease in blood pressure, sometimes a violation of the rhythm of cardiac activity with symptoms of acute cardiovascular failure). Quite often, there is a change in facial color (redness, alternating with pallor), nausea, vomiting, fever, marbling of the skin, convulsions, involuntary urination and defecation.

    Along with the symptoms of shock, one of the early and persistent signs of blood transfusion shock is acute intravascular hemolysis. The main indicators of increased erythrocyte breakdown are hemoglobinemia, hemoglobinuria, hyperbilirubinemia, jaundice, liver enlargement. The appearance of brown urine is characteristic (in the general analysis - leached erythrocytes, increased protein content).

    A violation of hemocoagulation develops, which is clinically manifested by increased bleeding. Hemorrhagic diathesis occurs as a result of disseminated intravascular coagulation, the severity of which depends on the degree and the duration of the hemolytic process.

    When transfusing incompatible blood during an operation under anesthesia, as well as against the background of hormonal or radiation therapy, reactive manifestations can be erased and the symptoms of shock are most often absent or slightly expressed.

    The severity of the clinical course of shock is largely due to the volume of incompatible erythrocytes transfused, the nature of the underlying disease and the general condition of the patient before blood transfusion. Depending on the level of blood pressure, there are three degrees of blood transfusion shock:

    / degree -

    systolic blood pressure above 90 mm Hg. Art. II degree -

    systolic blood pressure 71-90 mm Hg. Art. / 77 degree -

    systolic blood pressure below 70 mm Hg. Art.

    The severity of the clinical course of shock, its duration determine the outcome of the pathological process. In most cases, treatment measures can eliminate circulatory disorders. and take the patient out of shock. However, some time after the transfusion, the body temperature may rise, a gradually increasing yellowness of the sclera and skin appears, and the headache intensifies. In the future, renal dysfunctions come to the fore, and acute renal failure develops.

    Acute renal failure proceeds in the form of three phases replacing each other: anuria (oliguria), polyuria and restoration of functions. tions kidneys.

    Against the background of stable hemodynamic parameters, daily diuresis sharply decreases, hyperhydration of the body is noted, naras melts level of creatinine, urea and plasma potassium. Subsequently, diuresis is restored and sometimes increases to 5-6 liters per day ki, at the same time, high creatininemia, hyperkalemia (polyuric phase of renal failure) may persist.

    With a favorable course of complications, timely and correct treatment, renal function is gradually restored and the patient's condition improves.

    The period of convalescence is characterized by the restoration of the function of all internal organs, the homeostatic system and water-electrolyte balance.

    Treatment. When the first signs of blood transfusion shock appear, the blood transfusion is stopped, the transfusion system is disconnected and the saline system is connected. In no case should the needle be removed from the vein, so as not to lose the ready venous access.

    Blood transfusion shock requires immediate emergency medical care, intensive care. The main treatment is aimed at removing the patient from a state of shock, restoring and maintaining the function of vital organs, stopping hemorrhagic syndrome, preventing the development of acute renal failure.

    The time factor is of decisive importance - the earlier the patient is assisted, the more favorable the outcome.

    Principles of treatment for blood transfusion shock Infusion therapy. To maintain the BCC and stabilize hemodynamics and microcirculation, blood-substituting solutions are transfused (the drug of choice is rheopolyglucin, polyglucin and gelatin preparations can be used). It is also necessary to begin as early as possible the introduction of a solution of soda (4% sodium bicarbonate solution) or lactasol to obtain an alkaline reaction of urine, which prevents the formation of hydrochloric acid hematin.

    Subsequently, polyionic solutions are poured to remove free hemoglobin and to prevent fibrinogen degradation.

    The volume of infusion therapy should correspond to diuresis and be controlled by the value of the central venous pressure.

    First line drugs. The classic drugs for the treatment of blood transfusion shock are prednisolone (90-120 mg), aminophylline (10.0 ml of a 2.4% solution) and lasix (100 mg) - the so-called classical anti-shock triad. In addition, antihistamines (diphenhydramine, tavegil) and narcotic analgesics (promedol) are used.

    Extracorporeal methods. A highly effective method is massive plasmapheresis (exfusion of about 2 liters of plasma with replacement of PSZ and colloidal solutions) to remove free hemoglobin and fibrinogen degradation products.

    Correction of the function of organs and systems. According to indications, cardiac glycosides, cardiotonic drugs, etc. are used. In case of severe anemia (Hb below 60 g / l), washed erythrocytes of the blood group of the same name in relation to the recipient are transfused. With the development of hypoventilation, it is possible to transfer to artificial ventilation of the lungs.

    Correction of the hemostasis system. Heparin is used (50-70 U / kg of body weight), transfusion of PSZ, antienzyme drugs (contrikal) are used.

    With the withdrawal from shock and the onset of the phase of acute renal failure, treatment should be aimed at improving renal function (aminophylline, lasix and osmodiuretics), correcting the water-electrolyte balance. In cases where therapy does not prevent the development of uremia, the progression of creatininemia and hyperkalemia, hemodialysis is required. In this regard, the treatment of patients with acute renal failure is advisable to be carried out in a specialized department equipped with a device "Artificial kidney".

    In the period of convalescence, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

    Prevention consists in strict adherence to the rules for performing blood transfusion (careful implementation of all sequential procedures, especially reactions to the compatibility of the transfused blood).

    b) Complications of blood transfusion incompatible with the Rh factor and other erythrocyte antigen systems

    Complications due to the incompatibility of the transfused blood for the Rh factor occur in patients sensitized to the Rh factor. This can occur when Rh-positive blood is administered to Rh-negative recipients sensitized by prior transfusion of Rh-positive blood (or, in women, by pregnancy with an Rh-positive fetus).

    In most cases, the cause of complications is an insufficiently complete study of the obstetric and transfusion history, as well as non-compliance or violation of other rules preventing Rh-factor incompatibility (first of all, tests for individual Rh-factor compatibility).

    In addition to the Rh factor Rh 0 (D), other antigens of the Rh system can be the cause of complications during blood transfusion: rh "(C), rh" (E), hr "(c), hr" (e), as well as antigens of the systems Lewis, Duffy, Kell, Kidd, Chel-lano and others. The degree of their immunogenicity and significance for the practice of blood transfusion is much lower.

    The developing immunological conflict leads to massive intravascular hemolysis of transfused donor erythrocytes by immune antibodies (anti-D, anti-C, anti-E, etc.), formed during the previous sensitization of the recipient. Further, the mechanism of development of blood transfusion shock is triggered, like incompatibility in the ABO system.

    It should be noted that similar changes in the body (except for the immune conflict) are observed when a large amount of hemolyzed blood is transfused.

    The clinical picture. Clinical manifestations differ from complications with incompatibility in the ABO system by a later onset, less violent course, delayed and delayed hemolysis, which depends on the type of immune antibodies and their titer; When transfusing blood incompatible with the Rh factor, symptoms appear after 30-40 minutes, sometimes 1-2 hours and even 12 hours after blood transfusion. In this case, the phase of the shock itself is less pronounced, its blurred picture is often observed. In the future, the phase of acute renal failure also begins, but its more favorable course is usually noted.

    Treatment is carried out according to the same principles as in case of incompatibility in the ABO system.

    Prevention consists in a thorough collection of transfusion history and adherence to the rules of blood transfusion.

    c) Syndrome of massive blood transfusion

    Causes. A complication occurs when more than 40-50% of the circulating blood volume is injected into the recipient's bloodstream in a short period against the background of acute blood loss. Its development is explained by immunobiological processes associated with the reaction of rejection of foreign donor tissue (most likely, the main role here belongs to immunologically aggressive plasma proteins, in particular immunoglobulins), as well as the imbalance of the spontaneous hemostasis system (blood transfusion of different shelf life) and the toxic effect of preservatives.

    The clinical picture. When a syndrome of massive blood transfusion occurs in the body, a whole complex of severe changes occurs: pathological redistribution of blood, increased hemolysis, impaired contractility of the myocardium, functional changes in the hemostatic system, impaired microcirculation, protein composition of blood and water metabolism. Small hemorrhages are formed in the organs, microthrombi are detected, consisting of aggregates of erythrocytes and platelets.

    The most common clinical manifestation of massive blood transfusion syndrome is the symptomatology of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Clinically, instead of the expected improvement in the patient's condition due to compensation of blood loss, it worsens.

    Treatment of DIC syndrome caused by massive blood transfusion includes measures aimed at normalizing the hemostatic system, eliminating capillary stasis, violations of acid-base, electrolyte and water balances, correcting lesions of the lungs, kidneys, adrenal glands and anemia. For these purposes, it is recommended to use heparin (up to 24,000 units per day with continuous administration), plasmapheresis (removal of at least 1 liter of plasma with replacement of 600 ml of PSZ), antiaggregants (rheopolyglucin, courantil, trental, etc.) "protease inhibitors (trasilol, counter). With severe anemia (hemoglobin level below 80 g / l), washed erythrocytes are transfused (whole blood transfusion with DIC is unacceptable).

    Prevention of massive blood transfusion syndrome consists in refusal of whole blood transfusion from many donors to one patient. It is advisable to compensate for massive blood loss with cryopreserved erythrocytes and PSZ prepared in advance from one or two donors according to the principle "One donor - one patient", crystal-thaloid and colloidal blood substitutes, creating controlled hemodilution, as well as widespread use of autohemotransfusion and blood reinfusion in surgical interventions.

    d) Citrate intoxication

    Cause. It develops during transfusion of large doses of blood harvested using sodium citrate as a stabilizer, especially at a high transfusion rate. Sodium citrate binds free calcium in the bloodstream, causing the phenomenon of hypocalcemia. The level of ionized calcium returns to normal immediately after the termination of the transfusion, which is explained by the rapid mobilization of calcium from endogenous stores and the metabolism of citrate in the liver.

    The clinical picture. With a decrease in the level of free calcium in the blood, unpleasant sensations appear behind the sternum, convulsive twitching of the muscles of the lower leg, face, disturbances in the rhythm of breathing with a transition to apnea with a high degree of hypocalcemia. Perhaps a decrease in blood pressure, an increase in heart failure, on the ECG there is a lengthening of the Q-T interval, a violation of the heart rhythm: bradycardia, up to asystole. The development of the entire completeness of these changes was called "Citrate shock".

    Treatment. When clinical signs of hypocalcemia appear, it is necessary to stop the administration of whole canned blood, intravenously inject 10-20 ml of calcium gluconate or 10 ml of a 10% solution of calcium chloride.

    Prevention consists in identifying patients with initial hypocalcemia, slow blood injection, prophylactic administration of a 10% solution of calcium chloride (gluconate) - 10 ml for every 0.5 liters of blood transfused.

    e) Potassium intoxication

    Causes. Hyperkalemia can occur during transfusion of long-stored canned blood or EO (the destruction of corpuscles occurs with the release of potassium into the plasma).

    The clinical picture is characterized by bradycardia, arrhythmia, myocardial atony, up to asystole. A biochemical blood test confirms hyperkalemia.

    Doctors call a reactive state a disorder that occurs as the body's response to an adverse factor. This term is used in both somatic medicine and psychiatry. Harmful conditions can cause both disruption to internal organs (liver, pancreas) and damage to mental health.

    In the first case, the cause of the deviations is bodily ailments, and in the second, serious mental trauma. Such pathologies are usually temporary. Next, we will consider the main types of negative reactions from the organs and systems of the body (liver, pancreas and psyche), as well as the causes, symptoms and treatment of these disorders.

    What is reactive hepatitis

    The reactive state of the liver occurs in the form of hepatitis. However, in this case, the pathology is not caused by a virus, but by diseases of other organs. This is the liver's response to harmful effects. Reactive hepatitis is milder and has a more favorable prognosis than infectious lesions. The disease does not progress. Symptoms are mild, and sometimes the disorder proceeds without painful manifestations and is detected only during a medical examination. Deviations in the activity of liver enzymes and the level of bilirubin are insignificant. If the cause of the reactive state of the liver is cured, then all disorders are completely stopped.

    Reactive hepatitis causes

    This disease is always secondary. The following pathologies can provoke its development:

    • gastrointestinal ailments: ulcerative processes, inflammation of the pancreas, nonspecific colitis;
    • autoimmune rheumatic lesions: systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis, rheumatism, periarthritis nodosa;
    • disorders of the endocrine system: diabetes mellitus, hypo- and hyperthyroidism;
    • burns of a large area of ​​the body;
    • infectious diseases;
    • malignant tumors;
    • surgical interventions;
    • poisoning;
    • long-term use of drugs with hepatotoxic effects.

    The pathological process most often affects only the parenchymal tissue and is reversible.

    Reactive hepatitis is more common in adulthood. This is due to the fact that children are less likely to suffer from chronic diseases. But if the child still has this pathology, then it proceeds with severe symptoms. In children, the cause of reactive changes in the liver is most often diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as helminthic invasion.

    Symptoms and treatment of reactive hepatitis

    In adulthood, the reactive state is very often asymptomatic, making diagnosis difficult. Sometimes the following uncomfortable manifestations are observed:

    • general malaise;
    • feeling tired;
    • subfebrile temperature;
    • weakness;
    • discomfort and pain under the ribs on the right side;
    • slightly yellowish skin tone.

    The patient does not always associate these signs with impaired liver function. It is very important to identify these deviations in time. During the medical examination, slight painful sensations are possible when palpating. The liver is slightly enlarged. A blood test for biochemistry is prescribed. In the results of the study, a slight increase in bilirubin, liver enzymes and a decrease in protein are determined. It is important to separate reactive inflammation from viral hepatitis. To do this, blood tests are done to check for infection.

    With timely treatment, the reactive state has a successful outcome. All violations are of a functional nature. For successful therapy, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disorders that have arisen and to cure the underlying disease. Additionally, hepatoprotectors are prescribed, the patient is recommended to follow a sparing diet. If the pathology is caused by poisoning or long-term intake of hepatotoxic drugs, then enterosorbents must be taken.

    This condition is not dangerous, however, it is unacceptable to delay the visit to a doctor and self-medicate. Without therapy, disorders can become persistent and complicate the course of existing diseases.

    What is reactive pancreatitis

    The pancreas is closely related to the digestive system. Therefore, many pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract negatively affect the work of this organ. The gland produces pancreatic juice, which then mixes with bile and enters the intestines through the ducts. However, various diseases disrupt this process, and then a reactive state of the pancreas (reactive pancreatitis) occurs.

    Enzymes of pancreatic juice begin to work after entering the intestines. They are inactive in the pancreas. Special fluids in the intestines activate these enzymes. This is how the digestion process functions in a healthy person. But with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal fluid can be thrown into the bile ducts. In this case, the pancreatic juice becomes active while in the pancreas, and enzymes begin to negatively affect this endocrine organ. Inflammation occurs - reactive pancreatitis.

    Causes of reactive pathology of the pancreas

    The provoking factors for the development of a reactive state of the pancreas are the following diseases and disorders:

    • pathologies of the stomach and intestines: gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastroduodenitis, infections and injuries of the digestive system;
    • liver disease: stones in the gallbladder, cirrhosis, biliary dyskinesia;
    • operations on the gastrointestinal tract and gallbladder;
    • autoimmune pathological processes;
    • poisoning;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • inadequate and inadequate nutrition.

    In children, this disease often develops as a complication of ascariasis. With a strong invasion, helminths clog the bile ducts, which leads to congestion and inflammation of the pancreas.

    Symptoms and treatment of reactive pancreatitis

    The symptoms of reactive inflammation of the pancreas are usually pronounced. At the initial stage, the patient has the following symptoms:

    • There is severe pain in the abdomen and under the ribs, the discomfort intensifies after eating.
    • Vomiting often occurs, which does not bring relief.
    • The patient suffers from heartburn and belching.
    • An increased amount of gas is formed in the intestines, and bloating is determined.
    • Diarrhea occurs up to several times a day.

    Then there is a strong intoxication of the body. The patient's skin turns pale, the limbs become cold, heart palpitations appear, blood pressure drops. The general condition is rapidly deteriorating. In severe forms of reactive pancreatitis, immediate hospitalization is required.

    The clinical picture also depends on the cause of the pathology. If the reactive state has arisen due to diseases of the liver and gallbladder, then patients complain of pain in the solar plexus area. If pancreatitis was provoked by lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, then the discomfort is localized in the upper abdomen.

    Symptoms of the reactive state of the pancreas in a child have their own characteristics. In addition to the above manifestations, children have a high fever, plaque on the tongue, dry mouth, diarrhea is replaced by constipation. In the blood test, the sugar level rises. In infancy, the disease often proceeds without pronounced symptoms, but lethargy and decreased appetite in infants can be noticed.

    Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using ultrasound. In this case, not only the pancreas is examined, but also all the digestive organs. This is necessary to establish the cause of reactive inflammation. In addition, a urine test for pancreatic enzymes, a blood test for leukocytes and ESR, and duodenal endoscopy are prescribed.

    The underlying disease that caused reactive pancreatitis is being treated. And also prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and antispasmodics. This helps relieve pain. A diet with limitation of spicy and fatty foods is required.

    Reactive pancreatitis has a good prognosis. Timely therapy leads to complete recovery. If untreated, the inflammatory process can become chronic, in addition, patients often have an increase in blood sugar levels.

    Reactive mental disorders

    In psychiatry, reactive states are temporary mental disorders that develop after emotional upheavals. The disorders are reversible and disappear after treatment. Such a pathology can occur in any person after difficult experiences, for example, after the death or serious illness of a loved one, the breakup of a family and other sad events. However, the unfavorable and protracted course of these disorders is observed in people suffering from psychopathy or vascular diseases.

    Reactive states are the body's response to trauma. There are two main subtypes of such disorders:

    • reactive neuroses;
    • reactive psychoses.

    Neuroses usually occur with a prolonged traumatic situation. Psychoses appear as a reaction to acute emotional experiences and stress.

    The following forms of reactive states of a neurotic nature can be distinguished:

    • neurasthenia;
    • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
    • hysteria.

    There are also several types of reactive psychoses:

    • depression of psychogenic etiology;
    • paranoid disorders;
    • psychogenic hallucinosis;
    • puerilism;
    • delusional fantasies;
    • stupor;
    • runaway syndrome;
    • imaginary dementia.

    The symptoms of such disorders are always pronounced. The duration of the course of reactive mental disorders depends on the presence of concomitant vascular pathologies and the patient's personality type. In vulnerable people with a fine mental organization, as well as in patients with atherosclerosis, such disorders can last for a long time.

    Symptoms of Reactive Mental Disorders

    The clinical picture of reactive disorders is extremely diverse. The symptoms of the disease depend on the form of the disorder.

    The main symptoms observed in different forms of psychogenic neurotic states should be considered:

    1. Neurasthenia. The patient has mental and physical exhaustion. The patient gets tired easily, feels constant fatigue, headaches, sleep is sharply disturbed. Decreased efficiency. The person becomes excitable, irritable, anxious. At the same time, the mood is constantly lowered.
    2. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Such a deviation after trauma is observed infrequently. The patient constantly performs the same actions, for example, counting objects or touching them. Sometimes a person makes different movements. For the patient, this takes on the character of protective rituals. Disturbed by obsessive thoughts, memories, fears that arise against the will of the patient.
    3. Hysteria. There is intense crying with screaming and motor excitement. In some cases, a person cannot stand and walk with a completely healthy musculoskeletal system. These phenomena are accompanied by vegetative disorders: a feeling of a lump in the throat, suffocation, nausea.

    With reactive psychoses, more severe disorders are noted:

    1. Psychogenic depression. Patients experience a persistent decrease in mood. The severity of this symptom can be different: from mild depression to severe melancholy. Patients often blame themselves, for example, for the death and illness of a loved one. Movement and facial expressions are sharply inhibited.
    2. Paranoid Disorders. Against the background of a melancholy mood and increased anxiety, delusions of persecution or external influence arise. Patients become fearful, restless, or aggressive. The content of delusional ideas is usually associated with trauma.
    3. Psychogenic hallucinosis. The patient has auditory hallucinations. He hears voices discussing him. In this case, the patient feels intense fear. Deceptions of vision are possible when the patient takes the surrounding objects for people. The content of hallucinations is related to the stress experienced.
    4. Puerilism. The patient copies the behavior of a small child. Patients speak in a child's voice, are capricious, cry.
    5. Delusional fantasies. The patient periodically has ideas of greatness or imaginary wealth. Unlike paranoid delusions, these disorders are not persistent and permanent. One idea quickly replaces another. With treatment, fantasies disappear.
    6. Stupor. The patient becomes extremely inhibited, stops moving, eating and talking.
    7. Wildness syndrome. This type of reactive state of mind is extremely rare. In the patient's behavior, there are traits inherent in the habits of animals. Patients moo, bark, crawl on four limbs, become aggressive.
    8. Apparent dementia. Signs of dementia appear. Patients have impaired memory, they cannot give the correct answer to simple questions or perform habitual actions. However, unlike true dementia, this condition is easily curable and has a good prognosis.

    Diagnosis of reactive psychoses is often difficult. It is necessary to distinguish these conditions from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The psychiatrist should talk with the patient and his relatives to identify the presence of a stressful situation. Chronic mental illness develops independently of psychotrauma, and reactive disorders are always the result of moral turmoil.

    Reactive mental disorders in childhood

    The reactive state in children occurs after the endured fright and other traumatic factors. It is most often observed in infancy and preschool age. There are two types of reactions in the child's psyche to trauma. The child either becomes restless (rushes, cries, screams), or freezes in place and stops talking. This is accompanied by vegetative disorders: sweating, redness of the skin, tremors, involuntary urination and defecation.

    Then the child becomes lethargic, whiny, he is disturbed by fears. Behavior may show traits typical of younger children. For example, a 5-6 year old child begins to behave like a 1.5 year old baby. Reactive mental states in children require immediate treatment. All changes are reversible.

    Therapy for reactive mental disorders

    In the treatment of neurotic disorders, sedatives are used. If the symptomatology is mild, then herbal remedies (valerian, motherwort) or the medicine "Afobazol" can be prescribed. For more severe disorders, tranquilizers are indicated. Not only medications are used, but also psychotherapeutic methods.

    Treatment of reactive psychoses is more challenging. In a sad mood with ideas of self-blame, antidepressants are used. If the patient has delusions and hallucinations of psychogenic origin, then antipsychotics and sedatives are used.

    Forensic examination for reactive mental disorders

    In the forensic psychiatric assessment of reactive states, the form of the disorder should be taken into account. With neuroses, patients are usually recognized as sane. They can be held responsible for the offenses committed.

    With regard to reactive psychoses, it is necessary to take into account the degree of their severity. In mild disorders, the person usually gives an account of their actions. In severe delusional disorders and hallucinations, the patient may be declared insane. It is also important to remember that depressed patients with ideas of self-incrimination often slander themselves and sometimes confess to offenses that they did not commit.

    Acute reactive states with delusions and hallucinations are considered as mental pathologies that are temporary in nature. During the period of painful manifestations, a person may be declared incapacitated. In this case, all civil legal acts (transactions, wills, etc.) committed by him during a mental disorder are invalidated.

    All people are different, however, in the behavior of each person there may be features inherent not only to him. Temperament is what often determines the character and behavior of our friends, loved ones and ourselves.

    Temperament is a model of human behavior. There are only four of them, and they are all well known: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. Each model can be present in human consciousness only partially, but in the end, one of them outweighs. That is, each of us, with all the contradictions and individual traits, can still be attributed to one of the groups.

    These four types were identified by the scientist Hippocrates. A detailed classification through many centuries was created by the scientist Galen. All scientists adhere to it to this day. It is worth noting that each type of temperament has both strengths and weaknesses, so there is no best or worst type of character. And, of course, each psychotype is endowed with a special energy.


    The person is unstable, quick-tempered, restless.

    Strengths: these people have huge reserves of energy. They are hardy, they can solve several cases at once. These people almost never get tired mentally. After a hard day at work, they continue to be as active as possible. Choleric people make decisions quickly and always know what they want, moving towards the goal, moving mountains.

    Weak sides: choleric people cannot follow the rules and instructions, they are restless in life, therefore they are not able to perform routine work. Choleric people cannot bring their thoughts to the end, therefore they bury all their creative ideas, without even starting to translate them into reality. They are impulsive and can be rude to anyone, although later they will greatly regret it. Their energy works only for their benefit.


    The person is sociable, cheerful and extremely attractive.

    Strengths: these people dispose to themselves in a matter of seconds, and after that they do not alienate practically anyone. They have many friends and comrades who are ready to follow them into fire and water. These people often become diplomats or negotiators. It's easy to negotiate with them, because they are stable and balanced. The energy of such people is quite developed, they seem to radiate warmth, to which others are drawn.

    Weak sides: these people do not make sacrifices for the sake of someone - they just retreat and that's it. Sanguine people often do not know how to give their best. They are in some ways even lazy and amorphous, limited and slow, because they do not like to waste their energy.

    Phlegmatic person

    These people are the exact opposite of choleric people. They are silent, restrained, patient.

    Strengths: phlegmatic people are able to work practically without interruption. Their main advantage is perseverance and unsurpassed logical abilities. This allows them to become good leaders, not just performers. These people are difficult to piss off, they are extremely stable and surprisingly peaceful. The colossal reserves of energy of these people are not visible from the outside, since they are deep inside and are spent extremely carefully.

    Weak sides: phlegmatic people cannot make decisions quickly. Sometimes this becomes a really big problem. They do not like learning and do not give in to it. Their slowness is often the result of a decline in energy or a lack of it, which leads to energy vampirism.


    A portrait of this type of temperament is known to almost everyone - it is a romantic, anxious, shy person.

    Strengths: the strongest intuition capable of working miracles, their mental abilities are also incredibly strong. These people quickly assimilate information, and also use it for their own benefit. At the same time, melancholic people are excellent analysts who can process an incredibly huge amount of information.

    Weak sides: their energy is very meager and is aimed only at survival. It is very easy to offend them, unsettle them, offend, and then they withdraw into themselves, becoming isolated on their own problems. Their self-esteem is very lame, which negatively affects the productivity of any activity. Despite the abundance of energy, it quickly dissipates, and the melancholic people themselves lack it.

    Remember that there are very few people in the world who show signs of only one psychotype. Most of your friends and acquaintances have a mixed type of temperament, but only one of them is the basis. It is extremely difficult to assess a person's energy, but his belonging to one of the temperaments can help to analyze the character and strengths. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

    03.04.2016 00:50

    From time immemorial, people believed that trees have special magical abilities and can in the most incredible way ...

    Repressive character - complaining

    The 55th Shadow of Victimization has two main forms of expression. The repressive nature manifests itself in complaints. Complaining is an unconscious mental attitude in which a person makes himself the main victim of his own drama. Complaining externally or internally, we effectively deprive ourselves of strength every time. A person with a repressive character tends to complain internally, choosing a pessimistic outlook on life, while a reactive character tends to find a certain external goal of the accusation. Falling on the frequency of a complaint, a person gets entangled in the net of life's drama - "Maya". The very energy of discontent enhances the illusion of the heaviness of life. Thus, constant complaints not only support themselves, but also lead to premature aging of the physical body. We get freedom only when we see the essence of this energy through unconscious patterns.

    Reactive character - accusing

    Another common form of the 55th Shadow is accusation. The reactive nature externalizes its discontent by blaming something or someone else. The arrows of our accusation seem to relieve us of responsibility for our position. In this sense, we "invest" our own ingredients in other people, thereby depriving ourselves of true strength and presence. Blame is an expression of externally projected anger, but that anger is not "pure." Pure anger is the release of the primary energy of fear that can be caused by an external cause, even if it is not directed at that cause. When you blame someone, you immediately become a victim of your own drama. It is impossible to blame a person for his failures, and at the same time understand that he is just an actor in a play. Looking at life through the lens of importance releases the energy of blame. The reactive nature becomes true freedom when the arrows of accusation stop halfway to their target.


    The Gift and Siddhi of the 55th Key - Freedom

    Spirit of the coming era

    The study of the 55th Gift inevitably makes you think about the future of humanity and the entire planet. On the following pages, we will see what is happening to humanity now and what will happen during the coming Great Change. To understand the codes contained in the 64 Gene Keys, the details of the evolution of this Change are not very important. Any deepening into details leads to speculation and assumptions. However, due to the deep resonance with the intrinsic frequency of this work on the Gene Keys, it becomes possible to capture the spirit of the coming era. It can be assumed that the echoes of this mutation will affect life in all corners of our planet.

    The rate of increase of change should be taken into account. In the framework of evolution, this will happen quickly, but in the human timeline, change will occur slowly and almost imperceptibly. We are talking about a genetic mutation gradually spreading across our species. In other words, old people will literally be excluded from humanity. This means that very soon children will begin to be born carrying the complete mutation and spreading it in the gene pool. These children will be different from us. They will not emotionally engage with us at the victim level, but will maintain a high frequency that, over time, will transform their families. At the end of the description of this Gene Key, we will look more fully at their role.

    Revealing the code of higher consciousness

    Over the centuries, much has been written and said about the nature of higher consciousness. With the onset of a new era, more and more people will begin to gain direct access to higher consciousness and the experience of its true experience. Ultimately, what happens during the 21st century will spread to all of humanity and accelerate the arrival of a time that even now we can only dream of. Until recently, the awakening process was considered (except in very rare cases) only at the individual level. Teachers, sages and gurus conveyed their truth in a form understandable to people. Almost always, the emphasis was on a single question: how can I wake up?

    The two main components of this question are now rapidly losing their relevance to the present moment. The first component is the question "how?" We will see that the 55th Gene Key will answer this question. Secondly, the forthcoming changes will gradually eliminate the personal element "I". Humanity is entering the era of "We". As soon as people fully perceive the truth of the single, universal "We" of humanity, the last paradox will open to us, since we again become a deeply mystical, collective "I". A broad and powerful change is approaching in the form of a genetic cellular mutation. This mutation is caused by the 55th Gene Key and the associated amino acid histidine. On a chemical level, your own body is preparing for this mutation right now as you read these words. This process is also carried out on a collective level and no one can escape it. On its higher plane, the 55th Gene Key is the code for the opening of the higher consciousness. This process unfolds in a certain sequence and will lead to significant consequences. As we explore this Gene Key deeper and deeper, we will try to anticipate the changes that we will face and how they can affect the individual and the whole society,

    A turn of understanding

    In the Spectrum of Consciousness, the linguistic matrix of the Gene Keys, the 55th Key has a special place. His Gift and Siddhi are called the same - Freedom. This is the only case in the Spectrum and it is very important. The 55th Gift is a pivot around which a new ability of human perception unfolds - the ability to permeate physical space. The development of this ability will change the entire world we are used to. Perception will become free, and what we consider to be the highest consciousness will be our normal state. Therefore, Siddhi and Gift are denoted by the same word. It is from here that the Spectrum of Consciousness itself will be opened and one by one, each of the Gifts will be freed from its Shadow and will merge with the highest potential of the siddhi. As the energy of the Shadow grows to the Gift, so the energy of the siddhi descends into the Gift. As if the genetic wheel of fortune, having reached a certain protrusion in its rotation, turns on a different gear. This ledge is the 55th Gift. From this moment on, a new force will enter the world, with new laws and far-reaching consequences for all of us.

    Until now, perception has been limited to the individual human form. We perceive by moving, feeling, thinking. Without reaching a higher or siddhic state, it is impossible to gain access to out-of-body perception. However, there have been instances in history of a sudden flowering of expanded perception, which allowed us to get an idea of ​​our future. In the state of siddhi, perception is a connective tissue between organisms - this is the area of ​​interaction between consciousness and the material world. Form is the skin, perception is the fruit, and the seed is consciousness. Simply put, perception is the key that opens the door between what we call God and man.

    Celestial hydraulics

    To understand the true nature of the upcoming awakening, you can use a beautiful figurative comparison with the life cycle of a dragonfly. These insects spend the first part of their life under water. The dragonfly larva or nymph, unlike most freshwater insects, does not need to rise to the surface to take a breath of air. Under water, the nymph is a very successful predator, eating everything from fallen leaves to small fish. During her life she goes through a series of "molts" or stages of maturity, during which she sheds her shell, but still remains a nymph. This period of an insect's life can last for several years, and all this time it has no idea what future awaits it. A series of "hidden" mutations occurs. And one day, a dormant gene suddenly turns on, and the nymph does something completely uncharacteristic for her - she finds a plant stem sticking out of the water and climbs it. For the first time in her life, she senses air and direct sunlight.

    As soon as the nymph leaves the safe underwater world, under the influence of sunlight, her last molt begins. It is truly magical when a more perfect creature hidden in a nymph breaks open the larva's shell. Within a few hours, four crumpled wings appear, and the characteristic slender thoracic region begins to straighten. At this stage, the element of water is of great metaphorical importance. As the dragonfly leaves the water and prepares to be reborn for a new life in the element of air, the water still in its body becomes the key to transformation. This water is pumped into the emerging wings and thoracic region, causing them to open and unfold for the first time. In other words, the dragonfly takes on an aerodynamic shape thanks to the water from its previous life. Water transforms a nymph into a dragonfly. Having used up all the water, the dragonfly fully unfolds. She takes off and starts her new life.

    The life cycle of a dragonfly serves as a beautiful metaphor for the awakening of the 55 Gift and Siddhi. The immature energy of emotions becomes the engine that unfolds a new consciousness, and as soon as it is born, you remain forever living on the higher planes. This metaphor also shows that we, as a species, must dive deeply into the emotional realm and go through a series of mutations there that we know absolutely nothing about. Existing in the world of emotions, we receive only faint hints of the life ahead of us. When the 55th Shadow finally mutates completely, a real collective awakening will begin.

    Early stages of the awakening sequence

    We will explore specific timing and sequence of awakening at the end of this section. Using the metaphor of a dragonfly, we are currently climbing the stalk out of the water into the sunlight. World genetics is at the culmination of this drama, and therefore our time can be very confused. You may already have some idea or premonition of things to come, as your body and psyche become the battleground for this mutational process. Especially if 55 is one of your main Gifts, you may be susceptible to sudden jumps in your normal rhythms, energetic states and emotions. This deep integration process will last for a considerable time, but will gradually become more even.

    The early stages of awakening (up to 2012) will be the most volatile phase of the process. It is at this time that our emotional system will literally begin to break down. Two Gene Keys are closely related to the 55th Gift - its programming partner, the 59th Gift of Intimacy and the 39th Gift of Dynamism. They are also very active in the awakening process. The 39th Gift and the 39th Siddhi of Liberation will affect all facets of our emotional nature. Here you can see the kinship of the highest properties of Freedom and Liberation. The 39th Siddhi does indeed lead to ultimate Freedom. Liberation is a dynamic process, while Freedom is a state. Equally strong is the 59th Siddhi of Transparency, which wakes up at the same time as the 55th. One can see the purpose of the awakening process hidden in this siddhi - people are forced to become transparent, like the wings of a dragonfly. The 59th Gift of Intimacy is the first step on this path. We must allow life to open our hearts in our relationships.

    We already know about the romantic essence of the 55th Gene Key, therefore the awakening of the 55th Gift is associated with personal relationships. After this awakening, a person will cease to exist as a separate person. Our consciousness will act collectively. Initially, your sense of isolation will be shattered by your intimate relationship. From now on, the more you try to hide from others, the more you bring yourself suffering. All secret designs must be revealed and destroyed. The mind, obsessively clinging to disunity, must release its grip. This is the end of the era of self-love. There must be many who will resist this mutation. They will not be part of the new humanity, but they must be respected. Thanks to these people, the old energy will leave our world. There is nothing you can do about it - this is a matter of group selection of suitable genetic material for a future person.

    Evaporation of the victim's consciousness

    As we have seen, the roots of the 55th Shadow lie in the concept that a person is a victim, primarily a victim of his own or someone else's emotions. After the awakening of the 55th Gift, the idea of ​​emotional "belonging" to someone will become absurd. Emotions act on a certain wave, and at the collective level there is only one wave that connects us all together. Purely mechanically, some people can generate this wave and others can receive it. As with the dragonfly, the new perception lifts us above the dark waters of victim consciousness, but this will not be mere superiority. We will not become less human. In fact, this process can only be triggered by such a deep immersion in human vulnerability that it becomes a catalyst for our superiority.

    The process of awakening has been known to mankind since ancient times. It is most accurately described in the esoteric science of alchemy. In traditional Taoist alchemy, there is a secret formula "Kang and Li". Kang is water and Li is fire. In this alchemical formula, the solar plexus is seen as a cauldron filled with water of emotional energy. The fire under the cauldron is awareness (also called "qi"), and this awareness is said to "prepare" emotional energy ("jing"). In the process of evaporation, the third force of transcendence is born. The Chinese call this power "shen", which means "spirit." Western alchemy uses similar archetypes, but in its own cultural tradition. We consider the two forces as man and woman, the masculine and feminine archetypes of man. Their intercourse in a mystical union gives birth to a magical child, who is often symbolized by mercury.

    In the language of the Gene Keys, the Shadow is the source material for the final transcendence. Without diving deep into the Shadow and without rooting it out of our consciousness, we will never experience the delight of evaporating the victim's consciousness. Only in these happy couples can we rise from the emotional depths and slide on the collective wave.

    The Growth of the Gifts of Humanity

    There are two main phases of awakening caused by the 55th Gift. The first phase is a massive rise above the shadow level of the victim's consciousness. When this happens, we will see that the world we know very well begins to gradually change shape. Up to the present time, only a small part of people managed to come out of the Shadow and show their Gifts to the world. Very, very few have ever reached the level of siddhi consciousness. This is how it should be. The frequency range of each person depends on the ranges of the people around him. In other words, the more people go beyond the Shadow, the more likely it is that someone with a high frequency will jump to the level of siddhi. It may take 100,000 living their Gift to propel one to such a leap. In the same way, one person who is at the level of siddhi maintains the cumulative frequency of thousands of people, allowing them to come out of the Shadow and find their Gift.

    Freed from the influence of the Shadow, a person becomes a conductor of the creativity of life itself. He also begins to fulfill his true destiny within the whole. The final lot of the whole is represented by the 50th siddhi of Harmony and the 6th - Peace. This means that a person, doing his favorite thing, participates in creating these conditions in physical reality. This process can take hundreds or even thousands of years to complete. When this happens, our entire planet, like a dragonfly, will move to another stage of development, in a different reality, represented by the 28th Siddhi of Immortality.

    The word "freedom" is a truly immeasurable word. As we begin to emerge from the influence of the Shadow, miracles more and more often happen in our lives. Freedom is the spirit of the 55th Gift, it is the spirit of humanity. With the expansion of perception, the spirit of freedom will sweep away the barriers in your life. "Fractal lines" will open up new possibilities, and the previously suppressed energy will suddenly create unexpected favorable circumstances. All aspects of life are closely interconnected, so a breakthrough to the source of your being will be reflected even in those areas that you no longer remember existed.

    Triple sequence of awakening

    In the first part of this Gene Key, we examined the triple pattern inherent in all universal rhythms and mapped it to the evolutionary phases of the Three Ages and our current subphase, known as 333, which is the main genetic sequence of the end of the Ages. Over the past 20 years or so, the world has indeed undergone extensive changes in its internal structure. Passing through the incredible door known as 333, we can distinguish three dates or marks that set the trajectory of planetary awakening and merging. These markers are shifting points written into the frequency score of our development. They are 1987 - Harmonic Convergence, 2012 - Melodic Resonance and 2027 - Rhythmic Symphony. The three phases of Harmony, Melody and Rhythm form an imprinting field for the complete restructuring of all vibrating life on our planet.

    1987 - Harmonic convergence

    Much has been said about harmonic convergence. She represents a turning point in consciousness, marked by an unprecedented event. Caused by a supernova explosion in a nearby galaxy in 1987, it witnessed the beginning of the Synthesis period. A series of unprecedented astronomical alignments led to a change in the chemistry of the human brain, which allowed us to finally comprehend the unifying Truth of all great teachings. It is important to understand that these tipping points are not accidental, but part of an ongoing development process. Harmonious convergence is still taking place today at many levels, since vast, previously isolated areas of human activity are united. Now we are witnessing the beginning of the synthesis of science and art, the left and right hemispheres of the brain, male and female, East and West. In the words of the ancient Greek sage Heraclitus, hidden harmony is better than explicit, but now it is becoming more and more visible.

    2012 - Melodic Resonance

    Since 2012 was the most talked about date of recent times, there isn't much left unsaid about it. Let's consider it in the context of the triple sequence of awakening. In metaphorical terms, 1987 was a period of pregnancy, 2012 was a birth, and 2027 was the embodiment of a new order. The real meaning of the melody is based on the understanding of romanticism. Melody is a property of music that captures the emotional breath and makes people dream. 2012 marks the coherence of humanity as a single organism thanks to the breath and the newly awakening consciousness of the solar plexus center. Even if you are not inclined to daydreaming, from now on, your innermost dreams and desires will be sown and strengthened in your soul, as each of us comes into resonance with the heart of humanity through the awakening of the Atlantic / Edenic perception.

    2012 also marks a dividing line in human development. If by this time you are not in resonance with the dream coming true, then your DNA will be erased from history. In fact, this is a completely natural phenomenon. Much of today's human DNA must be turned off for a new form to emerge. Therefore, over the course of several generations, we will observe how a large number of old patterns disappear from our world. This means that for some time two different realities can exist simultaneously - those who remained to live in the old system and those who are building a new order.

    2027 - Rhythmic Symphony

    Many mystics and various ancient calendar systems have long predicted a great turning point in human development, now approaching its high point. The Human Design System, one of the great systems underlying the Gene Keys work, uses 64 ancient I Ching codes as genetic clocks to determine when human DNA mutation begins. This clock suggests that from 2027, a colossal genetic mutation will begin to break through the solar plexus system of humanity. It is difficult to describe in words the meaning of 2027. The coming change in consciousness will be an implosion of an extremely high siddhic frequency. There is no doubt that after this date nothing will remain the same.

    Starting in 2027, our planet will gradually begin to quiet down in awe-inspiring silence. Between 2012 and 2027, a major awakening fractal of humanity will give rise to a new world that will change life on Earth from within. The old system will collapse successfully creating a new order. This time will be the beginning of the re-creation of Eden, which has always remained on our planet in the form of an energetic image. The divine universal rhythm will be synthesized from harmony and melody. For the first time, humanity will not only hear the great symphony of spheres, but will also be a virtuoso soloist in it. One day in the future, after 2027, we will finally discover the miracle of being simple. Humanity will only have to enjoy the earthly paradise, which it has never done before.


    The marriage of the sacred couple

    Earlier, we have already mentioned that the forthcoming shift will bring closer the end of the era of the individual "I" and the beginning of the era of the collective "We". In the first stage of this multi-stage process, major changes occur in the frequency of human relationships. The awakening will bring many new phenomena, one of which we have always dreamed of, but never achieved - the ideal of a sacred marriage. The modern institution of marriage is an attempt to embody this ideal on the material plane. However, until now, marriages and relationships, even the purest and brightest, could not reach their highest potential - when two people make up a single aura.

    In order for the ideal of the sacred couple to exist on the physical plane, first of all, the fusion of consciousnesses is necessary. This is the "mystical unity" or "conjunctio" that the alchemists spoke of. Enlightenment or awareness has always flourished as an individual quality, and there is no historical record of an enlightened couple in the true sense of the word. We may have seen symbolic examples, and of course some couples have experienced this condition for a short time. However, the first stage in breaking down the barriers between the sexes will be to heal the yin-yang split between man and woman. The eternal tension between them is so great that it has hindered true fusion to this day.

    When people in a relationship first experience shared enlightenment, we will realize that we have been cured of the deepest ulcer, the one symbolized by the separation and fall of Adam and Eve. An incredible energy field is forming around these sacred alliances, so they will become the core of completely new communities. Such events will herald the end of sexuality as we know it today, because the same genetic force is responsible for sexual separation and mating. In other words, human sexuality will gradually sublimate into creativity and higher consciousness. This means that after a while the population of our planet will begin to steadily and steadily decline.

    The ancient symbol of the 55th Gene Key is the cup of abundance, or the sacred cup. At the Shadow level of consciousness, this cup is never filled - one of the sides always stretches, and the other repels, one needs, and the other rejects. The human tendency to blame creates a dynamic in a relationship where partners drain each other.

    In future human relationships, the cup will never be half empty or half full. A single perception of two people will always fill it to the brim. We will no longer "fall into love," but we will rise to love. The great love between yin and yang will shatter the illusion of our disunity and release an inexhaustible source of energy from the core of creation itself. Ultimately, it is through ancestral families and communities based on sacred unions that new perceptions will spread.

    Music of change

    Many scientists have found similarities in the structure of DNA with music. Portions of DNA and protein sequences are often repeated with very minor changes. This imperfect repetition can be compared to the compositional structure of music, especially classical or oriental. The idea that the human body is "musical" is not so implausible. We are the fragile shell of melodies and rhythms. Brain waves, blood circulation, heartbeat, endocrine cycles and the very fluid of our cells - everything pulsates in a very steady rhythm. At an even deeper, subatomic level, the molecules of cells and their constituent atoms also vibrate at a very high frequency and are built around a universal geometry. From this point of view, a person is nothing more than a symphony of rhythms, tempos and sounds.

    The 55th Gift is closely related to sound and how our body and emotions respond to sound. This Gene Key contains the eternal connection between the emotional spectrum of a person and music. Perhaps the closest similarity between DNA structure and music is in the triplet. DNA is formed from triplets, which in turn are made up of combinations of base pairs. The triplet is a key structural link in the genetic double helix. In music, the troika represents something simply exceptional - it represents the pure aspiration of life itself. The musical troika is always trying to find a different sound, and in this sense it looks like a human heart that froze for a moment. It is this aspiration that is expressed through the 55th Gift - the aspiration for constant creation. Unlike duality, the trinity is not straightforward, it is not at rest, but repeats itself, always free and always new.

    With the coming of the great change, our ancient fear will disappear and we will hear new music. We will vibrate at a higher frequency that will chemically lift us above old genetic fears. We will become one with the music of life and experience the full range of emotions, from light to darkness, without fear and without shame. This is the new music of humanity - we no longer need other people's paths and we do not need systems or structures that ensure safety. This is how the world gets rid of the old order. The new man will not suppress his pure aspiration for life. We will cease to be afraid of true freedom, because our perception will begin to operate outside the mind, with its concern about the future. Ultimate freedom does not depend on life circumstances, it is freedom to allow your Self to dissolve in the waves of the ocean. She is born out of the absolute trust of life.

    Poetic genetics

    The highest expression of human language is poetry. True poetry has a hidden meaning that cannot be conveyed in words. The secret lies in rhythm, modulation and tonal frequency. To become a poet, you must free your imagination from the structure of language. Likewise, the true nature of humanity cannot be squeezed into a logical framework or homogenized. But it is the frenzy of our true nature that scares people so much. Once you decide that life is in your hands, it changes immediately. Nowadays people have started to quit the game in which they tried to mentally understand life. Ancient Indian sages called this world "Maya" - an illusion. Our problem has always been that we have tried to understand the Maya by means of a means (intelligence) bound by laws that prevent true understanding. Maya cannot be understood by maya itself.

    The new perception will put an end to many phenomena. For example, we will witness how the question is resolved. Humanity will get rid of the obsession with understanding everything intellectually. It also means giving up the spiritual quest. We will no longer linger on our perception of structures and systems. We will no longer experience hunger at any level. As a poet or musician, we will delve into the mystery itself. Humanity is already in the early stages of transcending its genetics. As our consciousness begins to rise to a pure perception of the emotional system, we can finally look behind the veil that has held us captive for so long. By getting rid of the influence of our mind in this way, we can truly create the great poetry of our life. We are entering an era of beauty, an excellent era where creativity will dominate and life itself will be perceived as art.

    Possibility and likely consequences of a future genetic mutation

    As we move into the next phase, especially after 2027, a lot will change in the world. The nature of mutations is such that they occur as a sudden quantum leap after a long period of integration. Social change takes time, and some of these phases can last for hundreds of years.

    Physical changes

    The secret of the 55th Gift at the physiological level lies in a single substance - salt. Salt has long been known for its cleansing properties as well as its ability to remove toxins from the body. Every cell in your body contains salt, so the water-salt balance is one of the main conditions for health. Everything related to the 55th Gift is literally and metaphorically based on its relationship with water. Thanks to the 32nd Gene Key, we learned that water has memory. When emotions get too strong, you release memories along with the salt in tears and / or sweat. The chemical deliverance of mankind from ancient memory has already begun, and this process will only grow. The heightened emotional perception will gradually remove toxic genetic memories from the human body. On a physical level, this will happen through sweat, tears, and urine.

    Just as seawater evaporates and leaves behind salt, people undergo evaporation and distillation. We begin to change at a chemical level. A new solar plexus neural network is replacing the reptilian fear-based ancient brain. As the 59th Siddhi shows, the human body will become more and more transparent as it gets out of the influence of fear and stops producing certain chemicals. With the end of the chemical processes associated with the back of the brain, the needs of the body will completely change. Without the toxins produced by fear, it will need much less salt and it will become less dense.

    With a decrease in the human body's need for salt, our digestive system will begin to change. This will result in a solar plexus mutation. The body will not only stop needing salty foods, but will actually completely reject them. This means that people will gradually stop eating meat and, of course, will be unable to tolerate the enormous amounts of salt found in modern cooked foods. Children who inherit these DNA changes may be born with physiological allergies to salty foods and meat. All these changes will be the result of mutation and will occur in due course. But in the current transitional period, people actually need more salt than usual to completely cleanse themselves from the intoxication of the past. This is the underlying cause of the food processing revolution in the world. Nature knows exactly what it is doing, and this should inspire us.

    Digestion is based on the mineral sphere, how the body metabolizes and uses trace elements from food and water. In the future, we will be able to extract and combine elements from food in a completely new and more efficient way. Mechanically, this will happen through our whims. In other words, our body, with its mood, will tell you exactly what and when we should eat. One of the most likely outcomes of the mutation will be a much less frequent feeling of hunger and, accordingly, less need for food. In addition to this, our body will find other ways to absorb high frequencies from the air and sunlight. In the end, in the distant future, when the final part of the cosmic chess game begins, the general heyday of the 6th siddhi will come, which will make our skin completely transparent and allow us to live simply at the expense of light.

    Emotions and Decisions - Calm the Wave

    Some of the most radical changes in humanity will affect the emotional system itself. Nowadays, people suffer from the volatility of their emotions. They make decisions that are contrary to their true nature, and thereby create a universal energy field of chaos. When the mutation takes hold, what we now call emotions will play a completely different role. It won't feel like emotion at all, but a way of interacting. Those who undergo this mutation will break out of the emotional drama of life. These people will just as deeply feel all the nuances of their environment, but their perception will slide along the tops of emotional waves, without sinking into the abyss. Therefore, they will be in complete serenity and can be easily recognized by the calmness in their eyes.

    Each person carrying the mutation will be very effective in calming the wave of their environment. As more people are born with this perception, their common presence will slowly tune the rest of humanity into another dimension - a dimension of infinite clarity and peace. It will also greatly affect the way you make decisions. Decisions will no longer depend on shifting patterns of emotional attitudes. They will begin to come instantly and clearly, as the overall relationship on the planet becomes calmer. Decisions will no longer be made by individuals, but will arise directly from our overall harmonious connection.

    Calming the wave will ultimately lead to an era of world peace. Metaphorically, this process can be described as an orchestra playing out before a concert - you can hear a cacophony of sounds randomly emitted by various instruments. This is the current state of humanity. When a mutation occurs, the conductor waves his wand on his podium and waits for all sounds to subside. Only in silence can we hear the hidden harmony of the true nature of humanity.


    Today, many people are extremely concerned about the state of the environment and the enormous harm caused to our planet by the colossal pressures of globalization. In the future, good news awaits us, but before we receive it, it is important to understand why at the present time humanity seems to be doing this harm to itself. To do this, you need to see the big picture. The planet is our big body, and just like the physical body of a person, and like all life, it undergoes a genetic mutation. Life is like a net woven from thin threads. A significant mutation in one species necessarily affects all other species. The current generation is a sacrificial generation. Our collective body cleanses humanity of accumulated toxins. We have seen that the modern, especially Western diet, with its excessive intake of salt, leads to obesity in a very large part of the population. Fat becomes the fuel of mutation, and this mutation washes out the collective Shadows of humanity. Stress is another sign of increased solar plexus function. The mutation puts tremendous pressure on the physical shell of a person. At all levels of society, long-standing ulcers of humanity are beginning to manifest themselves - in business, in management and in the environment itself. This is the true meaning of the flood myth. The coming flood will separate the consciousness of the Gift from the consciousness of the victim.