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  • Spbu transfer from another university vacancies. Transfer from a paid basis to a budgetary one. Faculty of World Politics

    Spbu transfer from another university vacancies.  Transfer from a paid basis to a budgetary one.  Faculty of World Politics

    Question: when can I transfer to your university? What documents are needed? Do I need to take an exam?

    Answer of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Babeluk Ekaterina Gennadievna: Transfer from other universities to St. Petersburg State University (hereinafter referred to as SPbSU) is carried out twice a year: before the start of the academic period. The decision to transfer students to SPbU is made by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, taking into account the opinion of the Central Commission for Transfers and Restorations. From 01.01.2013, the current Regulation on the procedure for transferring students, changing the conditions for the development of educational programs by students and reinstatement in the number of students at St. on basic educational programs of higher and secondary vocational education at St. Petersburg State University, approved by the Order of the acting Rector No. 3480/1 dated 16.08.2012 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules). This chapter regulates the procedure for transferring and reinstating students to St. Petersburg State University. You can familiarize yourself with the text of the Rules.

    In accordance with these Rules, transfer to SPbU is possible only from universities that have state accreditation at the time a student submits an application for transfer. There is no transfer of students from other universities studying on a paid basis to SPbU to places funded from the federal budget.

    There is no transfer of students from other universities to SPbU for the graduation course.
    If you are going to transfer from another university to places funded by the federal budget, you should take into account that a prerequisite for the transfer of a student is the availability of vacancies in the corresponding course in this form of study in the field of study or specialty. When transferring a student, academic debt (i.e., academic difference) should not exceed 10 disciplines.

    To make a decision to transfer to SPbU, you need to submit the following documents to SPbU:

    1. Personal statement addressed to the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs;

    2. A copy of the grade book;

    3. Academic transcript or other certificate, which lists the disciplines studied, indicating the total number of hours (the certificate must contain the full official name of the university, registration number and date of issue, the signature of an authorized official with an imprint of the official seal of the university);
    4. Certificate of study at the expense of the federal budget (for persons applying for transfer from another university to places funded by the federal budget);
    5. Certificate of receipt of a scholarship at another university based on the results of the last interim attestation preceding the transfer (for persons applying for transfer from another university to places funded by the federal budget).

    A prerequisite for the transfer of a student is also the student's readiness to master a specific basic educational program, determined based on the results of certification. You can familiarize yourself with the form of certification of applicants for transfer to the relevant directions to St. Petersburg State University.

    In addition, I would like to inform you that in order to apply for a transfer from the university where you are currently studying, you do not need to deduct from St. Petersburg State University; moreover, if you are expelled, you will not be able to apply for a transfer, because this procedure applies to persons who have the status of a student of a higher educational institution.

    Information on the procedure and schedule of work of the Central Commission for Translations and Restorations and Commissions for the Acceptance of Documents in order to carry out translations and restorations in 2013 will be posted on the SPbU website in the Learning Activities section in December 2012.

    4.3.12. The materials of tests (examinations) held in writing (written work of students, test and examination assignments) must be kept for at least three months from the date of the test (exam) in a place determined by the vice-rector for directions or another official authorized by the rector.

    4.4. Individual schedule of tests and exams

    4.4.1. In order to pass tests (exams) in terms different from the terms set in the schedule of intermediate certification, the student may be provided with an individual schedule for passing tests (exams) in the following cases: If the student knows in advance that he will not be able to attend the test (exam) for a valid reason, documented in the presence of one of the following grounds: sending a student by the University to participate in educational and scientific events during the midterm certification; sending a student by the University to study at another university (hereinafter referred to as the receiving university), if the timing of the intermediate certification coincides with the beginning of the period of study at the receiving university; sending a student undergoing training in a military training program to training camps during intermediate certification; departure of the student during the intermediate certification for international, Russian, interregional sports competitions, training camps, competitions, olympics

    and other extracurricular activities for the presentation of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, the University; referral of the student during the midterm certification for spa treatment, including as an accompanying person; planned inpatient treatment (or surgery) of the student during the interim assessment, as well as the upcoming birth of the

    Benka by female students during the midterm assessment. If the student missed the test (exam) for a valid reason, documented; If the student was disabled for more than one month continuously during the current period of study (subject to the provision of a document of the established sample); If the student was disabled during the obligatory laboratory work, preparation of obligatory creative tasks, rehearsals, trainings that are not possible to complete before the date of the test (exam) in the relevant discipline (subject to the submission of a document of the established form); If the student was disabled during the practice (subject to the provision of a document of the established sample); If a student has academic debt due to transfer or reinstatement.

    4.4.2. A student applying for an individual schedule for passing tests and exams is obliged to submit a personal application to the Study Department along with a document that is the basis for providing an individual schedule for passing tests and exams. A document confirming the validity of the reasons for the admission (for example, a certificate of temporary disability) must be submitted within three working days after the date of its issue (closure).

    4.4.3. The head of the Academic Department or another official authorized by the rector ensures that a request for the authenticity of the submitted documents is sent to the organization that issued the documents, including to healthcare institutions.

    4.4.4. In case of transfer or reinstatement of a student, he is provided with an individual schedule for passing tests and exams by order of transfer or reinstatement. The student does not need to submit a personal application for an individual schedule.

    4.4.5. An individual schedule for passing tests and exams is provided to the student by order of the rector or another official authorized by him.

    4.4.6. After issuing an order to provide the student with an individual schedule for passing tests and exams, the deputy head of the Academic Department - advisor to the vice-rector for directions or another official authorized by the rector shall issue an order to establish an individual schedule for passing tests and exams, drawn up in accordance with the procedure for scheduling intermediate certification with

    taking into account the statements of students and in the presence of organizational capabilities (in particular, the possibility of using the classroom fund, attracting teachers, etc.).

    4.4.7. The student must be familiarized with the individual schedule for passing tests and exams against signature, or by placing an order on the information stand of the Study Department, or by sending it by e-mail in accordance with clause 1.10 of these Rules.

    4.4.8. An authorized employee of the Study Department brings information about the date, time and place of the test (exam) on an individual schedule to the attention of teachers taking tests and exams by e-mail in accordance with clause 1.10 of these Rules, and gives them a separate test ( examination) list, which is drawn up and filled in in the manner prescribed by the order of the vice-rector for academic affairs or another official authorized by the rector.


    5.1. Academic indebtedness is defined as the receipt by a student of one or more "not passed" or "unsatisfactory" marks.

    5.2. In case of receiving the mark "not passed" ("unsatisfactory"), the student has the right to retake the test (exam) twice, and the second time - only to the attestation commission. The decision of the certification committee is final.

    IN If a student receives three or more grades "not passed" and (or) "unsatisfactory", the student is subject to expulsion from the University for academic failure in accordance with the Charter of the University.

    5.3. The attestation commission is formed of at least three teachers and is headed, as a rule, by the head of the department. The teacher who took the first attempt at a test (exam) can be a member of the attestation commission, but cannot be appointed as its chairman. The attestation commission is formed by the vice-rector for the relevant areas or another official authorized by the rector in the manner prescribed by the order of the first vice-rector for educational and scientific work.

    5.4. Attestation commissions are formed by the vice-rector for the relevant areas or another official authorized by the rector on the basis of the presentation of the dean of the faculty for each academic discipline. Attestation commissions can be formed to accept a test (exam) in a specific discipline by the vice-rector according to

    the relevant directions or other official authorized by the rector on the basis of the submission of the head of the department. Work in certification commissions is taken into account in pedagogical assignments (scientific and pedagogical assignments) of pedagogical (scientific and pedagogical) workers.

    5.5. Retaking the test (exam) of the attestation commission is carried out in accordance with the requirements for the content of intermediate attestation established in the work program of the academic discipline, in the same form (for example, oral, written) and in the same manner as the first attempt to pass the test (exam) ...

    5.6. At least three members of the certification commission must be present at the retake of the test (exam) of the certification commission, carried out orally.

    5.7. In the case of a retake of a test (exam) in writing, the presence of members of the attestation commission during the test (exam) is not mandatory. Verification of students' written works is carried out by all members of the certification commission.

    5.8. The attestation commission makes a decision on the assessment of the student's answer by a simple majority of votes from the number of members of the commission present. With an equal number of votes, the chairman of the attestation commission has a casting vote. The results of the retake of the test (exam) are recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission.

    5.9. The mark received by the student at the retake of the test (exam) of the attestation commission is final. In case of receiving the mark "not passed" ("unsatisfactory") when retaking the test (exam) in one discipline of the certification commission, the student is subject to expulsion from the University for academic failure in accordance with the Charter of the University.

    5.10. Academic indebtedness for tests (exams) is liquidated according to the schedule of re-taking tests (exams), drawn up according to the rules established by these Rules.


    6.1. The number of term papers that must be completed by a student during the period of mastering the educational program is determined by the curriculum.

    6.2. The topic of the student's term paper and the supervisor are approved at a meeting of the department where the supervisor works, unless a different procedure is established by the local regulations of the University.

    6.3. Requirements for the implementation of coursework are established by the work program of training sessions.

    6.4. In case of dismissal or transfer of a teacher who is a scientific advisor to another job (including to another department), at the personal request of the student, the head of the department must appoint a new scientific advisor for him from among the teachers of the department.

    6.5. The student has the right, on the basis of a personal statement agreed by the head of the department where the student previously planned to carry out the course work, and the head of the department to which the student plans to transfer to complete the course work, to move to another department to complete the course work.

    6.6. The term paper is handed over by the student within the time frame established at the meeting of the department, is registered by an employee authorized by the vice-rector for directions, after which it is checked by the supervisor.

    6.7. Course work can be assessed by the supervisor, and if the work program of the lesson provides for the defense of the course work, by a commission consisting of at least three teachers.

    6.8. The defense of term papers is carried out according to the schedule approved by the deputy head of the Educational Department - the advisor to the vice-rector for directions or another official authorized by the rector.

    6.9. If the student receives the grade "not passed" ("unsatisfactory"), the course work is subject to completion by the student. In this case, debt elimination is carried out in accordance with the procedure established for retaking tests (exams).

    6.10. When completing the course work, the student is obliged to make references to sources when borrowing material. In case of detection in the work of borrowings used without reference to the source, the head of the department forms a commission consisting of at least three teachers, which draws up an act on the detection of borrowings in the course work. Coursework is assessed in this case for the mark "not passed" ("unsatisfactory"). The student can be expelled from the University in accordance with the Charter of the University.

    6.11. By the decision of the Academic Council of the faculty, course work can be performed by students in the form of a report at an educational and (or) scientific event (scientific conference, scientific circle, etc.). The condition for evaluating the work is the presence of a written text of the report or detailed abstracts of the report. The decision on the possibility of evaluating the report as a term paper is made by the supervisor.


    7.1. General provisions on transfers and restorations

    7.1.1. Student transfer means: Transfer of a student to study in another educational program, including in another direction of training (specialty). Transfer of a student studying at another higher educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the higher educational institution), which has state accreditation, to the University; Changing the profile (specialization) in which the student is trained; Student change of the form of study; The transition (change of learning conditions) of the student,

    on a contractual (paid) basis, to places financed from budgetary allocations from the federal budget; Transfer (change of conditions of study) of a student studying at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget to a contractual (paid) basis; Transfer of a student studying at another higher educational institution of a foreign state to the University on a contractual (paid) basis of study.

    7.1.2. Reconstruction of a student is understood as: Reconstruction of a person who previously studied in one of the

    educational programs implemented by the University and expelled before the completion of the theoretical course of study, to the number of students for training in the educational program implemented by the University at the time of restoration. Reinstatement of a person who has completely completed the theoretical course of study at the University, but did not pass or did not pass the final state attestation, for re-passing the final state attestation.

    7.1.3. The transfer and restoration of students is carried out on a competitive basis.

    7.1.4. Transfer and restoration can be carried out subject to the successful completion of the intermediate certification by the student during the first period of study, with the exception of the following cases: Rehabilitation of students after expulsion in connection with conscription to military service in the Armed Forces

    Russian Federation or for alternative civilian service;

    7.1.5. A prerequisite for the transfer and (or) recovery of a student is the student's readiness to master a specific educational program, determined based on the results of certification, with the exception of the following cases: Recovery of students after expulsion in connection with conscription for military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or for alternative civilian service; Transition (change of learning conditions) of students from a contractual (paid) basis of education to places financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget; The transition (change in the conditions of study) of students from places financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget to a contractual (paid) basis of education.

    7.1.6. Certification of students applying for transfer or restoration is carried out in absentia (by reviewing documents) or in person (oral or written). The form of certification is established by the Academic Council of the faculty. Establishment of the requirement for full-time certification during translation (in the cases specified in clauses, of these Rules) or restoration is allowed if the requirement for full-time certification is established for students applying for transfer from other universities to the University (as amended by order dated 05.02.2013 No. 349/1).

    7.1.7. The prerequisites for transfer and restoration to places funded from budgetary allocations from the federal budget are: Availability of vacancies, funded from budgetary allocations of the federal budget, on the corresponding course in this form of study for the corresponding educational program, except for the case established by clause 7.4.2 of these Rules. The number of vacant budget places for transfer and restoration is determined as the difference between the target figures of the corresponding year of admission and the actual number of students enrolled in the corresponding educational program.

    gram by profession, specialty, direction of training and form of training in the corresponding course. The total duration of a student's study should not exceed the period established by the University curriculum in the relevant specialty (field of study) for mastering the basic educational program (taking into account the form of study) by more than one academic year. The exception is cases of students' recovery for re-passing the final state certification. When transferring students from other universities to the University, exceptions may be made for certain categories of citizens in agreement with the founder of the University in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. When restoring or transferring to a contractual (paid) basis of study, as well as when transferring from places financed from federal budget allocations to a contractual (paid) basis of training, the total duration of a student's study may exceed the standard training period by more than 1 year.

    7.1.8. When transferring and reinstating, there may be a difference in curriculum, which is subject to liquidation according to the rules for the elimination of academic debt. Academic debt arising from the transfer and (or) restoration should not exceed 10 disciplines (unless otherwise established by the order of the rector or an official authorized by him in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the faculty),

    and at the same time, it cannot make up more than 50% of all disciplines of the curriculum.

    7.1.9. In order to eliminate the student's academic debt resulting from the transfer and restoration, the student is provided with an individual schedule for passing tests and exams in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

    7.1.10. Recalculation of learning outcomes and periods of study during transfer and reinstatement is carried out in the manner prescribed by the order of the rector or another official authorized by the rector.

    7.1.11. The transfer and restoration of students is carried out by order of the rector or an official authorized by him on the basis of the decision of the Central Commission for transfers and restoration, drawn up by the corresponding protocol. The transfer (change in the conditions of study) of a student studying on a contractual (paid) basis to places financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget is made by order of the rector or an official authorized by him on the basis of the decision of the Decision Making Commission

    on the transition from paid education to free, issued by the appropriate

    the following protocol.(Paragraph as amended by order No. 150/1 dated 21.01.2015).

    The restoration of students, as well as the transfer of students in the cases provided for in clauses -,, of these Rules, is carried out twice a year before the beginning of the periods of study. The transfer of students specified in clauses,, from a contractual (paid) basis of education to places financed from budgetary allocations from the federal budget, is carried out in accordance with the schedule established by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.

    7.1.12. The procedure for transferring students from a contractual (paid) basis of education to places financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget provided for by these Rules applies to foreign citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are entitled to study at the University at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget.

    7.1.13. The Central Commission for Translation and Restoration and the Commission for Decision Making on the Transition from Paid Education to Free Education, the procedure for their work, the timing of meetings, as well as the list of documents required for applicants to submit for translation and restoration, and the deadlines for accepting documents are established by order of the rector or his authorized representative official. The Central Commission for Transfers and Reconstructions, the Commission for making decisions on the transition from paid education to free, without fail includes the chairman of the Student Council (student council) of the University, as well as the chairman of the Trade Union Organization of Students and Postgraduates of the University.

    the site.

    7.1.14. In case of missing the deadline for accepting documents, documents are accepted and considered at the next meeting of the Central Commission for Translations and Restorations, the Commission for Decision Making

    about the transition from paid education to free, where she is authorized to consider questions about the appropriate transfer or restoration

    laziness. (Clause as amended by order No. 150/1 dated 21.01.2015).

    7.1.15. Information on the number of vacant budgetary places (including for the transfer from a contractual (paid) basis of education to places financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget) is published on the official website of the University in the "Educational Activities" section. Obligatory publication on the official website of the University in the section "Educational activities" is also subject to the minutes of the meetings of the Central Commission for Transfers and Restoration and the Commission for Decision Making on the transition from paid education.

    for free.(Clause as amended by order No. 150/1 dated January 21, 2015).

    7.1.16. The transfer of a student from places financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget to a contractual (paid) basis is made by order of the rector or an official authorized by him

    persons without a decision by the Central Commission for Translation and Restoration or the Commission for Decision Making on the transition from paid education to free education until the grounds for expulsion arise

    of the given student.(Clause as amended by order No. 150/1 dated January 21, 2015).

    7.2. Student transfer conditions

    (as amended by order of 09/02/2013 No. 3110/1)

    7.2.1. Transfer of a student to another educational program, from a contractual (paid) basis of study to places financed from budgetary allocations from the federal budget, change by a student of the form of study (except for a change in the form of study from full-time to part-time or part-time and from part-time to part-time): It is carried out subject to the successful passing of intermediate certification for the previous periods of study. Not carried out during the period of passing the intermediate certification by the student.

    7.2.2. Transfer of students from other universities to the University is carried out in the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules.

    7.2.3. Transfer to the University is possible from universities that have state accreditation at the time the student submits an application for transfer. There is no transfer of students studying in non-accredited higher education institutions to the University.

    7.2.4. There is no transfer of students from other universities to the University for the graduation course.

    7.2.5. There is no transfer of students from other universities studying on a contractual (paid) basis to the University for places financed from budgetary allocations from the federal budget.

    7.2.6. When transferring to the University, a student studying at another university locally funded from budgetary allocations of the federal budget has the right to participate in the competition for transferring both to places financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget (if any) and to a contractual one ( paid) basis.

    7.2.7. The transfer of a student from a contractual (paid) basis of study to places financed from budgetary allocations from the federal budget is carried out on a competitive basis if there are vacant budget places in the corresponding course in this form of study according to the corresponding educational program.

    7.2.8. The following students who do not have at the time of submission have the right to transfer from the contractual (paid) basis of study to places financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget.

    Question: Hello, Ekaterina Gennadievna! My name is Lilia Romanovna. I am the mother of Nelly Marselevna Shigapova, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Philology, "Linguistics", "Foreign Languages", profile "Italian".
    Question: Is it possible to transfer my daughter from paid to budget? If I am an old-age pensioner, do not work for health reasons, I receive a pension of 10,000 rubles plus 1,000 rubles. per child, the husband's salary is 20,000 rubles, on the trail. a year goes into retirement, and 10 00 rubles is my mother's pension, my daughter does not work, because studies in the full-time department. As a result, on average, it turns out 40-45 thousand, sometimes the husband is rarely given a bonus.
    The daughter passed the exams and credits all three semesters for "4" and "5", but so far the translation is not working. We have run out of all reserves of money, and there is no one to borrow from. The daughter always studied perfectly well, they hoped that she would go to the budget. Is it possible to transfer it to the budget as the poor? If so, what documents to submit and when? Thank you.

    Answer of the First Vice-Rector for Academic, Extracurricular and Educational-Methodical Work of St. Petersburg State University Ekaterina Gennadievna Babeluk

    In accordance with clause 7.2.8 of the "Rules of education for the basic educational programs of bachelor's, specialist's, master's and secondary vocational education at St. Petersburg State University, approved by the order of the first vice-rector for educational, extracurricular and educational-methodical work dated January 29, 2016 No. 470 / 1 ", the following students can apply for transfer from places with payment of tuition fees to places financed from budgetary allocations from the federal budget:

    • students who passed exams in the last two semesters of study preceding the application, with grades "excellent" or "excellent" and "good" or "good";
    • orphans, children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care;
    • citizens under the age of twenty who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level established in the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
    • students who have lost one or both parents (legal representatives) or a single parent (legal representative) during the period of study.

    According to clause 7.1.3 of the training rules, the transfer and reinstatement of students is carried out on a competitive basis, subject to the availability of vacancies.

    Information on the number of vacancies is published on the official website of St. Petersburg State University no later than the working day preceding the day of the meeting of the acceptance committee in order to carry out translations and restorations in the relevant direction.

    The next meeting of the Central Commission for Translations and Restorations will take place on 02/10/2017 before the start of the spring academic semester 2016/2017 academic year. Acceptance of documents is carried out from 12.12.2016 to 30.01.2017 (inclusive). Documents can be handed over to members of the commission for receiving documents in the appropriate direction, or in electronic form through the "Personal Account".

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    Hello. I am currently a second year student at the Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don) at the Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication. My faculty is called "Pedagogical education with two profiles (Russian and English)". My faculty provides training for teachers of the Russian language with the right to teach literature, as well as teachers of the English language, as well as Russian as a foreign language. I would like to transfer to St. Petersburg State University, but, unfortunately, I do not know which faculty I can be admitted to, since my current specialty is not taught anywhere else. I have already studied and are still studying such disciplines as grammar and phonetics of the English language, modern Russian, Old Church Slavonic, Latin, linguistics, pedagogy and psychology. Unfortunately, a second foreign language is not taught at our faculty. Tell me which faculty at St. Petersburg State University I might have the opportunity to transfer.

    Please tell me if it is possible to transfer from another university after the winter session?

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Answer by I.O. First Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational-Methodological Work of St. Petersburg State University Ekaterina Gennadievna Babeluk:

    About translation

    Education at St. Petersburg State University is carried out not at the faculties, but in the basic and additional educational programs.

    Transfer to St. Petersburg State University is possible subject to the successful completion of the intermediate certification for the previous period of study. The academic difference that will arise as a result of the transfer should not exceed 10 disciplines, the academic difference is determined on the basis of the educational and methodological examination after the submission of documents. Translation is carried out based on the results of certification. Transfer is possible subject to availability of vacancies.

    Documents can be transferred to the staff of the commission for receiving documents in the relevant direction or in electronic form through the "Personal Account".

    The academic difference that may arise as a result of the transfer is determined by authorized employees of SPbU based on a certificate of study. When calculating the academic difference, taking into account the results of the educational and methodological examination, the disciplines subject to credit are determined, as well as the volume and structure of academic debt subject to liquidation. The number of disciplines that make up the academic difference is calculated taking into account the name, content, labor intensity of the disciplines studied, as well as the forms of certification in the disciplines.

    The academic difference arising as a result of the transfer is surrendered according to an individual schedule for passing tests and exams provided in accordance with chapter 4.4 of the Rules of instruction for basic educational programs of higher and secondary vocational education at St. Petersburg State University, approved by order of the rector dated 16.08.2012 No. 3480 /one .

    Information on the number of vacancies is published on the official portal of St. Petersburg State University no later than the working day preceding the day of the meeting of the Commission for the Acceptance of Documents in order to carry out translations and restorations in the relevant direction.

    You can familiarize yourself with information on the work of the central commission for transfers and restoration and commissions for receiving documents in 2015.

    Information on the work of the Central Commission for Translations and Restorations and the Commissions for the Acceptance of Documents in 2016 can be found on the SPbU website in December 2015.

    About educational programs

    You can transfer to St. Petersburg State University for any basic educational program, including in the areas of "Linguistics" and "Philology". Information about the programs for which SPbU admitted in 2015 is posted on

    Hello. I am a second year student at the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University (bachelor's degree). I would like to know if there is an opportunity to transfer to the third year at Moscow State University at the Faculty of World Politics or the Higher School of Cultural Policy and Management in the Humanities? If such a transfer is possible, then what will be required for this (elimination of the academic difference, etc.)? Thanks in advance.

    Faculty of World Politics

    03/13/2015 | Answer

    Good afternoon, Alexandra! To transfer to the Faculty of World Politics, you need to submit the following documents: personal application addressed to the rector; photocopy of your passport; a photocopy of the grade book certified by the dean's office or the original of the academic transcript; a certificate stating that you are a student; 6 3/4 photos on matte paper.

    Terms of translation: USE in history, no debts, successful testing in English.

    Acceptance of documents begins on June 15 and ends on July 10. Testing is held approximately on July 15th. Enrollment in the faculty takes place at the end of July.

    During the academic year, you will be required to close the academic difference. Similar subjects submitted by you to St. Petersburg State University will be credited. If you have any questions, you can send them to the address [email protected] Chizhkova Tatyana Dmitrievna, Deputy Executive Secretary of the FMF Admissions Committee on the recruitment of foreign citizens and issues of transfer and restoration.