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  • Test "sensory and intellectual development of the child." Summary of the lesson "signs of objects" Tests for the study of different types of thinking


    Elena Boburova
    Lesson in mathematics "Properties of objects"

    Target: to shape children's ideas about the properties of objects.

    Educational tasks:

    To shape representation on the signs of similarities and differences between subjects;

    Unite items in groups(on similar grounds) and separate from the group subjects that differ in any sign;

    Anchor children's idea of ​​the properties of objects(color, shape, size);

    Clarify representation about the forms of geometric figures - triangle, circle, oval, square, rectangle;

    Developmental tasks:

    To develop the speech of children, observation, mental activity, the ability to express and justify their judgments;

    Develop auditory and visual attention, reasoning skills

    Educational tasks:

    Cultivate interest in mathematics;

    To cultivate the desire to help others, the ability to work in a team;

    Vocabulary work: Enrichment with adjectives;

    Revitalization: Surprise, properties, similarities, differences, signboard;

    Methods and techniques: modeling a game situation with the aim of posing a problem and creating motivation, problematic issues, the use of didactic aids, technical means.

    Material for the lesson: toy - a hare, dummies of vegetables, flat vegetables, geometric figures, basket, flowers, flat autumn leaves, toys, dishes, bakery products, pictures "shoes", "clothes", "furniture".

    Technical equipment: Multimedia projector, screen, laptop, presentation « Item properties» , presentation of physical education "Herringbone".

    Course of the lesson

    I. Educator: Guys, look, guests have come to us. Let's say hello to them and give them good mood (blow away the mood from the palm).

    Today we have an unusual class... I have prepared a surprise for you, but you can reach it if you complete all my tasks.

    One very famous hero came to visit us. And what kind of hero, you will find out if you complete the first task.

    There is a piece of paper on the table in front of you with dots with numbers on it. Connect the numbers in order, and you will find out what kind of hero came to visit us (Children complete the task).

    Well done! You guessed it right - it's a bunny.

    II. Children go to the carpet, sit in a circle.


    Who knows what time of year it is?

    Children: Autumn.

    Educator: And what kind of work is being carried out in the garden in the fall?

    Children: In the fall, people harvest vegetables in their gardens, and fruits in the gardens.

    Educator: Our bunny also decided to harvest vegetables. What did he put in the basket? (Children put dummies in a basket).

    What color is the cabbage?

    Children: Green.

    What is the shape of the cabbage?

    Children: Round.

    What color are the carrots?

    Children: Orange

    What is the shape of the carrot?

    Children: Carrots are like a triangle.

    Educator: Where do carrots and cabbage grow?

    Children: cabbage on the ground, carrots in the ground.

    Educator: Why didn't you put the flowers in the basket? They also grow in the garden.

    Children: These are flowers, and the bunny is collecting vegetables.

    Educator: Why is there an apple?

    Children: An apple is a fruit, not a vegetable.

    Educator: And on what basis did you choose these subjects? Because they are tasty, juicy, large?

    Children: No, these are vegetables, they grow in the garden.

    Educator: Well done, you have coped with this task.

    III. Children go to the table (on the table there are pictures with the image of vegetables, geometric shapes).

    Educator: Lay out the pictures. What is shown in these pictures?

    Children: Vegetables.

    Educator: What kind properties distinguish them from each other?

    Children: Color, size, shape.

    Educator: Consider attentively pictures and choose geometric shapes that resemble these vegetables.


    The cabbage is green, round in shape, large.

    The carrots are orange, shaped like a triangle.

    The turnip is yellow, small and round.

    Educator: Why didn't you put a square.

    Children: There are no vegetables similar to a square.

    IV. (Exercise)

    V. Educator: Guys, you learned to find among different items signs of similarities and differences. Let's continue the journey with the bunny, go to the forest. I’ll ask you a few riddles, and I think you’ll guess at once what they mean. (The task is displayed as a presentation).

    Under the bushes, under the leaves

    We hid in the grass.

    Look for us in the forest yourself.

    We will not shout out to you: "Hey!" (Mushrooms, berries).


    1). What are the berries shown in the first picture (Raspberry, mountain ash, strawberry).

    What berries do you still know? Which ones grow in the forest, in the garden?

    What berries grow only in the forest?

    Who will be born in the hat? (Mushrooms)

    Name the mushrooms shown in the picture. (White, chanterelle, fly agaric)

    What do they have in common? (Each mushroom has a leg and a cap. They all grow in the forest).

    What kind of mushroom is superfluous here and why? (Amanita is a poisonous mushroom, inedible, and the rest are edible).

    And who of you knows what and for whom the fly agaric is useful? (Answers of children).

    2). A beauty butterfly, a centipede caterpillar, a rope snake, a worker ant and a bee - restless wings - gathered in the meadow. They started an argument-conversation: which of them is superfluous in this clearing? Please help resolve this dispute.

    Children:Extra snake: all others are insects.

    Educator: What do they have in common?

    Children: They are all animals, they live in the forest.

    Vi. Educator: Now we will lead the Bunny around our city and look into the shops.

    Together with the children we move through the group, placed in different places subjects(toys, dishes, furniture, shoes, clothes) and signs are hung, but they are confused. Children consider subjects and guess the name of the stores, change the signs in places.

    (Then they sit down at the tables)

    Educator: In which stores are they sold subjects that are shown in the pictures?

    Children: Toys in the store "Toys" and flowers in the store "Flowers"

    Educator: What we can offer goodbye to Zaychenku?

    Children: Flowers.

    Educator: Name these flowers and circle them with a red pencil, and toys with a blue pencil (Children complete the last task).

    Outcome classes: Bunny was very glad to meet you. He really liked your answers and stories about what grows and who lives in the forest.

    What are the vegetables called and what shape they look like. He is also glad to receive your gifts. Thanks for the interesting class.

    Related publications:

    Synopsis of the individual correctional and developmental lesson-travel "Properties of objects: color, shape" Purpose: consolidation and clarification of the child's ideas about the properties of objects: color, shape. Tasks: - correctional - training: continue.

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    Program content: -to acquaint children with the concepts of stone, wood. -to acquaint with the concepts of heavy, light, rough, smooth, sinking-not.

    Synopsis of morning rhythmic gymnastics No. 2 (without objects) Date: November 5, 2014. Equipment: audio recording. Tasks: Educational - fostering interest in physical activity, etc.


    Target: study of the attributes of an object (color, shape, size, material, taste, name, etc.)

    Tasks : educational:

    Repeat the signs of objects;

    Teach to group objects according to any criterion.


    Develop attention, observation, memory;

    Promote the development of creative and logical thinking.


    To bring up a creative perception of the world in a child;

    Create conditions for the formation of a work culture;

    To foster diligence, culture of speech and communication, independence.

    Equipment: a ball, a set of the simplest objects, dissimilar in material (for example, a wooden and plastic ruler); pictures showing items with a common name (dishes, clothes, plants, etc.), you can use pictures of children's lotto.

    During the lesson, signs of the objects discussed in the assignments are written on the board.

    During the classes

      Organizing time.

    Rules for working in a notebook:

    Notes are made in pencil;

    It is necessary to color the tasks with colored pencils;

    Tasks with an asterisk are optional.

    II. Learning new material.

    1. Signs of objects. Colour.

    Guys, let's take a look at the world around us. We are surrounded by all kinds of objects, things, as well as living beings. They are all different and each has its own characteristics, i.e. properties.What signs of objects do you know? (color, shape, material, size, weight, etc.)

    Let's take a look at the color of an item. Almost all objects have a color.

    What are the different objects by color? There are objects that have no color, i.e. colorless.

    What color is glass, water, ice? (colorless )

    The game. "Name the color":

      the teacher names the object by throwing the ball to the student. The student returns the ball to the teacher with the answer what color the named object is.

    Examples: coal - black, tomato - red, orange - orange, grass - green, snow - white, sun - yellow, etc.

      Pupils pass the ball along the chain (the one who answered, says the next word)

    Exercise 1

    A) green tree - green frog

    B) gray elephant - gray mouse

    C) red squirrel - red fox

    D) yellow chicken - yellow lemon

    D) red tomato - red car.

    Pupils must connect objects of the same color with a line. For this, objects are painted, the color of which is known in nature. The color of the car is determined last after the children try to connect the painted objects in pairs. Only the red tomato has no pair. This means that the car should be red.

    2. Signs of objects. The form.

    I propose to consider the shape of objects, explaining that the objects around us have a complex shape, therefore we will study only simple forms, i.e. shapes of geometric shapes.Students should name the shapes of geometric shapes: round, triangular, etc.

    Game "What is such a form?"

    The teacher thinks of any shape for the class and invites the children to name as many objects of this shape as possible.

    Circle - plate, clock, compass, wheel

    Square - cube, box

    The student who last named the object of the given form wins.

    * Are there objects that have no shape?

    (if there is no answer, I ask what form is water, milk, air).

    Conclusion: liquids and gases have no shape.

    Assignment 2

    Students must determine the shape of the object (the called student names it) and draw the object of the same shape. (through a survey, identify and discuss all sorts of options).

    For example: the box is rectangular, you can draw a rectangular envelope or checkbox.

    The coin is round, you can draw a sun, an apple, a pear, a mirror, etc.

    The kite is triangular, you can draw a triangular flag, a pyramid, a mountain, etc.

    Fizpausegame "Dwarfs - Giants"

    At the command "Dwarfs" the children squat, at the command "Giants" they stand up. The teacher, together with the students, performs all the actions, but after a while you need to start making mistakes.

    Commands are given in a breakdown and at a different pace.

    You can arrange a competition: the students who made a mistake sit down at the desk, so there will be a winner.

      Item signs. The size.

    Each item has its own size. The sizes of objects can be measured using a ruler and other devices. But often they just talk about size: large, small, medium, very large, very small.

    Task 3 on cards (independently)

    Students should compare the size of the balls and color them as required. You can evaluate 2-3 works.

      Objects signs. Material.

    We continue to describe the signs of objects. Very often it is required to say what an object is made of, i.e. name his material.

    We name various objects, and the students name the material from which it is made.

    Pencil - wooden, notebook - paper, coin - metal, pen - plastic, light bulb - glass.

    Assignment 4

    Students identify the material for the next subject, and then look for an item from the same material and connect them with a colored line.

    Answers: a light bulb - a glass, a notebook - an envelope, a nail - a saw, a house - a pencil.

    What other signs can objects have?

    What items are by weight? (light, heavy, very heavy)

    What items do you like to taste?

    You can remind the children of objects: lemon (sour), honey (sweet), salt (salted0, pepper and garlic (bitter).

    5. The general name of the subjects.

    And each item has a name, for example, a wardrobe, a house, a cup, a dress. But an object can also have a common name, which denotes a whole group of objects. And this group includes this subject.

    Task "Give a common name"

      I show pictures with homogeneous objects. Children should give these items a generic name, such as vegetables.

      I list homogeneous objects, and the student comes up with a common name. For example, shark, pike, crucian carp are fish; rose, chamomile, tulip - flowers.

    Assignment 5

    Pupils must determine on what basis, that is, property, objects are combined into one group, and sign this common feature.

    Answers: by color: blue objects

    By shape: rectangular objects

    By material: wooden objects

    By name: toys.

    Find the extra game

    The teacher negotiates with the class which subjects he will list (for example, fruits). Further, in the process of naming the next object, children either sit quietly or clap their hands.

    Example: apple, orange, roll, pear, watermelon, pumpkin, banana, apricot, cucumber.

    Assignment 6

    Children must determine on what basis, according to what pattern, objects are collected in a group, and perform the required action, preserving this feature or pattern.

    Children should notice that:

    All items in this group are red - it means the bucket is also red

    All objects from this group are rectangular, except for the table, which means it is superfluous

    Children should speak out loud the pattern small medium large, small, medium large.

    All objects in this group are metal, which means that you need to draw a metal object.

    This group has the general name "dishes", but the iron is superfluous.

    The task is similar to point 3, but it is solved in 2 stages: we determine the shape of the figure: triangle - square, triangle - square. Determine its color: red - yellow - green.

    Task 7 (independently).

    Pupils must find and circle groups of objects that have common feature... The children take turns calling the groups they have selected. It is advisable to listen to as many different answers as possible.

    III. Lesson summary.

    What new have you learned about the attributes of the subject?

    The more actively the child perceives the world, the faster and more successfully it develops. It is believed that the period of intense sensory development is precisely from three to six years.

    Sensory development is the development of perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space. Sensory development is characterized by a developmental orientation. Cognition begins with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. All other forms of cognition - memorization, thinking, imagination - are built on the basis of images of perception. Therefore, the normal mental development of children is impossible without relying on a full-fledged perception of objects. The intelligence level of the child in preschool age, in turn, is interrelated with the level of sensory development. Communicating with adults, the baby eventually begins to navigate in various external manifestations, properties, in space and time. Playing with various objects, more and more accurately determine the shape, color, weight, etc. Listening to speech, highlight the different pronunciation of sounds, tempo. Sensory development also has an independent meaning, since full-fledged perception is also necessary for successful learning, and for many activities.

    Sensory and intellectual development psychologists assess the following skills:

    • idea of ​​the shape of objects - the child's ability to highlight objects of a certain shape, group by shape, select objects that fit each other in shape. At an older age, the child's level of knowledge about various geometric shapes and volumetric forms is also assessed,
    • idea of ​​the size of objects - the child's ability to correlate objects and their parts in size, build size ranges (from smaller to larger and vice versa), highlight different dimensions of objects (length, height, width, etc.) and use this knowledge during actions with objects,
    • the idea of ​​the color of objects - the child's ability to orientate himself on the color of objects when performing various actions with them, the child's knowledge of the basic colors and shades, the understanding of the "part-whole" relationship - the level of development of the child's ability to divide the whole into parts (determine which figures the building consists of , highlight sounds in words, etc.) and make a whole from parts (add cut pictures, etc.),
    • understanding of spatial relationships - the child's ability to distinguish an object from the environment based on its spatial position relative to other objects, to place objects (including parts of one object), relying on knowledge of their position in space relative to each other (bear following a bunny, a dog next to bear, etc.), understanding of the relationship "similarity-difference" - the child's ability to establish the similarities and differences of objects by insignificant or essential characteristics (for example, by color, shape, size, purpose, etc.),
    • understanding of the "general-particular" relationship - the child's ability to combine objects and phenomena into groups that have certain common properties (a chair, a table, a sofa are furniture, etc.),
    • understanding of cause-and-effect relationships - the child's ability to establish the cause of a particular phenomenon, action, determine the possible consequence of certain actions and arrange them in the appropriate order (puddles appeared because the rain has passed, etc.),
    • the amount of knowledge - is a necessary characteristic of thinking, as it shows the presence and level of development in the child of knowledge about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world,
    • development mathematical representations- the presence and level of development in a child of elementary mathematical knowledge about quantity, number, counting operations, geometric shapes, sizes, spatial arrangement of objects,
    • temporary representations - the level of development in a child of ideas about seasonal phenomena, the alternation of seasons, months, days of the week, parts of the day and the mode of the day, as well as the ability to determine the time by the clock.
    With the help of the table, you can evaluate the child's knowledge of the world around him and the ability to perform actions with objects and their parts, based on the available knowledge about the properties of objects, their relationships with each other and between parts of individual objects. Assessment of the child's developmental level is the very first step that is necessary in order to choose the right learning strategy and determine what exactly should be taught to the child next. Try to be as objective as possible about the skills of your children, because often, when the parent himself assesses the level of the baby's development, there is a risk of either underestimating or more often overestimating his capabilities. Overestimating the child's capabilities leads to your overestimated requirements, which will not give the child the opportunity to quickly achieve success. Underestimating his capabilities will lead the child, in the end, to boredom, he will not have enough interest and amusement.

    If a child has mastered most of the skills, then you can conclude that he is developing normally and harmoniously.

    If most of the child's normative skills have not yet been mastered, then we can talk about a lag in development to one degree or another. If you find a lag in the development of any function, you should not make hasty conclusions, because it is, perhaps, its natural temporary slowing down before the next "jerk" in development. But on the other hand, a lag in several parameters, or even more so for a long time, may be a sign of a still hidden problem. And here an experienced specialist can conduct an additional examination and get important results.

    If your child, along with the normative requirements for his age, has also mastered most of the skills corresponding to an older age, then this means that he is ahead of his peers in development in all or some individual indicators and lines of development.

    If a delay or advance in development occurs partially and only in one or two areas, then we can talk about inharmonious development.

    All the manuals that you will need when working with the test, you can purchase in our store.

    Indicators of sensory and intellectual development of the child Child's age
    3-4 years 4-5 years old 5-6 years old 6-7 years old
    Selects items by color and shade. (Take a set of 12 markers and ask the child to put on the matching caps on the markers. The child must have at least 8 caps correctly matched.) *
    Knows eight colors, when drawing uses not only colors, but also their shades. *
    Correctly names the shades of colors: blue, pink, purple, gray and others. *
    Knows and selects by name two geometric shapes from the three proposed. (Give the child the shapes cut out of cardboard - circles, squares, triangles (all 3). Ask him to find and give you a circle, a square, a triangle.) *
    Connects the halves of a figure to make a whole. (Check with a square cut in two diagonally. Place the pieces 20 cm apart, flipping one of the pieces 180 degrees and ask them to fold the square. The child should fold the figure without prompting.) *
    In addition to the basic geometric shapes, he defines and names new ones - rhombus and oval. *
    Correctly names simple and complex geometric shapes, indicates their main differences. *
    Knows how to compare objects in size, length, width, height. (Size: take 3 nesting dolls 3 cm apart. Ask: “Where is the big, small, medium?” Length: give the child 2 strips of paper of the same color and 2 cm wide, 18 cm long and 20 cm long. Ask which is longer, and which is shorter. Swap the strips and ask again. Width: give 2 strips of paper of the same color, each 15-20 cm long, 2 cm and 4 cm wide. Ask which is wide and which is narrow. Swap and repeat. Height : ask the child, which is higher - a table or a chair, and which is lower? Which is higher - a table or a wardrobe? Which is lower?) *
    Can arrange items in ascending and descending order. *
    He orients himself correctly in space, following verbal instructions using the prepositions "about", "next", "behind", "between", "after", "before". (Take any 7 toys and offer to play with you. Say: "The toys went to the store and stood in line. I will name who is standing where, and you put them in the right order." For example: "Take a bunny, put a doll behind him , put a dog in front of the doll, put a bear between the bunny and the dog, etc. ") *
    He orients himself in the sides of his own body. (Ask the child to show where his right leg, left ear, right eye are.) *
    The child can name objects to the right and left of him. (Tell your child: "Name me an object on your right. Now name an object on your left. What other object is on your right, left?") *
    The child is correctly oriented in the sides of the interlocutor's body. (Ask your child to show you where your left hand, right eye, etc.) *
    Can give name, surname, age and gender (Correctly answers the questions: "Are you a boy or a girl? When you grow up, will you be a man or a woman?") *
    Can give his address: city ( locality), street, house and apartment number. *
    Can give his date of birth. (In response to the question: “When is your birthday?” The child gives the correct date and month.) *
    Can it be correct, up to a month, to answer the question: "How old will you be in exactly one year?" *
    Can correctly name the name and patronymic of two or more people close to him. (The child answers the question: "What is the name of your mom, dad or someone from close adults?") *
    Can correctly name the profession or place of work of two or more people close to him. (The child answers the question: "Do you know where and who your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, uncle works?") *
    On the request: "Name the four seasons," the child names all the seasons in any order. Gives correct answers to the questions: "What time of year is it? What time of year does the snow fall? What time of year do the leaves turn yellow and fall?" *
    Knows the names of the months associated with a particular time of the year. (Correctly answers the questions: "What summer months do you know? Autumn? Spring? Winter?") *
    Knows what day of the week comes after the named and before it. Which day will come earlier and which later in the new week. He orients correctly in terms of "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow", etc. (Correctly answers the questions: "Today is Tuesday, what day was yesterday? Will it be tomorrow? Imagine that yesterday was Friday, what day is today?" Etc.) *
    It can explain why snow happens in winter and not in summer, why eyes and ears are needed, what a postman, a doctor, a teacher do. *
    He selects words that are opposite in meaning: "Ice is cold, but fire ...", "It is light during the day, and at night ...". Correctly ends the sentence: "I wake up in the morning and go to sleep ...". *
    Knows the names of at least 3-5 types of transport. (Ask: "What types of transport do you know?") *
    Knows the names of at least 5 animal species. (Ask: "What kind of animals do you know?") *
    Knows the names of wild animals, insects, fish. *
    Knows the names of baby animals. (Ask: "What is the name of a baby dog ​​(cat, horse, pig, cow, sheep, chicken)?" Wrong names (dogs, horses) do not count.) *
    Knows the names of flowers and trees. *
    Knows the names of banknotes. *
    Knows the names of some cities, rivers, countries. *
    Has ideas about nature - about wild and domestic animals, predatory and herbivores, about wintering and migratory birds, about grasses, shrubs and trees, about garden and field flowers, about the fruits of plants, about natural phenomena. *
    Has a stock of geographical knowledge - about cities and countries, rivers, seas and lakes, about planets. I am familiar with the professions of people, sports. *
    Can compare objects on essential grounds and find a generalizing word. (Ask the child: “What is common between an apple and a pear?” (These are fruits.) “What is common between a spoon and a fork?” (They are eaten, these are dishes, household items.) *
    Can compare items on essential grounds and exclude unnecessary ones. (Tell your child: "I will tell you words now, and you will tell me which word is superfluous. Listen: car, bus, bicycle, subway, wheel. What's superfluous here?") *
    He can name an object if he can describe this object according to known characteristics. (By the description, he recognizes the objects he uses, calls them or finds them in pictures: "What do we eat?", "How do we sew buttons?" ? ") *
    Can independently carry out the classification of objects on the basis of available generalizations on one basis. (Take four pictures of each type of crockery and furniture. Ask your child to give you pictures of furniture.) *
    Can generalize 4-5 items by the method of elimination, names the components of generalizing concepts. (Among 20-30 different pictures, he finds 4-5 that can be combined, and indicates on what basis he combined them.) *
    Differentiates quantity regardless of form and size: generalizes by the method of elimination, motivates. *
    Knows how to count in direct order... Knows the meanings of the words "many", "few", "one". *
    Can count items up to five. Correctly can count how many legs a dog has, five coins for a penny. *
    Counts to ten, adds units, has the concept of dividing into equal parts. * *
    He is fluent in forward and backward counting within 10, solves the simplest problems of addition and subtraction. *
    Lays out consecutive pictures in order. *
    Can compose a story based on a series of plot pictures. The story can highlight the cause-and-effect relationship. *
    Establishes causal relationships. (A child can explain, for example, why brakes are needed in a car: slow down, stop. Why leaves rustle on trees: because of the wind, air movement. Why it can smell like smoke: fire, bonfire, matches, food burnt.) *
    It clearly establishes causal relationships, highlights an essential link. *
    Finds differences in similar pictures. *
    Can find true and false in the picture ("What did the artist draw wrong?") * *
    Among 10 toys or pictures, he finds from memory the 5 that you showed him before. (Show the child five pictures within 10 seconds, then mix them with the other five pictures and ask to find among all the pictures only those that were shown before.) *
    The child finds among the 20 pictures the 10 that you showed him before. *
    He orients himself on a sheet of paper in a cage, performing the task according to the instructions. (Say: "Let's play now like this: I'll tell you how many cells and where to draw the line, and then we'll see what pattern you get. Put a pencil in the corner of any cell. Lead the line one cell to the right, one cell up, two cells to the right, one cell down, one cell to the right, two cells down, one cell to the left, one cell down, two cells to the left, one cell up, one cell to the left, two cells up. Look: you've got a cross. " Give the command after the child completes the previous one.) *
    Finds an image in a number of others that differs from the rest. (Draw icons of the same size in one color in one row: OOHO. Ask the child: "Which icon is different from the others?") *
    Correctly understands the true meaning of hidden statements. (Ask the child to explain what the expressions mean: "heart of gold", "golden head", "golden hands", "ears burn in the cold", "burn with shame", "the way is a spoon to dinner", etc.) *
    Determines the time by the clock with arrows (or by the picture with their image). *

    Target: To consolidate the ability to identify and compare the properties of objects, to find a common property of a group of objects.

    To form the ability to correlate flat geometric shapes with spatial bodies. Develop logical thinking... Continue to teach people to speak up and give examples. Foster motivation to learn

    Organization of the lesson:

    Part 1 - sitting on high chairs

    Part 2 - standing in a circle (physical education)

    Part 3 - sitting on high chairs

    Part 4 - standing in a semicircle

    Part 5 - sitting on high chairs

    Materials for the lesson:

    Demonstration- pictures with the image of a Pencil (series "Merry Men"), an album sheet of paper, pictures with the image of vegetables.

    Dispensing- colored pencils (red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple), pieces of paper, sets of figures: 5 circles - red, yellow, green, orange and blue, 5 ovals, 5 squares, 5 triangles and 5 rectangles of those the same colors.

    Course of the lesson:

    I Properties of objects - color. Colors of rainbow.

    The teacher inserts colored pencils of all colors of the rainbow into the glass. The same cups with colored pencils on the tables of the children. The teacher shows a picture with a picture of a Pencil:

    Educator:- Guys, our Funny Pencil told me an amazing story! It turns out that pencils can talk and even show off. This pencil said (picks up a red pencil): "I can be poppy, fire, flag!"

    The teacher draws a red line on a piece of sketchbook paper attached to the chalkboard, and the children draw a red line on their pieces of paper. Then the teacher asks them to tell what the rest of the pencils boasted.

    Educator:- Guess what those pencils said?

    Children by on their own go to the board, choose a pencil and leave their own on a sheet attached to the board. The rest of the children draw lines with the same colors on their sheets. Examples of children's answers:

    Children:- Orange: "I am an orange, a carrot!"

    Children:- Yellow: "I am a chicken, sun, turnip!"

    Children:- Green: "I am grass, foliage, a whole forest!"

    Children:- Blue: "I am forget-me-not, sky, ice!"

    Children:- Blue: "I am ink, sea, cornflower!"

    Children:- Purple: "I am a plum, lilac, twilight, bell!"

    The teacher thanks the children for their help and asks a riddle.

    Educator:- Cheerful Pencil whispered one word to me. Guess which one.

    Through the fields, through the meadows

    An elegant arc has risen.

    Children: Rainbow

    Educator:- Who knows the colors of the rainbow?

    Children are named: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple. You can invite them to make a rainbow from stripes of colored paper.

    IIPhysical education "Guess whose voice?"

    Children stand in a circle, in the center of which the driver is blindfolded, hold hands and, walking in a circle, amicably say:

    We all stood together in a circle

    Suddenly turned at once,

    (everyone turns 180 degrees and goes in the opposite direction)

    And how do we say: "Dap, Dap, Dap!" -

    One of the children, at the instruction of the teacher, repeats the last line, and the driver guesses who it is. If he did not guess, then he continues to be the driver, and if he guessed, then the one who gave the voice becomes the driver. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

    It is better to assign the role of the leader in the 2nd and 3rd round of the game to one of the children.

    IIIComparison of objects based on similarities and differences (color, shape, size, material, purpose, etc.).

    1) Educator: - Consider the pictures. What's in the first picture?

    Children:- Doll and bears.

    Educator: - Compare a doll and a bear: what do they have in common and how do they differ?

    The teacher, if necessary, can start a comparison: the common purpose of the doll and the bear is toys; the same size; the common thing is that both the doll and the bears have ribbons, but they differ in that ... And the children name the signs of difference on their own.

    Educator:-Compare the balloon on which Dunno is flying and the ball: what do they have in common and how do they differ?

    Children:-They have the same shape: both the ball and the balloon are shaped like a ball. And they differ in color: the ball is yellow and blue, and the balloon is yellow and red. They also differ in size: the ball is small, and the balloon is large. Their purpose is also different: the ball is a toy, and the balloon is an aircraft.

    Educator:- Compare the hedgehog and the tree.

    Children:-The spruce is like a hedgehog: a hedgehog is in needles, a tree is also, and they "live" in the forest. " They differ in size: a small hedgehog, a Christmas tree more hedgehog... They are also of different colors: the hedgehog is gray, and the tree is green. A hedgehog is an animal, a tree is a plant.

    In more prepared groups, the work can be organized as follows: each child chooses one of the pictures at will and talks about it, and the rest of the children complement.

    2) Educator:- Look at the picture. Why do you think a fox and a carrot are connected by a thread?

    Children:- They are both orange.

    Educator:- Well done! Now take your "magic" pencils and connect objects of the same color with "magic strings".

    Children draw lines independently for 1 - 2 minutes. Then they discuss out loud who completed the task and how.

    Educator:- Tell us, what pictures did you connect? Why?

    Examples of children's answers:

    Children:- Carrots and fox are orange.

    Children:- I connected the chicken and the moon because they are yellow.

    Children:- The tomato and ladybug are red.

    Children:- The frog and apple are green.

    The teacher helps children to correct their mistakes. In conclusion, it is important to praise those who tried: “Aizat is great - he drew all the lines correctly! Leah is also great - she found and corrected her mistake! "

    3) Children complete the task on their own.

    Educator:- And now you have to find the signs of difference and correct the mistakes of the artist Dunno.

    Independent work can be carried out in the form of a game-competition: who will find the distinctive features faster and more. The winners receive prizes.

    IV... Physical education "Look both ways!"

    Children are built in a row ( no more than 7 - 10 people). The driver is chosen with the help of a counting rhyme or with an appointment. He is asked to remember in what order the children are. After the driver turns away, the children are rebuilt. The driver must determine what has changed and restore the disturbed order. The location can be linear, circular, chaotic - depending on the level of complexity that the teacher wants to offer.

    V... Consolidation of the ability to highlight the properties of objects.

    1)Conversation vegetables. Guessing riddles.

    Educator:- What vegetables do you know?

    Educator:- What grows in your garden ( for example, in the country)?

    Educator:- What vegetables do they say that? How did you guess?

    a) The red nose has grown into the ground,

    And the green tail is outside.

    We don't need a green tail

    All you need is a red nose.

    Children: Carrot

    b) In the summer in the garden -

    Fresh, green,

    And in the winter in a barrel -

    Yellow, salty.

    Children: Cucumbers

    c) Round side, yellow side,

    A bun is sitting on the garden bed.

    He is firmly rooted in the ground.

    What is this?

    Children: Turnip

    d) It is as big as a soccer ball,

    If ripe, everyone is happy.

    It tastes so good!

    What kind of ball is this?

    Children: Watermelon

    The children explain by what signs they guessed what they are talking about: by color, shape, size, taste, etc. On the flannelgraph are exhibited riddle pictures depicting vegetables. You can make a "confusion": display pictures with errors, and then disassemble them.

    2) The game "What does it look like?"

    On the flannelgraph there are pictures of vegetables.

    Educator:- Well done! You are very good at guessing riddles. Now look closely at the pictures and select geometric shapes that resemble these vegetables.

    Examples of children's answers:

    Children:- Carrots are orange, shaped like a triangle, - I'll put orange (Red) triangle.

    Children:- The turnip is yellow and round. I choose the yellow circle. Etc.

    Educator:- What did you like? What seemed difficult?

    Educator:- Look: on the page below Dunno began to draw a pattern. Try to finish it at home.

    In the conditions of modern society great importance acquires psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children.

    Concept and role

    To find individual approach to the child, to know his strengths and weaknesses, to teach and educate the most effectively both at home and in educational institutions, to provide psychological assistance, the diagnosis of the child is required. This suggests extensive research psychological characteristics, personality assessment, prognosis of further development.

    Research types

    There are many types of diagnostics. For ease of use, it is customary to classify them according to various criteria.

    The most functional classification is the selection of species depending on the subject of study:

    • Personality diagnostics - determination of temperament, type of self-esteem.
    • Diagnostics emotional sphere... The ability to control oneself, experiences, attitude to moral norms is investigated.
    • Diagnostics of the cognitive sphere is the diagnosis of children's intellectual development, the study of mental abilities, the study of lateral preferences (determining the leading hand, leading eye, etc.).
    • Diagnostics of behavior.

    But even this division is very arbitrary, since often there is a comprehensive diagnosis of a child, when a comprehensive examination and assessment of the developmental characteristics of all or several areas takes place.

    For practice, it is also interesting to classify by type nervous activity(diagnostics of attention, thinking, memory, speech, learning skills). It is carried out depending on the age of primary school age).


    They are very diverse and each of them depends on the type of research. Currently, group methods are already losing their meaning, giving way to individual testing. But in order for the diagnosis of a child to be successful, it is important to choose the right tool that will be used in the future. In practice, psychologists most often use the following set of tools:

    • Observation is the study of the mental properties of a child under normal conditions. This is the observation of behavior, play, interaction with others.
    • Conversation - gives an idea of ​​the child as a result of establishing contact and direct communication.
    • The method of studying the results of children's activities is the analysis of drawings, crafts.
    • Experimental method - involves the study of the subject's actions in specially created, simulated conditions.
    • Children's tests are the most common method widely used by psychologists today.

    Test Method

    It can be called a complex, complex diagnostic method, since during testing, a wide range of tools for studying and observing the behavior of the tested person, analyzing the results of his activities and experimental conditions are used. Therefore, tests for children are different types- questionnaire tests, task tests, action tests.

    Questionnaire tests are often used in personality diagnostics, the questionnaire works well in determining the type of temperament. Task tests are usually aimed at studying the emotional and intellectual sphere and are especially relevant when diagnostics are needed. Action tests are used in the study of behavior.

    Personality diagnostics

    Diagnosis of a child for constitutional personality traits: temperament, poise, mobility of nervous processes, etc. is important, since it carries answers to many questions in the child's behavior. The features of the four main types of temperament are most clearly manifested precisely in childhood and with the correct application of the program of diagnostics of children, they are easily amenable to pedagogical correction.

    Of course, when determining the type, the questionnaire is also offered to his parents. For older children, self-tests with questions are also acceptable. The analysis of the answers received as a result of testing allows us to call the child choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic or melancholic.

    Test "Carrying dice"

    In the process of research, a different number of cubes are placed on a small-sized paddle and the child is given the task to carry the cubes about a three-meter distance and return with them back. Then put this burden on the table so that not a single cube falls. The scapula must be held in one hand.

    According to the test results, balance is assessed (what behavior the child demonstrates in case of failure, whether he expresses dissatisfaction), the ability to work (how long does the child succeed in completing the task), the mobility of nervous processes (how quickly the child understands and accepts the task, whether he adapts to work, is distracted ).

    Self-assessment type determination program: "Ladder" test

    A very common test allows you to find out how the child evaluates himself, during which the child is given a drawing depicting a ladder of seven steps, where the middle step is higher than the rest. It is explained to the child that there are good children on the top three steps, and the best children are at the very top, on the seventh step. Bad children are located on the bottom three, on the lowest - the worst. On the middle step are children who cannot be classified as either bad or good. The test taker should mark his place on this ladder and explain why he placed himself there. When the child chooses a step, he is asked to tell if he really is or wants to be? If he really thinks he is, let him mark the step on which he would like to stand. Let him choose where his mother would place it.

    The test allows you to find out how the child assesses his personal qualities, as well as his opinion about how he appears to others (mother).

    At the end of the test, the psychologist makes the following conclusions:

    • Self-esteem is inadequately overestimated - the child instantly positions himself at the very top as an indisputable fact, without explaining the reasons, without hesitation.
    • Self-esteem is overestimated - he thinks and chooses the very top, arguing about some shortcomings, but explaining this by factors beyond his control.
    • Self-esteem is adequate - after thinking, marks himself on the second or third step, explaining his choice.
    • Self-esteem underestimated - places oneself on one of the lower steps without argumentation.

    Diagnostics of the emotional sphere

    Diagnosing a child is impossible without examining the emotional-volitional sphere. In preschoolers, it is predominant over the intellectual sphere. The world is cognized more with the help of the senses than the mind.

    Diagnostics of 6-year-old children is very important and informative for parents (educators). Since at this age such feelings as anxiety, fears, and embarrassment appear, for six-year-olds, the environment in which the examination is carried out, the personality of the tester, is of great importance.

    Test "Cactus"

    Ask your child to draw a cactus on a piece of paper. Don't help or suggest. It is advisable to answer any questions evasively: "Think a little, you will succeed." Do not give your vision and do not express your ideas.

    The drawing will tell about the emotional Examine the result in detail:

    • The size and position of the painted flower in space indicates how the child defines himself in the world around him. A large flower in the center of the leaf indicates self-centeredness and leadership qualities. The small cactus pictured below speaks of the artist's insecure, dependent personality.
    • Abrupt lines, strong pressure on the pencil betray an impulsive child.
    • The prickly cactus represents aggressiveness. The more needles, the longer they stick out of the flower, the higher the degree of aggressiveness of the child.
    • A cactus planted in a flower pot will be painted by "domestic" children seeking family protection.
    • A cactus growing in the desert indicates a feeling of loneliness.

    Intelligence diagnostics

    Task tests are mainly used in the study of the intellectual sphere. In this aspect, the subjects of the survey are attention, memory, analytical thinking, fine motor skills, and learning skills.

    Inclusion test

    Disassemble the six-seat matryoshka in the presence of the child and put six twins, differing in size, in a row in size. Then remove one of them and equalize the distance between the remaining ones. Invite your child to find her place in the row. If the task is successful, complicate the test: remove two nesting dolls from a row.

    The test is aimed at assessing the level of the cognitive-orientational sphere, orientation to value.

    Image classification test

    You have two groups of pictures in your hands. Eight represent dishes, eight represent clothes. Show the child the spoon card and place it on the table. Now - a card with a picture of a jacket, put it on the table at some distance from the spoon. The spoon and jacket are positioned in such a way that the row can be continued from one or the other picture.

    After that, in a different order, show the child pictures with the image of dishes or clothes with a request to put the next card in the right row. Do not fix if the clothes are in the wrong group. At the end of the test, ask the subject to explain why he arranged the cards this way.

    The purpose of this test is to identify the skill to generalize according to an essential feature, visual-figurative thinking is investigated.

    Test "Finding the seasons"

    The child is shown four pictures depicting the seasons, and they are asked to show where is spring, where is winter, etc., and to explain by what signs he guessed.

    The test reveals the formation of ideas about the seasons.

    Spot the Difference Test

    In front of the tested person, two plot pictures are placed, similar at first glance, but having a number of differences upon close examination.

    The child seeks and names the differences. The test examines attention and comparison skills.

    Test "What came first and what then?"

    The psychologist shows four plot pictures. On one the boy is digging a hole, on the second he pours seeds into the hole, on the third he waters the sprouts, on the fourth he admires the flowers. The child is invited to place the pictures in order. The test reveals the ability to determine the sequence of events.

    School readiness

    The study of mental abilities becomes especially relevant when it is required to diagnose a child's readiness for school.

    Readiness for schooling presupposes the presence of certain skills and the necessary level of development of thinking, memory and attention.

    Test "Exclusion from the row or who is superfluous?"

    Presenting a row of four objects (images of objects), the child is asked to find the extra one and explain why. When the person being tested excludes an airplane from a series that includes a truck, a car, an airplane and a cart, ask him to argue for the answer, ask what one word can be used to name all objects, to which mode of transport is the extra one, and to which the remaining ones.

    The test reveals the ability to group objects according to the main criterion, the level of formation of ideas about the world around.

    Test "Find exactly the same"

    The picture shows seven almost identical umbrellas, and two of them are absolutely identical. The difference between the others is insignificant - different specks on the umbrella fabric. The child must independently and quickly find two identical umbrellas. The test checks the level of attention development.

    Test "Remember all the items"

    The child is offered 9 pictures for study. He must memorize them within 15-20 seconds. Then, turning away, he must name at least seven or eight items. The test shows the level of memory development.