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  • The eternal question: what to give a person who is impossible to please. Not knowing faith can not please God - how, is it all here? Judite

    The eternal question: what to give a person who is impossible to please. Not knowing faith can not please God - how, is it all here? Judite

    Priest John Pavlov

    94. Without a victim, it is impossible to please God

    "If wheat grain, paders in the ground, will not die, then one will remain; And if he dies, it will bring a lot of fetus, "says Christ in the Gospel. These words mean that the Lord came to our world in order to sacrifice himself for the sake of rescue people. Without a victim, this salvation would be impossible. The grain abandoned to the ground is decomposed and dies, but a new life is born out of it, many new grains. And if the grain does not die and keeps himself, then it will not give a new life and there will be no fetus from him.

    Christ passed in this world by the victim, and all of us he calls for him to follow him - by self-denial and the victim. "Who serves me, I will follow me," he says. And yet: "Loving soul will destroy her; And his hate his soul in the world will retain her eternal. " All the ministry of God and the fraud to him is based on the victim, and without the victim it is impossible. If we look at any Christian virtue, on any Christian doing, we will see that all this is nothing but a victim. Post, prayer, obedience, monastic life, walking in the temple, alms and benefits - all this is our victim to God.

    For example, when we restrict ourselves in food during the post, we will refuse food, which would have become our body, and thus we sacrificing some part of ourselves. The same thing happens when we create mercy affairs, for example, give money to a person in need - after all, while we take part of our goods, that is, we bring sacrifice. And in this case, it is more important that it is not even how many people distributed money, and how much after that he left him left, that is, it is important, what part of which percentage, what share he broke away from himself for the sake of another person. Why were the two lepts of the poor widow as large victims of the rich, because the widow, as stated in the gospel, put everything that she had, whereas the rich donated only a very small part of their wealth.

    When we pray or go to the temple, we also bring sacrifice - our time and strength that we could spend on ourselves. When we fulfill the virtue of obedience, we sacrificed our will, always prone to pride and self-spending.

    Thus, Christian life requires our permanent victim and self-denial. One famous devotee even said that in Christian Earth it is impossible to live, but in Christian you can only die, in full compliance with the words of Christ: if there is a wheat grain, surfactant in the ground, it will not die ... Thoughts about it will also be known. Saint Grigory Theologian. "The best benefit from life," he says, "dying daily."

    Sake a great deal of sake of God and great Mystery, such a victim has great power. If someone sacrifice the sake of God or devotes to God's life, then, like a grain abandoned to the ground, he acquires immeasurably big benefits and fruits. From the history of the Church, you can bring a lot of examples confirming this truth. So, we know that the martyrs sacrificed to God, died for the sake of Christ, and the Universal Christ was born from this victim, which spread to the face of the whole earth. After all, it was the martyr's blood that appeared that the foundation on which the Christian era of our planet was established, absolutely her overwhelming and transformed.

    Or an example: the life of many devotees, all the most devoted to God, was the seed from which famous Christian monasteries grew up, these spiritual hardenings, which fled the world for centuries, who were the entire sitmons of the Saints and Righteous and the reason for saving countless human souls. Monastery of Reverend Savva Savda, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Solovetsky Monastery, Valaam, Trinity-Sergiyev Lava and all other great monastery arose and established nothing more than a feat and victims of their holy primarities, thereby the deceased and brought abundant fruit with gospel grain. Rev. Anthony Pechersky buried himself underground in the Kiev caves, and this sacrifice caused the birth of the Great Lavra, in which all the saints were spawned and around whose countless people were saved for a thousand years. Rev. Sergius died for the world, having been hinding in Radonezh forests, but from the grain of his victims there were such fruits, which neither to measure nor to measure in any way.

    The victim, which devotees brought God to their lives, had such a great strength that he could even change the course of world history. So, for example, Rev. Warsonophone Great said that in his time the prayer and the holy life of only three people kept the world from the catastrophe. And God's life of the Prophet Moses was the reason for the liberation of Jews from Egypt - the events, the most radical way influenced the entire course of not only sacred, but also of global history.

    The law of the victim acts in ordinary human life, for example in war. Heroes shed their blood, sacrifice their lives and die, but the price of this victim is acquired immeasurably great benefits: the long, free and prosperous life of the whole people. And God is pleased with such a victim, pleasing heroic death. Among other things, such death brings great benefits and the very hero who donated himself. The old man of Paisiia Afonov said that the victim in war is able to very much to deliver God that the heroes do not die that death itself is afraid. And the insurrection of Paraskeva Diveevskaya, when the first began world War, often repeated: "God is, God graciously like! - Robbing in the kingdom of heaven and go, and go! " That is, even people who were not distinguished by special piety and former Christians are not so much in life as by name, even these "robbing", dare the heroic, having sacrificed themselves in the war, were justified by God's court and acquired themselves eternal life.

    Without the victim, it is impossible to please God and escape, and maybe, for this reason, God burns on the earth of war, illness and other tests. After all, in war, people are delivered to such conditions that they are often forced to sacrifice themselves for others, whereas in peaceful time They would never have done anything like that.

    Also, there are also illness, and sorrow there is some kind of involuntary sacrifice on our part, since we do not bring victims voluntary. And this is especially important for Christians of our era, because, according to the holy fathers, grief and illness is the lot of our time, which is not given a feud of martyrdom, nor the feat of true monasticism. Saints sacrificed themselves to God and people voluntarily - or martyrdom, or harsh mobility: post, incessant works, night prayers. And since we do not bring such a victim, the grief and diseases are popping and our illness so that we will at least involuntarily brought it.

    However, it must be said that grief and diseases can become a voluntary victim - in the event that we carry them in Christian: with trust God, courageously and without Ropot. In St. Ignatius Bryanchaninov in a letter to one of the spiritual Chad, who was severely taken, there are such words: a disease that may involuntarily comprehend you, through Thanksgiving God by a voluntary sacrifice, in order to accept her God, as Cadyl, executed by the very framed Fimiam ...

    The victim gives rise to a man's soul of heavenly joy, for, sacrificing himself, he gets mercy and grace from God. This is because, bringing yourself to the sacrifice, a person imites Christ and together with him wins the world, goes beyond the limits of the earthly self, rises above the marsh of egoism, becomes higher himself. Thus, sacrificing the earth, a person receives heavenly, refusing the human, gets the Divine, lives no longer natural, but excellent life. The old man of Paisius told the case that happened to him in his youth when he was in war. During one of the battles, he lay in the tag, died for himself because of the strong shelling of this territory. Suddenly, there was a frightened soldier, who had no shelter, who had no shelter, and began to ask Phassi's father (who was the name of Arsenius) to let him into the trench. Since there were no places for two in the opposite, then Arseny, without thinking, gave way to his soldier, and he himself underwent deadly danger, went out to an open place. They began to shoot on him, but God retained him, the bullets were poured by, and one "happiness" his head, having gone away a big piece of hair, but not harming. Paisi's father said that he argued then: better let me kill me once, than the whole life I will kill conscience. And of course, sacrificing himself, he experienced heavenly joy as the imitator of Christ himself, who sacrifice himself for the sake of rescue people.

    When a person sacrifices for others, he approaches God and becomes the imitator of his perfection, his love. Be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect, the Gospel commands us ... So, we will, breeds and sisters, learn to sacrifice themselves, win ourselves, we will fight with myself deeply rooted in ourselves and self-esteem. For, just sacrificing himself, a person can become god-like, to become the gospel grain that brings the fetus of the eternal life. Amen.

    Currently we read a lot of occasional literature. We spend so much time reading artistic Orthodox books or books written by contemporaries, which completely leave reading St. Fathers, and it should be remembered that only through true traditions you can learn and keep the purity of Orthodoxy, without which it is impossible to please God. The holy fathers teach that even the slightest retreat from the dogmas of the church leads a person to death, but unfortunately many of us do not even know how they sound. Scary not to know your faith. Ignorance is an excuscy for a small child, but not an opportunized adult having the opportunity to know his faith.

    Ignatius Bryanchaninov so writes -

    Wishing to start God and seek him a permanent stay in prayer, inspect! Explore carefully your way of thoughts: Are you not infected with any false teaching? Is accuracy and without exceptions will follow the teachings of the Eastern Church, the Unified True, Holy, Apostolic? If anyone leaves the church, the Lord said to his student, Buddhnaya Buddes and Mytar (Matt. 18:17), Alien God, the enemies of God. What may be the meaning of the prayer of the one who is in a state of hostility to God, in a state of alienation from God?

    Ascetic experiments. Volume II (about prayer. Article II)

    Attently, the words of St. Ignatia should think - maybe my prayer is not heard precisely because I believe not in God into my understanding about him, I don't communicate with the Bible, but with my idea of \u200b\u200bit?

    What to do in this case? The answer is obvious - to study your faith.

    Also, many without parsing pray for prayers who wrote the heretics of Protestants or heretics Baptists. I have recently sent a lot of pictures and texts with such prayers. I would also like to quote the Lord of Ignatia -

    The prayers composed with heretics, very similar to the prayers of the pagans: in them multicoloration; They have earthly beauty words; in them the trimming of blood; in them the lack of repentance; In them, the desire to marry the Son of God directly from the wanders of passions; They are self-exclusive. They are strangers of the Holy Spirit: Feels the deadly infection of the Spirit of the Dark, the Spirit of the Decoration, the Spirit of Lie and Dried.

    Ascetic experiments T.II

    We often amazeful and say - "how much you need to know in Orthodoxy, how much to keep!" "But if you look at everything from the outside, such an embarrassment comes from a lack of love for God." A woman when becoming a mother, she is not embarrassed when he understands that for the care and education of the child you need to know a lot of things, it is not embarrassed because he loves his child.

    So let's answer love for God's love, we will keep the Orthodox faith in cleanliness and intactness, but before you preserve, we will show the desire to learn it and implement in your life.

    Anatoly Badanov
    administrator missionary
    project "I breathe Orthodoxy"

    1. My and sisters brothers, first of all, I would like to express our God huge thanks. He created us, put his essence in us, his image and likeness. Granted us to land management, put in us gifts and talents for the management of land.

    Surrounding us with various benefits of land. The sun shines, life in us goes, everything useful for us grows on Earth. Every day, oxygen is supplied for breathing. In us and for us, every second, there are billions of cells and molecules, and all this in order to we lived and glory to our Creator.

    Moreover, we are not worthy, we are sinful, we turned away from him

    "4 But he took over our genthes and suffered our diseases; and we thought, [that] he was amazed, we are punishable and manifested by God.5. But he was ulcerated for our sins and torment our lawlessness; the punishment of our world [was] On him, and in the wounds, we were healed. 6 We all wandered like sheep, everyone followed on their own way: and the Lord laid the sins of all of us. " (IS.53: 4-6)

    1. And so we, people, nothing remains as soon as they praise him and live life that pleases him. Every day thinking how to please him.

    But how can we please him?

    Many, trying to please God, make some religious affairs, thereby trying to please him, but does it like it?

    Is it waiting for us just religious affairs?

    Yes, if our cases that we do for God, there is the fruit of our faith, then we. Thus, please help him. And if we do them somehow differently, it is not.

    1. Look at Abel and Cain, both did things for God, but God accepted only Avel's works. Why? Because he brought the faith in them. There are many interpretations on this topic, but one thing is clear that the sacrifice of Abel proceeded from his faith and trust God.

    "4 and Abel also brought them from their original herds and from a tuka them. And the Lord wishes on Abel and for the gift of him, 5 And he did not win him for Cain and for the gift. Cain was very upset, and his face looked." (Gen..4: 4.5)

    Look, God first wished on abel And then for the gift it. God hearts. And he, above all, looks at the heart, and not on external actions. And in the eyes of God, Abel looked righteous, that is, God had a faith with him, that is, confidence in him.

    For sure, we cannot say howver Abel showed faith, but he showed it, bringing the sacrifice to God.

    The best sacrifice ... - a great worthy. He did, "says Zlatoust, - the righteous thing, without seeing an example in any. In fact, to whom to look, he is so honored by God? On father and mother? But they insulted God for his benefits. On brother? But he did not honor him.

    Perhaps he had doubts, difficulties in relationship with God. Above name - bustle .

    And this is understandable, the example of him was not to take from whom, since his parents got stuck, betrayed God, were driven out of Paradise and a bustle began around. But he, despite this, managed to somehow show faith. He managed to pass the difficulties of faith, and as the fruit of this - brought the right gift to God, and God noted it.

    1. Even more difficult to trust God EneokhuSince he, firstly, lived among the depraved clan, as sin has already multiplied, and secondly:

    Although he lived and after Abel, but what happened to Avele could turn him away from virtue ... Abel honored God, and God did not save him.

    Probably, Enoch had a lot of questions - "Why". Why, God, you did, why good people So early die, and villains live long? Why in the world so much evil, and you do not do anything? - He could argue.

    1. In principle, we ask the same questions today and we are God, and we have thousands "why" to him. God will answer some questions later, but on some we will receive answers only in heaven. And we need, in spite of everything, continue to trust Him your life, as this did Enoch.

    And ENOH, in spite of everything, in spite of anyone, still lived every day faith in God, faith in his goodness, completely trusting him in everything. And therefore it is written about it:

    "22 I. went Enoch before God, on the birth of Mafusala, three hundred years and gave birth to the sons and daughters.23 all the same days, it was three hundred sixty five years. And went Enoch before God; And it did not become because God took it. "(Gen.5: 22-24)

    All three hundred Yenoch lived, trusting God every moment of his life. Despite the difficulties, disappointment and problems, he managed to keep faith

    Enoch walked before God in the era of debauchery and sin. Precisely because he walked before God while other people were removed from him ,

    ENOH every day approached him, and admiration was a step that led him to the immediate presence of God, in which he all went

    And he, not seeing death hit God, it is his reward!

    " Beluju Enekh was transferred so that he had not seen death; And it did not become, because God reset it. For before the relocation, he received a testimony, what pleased God. "(EHR.11: 5)

    For a believer to please God, this is higher happiness. But we can only please the faith That was both by Abel, and Yenoha, and from other heroes of faith, which is written in this message.

    And so the next verse says:

    "And without faith to please God is impossible; for it is necessary that coming to God believed that he is, and the seeker is given to him." (Heb 11: 6)

    After all, faith in the existence of God implies not just knowledge of what it is, but dedication to him all life, waiting for grace from him every minute.

    Many people, even those who say they are believers, live as if God is not in their lives. As long as they are fine, they say: "God is, thank God."

    But from the moment there are small difficulties in their life, they begin to rapid, worry, fuss, instead of trusting him.

    After all, the true faith in God, manifests itself and is growing precisely when difficulties come to our life . And it is in them that we can please God, showing your trust in him.

    In fact, the more difficulties in our lives, the more suffering and disappointments, the more we have the opportunity to please God with faith, trusting his life and believing him in his reward.

    This is what this whole chapter writes, describing people who have been delivered in very difficult circumstances, which in these circumstances continued to trust God.

    1. Look at Noah, He built the ark exactly when nothing spoke to the flood at all. Many people were considered crazy, and he built.

    Many at this time "engaged in business," built their homes, lived in their pleasure, and he built the ark day and night.

    Did he have doubts and difficulties? Want to leave all this? Were there any doubts about his family in relation to the whole process of construction?

    I thought. I think and sons, more than once came to him and said: Dad, our friends laugh at us, can we live, like all normal people.

    Maybe he said his wife more than once: "Noah, everyone relaxed, walk on" beauty salons ", ride the resorts, and we are not clear with you that, And it is not clear why. " But Noah continued to build, and therefore got at the end the reward from God.

    Thanks to his obedience, the whole house was saved, and the rest died. His neighbors considered stupid what he did, but he his faith proved the wrongness of the whole world.

    1. And then it will be about the sake of God, I had to leave your usual culture, my business, and my based place. And for what?

    He did not even know where he was going. And the promise from God he got a little strange: that he will be a blessing for others.

    Imagine God tells you: "Go, I'll lead you to anyone, throw my life and business, and culture, and instead of this, I will bless others through you, that is, thanks to you all the others will live well and rich, and you In his life, it is even possible and you will not see. "

    It's hard to obey this command

    Therefore, quite deserved Abraham takes the most honorable place in the Jewish tradition, as father nationbut no less honorable place he also occupies in New Testamentary teaching as father of all believers.

    But despite this, she remained true, she continued to trust God in this matter, and therefore she landed him and received a reward - a long-awaited son.

    But on this test in their family, they did not end, together with Abraham experienced a huge stress when heard the commandment from God, bring him sacrificing her son: native, dear, sole.

    How can this be? God, why did you do it in my life? How do we live on without it? I think they have, in those moments there were hundreds of questions of indignation to him. But overcoming everything, they trusted God in this matter.

    And that's what the Bible says about these people.

    " 13 All these died in faith, without receiving promises, and only published it was seen, and rejoiced, and they talked about themselves that they are wanderers and aliens on Earth; 14 for those that say that show, show that they are looking for the Fatherland. 16 But they sought for the better that is to heavenly; Therefore, God is not ashamed of them, calling themselves their God: For he prepared them the city. "(Heb.11: 13-16)

    My and sisters brothers, but we, Christians of this century, in our lives saw the biggest promise of God to us, this is Jesus Christ who deceased for us, and giving us the future.

    And so we have much more reasons to please God with faith in this life:

    Vera, contrary to all worldly.

    Vera, contrary to its feelings, circumstances and problems.

    Faith in the future, contrary to the real.


    1. Why do we, Christians, should live life, pleasing to God?
    2. How did God pleased?
    3. Why did you please God?
    4. Without which it is impossible to please god and why?
    5. How did Noy showed his faith, catering God?
    6. Why was the life of Abraham and his family with a pleasing god?
    7. How should we live to please God?

    Show respect for decent respect, because he deserves it. Show respect for thirsty respect, because it is not at all difficult. Show respect for unworthy respect, because in each there is something worthy of respect.


    In relation to other people, especially with whom you do not associate or friendly bonds, our spiritual essence is manifested. A special indicator of maturity is our behavior in a situation where someone offended us, made us bad. In this case, as a rule, our discontent is immediately manifested and the desire to answer the offender. However, we can occupy another, more wise position. It is based on the awareness that no one is able to insult and upset us if we do not want it. "It's not terrible what deceived you and or robbed, - spoke Confucius, - scary if you constantly remember this. "

    Being tolerant to another in any situations, while maintaining inner calm, being in harmony with himself and the outside world - this is the basis, then the main rule that life experience tells us. So, V. Shakespeare wrote: "Do not melt the oven for your enemies too much, otherwise you will burn in it yourself." And in one of practical recommendations Also expressed this idea: "If selfish people want to take advantage of you, cross them out of your life, but do not try to get sick with them. Wanting to take revenge on someone, you, above all, harm yourself, and not to your enemy. "

    Not to "run" a negative attitude towards another person helps the position of the interested researcher. Due to this, it can be concluded that "no person should praise or condemn the acts committed by him, because we all, anyway, are subject to the influence of conditions, circumstances, ambient, education learned habits and hereditary traits. It is these factors that form a person and make it as it is ... "(Lincoln.) This approach allows you to be not condemning, but to understand.

    Seed and fruit

    The peasant puts two seeds in the same soil. One seed is a sugar cane seed, another - a nima seed, a tropical tree with wood and the leaves of a very bitter taste. Two seeds in the same soil get the same water, the same sunlight, the same air; Nature gives them the same nutrition. Two tiny sprouts go out and begin to grow. Ultimately, the seed of Nima developed in a plant with bitterness in each alkalo, while every sugar cane vehicle turns out to be sweet.

    What is the reason, this is the result. What is the seed, this will be the fruit. What is the act, this will be the result.

    It cannot be said that the nature of good to one plant and the Surov to another. It only helps the manifestation of qualities laid in various seeds. The sugar cane seed has a quality of sweetness, so the plant will not have anything other than sweetness. The seed of Nima has the quality of bitterness, and the plant will not have other properties. What is the seed, this will be the fruit.

    Often, our difficulties in life are that we stay inattentive and in anger or anger planting the seeds of Nima. And when the breakpoint is coming, we suddenly wear out that we want a sweet mango fruit. Unfortunately, no tears and prayers will help. If you want to receive good-seit good.

    Parable from S. Shepel

    One day, the shepherd offended one person, and he threw an angry at him and decided to take revenge on him. He knew that he was grated animals in a remote place, where almost no one walks, and decided to take advantage of it and dig a deep hole to him so that he fell into it. Late at night he began to dig. When he dug, he imagined himself how his offender would fall into her and, maybe something breaks for himself or dies in it, without having to get out of there. Or, at least, his cow, sheep, or, at worst, goat will fall into the pit. Long and stubbornly, he dug, dreaming of revenge, which did not notice how the pit became deeper and deeper. But I cut the dawn, and he woke up from his thoughts. And what was his surprise when he saw that during this time he dug out such a deep pit that he could no longer get out of her.

    Therefore, before even mentally dig to the pit to another, remember: in order to pull it out, you yourself will have to be in it, for the one who turns it is the first in it. And before you blur with someone, you first have to fall out your hands.

    Wooden feeder

    Christian parable

    Sometime lived a very old man. His eyes hanging out, rumor stuck, knees trembled. He almost could not keep a spoon in his hands and while eating often shed soup on the tablecloth, and sometimes something from his mouth fell out of his mouth. The son and his wife with disgust looked at the old man and began to plant him in the corner behind the stove while eat, and the food was served in an old scenery. From there he sadly looked at the table, and his eyes became wet. One day, his hands were so shaking that he could not keep a meal with food. It fell to the floor and broke. A young mistress began to scold the old man, but he did not say a word, but only heavily sighed. Then he bought a wooden bowl. Now he should have been from her.

    Once the parents sat at the table, their four-year-old son was entered into the room with a piece of tree in her hands.

    What do you want to do? Father asked.

    Wooden feeder, "the kid replied. - From her, Dad and Mom will eat when I grow up.

    Lantern for Blind

    Dzenskaya parable

    In ancient times in Japan, we used lanterns from bamboo and paper with a candle inside. Somehow blind, visiting a friend, offered such a lantern so that he walked home with him.

    I don't need a lantern, "said blind, - the light and darkness are equal to me.

    I know that you do not need a flashlight to distinguish the road, "a friend answered him. "But if you go without a lantern, then someone else can take you." So take it. Take care of others, you will take care of yourself.

    About nails

    Eastern parable

    There was one very hot-tempered and unrestrained young man. And once his father gave him a bag with nails and punished every time he would not hold down his anger, to drive one nail into the post post.

    On the first day there were several dozen nails in the post. For another week, he learned to observe his anger, and every day the number of nails scored in the post began to decrease. The young man understood that it is easier to control his temperament than to drive the nails.

    Finally came the day when he never lost self-control. He told his father about it and he said that this time every day, when the son would be able to restrain, he can pull out one nail from the pillar.

    There was time, and came the day when he could inform the Father that there was not a single nail in the post. Then the father took her son by hand and summed up to the fence:

    You coped well, but you see how much a hole in the hole? He will never be like that before. When you tell a person something evil, he still has the same scar as these holes. And it does not matter how many times after that you apologize - the scar will remain.

    Real Paradise

    Parable from P. Coelho

    Once a man, horse and dog went on the road. When they passed by a huge tree, got into it lightning and seed all three. However, a person did not immediately realize that he had already left this world, and continued the path with the horse and the dog.

    The path was a nodogue and went uphill, the sun was mercile mercile, and all three were angry from the heat and thirst. And by the turn, they opened the majestic marble portal, and behind it - the area paved in pure gold. In the middle beat the fountain of cold and clean water. The traveler headed for the guard guarding the entrance.



    What is the good place called?

    It is a paradise.

    As nice that we got to Paradise, we really want to drink.

    You can enter and drink how much you want.

    But my horse and the dog also suffer from thirst.

    I am very sorry, "the guard replied. - But it is impossible to animals. The traveler was upset because thirst tormented him unbearably,

    but alone did not drink, but thanked the guard and went on. They walked up the slope for a long time, but finally saw a settlement, anated with a dilapidated wooden fence. In the shade stood some kind of man.

    Hello, - a traveler greeted. "I, my horse and my dog \u200b\u200bdie from thirst - over the stones there is a source.

    Traveler, horse and dog went to the source and quenched thirst. Then the traveler returned to thank.

    Come, we will always be happy to you, "the one answered.

    Will you not say, what is the name of this place?

    Paradise? And the guard by the marble portal told us that heaven there.

    No, there is not paradise. There - hell.

    Why don't you forbid them to be called someone else? - traveled from the surprise traveler. - These false information can cause a terrible confusion!

    There was no one. They have all those who are capable of betting the best friends.


    Japanese parable

    Once in the evening, when the Sitiro Codzun read the sutra, the thief with a sharp sword entered and began to demand or money, or life.

    Do not bother me, you can take some money in this box, "said Citiro and continued his reading. After a while he stopped and said:

    Do not take everything. I need some money to pay taxes tomorrow.

    Uninvited guest took most of the money and gathered to leave.

    When you make a gift, it is necessary to thank, - added Sitiro. Man thanked and left. However, after a few days it was caught, and among others he confessed to the crime against the Citio. When Citiro called as a witness, he said:

    This person is not a thief, at least in relation to me. I gave him money, and he thanked me for them.

    After the prison sentence ended, the man came to Citiro and became his student.

    Parable from P. Coelho

    One of the monastery monks in Sieve committed a serious mistake, and for the trial of him, the brothers called the most wise hermit.

    The wise hermit did not want to come, but the brothers were such persistent that he agreed. But still before going, he took a bucket and made several holes in his bottom. Then he filled sand bucket and went to the monastery.

    Father's abbot, turning attention to the bucket, asked why it was done.

    I came to judge the other, "the hermit said. - My sins run behind me, like this sand in a bucket. But since I do not watch back, and I can not see my own sins, then I am not able to judge others.

    The monks decided to immediately cancel the court.

    Love and compassion

    One day a person came to the Buddha and spat him in his face. Buddha wiped her face and asked:

    This is all or you want something else:

    Ananda saw everything and, of course, came into rage. He jumped up and, boiling anger, exclaimed:

    Teacher, just let me, and I will show him! It must be punished!

    Ananda, you became Sanyasin, but constantly forget about it, answered the Buddha. - This poor fellow and so much suffered. Just look at his face, on his eyes, poured blood! Surely he did not sleep all night and tormented before deciding on such an act. Spit in me is the outcome of this madness and his life. But it can become liberation. Be compassionate to him. You can kill him and become the same crazy as he!

    The man listened to this dialogue. He was confused and puzzled. He wanted to offend and humiliate the Buddha, but for some reason humiliated felt herself. Love and compassion, shown by Buddha, were a complete surprise for him.

    Go home and rest, "Buddha said. - You look bad. You have already punished yourself. Forget about this incident and do not worry, it did not harm me. This body consists of dust and sooner or later turn into dust again, and people will walk along it.

    The man rose tiredly and gone, hiding tears. In the evening, he came back and risen to the legs of the Buddha and said:

    Forgive me!

    There is no question that I forgive you, because I was not angry, - answered the Buddha. - I did not condemn you. But I am happy to see that you came to yourself and that the hell in which you stayed were stopped for you. Go with the world and never give up such a fortune!

    It is impossible to please all

    There is an opinion that it is impossible to live in society and be independent of society. Indeed, we live in the world among other people, and therefore we depend on each other. Therefore, we must take into account those moral standards that help people successfully coexist. However, in this matter, it is important not to reach the extreme. Many of us, movable fear to be alone, lose approval, love loved ones, strive, by all means to match them. At first glance, a noble desire, but for him a person often pays a high price. Focusing on other people, seeking to earn their approval, a person gets used to incredulously to relate to his own feelings, desires and feelings, "betraying the wisdom of their body" (K. Rogers). The farther, the more a person is removed from his own "I", his true destination. As a result - dissatisfaction with life, depression, apathy, etc. Mom seems to be an optimal position when a person in his actions listens, first of all, to his heart, implements its values, but takes into account the interests of other people without damage.


    Eastern parable

    Once the father with his son and donkey on the midday heat traveled along the dusty streets of the city. Father sat riding on the donkey, and the son led him for the bridle.

    Poor boy, "said passersogue," his little legs barely sleep for a donkey. How can you lazy to ride on the donkey, when you see that the boy completely got out of his strength?

    Father accepted his words close to heart. When they were wrapped around the corner, he tears from the donkey and ordered his son to sit on him.

    Very soon met another person. He said loud voice:

    How not ashamed! Small sits riding on a donkey, like Sultan, and his poor old father runs next.

    The boy was very upset from these words and asked the Father to sit on the donkey behind him.

    Good people see you somewhere like? - The woman trembled under Chado. - So torment the animal! The poor don is already a ridge, and the old and young idlers squeeze on it, as if he was a sofa, an unfortunate creature!

    Not to say, not a word, father and son, taken away, got off the donkey, barely did a few steps, as the person meets them began to mock them:

    What is your donkey does nothing, does not bring any

    use and is not even lucky any of you on yourself?

    Father put a donkey full of straw and laid his hand on the shoulder of his son.

    Whatever we do, - he said, - Be sure to find

    Someone who will not agree with us. I think we ourselves must decide how to travel.

    Wolf and sheep

    Greek parable

    The sheep, fleeing the wolf, ran into the fence of the temple.

    If you won't go out, "the wolf said," the priest grab you and sacrifice you.

    I don't care, - Shets said, - whether the priest will dance me or you eat me.

    My friend, "Wolf answered," I bitterly hear how you consider such an important question with such a narrow personal point of view. I don't care!


    We, as with countries,

    we meet with people.

    Customs other and laws,

    Other perception and canons,

    Other ideas about love.

    We, as with countries,

    we meet with people

    Entering these countries with amazement,

    Saving a generation generation

    Grow together in one thing - we and they ...

    A. Bogoslovsky

    Studying the nature of a person, thinkers often combine people into some groups on a certain sign. Thus, the theory of temperament, accentuations of character, etc. appeared. To some extent, it is justified and explained: identifying himself with some group allows us to understand some of the features of their inner world. But man - at the same time a particle of a comprehensive world, and at the same time he himself is a separate world. Therefore, those who believe that familiarity with those or other theories - quite useful activityHowever, having met a concrete person, you must forget them and communicate with him as with a unique and unique person. All attempts to bring a person to some parameters, standards, standards narrows our consciousness, makes us limited and does not allow you to understand, see the wealth and multi-faceted inner world of the other.

    Compare problem

    One day, the student asked Le Tzu:

    Why are some people beautiful, and others are ugly, alone are smart, and other stupas? Why is there such a contradiction? And do not tell me about Karmash, Sansara and that all this because of past lives. How did the difference from the very beginning appeared when the past has not yet been?

    The master led him to the garden and said:

    Bot is a big tree, and it is small. I often sat under these trees and thought why so? But when I discarded the mind, myself was disappeared. Now I just know that this tree is big, and it is small. There's no problem!


    One Samurai, a very proud warrior, came once to the Zen Master. It was a very famous samurai, but looking at the masters, seeing his beauty, feeling the grace of the moment, he suddenly felt insignificant.

    Why do I feel insignificant? - asked the Samurai Master. - just a moment ago everything was in order. But as soon as I entered your courtyard, I felt nothing in the insignificance. This has never happened before. I met a death many times and never felt fear. Why do I worry now?

    Wait, "said the master. - When everyone leaves, I will answer. All day to the master constantly came people, and samurai all

    more tired waiting. By evening, the room was empty, and Samurai asked: "Now you can answer me?

    The master offered to go out. There was a moonlight night, the moon just rushed. And he said:

    Look at the trees: then, then rising high in the sky, and then small, next to him. For many years now they grow under my window, and there have never been any problems. A small tree has never said big: "Why do I feel insignificant next to you?"

    This tree is small, and then - big why I have never heard any sound about it? - asked the master.

    Because they do not know how to compare, "answered Samurai.

    In this case, you have no need to ask me, "said the master. - You know the answer.

    Monkey and Fish

    Parable from D. Adams

    It happened somehow a lot of flood, and it caught it a monkey and fish.

    The monkey, the creation of agile and experienced, managed to scribble on the tree and slipped out of the raging waters. Looking from his safe place down, she saw as desperately unhappy fish fighting with a rapid flow.

    With the most good intentions of the monkey leaned and reel out of the water. The result was sad.

    Beautiful one that likes

    Avar Parable

    A long time is terrible, huge dragon-howy captured the only source in the accident. People remained without water. Women crying, children moaned from thirst. The wildest and strong jigs were thrown into a monster with sabers in their hands, but he knocked all the long-tail blows. Morehak built a huge beautiful palace from the source. Heobed him with a palico and embraced his heads killed on him.

    People were desperate. Who will win the terrible dragon?

    At that time, the son was born at the poor widow. He walked to drink water from the source at night. And recruited with unprecedented strength, courage and delete. He saw, as it was impressed by the source of the erath, and hated him. And he swore in front of the whole people to free the country from the monster.

    Mother, relatives, neighbors and friends discussed him for a long time:

    You just grown. Still young. You will die in the color of years. Praise yourself!

    But the young man sat down at the horse and went to fight the monster. Morehah was already published hurt him and roared a terrible voice:

    Who dares to approach the source?!

    I want to fight you, the monster ispayan! - The young man replied proudly.

    Morehah Izhdan:

    Insane! Don't you know that I do not fight weapons? You must know that there is no one in the world, equal to me by strength. With all your opponents I ask only one question. If he cannot answer him correctly, then I kill it with one blow of my huge tail! And if you answer correctly, then I immediately and die!

    Okay! I agree! - The young man is responsible. - ask a question!

    Morehah buried loudly, and two women seemed in the window of his palace. One is an incredibly dazzling beauty, the other is an ordinary simple woman.

    Which is more painful? - asked more thankha. The young man looked at women and replied:

    Tajes that you like more!

    You're right! - Overhah stuck and emptied the Spirit. So the accident was delivered from the monster.

    How many wise men - so many opinions

    The six blind Indian wise men tried to determine what is an elephant. Each of them previously torn the elephant. One fell his side and decided that the elephant is something like a huge wall. Another girl got a tale, after which he concluded that the elephant was something like a spear. The third blind elder, holding an elephant trunk in the hands, said that the elephant looks like a snake. The fourth, feeling his leg, suggested that the elephant is very similar to the tree. The fifth sage, who got his ear, argued that the elephant is like a fan. The sixth, sketching the tail, believed that the elephant was something like a rope.

    School 3 vehone

    Parable in the presentation of Osho

    Once the beasts in the forest gathered and decided to open school. Among them were rabbit, bird, protein, fish and eel, and they have formed the Board of Directors. The rabbit insisted that the occupation program entered the program. The bird insisted that flying entered the program of classes. The fish insisted that the program came into the program, and the protein said that it was absolutely necessary to make vertical climb on trees. They combined all these things and made a schedule of classes. Then they decided that all animals should learn the items introduced by them in the classes.

    Although the rabbit received five on the run, with a vertical lasagon on the trees he had difficulty. He constantly fell on his back. Pretty soon he got a serious injury and could no longer run. It turned out that instead of the five on the run, he gets the top three, and of the vertical lasagna, of course, is always a unit.

    The bird flew very well, but when she had to dig holes in the ground, she could not do it well. She constantly broke the beak and wings. Very soon, she began to get triples on a flying, units of Norqueandum and experienced hellish difficulties in vertical climbing.

    In the end, the first animal progress in the classroom turned out to be a mentally retarded eel, who did all half. But the founders were satisfied, because everyone studied all objects, and this was called "wide general education."

    Live only for Ourselves - not to live at all

    This happiness is impossible if you get closed in a narrow world of personal well-being.

    B. I.. D. odonov

    For what a person does anything and generally lives? The answer to this question should be found each of us, based on its value guidelines. But the experience of many people convincingly shows that a full life and self-realization is impossible without going beyond their "ego", without creating and serving other people. Psychologist S. L. Rubinstein in his work "Man and World" wrote: "The meaning of human life - being a source of light and heat for other people. To be the consciousness of the Universe and the conscience of mankind. Being the center of the transformation of the natural forces in the strength conscious. Being a life converter, to irrigate from it all sorts of foul and continuously improve life. "

    Tree, cherry and crow

    Parable from E. Vinogradova

    The road was a tree. Every year, when it was time, it was green, then it was dressed in white and bluff, and finally brought fruit. The orezhelovy branches were drunk through the fence almost to the very Earth, and people walking by, with pleasure sophisticated by his cherries. Especially the children were happy. The old owner was not at all against, - he, like a tree, has long understood that the most important thing in life is to learn how to give, and give joyfully. And people, passing, climbed the cherries, not even quite ripe, someone gratefully and delighted, and someone mindlessly and indifferent, but Cherry, dying, were happy that they needed and enjoy their juicy taste.

    Upstairs, in the thick of the branches and leaves, the cherry grew. She first met the rays of the rising sun, and the latter escaped them. Probably, so it was much larger and more attractive than their lower fellow. Sometimes she loved to dream and thought: "If those who are below, people are so rejoiced, how can I make it possible to make someone who notices and chooses me!" So she waited and pondered about her high destination.

    But time went, and everything remained still. From the lower long ago, no one left, already the leaves began to be down. Cherry could now easily notice, but people stopped peering up, looking for ripe cherries, because the time of fruiting has long passed. Even birds, flying, did not delay. And they knew that the fruit time has passed. Once the gentle and thin skin of the cherry became wrinkled and the flabby, the pulp dried, and the cherry herself crumpled, blackened and did not dream of anything else.

    But one day, frosty, winter morning on a branch, where Cherry, a black crow sat down. She had long lived in the world and knew a tree well, and the owner, and the fact that when hungry and cold, in the trees in the garden you can find old cherries dried away from their high solitude. Noticing a cherry and aiming the beak, the dimerous crow exclaimed: "Car-r!" But Cherry no longer felt anything.

    Two candles

    Parable N. Spirina

    "It's a pity for you," said the abjoable candle with his burning friend. - Short your age. You burn all the time and will not be soon. I am a lot of happier you. I'm not grieving, and, therefore, I do not touch; I am lying calmly on my side and live for a very long time. Your days are considered. "

    Answered the burning candle: "I do not regret it at all about it. My life is beautiful and full of value. I am grieving, and my wax melts, but from my fire is lit up many other candles, and my fire does not decrease. And when the wax and wick burn, then my soul is the soul of the candle - connects with the fire of space, the particle of which he was, and I quickly enjoy my magnificent and shining fire house. And here I overclocked the darkness of the night; I am glad the eye of the child on the festive Christmas tree; I improve the air in the bed of the patient, because the pathogens do not carry the living fire; I am led by a symbol of prayer aspiration in front of sacred images. Is my short life is not beautiful?! And I feel sorry for you, an injected my sister. Like your fate. You have not fulfilled your destination; And where is your soul - fire? Yes, you will put in conservation for many years, but who needs you, and what joy and benefit from you?

    The right, "Better to burn, rather than rest," because in burning life, and in the hibernation - death. And you regret me that I will soon eat and stop living, but you are in your preserved inaction and did not begin to exist and so die without starting. And life will be passed by. "

    So they spoke two candles.

    So that the fruits can reap our grandchildren

    Indian parable

    Tsar Anshirvan, whom the people also called just, once went to pilgrimage around the country. On the illuminated Slope of the mountain, he saw the hung over the work of a venerable old man. Accompanied by his court king approached him and saw the old man puts small, no more than a year, seedlings. "What are you doing?" King asked. "I am planting nut trees," the old man replied. The king was surprised: "After all, you're so old. Why do you need seedlings, whose foliage you will not see, in the shade of which you will not rest and do not taste their fruits?" The old man looked at him and answered: "Those who were before us were planted, and we reached the fruits. Now we are planted for those who will after us, could also reap the fruit."


    Eastern parable

    One old man was at death. He called his son and told him:

    Now I have to open your secret to you, for my death is already close. Always remember two bans - thanks to them, I achieved success. First, whenever you promised something, keep this word. Whatever it costs, be honest and fully promise. It was my principle, on this I founded all my affairs, and therefore I achieved success. And the second - never promise anyone anything.

    Winter parable

    There were two neighbor. Winter-winter came, snow fell. The first neighbor in the early morning came out with a shovel to rake the snow in front of the house. While I cleared the track, looked like a neighbor's business. And the neighbor is neatly drowning track.

    The next morning snow fell again. The first neighbor rose half an hour before, began to work, looking - and the neighbor already has a path.

    On the third day, the snow was smelted. I got up even earlier the first neighbor, the order came out ... And the neighbor was already smooth, straight - just a look!

    On the same day they met on the street, talked about about Sem, here the first neighbor is not enough and asks:

    Listen, Neighbor, and when do you manage to clean the snow in front of the house?

    The second neighbor was surprised at first, and then laughed:

    Yes, I never clean it, it goes to me!

    Carry my love

    The student of the Buddha was going to go spread the teaching into a very restless place, where no one had ever walked. Having learned about this, Buddha asked him:

    Before deciding finally, answer me three questions. You know that people of the area are very cruel and easily annoyed. Therefore, none of my students did there. The first question: if you are offended, and they will do it, what will happen in your heart, and how do you react?

    The student replied:

    You know absolutely clear what happens in my heart, because you know my heart! But I will answer: if they insult me, then deep in my heart I will still feel gratitude to them for the fact that they only insulted me, but could and beat.

    Buddha said:

    Okay. Now the second question. If they get out of you, what will you feel to them?

    You know it is quite clear that I will be grateful to them, because they only beat me, but could kill.

    Now the third question, "said the Buddha. - And if they decide to kill you, what then? ..

    You know absolutely clear. But since you ask, I will answer you. If they even decide to kill me, I will be grateful to them, because maybe they will free me, and perhaps it will change them.

    Now you can go, "said Buddha. - I'm calm for you. Wherever you go, I will be with you. You will emit my energy, bring to people my love and compassion.

    Wind and flower

    The wind met a wonderful flower and fell in love with him. While he gently caressed the flower, he answered him even greater love expressed in color and aroma.

    But the wind seemed little of this, and he decided: "If I give a flower all my power and strength, then he gives me something even more," he drove me with something else "and he drove into a flower with a powerful breathing of his love. But the flower did not carry a stormy passion and broke.

    The wind tried to raise it and revive, but could not. Then he subsided and laid on the flower with a gentle breath of love, but he faded in front of her eyes. The wind shouted:

    I gave you all the power of my love, and you broke! It can be seen, there was no love for me to me, which means you didn't love!

    But the flower answered nothing. He died.

    The one who loves must remember that love, and tenderness and aquicitality measured not by force and passion. It is better to stop ten times than once to break.

    Generous tree

    Parable from Sh. Silverstain

    Wild apple tree lived in the forest. And loved the apple tree of a little boy. And the boy resorted to the apple tree every day, collected the leaves falling from her, the wreath was melted from them, put him as a crown, and played in the forest king. He climbed the trunk of an apple tree and swung on her branches. And then they played hide and when the boy was tired, he fell asleep in the shadow of her branches. And the apple tree was happy.

    But there was time, and the boy smasted, and more and more often the apple tree was drowned in solitude.

    Once a boy came to an apple tree. And the apple tree said:

    Come here, boy, shake on my branches, sing my apples, play with me, and we will be fine!

    I am too adult to climb on the trees, "answered the boy. - I would like other entertainment. But this is needed money, but can you give me them?

    I would be glad, "the apple tree sighed," but I have no money, only leaves and apples. Take my apples and sell them in the city, then you will have money. And you will be happy!

    And the boy climbed into the apple tree and threw all the apples, and took them with him. And the apple tree was happy. After that, the boy did not come for a long time, and the apple tree lasted again. And when one day the boy came, the apple tree and trembled from joy.

    Go more here, baby! - she exclaimed. - Slow on my branches, and we will be fine!

    - W. I am too much worries to climb on the trees, "answered the boy. - I would like to have a family, to have children. But for this you need a house, and I do not have a home. Can you give me a house?

    I would be glad, "the apple tree sighed," but I don't have a house. " My house is my forest. But but I have branches. Srubi them and build a house. And you will be happy.

    And the boy quit her branches and took them with him, and built a house. And the apple tree was happy. After that, the boy did not come for a long time. And when it came, the apple tree almost numb from joy.

    Go here, the boy, "she whispered," play with me. "

    L too old, I am sad and not to the games, "the boy replied. - I would like to build a boat and float on it far and far. But can you give me a boat?

    I slew my barrel and make a boat, "said the apple tree," and you can float on it far, far. " And you will be happy.

    And then the boy was cut the trunk and made a boat out of him. And flooded far away. And the apple tree was happy. ... at least to believe it is not easy. Much time passed. And the boy came to the apple tree again.

    Sorry, boy, - sighed apple trees, - but I can no longer give you anymore. I have no apples.

    What do i apples? - answered the boy. - I have almost no teeth left.

    I have no branches left, - said the apple tree. - You can't sit on them.

    I am too old to swing on branches, "answered the boy.

    I have no barrel left, - said the apple tree. - And you have nothing more climb up.

    I'm too tired to climb up, "answered the boy.

    Sorry, "the apple tree sighed," I would really like to give you anything, but I had nothing left. I am just an old stump now. Sorry.

    And now I don't need a lot, "the boy answered. - I would now only a quiet and peaceful place to sit and relax. I am very tired.

    Well, - said apple tree, - old stump for this is just good. Come here, boy, sit down and rest. So the boy did. And the apple tree was happy.


    On the way there was a girl, beautiful, like a fairy. She noticed that a man goes after her. She turned around and asked: - Tell me why are you going for me? The man replied:

    Oh, the lady of my heart, your spells are so irresistible that we command me to follow you. They say about me that I am fine playing lute, which is dedicated to the secrets of the art of poetry and what I can wake up the flour of love in the hearts of women. L want to explain to you in love, because you captured my heart!

    Beauty silently watched him for a while, then said:

    How could you fall in love with me? My younger sister is much more beautiful and more attractive than me. She goes after me, look at her.

    The man stopped, then turned around, but he saw only the ugly old woman in the paid cape. Then he accelerated the steps to catch up with a girl. Having dropped his eyes, he asked the voice expressing humility:

    Tell me how a lie could break from your language? She smiled and answered:

    You, my friend, also did not tell me the truth when I swear in love. You know perfectly all the rules of love and make the look that your heart flares from love to me. How could you turn around to look at another woman?

    The young man stood at nights under the windows of a beautiful girl and sang serenades under the guitar.

    Why don't you ask her to become your wife? - I asked the young man his friend.

    I already thought about it, but if she agrees that I will do at night?! - answered the young man.

    Thank God for another opportunity to learn from him.
    Today I would like to talk to you about a very important topic, namely, about faith.
    Each of us wants to please your life to God. The Bible says that without faith is impossible to please him.

    Faith, namely, biblical faith is cooperation with God. God will not do everything instead of you. He will not do for you what you yourself do not want to do for yourself.
    No need to sit, folding hands in passivity, in the hope that God will put bread on your table. Proof of what you have faith in God is the fulfillment of those instructions that you are already known.
    It is in this that the whole essence of the prayer and reading of the Bible is to know his will and intelligence his thoughts, to understand what God wishes and apply it in all their life situations.
    As soon as God opens your desire to you regarding any sphere of your life, he is waiting for the relevant actions from you. It is your actions on the basis of his words are proof of your faith.

    The Word of God says that faith without actions is dead.

    "For, like the body without the Spirit is dead, so faith without any deeds" (James 2:26).

    In the whole of the Bible, we see that faith has always been associated with the actions and actions of believers. Peter told Jesus that he would throw the network according to his word.

    "Simon told him in response: Mentor! We worked all night and did not catch anything, but on the word you will throw the network "(Luke 5: 5).

    It became a turning point in the business and life of Peter.

    Do you want to survive the divine breakthrough in your life? Faith will play a key role in this. However, faith is specific things, and not a passive expectation of a miracle from God. Prove God today that you believe in Him through your actions and acts of faith.

    Remember that faith is a cooperation between a person and God. God makes his part, and man is his.

    Let the Lord abundantly bless you today! See you soon!
    Pastor Rufus Ajibaee