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  • Cabinet biology at school. Biology Cabinet as one of the main elements of the educational process Description of the school cabinet of biology

    Cabinet biology at school. Biology Cabinet as one of the main elements of the educational process Description of the school cabinet of biology

    Requirements for the Cabinet Biology

    School Cabinet biology - This is not only a class where biology lessons are held, optional and murghaous classes and perform extracurricular tasks, this is the material base of the educational educational process.

    Biology Cabinet contributes to the solution of the following tasks:

    Security educational process necessary equipment that improves learning efficiency;

    Wide use technical means learning in lessons and after-school time;

    Providing educational didactic material corresponding to software material;

    Providing necessary equipment different species extracurricular and extracurricular work.

    Cabinet biology should consist of a classroom room, a laboratory and a corner of wildlife.

    Educational methodical support Cabinet

    1. Provision by means of visibility: natural objects, herbaria, collections, wet preparations, carcass and acrylates; Fine remedies: graphic tables, contours, appliqués, volumetric models and units.

    2. Security textbooks, didactic materials, handouts in accordance with educational program Schools.

    3. Providing students with learning instruments for all classes and topics.

    4. Security of students with sets of typical tasks, tests, test work, multi-level tasks for diagnosing the fulfillment of the requirements of the basic and elevated level of the educational standard

    5. Equipment for learning to ensure a variable program, programs additional education As part of the functioning of the Cabinet.

    6. Cabinet for textbooks on biology, scientific, popular science, educational and methodical literature for teacher and students.

    7. Discretion of the card files for accounting of educational and didactic material, educational equipment, task cards for implementation individual approach In training, the organization of independent work and exercise of students, conducting tests.

    Cabinet Requirements

    The interior of the Cabinet should have a positive emotional impact on teachers and students. The interior of the cabinet must be functionally significant: the design uses those materials that are constantly or are most often used in biology lessons. Objects of constant exposure of the Cabinet should contribute to the development of basic biological concepts (such as living, development organic World, environmental protection).

    1. The presence of periodically alternating exposures on botany, zoology, phenology, biological science achievements, local history material.

    2. The presence of a stand material with samples of successful execution of students' requirements of educational standards, analysis of typical errors, the results of intelligent marathons, competitions, competitions, execution of creative tasks.

    4. Availability of the work schedule of the study office mandatory Program, Optional classes, classes with lagging and gifted students, consultations.

    5. Organization of a live corner of nature or zoodandrarium.

    6. Creating phytodizain in room plants (at least 30-40 species).

    7. When selecting plants in the Biology Cabinet, first of all, it should be proceeded from that several these objects can be used in lessons and in extracurricular work. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the role of plants in the design of the interior of the Cabinet and their unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention. Plants are advisable to place on the racks that are attached in the ordinance of the edges of the windows or on the stands. All plants supply labels where species name, family, origin of the plant are written. Labels are fixed to the floral vase.

    Requirements to technical equipment Cabinet

    1. Equipment for the demonstration of educational films, diaposts, diapositives (darkening, screen, stand under the diaperoctor, electrical equipment).

    2. Equipment of the teacher's workplace (remote control of equipment, dimming, lighting).

    3. Tape recorder and audio recordings.

    4. VCR and televisions, electronic MMK;

    5. Equipment for automated knowledge control (PEVM, local network software).

    6. The presence of card files on films, movies, diaposition, SDDs, electronic mm benefits.

    1. Equipment of the cabinet with optical devices: microscopes, loupes, laboratory kitchenware, excursion equipment (press, botanisarik, saccuck, secateurs, etc.)

    2. Equipment of fire inventory and a first-aid kit;

    3. Availability of safety instructions;

    4. The presence of an introductory and periodic safety briefing instruction for students.

    Documentation for the passport of the Cabinet of Biology:

    Purpose: Analyze the state of the cabinet, its readiness to ensure the requirements of the standards of formations, to determine the main directions of work on conducting an educational office in accordance with the requirements of educational processing process.

    Cabinet passport;

    Inventory of property and documentation;

    Cabinet activity assessment;

    Card file didactic, technical, laboratory material;

    Certification of the educational office.


    Coursework: 41 Page, 6 drawings, 14 sources, 1 application.

    Keywords: biology account, the role and functions of the Biology Cabinet, Requirements for the Accommodation Cabinet of Biology, Live Corner in the Biology Cabinet.

    The purpose of the work: to explore the device of the Cabinet of biology, providing clarity - as a base for learning students.

    Research methods: Collection, study, systematization and analysis of literature; Observation and implementation of control over compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in the office.

    Research Subject: Biology Cabinet as one of the main elements of the educational process.

    Scope: Education.

    Degree of use: results of this term paper Can be used to improve and improve the work of biology cabinets in secondary schools.


    Chapter 1. Literature Review

    1 Functional Purpose Cabinet Biology

    2 Requirements for the educational account of biology

    3 Criteria for assessing the Cabinet of Biology in the Process Examination professional activity teachers of biology

    Chapter 2. Materials and research methods

    Chapter 3. Research results and their analysis

    1 Description of the Cabinet Biology

    2 Definition of the area and cabinet cube, air temperature measurement in the office



    cabinet Biology Training


    School Cabinet Biology - a special school unit, equipped with educational equipment that promotes active cognitive activity Students in the lessons, in extracurricular, extracurricular work on the subject of "biology".

    Biology Cabinet is a specially equipped room for organizing an educational process on biology.

    The relevance of the topic: This term paper is very significant, because most of learning activities In mastering the school curriculum on biology is associated with the Biology Cabinet and the study of the Biology Cabinet as the main level of the educational process is necessary for the improvement of the teaching of biology as a whole.

    The purpose of this course work is: the Cabinet of Biology as a base of learning students.

    In this paper, the following tasks will be solved:

    Describe the functional purpose of the Biology Cabinet.

    Consider the requirements for the study office of biology.

    Describe a live corner as an integral part of the biology cabinet.

    Describe the Cabinet Biology general education school №2 Mozyr.

    Chapter 1. Literature Review

    1.1 Functional Purpose Cabinet Biology

    The first natural science offices were a museum in which the herbarium of plants and stuffed animals in glazed cabinets. Later with the introduction of experimental methods, the cabinet becomes a class-laboratory. A glass and porcelain dishes appeared, microscopes, and rooms were isolated for living plants and small animals (corner of wildlife). Along with the tables used the "magic lantern", and then the film projector. In the mid-50s of the XX century. When the school goes to the cabinet system for all disciplines, the Biology Cabinet in the main features is preserved as a class-laboratory in combination with auxiliary room for accommodating and storing equipment: visual aids, equipment, tools, librars.

    The office contains the overall equipment necessary to teach all biology courses, and specific - for a particular course, a specific topic.

    All equipment is placed in the office on a specific system so that it can always be used in the educational process. However, the Biology Cabinet is not only the storage location of the necessary equipment. The functional purpose of the Biology Cabinet is significantly wider, several interrelated functions can be distinguished here: educational, scientific and methodological, placement of training equipment, reference and accounting.

    Educational role of the Cabinet.

    In the Biology Cabinet, the process of learning, education and development of students is being carried out, for which special equipment is provided. Convenient working tables and chairs, which when conducting group practical work You can shift together. A large and well-lit black academic board, chalk and a moistened sponge for wiped boards should always be in place. Teacher's table and board are used to demonstrate visual aids in the lesson.

    In the office there must be a water supply with a sink. Water is needed constantly for practical work, demonstrations, to care for plants and animals. In the absence of water supply water, water is kept in large vessels, bucket or plastic bottles.

    In the office, they organize replaceable and permanent exposures, developing interest in biological science, helping to assimilate complex educational material, for example, the stands "It is interesting" or " Animal world Our region "," Plants of the Red Book of our Region ", etc. As interchangeable expositions in the Biology Cabinet, thematic exhibitions of students (posters, environmental patterns, photographs made during excursions, etc.) may be presented.

    Large educational importance has permanent exhibitions (reflecting the main ideas of biology), which are used in the study of many of many topics in different training courses, such as "the development of the organic world on earth", "levels of life organization", "Four lives of life on earth", The Kingdom of Wildlife, etc. In the office there must be portraits of outstanding scientists (Ch. Darwin, A.I. Oparina, N.I. Vavilova, V.I. Vernadsky, V.N. Sukacheva, etc.).

    Scientific methodical role Cabinet.

    Cabinet is the place of work of the teacher of biology. Therefore, it should be all that the teacher is necessary for creative preparation for the lesson and other types of classes with schoolchildren: programs, textbooks, collections of tasks and biology tests, periodic literature, especially magazines "Biology in School", "Environmental education at school ", various methodical literature, including books on the general method of learning biology and on individual training courses, background references, determinants of plants and mushrooms, animals, methodical support for using a computer, etc.

    The teacher should also have instructions in the office of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and the education authorities for the formation of their region, state standards of education: a mandatory educational minimum on biology for all levels high School, Requirements for educational minimum, etc.

    The office also needed materials reflecting the work of biological circles and electives, didactic materials, etc., i.e., all that helps the teacher in his work on learning, education and development of students, contributes to its professional level.

    The integrated application of educational equipment allows us to most fully implement the unity of content, methods and learning tools in the educational process. Complexes of educational equipment are prepared by the teacher to each lesson and do not remain constant.

    (an essay on the specified end)

    I go to the school office. There are many colors in it, they stand on the windowsill, on the table at the wall, hang off the suspension caspo. Leaves clean, shine. In the corner at the window is a large rectangular aquarium. In it in transparent water, matte-green algae, swimming, slowly moved by fins, multicolored fish: downhill, voualehvosts, swords.

    On the walls - stands. The first is called "Natural Zones. Plants and animals of Russia. " Carefully consider the card and surprise the variety of nature of our homeland. Along the shores of the northern seas, a cold flame tundra stretches. To the south of her with a broad strip lying on the forest, they are replaced by the extensive steppes. The south of the desert splitted by the sun. Large squares Are busy in the mountains. Each of the natural zones is painted with its color covered with icons corresponding to the types of plants and animals, which are found in this area. Here is information about plants and animals of the extreme north and tundra, steppes and semi-deserts, mountains and subtropical zone.

    Nearby is the "Protection of Nature". There are state reserves on it with the image of animals inside. All natural objects are protected in them. We look and understand how our country is rich.

    Next, the natural zones of the Earth are presented. All variety of flora and fauna of our planet appears before your eyes. Europe and Asia, Africa and Australia, South America and Antarctica - each mainland has its own face with the unique world of nature.

    Especially striking the "Fauna Ocean" stand. Most different fish, birds, sea animals are represented here. Some surprise their external species And accuracy features: hammer fish, sailboat, sea elephant, gold-haired penguin, Portuguese boat.

    I go to the class, as in the museum of nature. It is very interesting here. This is the school office of biology. (239 words)

    Biology class - This is a specially equipped room for organizing an educational process on biology.

    You can select several biology Cabinet functions: Educational, scientific and methodological, placement of educational equipment, reference, accounting.

    1. Educational role of the Cabinet. In the Biology Cabinet, the learning, education and development of students takes place. There must be comfortable working tables and chairs, a large and well-lit black academic board, chalk, a moistened sponge for wiping the board. Teacher's table and board are used to demonstrate visual aids in the lesson. On the wall place the screen, side - television, projector.

    In the office there must be a water supply with a sink. Water is needed constantly for practical work, demonstrations, to care for plants and animals. In the absence of water supply, water is kept in large vessels, plastic bottles.

    The office, as a rule, is equipped with a small library containing various literature for the teacher and students. The office organizes constant and interchangeable exposures, for example, the constant expositions of the "red book plants of our region", "the development of the organic world on earth" and others. In the office there should be portraits of outstanding scientists: H, Darwin, Oparina A.I. et al. As replaceable expositions, thematic exhibitions of student works (posters, photos, etc.) may be presented.

    2. Scientific and Methodical Role of the Cabinet. Cabinet is the place of work of the teacher of biology. Therefore, it should be all that the teacher needs to prepare for a lesson and other types of classes: programs; textbooks; biology tests; Tutorials of the Ministry of Education; Didactic materials, etc.

    3. Placing educational equipment. In the Biology Cabinet there is a visual manual system: natural objects (indoor plants, herbaria, skeletons, etc.); images of natural objects (tables, diagrams, floppy disks, etc.); distribution material and didactic cards; devices for demonstration of technical means (projector, TV, computer, etc.); Laboratory equipment and tools for laboratory (practical) work in nature and in the office; chemical reagents; a first-aid kit

    The main part of the educational equipment is stored in cabinets by type of benefits, sections and topics of the program, taking into account the volume, mass, dimensions and frequency of use and requirements for storage.

    4. Cabinet Reference Function. To quickly obtain information on the availability of in the office of the biology of a particular equipment, the place of its storage should be a reference file for the main sections: literature, instruments, technical equipment, catalogs of educational films, disks, tables, drugs, collections, herbarium, etc.

    5. Cabinet accounting and planning function. Biology teacher as the head of the office is obliged to keep the book of accounting and the passport of the Cabinet. IN book account In alphabetical order, it is necessary to record material values \u200b\u200b(laboratory dishes, reagents, visual aids etc.), regularly recorded newly acquired equipment and materials, noted the fact of writing off the outdated equipment. Once a year in the office conduct an inventory, the report is handed over to the school leader. IN passport Cabinet Basic information about the office should be recorded.

    Improving the material base of the Biology Cabinet and its work are carried out on the basis of promising and annual plans.

    Acquisition of the material base of the Biology Cabinet . The list of educational equipment for teaching biology includes natural objects, models, units, printed benefits, screen manuals, etc. Usually acquire equipment, taking into account the real filling of classes, as well as the material possibility of school. For laboratory and practical classes, it is necessary to purchase at least one instance of the equipment on two students.

    Cabinet Cabinet School Cabinet is not only a class where biology lessons are held, optional and mug classes and extracurricular tasks are performed, this is the material base of the educational process. The Biology Cabinet contributes to the decision of the following tasks: ensuring the educational process with the necessary equipment that improves learning efficiency; widespread use of technical training equipment in lessons and after-hour time; providing educational didactic material corresponding to software material; Providing the necessary equipment of various types of extracurricular and extracurricular work. The Cabinet of the school biology consists of a classroom room, a laboratory and a corner of wildlife.

    The cabinet laboratory in the laboratory is available: cabinets and racks, a table for a teacher, analytical scales, etc. Natural objects (herbarium, stuffed, entomological collections) are stored in cabinets with deaf doors away from direct sunlight. Entomological and other collections are stored in special boxes, herbaria - in boxes or folders. Skeletons of vertebrate animals are stored in closed cabinets.

    Micropreparations The microsperats are stored in the factory packaging so that the micro-processing is located horizontally, which protects it from salting. Micro sets are located in classes and topics. There are sets of microsperats on botany, zoology, anatomy and general biology.

    Reagents to the storage of reagents in the office presented general requirements for storing chemical reagents in school. The most commonly used reagents are the following: iodine solution in yodist Kazat, starch, glucose, sodium bicarbonate, potassium permanganate, lime water, ethyl alcohol, formalin (40%), sodium chloride (saline, hypertensive solution).

    Educational and methodological support of the Cabinet Cabinet is provided: textbooks, didactic materials, handouts in accordance with the educational program of the school; sets of typical tasks, tests, test work, multi-level tasks for diagnosing the requirements of the basic and elevated level of the educational standard; textbooks on biology, scientific, popular, educational and methodical literature for the teacher and students; A card file for accounting of educational and didactic material, educational equipment, a certificate of tasks for the implementation of an individual approach in teaching, organizing independent work and exercise of students, conducting tests.

    Cabinet interior design has a positive emotional impact on teachers and students. The interior is functionally significant: the materials are used for registration are most often used in biology lessons. The objects of the constant exposure of the Cabinet should contribute to the development of basic biological concepts (such as the levels of the organization of the living, the development of the organic world, the protection ambient). There is a bench material with samples of successful execution of students' requirements of educational standards, analysis of typical errors, the results of intelligent marathons, competitions, competitions, execution of creative tasks. Availability of the work schedule of an educational office on a mandatory program, optional classes, classes with lagging and gifted students, consultations.

    A live corner of the Biology Cabinet should differ from the other offices of its own uniqueness and a special atmosphere. That is why we tried to make a paradise in school for the truth, consisting of more than 50 species of various plants. All plants are equipped with labels, where the species name, family, origin of the plant is recorded. Labels are attached to the flower pot.

    Orchidrium since 2013, an orchidrium will be created in the school office of biology. There is already a collection of several types of orchids: Falenopis, Doddrobium, Venus Schomka, Cattleya, etc. Stunning petals of unmatched orchids blossomed alone on the other on the thick green stem, carry love, beauty, refinement and extraordinary tenderness. Their charming petals look like magic lanterns, illuminating the district with their limitless warmth.

    The orchidrium deserves special attention with anything that is not comparable of the precious orchid Macodes (Macodes Petola). The stems of this unusual miniature orchid are sprinkled along the surface of the substrate and all the time are branched, reaching a height of 7- 8 cm. The color of velvety leaves varies from a salad and emerald to gray-green with golden veins that shine and flicker.

    Laboratory equipment and safety equipment The basic principle of placement and storage of educational equipment - on subjects, types of educational equipment, taking into account the frequency of use of this training equipment. The office is equipped with fire inventory and first aid kit, safety instructions, and there is also an introductory and periodic safety instructions for students.

    Biology Cabinet Thus, the cabinet equipment contributes to high-quality execution school program With the minimum time of time on the organization and inclusion in the educational process of various audiovisual and other learning tools. The office, in addition to the fact that is well equipped and is aesthetically attractive, simple in design and is convenient for work - there is no overload of exhibition stands or lowered in the process of learning objects of nature. 26 References: 1.Galeeva N.L. "Modern Biology Cabinet." Publishing house: "5 for the running". M. - 2005 2. Dibrova N.A. "Beauty at school." Publishing house: "5 for knowledge." M. - 2003 3. Thaitak D.I. "Biology class". Publishing house: "Enlightenment". M. 4.Cipin A.S. "Plants around us." Publishing house: "Young Guard". M. - 2007. five.