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  • How many passing score in universities. Passing score. What options have low score applicants

    How many passing score in universities. Passing score. What options have low score applicants

    In the section "" posted detailed information At the 2018 Remote Campaign. Here you can learn about the passing points, competition, the conditions for providing a hostel, the number of free places, as well as the minimum points that needed to gain to receive it. The base of universities is constantly increasing!

    - New service from the site. Now pass the exam will be easier. The project was created with the participation of specialists of a number state universities and experts in the field of exam.

    In the "Reception of 2019" using the service "", you can learn about the most important dates related to admission to the university.

    "". Now, you have the opportunity to directly communicate with the adoptive commissions of universities and ask them questions you are interested in. Answers will be posted not only on the site, but also will come to you personally in the mail that you indicated during registration. Moreover, fast enough.

    Olympiad in detail - a new version section "" indicating the list of the Olympiad to the current academic year, their levels, references to the sites of the organizers.

    The section has earned a new service "Remind about the event" with which applicants have the ability to automatically receive reminders of the most important dates for them.

    Earned a new service - "

    There is another "pleasant" surprise: universities are required to provide maximum information on the procedure for enrollment and this is despite the fact that many sites are not even elementary division of applicants in the specialties. And last - most universities refused to accept documents by email. Now the apprentice from the remote city will have to spend several thousand rubles on the road to submit documents to the capital's universities.

    Where to go with low scallers? In the search for an alternative version

    Of course, everyone thinks about what to do on the budgetEven with low scallers. And what indicators of assessing knowledge are considered permissible? To begin with, it is necessary to determine which points are considered passage. The total number of USE should vary in the region of 130-150.

    Having received such low estimates, it is not worth a despair, because even they can become passing points for admission to a budget place. The applicant who passed the exams is not at the highest score, there are several optimal options that will allow not to lag behind the educational process:

    1. Admission to college or technical school. Even with low points, the probability of enrollment on a budget place is very large. This option is different at once a few obvious advantages - this is a wide selection of specialization, as well as the possibility of further admission to abbreviated training in the university.
    2. The possibility of learning in the university under the contract can be considered as a spare option.
    3. Budget receipt to the university on the correspondence or evening formation. This is a great opportunity to combine study with work.
    4. Submission of documents for unpopular specialization with low passing points with the further possibility of transferring to another compartment.

    Cut on low score budget is real, but only if the average score on the exam has become an annoying accident, and the applicant himself is a capable and diligent student directly. Often there are cases when low score applicants still passed on a budget place, and during educational process Showed highly high results, which once again proves the relativity of knowledge assessment at the level of the exam.

    Fashion trends in the educational process

    Is it worth saying that directly the applicants themselves indirectly affect the threshold level of passing points? The more willing to go on this or that specialty, the higher the passing points. The popularity of specialization is explained by the number of wishes to receive this or that education.

    As the practice of introductory campaigns has shown, for several years technical universities Do not take extremely popular with applicants even with low scallers on the exam. The same feature concerns such faculties as Nano-Technologies, the design of machines, naturalness, road construction, materials of materials or metallurgy. Economic disciplines, jurisprudence, design, medical and pedagogical faculties turned out to be the most popular.

    The attitude of the Russian educational supervision is interesting, which can be analyzed by the established scale of minimum passing points. Informatics and social studies are recognized as the most significant disciplines. The last line in the ranking, oddly enough, takes foreign language. It is slightly discouraged, because if you look at the most attractive vacancies, but many of them require professional ownership of a foreign language. Therefore, the preliminary joy of applicants about low passing point It may be overshadowed in the future when you have to face search for work.

    What options are low score applicants?

    Low points for receipt - This is not a catastrophe. There are several quite acceptable options that will be allowed to become a budget student of the capital's university. First of all, it is worth noting the possibility of non-core receipt. So, for example, legal specialization is in many non-profile universities. This can be used to enroll in a budget place.

    You can independently check in which universities you can go with low points, using the Calculator of the EGE.

    The Maimonide Academy, Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A.Sholokhov or the same university of geodesy and cartography is carried out by a set of applicants for the specialty "Jurisprudence". IN state University Forest industry, Moscow University of Communications and Moscow Road Institute reduced by the passing score on computer science.

    Lowest EGE results are not a reason for disorder. Many universities are gaining applicants for budget places. Among such establishments can be noted:

    • Moscow University of Technology and Management.
    • Moscow State Linguistic University.
    • Textile University. Kosygin.
    • Moscow State Humanitarian University. Bauman.
    • Moscow Agro Engineering University.

    To predict the selection criteria for budget places, it is worth paying attention to the results of the introductory campaigns last year. So, for example, Russian Social University last year reduced the set of psychology. In the same time pedagogical universities Raised this bar, increasing the number of potential students several times.

    Prediction of entrance tests for 2017

    To date, higher education is almost the key from all doors, which are hidden by rainbow and promising horizons. In fact, the corresponding diploma allows you to find more paid work, take a high position and achieve certain heights. That is why former schoolchildren seek, by all means to go to the budget even with low scallers on the exam.

    Receiving a very high result of the assessment of knowledge, should not be desirable - after all, 1 year is not a whole life without higher education. 12 months - this is enough time to tighten your knowledge in a specific area, explore the proposals of universities and choose exactly the specialty that will open excellent prospects.

    But if the student life is manitated by its charms, and I do not want to deprive yourself - it's worth considering all the benefits of study in college or technical school. Average special education - This is a good opportunity for unhindered enrollment in the university on the abbreviated form of training without passing the exam (student only gives the internal exams intersecting with its specialty).

    On the prospects for further training after school it is worth thinking in advance, "leaving" to profile items and tightening their knowledge - it will help to gain high scores on the exam and freely enter the capital's university.

    Use the Exe Calculator and check where you can do with your points. Pizza!

    Enter the best remote educational institutions

    Medical higher educational institutions of Russia called passing points for budget admission. In almost all universities, these numbers are different, as some educational institutions are prestigious others, therefore they have a passing point above. There are also options for admission to universities during failure in some exams.

    Higher educational institutions of Russia, specialized in medicine called passing points for budget admission. The lowest passing point is 123 in the Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. AD Bauman. The highest and consequently the most prestigious medical higher education institution is the St. Petersburg North-West State medical University them. I. I. Mechnikova to enter it it is necessary to gain at least 242 points.

    Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. K.i Scriabin

    The largest passing score among medical higher educational institutions in this academy. On receipt in 2017 allocated 276 budget seats, passing score - 189. If you failed to dial the required number of points for free training and you want to do this exactly, you will have to pay 40,000 rubles annually.

    Moscow State Medical and Dental University

    In this university allocated as many as 614 budget places, more than 2 times compared with the previous one. The passage score is 167. But in the event of non-fear of the budget, the minimum cost of training is equal to 80,000 rubles per year.

    Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov

    The most expensive medical university in Moscow - annual payment is 97,000 rubles. But for the appearance of the budget, which was allocated 1212 seats, you need to dial 155 points.

    First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Suchenova

    To hit the budget in this university, you must score 142 points. For free learning allocated 1270 budget places. And the annual minimum payment is 67,500 rubles (not for state employees)

    Below is a rating medical universities On the territory of Russia in the middle score for the exam. Also in the table shows the number of applicants adopted on the budget. And how exactly they were adopted: according to the competition, in the Olympics, on benefits or on the target set.

    The first line was occupied by the Bashkir State Medical University in the city of Ufa, the average score on the exam was 85.3. Second place occupied Voronezh State medical Academy them. N.N.Burdenko with a middle score on the exam - 85.2.

    Naisted score in Ural State Academy veterinary medicine In the city of Troitsk. The average score on the exam was only 52.6.

    Of course, the simplest option is to study under the contract, but not many can afford to pay about one hundred thousand rubles annually.

    If you could not pass with mathematics or Russian language and want to enter a full-time learning form, then you can only wait another year. But it is better to pass basic mathematicsSince it is rarely needed on a medical profile.

    But if you could not pass society, physics or other additional items, you can enroll in higher educational institutionspecializing in medicine, specialty, where this additional item is not required.

    Future graduates, not to mention their concerned parents, monitor all the changes that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation will generously shown by a single State Exam. Schoolchildren, naturally, think about complicated, but evidence - Who to become? - And for the most part, in the already know the direction in which they will walk on the way to the desired profession.

    It is extremely important, because, focusing on profile items (future doctors should make focus on chemistry and biology that dream of becoming translators - to a foreign language, etc.), guys and girls will be able to get a higher overall score.

    For surchase EGE A special place is given to the knowledge threshold in the ballas of the Unified state exam. It is on the basis of overcoming the minimum score, an exam certificate is issued. We can say that these are points of EGE For mandatory objects that correspond to the "Satisfactory" mark.

    In the case of receiving a schoolchild point less than the threshold on subjects to choose from, nothing is made to the certificate. At the moment, every future graduate is interested. minimum EGE 2017 scores in all subjects.

    Some changes in the Unified State Exam in 2017

    Changes in the holding and the very exam, 2017 are almost the most relevant theme for many. Annually graduates of the eleventh grades expect news about some innovations, innovations and the correction of the exam, sometimes, far from a positive side.

    So, in 2017, the third one will be added to the two mandatory exams. In addition to mathematics and Russian languages, eleventh graders will need to take another mandatory exam. So far, there is no final decision, what will be the subject that is elected to pass on the exam, however, according to unconfirmed data, it is most likely that it will be a story.

    According to officials of education and due to the fact that it is precisely on this discipline that students show low knowledge, make the history of mandatory for delivery will be the best option. It is expected that schoolchildren will get stronger for the study of the Azov of this science.

    In addition, even the form of an exam on history (if this subject comes to the number of graduates' knowledge mandatory for the annual test) will be changed: the oral part will become much larger, while the test part of the exam is planned to be significantly reduced.

    An oral block will be added to the exam in the Russian language. This is done to verify the communication abilities of graduates. Also, the changes will affect the writings - if earlier the schoolboy could get for the written writing of "test" either "non-postal", then when passing the exam in Russian in 2017, it is planned to set evaluations for the final essay.

    Provided that the third compulsory subject will be the story, the following disciplines will be offered to the choice of students, and it will be necessary to choose only one:

    • Computer science;
    • Chemistry;
    • Physics;
    • Geography;
    • Biology;
    • Social science;
    • Literature;
    • Foreign language (English, Spanish, German or French).

    Minimum passing points EGE in 2017

    Upon admission to university all graduates high School We must provide B. reception Commission, in addition to the certificate, also certificate with the results of the EGE. According to the latest data, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation does not intend to change the threshold points of the EGE.

    The minimum points of the Unified State Exam for all disciplines in 2017 were formed in this way:

    • Russian language - 24 points;
    • Mathematics, profile level - 27 points (this result is accepted in universities);
    • Mathematics Basic level - 3 points (this result gives the right to receive a certificate, but not accepted in universities);
    • Physics - 36 points;
    • Social science - 42 points;
    • Biology - 36 points;
    • Geography - 37 points;
    • Chemistry - 36 points;
    • Informatics - 40 points;
    • Foreign language - 22 points;
    • Literature - 32 points.

    It is gratifying that the results that the graduate will receive on the EE will be possible to use for three years.

    When admitted, additional 10 points for a great certificate can be added, special achievements in studies (scientific competitions, competitions, etc.), as well as for high achievements in the field of sports.

    Perhaps graduates will be interesting to familiarize themselves with the statistics of the passing points of the EGE on all disciplines over the past years.

    ThingMinimum threshold scam
    year 20092010 year2011year 2012year 2013year 20142015 year2016 year
    Russian language37 points36 points36 points36 points36 points24 points36 points36 points
    Mathematics21 points21 points24 points24 points24 points20 points27 points27 points (P)
    3 points (b)
    Physics32 points34 points33 points36 points36 points36 points36 points36 points
    Social science39 points39 points39 points39 points39 points39 points42 points42 points
    Biology35 points36 points36 points36 points36 points36 points36 points36 points
    Geography34 points35 points35 points37 points37 points37 points37 points37 points
    Chemistry33 points33 points32 points36 points36 points36 points36 points36 points
    Computer science36 points41 points40 points40 points40 points40 points40 points40 points
    Foreign language20 points20 points20 points20 points20 points20 points20 points22 points
    Literature30 points29 points32 points32 points32 points32 points32 points32 points

    In case of unsatisfactory the result of egeThe student has the right to revoke the exam twice. Even in case of overcoming threshold PointThe graduate can take advantage of the ability to increase its estimate to dial the required score to enter the selected university.

    Answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the passing point

    1. What is a passing score?

    Passing score is the minimum sufficient total score that scored by results entrance tests The last enrolled applicant. In other words, if there is, for example, 10 budget places to claim 20 people who submit the original documents in a timely manner into the admission committee, the total score will be the total score of the tenth applicant.

    2. When will the passing point be known?

    The passing point becomes known only after the end of the admission to this specialty and the publication of the relevant orders for enrollment. In most cases, it is mid august month. At the same time, if all budget places are filled with applicants before the end of the second wave of enrollment, it will be possible to learn the passing score before.

    3. Who is set by the passing point and can you know about it in advance?

    No, it is impossible, because the passage point is not installed by the admission committee of the university or someone else. It is determined by the results of the competitive selection and depends on the total number of points scored by each of the applicants applying for enrollment.

    4. What makes a passing point?

    In most cases, from the results of the 3rd EGE corresponding to the list of entrance tests on the selected specialty. When admitted to some specialty, the results of the 4th EGE and / or additional exams, which are carried out by the university themselves may also be added.

    5. Can the pass point be exactly the same as last year?

    Yes maybe. Moreover, the passing points of the past years give a fairly objective picture of the level of knowledge of applicants entering a particular specialty. At the same time, the passing point of the current year may differ from those that were before. Moreover, both in that and the other way.

    6. What is the difference between the passing score from the minimum?

    The minimum score, in contrast to the passage, is set by each of the universities on its own, and in advance, before the start of the set. In fact, minimal score It is the cut-off boundary, overcoming, which, the applicant has the right to submit documents to the admissions commission chosen by the university. Naturally, the minimum score is below the passing.

    7. Is there a passage score of the budget form of training from paid?

    Yes, it is different. The passing score on the budget form of training is usually significantly higher. Therefore, applicants failed to gain the right amount of points, in most cases, have real chances to enter the contractual form of training.

    8. What does the magnitude of the passage point depend on?

    By and large from many factors. Here are just some of them:
    - the level of preparation of applicants and evaluation for the USE,
    - the popularity of the university,
    - the popularity of the specialty,
    - the number of budget places and the degree of competition between applicants,
    - the number of applicants coming by the results of the Olympiad, etc.
    So to predict a pre-pass point is very hard, but used as a reasonable reference points of past years quite logical.