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  • Abstract of speech therapy classes in elementary school
  • Summaries of open speech therapy classes at school. Speech Therapist Classes At School - A Good Practice

    Summaries of open speech therapy classes at school. Speech Therapist Classes At School - A Good Practice

    Correctional educational goal:

    1. Teaches you how to work with deformed text.
    2. To form the ability to find and correct speech errors in sentences.
    3. Improving fluent and meaningful reading skills.
    4. Prevent errors related to out of order words.

    Correctional development goal:

    1. The development of mental processes: memory, thinking, imagination.
    2. The development of auditory perception and attention.
    3. The development of fine motor skills of hands, tactile gnosis.
    4. To develop skills to correctly express your thoughts.
    5. To develop verbal-logical thinking, syllabic analysis.

    Correctional educational goal:

    1. Perseverance
    2. Formation of an emotionally positive attitude to work.

    Equipment:  cards with tasks, crossword, scattered letters, pictures of confusion, words, deformed text, nuts, workbooks, pictures for the retelling scheme.

    Class progress

    1. I.   Organizing time

    - Take a nut and pass it between the palms, on the back of the left, right palm, pass it on the "snowball".

    1. II. Main part.
    • Crossword

    - Look, you have cards on the tables. Glory, read the assignment.

    The task:  Solve the crossword puzzle by inserting the missing letters, and find out the keyword.

    - You need to unravel the keyword. What letter is missing in the first word, second, third, ....

    “But you have a clue in your office.” We can go one of two ways, either solve a crossword puzzle, or find a hint right away and find out a keyword. (If the children choose the option with a hint, then their time is limited - 1 minute. Not finding a hint during this time, they will solve the crossword.)

    hint: letters on the board from which you can make the word: SNOWFLAKE).

    (students write letters on cards).

    After the word is written down, one child puts this word on the blackboard from the letter

    - Look at the blackboard. Some kind of confusion. On the table are boots, under the table are cakes.Correct the confusion.

    Next: lambs in the river, crucian carp by the stove; grandfather in the stove, firewood in the stove; under the table a portrait, over the table a stool.

    - How to say it right? (there are cakes on the table, boots under the table; lambs by the stove, crucians in the river; grandfather on the stove firewood in the stove; above the table a portrait, under the table a stool).

    • Work with deformed text

    - Open the notebook, back down one line, write down the number.

    - Today I dropped the book and all the words fell out of it. I collected them, but I don’t know if it’s right.

    - Lesha, read the first line.

    Gave it to children, a hedgehog, grandfather.

    - Tell me, the right sentence or not? (not)

    - Let's make the sentence right. Who! - Grandfather. What did grandpa do? - gave. Grandfather gave to whom? - to children. Grandfather gave children whom? - hedgehog.

    - Ksenia, read the proposal that we have.

    - The next line is read by Jura.

    In the summer, in the canopy, he lived in.

    - Sounds like an offer? (not)

    - Let's make it up.

    Who! - it. What did he do? - lived. What time of year did he live? - summer. He lived in the summer where? - in the hallway.

    (One child works at the blackboard, the rest in notebooks).

    - The next line is read by Glory.

    Hedgehog, in, fell asleep, hole, in winter.

    - Who? - hedgehog. What did the hedgehog do? - fell asleep. Hedgehog fell asleep at what time of the year? - in the winter. Hedgehog fell asleep in the winter where? - in the hole.

    - The next line is read by Ksenia.

    Hedgehog, hungry, in the spring, will come.

    - Which one? - hungry. Hungry who? - Hedgehog. What will a hungry hedgehog do? - will come. A hungry hedgehog will come, what time of year? - in the spring.

    - The last line is read by Jura.

    Watch out, mice!

    Who! - mice. What do mice do? - beware.

    - Read again the whole text of Ksenia.

    - Read twice all the text in a notebook. Now close the notebook and retell the text. (Supporting pictures on the board)

    All children retell the text.

    III. Final part

    • Homework

    At home, you will need to read the sentences yourself and fix them. Record corrected sentences in a notebook.

    • Class summary

    - Well done! You performed all the tasks very well. Close notebooks and clean up your desk.

    Title: Occupation of a speech therapist in primary school. Abstract speech therapy classes  for students of grade 2 with the special education “Work on deformed proposals”.

      Position: speech therapist of the first qualification category
      Place of work: MKOU " Special school  Number 80 "
      Location: Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region

    Abstract of a speech therapy lesson on the elimination of optical dysgraphia.

    Purpose: Differentiation of letters I-U on the letter.


    1. Learn to distinguish letters I-U  on a letter
    2. Develop phonemic analysis and synthesis.
    3. Develop visual memory and visual-spatial orientation.
    4. Activate the dictionary.
    5. To develop independence and accuracy.

    The course of the lesson.

    1. He sits in whose name is the letter I.
    2. He sits in whose name is the letter U.
    3. Everyone else will sit down.

    The development of spatial representations.

    Draw a point, below is a cross, to the right of a point is a circle. Draw a circle, a cross to the right of it, and put a dot on the top of the cross.

    Topic Post . Consider the elements of letters and make up the letters.

    What letters did you get? Today in the lesson we will talk about the letters I-U.

    What can you say about them? (vowels).

    The sound Y is a vowel of 1 row, it does not mean the softness of the consonants.

    Sound I is a vowel of 2 rows, it denotes the softness of consonants.

    We will emphasize them in red.

    The development of phonemic perception.

    Listen to the sounds and pick up the corresponding card with the letter U-I.

    Sounds: П, А, О, Щ, И, У, В, О ...

    Clap if you hear a syllable with the sound of U.

    Syllables: PO, PI, TI, ZHU, CHI, KU ..

    Clap if you hear a syllable with the sound I.

    Syllables: MI, DI, HI, TU, DU, PA ..

    Decrypt Symbols. Sample on the blackboard.

    Instead of the right arrow ––, instead of the down arrow ––

    Guess riddles, encrypt answers with men.

    You will find them in the lakes, In the bends of the rivers And in barrels of water On the windows of pharmacies. (leeches)

    An umbrella walks through the waves

    If you meet, do not touch!

    So wonderful, so wonderful!

    An umbrella burns like a nettle. (jellyfish)

    Wait, plateau and crucians!

    And do not ask for mercy:

    I'm the mistress here in the pond

    I'm going hunting! (pike)

    In essence, it’s a beast, and in appearance, a fish,

    Huge, I'm afraid of him

    And you could guess

    Who is eating food through a mustache? (whale)

    This fish is an eater

    Do not ask her for lunch. (shark)

    In the rivers of Africa lives

    Evil green steamer!

    Who would not swim to a meeting

    Swallows everyone ... .. (crocodile).

    Pick and write the words the other way around. Select IU.



    A long-




    (narrow, neat, short, ugly, verbal, interesting)

    Write the words in 2 columns with the letters Y.

    M ___ l p ___ bw ___ lm m ____ cabinet.

    Insert the missing letters Y.

    w ___ t ____ t ____ to ____ s _____ t m ____ litf _____ l

    m ____ hh ____ by ____ gr ___ scale m _____ ck ____ l

    n ___ tn ___ to n ___ gov ___ tsar ___ to ____

    to ___ n ___ tsa to ____ r ___ tsal l ___ h ____ to ___

    Collect the scattered letters Y.

    a, y, and, t, l, k a, y, l, c, and t, s, f, and, y, g, and, p

    f, u, n, y, r, a, n, n, k, and, w, y, b, u, y, y, s, m, d, r.

    (snail, street, skater, spring, jug, emerald).

    Call me affectionately.

    Jug - jug beads -


    Flower bed

    Fork - Bowl -

    Toy Chicken


    Fir- alarm clock-

    Change the words in the pattern. How to call these words in one word? Encrypt the answer with the little men.

    Planer- Planers chopper-

    Screwdriver- ax-

    Saw - drill -

    Hammer- Shovel-

    Drill - file -

    The riddle.   A flower in water will be born
    And he’s not afraid of water. Water lily (Children are given the coloring of water lilies).


    1.   Correction of Violations writing. Edited by Yakovleva N.N. 2004.


    Letters A to Z after hard and soft consonants.

    Differentiation of consonants, the hardness and softness of which is indicated by the letters AZ.


    1. To form the ability to compare consonants in terms of hardness and softness and designate them on the letter with the letters “A” and “I” at the level of the syllable, word and phrase;
    2. To consolidate the skills of sound, syllable analysis and synthesis of words;
    3. To form a phonemic perception;
    4. Develop fine motor skills;
    5. Enrich and refine vocabulary;
    6. Improve grammatical forms of speech;
    7. To develop communication skills;
    8. To educate the ability to exercise self-control;
    9. To foster a responsible attitude towards learning activities.

    During the classes

    1. Greeting. Check readiness for class.

    Teacher: In the lesson, our eyes look carefully and that's it ... (see) Our ears listen carefully and that's it ... (hear) The head remembers and ... (thinks)

    2. Setting the goal of the lesson

    - Today we will learn to distinguish between hearing hard and soft consonant sounds and designate them in letters in vowels. You can find out which pair of vowels we will work by completing the first task.

    Take the job sheets and the blue pen, write down the date in the center of the top line and put a dot.

    Find the words in a series of letters.pvgryadvgakaegrazhlapvemyachnartsuksadvautsmakvfts

    What words did you find?(row, dirt, ball, poppy, garden)

    Compare these words by spelling. What is common in the spelling of these words? (  one vowel in the middle of the word.)

    How do these words differ?  (In some words, the vowel letter A, and in others the letter Y.)

    What two groups can these words be divided into?

    Distribute these words into groups. I am on the board, and you are on your notes.

    Underline vowels in red.

    Denote the hardness or softness of the consonant before the vowel.

    What color denote the hardness of the consonant?(In blue.)

    What color denote the softness of the consonant?(Green.)

    How do consonants sound before the letter A? (Firmly.)

    How do consonants sound before the letter I? (Soft.)

    Formulate the theme of our lesson.

    After the answers, the topic appears on the board:“Letters A-Z after consonants”

    3. The main part

    1. Differentiation AZ at the syllable level:

    We will practice distinguishing between hard and soft consonants by ear:

    If I utter a syllable or word with a soft consonant, raise the green circle; if with a strong consonant - raise the blue circle(the student’s desk has two circles: green and blue).

    Bah, that, la, ka, me, cha, Xia, for; varnish, poppy, row, dirt, ball, poppy, garden, glad.

    Finger gymnastics:

    Fingers - a friendly family. Without each other, they cannot.(We squeeze the fingers of each hand into the fists and unclench them)  Here is the big one! And this is average. Nameless and the last - Our little finger, baby!(alternately press the fingers of both hands to the palms)  Oooh! Index forgot. To fingers together lived, We will connect them.  And movements to perform ... We will show the horns of a goat.

    (Pull the index finger and little finger forward, bending the remaining fingers; then we raise the horns to the head)

    And deer horns even.... (widely spread fingers of both hands, arms crossed, raise branchy horns to the head)We will not forget about the hare - We will drive with ears.(We put forward the index and middle fingers of both hands, raise it to the head. We move the fingers, tilt them forward, and then squeeze the fingers into the fists and unclench.)  To speak clearly, one must be friends with fingers.(We attach each finger in turn to the thumb.)

    Finish the poem by inserting words with vowels AZ.

    Rain, rain, water- There will be bread __________. (crop)

    Spring is preparing its parade, The whole world is spring fun _________. (glad)

    I sit, almost crying: Very difficult _________ (task)

    The house on the rails is right there. He will kill everyone in five minutes. You sit down and do not yawn, Departs _______ (tram)

    If you know everything, you will receive at school _________ (five)

    Insert the missed letters AZ.

    q ___ dr ___ t, x ___ l ___ t, shl ___ p ___, m ___ l ____ p, sh ___ pc ___, t ___ pl ____, t__zhest, kr__ss, st__ry, t__net, hl___z, t__shchit, k__men.

    Insert the missing syllable RA-RYA.(ball game).

    IG ___ ME ___ YES ___

    BUT ____ FA ___ CE ___

    BU ___ FOR ____ GI ____

    Insert the missing syllable YES.

    YES ___ IN ___

    MO ___ VOLO ___

    Ball game.

    The fox has fox ___.

    Squirrels have squirrel-wh___.

    Hedgehog __.

    The wolf has a wolf__t__.

    The hare has z__ych__t ___.

    Insert the words you need in the meaning.

    It is necessary ........ To begin the game

    Mom will be ........ fish pie start

    The sculptor ........... clay crumpled

    Dima is still very .... small

    Son ... .. like mom .... looking


    Yura was ... .. that hit the first ... .. glad


    Vali’s flower ... blockage

    On the road after a hurricane .... wilted

    Pleasant smell in ... mats

    The gym is heavy ... mint.

    Write words in three columns.

    And I'm A-Z

    Watermelon Lighthouse Automatic Bridge Strawberry Sailor Stork Apple Monkey Lily

    What word is superfluous? (bridge)

    Collect and spell words from letters. Explain their meaning. Note softness - the hardness of consonants in front of vowels AZ.

    d, d, i, i n, n, i, i k, p, t, o, a, n

    Z, m, l, e, i, k, p, i, a, o, g

    Insert the missing letters AZ. "Make friends words."

    Tricky b ___ barrel ___

    Nimble mouse ___

    Fluffy snake ___

    Gray monkey ___ n ___

    Poison cat ____

    Bright fox ____

    The final stage

    - What consonants did we learn to distinguish by ear? - What pair of letters did we work with in class? - Which of the letters indicates the softness of the consonant in the letter? - Which of the letters indicates the hardness of the consonant in the letter?


    1. Correction of optical dysgraphia. Mazanova E.V.
    2. Fun, funny, interesting. Didactic material on the prevention and correction of dysgraphia in elementary school students St. Petersburg 2008.
    3. Entertaining speech therapist for students. Yavorskaya O.N. 2014.
    4.   Kozyreva L.M. Secrets of hard and soft consonants 2007.

    The importance of speech therapist classes in child care facilities cannot be underestimated. Starting from the first years of life, it is important to monitor whether the child's speech function develops correctly, and whether its sound pronunciation is correct. When a child enters school, the school speech therapist continues testing his speech and pronunciation.

    In recent years, the number of children whose speech requires correction has been increasing. Speech therapist classes at school are not only useful, but also extremely convenient for parents, because there is no need to take the child to additional classes after school. A speech therapist can teach a first grader to clearly speak, listen to and perceive oral speech, so it will be easier for the child to understand the speech of the people around him. A school speech therapist works not only on the correct pronunciation of sounds, but also on the whole speech of the child being coherent, the vocabulary extensive, the word formation skills clear.

    It was noted that during a lesson with a speech therapist, the child’s attention, memory develops, the perception of educational material improves, and perseverance, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and complete tasks, learn material, evaluate one’s skills, and work on mistakes are improved. Speech therapists often notice that spoken and written speech is only the “tip of the iceberg”, besides this, the child is not psychologically prepared for school, there may be problems with the child’s psycho-physical development and his communication skills. Of course, this kind of problem goes beyond professional activity  speech therapist and requires an integrated approach and correction.

    Given the fact that in the primary grades of secondary schools begins the study foreign languageschildren with speech problems  Speech training may not be very easy. therefore correctional work  with a school speech therapist is useful not only for the improvement and development of oral and written speech, but also important for the assimilation of educational material, the development of memory and attention, for learning in general. In addition, speech defects often become the causes of the development of complexes and feelings of inferiority in children, adolescents and adults. You should not bring the situation to a critical one, you need to deal with speech problems from childhood, and the sooner a defect is identified, the more chances there are for its successful correction.

    How do classes with a speech therapist take place at school? Typically, the specialist does breathing exercises with the child, which strengthens the lungs and health in general, finger exercises, which develops speech and fine motor skills, articulation exercises, which is very important because it develops the muscles of the face and speech apparatus, including the tongue, lips, and jaw. Also, logo rhythmics are used in the classroom - in this case, the child must coordinate his movements with speech and sounding music. Most of the classes have a game format so that the child is interested and actively involved in the learning process, so various quizzes and games increase the level of development of the child, including speech.

    Abstract of speech therapy classes

    with students of the 2nd class of the educational institution “Udomlya secondary comprehensive school  No. 4 ", having a speech thesis" Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech

    Teacher speech therapist

    MOU "Udomel secondary school №4",

    Theme of the lesson: Accent. Stressed syllable.

    Objectives:  To consolidate knowledge of vowels, the meaning of the role of stress.

    To consolidate the ability to correctly emphasize words.

    Expand vocabulary, develop the ability to select generalizing words.

    Develop attention, memory, thinking.

    To instill in students a love of the Russian language, to prepare them for mastering the orthoepic norms of the modern Russian literary language.


    Hand exercises "Fist, rib, palm", "Locks."

    Installation on correct pronunciation  sounds L, R. Pronunciation of pure language.

    2. Problem setting the goal of the lesson.

    Control "Help Dunno." The speech therapist reads out the sentences:

    A vase is on the table.

    A book is worth a hundred rubles.

    An iron lock hangs on the door.

    The princess came to her beautiful castle.

    In the room hang regiments with books.

    The regiments go to war.

    What mistakes did Dunno make in these sentences?

    Why do you need to be able to correctly emphasize words? (Stress

    helps to distinguish words, check the spelling of vowels that are not stressed, makes speech beautiful and expressive).

    3. Updating of supporting knowledge.

      Work with the table “Vowels”.

    Name the vowels of the 1st row.

    Name the vowels 2 rows.

    Answer the questions:

    How many vowels in Russian?

    What vowels are in the front row?

    What vowels are written in the second row?

    How many vowels can be in one syllable?

    What is the name of the vowel letter that the stress falls on?

    What is the name of a vowel that is not stressed?

    4. The study of the topic of the lesson.

    a) Work with schemes of monosyllabic and two-syllable words:

    Observation of the structure of monosyllables. Work with a monosyllabic word scheme. (Schemes of words as they are studied are posted on the board).

    Observation of the structure of two-syllable words with emphasis on the first and second syllables. Work with schemes of two-syllable words.

    b) performance of the task.  Consider the pictures laid out on the table, and pick them up to the appropriate schemes.

    Writing words in a notebook in three columns: cheese, lynx, cupboard, handle, cup, turnip, ax, lemon, watermelon.

    C) Observation of the pronunciation of words, rhythm (claps, emphasis on the stressed syllable with a louder pencil on the table).


    Dynamic exercise "How do you live?"

    Hand exercise with massage ball.

    Eye exercise.

    d) Work with schemes of three-syllable words with emphasis on the first, second, third syllables.

    Observation of the structure of three-syllable words.

      e) performance of the task.  Consider the pictures laid out on the table and pick them up to the appropriate patterns (with emphasis on the first, second, third syllable)

    Writing words in three columns: drum, grapes, cucumbers, cow, rocket, rainbow, chicken, apple, chicken.

      f) Observation of the pronunciation and rhythm of three-syllable words.

    1. Lexical work.

    Remember the words we wrote down and name:

    Vegetables, fruits, animals, birds, dishes, food, tools, furniture.

    1.   Observation of the orthoepic norms of the modern Russian literary language.

    Control "Help Dunno." Speech therapist tells students that it is very important to be able to pronounce the words of the Russian language correctly. Each cultural person monitors his speech, knows how to correctly emphasize words. Let's help little Dunno learn to pronounce the words correctly.

    Work on words bANTS, SCARFS, CAKES, CRANES, BEETS.

    Pronunciation, writing words in a notebook, accentuation, writing sentences.

    1.   Securing the studied material.

    Writing a sentence from memory with preliminary memorization by ear, visually and with drawing up a sentence diagram:

    In the forest by the tree sits a fluffy bunny.

    Self test.

    Highlighting vowels, syllables, accent.

    To call stressed syllable  in every word.

    1. Summarizing the lesson.

    What topic did we repeat today? Why is it important to be able to put emphasis correctly? What words did we help Dunno to remember?

    Assessment of student performance.



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    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and summaries

    Rozova Yu.E. abstract of speech therapy lessons. Visual and auditory differentiation of lowercase handwritten letters p - t in words, sentences.

    Abstract of a speech therapy lesson on the correction of optical dysgraphia is aimed at working out the differentiation of handwritten letters p-t  in words, sentences, text. Occupation - an exciting travel game ...

    Objectives of the lesson: Educational: - consolidation of the ability to distinguish sounds "Z" - "F" by ear and in writing; - development of skills in phonemic analysis and synthesis; - enrichment of vocabulary on the topic "Belly ...

    Abstract of a speech therapy lesson for second-grade students special school  VIII, with a mixed form of dysgraphia due to systemic underdevelopment of speech on the topic: “Sound-letter analysis of words. The letters Z - C. "

    Purpose:   The formation of the ability to differentiate sounds and letters [c] - [h] in syllables, words, phrases and sentences.


    To teach to select consonants [c] - [h] from syllables, words, phrases, sentences;

    Match sounds with letters,

    Develop graphic writing skills, sound analysis  and synthesis, syllabic analysis and synthesis, develop visual perception, memory, thinking,

    Nurture the ability to work in pairs, learning motivation.

    Equipment:   computer, screen, projector, slide presentation, didactic material (cards), notebooks, pencils.

    Type of occupation:   developing - corrective

    Type of occupation by organizational structure:   combined (a combination of techniques: conversation, pair - group work, creating a game situation, illustrating with the help of presentation slides, a problem task).

    Course progress:

    Greetings: “The guys came to our class today for the guests. Let's greet them.

      Org moment (slide2)

    On the desk:

    rainbow machine

    butterflies forester

    Speech therapist:

    Read the words (to yourself, out loud)

    He will sit who removes one syllable so that a new word is obtained.

    (arc, forest, barrels tire)

    Repetition of the passed material.

    What paired consonants have you learned to distinguish?

    Pupils:  (b - p, d - t, d - c)

      Summarizing the topic.

    Today we continue to distinguish between paired consonants.

    And which ones, you will find out if you guess the riddles.

    I have a lot of affairs: I cover the whole earth with a white blanket, clean up the ice of the river, whitewash the field, the house. My name is…(winter)

    How did you guess?

    It is fluffy, light, white. Fell out for the first time not boldly. He fell asleep all the roads. Gentle feet walk in it. It has white roofs for everyone. Call him…(snow)   (slide3)

    How did you guess?

    What season is it now? (winter)

    The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

    Take a jar of beans.


      How many beans did you put off? (4) Why? (slide4)

      What is the first sound? What letter denotes the sound [s] [s]?

      Set as many beans as there are sounds in a word winter?

      How many beans did you put off? (4) Why? (slide 4)

      What is the first sound? What letter denotes the sound [h] [h]?

    Who can formulate the theme of our lesson? (Distinction [c] - [h] in words, sentences.

    The theme of the lesson is "Sound-letter analysis of words. Letters C - Z

    Today in the lesson we will learn to distinguish these sounds and letters, hear and pronounce in syllables, words, phrases and sentences.

    What needs to be done for this? (listen carefully to the speech therapist, your comrades and do not shout).

      Updating reference knowledge on the topic.

    Speech therapist:

    Take the mirrors, say the sound [s].

    Characterize the sound [s], based on the circuit.

    - Students:   the sound [s] is consonant, deaf, can be hard and soft, in the letter is indicated by the letter C.

    Speech therapist:

    Take the mirrors, say the sound [h].

    Describe the sound [h], based on the scheme.

    - Students: the sound [s] is consonant, deaf, can be hard and soft, in the letter is indicated by the letter Z.

    The game:

    Speech therapist:   I suggest you play a game.

    You have two bags of blue and green on your desks, try to determine which letter is hidden in a blue bag (C), and in a green bag (Z).

    Well done, you guys did this job.

    Open notebooks, write down the number.

      Main part

    1.Acquaintance with the heroes of the lesson.

    Speech therapist:   Consider the pictures presented and determine the heroes of which fairy tale came to us for a lesson and what their name is. (slide5)

    (Nastenka, Frost, Stepmother, Marfushka)

    Pupils:  These are the heroes of the fairy tale Morozko (Nastya, Morozko, Stepmother, Marfushka)) (slide 6)

    Speech therapist:   In the names of what heroes did the sounds studied meet? (Nastenka, Morozko) (slide 7)

    Work with a number series.

    Speech therapist: Take the cards with numbers. Tell me, please, in what place is the letter [s] in the word Nastya? Raise the corresponding number.

    Pupils:   raise the number 3.

    Speech therapist:   Tell me, please, in what place is the letter [z] in the word Morozko? Raise the corresponding number.

    Pupils:   raise the number 5.

    2. Development of sound analysis and synthesis at the syllable level

    Speech therapist:   You so quickly guessed the heroes of the lesson and the name of the tale from which they came that the characters of the tale decided to attend our lesson and see how we learn to find consonants Z - C in syllables, words, and sentences.

    Speech therapist: Remember, my stepmother loved giving Nastenka different assignments? (Slide 8 video) The girl will not have time to cope with one job, but a new one is waiting for her.

    (slide9) .

    - Go with Nastenka for water, and scoop up clean cold water from the well - make syllables with consonants З - С students go one by one to the board and call the syllable)

    Speech therapist:

    - Let's write the resulting syllables in a notebook, but before you start writing, take cards with emery letters and circle them.

    With the letter “C”, write down the syllables in which the letter “C” will appear before the vowel, and with the letter “Z”, on the contrary, so that the vowel comes first in front of the letter “Z”.

    What syllables will you write with the letter “C”, name it? (sa, co ....), and with the letter "Z", what is it? (az, oz ..)

    And highlight the studied letters in the syllables. Letter C with a blue pencil, letter Z with a green pencil.

    Verification (slide 10) The syllables are recorded on it, highlighted in blue and green.

    Who completed the task correctly without making a single mistake?

    Gymnastics for the eyes

    Speech therapist:

    A snowflake has flown up to our class, which offers our eyes a rest.

    Watch your eyes for a flying snowflake. . (slide 11)

    3. The development of visual perception

    Speech therapist:

    The stepmother is dissatisfied: how much work she gave, and the stepdaughter managed. She conceived to destroy Nastya and asks the old man to take her daughter to the forest. The old man grieved for a long time, but did not argue. He drove his beloved daughter into the forest and left her there.   (slide12)   The poor thing sits under a pine tree and cries.   (slide13 (video)   He looks, and around the frost dabbles in pines and firs, draws patterns. I looked closely at Nastya and was able to make out different objects in the patterns.

    View items and name them?

    (slide14)   Image Overlay:  bag, lock, boots, vase, beads, umbrella.

    Speech therapist:

    Work in notebooks.

    You need to insert the missing letters "z", "c" in the words.

    Take the pen in blue and green, insert the letter “c” with the pen in blue, and the letter “z” with the pen in green.

    Verification: (slide16)

    Check what letters you put in the words?

    Speech therapist:   Nastya Morozko told her story. The old man took pity on the girl and invited him to his house. And while Morozko and Nastenka get to his house, we will do the charging. (Slide17)

    4. Fizminutka

    I'm not afraid of frost

    I will make good friends with him.

    Frost will come to me

    He touches his hands, touches his nose.

    So you need not to yawn:

    Jump, run and jump.

      Development of syllabic analysis and synthesis at the level of phrases

    Speech therapist:   A lot of time has passed since then. It became sad for Nastenka to live in an ice palace without people. (Slide 18) She asks for Moroz to go home. I don’t want the old man to let the girl go, he’s gotten used to it, he has become attached, like to his own daughter, but there is nothing to do. He gives the task to Nastya, if she fulfills it, then Morozko will let her go home.

    Combine the words from the left column that are meaningful with the words from the right column to make phrases.

    frosty pine

    voiced air

    high song

    Speech therapist:   Well done guys, but that's not all. Now you need to encrypt the resulting phrases. That is, draw phrases diagrams, showing in the diagram the presence or absence of the letters Z - C

    Speech therapist:   Take cards and draw diagrams for collocations. Verification Students go to the blackboard and draw a diagram for the first phrase (differentially).

    Well done guys, you helped Nastenka complete the task and now Morozko will let her go home!

      Development of language analysis and synthesis skills.

    Differentiation of occupation sounds at the sentence level.

    Speech therapist: So the father’s house is visible. Many gifts are lucky Nastenka. The girl does not remember the evil caused by the evil stepmother and sister. Gathered around the people. Everyone wonders how Nastenka survived in the forest in winter, and she brought gifts too. The girl told them about how her stepmother drove her out of the house, about Frost and his kindness. I became ashamed of the old woman - stepmother. She asks everyone for forgiveness. Forgive her? Let him complete the task.

    Speech therapist:   Look, sentences scattered into separate words. Gather sentences from words. (work in pairs)

      Dropped out, white, street, on, snow.

      Cold, winter has come.

    The 1st student reads the sentence, it appears on the slide.

    The 2nd student reads words with sound (s).

    Speech therapist:   Name the sentence that matches the pattern.

    ______ _______ _______.

    Speech therapist:   Fairy-tale characters thank you for your help.

    8. The result of the lesson:

    Speech therapist:   So our lesson came to an end. What fairy tale did we visit today?

    Name the words for Nastya with her favorite letter, and then for Morozko his favorite letter.


    Speech therapist:   Express your attitude to the lesson. Draw a smile by the snowflake if you liked the lesson or draw a dash instead of a smile if you didn't like the lesson.