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  • Essay to talk so I saw you sokrat. Annual literary contest of children's works

    Essay to talk so I saw you sokrat. Annual literary contest of children's works

    March 26th, 2017, 12:33 pm

    All successful people have a habit at the first contact. listen carefully to the words that you say and how you articulate your thoughts.

    Just listen to a person a little to understand what is really in his head.


    Because what is happening in your subconscious is projected through your speech, especially when you are calm, not interested, or in a state of anger.

    By letting a person into your life, remember that you are letting in a part of your destiny.

    Avoid communicating with “toxic” people who have “deficient” thinking, but at the same time know how to communicate and deal with it correctly, without interfering with unnecessary conflicts.

    Such people are at a low level of vibrations, their "disease" is contagious. You do not have to be a “trash pit” for their problems.

    They do not think that if to repeat the same thing, then this “same thing” will constantly happen to them. There are many people in the world who do not want to get rid of problems and alien programs, and you are not responsible for the results of their lives.

    Your behavior and way of thinking is almost completely controlled by your environment.
    You become like those with whom you are most in contact. You are a psycho-energetic average of three to five people with whom you most often communicate.

    Consider: Who surrounds you? What kind of music do you allow yourself to listen to? What movies do you watch? What information and emotions do you let in, do you watch the news, which ones? Are you an “appendage” to your TV, if this is your permanent environment? What and who do you spend your free time on?

    The environment has a big impact on another aspect of your life - your energy security.

    Your power is determined by the amount of energy that you are able to receive from the Universe, to accumulate, save and realize.

    Energetically interacting with other people, we are faced with different types of emotional vibrations, both positive and negative, and these vibrations can upset your energy balance.

    Therefore, try to avoid "incorrect" communication, or at least minimize it. In such cases, remember to control your emotional reactions, listen to the interlocutor “half-heartedly”, distract yourself with thoughts about something else, read a prayer about yourself.

    Do not let anyone eat your energy, stop trying to take it away from you ... (c)

    Speak, I see you,
      Talk to me to know you.
      So that I do not accidentally hurt you,
      Disrespect to not drove.
      Talk to me at your leisure,
      Talk to me about the past.
      When you become a cute wife,
      That our life was knotted.
      To know each other well,
      While the fire in our hearts burns,
      While the separation of serious did not know
      Let's talk to you again.
      “Speak for me to see you”; once said a famous ancient Greek philosopher to a silent young man. “What a man is, such is his speech” - Socrates considered.
      A person can be dressed in any kind of clothes, surrounded with objects that would create an illusion about his social status, tastes, character, and views on life. But it is the words, speech - a reflection of his inner world.
      A visual image is just a shell that hides the true face of a person. It is the words uttered by the interlocutor “tell” us all about his inner world: what is and what is not.
      We all know cases when a person is outwardly ugly, and having communicated with him his inner world turns out to be so beautiful that appearance no longer has any meaning whatsoever. This happens when a person begins to speak and his speech literally captures from the first words. She is honest and clear. We want to look at the interlocutor, without stopping, to look and listen. These valuable moments are remembered for a long time, and it is precisely this kind of communication that you look forward to and will not soon forget.
    The ability to speak is a great blessing given to a person, with which he can express his thoughts, convey emotions, feelings, experiences. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to properly use this good, often abusing it. What can we sometimes hear after, even just walking down the street? Yes, we can hear ridicule, jokes, insults, curses, swear words, which sometimes hurt a lot. From the words a person may suffer more than from physical pain. Sometimes, having said too much, we can inflict severe pain even on the closest one and then regret it, but “The Word is not a sparrow, it will fly out — you will not catch it.” At such moments, it is important to be able to say “Forgive”, although not everyone can take such a step, some simply do not have enough courage. Because of their pride or fear, many of us prefer to leave everything as it is, run away from the problem, rather than simply apologize, causing another person even more pain and consequently disappointment.
      From the ability to properly use speech depends on the ability to get a job. “Whoever cannot speak, he will not make a career,” said Napoleon Bonapard. No one will hire a person who cannot even bind two words or is not brought up by a boor. So, it is very important to improve your vocabulary, follow the correctness and culture of speech, and most importantly think what and when to speak.
      We must not forget that having a good vocabulary, speaking with clever phrases is not yet the key to success. To make a good impression, we must speak confidently and coherently, not stammering, not mumble, without disturbing the fluidity of voice without reason. The human voice itself may attract or repel the listener. It really is. Listen to the voice of one of the famous leading TV news on the channel “1 + 1” Alla Mazur. Her speech is clear and confident that causes confidence and there is no desire to switch to another channel, but I want to hear the release to the end. Pleasant voice presenter and clear pronunciation attracts listeners.
    Speech is of great importance in our life, it carries not only information about the subject of conversation, the topic under discussion, but also about ourselves. Speech reveals a person, showing how developed he is, it gives general themes, opens the way for further communication. I agree with the words of Socrates. To see a person from the inside and understand - you need to hear his speech. Perhaps we should think about this? We need to improve our speech and follow what and how we speak, because speech is our business card that can tell absolutely everything about us.

    Socrates, as you know, was not just a philosopher, but also an excellent physiognomist, able to determine the essence of a man by his voice, as well as judge the character and business opportunities of the interlocutor by his ability to competently build a speech, show himself, represent his I. asked everyone who wanted to meet him: "Talk to me ..."! Today, with good reason, we can say that the ancient meetings and conversations of Socrates became, as it were, the forerunner of modern interviews, professing the same Socratov measure: “What a person is, such is his speech”

    That is why, when you come to an interview with a German company and open your mouth, remember that any deviation from the norms of literary pronunciation is perceived by the interlocutor as a sign of insufficient culture or lack of education in the speaker.

    The very word "co-be-se-en-vue"! - implies the energy of confrontation according to the principle of “ask (I look at you) - I answer (see what I am)” ... So I want to put two accents in it, and the first one is “from”. After all, the interview is a conversation-contact, in which you just need to "show yourself." By the way, it’s useful to recall Lelik from the film comedy Gaidai with his “Fly Ducks ... Fly U-Ducks ...” - and our ironic laugh caused by the illiterate speech of an ignorant Soviet gangster, who seemed to be such a close minded Fonvizinsky “young”. By the way, to the question of Fonvizin: “Why is a very limited person in Europe able to write a letter intelligible and why do we (in Russia) often have very acute people write so stupidly?” - Empress Catherine II, being German in origin, but well-mastered grammar Russian, replied: “Because tamo (in Europe), learning the syllable, is equally written; we have our own thoughts without learning to put on paper "...

    Popular saying - "My tongue, my enemy"! more than one century warns us against speech incontinence, errors not only of a talkative interlocutor, but also of those who are at odds with phonetics. Just think about it! - For thousands of years, a person learned to pronounce sounds, spent a lot of time studying words, but he still learns to speak correctly.
    Not everyone can say today: "My tongue is my friend." And in everyday life  we should not forget that communication, conversation, any interview is, first of all, knowledge of the personality, of the very image of the "I"; and exactly correct pronunciation  characterizes the degree of human culture, its ability to "show itself."

    That is why the ability to think and articulate his thought clearly to the ancient philosopher was seen, as they say, at the tip of the language: "Talk ...". How right, for centuries, the Stoic philosopher, how sometimes it is hard for us to perceive a man’s speech, heavily flavored with orthoepic errors. This is due to the fact that we no longer understand the meaning of what has been said. Our attention is shifting to the “abnormality” of pronunciation, in the words of the famous linguist and connoisseur of the Russian language, D.E. Rosenthal. Several years ago, an interesting experiment was performed at the Moscow State Linguistic University. Language speakers, native speakers, were asked to listen to two entries, the first of which contained a German text read without a single phonetic, but with some grammatical errors, and the second - an ideally composed text grammatically and lexically, specially read with errors in pronunciation. German experts did not hear the intentionally made grammatical errors in the first text, but noted a large number of similar ones in the second. And I suddenly thought: if the word is called “commander of human strength” by the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, then the pronunciation of the word is a strategic concept with far-reaching consequences.

    Speech culture is our knowledge of language norms. This is a litmus test that can be used to verify the general culture of a person. This is our “social” passport. It is from the manner of communication depends on the impression that we make on others. Our speech is capable not only of attracting interlocutors, but also of pushing them away. “Wrapping words” is permissible, in my opinion, only in the satire novel “12 chairs”. It was on his pages that the notorious Ostap Bender, a textbook hero-swindler, asked his hapless partner: “Can you say the following phrase in French:“ Gentlemen, I have not eaten for six days ”? “Monsieur,” began Ippolit Matveyevich, stammering, “Monsieur, um, um ... well, no, maybe, no manga na ... six, as it is: en, de, trois, katr, senk ... sis ... sis ... log. So, it is not a mange on the system journal. ” - “Well, and your pronunciation, Kisa! However, that from a beggar to demand! "... Comments, as they say, are superfluous.
    Believe me, the authority of the speaker foreign language  with a strong accent is reduced, even if the listener does not want to admit it. All the forces of the interlocutor go to the understanding of individual words, the meaning of what was said at the same time almost completely eludes. Beautiful, compliant pronunciation, on the contrary, commands respect from the other person and facilitates the process of communication.

    In conclusion, I will cite several phrases from the diary of the great Russian theater director KS Stanislavsky: “... To give some illusion to their voice, banal readers resort to all sorts of voice graces that create that nasty convention, quasi-melodious speech and declamation, from which I want to run. I'm looking for natural musical sonority. I need the letter “a” to sing its melody with the word “yes”, and with the word “no” the same thing happened with the letter “e”. I want some vowels imperceptibly to flow into others in a long series of words and not to knock between them, but also to sing consonants, as many of them have their own stretching, guttural, whistling, humming sounds, which constitute their characteristic feature. That's when all these letters will sing, - then the music begins in speech ... "

    I would very much like us to hear the words of music, its unique and special pronunciation, more often in conversations, conversations and interviews.

    A. Stepanenko, Ph.D. Phil. of science

    Speak, so I saw you.

    Have. Look at the epigraph.

    How do you understand these words of the ancient Greek philosopher?
    Sc. Speech as a way to attract attention.
    W. Speaking, we do not just demonstrate the ability to build simple and complex sentences, various syntactic constructions, we somehow express our attitude to what is happening. You can say: "I love you," and this will not be a simple declarative sentence, it will be our desire to throw the whole world at the feet of this person.

    “Speak for me to see you” - is this just relative to spoken language right?
    Sc. Probably, this expression is even more to writing  applies Oral speech can be supplemented with facial expressions. And in writing it is the word that speaks of our essence.
    Have. Thanks for watching.

    So, the subject of our conversation will be the text. The topic of the lesson is “Text as a means of self-expression of the author”.

    I suggest you analyze the texts today in order to see through the selection of which language means the author’s self-expression takes place and to create your own text in which you can express yourself.

    There are various levels of text organization: phonetic, lexical, syntactic. I invite you to a dialogue with the text.

    History from the last century.

    1916 In one of the literary living rooms of the time, S. Yesenin writes the lines in the album

    Let a more stupid chatter,

    That they were spattered by a dream

    If there is anything in the world -

    This is one void.

    Have. What is the attitude expressed by the poet?
    Sc. Loneliness, hopelessness.
    Have. Alexander Blok, after reading this entry, asked:

    "Sergey Alexandrovich, do you really think so?"

    "Yes," said Yesenin simply.

    "Then I must answer you." So there was an introduction to the poem "Retribution".

    Group 1 makes observations at the lexical and syntactic levels.

    Group 2 makes observations at the morphological and syntactic levels.

    To complete the task is given 5 minutes.
    Lexical level

    The abundance of antithesis: the beginning - the end

    dusk - clarity

    erase - you will see


    2 positions - their opposition.
    At the morphological level:

    • The predominance of the noun. Why? (Talk about the subject, about the essence of life)

    • Verbs of the imperative mood. Why? (As calls to the reader, to Yesenin)

    • 6 pronouns YOU in one segment of the poem. Why? (Very private. Talk.)
    At the syntactic level:

    • Incomplete sentences with predicate omissions.

    • Appeal (It enhances the emotional focus of the poem)
    Have. So, back to the idea that the text is a dialogue between the reader and its author. What idea did Blok turn to Yesenin in 1916 and to us now?
    Sc. Do not despair. Hope Life is Beautiful.
    Have. I suggest you now express your worldview. Before you is not a text, but a language construct with gaps.

    The task:  fill this language construct with your worldviews, turn it into text.

    Reading text.
    Did you feel how different the lyrics turned out?

    You spoke - and I was able to see you. Speak nicely.

    page 1

    “Speak to me, so that I can see you,” Socrates once said. A person can be dressed in any kind of clothes, surrounded by objects that create an illusion about his tastes, views on life, the inner world; a person can be given a brilliant education - but his essence will not escape the attentive interlocutor. Strangely enough, it is intangible words that, like steam, come out of a person’s mouth and dissolve - and are actually carefully preserved - somewhere in space and time, “say” everything about a person.

    We rarely have to think about the essence of the concept of "word". Is that at a time when we teach our children to speak. Sometimes this need arises quite unexpectedly, as, for example, in connection with my daughter’s session. The Faculty of Philology, the same one that I myself graduated once ... And now, together with us, we go through the textbooks on linguistics, which we managed to get, and write the answers to the questions.

    First you need to characterize the word as a language unit.

    Any native speaker can distinguish separate words in his or someone else’s speech stream - philological education is not necessary for this. At the same time, none of the definitions given by linguists takes into account all the nuances of this concept. Some scientists believe that it is impossible to characterize it with the help of a word, that the concept of a word is incompatible with our understanding of a particular unit of language. Words are very different within the same language, but what can we say about the comparison of words that belong to different languages ​​(compare: school, learn, and, for, ku-ku, eng. A, the).

    But you have to give an answer, and we choose the most appropriate - “a sound or a complex of sounds with a certain lexical meaning,” and joyfully we begin to fill the white field, trying not to think that the definition is inaccurate, it is also suitable for morphemes and for offers. And why in the Ukrainian "salary" is one word, and "railroad" two? And what then to speak about the English “get up” - to get up? How many words are there: one, two, maybe three? Great, and this is only the beginning! The emergence of language ...

    Again a few textbooks - and versions, versions, versions ...

    I remember how once in school I was very much waiting for us to begin teaching biology. The fact is that I was sure: it is in this lesson that the secret of life will be explained to us, how else can such a subject begin! The difference between life and death for me was completely incomprehensible. Like most children, I could not formulate the question so that I understood. The biggest mystery was the work of the heart. Why is it knocking? What makes it work? Of course, then I did not find the answer. But biology had to clarify everything. And finally, the first lesson ... Unfortunately, I will not be able to intrigue the reader: everyone was in this lesson and they themselves heard everything.

    I felt a disappointment, similar to the childish one, by examining some hypotheses about the origin of the language. But let us leave the topic of the exams, because in ordinary life there is something to think about. The most common words that we use daily are sometimes seen in a completely different light. Take at least onomatopoeic words. Our speech has such a property: with its external sound side, a combination of vowels and consonants, it characterizes the object, regardless of the meaning that is embedded in the content of the word. In the words “croak”, “buzz”, “meow”, “cuckoo”, “laughter”, “tramp”, the sound form indicates that the frog croaks, the cat meows, the cow moos and so on. If the student of the Russian language knows the meaning of the words “frog”, “cat” and “cow”, then he will guess the meaning of the above predicates in a single sound form, since these words carry an element of imitation in them. How can we not recall the alliteration - the repetition of identical or homogeneous consonants, which give special expressiveness to what has been said. Thus, in the saying “From the clatter of hoofs, dust flies across the field,” the word “trampling” is imitative of imitation: the sound of “t”, “n”, “t” conveys the idea of ​​auditory sensation; in the word “hoof”, taken separately, this idea does not exist, but it is enhanced by the repetition of the consonants and the new consonant “to”. And here is another example of the use of the word "tramp", but already from Ukrainian literature:

    Offensive concoction. Go ahead and kill.
       Tupit Chobit.
       Near Duzhchaє. Glibšaє. Heavyweight
    (N. Bazhan)

    The repetition of the consonants "p", "t", "b", "f", "sh" creates an expressive sound image of the notorious march of the German army.

    And since we have already touched on the Ukrainian language, let me give you a few examples from phraseology, which I really like to give to my students. To begin with, answer the question: what should I do to be told about you, that you are behaving, “yak chumatska vosha”? In fact, everything is very simple - to be important. Here is another phraseological unit that is not so easy to understand. What quality of a person is meant if we say about him that he is “a cat of a tail by a university?” He is also “from cooked krashanki kurcha to see”, “from-stand-up standing stand-up to vipore”, and in him “in the first step, do not be surprised”. Now it is clear that we are talking about an intelligent man. In opposition to him, a stupid man is “no tso ni tsabe”; if everything is really bad - “on the head”, if simply frivolous - “on the next day in the head”.

    But we will be more serious. There are many concepts that we habitually express in words, but are not able to comprehend, to imagine. Creator, infinity, love, heaven, hell - the first thing that comes to mind from this series. I think that these words are still waiting for our understanding. Once a renewed person will see everything differently, wider. In the meantime, we have what we have. I really like the aphorism of Socrates, which I first recalled. But, in my opinion, it is not acceptable for a philologist. To talk? Yes please! Words can be played, manipulated, it is convenient to hide behind them. They can be dragged in such a way that it will be awkward and banal to use them. Remember the samples of the essays of high school students from Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. The author himself described them as follows: “One of the signs that distinguished these works was conscious, lovingly cherished melancholicity; besides, the wasteful and impetuous influx of “high words”, further - a stupid manner to sculpt wherever you can especially “bright” expressions and turns, besmirching them to nowhere; and especially she was struck by the bothersome and unbearably miserable morality that waved her short, sharp tail at the end of each such work. ”

    How often we forget that conciseness is a sign of perfection. No wonder editors like to repeat that a fully edited text is an aphorism.

    Our long-time ancestors used very few words. But with what awe they treated them! One of the theories of the emergence of such a folklore genre as a riddle claims that it owes its appearance to a taboo: people did not dare to name certain objects or phenomena so as not to cause their spirit, they did not dare to disturb. Therefore, they were spoken of metaphorically. For us, a riddle is a concise, allegorical description of events, phenomena that need to be solved. We only smile when we hear that the ancestors did not call the creature that they were hunting for, “so that it would not hear”, and we don’t think: maybe they were smarter than us in some ways. We turn to God, using ordinary words, and not only believe, but also know that we are heard - that is, we realize this important function of the word. At the same time, we ourselves do not consider it necessary to follow what we are saying. We call upon the Lord to be witnesses to her “by God”, and we do this not only when we speak the truth. And to utter the name of the Creator in vain to us, "God Himself commanded." If a man could always remember that he would be judged just by the words by which he judged others, that in his own words he actually creates a court for himself - he would be somewhat more careful.

    The tree of our language has grown a lot, intertwined with other trees growing near it. But for the fulfillment of the main task of man - for the salvation of the soul - not so much is needed. In the end, you can do with two words: "Lord, have mercy."

    It is a huge responsibility for a person to use such an incomprehensible word. Of course, the philologist more often than others has to think about the essence of this concept, so I really want to be concise, seasoned, careful with words. Diligently try them on before using, rather than raking up in a heap before confession, noting with annoyance that this heap does not differ at all from its older sisters. And you know that in this situation calms the anxious conscience? Correct words.

    In this case, the words of Shakespeare: "It is easier for me to teach twenty people how to act, than to be one of these twenty and follow my own teachings."