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  • Ballet Academy on Frunzenskaya. Moscow State Academy of Choreography. Logistics equipment mgah

    Ballet Academy on Frunzenskaya.  Moscow State Academy of Choreography.  Logistics equipment mgah

    schedule Working hours:

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri from 09:00 to 18:00

    MGAH Gallery

    general information

    Federal State Budgetary educational institution higher education"Moscow state academy choreography "


    No. 01856 valid Indefinitely from 30.12.2015


    No. 01847 valid from 12.04.2016 to 02.06.2027

    Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for the Moscow State Academy of Arts

    Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
    Performance indicator (out of 7 points)6 4 5 6 6
    Average USE score in all specialties and forms of study74.87 69.23 73.85 61.57 63
    Average USE score credited to the budget76.71 68.2 81.76 61.00 60
    Average USE score of those enrolled on a commercial basis59.3 - 61.50 - 60
    Average in all specialties minimum score USE enrolled in the full-time department58 48.5 62.33 50.00 50
    Number of students187 182 178 172 181
    Full-time department106 105 111 125 147
    Part-time department13 21 15 7 5
    Extramural68 56 52 40 29
    All data Report Report Report Report Report

    About MGAKh

    The Moscow State Academy of Choreography is a federal university created in 1773 by order of Empress Anna Ioannovna, where children with outstanding dancing abilities can receive a quality education that fully complies with state standards.

    Education at the Moscow State Academy of Arts

    At the Academy, you can get a secondary vocational education in the specialty of Ballet Art. Upon the expiration of the training period, which is 7 years and 10 months, vocational education graduates receive the qualification of a ballet dancer. Children from 6 years of age can enter the Academy in grade 1; transfer to a university from school is possible after the child completes grade 4.

    But before entering the university, parents should carefully read the list of diseases in which the child will be denied admission to the Academy. These include heart disease, diseases of the blood, respiratory and digestive organs, all types of otitis media, hearing loss, mental disorders and illnesses. nervous system, visual impairment and many others.

    At the Moscow State Academy of Arts, you can get a higher professional education and a bachelor's degree in the following specialties:

    • choreographic art, specializing in ballet pedagogy, performing arts management, choreographic art history pedagogy, or the art of a choreographer;
    • choreographic performance, by specialization ballet dancer or teacher-tutor.

    Moreover, all specializations are studied in full-time education. The only exception is ballet pedagogy, which can be learned both internally and in absentia.

    After graduation, students receive a state diploma. Teaching secondary and higher vocational education possible as on budgetary basis, that is, completely free of charge, and on a contract basis in case of a shortage of budget places.

    Students of the Academy, who were actively involved in scientific work during their studies, can enter postgraduate studies to obtain higher scientific education. There they will be able to write a candidate's or doctoral dissertation and pass candidate exams in the following specialties:

    • choreographic art;
    • theatrical art;
    • theory and methodology of vocational education;
    • general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education.

    In addition, university graduates who have specialist or master's degrees can receive additional education, in order to subsequently become trainee assistants in the specialties: modern, classical, duet-classical, historical-everyday or folk-stage dance.

    Material and technical equipment of the Moscow State Academy of Arts

    The Academy has all the necessary material and technical base, which fully provides a normal educational process for students and contributes to their all-round development. The university has:

    • lecture halls and student classes, where students receive theoretical knowledge;
    • a canteen with 300 seats, where students and teachers can refresh themselves between classes;
    • a medical service point where you can get emergency help;
    • a gymnasium and a sports ground where students undergo physical training;
    • showers where children can swim after exhausting physical exertion;
    • a hostel for pupils of the Academy and nonresident students;
    • educational theater, where students hone their dancing skills, and then perform in front of the audience at concerts;
    • 4 lounges for students to relax after classes;
    • a library where there is all the literature necessary for the education and self-education of students;
    • electronic library, where students have access any day and at any time of the day;
    • the archive of the university, which contains photo, film, audio and printed materials telling about the formation of the university;
    • a museum with exhibits that tell the story of the formation of ballet art in general and the development of the Academy in particular.

    Features of education at the Moscow State Academy of Arts

    The educational process is organized at the Academy in full compliance with state educational standards. Therefore, each discipline is studied for as long as necessary. An exception is made only for talented and gifted students of the Academy, as well as laureates of competitions that create individual program learning.

    In the process of training, students receive all theoretical knowledge and practical skills that may be useful to them in order to work in their chosen specialty. So that after graduating from the university, the graduates of the Academy quickly join professional activity, at the Moscow State Academy of Arts, active forms of education are used - seminars are held with heated discussions of acute problems of art, students take stage exams, which allow them to better consolidate their knowledge of the discipline and show how much they have mastered it. In addition, they participate in concerts and compose dances in the styles of various eras in order to better navigate the types of choreography. And in order for students to better understand what choreographers and teachers want from them, various audio and video materials are used in training.

    In addition, the university maintains contacts with well-known dance groups, ballet groups and Russian theaters. Thanks to these connections, the students of the Academy attend various theatrical performances, watch new ballet performances, and then discuss their elements, introduce some dance steps into their performances and strive to work even harder to dance as well as famous dancers.

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    Address of the Moscow State Academy of Choreography: Moscow, 119146, 2nd Frunzenskaya st., 5

    The Academy of Choreography is one of the oldest t theater educational institutions of Russia.
    In December 1773, "theater dance classes" were opened in Moscow at the Orphanage, which later became known as the ballet department of the theater school. The first graduation of the theatrical ballet school took place in 1779.
    In addition to ballet dancers, the Moscow Theater School trained artists of drama, opera and orchestra.

    In 1863, a draft of the new charter of the school was prepared. Pupils were offered education: 1) physical, 2) moral, "based on religious principles and observance of church rites", 3) teaching sciences and arts.
    In 1888 the ballet school was transformed into the Imperial Ballet School.
    In 1898, the ballet department of the school was transformed, the number of students increased to one hundred people.
    At the beginning of the twentieth century, the question of closing the school was raised. In 1912, the drama department was closed. However, thanks to the work of wonderful teachers, the school trained a large number of dancers. October revolution in the history of the school came new stage... A decree of the People's Commissariat for Education in 1920 approved the "Regulations on the State Ballet School" and announced admission to the school for gifted children.
    Among the graduates of the 1920s - A.M. Messerer, I.A. Moiseev, A.M. Rudenko.
    During the Great Patriotic War the school was evacuated to the city of Vasilsursk, where the students continued their studies and gave concerts in hospitals.
    In 1944, M. Plisetskaya was released at the first graduation post-war concert.
    In 1960, S.N. Golovkin. In 1961 the school was awarded the title of "academic".
    In 1971, the Moscow Academic Choreographic School was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
    In 1973, the school celebrated the 200th anniversary of its foundation.
    In 1995, the school was merged with the Moscow State Academy of Choreography as a structural unit.
    In 2002, M.K. Leonova.
    Academy graduates become leading soloists of the Bolshoi Theater, the Moscow Musical Theater. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, folk dance theaters, etc. The names of the soloists of the Bolshoi Theater V. Vasiliev, E. Maksimova, N. Bessmertnova, M. Liepa, M. Lavrovsky, N. Sorokina, Y. Vladimirov and many others are now known throughout the world.

    Moscow State Academy of Choreography today

    Akdemia guide

    Rector of the Academy: People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Art History, Professor Leonova Marina Konstantinovna

    Artistic director: People's Artist of the USSR,Lenin Prize Laureate Lavrovsky Mikhail Leonidovich

    1st Vice-Rector: Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor, Honorary Lawyer of Moscow BlackAlexey Viktorovich

    Vice-rector for scientific work: candidate of philological sciences, professor, Irina A. Borzenko

    Vice-rector for educational work: Tatiana Yurievna Kuleshova

    Deanperforming faculty: Honored Artist of the Russian Federation,candidate of pedagogical sciences, Professor Andrey Aleksandrovich Alferov

    Dean Faculty of Education: Professor Elena Borisovna Kurakina

    Faculties and departments

    Department of Classical Dance
    Department of Classical and Duet Dance
    Department of folk, stage, historical, everyday and contemporary dance
    Department of Choreography and Ballet Studies
    Department of Accompaniment Mastery and Music Education
    Department of Humanities, Socio-Economic Disciplines and Performing Arts Management
    Department of Foreign Languages
    Department of Postgraduate Professional Education
    Center for Continuing Education
    Department of Concert and Professional Practice