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  • Interest in English in children. Three important points. Awaken due interest

    Interest in English in children. Three important points. Awaken due interest

    Small children have an amazing feature: to quickly perceive and memorize the new information obtained. The data and information that is hardly remembered and is given to an adult person, small boys and girls "grab on the fly".

    Foreign language for modern successful man plays an important role. It is for this reason that parents seek to ensure the acquisition of knowledge in English, French or German at an early age.

    In order for the classes to be effective, it is necessary to call sincere interest from the Son or daughter. Only in this case the lessons will give the desired result.

    Helpful information

    For school children, a foreign language is just another subject in school, where only the formal study is happening. The child feels the need to study the same way as in solving mathematical examples or writing an essay. Therefore, students do not feel enthusiasm and are not interested in learning English, French or other languages. The formal atmosphere provokes low efficiency from the educational process.

    It is worth noting that, according to official data and studies conducted, young students better absorb knowledge aged three to ten years. It is during this period that their right hemisphere develops. How at this age to cause interest in a foreign language?

    1. Tutors. It is advisable to use the services of tutors who offer lessons on specially designed methods for young Pupils. Exactly individual sessions help get the required result, as the teacher develops special program Taking into account the abilities of the future student and other important factors.

    It is very important that the chosen teachers have extensive experience with a children's audience, for example, has experienced at school. When choosing, you need to pay attention to feedback from the former students and their parents.

    German, French and English by Skype - a wonderful modern version distance learningHelping to save time and money.

    2. Communication. It is very important to immerse children into the language environment. To secure the knowledge gained from the tutor, you must regularly view the cartoons and videos with it together, which is interesting to "Young Tenderkind." When viewing it is necessary to communicate: ask questions or respond to them.

    3. Create an active linguistic environment. If parents own a foreign language, then it is necessary to try to constantly communicate on it. Children love to look "smart", so they can be interested in them, as they will sound in French, German or English one or another thing, thing or product, pretending that you do not know the correct answer.

    4. Game. Any kid is several times better thanks a foreign speech if learning occurs in a game form. Therefore, it is important that the tutor, and parents pretended the necessary knowledge with the help of toys, etc.

    5. Sincere interest. The child often does not show that he does not work something and because of this, complexes may arise, which in the future will be very disturbed. Parents often see it, but in certain situations they do not notice. Therefore, it is very important to carefully ask his daughter or a son: that he does not work, which is given with difficulty, what problems he has in teaching a foreign language. Not under no circumstances should the voice or swearing. This will lead to negative impact on children's psyche and closedness.

    Experienced tutor, regular viewing of cartoons and listening to children's songs in English, German or French, active participation Parents in the learning process will lead to the desired result.

    In general, it is undoubtedly for preschoolers is always much easier than English for schoolchildren at a later age. Little children will love to know the world And they absorb new knowledge, including natural languages \u200b\u200blike a sponge. The process of studying a new language adolescents is already more mechanical, especially on training activities.

    But there is something that costs: so that your child's native speech has not been launched or underdeveloped! In pursuit of English for children, do not forget that the Russian itself does not develop much by itself, and this is more unpleasant.

    Famous fact that modern, and the old school foreign languages Overall knocks off every desire to learn English for schoolchildren. If you want to somehow correct the situation, try to pick up paid English courses on which the schoolboy will be interesting and pleasant to attend. The group of students, as well as the curriculum English for children, must correspond to the age and level of your child. Perhaps the first time you are not lucky, but do not stop searches if you want to achieve a real result.

    Do not limit yourself to courses teaching English for schoolchildren in the standard scheme. Find something that your son or daughter will be really interesting, connect to the search and your children. This may be a favorite television or animated series with English-speaking voice acting. Let it even be a favorite video game, but necessarily in the original, without translation into Russian. Offer read new edition Beloved novel in English (for example, Harry Potter or the Adventures of Gillier).

    English for children is becoming joy, if they have to do something really exciting. Ask to translate words from a popular English-language song for you (of course, without the use of the Internet!) Or from the English-speaking song of their favorite artist. And after - to find the biography of your beloved singer, an actor, writer in English and retell it to you. The child will have to sweat with the dictionary, but he will figure it out - and it will be great progress.

    Thus, you will turn the English for schoolchildren in an exciting event, and he himself wants to do it further.

    Learn foreign languages \u200b\u200bon Skype at LingvaFlavor School

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    In the last month before the school, the parents still have a chance to change the attitude of the child to English. We will tell you what needs to be done now so that the lessons of a foreign language in the new year brought only pleasure, and did not hang a lamoclous sword over an irritable child.

    1. We are looking for the practical application of the language now, and not in the future

    A common misconception is to wait for a child to inspire stories about how many opportunities will open knowledge of English in the future: travel around the world, highly paid job, free communication with foreigners. Of course, it is important! Only all of these "buns" will be once then, but to sit down for a cramp and take off the sake of her from your favorite cases.

    So you need to work with what is. Maybe your child is a fan of foreign musicians: is constantly listening to songs of favorite groups, puts the room with posters with their images and dreams of getting a concert? Then no English here can not do. After all, only knowing it is good, you can enjoy the word game in lyrics or watch an interview in the original. Or maybe he watches the TV shows and cartoons and is looking forward to the release of new seasons? Dubbing to Russian wait long, so it's easier to start watching everything in the original.

    2. Learn English in a game form

    There is no need to even invent anything! Just remember what you love to play with the child when he was small: who will call more words on the letter "A", playing Antonyms, I know the five names of the trees - to play all these games in English. Especially relevant to entertainment in traffic jams, queues or other situations of forced idleness.

    In addition, you can buy home board games in English and collect everyone behind the big table.

    It's not just useful educationBut also a good reason to spend time with family and friends, which is no less important!

    3. Compare competitions and encourage winners

    Participate in competitions Children like sometimes even more than playing games. They make excitement, and teach English becomes more fun! Who will quickly win new rules of grammar? How many new words can you know most of the day? Who will learn more poems in English by September? Of course, the winner should wait for the reward for which I want to fight. And for the rest of the participants it is worth providing comforting prizes.

    4. Let English will help the child to become more confident in herself

    Create situations in which a child can apply knowledge in practice: Ask for it to translate the instructions for a new technique or help find the information you need on foreign sites that you need. Just do it truly when you really need it. Do not invent such tasks artificially. Children read false and can perceive it as manipulation.

    5. We are looking for good teachers and a linguistic environment.

    The teacher greatly affects the desire or reluctance to learn. English is not the easiest thing, and on how the material is served, the passion is strongly dependent. Agree when you explain the rule, and you feel that I did not understand from the first or tenth times, it most often it causes anger and the desire to quit studies. Some people are, of course, disbands. But still let's not create extra obstacles and take care of finding a teacher whose lessons will be understandable and interesting.

    Also worth paying attention to language clubs, where they are going in an informal setting to chat, discuss a new film or, for example, play the mafia.

    Not knowing how to interest the child with learning English, many parents simply force their children to learn a foreign language simply "because it is necessary." But children should feel sincere interest and motivation to something to "want" to be replaced by "want." Only in this case can we expect positive results from child learning english language.

    17 tips, how to interest the child learning English

    1. Learn English with a child together. This can be done for watching cartoons, both in English, and in Russian, translating the words and phrases that pronounce cartoons.
    2. Use foreign words in everyday life. For example, you can study the names of the products and dishes at lunch, and during the walk - the names of transport, colors and trees.
    3. Pronounce requests in English, thereby fixing the basic finished phrases in English in the memory of the child. It may be requests to remove toys, bring water, feed a handle or sheet of paper. Hello and say goodbye, apologize and thank in a foreign language.
    4. Turn on English songs simply backdrop or siss them yourself. The child will listen and memorize words.
    5. Constantly alternate various ways to teach the child English: reading books, watching cartoons, memorizing words on cards, computer games for teaching English.
    6. Praise the child and encourage with any success in memorizing vocabulary, and even more so, with independent use of it in everyday life.
    7. Do not study when the child is not in the mood. You will not be able to interest the child by English, if all his thoughts are aimed at some experiences, or if he is very tired.
    8. Be sure to enter game moments, because Best of all, the child perceives something new in the game process.
    9. Create didactic material together. For example, you write words in English on cards, and the child is in Russian and paints cards.
    10. If, when teaching English, the child acts categorically against some kind of activity, for example, he does not want to write foreign words, do not force. Forget for some time about it and return later.
    11. Make breaks during classes, arrange the game change, during which you can jump, run or just calmly talk to the distracted topics.
    12. English classes with young children should not last more than 30-35 minutes.
    13. Do not wait for quick results and are not angry with a child if he cannot be interested in English seriously. If he is constantly scolding for ignorance of a foreign language, the child will have a steady negative attitude towards English, from which it will be almost impossible to get rid of it.
    14. Show your interest in learning English. In children for whom parents are authority, such a property is constantly manifested as copying. If you won't be indifferent to the success and problems of your child in the study of a foreign language, he will be engaged with greater dedication.
    15. Choose interesting, colorful, illustrated books, textbooks for English language.
    16. Tell the child how you will use English when you go on the journey. After all, in English you can speak in any country, because It is international.
    17. Choose good tutor. A teacher who likes the child as a person as a person as a teacher is 50% of success (another 50% is hardworking and regularity of training). A professional teacher will be able not only to learn English to teach high quality, but he will also be able to easily and naturally interest the child in English!

    Most often, children stop learning abruptly in the 7th grade, testifying parental experience. Someone before, someone later, but almost all teenagers pass the stage of confrontation with parents or school about lessons. How to preserve in this period the interest in the teenager to English - after all, the study of English suggests regular classes? Here are some proven Lifehakov - about them is talking about the manager of online marquetplase on the search for tutors Victoria Zhukov.

    How to use hobbies to explore English

    Remember yourself in adolescence. Surely you could day long listen to the same rock band, revise movies with your favorite actor or to reread your favorite book for the hundredth time. Teenagers of the XXI century are not much different with behavioral habits from their predecessors - you just need to determine the subject of hobbies and try to associate it with learning English.

    For example, ask your son or daughter, what goes around in his or her favorite English song, suggest writing a letter in English to your idol or read new book The author's favorite author. As a last resort, start watching your favorite TV series in English: the result will be achieved much faster than through the studio of manuals on grammar and dictionaries.

    Even if your child does not consider you best friend, One common interest will not hurt you. Especially if you work a lot and communicate a little at home. Joint visit, preparation homework, Listening to podcasts in English is splitting. Now you will always have one topic for conversation more.

    In addition, so you can monitor the child's learning process: every unfulfilled task or rusters will always be taken into account and seen. If your work partner initially be confused, try to play the role of a weak student. Perhaps your "competition" will add excitement to English learning and make it more interesting.

    This reception is useful to parents who know English at the conversational level. Arrange at home to talk only in a foreign language, especially when discussing household issues. In no case, do not ignore the child if he refuses to play according to the rules, but for his part be persistent. Always answer English, please contact it, but if the teenager did not understand the request because of the ignorance of words, do not be lazy to explain to him the essence.

    At the first stage, write stickers with translation to English on household items. When a child starts pulling away, try to follow the grammar, control the full and right sentences. You will probably come across a misunderstanding, but the water is sharpened.

    Allow teenage to play computer games in English

    Psychologists' ponderance of computer games are called reality substitution. Teens increasingly prefer online communication and evenings for monitors, and not walks in the fresh air. Remember the main rule of parents: you can not stop - head? This is exactly the case.

    Give your baby blanche card for computer games, but only provided that it will pass the quests in English. Or, if online games, play a foreign server. Believe me, no training programs will be able to develop oral English as regular negotiations with Soklanians. Moreover, it is communication with native speakers that will help teenage to master actual slang phrases.

    Go to a big goal

    Every child dreams about something. Perhaps it is your son or daughter to travel to travel: go with a better friend for a walk to London, "In the footsteps" of the serial Sherlock, or at the concert of the favorite group in Prague. Invite him a condition that will help to implement conceived with reference to the study of English. And try to convey the need to learn English from a practical point of view: for example, so that he can communicate with local residents.

    Be sure to agree on any reporting system, which will be convenient to all: weekly writings or retelling paragraph from the textbook. And correctly calculate the time so that you manage to collect the right amount, and the child has mastered the scope of the language necessary for the trip.

    Communication with a teenager is always not easy. And the attempt to attract it to learning is the task with an asterisk. But with these psychological techniques You will not only help him pull up English, but also become closer to each other. English unites, verified.


    To start to ask a teenager, whether he wants to learn English, and then, on the basis of the answer, give advice.

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