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  • How to prepare for OGE? Material for preparation for the exam (GIA) on the topic. Preparation for OGE without a tutor as good to prepare for OGE

    How to prepare for OGE? Material for preparation for the exam (GIA) on the topic. Preparation for OGE without a tutor as good to prepare for OGE

    The main state exam (OGE) 2020 is an important milestone in the life of any student. And this is not just intermediate knowledge control. Failure deprives the student the opportunity to get a certificate of main common educationAnd the high score is needed for those who prefer further training in a technical school or college. That is why many choose training courses for OGE to achieve a high result at this stage of state-state certification.

    Preparation courses for OGE in 2020 in a pair

    Twostu courses are the symbiosis of the best teaching techniques that put an understanding of the subject in Moscow at the head of the corner. Methodically classes are organized as follows: A mini-group is formed from 1 to 2 students, with whom the teacher does. This format allows you to maintain a competitive environment and use all the benefits of individual learning.

    Obviously, OGE courses on Twostu techniques will be more efficient than classes in large groups, since the teacher can control the achievements of each student, and the schoolchildren themselves are not distracted by study. But training in a couple of opportunities exceeds both classes with a tutor, as it retains the spirit of competition, without which progress is impossible and long-term maintenance of interest in learning. These features are confirmed by the facts: TwoStu courses on OGE are showing the result, an exception number of points scored by students who have trained in other methods.

    Of course, the format of classes in a pair is not just a group of two people. This is also a complex of educational methods that give a high result. First of all, we maximally use modern demonstration materials and technologies that make it easier and simplify the perception of the material. Each teacher, in addition to high qualifications, has extensive experiences of successful work and pedagogical skills of interaction with schoolchildren. And the preparation program is focused on the specifics of the tasks of GIA. All this ensures the success of our students.

    5 reasons to choose our courses OGE in Moscow

    The main reasons why schoolchildren and their parents choose preparations for OGE 2020 on courses in a pair:

    • the guaranteed result - the effectiveness of the methodology is proved by statistics;
    • low cost of classes (comparable with learning in groups and significantly lower than the payment of the tutor);
    • flexible learning schedule;
    • fascinating classes who teach a schoolboy to love and understand the subject (we do not recognize the cravings, but we give a complete immersion in the academic discipline. This allows you to level the fact of excitement on the exam and get confidence in our own forces);
    • the course on OGE 2020 - the preparation program was developed with the involvement of FII experts (Moscow), so we purposefully prepare schoolchildren to the specifics of tasks on the main state exam.

    Students today should attach a lot of effort to withstand and successfully pass all the final exams at the end of the main school. A good result is an opportunity to continue learning in specialized schools.



    How to prepare for OGE?

    This method of checking students' knowledge, like EGE and OGE, appeared relatively recently. Some graduates and their parents mistakenly believe that single exam Much more important than the main state examination, which passes students of 9 classes. In fact, a summary assessment in the Russian language, for example, is set to the certificate, based not only on the results of the final exam, but also at the annual mark for the 9th grade.

    This means that it is not less prepared for the OGE, as well as seriously as to the exam. It is worth noting that several recent years There are rumors that it is quite possible to introduce graduate certificates competition upon admission to one university.

    Students today should attach a lot of effort to withstand and successfully pass all the final exams at the end of the main school. A good result is an opportunity to continue learning in specialized schools.To come to the intended goal with good results, you need to do the following:

    First, the disciple should pass testing on the results of training in the 8th grade to objectively assess the level of their knowledge;

    Secondly, you should decide on your interests and, given the test results, choose the direction in which the future graduate would like to continue learning (be it college, lyceum or specialized school);

    Thirdly, it would be nice to make a plan for you to prepare for exams on certain subjects that must be passed for admission to the profile educational institution;

    Fourth, you should consider the preparation strategy (for example, you can sign up and attend training courses)

    How to properly prepare for the surrender of OGE? The following tips may be useful to students:

    From the collection with test tasks, select one option and try to solve it;

    Over each error to spend a scrupulous work, repeating the topic to which it relates;

    Short all the topics for which the student has questions;

    The next preparation step is to choose from a collection of another option tasks in order to check again;

    If you fail to cope with some task, you should seek the student for help and explanations to the teacher;

    When preparing, it is not necessary immediately after reading the task to be checked with the right answers, since it is not possible to remember them;

    In the process of repeating any topic, it is very important that the student understand the essence of the material over which it works;

    It is not worth spending time on a van of studied material, it is enough to catch the meaning of key moments.

    Students of the 9th grades will be allena to listen and some simple recommendations:

    1. Before you begin to prepare for the exam, it is worth relaxing and not nervous. This approach will help to focus on the main thing.

    2. So that there are no surprises on the graduate exam, you should familiarize yourself with the exam procedure. Performing training tasks in preparation will help navigate and correctly calculate the time for performing a task. Students stand in advance to learn all the rules for filling the blanks.

    3. In preparation, it should not be overwhelmed and for a long time to deal with monotonous and monotonous work, as attention will begin to dispel quickly. Mental activity should be diluted with motor activity. To not be overworked, doing small breaks for walking in the fresh air.

    4. Drink more fluid! This contributes to the improvement of the active work of the brain. It is useful to drink simple water or mineral, you can and green tea. At the same time, do not forget to eat right.

    5. If you feel that your mental loads have increased significantly, it will be quite well to increase sleep time (at least per hour).

    To obtain a certificate, a schoolboy needs to pass at least 4 exam. These include 2 mandatory (Russian and mathematics), as well as 2 items to choose from 12 disciplines offered (literature, informatics, biology, geography, physics, chemistry, foreign languages and etc.).

    With the choice of items, it is not worth tightening, it is better to determine the better as possible so that there is more time to prepare. Selected disciplines will also be necessary to study in 10-11 classes or in other educational institutions.

    Try your strength and fulfill the tasks of OGE students can both with the Internet, after which it is necessary to make work on errors and pay more attention to those the themes for which there are some gaps. In order to really assess the level of training, the student is not worth using prompts on trial testing.

    Schoolchildren in the ninth grade will have to hand over OGE - state exams in four subjects. Mandatory are Russian and mathematics, as well as every graduate high School Must choose two disciplines to handle. The form of this exam is very reminded by the exam. However, ninth-graders are the first experience of passing serious exams, therefore, children, parents, and teachers are very concerned about the preparation. From this article you will learn how to most effectively prepare for OGE.

    How to prepare for OGE with a tutor?

    Many hire tutors to prepare for exams. Really, additional classes can help better assimilate school material, After all, the teacher in the big class can not always pay enough attention to everyone. If you decide to prepare for the OGE using a tutor, take a note of several tips:

    • If you want to get a good result, choose school teachers and university teachers as tutors. Students or young professionals who are also often engaged in tutoring, have little teaching skills and often cannot explain the material as accessible and clearly as more experienced specialists. In addition, preparing for OGE is not just classes on the subject. It is important to take into account the specifics of this test, the structure of issues and the correct filling of the forms. Well, if your tutor has already prepared schoolchildren to Og.
    • Classes with a tutor do not mean that the child should not learn independently. The most effective studies with the tutor are built in the format of consultations on their own studied topics - the teacher can clarify and explain the individual moments. However, for the full preparation of a couple of hours a week with a tutor, it will clearly be enough.
    • Take a tutor only to those subjects with which the child is experiencing difficulties. If a schoolboy has time for some subject, classes can only relax it, and he will invest less effort into study.
    • If classes are built in such a way that the tutor simply performs homework for the student, this is completely incorrect tactic. Only through independent work, the schoolboy will acquire deep knowledge on the subject and will be able to demonstrate them on the test.

    It is very important to find such a tutor with which the child will have contact and mutual understanding. If the student does not like classes, preparation will be less effective. A good teacher will always find a way to interest in its subject - in this case, the result will not make himself wait long.

    How to prepare for OGE yourself?

    Many people turn to tutors due to the growing excitement before exams. Nevertheless, if there are no extra financial resources on classes, it is possible to prepare for OGE. Often, such preparation is even more efficient - if the schoolboy expects only for himself, he invests more diligence of the task. If some question seems incomprehensible, you can always approach the school teacher. In general, independent preparation can be very successful. With it, it is important to take into account the following factors:

    • Self-discipline is very important when preparing for OGE without a tutor. Graduates of high school do not always know how to properly distribute their time. Therefore, parents should periodically monitor their preparation. It is very important not to postpone all for the last month, but to begin to prepare in advance - at least for the year. Then the knowledge will be really strong, and all the gaps will be able to fill out during this time.
    • It is better to do little every day than a few hours once a week. So the information is absorbed better. In addition, so the schoolboy will not be overworked. Sometimes it is very important for learning to be distracted by something else, and then return to the question with new forces.
    • Each of us is better developed by one or another form of memory. Someone has a visual memory, and someone has a hearing memory. In the first case, all the information is important to record and celebrate different markers, visually divide the topic to blocks. In the second case, you should pronounce more read out loud.
    • The associative method is useful for memorizing dates, names, terms and formulas. For example, a formula or date can be associated with your own birthday or with a phone number, and for the name or term, come up with rhyme or visual image. The whole amount of information will not be able to remember, but this is a great way to learn difficult moments for yourself.

    How to psychologically prepare for OGE?

    The first real exam is a serious stress for schoolchildren. Sometimes even honors who know the subject well receive low points At this exam. Not only strong knowledge, but also the right psychological attitude is important.

    • Parent support is very important. Do not press the child about the exam - more often praise it, remind how hard it was preparing, and express confidence that the result would be high.
    • Very few schoolchildren really falling up the exam. Often points are important only to those who go to the college. Those who remain at school, it is important to simply go through a certain threshold. The highest scores are not so important here as on the exam, so you should not worry - it is worth perceiving OGE more like a rehearsal of final exams.
    • Many teachers recommend writing cribs. Of course, they are better not to use not removed from the exam. Nevertheless, the written information not only allows you to better systematize knowledge in the head, but also gives a certain sense of calm.
    • No need to learn in the night before the exam. On the contrary, it is worth distrast and sleep well.

    OGE is the first serious test for schoolchildren. To successfully pass the exams, it is necessary to start in advance. You can tighten the knowledge of the subjects and with the help of a tutor, and independently - often the second option is even more effective with proper parental control. However, the main thing is a positive attitude and confidence in their forces. Teachers and parents should not panic about the exams, because their support is very important to schoolchildren.

    The first stage of the attestation in the British school Program, Equivalent of 8-9 grades of the Russian high school.

    The main goal of the program is to prepare students to continue learning under the program of the Elder British School A-Level. At the end of the program, students pass exams for 6-10 subjects and receive a certificate of incomplete average formation of an international sample.

    Upon admission to the Foreign University, the International GCSE certificate eliminates Russian students from the need to take exams to obtain the IELTS or TOEFL language certificate.

    The program provides all key knowledge of profile subjects that will be necessary for the successful development of the A-LEVEL program. For each object GCSE, students pass from one to three exams.

    Read more


    The full-fledged program of the senior British school Advanced Level, the equivalent of the 10-11 class of the Russian school.

    The main goal of the program is to prepare students to direct an English-speaking undergraduate foreign university, including the best universities in the world.

    At the end of the program, students pass exams in 3 selected subjects. The choice of the subject depends on the requirements of a particular university and the future specialization of the student. Exams are surrendered.

    In the RBS "Algorithm" passing the exams A-Level is possible 3 times a year: in October, January and May-June. The number of exams that must be passed depends on the subject being studied and varies from four to six. Not only school students can pass the exams, but also external candidates.

    As you know, the exam is not just a test of knowledge, but checking knowledge in stress conditions. At the same time, among the doctors there is a point of view that up to 90% of all diseases may be associated with stress. From here we can conclude that health exams are not at all adding, but on the contrary. Indeed, numerous studies show that during the preparation and passing exams there are intensive mental activities, the extreme restriction of motor activity, a violation of the rest mode and sleep (superficial, restless sleep), emotional experiences. All this leads to overvoltage nervous system, negatively affects the general condition and resistance of the growing organism.

    The essence of the psychophysiological stress reaction is the preparatory activation that creates readiness for physical stress, namely, this physical activity is excluded by the examination of the exam.

    What should be taken into account in order to successfully, without prejudice to health, overcome the period of preparation and passing exams?

    Exam preparation

    • First prepare a place for classes: remove unnecessary things, comfortably reach the desired textbooks, benefits, notebooks, paper, pencils, etc.
    • You can enter yellow and purple in the interior, as they increase intelligent activity. For this, there is quite some pictures in these colors or estampa.
    • Make a plan of classes. To begin with, we define: who are you - "owl" or "lark", and depending on this, as much as possible, use the morning or evening hours. By drawing up a plan for every day of preparation, it is necessary to clearly determine what exactly today will be studied. Not at all: "I'll work out a little," and which sections and topics.
    • Starting from the most difficult, from the partition that you know worse. But if it is difficult for you to "rake", you can start from the material that you most interesting and pleasant. Perhaps gradually enter the working rhythm, and it will go.
    • Alternate classes and recreation, say, 40 minutes of classes, then 10 minutes - a break. You can wash the dishes at this time, pour flowers, make charging, take a shower.
    • Do not strive to read and remember by heart the whole textbook. It is useful to structure the material by drawing up plans, schemes, and preferably on paper. Plans are useful and because they are easy to use with a brief repetition of the material.
    • Perform as many different published tests on this subject. These training will introduce you to the designs of test tasks.
    • Training with a stopwatch in your hands, say the time of performing tests (on tasks in part and on average, goes 2 minutes to task).
    • Preparing for exams, never think about what you will not cope with the task, and on the contrary, mentally draw a picture of the triumph.
    • Leave one day before the exam at that again repeat all the answers, once again dwell on the most difficult issues.

    On the eve of the exam

    • Many believe: in order to fully prepare for the exam, lacking just one, the last night in front of him. It is not right. You're already tired, and do not overrun yourself. On the contrary, in the evening, stop preparing, accepting shower, take a walk. Sysked as best as possible to get up to rested, with the feeling of their health, strength, "combat" mood. After all, the exam is a kind of struggle in which you need to show yourself, show your capabilities and abilities.
    • You must appear at the exam, not late, it is better for half an hour before testing. When you need to have a pass, passport (not a birth certificate) and several (about the supply) of gel or capillary handles with black ink.
    • If the school is cold, do not forget to dress warm, because you will sit on the exam for 3 hours.

    During testing

    • At the beginning of testing, you will be informed of the necessary information (how to fill out the form, which letters to write, how to encode the school number, etc.). Pay attention!!! From how carefully remember all these rules, the correctness of your answers depends!
    • Answer form (registration area, answers themselves, etc.) you fill only printed letters! Pay attention to how some letters are written, for example, the letter "A". Part of the information is recorded in the coded form that you will be told before testing.
    • Examination materials consist of three parts: A, B, C:
    • in the tasks of the part, but you need to choose the correct answer from several options offered. In the first part of the answer blanks with the title "Task numbers with a choice of response from the proposed options" you should mark the "x" of the cell, the number of which corresponds to the number of the selected response.
    • in the tasks, the part in response is given in the form of one word or number. In the replies for such tasks there are fields with heading "Brief responses to tasks without answering options to select" where you carefully enter your answer (word or number) next to the task number (printed letters). Recording formulas or mathematical expressions, any verbal headers or comments are not allowed.
    • in the tasks of the part C is given a detailed response in the form of solving the problem or short storywhich are recorded on a separate form. It is very important to rewrite in a special field in the upper right corner of the specified form of the individual number of the main form of responses (pink). At the same time, no additional information about you (surname, name, class) is not written.
    • Corrections in the replies form are extremely undesirable. If fixes are inevitable, remember that they can only be done in the tasks of type A, using the backup fields with the title "Cancel erroneous labels". Fixes are made only according to the instructions of the organizers. The number of admitted corrections is not more than six.
    • The procedure for filling the blanks is possible some changes that you will definitely inform.
    • Upon receipt of test results, you have the right to get acquainted with the proven work and, if we do not agree with the assessment, you can apply an appeal (within 3 days after the result announcement) to the conflict commission.

    We give several universal recipes for a more successful testing tactics.

    • Focus! After performing the pre-part of the testing (filling in the blanks), when you clarified all the incomprehensible moments for yourself, try to focus and forget about others. For you, only the text of tasks and clocks must exist, regulating the test time of the test. Hurry up! Hard time frames should not affect the quality of your answers. Before entering the answer, reread the question twice and make sure that you correctly understood what you need from you.
    • Start with the lung! Starting to answer those questions in the knowledge of which you do not doubt, without stopping at those who can cause long-media. Then you calm down, the head will start working more clearly and clearly, and you will enter the working rhythm. You seem to be free from nervousness, and your whole energy will then be aimed at more difficult questions.
    • Skip! It is necessary to learn to skip hard or incomprehensible tasks. Remember: in the text there will always be such questions with which you will definitely cope. It's just stupid to notic glasses just because you did not reach the "my" tasks, but stuck on those who cause difficulties.
    • Read the task to the end! A hurry should not lead to the fact that you try to understand the terms of the task "according to the first words" and deliver the ending in your own imagination. This is a sure way to make annoying mistakes in the easiest questions.
    • Think only about the current task! When you see a new task, forget everything that was in the previous one. As a rule, tasks in tests are not related to each other, so the knowledge that you applied in one (already, permiss, solved by you), as a rule, do not help, but only interfere with concentrate and correctly solve a new task. This advice gives you another invaluable psychological effect - forget about failure in the past task (if it turned out to be not on your teeth). Think only that every new task is a chance to score glasses.
    • SELECT! Many tasks can be solved faster if not to look at the right answer immediately, but to consistently exclude those that are clearly not suitable. The exclusion method will eventually concentrate the attention of only one or two versions, and not on all five to seven (which is much more difficult).
    • Plan two circles! Calculate time so that in two thirds of the entire allotted time to go through all the easy tasks ("first circle"). Then you have time to gain maximum points on those jobs, and then calmly go back and think about difficult, which you first had to skip ("second round").
    • Check! Leave the time to check your work, at least, in order to have time to run through your eyes and notice explicit mistakes.
    • Guessing! If you are not sure about choosing an answer, but intuitively can be preferred to some other response, then intuition should be trusted! At the same time, choose this option, which, in your opinion, has a greater probability.
    • Do not worry! The strive to fulfill all the tasks, but remember that in practice it is unrealistic. Take into account that test tasks are designed for the maximum level of difficulty, and the number of tasks solved by you may well be sufficient for a good assessment.