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  • Petersburg military honey. Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov: reviews, passing score. The procedure for enrolling candidates entering for training by cadets

    Petersburg military honey.  Military Medical Academy.  S. M. Kirov: reviews, passing score.  The procedure for enrolling candidates entering for training by cadets

    Today in Russia there are only a few universities that specialize in training doctors for the Armed Forces, and the main one is the V.I. SM Kirov (VMA, or VMedA), located in the Northern capital.

    List of universities

    More recently, the list of the military medical universities Russia included:

    • Samara Military Medical Institute.
    • Saratov Military Medical Institute.
    • Tomsk Military Medical Institute.

    But in 2010, these three universities were completely disbanded and remained only in the blessed memory of their graduates and in reference books.

    The Nizhny Novgorod Military Medical Institute of the FSB of Russia was more fortunate: in 2007 it was reorganized and merged with the Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Employees (IPPKS) of the Federal Counterintelligence Service of the Russian Federation.

    In 2011, the renovated university was named FGKOU "Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Nizhny Novgorod)".

    The current list of military medical academies after all the reorganizations and reorganizations looks very modest:

    • Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov (St. Petersburg).
    • Branch of VMA them. Kirov (Moscow).
    • Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Nizhny Novgorod).

    For graduates of schools for targeted admission for a diploma (and, of course, specific knowledge) of an army doctor, there is only one option left - the Kirov Military Medical Academy (VMedA) in St. Petersburg. Its Moscow branch conducts training according to the programs:

    • additional vocational education - already certified active workers with secondary and higher medical education;
    • residency.

    The branch recruits yesterday's eleventh graders only for the program of secondary vocational education "nursing" 02/34/01.

    The FSB Institute accepts doctors for study only by transfer. Students who have already graduated from civilian medical institutes at least four courses in one of the specialties: "dentistry", "general medicine", "pediatrics", "preventive medicine" can become candidates for admission.

    Military Medical Academy. Kirov

    The university recruits not only cadets (for the budget), but future civilian doctors (for paid places) for study. The training of both is carried out exclusively in full-time format.

    Cadets must comply with a number of conditions:

    • living at the academy during the entire training period;
    • a limited number of layoffs to the city (in the absence of student debt and disciplinary sanctions);
    • fulfillment of the terms of the contract, according to which the graduate is obliged to work for 5 years according to the distribution of the Ministry of Defense (most of the newly-made army doctors are sent not to the capital's garrisons, hospitals and military units).

    During their studies, the cadets of the Military Medical Academy are on state support: they are given seasonal sets of uniforms, sports uniforms, medical gowns and even briefcases with "full ammunition" - atlases, stationery and a tablet, which is loaded with electronic versions of educational literature. Three meals a day on a buffet basis and accommodation in a block-type hostel with double rooms are also free.

    Cadets who did not serve in the army before entering the Military Medical Academy are assigned monetary allowance(an analogue of a scholarship in civilian universities) 2,000 rubles, after signing the contract the amount increases to at least 14,000. Excellent students receive increased payments, their annual income is more than 270,000 rubles.

    The contractors study on different terms. Along with tuition fees, they will have to provide for accommodation and food costs, since they are considered civilians and are not provided with a hostel. Scholarships for paid students are also not eligible. But there is also a plus - freedom of action during and after studies.

    Faculties, specialties

    In the structure of the Military Medical Academy. Kirov 8 faculties:

    • leading medical staff;
    • additional education and residency;
    • training of doctors:
      1. the navy;
      2. ground, missile and airborne troops;
      3. the air force;
    • SPO (medium vocational education);
    • training for advanced training of civilian doctors and pharmacists ("7th faculty");
    • special faculty of training doctors for foreign armies.

    The set of specialties in the VMA is standard for all medical universities:

    • general medicine (training period - 6 years);
    • pharmacy (5 years);
    • dentistry (5 years);
    • medical and preventive work (6 years).

    Graduates are issued a state sample diploma of higher education, the qualification of a doctor or pharmacist and the rank of lieutenant of the medical service are assigned. Feldshers in VET programs study for 3 years and 10 months. At the exit they have a corresponding document on secondary vocational education and the rank of ensign.

    Medical officers can complete a two-year Master's degree in Troop Medical Management.

    Paid training

    Future civil medical and pharmaceutical specialists of the V.I. Kirov is recruiting for study under the contract:

    • in a specialty in three areas: general medicine, pharmacy and dentistry;
    • residency (about 40 specialties - from obstetrics and gynecology to endocrinology);
    • for programs of additional professional education for specialists with higher and secondary vocational education.

    Tuition fees are set annually. Approximate figures: general medicine - 240 thousand per year, dentistry - 250 thousand, pharmacology - 140.

    Admission rules

    The procedure for admission to the Military Medical Academy depends on the format in which the training will take place.

    On the budget

    The requirements are the same as for admission to military universities:

    1. Age qualification:
      • 16-22 years for those who did not serve in the army before entering the university;
      • up to 27 years old - for those who served under a contract;
      • up to 24 years old - for conscripts,
      • up to 30 years old - for applicants for open source programs. Age is calculated on August 1 of the year of admission.
    2. No criminal record.
    3. Availability of Russian citizenship.
    4. Health status. Determined on the basis of a medical examination by a military medical commission. Applicants pass obligatory urine and blood tests, do ECG, fluorography and undergo examination by a surgeon, neurologist, dermatovenerologist, psychiatrist, therapist, ophthalmologist, dentist and otolaryngologist.
    5. Physical fitness level. To assess it, applicants undergo sports tests. Boys pass pull-ups, 100 m running, 3 km cross. For ease of comparison with the USE results, the results are displayed in points. The minimum passing minimum for each exercise is 26. The future cadet can receive 120 points for the maximum level of physical fitness.
    6. Professional suitability. In order to determine it, socio-psychological testing is carried out. It is necessary to identify character traits that can help or, on the contrary, prevent a potential cadet from mastering the profession of a military doctor.

    According to the results of the medical examination, physical training and psychological testing, applicants are divided into 4 categories of professional aptitude: first stage (100% fit for military service); recommended for admission to the second priority; conditionally recommended; not recommended (the verdict is announced individually).

    For admission to the military medical University, as in the civilian, you will need the results of the exam in chemistry, biology and the Russian language. Minimum points with whom you can count on enrollment in the VMA:

    • in the specialty "general medicine" - 185;
    • preventive medicine ”- 150;
    • pharmacy - 150;
    • dentistry - 185.

    Upon admission to the Military Medical Academy (the only one of the currently available military medical universities in Russia that accepts school graduates for study) USE grades play an important but not decisive role. Even if there are 100 points in each of the three subjects, the applicant may not pass the selection due to psychological or physical inadequacy. Nevertheless, when annual competition about 30 people per place high USE results will not hurt.

    An application for admission to a military medical university is submitted by non-serving applicants to the military registration and enlistment office until April 20, graduates of cadet corps, Suvorov and Nakhimov schools - to the heads of the educational institution, conscripts and contract soldiers until April 1 - to the commander of the military unit.

    Attached to the application:

    • copy of the passport;
    • photocopy of birth certificate;
    • a copy of a diploma or certificate (school graduates submit an extract from the report card for grade 10 and the first half of the 11th grade);
    • Photos of the documents;
    • autobiography;
    • characteristics from the previous place of study, service or work;
    • service certificate of a soldier (if any).

    The military, who serve under contract in other power ministries, submit the consent of the department to transfer them for training in the Ministry of Defense in case of admission to the academy.

    Per contract

    Admission to the paid department at the Military Medical Academy is carried out in 3 specialties - general medicine, pharmacy and dentistry. Contractors do not pass a strict preliminary professional selection, they are enrolled by competition USE results.

    Documents can be transferred in person (or through a trusted person), sent by mail or using a courier service. The obligatory package includes:

    • documents of a mandatory state standard confirming the presence of the required level of education;
    • photocopy of SNILS;
    • 6 photos of 3 by 4 format with a corner on the right;
    • autobiography;
    • a certificate of preventive vaccination (about vaccinations);
    • a photocopy of a military ID (or certificate of registration for conscripts).

    The applicant indicates personal data, the results of the exam, along with the direction of study and other necessary information in the application, which, along with the rest of the documents, is submitted for consideration by the selection committee.

    Admission to the academy girls

    There are no gender restrictions for admission to the civilian faculty of VMedA, but the academy began to train girls - military doctors and paramedics only ten years ago, then suspended recruitment, and resumed it in 2017. Cadets can study in two programs:

    • medical care in the ground forces (higher education);
    • general medicine (open source program).

    The requirements for female applicants are the same as for boys: the criteria for competitive selection in terms of USE scores and personal achievements, professional suitability, and state of health completely coincide. There are minor concessions only when determining the level of physical fitness. Girls applying for cadet status pass torso bends, 100 meters and 1 km race.

    According to the results of the admissions campaign last year, 65% of applicants did not pass the selection due to poor physical fitness or low USE results. Only 6% of candidates dropped out due to poor health and inadequate professional aptitude. Competition among female applicants of VMedA is much higher than among boys.

    VMedA branch in Moscow

    The Moscow branch of the Military Medical Academy operates on the basis of military hospitals and departmental sanatoriums in Moscow and is focused on postgraduate training of doctors and education under secondary vocational education programs. The branch has the following levels:

    • medical college, which provides training in the specialty "nursing" (2 years 10 months);
    • residency (2-3 years depending on the specialty);
    • advanced training of military doctors (from 14 days to a year);
    • professional retraining.

    Residency training is carried out on the basis of one of 4 departments: military health management; emergency therapy; integrative and oriental medicine; surgery of emergency conditions and oncology. Possible areas of training are therapy, surgery, exercise therapy and sports medicine, cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, neurology, healthcare organization and public health.

    The cost of studying in residency - from 90 thousand (exercise therapy and sports medicine) to 180 thousand (neurology; cardiovascular surgery); other specialties - 160 thousand rubles.

    Students of civil medical universities who have completed 4 courses of study in one of four specialties can enroll in higher education programs at the VMI FSB for translation: medical and preventive or general medicine, dentistry, pediatrics. The age limit is 27 years. Only young men are accepted.

    Enrollment is based on the results of a comprehensive certification, which includes:

    • determination of fitness for admission for health reasons (applicants undergo a medical examination at the military medical service of the FSB Directorate for the Nizhny Novgorod region);
    • assessment of progress for 4 completed courses of the medical university (the average score is calculated according to the data from the certificate for the period of study);
    • selection according to the level of physical fitness.

    If the candidate has passed the selection, the military medical institute of the FSB, within 5 days, sends a certificate of confirmation of the transfer to the applicant's alma mater.

    Graduates of the institute, doctors - employees of the state security bodies and other law enforcement agencies can enter the residency of the IUI FSB. List of specialties:

    • therapy; surgery; traumatology and orthopedics;
    • pediatrics; obstetrics and gynecology;
    • urology;
    • general dentistry;
    • psychiatry;
    • general hygiene; healthcare organization; epidemiology;
    • neurology; ... anesthesiology-resuscitation;
    • oncology.

    Admission is based on the results of a 60-minute computer test, consisting of 60 random questions included in the unified base of assessment tools of the Ministry of Health. Alternatively, the selection committee, upon the application of the applicant, can take into account the result of testing that took place as part of the accreditation procedure in the current or previous year.

    Graduates of schools and colleges in Military Medical Institute FSB provides training at the secondary vocational education level in the specialty "general medicine". The conditions for admission are the same as for military doctors - preliminary selection (but not by military enlistment offices, but by the state security agencies), medical examination, professional selection. Enrollment is carried out according to the average score of the certificate or diploma of the secondary school. Major subjects - Russian, biology, chemistry.


    To become a military doctor, you can make a tactical flanking maneuver. Its essence consists in graduating from a classical or medical university with a military department with a corresponding specialty, and in the subsequent transfer to contract service. There are not many such universities, but they still exist.

    List of universities that have military departments and training centers with medical specialties:

    University Civil directions of training of the university and medical specialties of the military department (center) Notes (edit)
    1. FEFU (Far Eastern FU) Biotechnical systems and technologies 12.04.04 Candidates for admission can be 1st year students of the Master's program at the FEFU School of Biomedicine
    2. PMGMU (Sechenov University)
    • military radiology, toxicology, medical protection
    • military epidemiology and hygiene
    • organization of sanitary and epidemiological support of the aircraft
    • physiology of military labor
    • medical support of troops
    Admission up to 24 years old.
    3. TSMU (Pacific Medical University, Vladivostok)

    Military registration specialties (VUS):

    • 901200 "General Medicine in the Navy
    • 901000 "General Medicine in the Ground Forces"
    From 2019, recruitment for contract service has been suspended
    4. MGSMU them. Evdokimova VUS - 902900 "dentistry" Graduates are awarded the title of "Lieutenant of the Medical Service"
    5. TulSU (Tula) Biotechnical systems and technologies 12.03.04 Training of reserve sergeants
    6. SPbSU
    • Clinical Psychology 04/03/01
    • Psychology 03/37/01
    • Performance psychology 37.05.02
    Training of reserve sergeants, VUS - 187182 "commander of the radiation chemical reconnaissance department". Admission of students after the first year, but not later than the third.

    Where do graduates work

    The issue of employment of graduates of a military medical academy or institute is decided upon admission: the Ministry of Defense is responsible for the distribution of army doctors. It is necessary to work under the contract for at least 5 years.

    Possible duty stations:

    • hospitals;
    • polyclinics of the Ministry of Defense;
    • army units and subdivisions;
    • bureau of forensic medical examination.

    It is not easy to enroll in a military medical school, as an option for building a career, you can consider obtaining a doctor's diploma in any specialized civilian university with the subsequent (before the age of 35) concluding a contract for military service. But the future military doctor must be an officer, otherwise it will be possible to work only as a paramedic, medical instructor or nurse (nurse) - these are the positions available to privates, sergeants and warrant officers.

      - (VMedA) ... Wikipedia

      MILITARY MEDICAL ACADEMY them. S. M. Kirov. Founded in 1798 in St. Petersburg. Prepares military and naval doctors ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

      Military-medical Academy Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

      Named after S. M. Kirov (Akademika Lebedev Street, 6), prepares doctors for the Armed Forces; a major scientific center for problems of theoretical and practical medicine. Founded in 1798 as the St. Petersburg Medical Surgical Academy (based on medical ... Saint Petersburg (encyclopedia)

      The main building of the VMA Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov (VMedA) is one of the oldest medical universities in Russia. History The official date of creation is considered to be December 18 (December 29), 1798, when Paul I signed a decree on the construction of premises for ... Wikipedia

      The main building of the VMA Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov (VMedA) is one of the oldest medical universities in Russia. History The official date of creation is considered to be December 18 (December 29), 1798, when Paul I signed a decree on the construction of premises for ... Wikipedia

      Them. S. M. Kirov, founded in 1798 in St. Petersburg. Prepares military and naval doctors. A major center for medical science. * * * MILITARY MEDICAL ACADEMY MILITARY MEDICAL ACADEMY them. S. M. Kirov (see KIROV Sergey Mironovich), St. ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    The history of the S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy is more than 200 years old. For more than two centuries, thousands of highly qualified specialists have graduated from the walls of the university, who have saved a huge number of human lives. Many graduates have become prominent doctors and scientists in the field of modern medicine.

    The building of the Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov (date of formation December 29, 1798)


    The Military Medical Academy was established on December 18, 1798 by decree of Emperor Paul I. Then it was the Medical-Surgical School for the training of medical personnel, later the school was renamed the Academy, and under Emperor Alexander I in 1808 the Academy became the Imperial Academy.

    In addition to medical education, the history of higher veterinary and pharmaceutical education in Russia began from the Academy. It was the first scientific, educational and medical center in the history of the country, the first medical manuals and textbooks began to be published here, the academy became the forge of professors of medical sciences for various universities.

    From 1808 to 1838, the head of the medical academy was J.V. Willie, an outstanding physician from Scotland. He made an invaluable contribution to the development of military medicine in Russia and devoted more than 50 years to the post of chief inspector of medicine in the army of the emperor. It was in the military academy in the period from 1841 to 1856 that the outstanding surgeon N.I. Pirogov worked, who became the founder of a new era in practical medicine and education. In the golden age of the educational institution, great doctors worked within the walls of the Academy, such as I.P. Pavlov, V.M.Bekhterev, N. S. Korotkov, S. P. Botkin, I. M. Sechenov, N. N. Zinin and other.

    After the defeat in Crimean war in the period from 1853 to 1856, the tsarist government decided to rename the academy to the Military Medical - Vmed, this happened in 1881. Under the new rules educational process the educational institution became more militarized, from that moment the academy was engaged in the training of doctors and surgeons for the military and naval departments. Veterinary medicine and pharmaceuticals were excluded from the structure of the academy. Doctors of the academy made many medical discoveries and inventions during the First World War and during the Russo-Japanese War.

    After the arrival of the 1917 revolution, a considerable part of the academy's teachers left the country, but there were also those who supported the power of the Soviets, among them I. P. Pavlov, the head of the academy V. N. Tonkov, S. P. Fedorov and others. Doctors of the educational institution provided assistance to the wounded at the front during the war with the White Guard, continued to teach in departments and conducted medical practice in the hungry post-revolutionary years in conditions of complete devastation.

    After the 20th year of the last century, the educational process at the Academy began to focus mainly on special military medical disciplines, for example, military hygiene courses, organizational and tactical disciplines.

    During the Great Patriotic War more than 1,800 military doctors were released, many of whom died on the fronts. At the beginning of the war, many teachers and professors of the academy headed the medical services and units on the front line. In 1941, the academy was relocated from Leningrad to Samarkand and returned to its permanent location only in 1944 after the blockade was lifted.

    In 1954, the Academy was awarded the Order of Lenin for merits in the training of military medical personnel and the development of medicine, and in 1968 in honor of the 50th anniversary of the USSR Armed Forces educational institution awarded the Order of the Red Banner. Professors and teachers of the Academy, as well as hundreds of alumni, have made a great contribution to the organization of medical support during the years of the armed conflict in Afghanistan. Medical officers from among the graduates of the academy participated in military conflicts in Vietnam, Korea, Serbia and other countries.

    25 out of 112 buildings of the Military Medical Academy are included in the list of historical and cultural heritage by the decision of UNESCO and are under state protection. Also in the territory educational institution many monuments of famous sculptors. Since December 17, 1998, by decree of the President of Russia, the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy has been included in the valuable objects of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

    Classes of cadets at the Military Medical Academy


    The university includes 8 main faculties:

    1. Leading medical staff.
    2. Training of doctors for the Rocket and Ground Forces.
    3. Training of doctors for the Air Force.
    4. Training of doctors for the Navy.
    5. Training of military medical specialists for foreign countries.
    6. Additional professional education.
    7. Training and improvement of civilian medical and pharmaceutical specialists.
    8. Secondary vocational education.

    Academy departments:

    1. Social Sciences.
    2. Pedagogy.
    3. Operational and tactical training.
    4. Organization and tactics of the medical service.
    5. Public health and military health economics.
    6. Organization of tactics of the medical service of the fleet.
    7. Automation of medical service management with military medical statistics.
    8. Chemistry.
    9. Clinical biochemistry and laboratory diagnostics.
    10. Biological and Medical Physics.
    11. Normal anatomy.
    12. Normal physiology.
    13. Military psychophysiology.
    14. Pathological anatomy.
    15. Pathological physiology.
    16. Biology.
    17. Histology with a course in embryology.
    18. Microbiology.
    19. Operative surgery with topographic anatomy.
    20. Pharmacology.
    21. Radiology and radiology with a course of ultrasound diagnostics.
    22. Forensic medicine (morgue).
    23. Military toxicology and medical protection.
    24. General and military hygiene with a course in naval and radiation hygiene.
    25. General and military epidemiology.
    26. Aviation and space medicine.
    27. Physiology of diving.
    28. Military medical supplies and pharmacy.
    29. General surgery.
    30. Faculty surgery.
    31. Hospital surgery.
    32. Naval surgery.
    33. Military field surgery.
    34. Improvement of doctors' surgery.
    35. Neurosurgery.
    36. Military traumatology and orthopedics.
    37. Thermal lesions.
    38. Urology.
    39. Otolaryngology.
    40. Ophthalmology.
    41. Maxillofacial and dental surgery.
    42. Therapeutic dentistry.
    43. Obstetrics and gynecology.
    44. Anesthesiology and Reanimatology.
    45. Propedeutics of internal diseases.
    46. Hospital therapy.
    47. Balneology and physiotherapy.
    48. Faculty therapy.
    49. Naval therapy.
    50. Military field therapy.
    51. Improvement of doctors' therapy.
    52. Nervous diseases.
    53. Psychiatry.
    54. Skin and venereal diseases.
    55. Infectious diseases.
    56. Phthisiology.
    57. Childhood diseases.
    58. Outpatient and polyclinic care.
    59. Russian language.
    60. Foreign languages.
    61. Physical training.
    62. Nephrology and efferent therapy.

    A visit by the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin to the clinic of the Military Medical Academy

    In addition, the Academy has two own admission departments, a pathological laboratory, a research center, and a scientific company. It also includes a dental clinic, a diagnostic center, an experimental clinic, a blood and tissue center, a sanitary-epidemiological laboratory and even a military band.

    Educational and material base

    The educational and material base includes the following objects:

    1. Educational laboratories. Designed for practicing practical skills, conducting experiments and experiments.
    2. Study rooms. Here theoretical classes are held, teaching aids, also study rooms are used to train young teachers.
    3. Simulation and simulation center. Works in test mode since September 1, 2014, allows you to use different models increasing the level of skills and consolidating the knowledge gained with the help of special simulation models and equipment.
    4. Support base educational process... Located in Krasnoe Selo, here cadets are trained in conditions as close as possible to combat. Tactical exercises are regularly held at the base to consolidate the acquired practical skills in the field. In addition, the capabilities of technology and equipment are being dismantled here, there are specialized training rooms.
    5. Library. Works since the foundation of the academy.
    6. Places and facilities for physical training.

    Conditions of admission

    As candidates for admission, citizens of the Russian Federation are considered who have no restrictions on health conditions, who have received a secondary complete or secondary vocational education. These citizens include:

    • persons from 16 to 22 years old who have not served in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces;
    • persons under 24 years of age who have completed or are undergoing compulsory military service;
    • persons under 27 years of age serving under contract, with the exception of officers (for secondary vocational education, the maximum age is 30 years).

    The following categories of citizens are not considered as candidates for admission to the Military Medical Academy:

    • convicted by the decision of the judiciary with the assigned punishment;
    • under investigation;
    • serving a prison sentence;
    • with an outstanding criminal record;
    • deprived of the right to hold military positions for a certain period of time and in other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The preliminary selection of candidates is carried out by military commissariats at the place of registration, chiefs of military schools or commanders of military units. At the stage of preliminary selection, events are held for admission to the entrance examinations of citizens who meet the requirements for admission to the academy;

    • Russian citizenship;
    • compliance with educational level and age;
    • fitness for health reasons and physical fitness;
    • suitability according to the category of professional suitability.

    For those who have not served or have served in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it is required to apply for a desire to enter the academy at the military commissariat at the place of residence. Servicemen submit a report addressed to the unit commander (cadets of cadet corps and schools addressed to the head of the school). The following package of documents should be attached to the application:

    • copies of documents confirming identity and citizenship;
    • copies of birth certificates and documents confirming the level of education;
    • autobiography;
    • characteristics from the place of study, service or work;
    • three photographs;
    • an additional service card for military personnel.

    Competition in the VMA among female applicants is much higher than among boys

    If the candidate, for one reason or another, did not take the exam, he can pass it upon entering the academy. There is a certain passing score for each chosen specialty. To pull up your knowledge before entrance tests you can attend paid preparatory courses. For more information on passing scores and other parameters important for admission, see Admissions committee, which operates annually from May to August.