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  • Psychological assistance over the phone anonymously. Northeast Administrative District. Special counseling psychologists work in the helpline

    Psychological assistance over the phone anonymously. Northeast Administrative District. Special counseling psychologists work in the helpline

    Who was the first subscriber - a child or an adult? What bothered him at that moment? This we will not tell: confidentiality   was originally the main condition for emergency services psychological assistancecreated on the initiative of the Fund for the Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations. One thing is for sure: at the other end of the line, the caller heard in response the voice of a person who is really ready to listen and help.

    Ladies can benefit from individual or group therapy as part of the Good Parent - Good Start program, coordinated by Renata Srezinski. Answers provided by psychologists, educators, obstetricians and nutritionists. The “We give children a lifetime” foundation manages two nationwide and free lines   help that can be used by children and adolescents affected by depression, as well as their parents and guardians.

    Stress Relief Phone

    The goal of our work is also to improve the welfare, and often the safety of subscribers. You will not hear from him, because a telephone consultation cannot replace a doctor or therapist. What is important, a psychiatrist-psychiatrist will explain what antidepressant treatment and depression treatment are. Show me where to turn for help and what your family should do when you do not want to be treated.

    principles of the work of a single federal helpline for children, adolescents and their parents

    dial number

    the region from which they are calling is determined

    the call is forwarded to the service of your region

    if the line is busy, the call is forwarded to the second service of this region, etc., until the psychologist answers

    Anyone who calls after 00 or at the weekend can report their problem and leave a contact number. A phone call employee will definitely call you back. Psychologists, teachers and lawyers provide the necessary support to all subscribers. Adults can also report problems to their children by an emergency number.

    Here, oppressed people will find professional help. NGOs are looking for sponsors so that counseling and support groups can be free, or at least significantly cheaper than the commercial market. The team working at the Institute is characterized by knowledge, authority, experience, as well as empathy, delicacy and high culture. The experts are led by Professor Anthony Kpipinsky: "There is no patient - there is a man."

    Specialist psychologists-consultants work in the helpline.

    Their main task is to relieve the severity of psycho-emotional stress, the experiences that the caller is experiencing at the moment, and to protect the young or adult interlocutor from rash and dangerous acts.

    The task is as follows:

    together with the subscriber to analyze the situation

    Patients are randomly divided into two groups. One goes through traditional cognitive-behavioral therapy, the other through the same therapy, but using the Internet. The result of the study is the answer to the question of the effectiveness of both forms of treatment. The patient enjoys online support between psychotherapy sessions. The portal contains psycho-evacuated content and interactive exercises. The mobile app measures symptoms of depression. The patient can also receive messages from the therapist and view a web graph of his mood.

    identify its causes

    suggest algorithms for overcoming the current situation

    and motivate people to try to solve the problem

    Communication with a psychologist is absolutely anonymous: no one will ask for your name, surname, address, Account for a conversation, no matter how long it takes, it will not follow:

    Currently, the child helpline is recognized as a key tool for realizing the child’s rights to information and protection from all forms of violence and abuse. Since the beginning of work baby phone   trust in his number received more than 7 million calls.

    The psychotherapist, who has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe results obtained by the patient during the exercise, is watching him. In Poland, the project manager is prof. It is cheaper and takes less time for the patient while maintaining high quality. Ultimately, we would like every patient in Poland to have easy access to this form of therapy. The project, based on the results of foreign research and practice in European countries, proves the effectiveness of therapy using the Internet. It is offered primarily to people with symptoms of mild to moderate depressive conditions.

    In view of the high social significance and relevance of the tasks performed by the services of the child helpline, the Fund considers the transfer of the number 8-800-2000-122 to a three-digit number among the priority tasks of the Fund. Since 2014, the Fund has been conducting consolidated work with the Ministry of Communications of Russia to solve this problem.

    Currently, a limiting factor in replacing a three-digit number is the technical imperfection of equipment on local telephone networks, which provides processing of short three-digit numbers. The Ministry of Communications of Russia is making efforts to create and operate a short-call calling system. To date, the necessary system has been commissioned in 8 entities, and 3 more entities have successfully passed the tests.